5 Communication and Interviewing (B 19 - 3-9-13)
5 Communication and Interviewing (B 19 - 3-9-13)
5 Communication and Interviewing (B 19 - 3-9-13)
COMMUNICATION Define communication and interviewing
& List the models of communication
INTERVIEWING Describe the different components of
communication process
Discuss the barriers of communication
Communication – Why?
Do doctors need communication? Where You’re 30
are we? metres
above the
ground in a
Scenario 1
Have you had a communication problem or
- A departmental head yelled his subordinate to come
failure to communication?
and help his work. No one come in.
Scenario 2 Was there a miscommunication due to lack of
- A departmental head asked his subordinate to come understanding?
and help his work. A subordinate comes in and work but
it’s not the task that the head asked.
Scenario 3
- A departmental head asked his subordinate to do
something for him. The subordinate did the correct job.
The ideal of any communication is that the
Communication is the process by which we
message received is the same as the
interact with each other (create and exchange
messages). message sent.
Is the flow of information, ideas, feelings, Communication is sharing meaning with
attitudes, perception and understanding, both others.
verbally and non-verbally, between two or Rubber = erasure (UK), condom (US)
more parties.
Latin word – communis = common
Types of communication
Intrapersonal communication Linear / action
Interpersonal/Dyadic communication Models of Human
Small group communication (3 & > ) Communication Interactional
Mass communication
Public communication
Channels Channels
Verbal Non-Verbal
Noise Noise
Barriers of communication
Psychological noise: the emotional state of the communicators,
Two major players: sender & receiver their personalities and preconceived ideas and judgments.
Physical noise: external factors that distract communicators like
Two communication tools: message & channel loud music in the background or being unfamiliar with the
physical setting.
Four communication functions: encoding,
Physiological noise: the biological factors that interfere with
decoding, response & feedback communications such as fatigue, illness, or altered cognitive
Noise Semantic noise: the way people speak, their use of terms, and
any dialect or literacy issues, language
Misreading of body language
Who will say what, how, to whom, and with what Receiver distortion: selective hearing, ignoring non-verbal cues
Cultural difference
Past experience
Different perceptions
Selective perceptions
Attention span
Kinesics Six
Body languages -sadness
Posture, body movements (guestures), facial -Surprise
expressions -Anger
18 inches – 4 Feet
The most
skill is listening
Using Effective Summarization Clarifying question - Can I ask you to explain this in more
Not interrupting the person detail?
An interview is a communication transaction
in which an interviewer engages in
questioning and discussion with an
interviewee to gather information.
Interpersonal communication
Small group communication (FGI)
Intentional (purpose)
INTERVIEWING Use of questions and answers
Use of communication techniques to ask
appropriate questions
Before Interview
The information-gathering interview Preparation
- Before Interview - purpose, confidentiality
- During Interview - to whom, where and when
- After Interview - preparation of questions for interview
- preparing for recording – note taking, tape
- checking all materials needed