2019 Nfot Guidelines Consolidated

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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s.


Implementing Guidelines on the 2019 Technolympics

Areas for Skills Exhibition
The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per event and time
allotment for the Technolympics are the following:

Time Allotment
Areas for No. of No. of
Skills Exhibition Participants Coaches
Industrial Arts
1. Furniture and Cabinet
2 1 4 hours
Making (FCM)
2. Electrical Installation
1 1 4 hours
and Maintenance (EIM)
3. Silk Screen Preparation and
2 1 3 hours
T-Shirt Printing (Elem. Level)
Home Economics
1. Bread and Pastry
2 1 4 hours
2. Dressmaking 2 1 4 hours
Agri-Fishery Arts
1. Food Processing 3 1 4 hours
2. Landscape Installation 2 1 4 hours
3. Dish Gardening
2 1 4 hours
(Elem. Level)
Information and
Technology (ICT)
1. Technical Drafting
1 1 4 hours
2. Computer Systems
1 1 4 hours
Servicing (CSS)
1. Bazaar ( Products,
5 2 2 days
Services, and Booth)
23 12

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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019


(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)

COMPONENT AREA Industrial Arts

GRADE LEVEL Junior / Senior High School / ALS/ SPED
EVENT PACKAGE Furniture and Cabinet Making
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours(excluding interview)
COMPONENT AREA Construction of mini cabinet with two (2) doors, wooden
frame and drawer ( H36x L24xW12 ) (Mainframe)
Criteria Percent
Workmanship 50%
-Creativity 10%
-Accuracy 20%
- Quality of Product20%
CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT Proper Use of Materials, Tools and 25%
Safety work habits & housekeeping 15%
Speed 5%
Ability to Present the Process 5%
Total: 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator,members of technical committee and judges, should be in
the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be
done during this time.
g. Briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Secretary will give the signal for the event to begin. Once the event has
started, the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
contestants to give them full concentration in their work.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and
points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event
j. Photographers are not allowed inside the contest venue.
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skill
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Each participant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of
Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment.
n. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

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II. Resource Requirement

Event Supplies, Tools Central
Contestant Host Region/Venue
and Equipment Office
- Extension Cord - ½” Marine Plywood - Project design
- Nails - 1” x 2” S4S Lumber
- Stick Well White
- Cabinet Hinges
A. Material/Supplies - Sand Paper
- 1/2 “x 2” Wood
- Ruler Slide
B. Tools/Equipment - - - All Hand - Working Table
Tools/Power - Machinist Vise
needed in the event

C C. Others P - PPE - Utility expenses

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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019


(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)

COMPONENT AREA Industrial Arts

GRADE LEVEL Junior /Senior High School / ALS/SPED
EVENT PACKAGE Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours (excluding interview)
Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills which will involve
reading and installing wiring diagrams based on a given schematic
diagram. Knowledge of schematic diagrams and installation skills may
be handy in establishing a business or landing a job.
Criteria Percentage
Accuracy of interpretation of schematic diagram 25%
Accuracy of installation 30%
CRITERIA FOR Use of tools 15%
Speed 10%
Ability to Explain Process 5%
Total: 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the technical committee and judges, should be in the
venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will be
made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule.
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event starts.
Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their respective
places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this
g. Briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Secretary will give the signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started, the
coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the contestants to give them full
concentration in their work.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and points
of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event Administrator.
j. Photographers are not allowed inside the contest venue.
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skills
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and Evaluation
Committee for appropriate action.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Each contestant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of Judges
after the four (4) hour time allotment.
n. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

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II. Resource Requirement

Event Supplies, Tools and Central Office
Contestant Host Region/Venue
- Electrical tape and - No. 14 wire - Schematic
the likes - Lighting fixture diagram
A. Material/Supplies - SPST switch
- Junction box
- And other materials
- All Tools/equipment - Working board
needed for the
B. Tools/Equipment wiring installation
- Personal Protective
C. Others - PPE - Utility expenses

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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)

COMPONENT AREA Industrial Arts

GRADE LEVEL Grade 5 & 6
EVENT PACKAGE Silk Screen Preparation and T-Shirt Printing
TIME ALLOTMENT (3) hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION T-Shirt Printing using Photographic Screen Preparation
Criteria Percentage
Originality and creativity of design/ideas 35%
Accuracy 35%
CRITERIA FOR Safety work habits and housekeeping
Speed 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%
Total: 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners/students are eligible to join the contest.

b. The Event Administrator, members of the technical committee and judges, should be in the
venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will be
made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule.
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let thecontestants draw lots to determine their respective
places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this
g. Briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started, the
coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the contestants to give them full
concentration in their work.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and points
of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event Administrator.
j. Photographers are not allowed inside the contest venue.
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skill
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and evaluation
Committee for appropriate action.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Each contestantwill go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of Judges
after the four (4) hour time allotment.
n. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

II. Resource Requirement

Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host Central Office
and Equipment Region/Venue
A. Material/Supplies - Squeegee - Photo Emulsion - T shirt Design
- 2 pcs 10” x 10” Silkscreen - Sensitizer
with frame - Hardener
- Textile Paint

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- White T-Shirt
- Pail
- Basin
- Rags
- Bleach/other
cleaning agent
-Beaker for
- Syringe for

B. Tools/Equipment - Extension Wire - Convenient

- Dryer / Blower Outlet
- Exposing Device - Table

C. Others - PPE - Utility expenses

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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Junior / Senior High School / ALS / SPED
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION Applying the principles in Bread and PastryProduction. The task
includes preparation of Swiss Roll, Petit Four and Dinner Roll.
Criteria Percentage
Process on the Product Development 25%
Proper use of tools 10%
Palatability 20%
Criteria for
Product Presentation and Packaging 15%
Speed 10%
Safety / Sanitation and Hygiene 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
a. The Event Administrators, members of the Technical Committee and Board of judges, should
be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed in the venue will be
made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule.
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event starts.
Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let thecontestants draw lots to determine their respective
places and set up their food and materials on their assigned places. Setting up of their
extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this time.
g. Each contestant should wear appropriate PPE according to the standard requirements.
h. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
i. The Event Administrator will signal to start the contest proper. Once the event has started,
the teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within the event area.
j. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and points
of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event Administrator.
k. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed.
l. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skills
exhibition, if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and Evaluation
Committee, for appropriate action.
m. Copies of the recipe shall be submitted to the Event Administrator.
n. Each group of contestants will go through a 2-3 minutes’ interview and deliberation with the
Board of Judges after the three (3) hours’ time allotment.
o. During the contest proper, judges are to observe the processes but not to ask questions to
the contestants to avoid disruption.
p. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

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II. Resource Requirements

Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Material/Supplies - Packaging - LPG tank - Baking ingredients
materials - Marketable
B. Tools/Equipment - Baking utensils - Stove
- Pans - Knife
- Oven
- Refrigerator
C. Others - PPE - Working table - Utility expenses
- Cooking area
- Water outlet/supply

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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Junior / Senior High School /ALS / SPED
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours(excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION Applying the principles in Dressmaking. The task includes the
construction of Corporate Dress with short sleeves and Blazer.

Criteria Percentage
Creativity 20%
Process 25%
Accuracy 20%
Criteria For Use of tools, materials and
Assessment equipment
Neatness 10%
Speed 5%
Ability to Present Process 10%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of judges, should be
in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
b. Tools, supplies, materials, equipment and other things needed for the contest will be made
ready by the coaches in the event venue so the Event Administrator can check before the
conduct of the activity.
c. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
d. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed.
e. There shall be one (1) model for each contestant.
f. Setting up of all the tools, materials, equipment and other supplies should be made ready
before the start of the contest.
g. The Event Administrator will let thecontestants draw lots to determine their respective area
within the contest venue. Each contestant should wear PPE according to the standard
h. All contestants should report to the venue One (1) Hour prior to the contest proper to perform
the following preliminaries:
1. checking the functionality of the sewing machine;
2. completeness of the materials/supplies needed.
3. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and points
of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event Administrator.
j. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the contest
venue during break time.
k. The Event Administrator shall discuss with the judges the event rules and mechanics.
l. The Event Administrator will signal to start the contest proper. Once the event has started, the
teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within the event area.
m. Only the Event Administrator, judges, technical committee members, official photographer
and contestants are allowed in the venue for further checking and monitoring of the activity.
n. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skills
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exhibition, if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and Evaluation
Committee, for appropriate action.
o. p. Each group of contestants will go through a 2-3 minutes’ interview and deliberation with the
Board of Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment.
p. During the contest proper, judges are to observe the processes but not to ask questions to the
contestants to avoid disruption.
q. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

II. Resource Requirements

Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
- Sewing kit - Sleeve board - Threads
- Button holler - Fabric (Linen &cotton)
attachments - Color - (ash gray and black)
- Size – (2 meters’ x 60inches per
- Pins
A. Materials /Supplies - Magic zipper
- Calculator
- Pattern paper
- Pencils
- Buttons
Utility expenses
- Electric Single-
needle lockstitch
- Chair
B. Tools/Equipment - Cutting/working
- Hanger rack
- Extension cord
- Electric outlet
- PPE - Model
C. Others
- Utility expenses

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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


YEAR LEVEL Junior /Senior High School/ ALS/SPED
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours excluding interview
DESCRIPTION/USE Applying the principles in preserving Meat (Chicken
Longanisa), Fish (Bangus –Spanish Sardines), Vegetables
(Pickling – Sayote, Sitaw, Ampalaya, & Carrots)
Criteria Percentage
Use of tools and equipment 10
Process used in preservation 20
Sanitation Procedures,
Methods & Safety work Habits
Palatability 25
CRITERIA FOR Product Presentation and 15
Speed 10
Ability to Present the Process 10
Total: 100 %
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, members of the technical committee and judges, should be
in the venue two (2)hours ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator two (2)hours before the event schedule.
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue one (1) hour before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let thecontestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools, and materials on their assigned places.
Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this
g. Briefing of contestants will be done thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started,
the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the participants to
give them full concentration in their work.
i. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, judges, official
photographer and contestants are allowed in the venue.
j. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and
points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skill
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. The products shall be displayed on the table prepared by the host region for
appreciation and tasting by the board of judges. Other table set – up /accessories
strictly not allowed.
m. Each contestant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of
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Judges after the four (4) hours time allotment.

n. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
o. Meat Chicken – present 1 pack @ 250g& remaining output will be cooked for judging.
p. Sardines and Pickles – 1 bottle for tasting and 1 bottle for display.
q. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

II. Resource Requirements

Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
- Cooking utensils - 12 oz. Jar, with - 2 pcs bangus
wide opening (4 (approx. 2 pcs per
bottles) half kg.) per
- rubberized cap/lid contestant (1 for
polyethylene presentation, 1 for
A. Materials /Supplies tasting)
- 1 kg whole dressed
(vegetable, fruits &
- Working Tables - Knife
- Cooking Area - Chopping Board
B. Tools/Equipment - Stove - Pressure Cooker
- Water outlets - Gas stove
- PPE - Utility expenses
C. Others
Note: a. All outputs shall be endorsed to the Secretariat by the Event Administrator
b. All endorsed outputs shall be displayed until the duration of the event

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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Junior& Senior High School / ALS/SPED
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION/USE Application of the most appropriate landscaping techniques
Criteria Percentage
Originality of sketch plan 10%
Combination and design of plants
and materials.(Principles in 20%
CRITERIA FOR Landscaping)
ASSESSMENT Use of tools and equipment 10%
Methods & Safety work habits 10%
Visual Impact 20%
Followed sketch plan 10%
Speed 10%
Ability to Perform Process 10%
Total: 100 %
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, technical committee members and judges, should be in the
venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrators will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools and materials on their assigned places. Setting
up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this time.
g. Briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started,
the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the participants to
give them full concentration in their work.
i. Only the Event Administrator, technicalcommittee members, judges, official
photographer and participants are allowed in the venue.
j. Contestants may seek clarification with the event administrator and Facilitators at
any given time.
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skill
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Uniform materials shall be provided by the Host Region. Contestants who will use
accessories other than provided to them shall be disqualified.
n. The contestants will be provided 1.5 x 2.5-meter area for landscaping.
o. The finished landscape shall be ready for photography, sketching after all the
members of the board of judges shall have finished their individual judging.
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p. A blue print or a sketch or plan must be submitted by the contestants (Long Size Bond
q. The landscape shall remain untouched until the closing ceremony.
r. Each contestantwill go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of
Judges after the four (4) hours’ time allotment.
s. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
t. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

II. Resource Requirements

Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Materials / - Working Area - Materials for the
Supplies - Water Source event (Assorted
plants minimum of 5
- Boulders, bricks,
- Soil, 2 m3 per
additional soil be
made available for
B. Tools / Equipment - Trowel - Working Table for
- Shovel preparing sketch
- Sprinklers
- Pliers
C. Others PPE - Utility expenses
Note: a. All outputs shall be endorsed to the Secretariat by the Event Administrator
b. All endorsed outputs shall be displayed until the duration of the event

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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION/USE Application of the most appropriate dish gardening
Criteria Percentage
Originality of sketch plan 10%
Combination and design of plants
and materials.(Principles in 20%
CRITERIA FOR Landscaping)
ASSESSMENT Use of tools and equipment 10%
Methods & Safety work habits 10%
Visual Impact 20%
Followed sketch plan 10%
Speed 10%
Ability to Perform the Process 10%
Total: 100
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. All officially enrolled learners /with LRN /students are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, technical committee members and judges, should be in the
venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
d. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late participants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools and materials on their assigned places. Setting
up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this time.
g. Briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
h. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started,
the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the participants to
give them full concentration in their work.
i. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, judges, official
photographer and contestants are allowed in the venue.
j. Contestants may seek clarification with the event administrator and Facilitators at
any given time.
k. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the Event Administrator, in
consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the conduct of the specific skill
exhibition if justified and refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Uniform materials shall be provided by the Host Region. Contestants who will use
accessories other than given to them shall be disqualified.
n. The finished dish garden shall be ready for photography, sketching after all the
members of the board of judges shall have finished their individual judging.
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o. A blue print or a sketch or plan must be submitted by the contestants (Long Size
Bond Paper).
p. The dish garden shall remain untouched until the closing ceremony.
q. Each contestant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of
Judges after the four (4) hours’ time allotment.
r. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
s. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

I. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies, Tools Contestants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Materials / - Water Source - Plants (Assorted
Supplies minimum of 5 kinds)
- Decorative object
- Horticultural
- Potting soil
- Moss or sand
- Wide, low-sided
container (without a
drainage hole)

B. Tools / Equipment - Trowel - Working Table

- Shovel
- Sprinklers
- Pliers
C. Others PPE - Utility expenses
Note: a. All outputs shall be endorsed to the Secretariat by the Event Administrator
b. All endorsed outputs shall be displayed until the duration of the event

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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Junior /Senior High School/ALS
EVENT PACKAGE Technical Drafting – Prepare computer-aided design of a house
-Floor Plan
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION/USE Performing mensuration and calculations, interpret technical
drawing and plans, prepare computer aided-drawings with
structural layout and details.
Criteria Percentage
Aesthetic/Architectural/Originality and
creativity of design/ideas
Criteria For Accuracy 35%
Assessment Safety work habits and housekeeping 10%
Speed 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. Only the officially enrolled learner /with LRN /student is eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of judges,
shall be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. The Technical and Evaluation Committee shall inspect the resource requirements for the
d. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed in the venue shall be
made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule.
e. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
f. All contestants shall be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified after careful
evaluation and scrutiny by the Technical Evaluation Committee.
g. TheEvent Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their respective
places and setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools which shall be done
during this time.
h. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools and equipment is strictly prohibited.
a. Briefing of contestants shall be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
i. The Event Administratorwill signal for the event to start. Once the event has started, the
coaches, teachers, and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to the
participants in order to give them full concentration in their task.
j. Only the Event Administrator, Technical Committee members, Judges, Official
Photographer andcontestants are allowed to be in the venue for the whole duration of
the contest.
k. Questions/protests shall not be entertained during the contest proper except for
clarifications and points of order, and shall be raised directly to the Event Administrator.
l. The Event Administrator, in consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the
conduct of the specific skills exhibition, if there are any irregularities found during the
event and the matter shall be addressed to the Technical Evaluation Committee, for
appropriate action.
m. Contestant/s shall go through a five (5)-minute panel interview and deliberation by the
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Board of Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment.

n. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

I. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies, Tools Participants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Materials / Supplies
B. Tools / Equipment PPE Desktop computer,
(minimum) quad core
C. Others AutoCAD 2014 Version Printing cost

a. All outputs (soft copies) shall be collected by the Event Secretary and shall be endorsed to
the Organizers for printing. File copies shall also be furnished to the Documentation
b. All printed outputs shall be displayed in a designated area in the entire duration of the

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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Junior High School and Senior High School
EVENT PACKAGE Computer Systems Servicing (CSS)
TIME ALLOTMENT Four (4) Hours (excluding interview)
DESCRIPTION The participants will ensure functionality and connectivity of the
computer system through file and printer sharing and internet
connectivity through demonstration of the core skills on installing
and configuring computer systems and setting-up computer network
and server.
Criteria Percentage
Workmanship/Functionality 30%
Use of tools, materials and equipment
Criteria For
Safety work habits and housekeeping
Assessment 20%
Wise use of time/speed 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%
Total 100%

I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. Only the officially enrolled learner /with LRN /student is eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of judges,
shall be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. The Technical and Evaluation Committee shall inspect the resource requirements for
the contest.
d. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed in the venue shall
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
e. Contestants are advised to bring their own food as they are not allowed to go out the
contest venue during break time.
f. All contestants shall be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late participants without valid reasons shall be disqualified after careful
evaluation and scrutiny by the Technical Evaluation Committee.
g. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their respective
places and setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools shall be done
during this time.
h. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools and equipment is strictly prohibited.
i. Briefing of participants shall be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event.
j. The Event Administrator shall signal for the event to start. Once the event has started,
the coaches, teachers, and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to the
participants in order to give them full concentration in their task.
k. Only the Event Administrator, Technical Committee members, Judges, Official
Photographer and Participants are allowed to be in the venue for the whole duration of
the contest.
l. Questions/protests shall not be entertained during the contest proper except for
clarifications and points of order, and shall be raised directly to the Event
m. The Event Administrator, in consultation with the Board of Judges, may suspend the
conduct of the specific skills exhibition, if there are any irregularities found during the
event and the matter shall be addressed to the Technical Evaluation Committee, for
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appropriate action.
n. Participant/s shall go through a five (5)-minute panel interview and deliberation by the
Board of Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment.

I. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies, Tools Participants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Materials / Supplies - RJ45 - Cable for networking - Folders
- Copy paper
- Pens
- Flash drive
B. Tools / Equipment - 2 Sets crimping - Desktops
tools - Printer
- 2 Sets screw - Switch hub box (24
drivers ports)
- 1 Set LAN tester - Electrical outlets
- Extension cord - Working tables
- Chairs
C. Others - PPE -Utility expenses

a. All outputs (soft copies) shall be collected by the Event Secretary and shall be endorsed to
the Organizers for printing. File copies shall also be furnished to the Documentation
b. All printed outputs shall be displayed in a designated area in the entire duration of the

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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)

COMPONENT AREA Entrepreneurship

GRADE LEVEL Elementary/Junior /Senior High School/ALS/ALIVE
EVENT PACKAGE Bazaar (Products, Services, and Booth)
NO. OF PARTICIPANTS The Winning Region must be composed of (1) Elementary, (1)
Junior, (1) Senior High School, (1) ALS, (1) ALIVE Learners and
(1) SPED

Two (2) winning coaches: (1) Product and (1) Services

TIME ALLOTMENT 1 day set-up (day 0) , 2 days on display

DESCRIPTION Applying the principles of entrepreneurship and showcasing the
products and services of schools/learning centers of the region.
Criteria Percentage
 originality of design, ideas,
graphics, presentation, harmony
and balance
 use of indigenous /innovative 50%
 SERVICES (20%)
 BOOTH (10%)
Cohesive Presentation
 Adherence to the guidelines of
3-5 services (5%)
Criteria For
 Adherence to the guidelines of
Assessment 15%
10-15 products (5%)
 Products are presented/
organized according to
Marketing Strategies for Products and
 Employs varied market 15%
strategies to attract customers/
Cleanliness and Orderliness 10%
Fluency of Communication Skills 5%
 Ability to Present Process 5%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. Participating regions shall be given one (1) day on Day 0 to set-up their respective booths
b. Only the student-participants and coach are allowed inside the booth during the judging.
c. Judging for:
 products and booth will be on day 1
 services will be on day 2
d. Types of products to be displayed shall be a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 to be
presented to the judges with proper label complying with DTI with Republic Act 3720
Labeling Law, 3 from Elementary, 2 from ALS, 2 from SPED, 6 from High School.
e. Products to be displayed inside the booth are only those produced by the schools within
the region.

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f. The Event Administrator will let the Regional Focal Persons draw lots to determine their
respective booth during the solidarity meeting.
g. Each student participant should wear appropriate attire.
h. The booth area should be cleaned immediately after the event.
i. Each student will go through an interview and deliberation of Judges.
 Special Awards will be given to for the BEST PRODUCTS, BEST SERVICES, BEST BOOTH
(3) Best product special award (3) Best services (3) Best booth

II. Resource Requirements

Event Supplies, Tools Participants Host School/Venue Host Region
and Equipment
A. Materials / Supplies - Canopy (same size
for all regions)
Canopy Size- (8’x8’)
B. Tools / Equipment - Extension cords - Electrical and
- Products for water outlet
display - 4 Tables
- Lighting fixtures - 6 Chairs
- Tools, equipment
and materials
appropriate to the
services to be

C. Bazaar Area per - 8’ X 8’ for product

Region - 8’ X 8’ for services
D. Others - PPE -Utility expenses

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Implementing Guidelines on the 2018 National Skills

Exhibition on Arts and Performances

Areas for Arts and Performances

The areas for Arts and Performances Competition, number of participants per event and time
allotment are the following:

No. of
No. of Participants Per
Areas for Skills Exhibition Coaches/Trainer Time Allotment
Per Region
1. BAYLE SA KALYE 24 2 7 minutes (dance
whole duration of
Modern Street Dance
2. LIKHAWITAN 4 1 8 hours for
songwriting and 7
minutes performance
including entrance
and exit
3. PINTAHUSAY 1 1 8 hours
4 hours (shooting)
1 4 hours (editing)
5. SULATANGHAL 1 1 4 hours
6. DIREK KO, GANAP MO 2 1 Open time
7. HIMIG BULILIT 12 1 10 minutes
46 8

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


TIME ALLOTMENT Seven (7) minutes performance including the entrance and
exit for Dance exhibition and the whole duration of the
Modern street Dance Parade
DESCRIPTION Modern/Street dance Parade and Exhibition
Criteria for Percentage for Percentage for
Exhibition Street Dance Dance Exhibition
30% 20%
Creativity and
Originality, Style)
(Skills and
Criteria For Precision, Timing 40% 50%
Assessment and Coordination,
Design (Costume,
20% 10%
Props) and
Theme/Concept 10% 20%
Total 100% 100%

III. Event Rules and Mechanics

j. The “Bayle” is a modern/contemporary street dance skills exhibition anchored on the
specific theme. Concept or theme for performance, costume, and props must be
reflective and relevant to their locality but not limited to the festivals.
k. The “Bayle” shall have two (2) separate competitions:
1. Modern Street Dance Parade – It is the choreographed parade routine performed by
each group as they travel during the Festival Parade.
2. Dance Exhibition – It is the full presentation of the group’s dance performance.
l. Only one (1) entry per region is allowed. The region shall combine the results of the
street and dance exhibition competition to determine the regional entry to the national
m. A maximum of 24 parade dancers and 2 coaches will be allowed per region
n. The steps in street dance should be progressive in nature.
o. The group may use any music of their choice during the dance exhibition, but the dance
routines should be purely transformational in nature which is characterized by the Use
of dance steps and movements which could be a fusion of two or more dance forms such
as classical ballet, contemporary/ modern dance, jazz, hip-hop, folkloric, neo-ethnic, and
other genre.
p. The following are strictly prohibitedduring the performances:
 tossing
 lifting
 use of flammable materials such as fireworks or pyro techniques
 live animals as part of the performance
 individual props that exceed 3 feet in height/diameter, except cloth
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 provision for pre-set stage

A 5-point deduction from the judge’s score shall be made per violation incurred.
q. An assigned committee composed of the regional supervisors shall be in-charge of the
inspection of the materials, props, etc. prior the competition to ensure compliance as
mentioned in letter “f”.
r. Costumes and props that may represent their region are encouraged.
s. Only hand-held props shall be allowed to be used in the parade and exhibition.
t. The mobile sound systems will be provided by the host region.
u. Each group will be judged during the parade and at the exhibition venue.
v. One (1) point deduction from each judge’s total score shall be deducted for every 30-
second extension beyond the allowable time.

IV.Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
a. Supplies and Clipboard
Materials Typewriting paper
b. Tools and Props, music for Dance Two-way radio
Equipment exhibition Megaphone
Sound system for street dance and
c. Others Utility expenses

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


TIME ALLOTMENT 8 hours for songwriting and 7 minutes performance including
entrance and exit
DESCRIPTION On-the-Spot OPM Songwriting/ A capella Competition
Criteria Percentage
Lyrics (relevance to the Theme) 20%
Music (Arrangement and melody) 20%
Originality 20%
Vocal quality (harmony) 20%
Showmanship ( Stage presence,
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. Only one (1) entry is allowed per region.

b. A maximum of 4 student participants per group/region accompanied by 1 coach is
c. Performers should have not joined or performed in any professional group or won in
any international competition.
d. Songwriter should have not published works in any paid formats such as
channel/website/ recording studio.
e. Songs must be written in Filipino or in English.
f. The songwriter/s may choose any type of music genre (ballad, rock, etc.) for his/her
g. Each group will be given 8 hours to compose the song based on the theme which will be
given during the orientation.
h. The handwritten notated composition with the lyrics and chords must be submitted to
the contest administrators after the allotted time.
i. The contestants are allowed to use any musical instruments in aide to songwriting
composition except keyboards that can save melody or canned music.
j. Song performance must not exceed 7 minutes including entrance and exit. A one-point
deduction from the general average score of each judge shall be made for every 30-
second extension.
k. Performers shall wear plain white t-shirt/NFOT t-shirt and any jeans to avoid regional
l. No Props will be allowed during the performance. A violation of this provision shall
incur a 5-point deduction from the general average of each judge.

II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
a. Supplies and Music writing notebook
Materials Typewriting paper
b. Tools and Instrument for Four (4) Music stands
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Equipment songwriting composition Sound system with five (5) microphone

and microphone stands
Tables and chairs for Judges
c. Others

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)

Component Area VISUAL ARTS

Event Package PINTAHUSAY
No. of Contestants ONE (1) PER CATEGORY
Time Allotment EIGHT (8) HOURS
Criteria Percentage
Artistic Merit (Elements and
Principles of Art)
Criteria For Interpretation of the theme
Assessment (relevance)
Difficulty (technique) 20%
Originality 20%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. Pintahusay is an on-the-spot painting competition.
b. One (1) student-participant per region is allowed.
c. Participants are given 8 hours to finish their outputs.
d. Student-participant may be accompanied by one coach. However, coaches are only
allowed to assist the student during the setting up of materials on the day of the
e. Participants must bring their own paintbrushes, sponges, paint containers, and paint
cleaning materials (newspaper, washcloth, etc.) while acrylic paint in primary colors
(red, blue, yellow) and neutral colors (black and white), easels, and canvass (36x48
inches) will be provided by the RTWG/NTWG.
f. Participants are not allowed to bring pictures or images for reference of their entries.
g. The subject of the painting will be based on a theme which will be given during the

II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
Supplies and Materials Typewriting
Tools and Equipment Paintbrushes, sponges, Canvass (36x48inches) with frame
paint container, and paint Painting easel
cleaning materials Acrylic paints
Blue (5L)
Red (5L)
Yellow (5L)
Black (5L)
White (5L)

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


Criteria Percentage
Storyline, narrative flow:
overall cohesive storytelling,
unified look and feel, clear 40%
narrative focus and direction
of the story line
Technique: controlled
camera work, clear quality of
sound, attention to
composition and framing
Insight/ Relevance to the
Criteria For theme: ability for the whole
Assessment film to look into and discuss
the theme/ subject matter
Quality: neatness of edit,
clarity of sound,
readability of text, focus of
Creativity: originality or
uniqueness of take,
slant, or topic; freshness of 10%
technique or
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. Sineliksik is a short film competition.

b. Each region will submit one (1) entry.
c. Two student-participants per region are allowed. They may be accompanied by one (1)
coach provided that he/she will not assist the participants in the development,
conceptualization, production, and/or editing of the video.
d. Participants are required to bring their own laptop/s or computers with video editing
softwares, digital cameras or video cameras with computer cable for uploading, tripod,
extension cords and other paraphernalia related to video shooting and editing. Use of
drones is not allowed.
e. Films must:
 be cut and edited according to the creative direction of the team
 contain text and graphic elements
 use music, live sound, and/or narration; music must be original or royalty-free
music and must be acknowledged accordingly in the end credits
 only use primary footages taken/captured during the actual conduct of NFOT
f. The films may
 incorporate color correction and visual effects
 use b-roll or establishing footage taken outside the competition period but these

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must be taken/ produced during the NFOT days and from the designated
location/s (e.g. traffic shots, time lapse, sunrise/ sunset scenes
g. Four (4) hours will be given for shooting and another Four (4) hours for editing.
h. The finished film must be:
 4-5 minutes in duration not including opening/ closing credits
 a maximum of 30 seconds (0.5 minutes) for opening credits
 a maximum of 60 seconds (1 minute) for closing credits
 total film duration must not exceed 6:30 minutes (390 seconds)
i. Submitted entries must not include any indication or reference to the creators, the
creators’ school, region, or other identifying marks. Only the film’s title may be used to
identify the project. Teams are allowed to produce a version with complete titles and
credits for their personal consumption but this copy should not be submitted to the
j. Entries should be saved in a flash drive encoded in MP4, WMV, AVI or MOV format
submitted on the event date before the specified cut-off or deadline.
k. Medium of communication should be in Filipino and/or English. However, subtitles may
be used ONLY for films in local languages.
l. Videos should be an original work of the student-participants and shall not infringe on
any copyrights or any rights of any third parties.
m. Images shown and presented in the film must have been taken during the 2018 National
Festival of Talents. If the film requires pre-existing, stock, or news footage, these may be
used to a maximum of 20% of the film and must:
 be royalty-free, in the public domain, or under a Creative Commons license for
attribution (BY) and non-commercial use (NC)
 be obtained from a recognized news or information agency (e.g. CNN, GMA News,
 properly cite artists and works in the closing credits (Artist, Title, website/
n. Films are encouraged to use music or sound elements taken or produced during the
2018 National Festival of Talents. Films are also allowed to use non-original music and
sounds provided that:
 the works are available for use royalty-free, in the public domain, or under a
Creative Commons license for attribution (BY) and non-commercial use (NC)
 these are obtained from recognized royalty-free or Creative Commons sources
(e.g. SoundCloud, Jamendo, WikiMedia)
 the artists and works are properly cited in the closing credits (Artist, Title,
website/ source)
o. Teams may use to choose any style (e.g. observational, participative, journalistic, or
reflexive) and utilize various tools to deliver content (e.g. narration, on-camera,
interviews, music, dramatization/s, etc.) but it must be noted that the emphasis of the
competition is on visual storytelling rather than narrated or textual stories.
p. Teams will be briefed on the rules and parameters of the competition. Each team will be
given access to the same general film location and a space for post-production.
q. Each judge will prepare theme for the draw lots to be used in the actual competition
during the orientation.
r. The official competition time will begin and end at times designated by the NTWG; all
teams will start from a location designated by the NTWG. Films must be submitted to the
competition marshals at the assigned date and time.
s. Roles of Coaches:
a) Coaches are responsible for managing the team, keeping competitors focused
and on-track, maintaining team dynamics, and ensuring completion and
adherence to the rules
b) Coaches may secure and manage production equipment but are not allowed to
set up or configure equipment such as cameras, tripods, or editing systems
c) Coaches may work with the teams to conceptualize, develop, and strategize the

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execution of the theme prior to the shooting and editing of the film.
d) Coaches should not interfere or influence the creative and technical development
of the Film.
e) Coaches are not allowed to edit, do camera or sound work, or similar
involvement in the production process.
II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)
Contestants Host Region
Supplies and Typewriting paper
Materials Pencil
Tools and laptop/s or computers with video Tables and chairs
Equipment editing software,
digital cameras or video cameras with
computer cable for uploading, tripod,
extension cords and other

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


Criteria Percentage
Plot (Use of form and stage
Character (Originality and
character development)
Dialogue (appropriate use of
Criteria For 20%
Themes and Ideas
(relationship between form 20%
and content)
Theatricality (Ambition of the
work and intended genre)
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. Sulatanghal is a Playwriting competition.
b. One (1) participant per region accompanied by one (1) coach.
c. Participants should have not won in any international playwriting/screenwriting
d. Haven’t had any play produced by a professional theater company.
e. Haven’t had any play published work in a literary journal.
f. An orientation with the participants by the board of judges will be done before the start
of the competition.
g. During the competition, each participant will be tasked to write a one-act stage play
based on a given theme. They will be given a total of 4 hours to write.
h. Scripts should be submitted with the following requirements:
a) Dialogue should be tailored for 2 actors/actresses
b) Written in Filipino and/or English
c) Saved in .doc format (Font size 12, double-spaced, letter size paper)
d) Entire script should run for a maximum of 10 minutes.
i. Identity of the participant must not be written on any part of the work
j. Winning play/script for Sulatanghal 2019 will be used for the “Direk ko, Ganap Mo” in

II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
Supplies and Typewriting paper,
Materials Pencil and ballpen

Tools and Equipment Desktop

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


Criteria Percentage
Mastery (analysis and
interpretation of the whole 35%
Criteria For script)
Assessment Acting Technique 35%
Delivery (Voice Clarity,
projection etc.)
Total 100%
III. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. “Direk ko, Ganap mo” is an acting competition.
b. Two (2) participants per region accompanied by one (1) coach.
c. Participants should have not won in any international competition.
d. Haven’t had performed with any professional theater company
e. Participants will be given a copy of the official script before the competition.
f. During the competition, a theater director, who is also part of the board of judges, will be
giving instructions to the actors as to how the script should be performed.
g. Performance will be done in a closed room environment with only the board of judges
and event coordinators. A video camera will record all proceedings inside the room and
a TV monitor for live viewing will be placed outside the room.
h. Other participants waiting for their turn to perform will be contained in a holding room
together with their coaches.

IV.Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
Supplies and Typewriting paper
Materials Pencil
Tools and Video camera
Equipment TV monitor
Memory card
Lapel mic

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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)


GRADE LEVEL Elementary School with SPED learner
TIME ALLOTMENT 10 minutes including entrance and exit
DESCRIPTION Children’s choir competition
Criteria Percentage
Musicality (rhythm, balance,
tonality, harmony)
Interpretation (expression,
Criteria For 30%
dynamics, phrasing)
Vocal Quality 25%
Mastery 10%

Total 100%
V. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. “Himig Bulilit” is a children’s choir competition.
b. There will be one (1) entry per region.
c. The group should be a composition of the following:
 12 members with at least 2 SPED learners
 A combination of boys and girls aged 14 years old and below within the school
 One teacher/coach conductor
 One DepEd employee accompanist
d. The contestants shall bring the following requirements:
 Photocopy of birth certificate
 Certification of enrollment duly signed by the school principal or registrar
 Assessment of SPED learners
 Group picture with the conductor (5R)
e. The group shall sing two (2) songs: One (1) warm-up song of choice and One (1) contest
f. Contest piece shall be provided by NTWG.
g. The groups are encouraged to wear local/regional attire or any appropriate attire.
h. Contest piece shall be sung as straight singing with recorded or live accompaniment.

VI.Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Region
Supplies and Typewriting paper
Materials Pencil
Tools and Piano
Equipment Sound system

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)


Regional Japanese
Coordinator Spanish Mandarin French Per
Contestants Contestants Contestants Contestants Contestants Contestants Contestants Contestants

1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
2 1 3 3 7
3 1 3 3 3 3 13
4A 1 3 3 7
4B 1 3 3 3 3 13
5 1 3 3 3 3 13
6 1 3 3 3 3 13
7 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25
8 1 3 3 7
9 1 3 3 3 3 13
10 1 3 3 7
11 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
12 1 3 3 7
CARAGA 1 3 3 7
1 3 3 7
1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25

Total per
Language 17 48 48 27 27 12 12 6 6 190

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)


Regional Total Per
Region Harf Touch Arabic Spelling
Coordinator Region
Contestants Coaches Contestants Coaches

1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 1 1 1 1 1 5
3 1 1 1 1 1 5
4A 1 1 1 1 1 5
4B 1 1 1 1 1 5
5 1 1 1 1 1 5
6 1 1 1 1 1 5
7 1 1 1 1 1 5
8 1 1 1 1 1 5
9 1 1 1 1 1 5
10 1 1 1 1 1 5
11 1 1 1 1 1 5
12 1 1 1 1 1 5
CARAGA 1 1 1 1 1 5
ARMM 1 1 1 1 1 5
NCR 1 1 1 1 1 5
CAR 1 1 1 1 1 5

Total per
17 17 17 17 17 85

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)



Regional Total Per

Region Braille Sign Language
Coordinator Region
Contestants Coaches Contestants Coaches

1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 1 1 1 1 1 5
3 1 1 1 1 1 5
4A 1 1 1 1 1 5
4B 1 1 1 1 1 5
5 1 1 1 1 1 5
6 1 1 1 1 1 5
7 1 1 1 1 1 5
8 1 1 1 1 1 5
9 1 1 1 1 1 5
10 1 1 1 1 1 5
11 1 1 1 1 1 5
12 1 1 1 1 1 5
CARAGA 1 1 1 1 1 5
ARMM 1 1 1 1 1 5
NCR 1 1 1 1 1 5
CAR 1 1 1 1 1 5

Total per
17 17 17 17 17 85

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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019

2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)

The Language Skills Competition (LSC), as a component of the 2019National

Festival of Talents (NFOT), serves as a platform of performance tasks and a culminating
activity of schools offering Special Program in the Foreign Language (SPFL), Madrasah
Education Program (MEP) and Special Education Program (SPED) across the country.
The Language Skills Competition is divided into 3 categories and a total of seven
(7) contests such as:
1. Foreign LanguageSkills Competition is open to all nationally recognized and regionally
initiated public schools offering any of the following languages: Spanish, Japanese,
French and Chinese-Mandarin to compete in 3 official contests: Characters on Parade
or Cosplay, Singing Idol and Quiz Whiz;
2. Arabic Language Skills Competition is open to all recognized and regionally initiated
schools offering MEP and private madaris subsidized by DepEd competing in 2 official
contests: Harf Touch and Arabic Spelling; and
3. SPED Skills Competition is open to all schools offering Special Education (SPED)
programs competing in Braille Quiz Whiz andSign Language Quiz Whiz.
A. General Guidelines
1. Contestants for all contest categories must be bonafide students of the nationally-
recognized and regionally initiated public schools offering Special Program in the
Foreign Language (SPFL), Madrasah Education Program (MEP) and private madaris
subsidized by DepEd and all schools implementing Special Education Program
2. Contestant’s number per contest shall be identified by drawing lots.
3. There will be a maximum of three (3) judges per contest.
4. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.
B. Awards
1. The top three (3) winners per contest shall receive medals and certificates of recognition
including the coaches. All contestants and coaches shall be given certificates of


2-minute introduction and 2 minute show and tell per
Contestants shall wear the costume of a famous character- Spanish,
DESCRIPTION French, Japanese and Chinese
 COSTUME (wears costume related to
the portrait being presented) –
(describes the object/picture presented with facility) –
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 STAGE PRESENCE (presents clearly

and fluently the character portrayed; –

TOTAL – 100%

Events Mechanics
1. Contestants shall wear the costume of a famous character from Spanish, French,
Japanese, or Chinese film, politics, literature, culture and religion. They shall submit
picture of what they will portray to the NTWG upon registration. This will serve as a
reference for judging.
2. Contestants shall parade before the audience and will be allotted a 2-minute introduction
culminating in a maximum of 2-minute show and tell presentation using the foreign
3. Contestants shall describe a picture/object to be shown by the organizer using the
foreign language.

Resource Requirements
Sound System, Laptop, microphone, objects for show and tell

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)


FL Singing Idol showcases talents in singing songs in the foreign

Voice (tone, clarity and pitch) (30%)

Style and performance (performs with dynamics,
creativity and style) (20%)
Criteria for Assessment Stage Presence (10%)

 DICTION (articulates clearly; the text of the music -40%

is understandable)

1. Contestants shall render a pre-selected song which may be original or translated
to the foreign language using their own accompaniment in CD/DVD or flash drive
to be submitted to the NTWG upon registration.
2. Contestants are expected to wear appropriate, decent and presentable attire.

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)


Easy = 10 secs.
TIME ALLOTMENT Average Questions= 12 secs.
Difficult = 15 secs.
1. The contestants shall be grouped according to the four (4) foreign languages.
2. Questions shall cover topics relative to language, politics, literature and culture.
3. Questions shall be categorized as Easy, Average and Difficult. Clincher
questions shall be provided in case of a tie. Five (5) questions shall be
given/asked each round.
a. Easy- One (1) point is given for each correct answer.
b. Average- Two (2) points is given each correct answer.
c. Difficult- Three (3) points is given each correct answer.
4. Ten (10) seconds shall be allocated to answer questions in the Easy, twelve (12
seconds for average categories while fifteen (15) seconds for the Difficult
5. Questions shall be read twice by the quiz master. At the “GO” signal, contestants
shall write their answers on the meta strips provided.
6. Contestants who get the top three (3) scores shall be declared winners. In case
of tie, clincher questions shall be answered within fifteen (15) seconds until a
winner is determined.
7. In case of appeal, the official coach of the contestant shall raise it to the board of
judges before the next question is read by the quiz master. The decision of the
judges is final and irrevocable.

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)

2. Braille and Sign Language Quiz Whiz


COMPONENT AREA 20 seconds in all categories
Braille Quiz Whiz is participated by learners with visual
impairment. Questions will be read by the quiz master. Answers
will be written in Braille and translated by the official translator.
Sign Language Quiz Whiz is participated by learners with
hearing impairment. Questions will be read by the quiz master
and official sign language interpreter. Answers will be written in
answer sheets provided.
a. Braille Paper
b. Stylus and Slate
c. Projector/Laptop
d. Office supplies
e. Buzzer with light (for Sign Language)
f. Buzzer (for Braille)
Materials/ Resources
Human resource/s:
a. Five (5) Certified Sign language interpreters
b. Five (5) Braille translators
c. Three (3) Judges for Braille Quiz Whiz
d. Three (3) Judges for Sign Language Quiz Whiz
e. Two (2) Time Keepers


1. Each region shall have one (1) contestant for Braille and one (1) contestant for Sign
2. Questions shall cover Philippine politics, literature, culture and rights of Persons with
Disabilities (PWDs).
3. Questions shall be categorized as Easy (1 point), Average (2 points), Difficult (3 points)
and Clincher (only for tie breaking purposes).
4. Questions shall be read twice by the quiz master and twenty (20) seconds shall be
allotted to all categories. At the “GO” signal, contestants shall start writing their
5. Contestants who get the top three (3) scores shall be declared winners. In case of a tie,
clincher questions shall be answered within twenty (20) seconds until a winner is

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6. However, in case of appeal, the official coach of the contestant shall raise it to the board
of judges before the next question is read by the quiz master. Decision of the judges is
final and irrevocable.
7. Answer sheets will be provided by the NTWG. However, contestants for Braille Quiz
Whiz should bring their own Braille materials.
8. Only the official Sign Language interpreter is allowed to make any sign language.
9. Sign language interpreter/s and Braille translator/s shall be designated/provided by the

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)

3. Arabic Language Skills Competition

a. Harf Touch

Harf Touch is a skills exhibition wherein blind-folded players

DESCRIPTION touch the surface ofthe illustration board having an engraved
Arabic letter.
This contest aims to showcase the skills of the MEP learners
OBJECTIVES 1. identify and recognize Arabic letters through touching
with speed and accuracy within the allotted time;
2. pronounce the letters clearly and correctly
 Engraved Arabic Alphabet in A-4 size, landscape
illustration board (white colored on top and mounted in
black colored illustration board)
Font type: Traditional Arabic
Font size: 720 except for letters kha (700) and ghayn (600).
Note: prepare the letters in slide deck presentation prior to
MATERIALS printing to produce the precise measurement
 Eye mask
 Table and chair where Arabic letters will be placed
 Lapel or microphone
 Stop watch
 Bell/Buzzer
 Tally sheets/pen/pencil


1. There shall be one (1) contestant per region ages six to eight (6-8), male or female.
2. During the contest proper, contestants shall be seated at the designated holding area to
refrain them from seeing the process undergone by the contestant on stage.
3. The facilitator shuffles the twenty-eight (28) letters and each participant is given one (1)
minute to identify the letters.
4. One point is given for every letter correctly identified.
5. There shall be one (1) timekeeper, one (1) videographer and three (3) judges: the
timekeeper signals the start and the end of the time, the videographer records the
proceedings and the judges determine, validate and tally the number of the letters
correctly identified.
6. The top three contestants with the highest number of correctly identified letters within
one minute shall be declared winners. In case of a tie, the contestant with the shortest
time used to identify the letters accurately shall be declared the winner.

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2019Language Skills Competition

(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)

2. Arabic Language Spelling

Arabic Language Spelling Contest is one of the features for

DESCRIPTION the learners to showcase their listening and writing skills
in Arabic Language.
This category aims to showcase the skills of the MEP
learners to:
1. Spell Arabic words quickly, accurately and
with comprehension; and
2. Write the words correctly in its nuskhah and
cursive form with complete vowels
Meta Strips; Markers; Bell/Buzzer, Tally Sheets, Tables
and chairs for teams

1. There shall be one (1) contestant per region ages nine to eleven (9-11).
2. The medium of instruction to be used is Arabic language.
3. There shall be three (3) rounds: easy, average and difficult. Each item will be given the
following points: Easy – 1 point, Average- 2 points, Difficult- 3 points.
4. There shall be ten (10) words for each round, 3 syllables for easy, 4 syllables for average
and 5 syllables for difficult round.
5. Each word shall be read twice. The contestant shall write their answer in nuskhah in
cursive form within ten (10) seconds for easy round, fifteen (15) seconds for average
and thirty (30) seconds for the difficult round on the meta strips provided. The
contestant shall start writing after the word “üktubu” andimmediately raise their meta
strips after the buzzer.
6. The scores shall be summed up after each round.
7. In case of appeal, the contestant may raise the question/clarification immediately after
the item before the next word is read. Queries/clarifications done after the entire
contest shall not be entertained.
8. The top three (3) contestants with the highest points win. In case of a tie, clincher word
shall be given and the first contestant to give the correct spelling shall be declared the

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Implementing Guidelines on the 2019 National On-the-Spot

Skills Exhibition on Population Development (PopDev)

Areas for Population Development

The areas for Population Development Competition, number of participants per
event and time allotment are the following:

No. of No. of
Areas for Time Allotment
Participants Coaches
Skills Exhibition (excluding Interview)
Per Region Per Region

1. PopDev Debate 1 1 3 hours

2. Pop Quiz 1 1 2 hours
3. Jingle Writing and Singing 1 1 1.5 hour
4. Poster Making 1 1 1.5 hour
5. Kasaysayan, Heograpiya
at Kultura ng Pilipinas 2 2 3 hours
6 6

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2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot

Skills Exhibition on Population Development


Grade Level Junior and Senior High School
Event Package PopDev Debate
No. of Contestants One
Time Allotment Three (3) Hours
Description The event is a combination of argumentation and debate that is
conducted in a modified round table discussion. It enables the
contestant to use his critical analysis and deep reasoning about the
different issues that occur in the society.
Criteria Percentage
Delivery 20 %
Criteria for Use of Supporting Evidence 25 %
Assessment Organization 25 %
Reasoning and Ability to answer 30 %
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

Round-Table Argumentation and Debate

The event is a combination of argumentation and debate that is conducted in a round
table discussion. It enables the contestant to use his critical analysis and deep reasoning
about the different issues that occur in the society. This also develops the ability of the
students to organize his ideals promptly and logically.
The event shall follow the rules and guidelines below:
A. There shall only be one (1) contestant/debater from each region. The debater shall be
accompanied and trained by the duly approved coach.
B. Each contestant shall wear a corporate attire. Moreover, they are required to present
their valid school ID during the registration.
C. Contestants shall be assigned a number that will correspond to the number on the
judging sheet.
D. Topics to be debated shall revolve on the following issues: country’s foreign and economic
policies, environment, gender and society, governance, peace and order, population and
reproductive health, and other current/contemporary issues.

E. The debater is required to use the English language as a medium except for terminologies
on certain topics that are only stated in Filipino.
F. The debate will consist of two rounds:

Round I: Elimination Round

A. Each debater will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to deliver his/her speech on the topic
B. After the discourse of the first contestant/debater, the second debater will interpolate on
the speech of the first debater. The questions for the interpolation will be focused on the
arguments of the opponent. Categorical questions will be allowed (Answerable by yes or no),
however, the responder may choose to qualify or not his/her answer. A total of five (5)
minutes shall be allotted to other contestants to ask their clarifications, rebuttal and other
C. The second contestant will also give his/her speech on the topic, the third debater will be
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asking questions to debater 2, debater 3 will be asked by debater 4, debater 4 by debater

5, debater 5 by debater 6 and so on.

Round 2: Final Round

D. After the first round, eight (8) debaters will be chosen to proceed to the second round.
The debaters will be following the same order as the first round.
E. A new topic for debate will be given on the second round. The topics will also be selected
from the issues enumerated previously during the first round.
F. The same process from round 1 (letter c) shall be followed.
G. Prompting and coaching during the duration of the debate shall be strictly prohibited.

H. The criteria for judging are:

Delivery – ……………………………………………………………………….20 %
(tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to others)

Use of supporting evidence - ……………………………………………25 %

(examples and facts to support reasons with references)

Organization -………………………………………………………………… 25%

(view points and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly)

Reasoning and ability to answer - …………………………………….30 %

(reasons are given to support viewpoints, arguments made by the other are responded to
and dealt with effectively)

TOTAL ……………………………………………………………………… 100 %

I. The decision of the board of judges shall be final.

I. Resource Requirements
Contestants Host Host Region
Attire Corporate - -
Tools and Equipment Timer -
Sound System Utility expenses

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2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills

Exhibition on Population Development
Grade Level Junior and Senior High School
Event Package Pop Quiz
No. of One
Time Three (3) Hours
Description Quiz based on the following Population Education Core Messages/Key
• Family Life and Responsible Parenthood
• Gender and Development
• Population and Reproductive Health
• Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable
Round Points per correct
Criteria for Easy 1
Assessment Average 2
Difficult 3
Total -
I. Event Rules and Mechanics

a. The formulation of test questions at the local and national levels shall be based on the
following Population Education Core Messages/Key Concepts:
 Family Life and Responsible Parenthood
 Gender and Development
 Population and Reproductive Health
 Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development

b. Review materials for the Pop Quiz will be provided by Department of Education (DepEd)
or Commission on Population;
c. During the quiz, participants will be provided with whiteboard, markers and erasers.
d. English or Filipino will be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
e. Participants will be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six (6) are
“easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.”
f. Points for every correct answer will be given as follows:
One (1) point shall be given to correct answer for each “easy” question, Two (2) points
for each “average” question, Three (3) points for each “difficult” question
g. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds to answer each question. For questions that
require computation, participants shall be given a maximum of thirty (30) seconds.
h. The quizmaster will only read each question twice. Countdown will start after the
question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says GO. When the
quizmaster says “STOP “or “TIME IS UP.”, contestants must raise their answers to the
audience and to the Board of Judges until such time that the Proctors have verified or
confirmed the answer. A general reminder will be given to all. However, if the contestant
still violates, his /her answer shall not be considered.
i. A participant shall be allowed to change his/her answer within the allotted time.
j. National winners will be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring.
k. In case of a tie, a clincher question drawn from the “difficult” category shall be asked
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until a winner emerges.

l. In case of a protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following
procedures shall be observed:
 Only the contestant or the official coach of the participant is allowed to raise a
protest or inquiry before the next question is read. The protest or inquiry will be
addressed orally to the chair of the board of judges who will recognize the
protest or inquiry.
 The chair will announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of the
board of judges.
m. The decision of the Board of Judges is final.

II. Resource Requirements

Contestants Host Host Region
Attire NFoT shirts - -
Tools and Equipment Timer -
Sound System Utility expenses
Others Tables and chairs
LCD Projector

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2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills

Exhibition on Population Development
Grade Level Junior and Senior High School
Event Package Jingle Writing and Singing Contest
No. of Contestants One
Time Allotment One hour and 30 minutes
Criteria Percentage
Lyrics (Relevance to the theme) 50 %
Criteria for
Musicality (Execution/Overall Performance) 30%
Originality (Creativity) 20%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
A. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills
B. The order of the presentation shall be determined through draw lots. This will be
done during the registration.
C. The jingle must be an original composition highlighting the theme. Lyrics must be in
D. Performance must be done in acapella within two (2) to three (3) minutes.

II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)

Contestants Host Host Region
NFOT Shirt - -

Tools and Equipment Timer -

Sound System Utility expenses
Others Tables and chairs
Holding room

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2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills

Exhibition on Population Development


Grade Level Grade 4-6
Event Package On the Spot Poster Making
No. of Contestant One
Time Allotment One hour and 30 minutes
Criteria Percentage
Relevance to the theme 20 %
Criteria for
Creativity and Presentation 50%
Originality 30%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
A. The contestants shall draw their numbers during registration. They will be given a
number tag which will be attached to the poster.
B. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills exhibition.
C. Any artwork in the poster must be original in design.
D. The contestants shall be provided with the materials to be used in the skills exhibition.
Only the materials provided by the organizer shall be utilized. (oil pastel, ½ illustration
board, lead pencil, sharpener, eraser, ruler, black pentel pen, cotton / tissue)

II. Resource Requirements

Contestants Host Region
NFOT Shirt - -
Tools and Equipment Timer -
Sound System Utility expenses
Others Tables and chairs

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2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills

Exhibition on Population Development


Grade Level Elementary (Grades 4-6)
Event Package Kasaysayan, Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipinas Quiz
No. of Two (2)
Time Three (3) Hours
Description Quiz based on the concepts of Philippine Geography, History, and
Culture from Araling Panlipunan Grades 4-6.
Round Points per correct
Criteria for Easy 1
Assessment Average 2
Difficult 3
Total -
III. Event Rules and Mechanics

A. The quiz is open to all types of learners who are officially enrolled in grades 4-6
B. The team shall be composed of one (1) regular learner and one (1) learner with disability
such as those with seeing and hearing impairment, physically challenged, learners with
autism and others who shall present valid MOVs upon registration. (MOVs c/o CO).
C. Test questions shall be based on Araling Panlipunan Grades 4-6 competencies. Official list
of references shall be released by the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) through
the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD).
D. During the quiz, participants shall be provided with white board, markers and erasers.
E. Filipino shall be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
F. Participants shall be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six (6) are
“easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.”
G. Points for every correct answer shall be given as follows: One (1) point for “easy”
question, Two (2) points for “average” question, and Three (3) points for “difficult”
question. In case of tie, a clincher question drawn from the “difficult” category shall be
asked until a winning pair emerges.
H. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds for easy, twelve (12) seconds for average,
and fifteen (15) seconds for difficult round to answer the question.
I. The quizmaster shall read each question twice. Countdown shall start after the question
has been read the second time and the quizmaster says “GO”. When the quizmaster says
“STOP “or “TIME IS UP”, contestants must raise their answers to the audience and to the
Board of Judges until such time that the proctors have verified or confirmed the answer.
Thosewho are unable to observe the instruction shall not earn a point. The Chair of the
Board of Judges will decide whether or not the instruction is observed.
J. The participants are allowed to change their answer within the allotted time.
K. National winners shall be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring.
L. In case of a protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following
procedures shall be observed:
 Only the contestants orthe official coachesare allowed to raise a protest or inquiry
before the next question is read.
 The protest or inquiry shall be addressed orally to the chair of the board of judges
who shall recognize the protest or inquiry after validating the proof / evidence
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 The chair shall announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of the
board of judges.
M. The decision of the Board of Judges is final.

IV. Resource Requirements

Contestants Host Host Region
Attire NFOT shirt - -
Tools and Equipment Timer -
Sound System Utility expenses
Others Tables and chairs
LCD Projector

2019 Pambansang Tagisan ng Talento sa Filipino

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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019

Mga kategorya, bilang ng kalahok, bilang ng tagapagsanay, at oras na inilaan sa bawat kategorya
ay ang mga sumusunod:
Bilang ng Kabuuang
Bilang ng
Kategorya Oras na Inilaan Tagapagsanay Bilang
1. Madulang Pagkwento Dalawampung (20) 4 2 6
minuto kasama ang
2. Sulat Bigkas ng Tula (Sulkas Isang (1) oras para 1 1 2
Tula) sa pagsusulat, 30
paghahanda at
limang (5) minuto na
3. Dagliang Talumpati Anim (6) na minuto 1 1 2
kasama ang
paghahanda at
4. Interpretatibong Pagbasa Dalawampung (20) 4 1 5
minuto kasama ang
paghahanda at
Kabuuang Bilang ng Delegado sa bawat Rehiyon 15


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BAITANG NG MAG- Ang mga kalahok ay binubuo ng tig-iisang mag-aaral mula sa Baitang
AARAL 4, 5, 6 at isang Graded SPED (Visually Impaired) na may
edadlabinlima pababa sa taon ng paligsahan.
ORAS NA INILAAN Dalawampung (20) minuto kasama ang paghahanda
Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon 40%

Pagpapalutang ng diwa (20%)

Pagbibigay diin sa damdamin (20%)
Hikayat 20%
Dating sa madla (5%)
Pagbibigay buhay sa tauhan (5%)
Tindig (5%)
Batayan ng Kumpas/Kilos (5%)
Kapasyahan Bigkas 20%
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
May pagbubukod bukod ng mga salita
May wastong diin at intonasyon (5%)
Tinig 10%
Lakas (5%)
Taginting (5%)
Kaangkupan ng diwa at damdamin 10%
Kabuuan 100%

a) Patnubay sa Kalahok
b) Isang kuwento ang bibigyan ng interpretasyon batay sa ibibigay ng mga hurado sa
takdang araw ng paligsahan;
c) Bibigyan ng 10 minuto ang bawat kalahok upang pag-aralan ang kuwentong bibigyan
ng interpretasyon;
d) Malaya ang mga kalahok na baguhin ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng kuwento;
e) Habang nagtatanghal ang unang kalahok, pag-aaralan naman ng susunod na kalahok
ang kuwento na tatagal din ng sampung minuto, susundin ang paraang ito hanggang
sa pinakahuling kalahok;
f) Lahat ng kalahok ay mamamalagi sa isang malaking silid na hindi naririnig ang
pagtatanghal ng iba pang kalahok; samantalang ang kasunod na kalahok ay
mamamalagi naman sa isa pang silid upang pag-aralan ang kuwento;
g) Ang pagtatanghal ay hindi lalampas sa sampung minuto kasama ang pagpasok at
h) Walang anumang props o kagamitan, musikaat instrumento na dadalhin at
i) Ang kasuotan ay pantalong maong at puting t-shirtat;
j) Iikot ang interpretasyon sa kwento lamang.

I. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan

a) Kuwentong gagamitin (isang (1) hard copy at isang (1) naka-transcribe sa braile);
b) Orasan, numero ng mga kalahok;
c) c.1 Dalawang (2) silid na holding area para sa 68 katao;
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c.2 Isang (1)silid para sa pagsasanay; at

c.3 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 200 katao.


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ORAS NA INILAAN Isang (1) oras para sa pagsusulat, 30 minutong paghahanda at limang
(5) minuto na pagtatanghal
BATAYAN NG Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon ng Tula
Kaugnayan sa paksa (25%)
Batayan ng
Organisasyon ng diwa (15%)
Mekaniks (10%)
(Apat (4) na saknong na binubuo ng
apat (4) na taludtod na may tugma)
Dating sa Madla (5%)
Kilos/galaw/kumpas (10%)
Batayan ng Ekspresyon ng mukha (10%)
Kapasyahan Tinig at Bigkas
Lakas/ Diin/ Taginting (10%)
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
Wastong pagbubukod ng salita (5%)
Kabuuan 100%
I. Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Ang tulang isusulat ay naayon sa tema na ibibigay ng hurado sa araw ng patimpalak;
apat na saknong na binubuo ng apat na taludtod na may tugma;
b) Ang opisyal na gagamiting papel ay magmumula sa tagapag-organisa;
c) Ang mga kalahok ay bibigyan ng isang oras na pagsusulat at tatlumpong minutong pag
d) Ang lahat ng papel ay lilikumin ng tagapagdaloy at sisimulan na ang paligsahan;
e) Ang lahat ng kalahok ay mamamalagi sa isang malaking silid na hindi naririnig ang
f) Ang bawat kalahok ay bibigyan ng limang minuto sa pagbigkas ng tula kasama ang
pagpasok at paglabas mula sa entablado gamit ang tulang sinulat na ibibigay muli ng
tagapagdaloy; at
g) Ang kalahok ay magsusuot ng kasuotang Pilipino.
II. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan
a) Paksang gagamitin;
b) Papel, bolpen, lapis at pambura;
c) Orasan, numero ng mga kalahok;
d) d.1 Isang (1)silid na holding area para sa 17 katao; at
d.2 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 100 katao.


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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019


Baitang 11 o 12
ORAS NA INILAAN Anim (6) na minuto kasama ang paghahanda at pagtatalumpati
Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon 35%
Kaugnayan sa paksa (20%)
Pagbibigay diin sa damdamin (15%)
Hikayat 25%
Kilos, galaw, kumpas (10%)
Dating sa Madla (5%)
Kakanyahang pantanghalan (5%)
Batayan ng Ekspresyon ng mukha (5%)
Kapasyahan Tinig 20%
Kaangkupan ng diwa at damdamin (10%)
Taginting (5%)
Lakas (5%)
Bigkas 20%
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
Wastong pagbubukod ng salita (5%)
Diin/Indayog (5%)
Kabuuan 100%
I. Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Ang paksa na manggagaling sa tagapag-organisa ay ibibigay sa takdang oras;
b) Siya ay bibigyan lamang ng tatlong minutong paghahanda hinggil sa paksang napili
habang nagtatalumpati ang sinusundang kalahok;
c) Ang bawat kalahok ay bibigyan ng tatlong minutong paghahanda hinggil sa paksa at
dalawa hanggang tatlong minuto naman sa pagtatalumpati;
d) May kabawasang puntos sa kabuuang iskor na labis o kulang sa itinakdang oras ng
1-30 segundo - .5 puntos
31-60 segundo - 1 puntos
61 segundo – pataas - 2 puntos

e) Itataas ang banderang berde bilang hudyat ng pagsisimula, banderang dilaw bilang
hudyat sa nalalabing tatlumpong segundo at banderang pula na tapos na ang itinakdang
oras; at
f) Corporate attire ang inaasahang kasuotan.
II. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan
a) Banderang berde, dilaw at pula;
b) Paksang gagamitin;
c) Orasan, numero ng kalahok;
d) d.1 Isang (1)silid na holding area para sa 17 katao; at
d.2 Isang (1)silid para sa pagsasanay; at
d.2 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 100 katao.


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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019


Isang kalahok mula sa bawat Baitang 7, 8, 9 at 10
KATEGORYA INTERPRETATIBONG PAGBASA (Pagbibigay interpretasyon sa wastong
pagbasa ng Talumpati, Monologo, Deklamasyon, Isahan at Sabayang
pagbasa ng tula)
Apat (4)
ORAS NA INILAAN Dalawampung (20) minuto kasama ang paghahanda at pagtatanghal
Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon 40%
Pagpapalutang ng diwa (20%)
Pagbibigay diin sa damdamin (20%)
Hikayat 20%
Dating sa madla (5%)
Pagbibigay buhay sa tauhan (5%)
Tindig (5%)
Batayan ng Kumpas/Kilos (5%)
Kapasyahan Bigkas 20%
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
May pagbubukod-bukod ng mga salita (5%)
May wastong diin at intonasyon (5%)
Tinig 10%
Lakas (5%)
Taginting (5%)
Kaangkupan ng diwa at damdamin 10%
Kabuuan 100%
I. Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Ang piyesa na manggagaling sa tagapag-organisa ay ibibigay sa takdang araw ng
b) Isang piyesa lamang ang gagamitin para sa pagbibigay-interpretasyon;
c) Bibigyan ng 10 minuto ang bawat kalahok upang pag-aralan ang piyesang bibigyan ng
d) Malaya ang mga kalahok na baguhin ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng binasang piyesa;
e) Habang nagtatanghal ang unang kalahok, pag-aaralan naman ng susunod na kalahok ang
piyesa na tatagal din ng sampung minuto, susundin ang paraang ito hanggang sa
pinakahuling kalahok;
f) Lahat ng kalahok ay mamamalagi sa isang malaking silid na hindi maririnig ang
pagtatanghal ng iba pang kalahok; samantalang ang kasunod na kalahok ay mamamalagi
naman sa isa pang silid upang pag-aralan ang piyesang babasahin;
g) Dapat angkop ang interpretasyon sa genreng nakasulat sa piyesa;
h) Ang kasuotan ay pantalong maong at puting t-shirt;
i) Ang pagtatanghal ay hindi lalampas sa sampung minuto kasama ang pagpasok at
j) Walang anumangprops o kagamitan, musika at instrumento na dadalhin at gagamitin ang
mga kalahok; at
k) Iikot ang interpretasyon sa piyesa lamang at walang adlib.

II. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan

a. Paksang gagamitin;
b. Orasan, numero ng mga kalahok;
c. c.1 Dalawang (2) silid na holding area para sa 68 katao;
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Enclosure No. ___ to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2019

c.2 Isang (1) silid para sa pagsasanay; at

c.3 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 200 katao.

 Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal sa mga kalahok ang pagdadala ng anumang electronic
gadgets sa holding area at sa buong panahon ng pagtatanghal.
 Hindi rin pinahihintulutan ang mga tagapagsanay na pumasok/lumapit sa holding
 Iwasan ang pagbanggit ng pagkakakilanlan ng mga kalahok.
 Ang paglabag dito ay magiging sanhi ng diskwalipikasyon.

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