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1.Why is it necessary to compute de ections in structures?

Computation of de ection of structures is necessary for the

following reasons:

a. If the de ection of a structure is more than the permissible,

the structure will not look aesthetic and will cause psychological
upsetting of the occupants.

b. Exessive de ection may cause cracking in the materials

attached to the

structure. For

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example, if the de ection of a oor beam is excessive, the oor Popular Posts
nishes and partition walls supported on the beam may get
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cracked and unserviceable.
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made in the structure/ beam during construction, so that it will announced yesterd...
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will considerably reduce the
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3.Name any four methods used for computation of
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t. Stresses are caused due to temperature change and lack of t. 2014 Question p...

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14. De ne : Trussed Beam. 2014 Jan 2015 UG/PG
1st 3r...
A beam strengthened by providing ties and struts is known as TRADE MARKS April
Trussed Beams. 2012 Question paper

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point, where the AND TOXICOLOGY
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de ection or rotation is to found. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE
16. Give the procedure for unit load method. Summer 2012 Quest...

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loads. Question paper


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vertical de ection is required and nd the stress. Question paper­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 5/22
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3. Apply the equation for vertical and horizontal de ection. LAW OF CRIMES
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Shifting of load positions is common enough in buildings. But WOMEN & LAW & LAW
they are more pronounced in bridges and in gantry girders over RELATING TO THE
which vehicles keep rolling. CHILD Summer 201...

Analog Electronic
2. Name the type of rolling loads for which the absolute Circuits 2013 Question
maximum bending moment occurs at the midspan of a paper
(i) Single concentrated load Question paper

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(ii) udl longer than the span (iii) udl shorter than the span (iv) Papers
Also 611-tamil-urainadaiyum
naadagamun May 2014
when the resultant of several concentrated loads crossing a span, Questio...
coincides with a concentrated load then also the maximum CRIMINOLOGY &
bending moment occurs at the centre PENOLOGY Summer
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of the span. INTERNATIONAL
3. What is meant by absolute maximum bending moment in Summer 2012
a beam? When a given load system moves from one end to the Questions P...
other end of a girder, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW
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depending upon the position of the load, there will be a Questions Paper
maximum bending moment for every section. The maximum of ENVIRONMENTAL LAW
these bending moments will usually occur near or at the Summer 2012
midspan. The maximum of maximum bending moments is called Questions Paper
the absolute maximum bending moment. ARBITRATION
4. What is the absolute maximum bending moment due to a ALTERNATIVE
moving udl longer than the span of a simply supported DISPUTES ...
beam? Engineering Physics :
1A2/1SCT2 ...
When a simply supported beam is subjected to a moving udl Engineering Physics :
longer than the 1A3 Summer 2014
Questions Pa...­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 6/22
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span, the absolute maximum bending moment occurs when the LAW OF INSURANCE
whole span is loaded. Summer 2012
Question paper

Mmax max = wl2/8 PRACTICAL TRAINING-

IV Summer 2012
5. State the location of maximum shear force in a simple Questions Paper...
beam with any kind of loading. PROPERTY LAW
In a simple beam with any kind of load, the maximum positive TRANSFER OF
shear force PROPERTY ACT AN...

occurs at the left hand support and maximum negative shear CODE AND
force occurs at right hand support. LIMITATION ACT

6.What is meant by maximum shear force diagram? LAND LAWS INCLUDING

Due to a given system of rolling loads the maximum shear force LOCAL LAWS Sum...
section of the girder can be worked out by placing the loads in Question Paper -
appropriate Andhra...
English (Paper -II)
positions. When these are plotted for all the sections of the JUNE–2014 Questions
girder, the diagram that we obtain is the maximum shear force Paper
diagram. This diagram yields the ‘design shear’ for each cross LINGUISTICS (Paper -II)
section. JUNE –2014 Questions
7. What is meant by in uence lines? NEPALI (Paper - II) JUNE
–2014 Questions
An in uence line is a graph showing, for any given frame or truss, Paper
the variation NEPALI (Paper -III) JUNE
–2014 Questions
of any force or displacement quantity (such as shear force, Paper
bending moment, tension, de ection) for all positions of a MANIPURI (Paper - II)
moving unit load as it crosses the structure from one end to the JUNE –2014 Questions
other. Paper


8. What are the uses of in uence line diagrams? JUNE –2014 Questions
(i) In uence lines are very useful in the quick determination of ASSAMESE (Paper - II)
reactions, shear JUNE –2014 Questions
force, bending moment or similar functions at a given section ASSAMESE (Paper -III)
under any given system of moving loads and JUNE –2014 Questions­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 7/22
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(ii) In uence lines are useful in determining the load position to Bank
cause maximum value of a given function in a structure on which GUJARATI (Paper - II)
load positions can vary. JUNE –2014 Questions
9. What do you understand by the term reversal of stresses? GUJARATI (Paper -III)
JUNE –2014 Questions
In certain long trusses the web members can develop either Bank
tension or MARATHI (Paper - II)
JUNE –2014 Questions
compression depending upon the position of live loads. This Bank
tendancy to change the nature of stresses is called reversal of MARATHI (Paper -III)
stresses. JUNE –2014 Questions
10. State Muller-Breslau principle. FRENCH (Paper - II)
JUNE –2014 Questions
Muller-Breslau principle states that, if we want to sketch the Bank
in uence line for FRENCH (Paper -III)
JUNE –2014 Questions
any force quantity (like thrust, shear, reaction, support moment Bank
or bending moment) in a structure, SPANISH (Paper - II)
JUNE –2014 Questions
(i) We remove from the structure the resistant to that force Bank
quantity and SPANISH (Paper -III)
JUNE –2014 Questions
(ii) We apply on the remaining structure a unit displacement Bank
corresponding to that force quantity. RUSSIAN (Paper - II)
JUNE –2014 Questions
The resulting displacements in the structure are the in uence Bank
line ordinates RUSSIAN (Paper -III)
JUNE –2014 Questions
sought. Bank

PERSIAN (Paper - II)

11. What is the necessity of model analysis? JUNE –2014 Questions
(i) When the mathematical analysis of problem is virtually
JUNE –2014 Questions
(ii) Mathematical analysis though possible is so complicatedand
time consuming that the model analysis offers a short cut.
JUNE –2014 Questions
(iii) The importance of the problem is such that veri cation of
JUNE –2014 Questions
analysis by an actual test is essential.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 8/22
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12. De ne similitude. GERMAN (Paper - II)

JUNE –2014 Questions
Similitude means similarity between two objects namely the Paper

model and the GERMAN (Paper -III)

JUNE –2014 Questions
prototype with regard to their physical characteristics: Paper
• Geometric similitude is similarity of form JUNE –2014 Questions
• Kinematic similitude is similarity of motion JAPANESE (Paper -III)
JUNE –2014 Questions
• Dynamic and/or mechanical similitude is similarity of masses Paper
and/or forces. ADULT EDUCATION
(Paper - II) JUNE –
13. What is the principle of dimensional similarity? 2014 Questions ...

Dimensional similarity means geometric similarity of form. This (Paper -III) JUNE –
means that all 2014 Questions ...
homologous dimensions of prototype and model must be in some (Paper - II) JUNE
constant ratio. -2014, Questi...

14. Name any four model making materials. (Paper -III) JUNE –
2014 Questio...
Perspex, plexiglass, acrylic, plywood, sheet araldite and bakelite ARAB CULTURE &
(Paper - II) JUNE -...
the model making materials. Micro-concrete, mortar and plaster ARAB CULTURE &
of paris can also be used for models. ISLAMIC STUDIES
JUNE –2014
15. What is ‘dummy length’ in models tested with Begg’s QUESTION...
deformeter. ME 2305 – APPLIED
Dummy length is the additional length (of about 10 to 12mm) left PNEUMATICS Two
at the extremities of the model to enable any desired connection Ma...
to be made with the gauges. ME2304 –
16. What are the three types of connections possible with METROLOGY and
the model used MEASUREMENTS
with Begg’s deformeter. ME2302 DYNAMICS OF
(i) Hinged connection (ii) Fixed connection (iii) Floating Questions Bank 2015
connection­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 9/22
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17. What is the use of a micrometer microscope in model ME2302 DYNAMICS OF

analysis with MACHINERY Two
Marks Questions W...

Begg’s deformeter. ME2301 THERMAL

Micrometer microscope is an instrument used to measure the Questions Bank 2015
displacements of any point in the x and y directions of a model ME2301 – THERMAL
during tests with Begg’s deformeter. ENGINEERING Two
Marks Questions W...
1.What is an arch? Explain. CE 2302 – STRUCTURAL
Marks Questio...
An arch is de ned as a curved girder, having convexity upwards Marks Questio...
and supported at its ends. CE 2304 -
The supports must effectively arrest displacements in the vertical ENGINEERING Two
and horizontal directions. Only then there will be arch action. Marks Ques...
CE 2304 -
2.State Eddy’s theorem. ENVIRONMENTAL
Eddy’s theorem states that “ The bending moment at any section Marks Ques...
of an arch is ►  2014 (338)

►  2013 (84)
proportional to the
►  2012 (543)

►  2011 (675)
vertical intercept between the linear arch (or theoretical arch)
and the centre line

of the actual arch.”

3.What is the degree of static indeterminacy of a three

hinged parabolic arch?

For a three hinged parabolic arch, the degree of static

indeterminancy is zero. It

is statically determinate. 5.Explain with the aid of a sketch, the

normal thrust and radial shear in an arch rib. H A B H R N

Let us take a section X of an arch. ( g (a) ). Let θ be the

inclination of the tangent at X. If H is the horizontal thrust and V
the vertical shear at X, from the free body of the RHS of the arch,­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 10/22
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it is clear that V and H will have normal and radial components

given by,

N= H cosθ + V sinθ

R= V cosθ - H sinθ

4.Which of the two arches, viz. circular and parabolic is

preferable to carry a uniformly distributed load? Why?

Parabolic arches are preferably to carry distributed loads.

Because, both, the shape of the arch and the shape of the bending
moment diagram are parabolic. Hence the intercept between the
theoretical arch and actual arch is zero everywhere. Hence, the
bending moment at every section of the arch will be zero. The
arch will be under pure compression which will be economical.

5.What is the difference between the basic action of an arch

and a suspension cable?

An arch is essentially a compression member which can also take


moments and shears.

Bending moments and shears will be absent if the arch is

parabolic and the loading uniformly distributed.

A cable can take only tension. A suspension bridge will therefore

have a cable and a stiffening girder.

The girder will take the bending moment and shears in the bridge
and the cable, only tension.

Because of the thrusts in the cables and arches, the bending

moments are considerably reduced.

If the load on the girder is uniform, the bridge will have only
cable tension and no bending moment on the girder.

6.Under what conditions will the bending moment in an

arch be zero throughout.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 11/22
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The bending moment in an arch throughout the span will be

zero, if

(i) the arch is parabolic and (ii) the arch carries uniformly
distributed load throughout the span.

7.Draw the ILD for bending moment at a section X at a

distance x from the left end of a three hinged

parabolic arch of span ’l’ and rise ‘h’.

Mx = µ x – Hy

µ x Hy

(+) (-)

x(l-x)/ l x(l-x)/ l

8. Indicate the positions of a moving point load for

maximum negative and positive bending moments in a three
hinged arch.

Considering a three hinged parabolic arch of span ‘l’ and

subjected to a moving

point load W, the position of the point load for

a. Maximum negative bending moment is 0.25l from end

supports. b. Maximum positive bending moment is 0.211l from
end supports.

9. Draw the in uence line for radial shear at a section of a

three hinged arch.

Radial shear is given by Fx = H sinθ - V cosθ,

where θ is the inclination of tangent at X. l sinθ

l – x cosθ 4r

10. Distinguish between two hinged and three hinged

arches.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 12/22
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Two hinged arches Three hinged arches

1. Statically indeterminate to rst degree Statically determinate

2. Might develop temperature stresses Increase in temperature

causes increasein central rise. No stresses.

3. Structurally more ef cient Easy to analyse. But in costruction,

the central

hinge may involve additional expenditure.

4. Will develop stresses due to sinking of supports Since this is

determinate, no stresses due to support sinking.

11. Explain the effect of yielding of support in the case of an


Yielding of supports has no effect in the case of a 3 hinged arch

which is

determinate. These displacements must be taken into account

when we analyse 2 hinged or xed arches under

∂U = ∆H instead of zero ∂H

∂U = ∆VA instead of zero ∂VA

Here U is the strain energy of the arch and ∂H and ∆VA are the

due to yielding of supports.

12. Write the formula to calculate the change in rise in three

hinged arch if there is a rise in temperature.

Change in rise = l2 + 4r2 α T 4r

where l = span length of the arch r = central rise of the arch

α = coef cient of thermal expansion

T = change in temperature­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 13/22
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13. In a parabolic arch with two hinges how will you

calculate the slope of the arch at any point.

Slope of parabolic arch = θ = tan-1 4r (l – 2x) l2

where θ = Slope at any point x (or) inclination of tangent at x.

l = span length of the arch r = central rise of the arch

14. How will you calculate the horizontal thrust in a two

hinged parabolic arch if there is a rise in temperature.

Horizontal thrust = l α TEI l y2dx 0

where l = span length of the arch

y = rise of the arch at any point x

α = coef cient of thermal expansion

T = change in temperature

E = Young’s Modulus of the material of the arch

I = Moment of inertia

15. What are the types of arches according to the support


i. Three hinged arch

ii. Two hinged arch

iii. Single hinged arch

iv. Fixed arch (or) hingeless arch

16. What are the types of arches according to their shapes.

i. Curved arch

ii. Parabolic arch iii. Elliptical arch iv. Polygonal arch­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 14/22
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1.What are the assumptions made in slope-de ection


(i) Between each pair of the supports the beam section is


(ii) The joint in structure may rotate or de ect as a whole, but the
angles between the members meeting at that joint remain the

2. How many slope de ection equations are available for a

two span continuous beam?

There will be 4 nos. of slope-de ection equations, two for each


3. What is the moment at a hinged end of a simple beam?

Moment at the hinged ends of a simple beam is zero.

4. What are the quantities in terms of which the unknown

moments are expressed in slope-de ection method?

In slope-de ection method, unknown moments are expressed in

terms of

(i) slopes (θ) and (ii) de ections (∆)

5. How do you account for sway in slope de ection method

for portal frames?

Because of sway, there will br rotations in the vertical members

of a frame.

This causes moments in the vertical members. To account for

this, besides the equilibrium, one more equation namely shear
equation connecting the joint-

moments is used.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 15/22
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6. Who introduced slope-de ection method of analysis?

Slope-de ection method was introduced by Prof. George

A.Maney in 1915.

7. Write down the general slope-de ection equations and

state what each term represents?


General slope-de ection equations:

MAB = M’AB + 2EI/L( 2θA + θB + 3∆ / l )

MBA = M’BA + 2EI/L( 2θB + θA + 3∆ / l)

where, M’AB , M’BA = Fixed end moment at A and B respectively

due to the

given loading.

θA , θB = Slopes at A and B respectively

∆ = Sinking of support A with respect to B

8. Mention any three reasons due to which sway may occur

in portal frames.

Sway in portal frames may occur due to

(i) unsymmetry in geometry of the frame

(ii) unsymmetry in loading or

(iii) Settlement of one end of a frame.

9. How many slope-de ection equations are available for

each span?

Two numbers of slope-de ection equations are available for each


describing the moment at each end of the span.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 16/22
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10. State the limitations of slope de ection method.

(i) It is not easy to account for varying member sections

(ii) It becomes very cumbersome when the unknown

displacements are large in number.

11. Why is slope-de ection method called a ‘displacement


In slope-de ection method, displacements (like slopes and

displacements) are

treated as unknowns and hence the method is a ‘displacement


12. De ne degrees of freedom.

In a structure, the number of independent joint displacements

that the structure

can undrgo are known

as degrees of freedom.

13. A rigid frame is having totally 10 joints including

support joints. Out of slope-de ection and moment
distribution methods, which method would you prefer for
analysis? Why?

Moment distribution method is preferable.

If we use slope-de ection method, there would be 10 (or more)

unknown displacements and an equal number of equilibrium
equations. In addition, there

would be 2 unknown support momentsper span and the same

number of slope- de ection equations. Solving them is dif cult.

14. What is the basis on which the sway equation is formed

for a structure?

Sway is dealt with in slope-de ection method by considering the

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equilibrium of the whole frame taking into account the shears at

the base level of columns and external horizontal forces.

The shear condition is MAB + MBA – Ph + MCD + MDC + P = 0



1.What is the difference between absolute and relative

stiffness? Absolute stiffness is represented in terms of E, I and l,
such as 4EI / l. Relative stiffness is represented in terms of I and l,
omitting the constant E.

Relative stiffness is the ratio of stiffness to two or more members

at a joint.

2. De ne: Continuous beam.

A Continuous beam is one, which is supported on more than two

supports. For

usualloading on the beam hogging ( - ive ) moments causing

convexity upwards at

the supports and sagging ( + ve ) moments causing concavity

upwards occur at mid span.

3.What are the advantages of Continuous beam over simply

supported beam?

1. The maximum bending moment in case of continuous beam is

much less

than in case of simply supported beam of same span carrying

same loads.

2. In case of continuous beam, the average bending moment is

lesser and hence lighter materials of construction can be used to
resist the bending moment.

4. In a member AB, if a moment of –10 KNm is applied at A,

what is the moment carried over to B?­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 18/22
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Carry over moment = Half of the applied moment

∴Carry over moment to B = -10/5 = -5 KNm

5. De ne: Moment distribution method.( Hardy Cross


It is widely used for the analysis of indeterminate structures. In

this method, all

the members of the structure are rst assumed to be xed in

position and xed end moments due to external loads are

6. De ne: Stiffness factor.

It is the moment required to rotate the end while acting on it

through a unit

rotation, without translation of the far end being (i) Simply

supported is given by k = 3 EI / L (ii) Fixed is given by k = 4 EI / L

where, E = Young’s modulus of the beam material.

I = Moment of inertia of the beam

L = Beam’s span length.

7. De ne: Distribution factor.

When several members meet at a joint and a moment is applied

at the joint to

producerotation without translation of the members, the

moment is distributed among all the members meeting at that
joint proportionate to their stiffness.

Distribution factor = Relative stiffness / Sum of relative stiffness

at the joint

If there is 3 members, Distribution factors = k1 , k2 , k3 k1 + k2 +

k3 k1 + k2 + k3 k1 + k2 + k3

8. De ne: Carry over moment and Carry over factor.­2302­structural­analysis­i­two­marks.html 19/22
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Carry over moment: It is de ned as the moment induced at the

xed end of the

beam by the action of a moment applied at the other end, which

is hinged. Carry over moment is the same nature of the applied

Carry over factor ( C.O) : A moment applied at the hinged end B “

carries over” to the xed end A, a moment equal to half the
amount of applied moment and of the same rotational sense.

C.O =0.5

9. De ne Flexural Rigidity of Beams.

The product of young’s modulus (E) and moment of inertia (I) is


Flexural Rigidity (EI) of Beams. The unit is N mm 2

10. De ne: Constant strength beam.

If the exural Rigidity (EI) is constant over the uniform section, it

is called

Constant strength beam.

11. What is the sum of distribution factors at a joint?

Sum of distribution factors at a joint = 1.

12. What are the situations where in sway will occur in

portal frames?

a. Eccentric or unsymmetric loading

b. Unsymmetrical geometry

c. Different end conditions of the columns d. Non-uniform

section of the members

e. Unsymmetrical settlement of supports f. A combination of the

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13. What are symmetric and antisymmetric quantities in

structural behaviour?

When a symmetrical structure is loaded with symmetrical

loading, the bending

moment and de ected shape will be symmetrical about the same

axis. Bending moment and de ection are symmetrical quantities.

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JASWANT MEENA 1 year ago  -  Shared publicly

Nice ........

Harry Sandy 3 months ago  -  Shared publicly

 It's amazing one while during the examination it's easy to catch all two marks

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Deeps Gv 3 months ago  -  Shared publicly

 Really. Awesome......really worth to see it

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arnav sharma 3 months ago  -  Shared publicly

 Hats off

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Abhishek Das 8 months ago  -  Shared publicly

 nice one..

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vinay sekhar reddy 2 months ago

 what is absolute stiffness?

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antaryami tarai 9 months ago  -  Shared publicly

Good job
Thanks a lot

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 thank u

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