Genetic Materia Medica Tri Miasmatic Materia Medica Prafull Vijayakar.07909 2introduction

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The passage discusses genetics and how an understanding of genetics can help improve homeopathic treatment by matching remedies to a person's genetic makeup.

Genetics is the study of genes, which are segments of DNA that contain instructions for making proteins. Genes determine traits and are passed from parents to offspring.

Genes are segments of DNA that contain the blueprint for making proteins. Genes determine physical and mental traits like appearance, abilities, and disease risks. Genes get expressed as proteins that make up our bodies and allow them to function.

Prafull Vijayakar

Genetic Materia Medica-Tri-miasmatic Materia Medica

Reading excerpt
Genetic Materia Medica-Tri-miasmatic Materia Medica
of Prafull Vijayakar
Publisher: Vijay Publications

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Introduction To Genetics

For those who are not acquainted with the science of genetics here is a resume
of the same.
In the present times of Stem Cell Theory, modern science has reached a stage
where doctors are in the process of creating an organ in the body with the help of
few pleuripotent cells, and based upon their Knowledge of Genetics predetermine
the physical make up of the new born, there was a strong need for improvisation
of the scientific understanding of Homoeopathy.
Each and every aspect of the patient and his tendencies has its origin in the
Genetic Code of every individual and this is exactly what gives rise to
Individualization. A drug that represents and matches the characteristics of the
genetic code of an individual can be called the Genetic Constitutional Similimum
(G.C.S.) or more correctly Genetic Constitutional Stimulimum.
It is the Predictive School Of Homoeopathy that is making use of this recent
scientific advances in the understanding of the human body and the system of
homoeopathy thus advocating the most updated and genetic based homoeopathy.


Genes Are The Functional Unit Of Inheritance.
They are the blueprints of the physical and mental
make up of man. Each gene is a nucleic acid
sequence that carries information representing a
particular protein. Proteins are the building blocks
for everything in our body like bones and teeth,
hair, earlobes, muscles etc. These proteins help
our body to grow, work properly, and stay healthy.
Scientists today estimate that each gene in the
body may make as many as 10 different proteins.
That's over 300,000 proteins.
Genetics allows us to understand the ever-continuing development of life. The
evolution of life meant the appearance of a self-replicating molecule, which could
transmit the characteristics of the life form to future generations. This self-
reproducing DMA molecule is not concentrated in a particular part of the body, but
is present in every animal or plant cell. At adulthood, humans are made up of a

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Excerpt from Dr.Prafull Vijayakar: Genetic Materia Medica
trillion cells, but at conception there existed only a single-celled embryo. How does
this happen? Within this single cell, the DNA molecule was present that held the
genetic code for the construction of a human being. The genetic information carried
by the genes is stored in a chemically coded form. One gene is a section of DNA
that has the information to make a particular type of protein. These proteins are
expressed as the Physical, Mental and Disease Make-up of every individual. Some
genes tell the cells in an embryo whether they should grow into an arm or a leg.
Genes are the things that determine physical traits— various other constitutional
traits about us. They carry information that help make us who we are, how we look,
our hair texture; curly or straight, our legs; long or short, even our smile, are all
passed through generations of our family in genes.
These visible perceptible characteristics in an individual are known as
Phenotypes while those that are responsible for such characteristics are Genotypes.

The science of genes has progressed so much that genetic codes determining
specific constitutional traits have been identified.
Everything from the colour and texture of the skin, the linings of the respiratory,
digestive and urinary system, the mesodermal origins like the bone structure,
ligaments, tendons, the blood, to the heart, lungs, kidneys, various endocrine
glands and the nervous system are all the manifestations of the genetic code of the
individual and are influenced by it.
The human DNA molecule contains approximately 100,000 "genes". Our body is
made up of and runs on proteins so they are extremely important. If something
goes wrong in the making of a protein (for example the gene has a defect) it causes
disease, dysfunction or death.
The most recent research findings, in and around the world have co-related the

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Excerpt from Dr.Prafull Vijayakar: Genetic Materia Medica
thinking capacity of the individual with genetics. We always knew that the
emotions that we feel are the result of various proteins in the form of
neurotransmitters which are again under the direct influence of genes.
A gene is a stable entity but can suffer a change in sequence.
Such a change is called mutation.
As revealed by the phenotypic mutation, some phenotypic traits are determined
by the single gene, while others are determined by several genes. So some features
are altered only in cases of specific gene mutation, while others can be affected by
mutation of one of the several genes.
For example: - Complex changes in the Phenotype can result from a single
mutation. A classic example of a deleterious mutation that exerts its effect by
interfering in the metabolic pathway is phenylketonuria. The disease results from
the essential attributes of the gene were defined by Dr Mendel.


Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern Tel. 0049 7626 974 970 0

Excerpt from Dr.Prafull Vijayakar: Genetic Materia Medica
Prafull Vijayakar
Genetic Materia Medica-Tri-miasmatic
Materia Medica

244 pages, pb
publication 2008

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