Clave de Palmeras Amazónicas
Clave de Palmeras Amazónicas
Clave de Palmeras Amazónicas
Principes, 34(4), 1990. pp. 199-207
Identification of Amazonian Palm Genera from
-k Vegetative Characters
ORSlDM, Apartado postal 18-1209,Lima, Peru
ORSTOM ~ o n d sDocumentaire
200 PRINCIPES . [VOL. 34
S- pi a
1, a, pinnate kef; b, palmate leaf (the same terms are used for costapalmate leaf). Details: bl, blade; If, leaf
Tip; p, petiole; r, rachis: sg, pinna (a) or segment (b); se, edge of pinna or segment; sa sheath.
throughout the Amazon basin: Astrocar- f m d in the southern part of the Amazon
y u m , Attalea, Bactris, Desmoncus, basin.
Elaeìs, Euterpe, Geonoma, Hyospath,e, It was impossible to separate the seed-
Jessenia, Mauritia, Maurìtiella, Maxì- lings and juveniles of the Attalea-Maxì.
miliana, Orbignya, ScheeZea, Socratea, -
miliana Orbignya -ScheeZea complex.
Syagrus, and Cocos. Many genera are also Furthermore, some adult genera such as
located in western Amazonia: Aiphanes, the related Geonoma and Pholidostachys
Catob¿astus, Chamaedorea, Chelyocar- cannot be clearly distinguished on vege-
pus, Dictyocaryum, Iriartea, Itayo, tative characters. A slight confusion also
Pholidostachys, Phytelephas, Prestoea, occurs between the seedlings of Chely.
F'endlandiella, and Wettìnia. Some reach ocarpus and Itaya, but the value of the
central Amazonia: Iriartella and Lepido- key is not much reduced because these
caryum; a few display limited distributions two genera are infrequent and limited to
in central Amazonia: Barcella and Leo- I western Amazonia, as is also Pholido-
poldinia; and others occur in central and gtachys. The genus Asterogyne is o d
eastern Amazonia: Acrocomia and Man-
icaria. Raphia is found only in the eastern
known from a very p a l l area of Frenc i
kuyana and may bekonfused with Geon-
part, while Copernicia and Trithrinax are Oma.
9a. Rib(s) prominent beneath; lower surface of the blade usually covered with a continuous layer of thin,
white, membranous scales which rub off on contact; 3-4 segments, not
I -_.."_"
--.. ""_-.---I-_--.-- -..-- -_.-I-..-.
b. Rib(s) not prominent beneath; blade dusty white beneath, petiole of the y
segments of the youngest leaf markedly erect. _.._._.._.._...._.-_..
loa. With triangular, laterally flattened spines, curved toward the apex as
-. Mautiliella __
leaf. ...-l-....,._ --p-I,
._I_._I.__._-._. __.__I__--._....-.._.I_.
~ ___ Copernicia
b. Without spines on the edge of the petiole. ............................................................................... 11
1la. Fibers of the sheath joined in a spiny expansion. ....... __._.._l___.l._l__._-_-.._____.___.^_~-.- Trithrinax
b. Fibers of the sheath not joined in a spiny expansion, or sheath not fibrous. _.._.t_...__.__.._.. "---...--. 12
12a. Midrib prominent above. .__.._. ._.__._... .......................................................................................... Mauritia
2. a, segment multi-pointed, several folded: b, segment ' 7 pinna onespointed; c, 2 pinnae in a closed-V shape;
d , 2 pinnae in on 0pen.V slia )e, each twisted outwards; e, blade entire and bifid, each half with straight margins;
4 bludo UWJ ~ i i dbIM, wi& hdt" Sdiapadi LI,plnnti ar hall of blRd blade rsgulady muldplntgd toward tho
\ tip; h, hlade bifid and divided for less than half its length, each half truncate or irregularly toothed; i, blade bifid
and divided for more than half ita length, each half truncate or irregularly toothed; j, blade entire, not bifid, far
longer than wide, with tip pointed; k, blade entire not bifid, far longer than wide, with tip truncate or denticulate,
not sharply pointed; I, blade entire, not bifid, margins-rm.mded, with tip pointed; m, blade entire, not bifid, margins
rounded, with tip not pointed; n, pinna straight, 1inear.lanceolate; o, p, pinna Sehaped; q, r, tip of pinna
asymmetric, obliquely notched; s, pinna truncate, with broad tip, usually with spines; t, u, pinna wedge-shaped
or like a fish fin, without spines: v, upper parts of longitudinally divided pinnae slightly erect, tip drooping: w,
upper parts of longitudinally divided pinnae shorter than the lower parts, tip not drooping: x, upper parts of
longitudinally divided pinnae not shorter than the lower parts, tip not drooping (v, w, x, leaf viewed in cross
tip of each half of bifid blade, occasionally on blade above; usually longer spines on sheath, petiole and
rachis below, these brown or black, rarely whitish then flattened. "_______-
Leaflets hazy glaucous with 1-2 bright green margins beneath. ............................... "..
d. Halves of bifid blade green beneath with greyish or brownish stripes along the ribs and the margins;
outer margins denticulate toward the tip. .......................... "".-_.Attaka, Maximiliana, Orbignya, $clteelea
20a. Two leaflets in closed-V shape, connate at base for 3 cm or more, rachis short but welLmarked (Fig.
2c). "".--- ".._.._......_..__...... _....... ...".__._.- "......". Jesseniu
b. Two segments in open-V shape, connate at base for less than 3 cm long, without rLachis; each leaflet
slightly twisted outwards (Fig. 2d). _....."..-..........................................................................................
21a. Ribs prominent beneath; segments with layer of white membranous scales beneath
contact. .,._..-..~....__. ............................................... ._.--._...........................................
~ Chelyocarpus, haya
b. Ribs not prominent beneath; segments dusty white beneath: petiole usually dusty white. _."_... Mauriliella
22a. Petiole and rachis yellow, or very light-green, or whitish; in cultivated areas. .. ........_....". Cocos
b. Petiole and rachis green. _.__.__.____I_ "__...^._.._..II._______ . ^*.^ 23
23a. Pinnae linear-lanceolate, or halves of bifid blade with margins straight (Fig. 2c,e). 24
b. Pinnae or halves of bifid blade S-shaped (Fig. 20. _I_.._...._-_._..__._._..._.. . 27
Pinnae or halves of bifid blade rather wide (mdre than Z cm), one or several ribs. _I_....-....._..__I_._.
Pinnae narrow (less than 2 cm); several ribs. ...............................................
With 2 pinnae; and a distinct, long petiole between the sheath and the rachis, ......_.._._..__.__.._._.
"......................... "".."...-.."".......26
b. With blade entire and bifid; and a short petiole, or kithout petiole, then the sheath continues into the
rachis. "--._-.- ..................................................... "- Elaeis
26a. Ribs (3) prominent above and beneath; sheath tubular, shorter opposite .. the petiole (obliquely . . . open). . . _-
-I. -..-. ................................................................... Wendlandiella
b. Several ribs prominent above; sheath split opposite the petiole (select old, green leaves). __._."Geonoina
27a. Sheath split opposite the petiole (select old, green leaves). ..l_.______l_._..l._..... Geonoma, Pholidostachy
b. Sheath not split opposite the petiole, tubu1ar.h young as well as in old leaves. . ....._. .-"._"-.-. 2 8
28a. Ribs prominent above and beneath on pinnae, ___..-._.l_____-l___..._". ... ~...._l.__.._ll.._....l_._.. 29
b. Ribs prominent above on pinnae, not beneath, -_.____ll_.-_l_li._.~-.--- .. Hyospathe
29a. Outer margins of blade emarginate (or wavy). _.._._"-__-_--1- ________ Chamaedorea
b. Outer margins of blade regularly linear and curved, not emarginate. _.._........ _I.._....._ Wendlandiella
30a. Tip of pinnae or of halves of bifid blade regularly multi-pointed (Fig. 2g). ...... ............. 31
b. Tip of pinnae or of halves of bifid blade irregularly toothed, not regularly multi- g. 2h,i). .__.. 32
31a. With brownish or greyish stripes on the blade below; blade length less than 1 m. __..__l._...__.._._......
_____.__._-____..__.._._.______._.______.--..~.Attalea, Maximiliaria, Orbignya, Scheelea ~
b. Without brownish or greyish stripes on the blade beneath: blade length u eral meters. ._.__-._ '
.___-_-"___*I -
" -._.._-II." Manicaria
32a. Pinnae one-ribbed, with the two. margins straight; with spines on sheath, rachis, and/or blade.
................................................. ....__...___.-_I__.,._-- ..... ___-__._._ Aiphanes
b. Pinnae or'halves of,bifid blade many.ribled,,with the inner (or upper,) margin straight, arid the outer
(or lower) margin wavy, irregularly toothed; without spines. ..................................................................... . 33
33a. Blade divided for less than half its length (Fig. 2h); sheath, petiole, and blade pilose. ...... Iriartella
b. Blade divided for more than half its length (Fig. 2i); leaf, not pilose. ...... ....
!..__._._,I. ........_. - 34
34a. Blade white beneath. .__._.__.-. ............................ ..._ .................................................. Dictyocaryum
b. Blade green beneath,
35a. Leaf length less than
b. Leaf length more tha
... ..._..... ...........................................................
36a. Blade far longer than wide, linear-lanceola
b. Bladd round, or with fength nbout two or IO width (Fig. 21.m).
37a.. Tip of blade pointed, prolonged by a narro 2j); petiole short or
and blade, _-.___...__--___-...__.__.____. L._..___~___._____.__. L...l.l__.l__.l_.l_l._.--.., Elaeis
b. Tip of blade not sharply pointed, or roundly blunt (Fig. Zk), or regularly denticulate.. . .. .._.._.....
. 38
38a. Blade white beneath, usually with small, slender spines on edge, and on sheath.and petiole.
_l._._ll_-_l..___._ _-.-
b. Blade greenbbeneath with Ióngitudinal
---__--I_. i-..-;----i-
greyish stripes; without spines. _.__IL..__....___._..
b. Tip of blade neither rounded nor sharply pointed, not pilose, blade length up to 2.5 m. ____ Syagrus
c. Tip of blade regularly denticulnte .._..._._..._I____._.._II_ - _."_.._._
i . Manicaria
. . .-
$On. Tip of blnde pointed (Fig. 21). ........
b. Tip of blnde not pointed (Fig. 2m - " ~ . - - 42
41a. Blade pilose beneath (not always obvious, then can be confused with Wettinia; difference can be made
s if present; stem no more than 5 cm in diameter, and leaf with less than 17
.......I-"..".".^_..II_.. - .-..-.. "_"_"--.__. Catoblastus
(adult stem more than 6 cm in diameter, and leaf with more than 17 pairs of
pinnae). __ .........-..-..._."-....."......_..".."...-".-...."".."-.--.---. ~ . Wettinia
42a. Blade petiole and sheath strongly pilose. ....._ ".....--...._"*._._.o.....--"---_- I Iriartella
b. Blade petiole and sheath not strongly pilose. ...... ........._......_ ~ ""..__._ ..-...---.~-; Iriartea
43a. Pinnae pointed at tip, linear.lanceolate or S-shaped (Fig. Zn,o,p). .l-l.-.^..l-.-.I*l ..-..._.4 4
h. Pinnae (or part when divided longitudinally) truncate at tip, lanceolate to wedgeeshaped or like a fish
fin (Fig. 2s,t,u). .............................................................................................. "..--.-.---.-.-.--"-.------ 66
44a. Pinnae much longer than wide. _.-........................................ "-...-.-...-..------
I 45
b. Pinnae wide, narrow basally, with length about two to four times the width, sub-opposite, 2-4 pairs per
leaf blade usually light green, soft, flexible, not rigid; rarely armed with small hooks or spines on the
. "rachis and sheath. ......l.ll.l..._....._.-.l...-....... .................................. Desmoncus
45a. With spines on pinna edges. ....._". _ "_._.._.
b. Without spines on pinna edges, ..._......_..__.__II-..__._...I....--.... ".....-.""----
-.._...........__-.....-.-"--.---.-.-----.-_.I.._ 46
46a. Pinnae white beneath; spines strongly flattened, usually black, sometimes whitish. Astrocaryum
b. Pinnae glaucous beneath; spines not strongly flattened, often reddish brown. _. -. Abrocomia
c. Pinnae green ......................... 47
47a. Spines or spiny hairs grouped at the edges near the tip or disposed regularly along pinna edge, sometimes
on the blade above, black or dark brown, slender, no more than 1 cm long, often shorter, usually longer
on sheath, petiole and rachis (absent ín some small species), dark, not flattened, sometimes whitish with
brown tip when strongly flattened. ...................................................................................... "" Baoiris
b. -Spines whitish or brownish, 2-4 mm long, swollen basally, regularly disposed on the edges along the
pinnae, and on the midrib above. ._ ..._......._...._. ".,."""--."-----.-..--".---.-------- Raphia
4%. Pinnae lanceolate (Fig. 2n); (if 3-4 ribs prominent above and below on a few narrow pinnae, 2-3 pairs
per leaf, see 65b). ............................. -.".-."...-"-_.--- __ I_...__. ....-- ".._"-... ".._^
I-.-" -.._. *-- 4 9
b. Pinnae S-shaped (Fig. 20,p). .."....................................... ._._-..C._-_"__._"l_.______._..I. 62
49a. Rachis continuing into a cirrus with strong hooks in pe; pinnae sub-opposite to opposite; sheath
and petiole often with prickles basally swollen or with slyder' spines. ......"I"___....__...._... -___ Desmoncus
__ ".-
b. Rachis not continuing into a cirrus with hooks. .........: ......-............. .......-... ............................... --
50a. Tip of pinnae symmetric on both sides on the midrib (select pinnae from several leaves,
b. Tips of pinnae asymmetric, obliquely notched, with acute or rounded tip (Fig. 2q,r) (see also 60a). - 57
5 la. Pinnae green beneath. .................................................................................... 52
b. Pinnae white beneath (select the youngeit leaves), wide (more than 6 cm), serrate in cross section,
normally 'arranged in one plane; sheath with erect, knitting-needlelike, blaok projectionç, 20 cm and
more long. ._................................................. -~
c. Pinnae hazy glaucous beneath, generally, less than 6 cm wide, normally oriented in the same plane, or
____.____. I~ Jessenia
in groups of 2-6 in different directions; the rachis and petiole of youngest leaves dusty red (the youngest
leaf often with red blnde); sheath fibrous at margins, sometimes forming a muff around the stem; bften
reddish brown, without knittingneedlelike projections. .l....l..l L Oenocarpus
52a. With hooks on the petiole margins. ___.. .L_._,_.._._._.
. I ....._-..___...__....---.----.- Elaeis
b. Without hooks on the petiole margins. ,.._.._,.ll...-.l__I___. 53
53a. Pinnae arranged in one plane. _........_...._._-.....- .......................... "..-.-..--.."."--."--.-----...--.- 54
b. Pinnae oriented in several directions perpendicular to the rnchis; leaves finely pinnate. -.I__.. Syagrus
54n. Pinnae obviously serrate (like a saw) in cross seFtion (see the basal parts); petiole triangular in cross
section; fibers at leaf bases. ........-._..._._.__.._ _..__..__ ~ _ . - Barcella
b. Pinnae not obviously serrate in cross sec Ily, not strongly triangular in eross
I" ...._.._....C._..._.
; -
"..........".."..-.....-._...-.. -.-..-
" AI^_._^._ 55,
whitish as petiole, rachis and mi&rib. .. i . Cocos
b. Sheath not split, tubular, yelldw, orange, or green. *__* .-,.-.--.-.------ '., 56
56a. Pinna tip flat; sheath yellowish to orange,. covered by sheath remnants of dead leaves in juvenile plants.
. "^_.__..".^ ......."
I_.._.._. Euterpe -__(
b. Pinna tip carinate, sometimes flat in seedlings (con blc); sheath greenish. Genus
limited to the western Ammonia and on the Andean piedmont. ._-__._. Prestoea
57a. Pinnae green beneath. u,__._l._l..l__.-._.. --..._. L. .C._____....__..____
, 58 I
C. Pinnae green with longer tips brownish or greyish below (see pinnae of several leaves). ............................
pr -.-.--.-.. .-- P...-.-I
." .." .__...I_-..I Attalea, Maximilianu, Orbignya, Scheetea
d. Pinnae white beneath. -.- .................................... ....l.,_""_" .............. JessPnia
58a. With hooks on petiole margins, I_..i.... . -.__ ....... Elaeis
b. Without hooks on petiole margins. .__ ........_ -._....-._____ 59
59a. Pinnae oriented in several directions; segment edge rouglh (like a small hack-saw); rachis often continuing
into only one slender pinna. -.-. .....-.__ !.-..._-. L..Syagrus
b. Pinnae arranged in one plane; pinna edges smooth. 60 ~
60a. Midrib prominent on both upper and lower surfaces on pinnae, parallel nerves prominent below; midrib
with orange or brownish scales beneath; pinnae sub-Òpposite forming an upward Vhshape toward the tip
and a downward V-ahape toward the base: rachis continuing into a short
b. Leaf tip bifid with tip of each half multi-pointed, ..... ............................ L
2a. With spines on the trunk; most often multi-stemmed palms; leaf palmate. -. Mauritiella
b. Without spines on the trunk; single-stemmed palms; leaf costapalmate o r palmate. ' 3 ,:'
sa., Leaf costapalmate, without spines on the petiole. ._.- Mauritia
b. Leaf palmate with triangular, laterally flattened spines on the petiole. __----__. Copernicia ,
4a. Pinnae lanceolate with tip pointed: ..-...__.-- ....I_I..__ ,5
b. Pinnae with truncate tip, narrow and long to wedge-shaped. - . . 19
Sa. Prickly palms (if no spines on the trunk, see sheath, petiole, or rachis-for tall palms, look at dead
fallen leaves). I--.- .-_.-_' 6
b. Unarmed palms. ............................................. 9,
6a. Pinnae oriented in seGeral directions (lea __.. 7
h. Pirinne regularly arranged in one plane. --,- Astrocaryum
7a. Extremity of basal leaves lower than th ith spines on the trunk, except,in old
palms, these not strongly flattened; upper pinnae slightly erect with drooping tips. --.-----.-.-L-- 8
b. Extremity of basal leaves well above their point of insertion (crown funnellike); spines on the trunk most
often strongly flattened; pinnae straight, tips not drooping. Astrocaryum
8a. Trunk diameter more than 2 0 cm; numerous leaves radiating out to form a spherical crown, __._
b. Trunk diameter under 20 cm; basal leaves markedly arching. __-____.__-__ Bactris 1
b. Upper parts of divided pinnae not shorter than the lower parts (Fig. 2x), white below: stilt roots at a I
fi rather obtuse angle with the trunk forming an ope; cone up to 1 m in height, each stilt root light-
brown, bearing white, spinelike roots. h - ' I_._....I. Dictyocaryum ~
Y Acknowledgments
These two keys are the result of ten (UNMSM)-Peru. I would like to thank F.
years work with palms in the Brazilian and Halle who urged me to write them, as well
Peruvian Amazonia in projects supported as all my colleagues and students who tested
by international agreements: ORSTOM- them in the field. I am indebted to C.PeteG
France/CNPq-Brazil, ORSTOM/IIAP, and to H. Clark for their helpful assistance
and ORSTOM/Museo de Historial Natural with the English manuscript.