NANO INST 13310 S62D AP Hardware Installation v101 0.1

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S62D AP Hardware Installation

NANO_INST_13310 101_0.1

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Revision History

Version Change Summary Date Author

101_0.1 Update to Viper 1.1 and expand LED information 26 Jul 2018 AM4
Table of Contents

1 Introduction............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Warnings and Regulatory Information ............................................................... 1
1.3 Related Information............................................................................................ 1
1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices ........................................................................ 1
1.5 Terminology ....................................................................................................... 2

2 Installation Overview and Requirements ............................................ 3

2.1 Installation Tasks ............................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning ................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Commissioning..................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Site Installation ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Mounting Options............................................................................................... 4
2.3 S62D AP Site Requirements.............................................................................. 4
2.3.1 General Site Installation Requirements................................................................ 4
2.3.2 AP Cooling ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3.3 Port Usage ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3.4 nanoLTE S62D AP Power Requirements ............................................................ 8
2.3.5 S62D AP Physical Requirements....................................................................... 10
2.3.6 Thermal Protection ............................................................................................. 11
2.3.7 LTE Backhaul (IP) Bandwidth Requirements ..................................................... 11
2.3.8 3G Backhaul (IP) Bandwidth Requirements....................................................... 11
2.3.9 S62D AP Installation Tool Requirements for Wall Mounting .............................. 11

3 LTE Module Commissioning .............................................................. 12

3.1 Requirements for Commissioning with the Web Page..................................... 13
3.1.1 Information Required for Commissioning ........................................................... 13
3.1.2 Other Items for Commissioning.......................................................................... 14
3.2 Redirector First Contact and NTP Synchronisation for Software Update ........ 15
3.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal.............................................................. 16
3.4 Start Up the AP ................................................................................................ 16
3.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the LTE Module ............................ 17
3.6 Optional - Software Download ......................................................................... 18
3.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server.................................................. 20
3.7.1 Static IP Configuration........................................................................................ 20
3.7.2 Configure IPsec.................................................................................................. 20
3.7.3 Configure the TR-069 Management Connection................................................ 21
3.7.4 Complete the LTE Module Commissioning ........................................................ 21
3.8 Commissioning Complete ................................................................................ 22
3.8.1 Completed On Site Commissioning ................................................................... 22
3.8.2 Completed Commissioning in Advance.............................................................. 22

4 3G Module Commissioning ................................................................ 23

S62D AP Hardware Installation

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4.1 Requirements for Commissioning.................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Information Required for Commissioning ........................................................... 24
4.1.2 Other Items for Commissioning.......................................................................... 25
4.2 NTP Synchronisation for Software Update ...................................................... 26
4.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal.............................................................. 27
4.4 Start Up the AP ................................................................................................ 27
4.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the 3G Module .............................. 28
4.6 Download Activities.......................................................................................... 29
4.6.1 Optional - Software Download............................................................................ 29
4.6.2 ATAS Check and Download............................................................................... 30
4.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server.................................................. 32
4.7.1 Static IP Configuration........................................................................................ 32
4.7.2 Configure the NOS Server Connection .............................................................. 33
4.7.3 Complete the AP Commissioning....................................................................... 34
4.8 3G Commissioning Complete .......................................................................... 34
4.8.1 Completed On Site Commissioning ................................................................... 34
4.8.2 Completed Commissioning in Advance.............................................................. 34

5 S62D AP Hardware Installation .......................................................... 35

5.1 Unpack the S62D AP ....................................................................................... 35
5.2 Cable Connections........................................................................................... 36
5.2.1 PSU and LAN ..................................................................................................... 36
5.2.2 Optional PoE+ Injectors ..................................................................................... 37
5.2.3 PoE+ Switch....................................................................................................... 37
5.3 Mount the S62D AP on a Wall or Ceiling ......................................................... 38

6 Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 40
6.1 S62D AP Does Not Power Up ......................................................................... 40
6.2 S62D AP LEDs ................................................................................................ 40
6.2.1 3G Module LEDs ................................................................................................ 41
6.2.2 LTE Module LEDs .............................................................................................. 42
6.3 Factory Reset................................................................................................... 43
6.3.1 S62D Factory Reset ........................................................................................... 43

7 AP and PSU Regulatory Information ................................................. 44

7.1 Warnings and Cautions - S62D AP.................................................................. 44
7.2 Warnings and Cautions - Optional Power Supply Unit .................................... 46
7.3 Regulatory Statements for the S62D AP ......................................................... 47
7.3.1 Electrical Safety.................................................................................................. 47
7.4 Regulatory Statements for PSU....................................................................... 48
7.4.1 Output Specification ........................................................................................... 49

S62D AP Hardware Installation

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1 Introduction

The ip.access S62D AP is a compact dual mode Small Cell that provides LTE+LTE or
LTE+3G capability. The S62D AP is targeted at indoor enterprise applications.
This manual provides important information on installing the S62D AP hardware.
The following S62D variants are supported in this manual:
• LTE + 3G: 490 hardware supporting LTE band 3 and 3G band 1
• LTE + LTE: 490 hardware with each module independently supporting LTE band 3

1.1 Overview
This manual is organised as follows:
• This introduction
• An overview of S62D AP installation, including site requirements
• S62D AP hardware installation
• Troubleshooting
• Regulatory warnings and safety information

1.2 Warnings and Regulatory Information

For all warnings and regulatory information, see section 7.

1.3 Related Information

[INST_13400] AP Pre-Provisioning and Configuration (NANO_INST_13400)

[REF_11105] System Glossary (NANO_REF_11105)
[REF_33005] nano3G AP Open Source Software (NANO_REF_33005)
[REF_43005] nanoLTE AP Open Source Software (NANO_REF_43005)
[TRB_33005] nano3G AP Troubleshooting (NANO_TRB_33005)
[TRB_43005] nanoLTE AP Troubleshooting (NANO_TRB_43005)
[21.905] Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications (3GPP TR 21.905)

1.4 Licenses and Copyright Notices

Portions of the AP software are constructed from third-party software and open source code
and ip.access Ltd gratefully acknowledges the contributions that these libraries,
technologies and components have made to the product. Each of these is supplied under
the terms of a license agreement and these are either reproduced or referenced in
[REF_43005] for LTE and [REF_33005] for 3G, in line with the stipulations of their authors.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Introduction

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1.5 Terminology
Common System terminology is defined in [REF_11105].
For additional terminology, see [21.905].

S62D AP Hardware Installation Introduction

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2 Installation Overview and Requirements

The topics in this section are:

• 2.1 Installation Tasks
• 2.2 Mounting Options
• 2.3 S62D AP Site Requirements

2.1 Installation Tasks

The tasks that must be completed to install an S62D AP and make it ready to provide
service are:
• Pre-Provisioning in the NOS
• Commissioning
• Site installation
These tasks can be completed in any order. In most cases, however, the most practical
approach is to pre-provision an S62D AP before commissioning and site installation.

2.1.1 Pre-Provisioning
The pre-provisioning process prepares an AP to enter service. As each S62D AP has two
modules, LTE+LTE or LTE+3G, the S62D AP is treated as two APs by the management
system (NOS).
The pre-provisioning process depends on whether a module is LTE or 3G:
• LTE:
For information about nanoLTE AP pre-provisioning, see the nanoLTE AP
Pre-Provisioning and Configuration manual [INST_43370]. The LTE modules in
S62D APs run LTE AP2.0 software.
• 3G:
For information about nano3G AP pre-provisioning, see the nano3G AP
Pre-Provisioning and Configuration manual [INST_33300]. The 3G modules in
S62D APs run 3G AP5.0 software.
This manual has no further information on AP configuration.

2.1.2 Commissioning
The commissioning procedure prepares a module in the S62D AP so that it is ready to
connect to its serving NOS, usually via a serving IPsec GW.
The commissioning procedure depends on whether a module is LTE or 3G:
• LTE:
See section 3 LTE Module Commissioning.
• 3G:
See section 4 3G Module Commissioning.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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2.1.3 Site Installation
Physical installation of an S62D AP at its operating site, including providing the AP with
power and suitable network connections. The network connections provide the backhaul
paths to the NOS Server and LTE/3G gateways, usually via an IPsec GW.
The network connection must also provide Internet access so that the S62D AP can contact
the services it needs at boot time, including NTP, the Redirector and the public CRL mirror.
If an S62D AP has been enabled for service prior to the site visit, the installation engineer
can make test calls immediately.

2.2 Mounting Options

The S62D is designed for wall or ceiling mounting on the supplied mounting bracket.
The hardware installation procedure in section 5 is applicable to both options.

2.3 S62D AP Site Requirements

The basic requirements are:
• A mounting location for the S62D AP.
• Power supplied via the supplied mains adaptor unit, which requires a suitable
mains power supply point near the AP that is within reach of the adaptor’s cabling,
or via PoE+ to each Ethernet socket.
• Two Ethernet cable connections to the Internet, or equivalent backhaul network.

2.3.1 General Site Installation Requirements

The more general requirements for installation are:
• A permanent means to provide power to the AP
• Two Ethernet connections to the backhaul via CAT5 Ethernet cabling
• Access to a DHCP service on the backhaul to allow dynamic IP address
• Access to a DNS service on the backhaul to resolve symbolic addresses
• Access to NTP services on the backhaul to set the correct time and date each time
the AP starts up
• Internet access so that an LTE module can connect to the Redirector
• If IPsec will be used to secure the interface across the backhaul, access to the
relevant IPsec Gateway that terminates the IPsec tunnel
• If a firewall is in place on the network an AP will use for backhaul, this must be
configured to allow traffic to and from the AP - see the port usage information in
section 2.3.3
Note: If possible, the engineer should stay on site until the AP is brought into service, ready to
make test calls to verify the AP has been configured correctly from the NOS.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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2.3.2 AP Cooling
Special attention must be given to ensure a AP will meet its air cooling requirements in its
installed location.
Take the following points into consideration for the physical location of an AP:
• The AP must be installed where there will be proper air will flow through the body
of the AP to provide cooling.
• The AP MUST NOT be installed in an enclosed space where air flow is restricted.
This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
• Roof or ceiling spaces
• Small cabinets
• Tightly enclosed shelf spaces

2.3.3 Port Usage

This information is provided in case it is needed for configuring local on-premises
equipment, especially any hardware firewalls between the AP and the rest of the backhaul
All connections are outgoing. That is, they are initiated from the AP. Port usage has some
dependency on whether or not the AP is using IPsec.

Port Usage Before IPsec

The AP can use any of the following ports before the IPsec tunnel is established:

Protocol Destination Port Use

udp 67 DHCP
udp 68 DHCP
udp 53 DNS
udp 123 NTP
tcp 443 HTTPS for connecting to the Redirector (LTE only)
tcp 80 HTTP for first CRL download for a new AP or after
Factory Reset

The AP may continue to use some of these ports outside the IPsec tunnel. For example, for
contacting NTP servers.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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AP in Commissioning Mode
When a module in the AP is in commissioning mode after a factory reset, this is the only
time that a module allows an inbound connection. An LTE module takes the fixed IP
address and a 3G module takes the fixed IP address The
module then listens for an incoming connection to the commissioning web page:
Protocol Destination Port Use
tcp 8089 Commissioning web page

Note: The commissioning web page for LTE is only available if the LTE module’s DOCP (obtained
from the Redirector) indicates that the LTE module should enable the web page.

Port Usage With IPsec

With IPsec, the standard two ports are used:

Protocol Destination Port Use

udp 500 IPSec initial connection
udp 4500 IPSec operations

The AP will need to continue using these ports:

Protocol Destination Port Use

udp 53 DNS
udp 123 NTP

If the NOS is configured for HTTPS access to the Certificate Validation Service for CRL
Mirror server functionality, the AP will also need to use this port outside of the IPsec tunnel:

Protocol Destination Port Use

tcp 443 HTTPS for CRL download from the NOS

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Port Usage Without IPsec
Without IPsec, the following ports are used:

Protocol Destination Port Use

sctp 36412 SCTP connection (LTE module)
udp 2152 GTP to/from AP (LTE and 3G)
sctp 29169 SCTP connection to 3G AC (3G module)
udp 1024 to 1086 CS RTP to 3G AC (3G module)
udp 1025 to 1087 CS RTCP to 3G AC (3G module)
udp 1088 to 1150 CS Multiplex to 3G AC (3G module)
tcp 8080 or 7547 TR-069 to the NOS (the NOS listens for TR-069
connections on both ports)
tcp 80 PM upload, software download, CRL download, AP
diag upload

This assumes the AP is on a secure network that does not need IPsec. For example, a
self-contained test network.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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2.3.4 nanoLTE S62D AP Power Requirements

Maximum expected power consumption:

• 20 Watts (Rated +12V on the DC input)
The S62D AP uses power from a suitable DC source (+12V, 1.8A rated centre positive
2.1mm jack). Use the supplied mains adaptor only.
Alternatively, provide PoE+ on both Ethernet connections. The DC power input is not
required in this case.
Note: The right hand Ethernet port and reset button will apply to either a 3G module (LTE+3G
model) or an LTE module (LTE+LTE model).

The following 12V PSU, rated up to 30W, is included in the box with the S62D AP:

There must be a suitable mains power supply point for plugging in the power adapter. The
lead on the PSU is 1.5m long, hence the power supply point must be within 1.5m of the AP.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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Optional PoE+ Injector
If required, two of these must be ordered separately for each S62D AP.

The PoE+ injector has two Ethernet connections, one for connection to the main LAN, the
other for connection to the AP. The PoE+ injector can be located anywhere on the cable run
between the network switch and the AP, including locally at the AP or remotely at the
network switch.
The PoE+ injector is a pass-through connector for the LAN. Its function is to add PoE+ to
provide power to the AP. Therefore, the maximum cable run from the network switch to the
AP is 100m, regardless of the placement of the PoE+ injector.
The PoE+ injector supplied by ip.access complies with LPS requirements in accordance
with IEC/EN 60950-1.

S62D AP Hardware Installation Installation Overview and Requirements

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2.3.5 S62D AP Physical Requirements
An S62D AP is installed by attaching its mounting bracket to a wall or ceiling, then fitting the
AP on the mounting bracket.
Pay attention to ensure that air can circulate freely around the unit.
It is recommended to install the AP with its front surface facing the area requiring cellular
coverage, unobstructed by walls or partitions that may cause significant RF attenuation.

Dimensions and weight with Height 220mm

moutning bracket
Width 290mm
Depth 67.1mm
Approximate Weight 1.6kg
Environmental Cooling Vents on all sides must be kept clear
of obstructions
Operating Temperature 0°C to +45°C - wall mounted
0°C to +35°C - ceiling mounted
Operating Humidity 10 to 70% non-condensing

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2.3.6 Thermal Protection
The S62D AP may become warm during normal operation.
Ensure the AP is in a location where it will be at least 20cm away from personnel and any
items that may be heat sensitive.

2.3.7 LTE Backhaul (IP) Bandwidth Requirements

At maximum capacity and with IPsec in use, the LTE side of the S62D requires:
• Downlink: 150Mbps
• Uplink: 50Mbps
This will provide bandwidth for 32 users.

2.3.8 3G Backhaul (IP) Bandwidth Requirements

At maximum capacity and with IPsec in use, the 3G side of the S62D requires:
• Downlink: 22.5Mbps
• Uplink: 5.4Mbps
This will deliver up to 16 voice calls and HSDPA services up to 21Mbps.

2.3.9 S62D AP Installation Tool Requirements for Wall Mounting

To mount the bracket onto the wall:
• 4 pan head screws, size No. 6 (approx 3.5mm (0.14in) in diameter), for the AP
• Wall plugs if required.
• Suitable drills and screwdriver.
Note: A set of 4 standard screws and 4 standard wall plugs are included with the S62D AP. The
screws and wall plugs are suitable for solid walls. It may be necessary to source alternative
fixings if they are not suitable for the type of wall material on site.

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3 LTE Module Commissioning

Use the procedures in this section to configure an LTE module in an S62D (LTE+LTE or
LTE + 3G models) with the settings it needs to establish a connection with its serving NOS
Server. Once commissioning is complete, use the NOS Client for any remaining
configuration and to bring the AP into service.
There are two LTE module commissioning methods:
• The Redirector supplies the NOS connection parameters in the DOCP. In this
case, all the LTE module requires is a connection to the Internet so that it can
connect to the Redirector. No other commissioning activities are possible. This is
the easiest way to commission an LTE+LTE S62D AP.
• The Redirector supplies the LTE module with a DOCP that enables the built-in
commissioning web page. The LTE module is not provided with any of the
parameters that it needs to connect to its serving NOS (or equivalent TR-069
ACS). The parameters must be provided via the built-in commissioning web page.
In this case, follow the procedures in the rest of this section.
For an LTE+LTE S62D AP, the same commissioning method applies to both LTE modules.
This is because an S62D AP is ordered under a single DOCP ID. The DOCP ID is the tag
that identifies which set of customer defined DOCP parameters to supply to an AP.
The rest of this section is only applicable to commissioning with the built-in web page. If this
is not enabled, proceed to either 3G module commissioning in section 4 (if the AP has a 3G
module that still needs commissioning) or go to the hardware installation procedure in
section 5.
When using the commissioning web page, the S62D can be commissioned either in
advance of the site visit via a commissioning computer or on site via a commissioning
laptop. The web page based procedure is identical in both cases. To allow for both of these
scenarios, the term commissioning terminal is used to refer to any laptop or computer used
for commissioning.
The topics in this section are:
• 3.1 Requirements for Commissioning with the Web Page
• 3.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal
• 3.4 Start Up the AP
• 3.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the LTE Module
• 3.6 Optional - Software Download
• 3.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server
• 3.8 Commissioning Complete

S62D AP Hardware Installation LTE Module Commissioning

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3.1 Requirements for Commissioning with the Web Page
The following items are required for commissioning:
• A commissioning terminal, which can be either a desktop computer or a laptop,
• OS: Windows® 7 or later
• Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later
• JavaScript enabled in the web browser
• A short Ethernet cable for connecting the commissioning terminal to an LTE
module in the S62D
• A temporary means to provide power to the AP while it is connected to the
commissioning terminal - use the supplied power adaptor
• Optionally, if a software update is required, a copy of the required LTE AP software
file on the commissioning terminal - this should only be used if the LTE module will
not be managed by the NOS, as there are additional requirements that must be
met when downloading software from an attached commissioning terminal

3.1.1 Information Required for Commissioning

Use this information to commission an LTE module from the commissioning terminal, so
that the LTE module can subsequently connect to its serving NOS Server.
It is possible to commission an AP before taking it on site.
For connecting to the LTE module from the commissioning terminal:
• User name and password for the LTE module’s web server - if necessary, contact
customer support at ip.access for the current user name and password
For commissioning the LTE module:
• IP Address or FQDN of the serving NOS Server
• IP Address or FQDN of an NTP server
• DHCP or static IP
• If static IP is required:
• IP address for the LTE module
• Netmask
• IP Address or FQDN of the default gateway
• IP Address or FQDN of the Primary DNS
• IPSec configuration (usually required, but see note below):
• IP Address or FQDN of the IPsec Gateway
• IP Address or FQDN of a CRL server
• Optionally, Traffic Selector information (IP address and subnet mask)
A traffic selector defines a range of IP addresses that are sent through the
IPSec tunnel. This allows an extra degree of control over the traffic that is
passed down the IPSec tunnel. Normally, the IPsec Gateway controls this
range and no other configuration is needed.

S62D AP Hardware Installation LTE Module Commissioning

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• NTP server address
This is the address of an NTP server from which the LTE module can obtain its
clock time on startup. The correct clock time is required for security certificate
validation. Hence, the LTE module must be able to access this NTP server before
establishing an IPsec tunnel and/or connecting to its serving NOS. Although APs
have an ip.access NTP server configured by default, operators are recommended
to configure APs with the address of their own first-contact NTP server.
Note: IPsec configuration is required in all cases where an AP will traverse any public or insecure
network. This is assumed to be the case in most deployments. IPsec is not necessary only
when an LTE module can establish an end-to-end connection to the NOS and its nanoLTE
GW and/or EPC via fully secure trusted networks.

3.1.2 Other Items for Commissioning

The items in this section can only be used if the commissioning terminal is running a web
server that provides a path to any ip.access AP software download packages. That is, the
required .sdp files must be present on the commissioning terminal.
Setting up a web server for this purpose on the commissioning terminal is outside the scope
of this manual.

Software Image
If there is a requirement to update the LTE module’s software during commissioning, the
relevant *_signed.sdp file must be present on the commissioning terminal.
In addition, the LTE module must be able to update its clock time with NTP prior to
downloading the software. This is to ensure the LTE module does not reject the software
due to having a clock time set that is in the past compared to the time/date stamp in the LTE
AP software load.

S62D AP Hardware Installation LTE Module Commissioning

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3.2 Redirector First Contact and NTP Synchronisation for
Software Update
The LTE module must be connected to the Internet at least once so that it can obtain its
unique OLM Package from the Redirector. If the LTE module has not yet downloaded its
OLM package, it will not be possible to use the commissioning web page.
Note: In an LTE+3G S62D AP, the 3G module is unaffected by the Redirector and must always be
commissioned using its built-in web page.
NTP synchronisation is necessary when there is also a requirement to update the LTE
software using the commissioning web page. This applies regardless of the current
software load on the LTE module.
Note: This is not necessary when using the NOS to update the LTE module’s software, as the LTE
module has to use NTP to update its clock time before it connects to the NOS. For more
information about when the LTE module uses NTP in its startup sequence, see
The LTE AP software is always code signed. The LTE module must have an up to date
clock time so that it can verify that the time stamp in the signed software is valid. The LTE
module has a "last known time" that it updates hourly, and the last known time is also
preserved across a reboot or factory reset. If the last known time is in the past in
comparison to the time stamp in the LTE AP software package, the AP will reject the
software load.
Hence, when using the LTE module’s commissioning web page to update the software, it is
recommended to ensure the LTE module uses NTP to obtain the current time, so that the
last known time is up to date before starting the commissioning web page. To do this:

1) Connect the LTE module to the Internet and reboot it. The LTE module will
automatically update its clock time with NTP.
If the LTE module has not yet contacted the Redirector, it will also connect to the
Redirector and obtain its unique OLM package. This enables the built-in
commissioning web page the next time that a Factory Reset is performed on the
LTE module.

2) If updating the software from the commissioning web page, also leave the AP
switched on for at least an hour to ensure it updates its "last known time".
Note: To save time when both modules need a software upgrade, it is
recommended to do this with both modules at the same time, as both
modules will need to stay on for an hour to update the "last known time".
The AP is now ready for commissioning and will accept code signed software
downloads via the commissioning web page.

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3.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal
Use this procedure to configure a Windows® computer used as a commissioning terminal
so that it has an IP address in the same address space as the LTE module. This is also
valid for commissioning a 3G module in the S62D AP.

1) Open the Windows Control Panel on the commissioning terminal.

2) Go to Network Connections.

3) Right-click the relevant Local Area Connection and select Properties.

4) In the list of items on the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then
click Properties. A dialogue similar to the following appears (this varies according
to the version of Windows):

5) If it is not possible to leave this network connection permanently configured for AP

commissioning, make a note of the current settings.

6) Click the Use the following IP address radio button.

7) Set the IP Address to

8) Set the Subnet Mask to

9) There is no default gateway, so ensure the default gateway address is cleared.

10) Click OK to close and save the changes in each of the two dialogues. Also close
the Control Panel.

3.4 Start Up the AP

1) Connect the commissioning terminal directly to the AP with an Ethernet cable.

2) Plug in the power supply unit that is in the box with the AP to a mains outlet and
the AP.

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3.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the LTE Module
The commissioning web page is only accessible after performing a factory reset. The login
prompt for this web page is available for 10 minutes, after which the LTE module will
attempt to boot normally.

1) Perform a factory reset on the LTE module:

• Press and hold the LTE module reset button for at least 10 seconds, then
release the reset button.
• The LTE power LED will briefly turn red as the AP reboots, and will then
return to green.
Note: See section 6.3 for more information about factory reset.

2) Make a note of the time that the factory reset was started. The web commissioning
page will be available approximately 15 minutes after starting the factory reset.

3) During this interval, start a web browser on the commissioning terminal.

4) In the address bar, type in the pre-defined static IP address and port number for
the web server, but do not press <Enter> yet:

5) After waiting 15 minutes from starting the factory reset, press <Enter> in the web
browser. A login screen should appear. If the login screen does not appear
immediately, refresh the browser screen once per minute until it appears.
Note: As the login prompt for the commissioning web page is available for 10
minutes, checking at one minute intervals is sufficient to access the login
screen. If the login prompt is missed, press the reset button to repeat the
factory reset.

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6) Enter the commissioning user name and the password (supplied separately for
security reasons). After entering the correct user name and password, the LTE AP
Commissioning page appears:

3.6 Optional - Software Download

If it is necessary to download a software package to the AP, this must be done before
configuring the connection to the NOS Server.
This can only be done if the commissioning terminal is running a web server that provides a
path to any ip.access AP software download packages. That is, the required .sdp files must
be present on the commissioning terminal.
Setting up a web server for this purpose on the commissioning terminal is outside the scope
of this manual.
Use the SW Download page to:
• Inspect the current version of software that the LTE module is running.
• Download a new version of AP software to the LTE module from the
commissioning terminal to the standby memory bank. The LTE module reboots to
the new version of software when the download is complete and verified.

1) If it has not already been done (as in section 3.2), ensure the LTE module has
updated its clock time with NTP and also updated its "last known time". This must
be done before downloading any new software to the LTE module. To do this,
connect the LTE module to the Internet and reboot it. The LTE module must be left
in this state for an hour to ensure it updates its "last known time", which is
preserved when the LTE module is restarted again to reenter the commissioning
web page. Then reconnect the LTE module to the commissioning terminal and
restart the web page.

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2) Near the top of the main page, click the Update button next to the current software
version. The web page for downloading software will be shown. This also provides
full details about the current software installed on the LTE module. For example:

3) In the SDP File URL text box, enter the URL for the SDP file stored on the
commissioning terminal. For example:<ver>_signed.sdp
Where <ver> is the actual build version of the required software package.

4) Click Begin Download.

5) Wait about a minute for the download to take place.

6) To restart the LTE module from the new software just downloaded, briefly press the
corresponding reset button on the back of the AP.

7) Once the LTE module has started, repeat the factory reset by holding down the
reset button for at least 5 seconds. When the LTE module restarts this time, refresh
the browser to access the login prompt and login again with the commissioning
user name and password.

8) Click the SW Download link on the left.

9) Inspect the software version information to verify that the LTE module has booted
from the downloaded software.

10) To ensure the standby bank also has the latest software version, repeat the
software download, but do not restart the LTE module. It is not necessary to restart
the LTE module once it is already running the updated software.
This ensures the LTE module does not have old software on the standby bank.
Hence, if the LTE module is commanded to switch banks, it will run up-to-date

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3.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server
3.7.1 Static IP Configuration
Obtaining an IP address with DHCP is recommended for the S62D AP, and this is selected
by default. Only execute this section if static IP configuration is needed. Do this first.

11) If static IP is required, click the Change button next to the Address Type box.

12) Edit the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS Server Address
parameters as needed.

3.7.2 Configure IPsec

When commissioning an LTE module with the web page, IPsec is disabled by default.
Note: If IPsec is not required, also ensure that the AP module is pre-provisioned in the NOS with
IPsec turned off in the AP configuration stored in the NOS.
If IPsec is required, update the configuration as follows:

1) Click the Change button next to the IPsec Enabled box. The IPsec parameters
become available.

2) Enter the address for the IPSec Gateway and the Traffic Selector addresses and
subnet masks.
ALERT: If the IPsec connection is towards an ACME SeGW the Traffic Selector
IP Addresses and Subnet Masks must all be left as

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3.7.3 Configure the TR-069 Management Connection

3) Enter addresses for the NOS Server (or equivalent TR-069 ACS) in the ACS
Address field.

4) In the CRL Base Server URL, enter the URL for contacting a CRL mirror server.
Note: This is the "base URL" as the AP constructs a full URL of the CRL update
file to obtain on contacting the server.

5) In the NTP Server Addresses box, enter a comma separated list of the four valid
NTP server addresses that will be accessible to the AP via its backhaul network. If
the backhaul will use the Internet, these can be NTP servers on the public Internet.
Note: The NTP and CRL servers must be accessible to the AP on start up,
before it has established an IPsec tunnel to the IPsec Gateway.
Note: If the AP can connect to the Internet, the default ""
may only be used as an initial value. The final configuration of an
operational AP (as supplied from the NOS or other TR-069 ACS) must not
use the ip.access pool.
Note: To provide AP crystal discipline, the final configuration of the NTP servers
must comprise four stratum 1 time servers.

6) To save the configuration, click the Save button.

The settings applied on this page are retained permanently as the default set of
these parameters in the TR-196 data model, and can only be subsequently
changed on this web page from a commissioning terminal or from the Redirector
by assigning the AP (and hence its LTE module or modules) to a different set of
DOCP parameters.
Note: At this point it may be useful to make a note of the parameter values
entered in this screen. Alternatively, save a screenshot of the web page
(information about how to take a screenshot is outside the scope of this

3.7.4 Complete the LTE Module Commissioning

7) To start the LTE module in normal operation mode, click Complete


8) Acknowledge the warning about changes in the IP configuration and click OK.

9) When the initial configuration is complete, power off the AP and disconnect it from
the commissioning terminal.
At this point, the commissioning web page is no longer accessible. If there are
configuration errors that prevent the AP connecting to its serving NOS Server, the
commissioning web page must be started again after resetting the AP with a
factory reset. See section 6.3 for factory reset instructions.

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3.8 Commissioning Complete
Commissioning the LTE module is now finished.
From this point on, the LTE module must be managed from the NOS Client, via the NOS
Server. If the LTE module has not been pre-provisioned in the NOS Server, it must be
pre-provisioned and configured before it is can enter service.
For information about LTE AP pre-provisioning, see [INST_13400].
If the S62D AP is an LTE+LTE model, ensure the commissioning procedures are complete
on both LTE modules before continuing.

3.8.1 Completed On Site Commissioning

If commissioning has been done on site and the other module has been commissioned,
continue to the on-site hardware installation procedure (section 5). Otherwise, commission
the other LTE module or the 3G module now, according to the S62D AP model.
Note: The on-site network connection to the LTE module must also allow a path to the Redirector.

3.8.2 Completed Commissioning in Advance

If commissioning has been done in advance of sending the AP on site, it is advisable to
ensure that the LTE module will connect to its serving NOS Server prior to sending the AP
on site. To do this:

1) Verify that the LTE module has been pre-provisioned in the serving NOS.

2) Provide the LTE module with an appropriate network connection. If the LTE
module has been commissioned to use IPsec, this means a network connection
that will go via the IPsec Gateway, which is likely to require connection of the LTE
module to an external network.
Note: The network connection to the LTE module must also allow a path to the

3) Power up the AP.

4) Use the NOS Client to verify that the LTE module has connected to its serving
NOS. When the blue delta symbol against the AP object disappears this means
that the LTE module has connected to the NOS and has also updated its

5) After verifying this, re-pack the AP so that it is ready for delivery to its intended site.

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4 3G Module Commissioning

Use the procedures in this section to configure a 3G module in an S62D (LTE + 3G model
only) with the settings it needs to establish a connection with its serving NOS Server. Once
commissioning is complete, use the NOS Client for any remaining configuration and to
bring the 3G module into service.
Commissioning a 3G module with the procedures in this section is mandatory as the 3G
module does not use the Redirector.
An AP can be commissioned either in advance of the site visit via a commissioning
computer or on site via a commissioning laptop. This procedure is identical in both cases.
To allow for both of these scenarios, the term commissioning terminal is used to refer to any
laptop or computer used for commissioning.
The topics in this section are:
• 4.1 Requirements for Commissioning
• 4.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal
• 4.4 Start Up the AP
• 4.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the 3G Module
• 4.6 Download Activities
• 4.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server
• 4.8 3G Commissioning Complete

4.1 Requirements for Commissioning

The following items are required for commissioning:
• A commissioning terminal, which can be either a desktop computer or a laptop,
• OS: Windows® 7 or later
• Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later
• JavaScript enabled in the web browser
• A short Ethernet cable for connecting the commissioning terminal to the 3G
module in the S62D
• A temporary means to provide power to the AP while it is connected to the
commissioning terminal - use the supplied power adaptor
• Optionally, if a software update is required, a copy of the required 3G AP software
file on the commissioning terminal - this should only be used if the 3G module will
not be managed by the NOS, as there are additional requirements that must be
met when downloading software from an attached commissioning terminal
• Optionally, an ATAS file, placed on the commissioning terminal

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4.1.1 Information Required for Commissioning
Use this information to commission the 3G module in the AP from the commissioning
terminal, so that the 3G module can subsequently connect to its serving NOS Server.
It is possible to commission an AP before taking it on site.
For connecting to the AP from the commissioning terminal:
• User name and password for the web server in the 3G module - if necessary,
contact customer support at ip.access for the current user name and password
For commissioning the 3G module:
• IP Address or FQDN of the serving NOS Server
• IP Address or FQDN of an NTP server
• DHCP or static IP
• If static IP is required:
• IP address for the 3G module
• Netmask
• IP Address or FQDN of the default gateway
• IP Address or FQDN of the Primary DNS
• IPSec configuration (usually required, but see note below):
• IP Address or FQDN of the IPsec Gateway
• IP Address or FQDN of a CRL server
• Optionally, Traffic Selector information (IP address and subnet mask)
A traffic selector defines a range of IP addresses that are sent through the
IPSec tunnel. This allows an extra degree of control over the traffic that is
passed down the IPSec tunnel. Normally, the IPsec Gateway controls this
range and no other configuration is needed.
• NTP server address
This is the address of an NTP server from which the 3G module can obtain its
clock time on startup. The correct clock time is required for security certificate
validation. Hence, the AP must be able to access this NTP server before
establishing an IPsec tunnel and/or connecting to its serving NOS. Although APs
have an ip.access NTP server configured by default, operators are recommended
to configure APs with the address of their own first-contact NTP server.
Note: IPsec configuration is required in all cases where an AP will traverse any public or insecure
network. This is assumed to be the case in most deployments. IPsec is not necessary only
when a 3G module can establish an end-to-end connection to the nano3G AC and NOS via
fully secure trusted networks.

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4.1.2 Other Items for Commissioning
The items in this section can only be used if the commissioning terminal is running a web
server that provides a path to any ip.access AP software download packages. That is, the
required .sdp files must be present on the commissioning terminal.
Setting up a web server for this purpose on the commissioning terminal is outside the scope
of this manual.

Software Image
If there is a requirement to update the 3G module’s software during commissioning, the
relevant *_signed.sdp file must be present on the commissioning terminal.
In addition, the 3G module must be able to update its clock time with NTP prior to
downloading the software. This is to ensure the 3G module does not reject the software due
to having a clock time set that is in the past compared to the time/date stamp in the 3G
software load.

If there is a requirement to update the trust anchors in the 3G module during
commissioning, the relevant *.sdp file containing the ATAS package must be present on the
commissioning terminal, ready to be downloaded to the 3G module. The ATAS package
contains augmenting trust anchors which allow a 3G module to trust specific IPSec
This will be necessary where the IPsec Gateway certificates are not supplied by ip.access
Limited, to ensure the ATAS package is correct for the IPsec Gateway terminating the 3G
modules IPsec tunnel.
The *.sdp file containing the ATAS package must be created for the specific IPsec
Gateways where the 3G module will connect. This must be done in consultancy with
ip.access Limited prior to system deployment.

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4.2 NTP Synchronisation for Software Update
This is necessary when there is a requirement to use the 3G module’s commissioning web
page to download software to the 3G module. This applies regardless of the current
software load on the 3G module.
Note: This section can be skipped if the 3G module already had its "last known time" updated in
parallel with the LTE module.
Note: This is not necessary when using the NOS to update the 3G module’s software, as the 3G
module will use NTP to update its clock time before it connects to the NOS. For more
information about when the 3G module uses NTP in its startup sequence, see
The AP5.0 software is always code signed. The 3G module must have an up to date clock
time so that it can verify that the time stamp in the signed software is valid. The 3G module
has a "last known time" that it updates hourly, and the last known time is also preserved
across a reboot or factory reset. If the last known time is in the past in comparison to the
time stamp in the AP5.0 software, the 3G module will reject the software load.
Hence, when using the 3G module’s commissioning web page to update the software, it is
recommended to ensure the 3G module uses NTP to obtain the current time, so that the
last known time is up to date before starting the commissioning web page. To do this:

1) Connect the 3G module to the Internet and reboot it. The 3G module will
automatically update its clock time with NTP.

2) Leave the 3G module switched on for at least an hour to ensure it updates its "last
known time".

3) The 3G module is now ready for commissioning and will accept code signed
software downloads via the commissioning web page.

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4.3 Configure a Commissioning Terminal
Use this procedure to configure a Windows® computer used as a commissioning terminal
so that it has an IP address in the same address space as the 3G module. This is also valid
for commissioning an LTE module in the S62D AP.

1) Open the Windows Control Panel on the commissioning terminal.

2) Go to Network Connections.

3) Right-click the relevant Local Area Connection and select Properties.

4) In the list of items on the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then
click Properties. A dialogue similar to the following appears (this varies according
to the version of Windows):

5) If it is not possible to leave this network connection permanently configured for AP

commissioning, make a note of the current settings.

6) Click the Use the following IP address radio button.

7) Set the IP Address to

8) Set the Subnet Mask to

9) There is no default gateway, so ensure the default gateway address is cleared.

10) Click OK to close and save the changes in each of the two dialogues. Also close
the Control Panel.

4.4 Start Up the AP

1) Connect the commissioning terminal directly to the AP with an Ethernet cable.

2) Plug in the power supply unit that is in the box with the AP to a mains outlet and
the AP.

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4.5 Access the Commissioning Web Page for the 3G Module
The commissioning web page is only accessible after performing a factory reset. The login
prompt for this web page is also only available for 60 seconds, after which the 3G module
will attempt to boot normally.

1) Start a web browser on the commissioning terminal.

2) In the address bar, type in the pre-defined static IP address and port number for
the web server, but do not press <Enter> yet:

3) Perform a factory reset on the AP:

• Press and hold the 3G module reset button for at least 5 seconds, then
release the reset button.
• The 3G power LED will briefly turn red as the AP reboots, and will then return
to green.
Note: See section 6.3 for more information about factory reset.

4) Wait a few seconds, then press <Enter> in the web browser. A login screen should
appear. If the login screen does not appear immediately, refresh the browser
screen every 5 seconds until the login screen appears.
ALERT: When the 3G software starts up, the login prompt for the
commissioning web page is only available for 60 seconds. If the login
prompt is missed, press the reset button to repeat the factory reset.

5) Enter the commissioning user name and the password (supplied separately for
security reasons).
After entering the correct user name and password, the Connection Config page

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4.6 Download Activities
If it is necessary to download a software or ATAS package to the 3G module, this must be
done before configuring the connection to the NOS Server. This is because the ATAS
package in particular may be needed so that the 3G module can access the NOS Server
through the IPsec Gateway. See section 4.1.2 for extra information about software and
ATAS packages.
This can only be done if the commissioning terminal is running a web server that provides a
path to any ip.access 3G module software download packages. That is, the required .sdp
files must be present on the commissioning terminal.
Setting up a web server for this purpose on the commissioning terminal is outside the scope
of this manual.

4.6.1 Optional - Software Download

Use the SW Download page to:
• Inspect the current version of software that the 3G module is running.
Note: If the AP is currently running AP2.7 software, the web page has a different
• Download a new version of 3G software to the 3G module from the commissioning
terminal to the standby memory bank. The 3G module reboots to the new version
of software when the download is complete and verified.

1) If it has not already been done (as in section 4.2), ensure the 3G module has
updated its clock time with NTP and also updated its "last known time". This must
be done before downloading any new software to the 3G module. To do this,
connect the 3G module to the Internet and reboot it. The 3G module must be left in
this state for an hour to ensure it updates its "last known time", which is preserved
when the 3G module is restarted again to reenter the commissioning web page.
Then reconnect the 3G module to the commissioning terminal and restart the web

2) Click the SW Download link on the left. The web page for downloading software
will be shown. This also provides details about the current software installed on the

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Note: If the AP is running AP2.7 software, the appearance of the web page will
differ from the example above, as previously noted. The procedure is
identical regardless of the appearance of the web page.

3) In the text box, enter the URL for the SDP file stored on the commissioning
terminal. For example:<ver>_signed.sdp
Where <ver> is the version number of the 3G software package.

4) Click Begin Download.

5) Wait about a minute for the download to take place.

6) To restart the 3G module from the new software just downloaded, briefly press the
reset button. Wait at least two minutes for the 3G module to boot up.

7) Once the 3G module has started, repeat the factory reset by holding down the
reset button for at least 5 seconds. When the 3G module restarts this time, refresh
the browser to access the login prompt and login again with the commissioning
user name and password.

8) Click the SW Download link on the left.

9) Inspect the software version information to verify that the 3G module has booted
from the downloaded software.

10) To ensure the standby bank also has the latest software version, repeat the
software download, but do not restart the 3G module. It is not necessary to restart
the 3G module once it is already running the updated software.
This ensures the 3G module does not have old software on the standby bank.
Hence, if the 3G module is commanded to switch banks, it will run up-to-date

4.6.2 ATAS Check and Download

This is only required if the 3G module needs an additional ATAS package that is not already
factory installed. For example, if the 3G module will use IPsec and the IPsec Gateway
certificates are not supplied by ip.access Limited.
Use the ATAS Download page to check the current ATAS package. If necessary, also
download a package of trust anchors that are appropriate for the 3G module’s target
ALERT: The ATAS package on the 3G module must be correct according to the IPsec Gateway that
will terminate the IPsec connection for the 3G module. If the ATAS package is incorrect, the
3G module will not connect to the SeGW and hence will be unable to enter service.

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11) Click the ATAS Download link on the left. The web page for downloading an ATAS
bundle will be shown. This will also show any current ATAS version information, if

12) Inspect the current ATAS version information. If the ATAS package is already
correct then it is not necessary to re-download the ATAS package, so skip to
section 4.7.

13) In the text box, enter the URL for the SDP file stored on the commissioning
terminal, which contains the required ATAS bundle. For example:

14) Click Begin Download.

15) Wait about a minute.

16) Click Extract Previously Downloaded ATAS.

17) Wait about a minute. If the ATAS version information is not refreshed, use the
appropriate browser command to refresh the web page.

18) Inspect the ATAS version information on the ATAS Download page to verify it is
now correct.

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4.7 Configure the Connection to the NOS Server
4.7.1 Static IP Configuration
Obtaining an IP address with DHCP is recommended for the 3G module, and this is
selected by default. Only execute this section if static IP configuration is needed. This must
be done before completing the Connection Config page.

19) If static IP is required, click the IP Config link on the left. The IP Configuration page

20) Click the Static Config radio button.

21) Edit the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and Primary DNS Server
parameters as needed and then click Apply.
Note: At this point it may be useful to make a separate note of the parameter
values entered in this screen. Alternatively, save a screenshot of the web
page (information about how to take a screenshot is outside the scope of
this manual).

22) Click the Connection Config link on the left.

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4.7.2 Configure the NOS Server Connection

23) If a secure connection is required, select IPSec Enabled. Also enter the address
for the IPSec Gateway and the Traffic Selector address and subnet mask.

ALERT: If the IPsec connection is towards an ACME SeGW the Traffic Selector
IP Address and Subnet Mask must both be left as

24) Enter addresses for the NOS Server (Management Server URL), a suitable CRL
server and the NTP server.
The settings applied on this page are retained permanently as the default set of
these parameters, and can only be subsequently changed on this web page from a
commissioning terminal.
Note: The NTP and CRL servers must be accessible to the 3G module on start
up, before it has established an IPsec tunnel to the IPsec Gateway.
Note: If the AP can connect to the Internet, the default ""
may only be used as an initial value. The final configuration of an
operational AP must not use the pool. An operator NTP server must be
used in preference to the public pool.
Note: To provide AP crystal discipline, the final configuration of the NTP servers
must comprise four stratum 1 time servers.

25) To save the configuration, click Apply Changes.

Note: At this point it may be useful to make a separate note of the parameter
values entered in this screen. Alternatively, save a screenshot of the web
page (information about how to take a screenshot is outside the scope of
this manual).

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4.7.3 Complete the AP Commissioning

26) Click the Connection Config link on the left, to ensure the correct page is

27) To start the 3G module in normal operation mode, click Complete


28) Acknowledge the warning about changes in the IP configuration and click OK.

29) If commissioning of the LTE module is also complete, power off the AP and
disconnect it from the commissioning terminal.
At this point, the commissioning web page is no longer accessible. If there are
configuration errors that prevent the 3G module connecting to its serving NOS
Server, the commissioning procedure must be started again after resetting the 3G
module with a factory reset. See section 6.3 for factory reset instructions.

4.8 3G Commissioning Complete

Commissioning the 3G module is now finished.
From this point on, the 3G module must be managed from the NOS in the same way as a
standalone nano3G AP, typically using the NOS Client. If the 3G module has not been
pre-provisioned in the NOS, it must be pre-provisioned and configured in the NOS before it
is can enter service.
For information about 3G AP pre-provisioning, see [INST_13400].

4.8.1 Completed On Site Commissioning

If commissioning has been done on site and the LTE module has been commissioned,
continue to the on-site hardware installation procedure (section 5).

4.8.2 Completed Commissioning in Advance

If commissioning has been done in advance of sending the AP on site, it is advisable to
ensure that the 3G module will connect to its serving NOS Server prior to sending the AP on
site. To do this:

1) Verify that the 3G module has been pre-provisioned in the serving NOS.

2) Provide the 3G module with an appropriate network connection. If the 3G module

has been commissioned to use IPsec, this means a network connection that will go
via the IPsec Gateway, which is likely to require connection of the 3G module to an
external network.

3) Power up the AP.

4) Use the NOS Client to verify that the 3G module has connected to its serving NOS.
When the blue delta symbol against the AP object disappears this means that the
3G module has connected to the NOS and has also updated its configuration.

5) After verifying this, re-pack the AP so that it is ready for delivery to its intended site.

S62D AP Hardware Installation 3G Module Commissioning

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5 S62D AP Hardware Installation

5.1 Unpack the S62D AP

1) Unpack the AP and its accessories.
Box contents may vary, but typically the box should contain the following:
• S62D AP unit with mounting bracket attached
• Extraction tool for removing the AP from its mounting bracket
• Mains power supply unit
• Set of 4 screws and wall plugs for the mounting bracket
Note: The screws and wall plugs are suitable for solid walls. It may be
necessary to source alternative fixings if they are not suitable for the type
of wall material on site.

2) Check that the serial numbers on the AP unit match the label on the box.

3) Check that the items have not been damaged in transit.

For any damaged units, contact the supplier immediately for returns advice.

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5.2 Cable Connections
Two power supply modules are available from ip.access, designed for use with the
ip.access S62D AP, that are compliant with the IEEE 802.3at standard:
• Direct power from the supplied mains power adapter
• Optionally, two PoE+ injectors, commonly used for single site installations, which
must be ordered separately
Alternatively, power each module in the S62D from a PoE+ switch.

5.2.1 PSU and LAN


12V DC
Cable to AP
Mains (Approx 1.5m)
Input 12V PSU

Network Switch/Router
LAN Cables to nearest switch/gateway
(max 100m each)

When a suitable PSU is used to power the AP the PoE+ injector unit is not needed.
However, this means that a mains socket providing power to the AP must be within reach of
the cabling included with the PSU. This is typically about 1.5m. The PSU for the S62D AP is
supplied as standard.

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5.2.2 Optional PoE+ Injectors

Injector 1
Injector 2

Network Switch/Router
LAN Cables to nearest

Maximum total cable length between nearest

switch/gateway and AP is 100m for each connection

The AP can be up to 100m from the switch/gateway to the backhaul, but allow
approximately 0.1m for routing through the injectors. The injectors can be positioned
anywhere on this cable run. Hence the injectors can be at the most convenient point for
providing power, without restricting the location of the AP.
The injectors take a direct mains input using the supplied mains cable. Use a CAT5
Ethernet cable that is capable of carrying PoE+ from each injector to the AP.

5.2.3 PoE+ Switch


PoE+ Switch/Router
LAN Cables carrying PoE+
(max 100m each to the PoE+ switch/router)

In this case, the PoE+ switch is a third-party item. The cable run from the switch to the AP
can be a full 100m.
A PoE+ switch is typically used if there are multiple APs on site and/or there is other
equipment that can take advantage of PoE+.

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5.3 Mount the S62D AP on a Wall or Ceiling
Note: The S62D AP should be installed in a position so that it is at least 2m away from the area
where handsets are normally used.
The location of each S62D AP should be shown on an installation floor plan produced at the
network planning stage. For example, it must take into account that all APs must be at least
2m from any mobile equipment. The network wiring must be complete before the S62D AP
can be installed. The S62D AP should be placed on a wall or ceiling at or above head

1) Remove the mounting bracket from the S62D AP. Lay the AP on a flat surface with
the mounting bracket upwards. Slide the removal tool over the central guide
groove over the fin between the bracket and the body of the unit to disengage the
locking spring, then slide the bracket to separate it from the AP. The removal tool
may be inserted from the top or bottom of the AP.

2) Position the bracket on the wall or ceiling with its flat side against the wall or
ceiling. For wall mounting, orient the clip part towards the top. Ensure the bracket
is level and sufficient clearance is maintained to allow the AP to be fitted to the
For wall mounting, allow at least 100mm from the bracket to the top of wall, and
150mm from the side of the bracket to any side walls, as illustrated:

For ceiling mounted APs, allow 150mm clearance on all sides.

3) Mark the position of the four screw holes.

4) Drill the four holes in the positions marked previously and insert wall plugs (if
required) and fix the mounting bracket securely to the wall or ceiling.

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5) Before fitting the AP onto the bracket, plug in the required cables. Plug the
Ethernet cables from a switch/gateway into the RJ45 sockets. If the Ethernet
cables do not carry PoE+, also plug the power supply into the +12V DC input:

6) Position the S62D so that the rear lugs line up to the gaps on the side rails of the
bracket, the push the S62 AP onto the bracket slide the AP until the retaining
spring engages the indent at the rear of the unit.

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6 Troubleshooting

This section covers the following topics that may be useful for troubleshooting an S62D AP
during installation:
• 6.1 S62D AP Does Not Power Up
• 6.2 S62D AP LEDs
• 6.3 Factory Reset

6.1 S62D AP Does Not Power Up

Check the following:
• Verify the correct power supply is in use and that mains power is available.
• Ensure that both Ethernet sockets have PoE+ (PoE Plus, not PoE) to power the

6.2 S62D AP LEDs

The front of the S62D has status LEDs for each module:

Note: Each Ethernet port on the back of the S62D has a link activity LED that flashes when there
is activity on the network connection. The LED is always off when the network cable is

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6.2.1 3G Module LEDs
The 3G module has the following LEDs:

LED Colour Description

Off The S62D is not switched on.
Green The LED may be Red or Green during the first 2 seconds after
powering up, while the S62D is initializing. After this, Green
Power indicates that the corresponding module is powered up
Red The LED should only be Red briefly once the 2 second
initialization period is complete. If the LED continues to stay
Red after this, this means there is a fault with the
corresponding module.
After the 2 second initialization period, if the LED turns Red
after previously turning Green, this means that there is a
hardware power fault with the corresponding module.
Off The 3G module is not provisioned, it has no IP address. This
may be a temporary condition when the AP is switched on for
the first time, or after factory reset.
Service Green The 3G module is provisioned and unlocked, it is connected to
the AC and is providing service.
Flashing green The 3G module is provisioned but has lost connection to the
(evenly, slowly) AC, for example because the AC is not available or there is a
DNS problem.
Flashing green The 3G module has been reinitialized (the reset button was
(evenly, fast) pressed but for less than 5 seconds).
Off, with a short green The 3G module is administratively Locked.
blink every 3 seconds
Off, with short green Factory reset is in progress in the 3G module (the reset button
blinks on was pressed for more than 5 seconds).
On, with short green Software download is in progress to the 3G module.
blinks off

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6.2.2 LTE Module LEDs
The LTE module has the following LEDs:

LED Colour Description

Off The S2D is not switched on.
Green The LED may be Red or Green during the first 2 seconds after
powering up, while the S62D is initializing. After this, Green
Power indicates that the corresponding module is powered up
Red The LED should only be Red briefly once the 2 second
initialization period is complete. If the LED continues to stay
Red after this, this means there is a fault with the
corresponding module.
After the 2 second initialization period, if the LED turns Red
after previously turning Green, this means that there is a
hardware power fault with the corresponding module.
Off The LTE module is not provisioned, it has no IP address. This
may be a temporary condition when the LTE module is
switched on for the first time, or after factory reset.
Service Red Service not available because the LTE module is
administratively locked (from the NOS).
Red flashing There is an error condition. Usually this means that the cell is
also down.
Flashing green Cell down, service not available.
(1800ms on, 200ms
off), Red off
Green flashing Cell locked, service not available.
(500ms on, 500ms
off), Red off
Green flashing(50ms Normal reboot, when reset button pressed for less than 5
on, 50ms off), Red off seconds.
Green flashing(50ms Factory reset, when reset button pressed for more than 5
on, 200ms off), Red seconds.
Off The LTE module does not yet have an IP address. This should
change shortly after the S62D is switched on.
Red If this LED has previously been Green, Red means that there
Connection is an error, such as the LTE module losing its IPsec connection
with the IPsec Gateway.
Green Flashing Green indicates the LTE module is acquiring NTP or
connecting to its IPsec Gateway. Steady Green indicates the
LTE module is connected to its serving IPsec Gateway.
Green This LED will always be green to indicate that the LTE module
is operating in LTE FDD mode. This LED may be off
temporarily during startup.

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6.3 Factory Reset
First ensure that all other possibilities have been explored and eliminated before trying to
Factory Reset the AP.
A factory reset will clear the AP’s configuration, for example as supplied to the AP by the
NOS (or TR-069 ACS if the NOS is not used). Hence the AP will be reset to the following
configuration after a factory reset:
• Factory configuration data that cannot be removed, which includes:
• The AP’s Equipment ID (EID)
• The FQDN for the ip.access NTP services hosted by
• The FQDN of the primary ip.access CRL mirror server

6.3.1 S62D Factory Reset

Each module has its own reset switch.

1) Press and hold the Reset switch under one of the Ethernet ports, according to
which module requires a Factory Reset.

Note: The right hand Ethernet port and reset button will apply to either a 3G
module (LTE+3G model) or an LTE module (LTE+LTE model).
Ensure that any implement used to press the button will not cause a static
discharge that may damage components on the board.

2) Release the Reset button after 5 seconds (3G module) or 10 seconds (LTE
module) and the module will perform its Factory Reset.
If the Reset Switch is pressed for less than 5 seconds (3G module) or 10 seconds
(LTE module), this will only reboot the AP module.

3) The corresponding Service LED blinks fast (50ms on, 50ms off) until the factory
reset commences, then it blinks slowly (50ms on, 200ms off). When the factory
restore process is complete, the LED extinguishes and the module automatically

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7 AP and PSU Regulatory Information

This chapter provides the customer with safety and regulatory warnings, cautions and
information for the ip.access Ltd range of products.
• 7.1 Warnings and Cautions - S62D AP
• 7.2 Warnings and Cautions - Optional Power Supply Unit
• 7.3 Regulatory Statements for the S62D AP
• 7.4 Regulatory Statements for PSU

7.1 Warnings and Cautions - S62D AP

Electrical Safety

The AP is intended for dry indoor applications only. If evidence of condensation is
present do not apply power to the AP.
The AP is designed to be operated as a fixed system device and must be located
away from the user. It must be mounted in a manner to ensure that all users and
bystanders are kept a minimum of 20cm away from the connected antennas at all
Do not immerse any part of the AP in water or any other liquid. Do not install or use the
AP near open water. Do not spill liquids of any type on the AP.
Do not use liquid, solvent or aerosol cleaning agents on or near the AP.

To avoid the risk of fire and/or electrical shock, do not push objects through openings
into the AP. The only exception is the recess for the Reset switch.
Do not disassemble the AP.

Before connecting a power supply the AP, verify that the power supply meets the
power requirements of the AP.
To avoid the risk of fire and/or electrical shock, do not overload power outlets or
extension cables.

Interference with Electronic Devices

If using a pacemaker, ensure you are using the device in accordance with its safety
requirements with respect to RF devices. Consult your doctor if you have questions
about RF signals and your pacemaker.

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If using a hearing aid, RF devices may cause interference.

Unshielded electronic devices should not be used near the AP. Conversely, the AP
should not be installed adjacent to unshielded electrical or electronic devices (such as
unshielded speakers).

Other Warnings and Cautions

Do not install the AP in a position where any connected cables may cause a tripping or
choking hazard.
Do not install the AP on an unstable surface. All caution must be observed to prevent
the device from falling and causing injury to a person and/or damage to the device.
The AP should not be disposed of in household waste bins. Please follow local
regulations for disposal of electronic devices.
Do not install the AP in a position where any connected cables may be damaged by
walking on the cables.

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7.2 Warnings and Cautions - Optional Power Supply Unit
This section is only applicable when the optional power supply unit (PSU) is supplied with
the S62D AP.
Electrical Safety

Do not immerse any part of the power supply in water or any other liquid. Do not install
or use the power supply near open water. Do not spill liquids of any type on the power
Do not use liquid, solvent or aerosol cleaning agents on or near the power supply.

To avoid the risk of fire and/or electrical shock, do not push objects through openings
into the power supply.
Do not disassemble the power supply.

Before using the power supply, verify that the mains voltage is within the range
specified by the voltage printed on the power supply.
When supplied, the PSU supplied with the AP must not be used for powering any
other equipment.
To avoid the risk of fire and/or electrical shock, do not overload power outlets or
extension cables.
When disconnecting the power supply from the mains, pull the plug. Pulling the cable
may result in damage to the cable.

Other Warnings and Cautions

Do not install the power supply in a position where the cable may cause a tripping or
choking hazard.
Do not install the power supply on an unstable surface. All caution must be observed
to prevent the device from falling and causing injury to a person and/or damage to the
The power supply should not be disposed of in household waste bins. Please follow
local regulations for disposal of electronic devices.
Do not install the power supply in a position where the cable may be damaged by
walking on the cable.

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7.3 Regulatory Statements for the S62D AP
7.3.1 Electrical Safety
The S62D unit has passed electrical safety testing.

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7.4 Regulatory Statements for PSU

Safety Approvals cUL/UL

Mechanical Characteristics Length: 82.7mm (3.26in)
Width: 55mm (2.17in)
Height: 39.1mm (1.54in)
Weight: 150g (5.29oz)
PSAA30R Characteristics
AC Input Voltage Rating 100 to 240V AC
Emissions FCC Class B
EN55022 Class B
AC Input Voltage Range 90 to 264V AC
Immunity IEC61000-4-2 Level 4
IEC61000-4-3 Level 2
IEC61000-4-4 Level 2
IEC61000-4-5 Level 2
IEC61000-4-6 Level 2
IEC61000-4-8 Level 1
AC Input Frequency 47 to 63Hz
Input Current 0.8A (RMS) maximum at 120V AC
0.5A (RMS) maximum at 240V AC
Leakage Current 0.25mA maximum
Over-Voltage protection Auto restart
Inrush Current <60A for 100V AC at maximum load
<100A for 240V AC at maximum load
(Cold start at ambient 25C)
Over-Current Protection Auto-restart without damage
Short-Circuit Protection Output can be shorted without damage
Input Power Saving 0.3W maximum at no load
Dielectric Withstand (Hi-pot) Test Input to Output: 3000V AC for 1 min., 10mA
Output Efficiency >83.5% average efficiency
Insulation Resistance Input to output: 7M ohm, 500V DC
Environmental Temperature Operation 0°C to +40°C
Non-operation -25 to +75C
Humidity 20 to 90%
DC Output Connector (Barrel Type) 2.1 x 5.5 x 9.5mm Center Positive Standard

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AC Input Clips RPA: US
RPB: Brazil
RPC: China
RPE: Europe
RPH: Korea
RPI: India
RPN: Argentina
RPS: Australia
RPX: IEC320 C8

7.4.1 Output Specification

Model DC Output Load Ripple Regulation Efficiency

Voltage Min Max P-P (max) Line / Load Level
PSAA30R-120 12V 0A 2.50A 120mV +5% V

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