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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.

Mark only one answer for each item

by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. What is the type of relay that detect excessive current?

A. Differentia B. Overcurrent C. Reverse current D. Overvoltage

2. If the torque angle is continuously increases, the system will become

A. Stable B. Asymptotic stable C. Oscillatory stable D. Unstable

3. Where a ground fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) should be installed?

I. Garage II. Bathroom III. Outside IV. Dining Room V. Guest room

4. The effective resistance of conductor to increased by

A. Skin effect B. Proximity effect C. Corona effect D. Both A & B

5. A two terminal pair of Network of a transmission line can be represented by a

A. T- Network B. π- Network C. Either A or B D. tree network

6. The most conventional source of energy is _____

A. Coal B. Geothermal C. Solar D. Wind

7. Which is variable Renewable Energy?

A. Solar Farm B. Coal C. Diesel D. all of the above

8. Why pulverize Coal?

A. Better burning B. Decrease Radiation C. Calonfic D. Medium Size

9. The following are the Common parts of transformer except

A. Bushing B. Oil Drum C. Tap Changer D. Radiator

10. How to connect two single phase transformer for three phase banking?
A. Delta- delta B. Wye- wye C. Open delta D. Delta- wye

11. In what circumstances does an overcurrent protection operate?

A. Voltage Surge B. Impedance C. Over Voltage D. Current flow

12. What is the rms value of complex current having fundamentals, 3rd harmonic, and fifth harmonic rms component
of 2.5A, 0.8A and 0.5A respectively.
A. 2.58A B. 2.67A C. 3.8A D. 3.3A

13. Find the resistivity of a conductor having 4 ohms resistance, 30m length and 0.7mm diameter.
A. 6.4 x10-8 Ω B. 7.73 x10-8 Ω C. 5.77 x10-8 Ω D. 5.13 x10-8 Ω

14. Convergence of the transmission load flow is always assured in case of _____ method.
A. Gauss Seidel B. Newton Raphson C. Gauss method D. Both A & B

15. Which of the following insulators will be selected for High Voltage application
A. Pin type B. Disc type C. Suspension type D. Stain type
16. In the transformers
A. HT winding is used near the core C. HT winding is used away from the core
B. LT winding is used near the core D. LT winding is used away from the core

17. Peak load plants are designed to supply power at

A. Low Capital Cost and low operating cost C. High Capital Cost and low operating cost
B. Low Capital Cost and high operating cost D. High Capital Cost and High operating cost

18. Base load plants are designed to supply power at

A. Low Capital Cost and low operating cost C. High Capital Cost and low operating cost
B. Low Capital Cost and high operating cost D. High Capital Cost and high operating cost

19. If the transmission line voltage is doubled with the same load, the line loss is
A. 2 times B. ¼ times C. 4 times D. ½ times

20. Two wattmeter are connected to measure three phase power, read 60kW and 40 kW respectively. Determine the
power factor of balance three phase load.
A. 0.945 B. 0.875 C. 0.245 D. 0.765

21. A three phase 8 poles, 60Hz induction motor runs with 3% slip. What is the motor speed in rpm?
A. 900 B. 864 C. 873 D. 855

22. A 230 volt shunt motor has an armature whose resistance is 0.33 ohm. Assuming voltage across the brush contact
is 2 volts, what armature current will flow when counter emf is 215 volts.
A. 39.4A B. 34.6A C. 31.8A D. 37.2A

23. What frequencies are used for Television broadcasting in channel 2-13

24. What is the maximum bend of Rigid Metallic Conduit (RMC)?

A. 2 Quarter B. 3 Quarter C. 4 Quarter D. 5 Quarter

25. Where multiple rod, pipes or plate electrodes are installed to meet maximum of 25 ohms resistance to ground, thet
shall not be less than _____ mm apart.
A. 1000mm B. 1200mm C. 1500mm D. 1800mm

26. At a dc steady state, capacitor looks like a/an _____ circuit and an inductor looks like a/an _____ circuit.
I. Grounded II. Short III. Open
A. I and II B. III and I C. II and III D. III and III

27. Most advantage form of generator output from water is

A. Wind B. Ocean Current C. Wave D. Tidal

28. The skin effect in conductors is due to non distribution of current in it and major portion of the current is near the
_____ of conductor.
A. Surface B. Center C. Axis D. Radial lines.

29. Name the effect which is resulted because if the size of conductor, frequency and the specific resistance of
conducting material.
A. Corona Effects B. Proximity Effect C. Skin effect D. Thompson Effect

30. The negative sequences component of a voltage is equal to

A. Positive sequence component in reverse direction
B. Complex conjugate of positive sequence component
C. Multiple of B with positive sequence component
D. None of these
31. In transmission lines, the most effective protection against lightning strikes is one of the following. Which one is
A. Lightning rods B. Lightning arresters C. Petersen colis D. Overhead wires

32. An 11kV, 10MVA alternator has an impedance of 0.10 pu when referred to its rating as bases. The new value for
a base of 110kV, 20 MVA will be
A. 0.002 pu B. 0.2 pu C. 0.1 pu D. 0.02 pu

33. What is the Value of a resistor with color code Red, Red, Orange, Silver.
A. 22 Kilo-ohms B. 24 Kilo-ohms C. 28 Kilo-ohms D. 25 Kilo-ohms

34. In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in

A. Metal plates C. Dielectric
B. Dielectric as well as metal plates D. Neither dielectric nor metal plates

35. Any voltage that is connected across P-N junction is called _____ voltage.
A. Breakdown B. Barrier C. Bias D. Reverse

36. A 10 kVA, 440/ 110 volts 60 Hz, single phase transformer has an efficiency of 97.5% at rated load of unity power
factor. The full load copper loss is 150 watts and the core loss is 100watts. What is the kVA rating if it is used as
550/440 volts autotransformer?
A. 50 B. 12.5 C. 25 D. 20

37. Find the average emf induced in a 500 turns coil if there is a current change of 0.25 ampere in time of 0.1 second.
A. 1250V B. 12.5mV C. 125mV D. 125V

38. A light bulb having a tungsten filament draws 0.5 Amp at 110 volts. The cold resistance of the filament is 20
ohms at 20OC with temperature coefficient of resistance for tungsten at this temperature of 0.005 per OC. Determine
the opening temperature of the bulb.
A. 1220 OC B. 2520 OC C. 520 OC D. 2020 OC

39. If the height of transmission tower is increased, which of the following parameters is likely to change?
A. Resistance B. capacitance C. inductance D. All of the above

40. A capacitance C is charged through resistance R. The time constant of the charging circuit is given by
A. RC B. 1/RC C. C/R D. R/C

41. A 12m wavelength has a frequency of _____

A. 25 kHZ B. 250 MHz C. 250 kHZ D. 25 MHz

42. In R-L-C resonance circuit, has a resistance of 100 ohms, lower half-power frequency of 800 rad/ sec and
bandwidth of 80 rad/sec. What is the inductance L and capacitance C of the circuit.
A. 1.25H & 1.13 µF B. 1H & 1.3 µF C. 2.5H & 15 µF D. 15H & 3 µF

43. Three resistance R1, R2 and R3 are connected in series across 120V dc source. If R1 is 60 ohms, R2 has 40 volts
with ½ Ampere current. Find R2.
A. 8 ohms B. 800 ohms C. 0.8 ohms D. 80 ohms

44. Three resistance R1, R2, and R3 are connected in series across 120V dc source. If R1 is 60 ohms, R2 has 40 volts
with 0.5 A current. Find R2.
A. 100 ohms B. 80 ohms C. 120 ohms D. 240 ohms

45. A 300m copper conductor has a resistance of 250 ohms. What is the size of conductor?
A. 0.0162mm B. 1.62mm C. 0.162 mm D. 16.2 mm
46. A 5 kW load at 120 volts is to be supplied by a line 100n long. What is the diameter of copper wire if the
allowable voltage drop is 5%.
A. 3.57mm B. 5.38 mm C. 4.57 mm D. 6.82

47. The wye connected three phase ABC voltage source has Vcn= 230 Vrms with 45 degrees angle.
Find the magnitude and angle of line voltage Vac.
A. 400cis(-105O) V B. 230cis(-105O)V C. 400cis(105 O) V D. 400 cis(-45 O ) V

48. The square root of the ratio of line impedance and the shunt admittance is called
A. Surge impedance of the line C. Conductance of the line
B. Regulation of the line D. none of the above

49. In a three phase balanced delta connected load with one line open, line A has 20 A. Assume line A is the
reference and the line c is open. What should be the zero sequence line a?
A. 0 B. 10-j5.77 A C. 30+j17.32A D. 10+j5.77 A

50. Two loads are connected in parallel. First load takes 200 kVA at 80% lagging power factor and the second load a
pure capacitive load. What is the kVAR of capacitive load if the total load is 160 kW unity power factor?
A. 160 B. 120 C. 100 D. 90

51. What is variable capacitor.

A. Varactor B. Resistor C. Inductor D. Thyristor

52. The current flowing in L and C at parallel resonant are

A. zero B. Infinite C. equal D. Different

53. A 12 ohms resistor is connected in parallel to unknown resistor and the combination is connected is series to a 2
ohms resistor across dc source voltage. Find the minimum value of unknown resistor if its power is equal to the
power of 2 ohms resistor
A. 2.4 ohms B. 45 ohms C. 3.2 ohms D. 70 ohms

54. A 36 ohms resistor is connected in parallel to unknown resistor and the combination is connected is series to a 12
ohms resistor across dc source voltage. Find the value of unknown resistor if its power is equal to the power of
parallel resistors.
A. 18 ohms B. 24 ohms C. 28 ohms D. 16 ohms

55. In Philippine Grid Code, which alert issued by system operator when the contingency reserve is zero, a
generation deficiency exists, or there is critical loading or imminent overloading of transmission lines and

56. A 3- phase round rotor synchronous generator rated 10 kVA, 230 volts has synchronous reactance of 1.6 ohm per
phase and armature resistance 0.5 ohm per phase. Calculate the percent regulation at full load with 80% power
factor leading.
A. -6.2% B. 7.2% C. -8.4% D. -5.4%

57. Part of Hydro electric power station that discharges the Surplus water from the storage reservoir into the river on
the down stream side of the dam
A. Penstock B. Surge tank C. Spillway D. Dam

58. In transformers the purpose of breather is to

A. extracts the moisture of the air C. to take insulating oil from the conservator
B. to provide cooling to the winding D. to provide insulation to the winding

59. A three phase wye connected load of 30 MVA, 0.7 pf lagging is supplied at 13.8 kV, 60 Hz. It is desired to raise
the pf to 0.85 lagging using capacitor. What is the capacitance of the capacitor in micro- farad?
A. 117 B. 136 C. 128 D. 159
60. The illumination of a certain object 2.5m from the light source is 6.648 lux. Using the same light source. What is
the illumination on the object at 5.0m.
A. 4700 Lux B. 1226 Lux C. 3324 Lux D. 1622 Lux

61. Calculation of reliability standards of grid owner set by Philippine Grid Code shall exclude outrages that occur on
the _____
A. Generation deficit C. Secondary side of distribution
B. Transmission lines D. Primary side of distribution

62. The primary winding of transformer has 2H inductance while its secondary has 0.5H inductance.
The coupling coefficient is 0.9. What is the ratio of primary turns to secondary turns?
A. 0.2 B. 20 C. 2 D. 0.02

63. In Philippine Distribution Code, the utility requires the consumer to operate at a power factor not less that _____
or more than _____ percent.

64. A 10 kVA distribution transformer has 240 volts secondary winding. The equivalent internal resistance of this
transformer, referred to that winding is 0.048 ohm. What is the percent resistance?
A. 1.2 B. 1.0 C. 0.83 D. 0.75

65. The condition in Ohm’s law is that

A. ratio of V/I should be constant C. current should be proportional to voltage
B. The temperature should remain constants D. The temperature should vary

66. A rectangular coil of 50 loops is suspended in a field of magnetic induction of 0.65 Tesla. The plane of the coil is
parallel to the direction of the field. The dimensions of the coil are 15 cm perpendicular to the field lines and 12 cm
parallel to them. What is torque acting on it when the current in the coils is 57A in Newton-meter?
A. 33.3 B. 55.5 C. 66.7 D. 44.4

67. In of which the following parameters can be neglected for a short lines.
A. Capacitance B. Inductance C. Resistance D. Reactance

68. Find the distance of two identical charges of 4 μ Coul when they experience force of 250 N.
A. 12mm B. 5mm C. 20mm D. 24mm

69. The direction of induced Emf can be found by _____.

A. Lenz’s Law C. Flemming’s Right Hand Rule
B. Flemming’s Left Hand Rule D. Kirchhoff’s Law

70. What is the type of communication that only one of the two party can transmit at a time?
A. Full duplex B. Bicomm C. Half Duplex D. Simplex

71. AC system has the following disadvantages over DC system

A. Line regulation is more C. Charging current exist
B. Skin effect exist D. Proximity effect Exist

72. What is the minimum branch circuit/ ampacity of supply feeder for a window type air conditioning unit with 8-A
rated load current with other load supplied?
A. 17 B. 25 C. 20 D. 15

73. The impedance connected in delta are Z12 = 3 + 5i, Z23 = 6cis-500 and Z31 = 4cis-30O. Convert this Z impedance to
impedance to Y impedance in (acb) sequence. Find Z2
A. 1.8-j0.23 B. 1.8+j0.53 C. 0.81+j2.61 D. 9.4+j7.38
74. A small wind generator is to be designed to generate 70 KW of power at a wind velocity of 30 mph.
What is the approximate blade diameter?
A. 42.6 ft B. 32.5 ft C. 46.4 ft D. 28.8 ft

75. What type of power plant which is non- renewable?

A. Wind B. Nuclear C. Geothermal D. Solar

76. What is the IEEE standard device number for under- voltage relay?
A. 27 B. 67 C. 52 D. 51

77. What characteristics of plates of the battery where ampere hour is rated?
A. strength B. Area C. Distance D. Thickness

78. Three resistances of 8, 6 and 12 are connected in series and then in parallel. Find the effective resistance in series
A. 15 B. 26 C. 20 D. 13

79. When one coil of magnetically couples pair has a current of 5 amperes, the resulting flux Ф11 = 0.4
mWb and flux Ф12 = 0.8 mWb respectively. If the turns are N1 = 500 and N2 = 1500, Find the coefficient of Mutual
A. 60mH B. 120 mH C. 1069 mH D. 240 mH

80. In two winding unloaded transformer, the flux linking the primary and secondary winding are 10mWb and 8
mWb respectively. What is the coupling coefficient?
A. 0.6 B. 0.9 C. 0.8 D. 0.7

81. Three impedances, Z1=6cis 20deg, Z2=8cis 40deg and Z3=10+j0 ohms are connected in wye and supplied by a
480 volts three phase source. What is the equivalent delta connected impedance at phase 2?
A. 28.66+j9.7 B. 14.17+j11.35 C. 22.68-j0.51 D. 74.6+j99.8

82. Increasing the power output of alternator working in parallel to a large system, the operator must adjust.
A. field excitation B. Governor C. Frequency D. Power Factor

83. For constant transmission efficiency, voltage is increased n times, the size of conductor would be
A. Increase to N2 times of the original C. Reduce to (1/N2) times of the original
B. Increase by N times of the original D. Reduce by 1/N times of the original

84. A long straight conductor is carrying 100 ampere current. Determine the flux density in Tesla at a point 8 cm
from the conductor.
A. 0.25x10-3 B. 2.5x10-3 C. 0.025x10-3 D. 0.25

85. A lamp give sufficient light to an object at a distance of 70cm. By how much closer should the object be placed to
double the illumination.
A. 21.55 cm B. 20.5 cm C. 22.45 cm D. 21.28

86. Which of the following equipment is used to limit short-circuit current level in substation?
A. Isolator B. Lightning switch C. Coupling capacitor D. Series reactor

87. A wire 100 cm long and carting current of 50 A is in perpendicular whose magnetic flux density is 1.5Wb/m2 .
Calculate the mechanical power which has velocity of 5m/s.
A. 300 Watts B. 100 Watts C. 150 Watts D. 600 Watts

88. Copper loss of a transformer is determined by means of a/an _____ test.

A. Short Circuit Test B. Open Circuit Test C. No Load Test D. Insulation Test

89. A series RC circuit is connected a capacitor and resistor having voltage of 60V and 80V. What is the total voltage
of the circuit.
A. 140 volts B. 100 volts C. 20 volts D. 120 volts
90. A resistance R and inductive reactance X are connected in parallel across 2.4 kV rms absorbs 288 kW at 0.8
power factor. Find the value of R in ohms.
A. 20 B. 30 C. 26.7 D. 45

91. Which of the following is not considered in selection of surge arrester?

A. Class B. Insulation level C. Voltage rating D. Current rating

92. Which of the following equipment is used to limit short- circuit current level in substation?
A. Isolator B. Lighting switch C. Coupling capacitor D. Series reactor

93. Two compound generator are connected in parallel. If generator A has a series-field resistance of 0.0015 ohm and
is adjusted to take 30% of the line load while generator B with a series field resistance of 0.001 ohm takes the
remainder of the load. Determine the current flow in the equalizer when the load is 230 kW at 230V.
A. 100A B. 400A C. 300A D. 700A

94. A Hermetic motor-compressor has 20 A full load current. What is the rating of disconnecting means?
A. 35A B. 23A C. 31.5A D. 25A

95. What is the maximum output of cellular transmitter?

A. 3W B. 6W C. 30W D. 60W

96. Power loss is important for the design of

A. Transmission line B. Generator C. Motor D. Feeder

97. Fermi energy is the amount of energy which

A. a hole can have at room temperature
B. a valence electron can have at room temperature
C. must be given to an electron to move it to conduction band
D. must be given to hole to move it in valence band

98. A balance 3-phase wye-connected source supplied power to a balanced delta connected load with phase
impedance of 9+j3 ohms through a line with impedance of 1+j2 ohms per phase. Calculate the line current la if the
source voltage Van=120 volts as the reference voltage.
A. 24cis(-36.87O)A B. 38cis(-18 O)A C. 12cis(-18 O)A D. 40+j 0 A

99. The voltage regulation is an important factor in the design of

A. Transmission line B. Generator C. Motor D. Feeder

100. What is/are the main reason/s for using high voltage in the transmission of power in grid systems?
I. To transmit bulk power with minimum losses
II. To increase system reliability
A. I only B. II only C. both I and II D. either I and II



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