Stock Audit Report: Page 1 of 9
Stock Audit Report: Page 1 of 9
Stock Audit Report: Page 1 of 9
Name of the Account M/s Bagadiya Brothers Name of the CA Firm MRCA & Associates
Constitution Pvt Ltd Membership No. 012690C
Name of the branch Union Bank of India, Name of the person who CA. Aashish Agrawal
Main Branch, Ramsagar inspected the account Nikhil Kumar
Para, Raipur
RO / FGM / ZO RO, Raipur Name of the person Sajet Lima
Category of Branch from the branch who
accompanied C.A.
Name of the person/s Jagriti Upadhyay
contacted at borrowers
site : Duration of audit 3 Days
Regd. Office Bagadiya Mansion, Jawahar Nagar, Raipur (C.G.)
Work Office Bonte Senegal, Regus Daka City Centre, Azur 15 Building, 12 BLD Djily,
MBAYE, BP 50555, Dakar, Senagal.
Bonte Cote D’lvoir, Treichville, Bld Vge, Immeuble Kablane 1BP 12453-
Abidjan 01, Cote D’lvoir
Godown (in India) Kandla Port, Gandhidham, Gujarat.
Paradeep Port, Orrisa.
Gangavaram Port, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Our bank’s share 88.50% Name of lead bank Union Bank of India
Name/ Date/ Rating of CRISIL Date of last consortium 23.09.2015
External Credit Rating 25.02.2015 meeting held
Agency LT: BBB-
ST: A4
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(Rs in Lakhs)
Nature of Limit sanctioned Drawin O/s as on Value of Margin Rate of *Turnover for last one
facility g 18.03.2016 Collateral interest year (1st April 15 to 1st
power security Jan 2016)
Debit Credit
i. Packing Credit: 7,906.52 6,119.81 Secured against Stock- 25% BR+ 23,070.47 17,497.90
Working 15,000.00 stock & book debtsBook 3%
Capital Cash Credit: & other collateral Debts-
5,000.00 Securities Valued 50%
FDBP: 10,000.00 at 43,500.00 Lacs (as per the
ii. Term
Bank (5000.00)
Ascertain whether all terms and conditions of sanction are As per our observation the company has
complied with complied with terms & conditions
subject to notes at the end
If no, the terms and conditions which are yet to be complied
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Wherever required, whether charge registered Date of Date of Value of charge
with ROC, within prescribed time (Form 8 & registration of certificate
13 filed or not) charge
Form 8 08.02.2014 08.02.2014 435.00 Crores
If charge is not yet registered, the reasons therefore :
ix The Prime & Collateral Securities offered by way of Land & Yes
Building are registered under CERSAI (Central Registry of
Securitisation Asset Reconstruction & Security Interest of
x Any other irregularity observed in respect of documentation
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confirmed, action taken for adjustment of excess.
viii Whether PC is adjusted timely? If not give the following Yes
Sr. No. Amount Last date of shipment Since when overdue
Whether extension of time has been taken / applied for to NA
ECGC and upto which date it is valid (in case of overdue
Whether PC is adjusted by application of local Rupee fund NA
/ export proceeds?
x Whether bills foreign / inland are being realized as per Yes
tenor / terms
xi Details of overdue bills, both inland / foreign. NA
xii Details of bills returned unpaid NA
xiii Buyer wise ECGC coverage obtained as per terms of NA
sanction or not
xiv Is there any devolvement of L/C, if yes, number of L/Cs NA
devolved, amount and the fate of devolvement
Reason of devolvement of L/Cs be given in brief NA
xv Whether any guarantee invoked? If yes, number, date and No
Reasons of invocation of L/G be given in brief -
xvi No. of guarantees expired but still outstanding. No Such Cases Found.
xvii Whether interest is being serviced regularly or not, if not NA
details upto which the interest has been repaid and the
amount of overdue interest.
xviii In case of term loan, whether repayment of installment is NA
regular, if not details upto which the installments have been
repaid and the amount of overdue installments.
3-a Profitability for relationship (Total earning of the bank with From 01.04.2015 to 01.02.2016
the relationship be mentioned)
Interest on CC Limit –
748.43 Lacs
Other Charges –
Rs. 57,303.00
A Submission of Statements
i Whether stock statements are being submitted regularly Yes
i-a Whether book debts statements are being submitted Yes
regularly. Date of last stock statement
ii Whether DP is being calculated, check DP register. If not DP is calculated automatically by
maintained, give remarks Finacle System.
iii-a Whether QPR statements submitted as per terms of Yes
sanction (Details to be given)
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d Whether monitoring reports is being submitted Yes, as informed by Bank officials.
regularly? If not submitted give details when it
was last submitted
iv Details of insurance policy
a Name of the insurance company The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
b Validity (Stock at the Particular Ports) Expiry Date: 06.07.2016 (Kandla, Gujrat)
Expired on: 30.10.2015 (Paradeep Port)*
Expired on: 30.10.2015 (Visakhapatnam
Port) *
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Add : Purchases (from the date of stocks statement till the - -
date of inspection)
Less : Material consumed / reduction on account of sales* - -
(from the date of stocks till the date of inspection)
TOTAL 1,73,750 MT 2,994.52
Add : Stock given on job work - -
TOTAL 1,73,750 MT 2,994.52
Less : Stock received on job work - -
Less : Stock belonging to sister concern for which no - -
payment has been made
TOTAL VALUE OF STOCK* 1,73,750 MT 2,994.52
Sr. No. Particulars Amount
1 Book debts as on 12,373.11
2 Less book debts more than 90 days old* -
3 Less book debts declared doubtful / irrecoverable by the party’s -
4 Less book debts not pertaining to the business of the party / balance -
of sister concern (Note 1)
Book debts available for drawing power. 12,373.11
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F Composition of value of stock and book debts as on the Level of stock and Book Debts has
balance sheet date should be compared with value of been increased on the date of
stocks as on the date of inspection. verification, when compared with
stock & debtors as on 31/03/2015
audited accounts.
7 Whether the value of the stocks as revealed from the books of Physical observation of stock is
the party and actually lying at the site of the party as arrived atdone at Vishakhapatnam and
above tallies with each other? If not variations if any to be Gangavaram Ports. For stocks
analyzed and reported. lying at other locations we have
relied upon the value of stocks
stated in the stock statement
given to us by the management.
8 Whether inventory levels accepted have been followed by the Yes, as informed
company? If not the reasons to be analyzed and reported here.
9 Reasons of any sudden increase in the raw material / stores and NA
spares, if any.
10 Reasons of any abnormal increase in the finished goods, if any:
Whether the finished goods include the following :-
i Goods returned by the buyers NA
ii Left over or old batches NA
iii Non saleable items being sub standard or obsolete items of NA
iv With regard to finished goods which have a shelf life, the No
auditors to verify how many reached within six months of the
expiry date and such goods should not rank for drawing power.
11 Whether in your opinion the company is following the correct Yes
stocking pattern? Give comments.
12a Whether proper internal control of verification of the stock Yes, as explained to us.
12b Whether proper books of account have been maintained by the Yes
party? (Stock register / excise register / sales tax records /
purchase register / production register / sales register / work in
process / register for consumables & spares etc.)
13 Details of obsolete stocks: Nil, observed and informed
a) Obsolete stock
b) Stock as stipulated in the sanction advice should not rank
drawing power
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14 Whether the factory has been closed due to lock out / strike or NA
the production has suffered due to labour unrest during the
year? Give details alongwith the observation.
15 Whether branch officials have conducted the inspection of the 13.11.2015
stock / unit regularly, if yes dates of visits and the major
irregularities observed. Any material deviations / variances to
be commented upon.
16 Verification of the plant & machinery in case of term loan.
a Verify invoices / bills
b Whether the end use of the bank finance is proper?
c Whether the plant is in working condition?
d In case of project finance of the projects having long gestation
Cost overrun if any, the reasons be ascertained and the means
of financing
17 Irregularities pointed out in last RBI inspection / statutory
inspection / internal audit concurrent audit regarding the
verification of the stock / book debts and the steps taken by the
branch for its verification.
18 Check whether books of accounts are properly Yes, books of accounts are properly
maintained and ascertain the valued of sundry maintained
creditors for goods and services used for
production on the date of last stock statement
submitted to the branch and report differences, if
any. To also comment, whether they are banking
with any other bank
19 Whether goods purchased under usance Letter of Nil
Credit prior to the date of last stock statement are
included in the stock statement? If so to deduct
the amount for the purpose of calculating
drawing power
20 Reasons, if any, existing or foreseen, which None observed, the account is operating
indicates that the continuation of the relationship effectively, no adverse observations.
with the party will not be beneficial for bank, be
commented upon so as to plan for timely exit
from the account
21 Details comments about your overall observation None observed, the account is operating
in the accounts effectively, no adverse observations.
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Annexure 1
Sr. Particulars Dr/Cr Amount
No. (in Lacs)
1 By Trf Cr 1,150.00
2 Bagadia Bros Pvt Ltd 327004010012225 Cr 550.00
3 By Trf Cr 640.00
4 By Trf Cr 1,000.00
5 By Bagadiya Cr 750.00
6 Bagadiya Brothers Pvt Ltd Cr 700.00
7 Bagadiya Brothers Pvt Ltd Cr 1,700.00
8 Bagadiya Brothers Cr 1,000.00
9 Bagadiya Brothers Pvt Ltd Cr 1,130.00
10 Bagadiya Dr 950.00
11 Bagadiya Brothers Dr 1,400.00
12 327004010012225 Dr 1,000.00
13 Rtgso-Serajuddin And Co Dr 553.55
14 Bill Id : 32700Tt00007215 Dr 621.70
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