Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format: Instructional Planning

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing

the instructional process by using principles of teaching
and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP No.: Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:
33 Practical Research 12 QII 1 hour
Learning Competency/ies: The learner describes the sampling procedure and Code:
the sample.
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
Key Concepts / Understandings
Sampling procedure and the sample
to be Developed
Adapted Cognitive Process
Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. OBJECTIVES:
The fact or condition of Remembering Recognize the different sampling procedures
knowing something with
familiarity gained
through experience or Understanding

Skills Applying
The ability and capacity
acquired through Distinguish a particular sampling procedure based on a given statement
deliberate, systematic, Analyzing
and sustained effort to of sample groupings
smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex
activities or the ability,
coming from one's
knowledge, practice,
Construct the paragraph of the research sample and include the
aptitude, etc., to do Creating
something sampling procedure
Attitude Valuing Foster critical thinking and collaboration
Values Internalizing values Internalize the responsibility in doing the research tasks
2. Content Sample Procedure and the Sample
Practical Research 2 for Senior High School by Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D
3. Learning Resources Powerpoint Slides of Dr. Bryant Acar, facilitator of MTOT Region 7

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Play hangman one word and let the students identify the terms for sample
procedure which are random, cluster, systematic, stratified and multi-staged.
5 minutes

4.2 Activity Based on the student’s knowledge in qualitative research, recall the type of
sampling based on the characteristics:
1. It is a sampling done by dividing population into some characteristics: age,
sex, education, residence, academic year, status.
2. It is known as area sampling since it is frequently applied on a geographical
10 minutes 3.This is known as judgmental sampling
4.It takes the closes persons as respondents.
5.It requires identification of persons who meet the requisite characteristics.
Then these persons act as informants to identify others who qualify for
inclusions in the sample.

4.3 Analysis Raise the following questions based on an activity:

1.What is importance of sample in a research?
2. What is the significance of choosing a particular sample procedure?
5 minutes
3. Give your own definition of the following types of sample procedure based on
the group activity: random, stratified, systematic, cluster, and multi-staged.
4.4 Abstraction Have an interactive discussion on the different types of sampling for quantitative
research. Focus on the two general types of sampling techniques: probability
and non-probability sampling.
A.Probability Sampling –every member of the population has a chance
1.Random sampling –drawing randomly from the list of the population
2.Systematic Sampling –every nth person is included
3.Stratefied Random Sampling-choosing on common characteristic of the sample
4.Cluster Sampling –sampling within a particular cluster or place
20 minutes
5.Multi-stage Sampling-done in several stages using simple random
B.Non-probability Sampling –wider members of the sample are not included
1.Convenience Sampling-opportunity sample
2. Quota Sampling-seeks to represent characteristics of the wider population
3. Purposive Sampling-deliberately choosing for specific purpose
4. Snowball Sampling-one sample leads to another probable sample
5.Volunteer Sampling
4.5 Application Recommend one best sampling technique in the following situations:
1. Manobo dance performance chosen from male and female in 100
2. Problems among autistic students in Mandaue City
3. Popularity rate of VP Robredo among SHS in Tingub High School
4. Selective students to participate in feeding program out of 1000.
5. Drug problems in barangays of Cebu
10 minutes 6. Selection of advisory sections to undergo experimental study.
7. Impact of Traffic congestion in Maguikay, Mandaue City to bank
managers, auditors, cashiers and tellers
8. Brand of shampoo used by SHS students in 5 SHS in Mandaue
9. Study about Pet lovers in Tingub High School
10. Research on SHS Tingub Students whose parents are “sikad” drivers

4.6 Assessment The students are going to meet with their group mates
and to collaborate on what sampling technique to be
Conferencing employed in their quantitative research. Remind them
10 minutes
to include the sampling technique in the scope and
limitation of the research paper.
4.7 Assignment Enriching the day’s Finalize the paragraph and the scope and delimitation
5 minutes lesson with sampling technique for submission next meeting.
4.8 Concluding Activity Let the groups create a short jingle to summarize the discussion of the day.
5 minutes

5. Remarks

6. Reflections
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why

did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Name: Shila Marie A. Pelegrino School: Tingub High School

Designation: Master Teacher II Division: Mandaue City

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