Virgin Olive Oil As A Fundamental Nutritional Component and Skin Protector
Virgin Olive Oil As A Fundamental Nutritional Component and Skin Protector
Virgin Olive Oil As A Fundamental Nutritional Component and Skin Protector
Abstract Fats are indispensable to life not only as an energy source but also for their structural role
in the skin, retina, nervous system, lipoproteins, and biologic membranes. They are also precursors of
important hormones and constitute the vehicle for the absorption of liposoluble vitamins. Nutritionists
recommend a balanced lipid intake corresponding to a total amount of fats equal to 25% to 30% of
total calories with a ratio in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, olive oil, with its
balanced fatty acid composition, is of high nutritional value. Moreover, extra virgin olive oil,
extracted from a fruit, has an important value related to the antioxidant power of minor components.
Extra virgin olive oil contains 98% to 99% triglycerides and 1% to 2% minor components. In the
triglycerides, the main fatty acids are represented by monounsaturates (oleic), with a slight amount of
saturates and an adequate amount of polyunsaturates. The minor components are α-tocopherol,
phenol compounds, carotenoids, squalene, phytosterols, and chlorophyll. Factors that can influence
olive oil's composition, especially in regard to its minor components, are the cultivar, area of
production, time of harvesting, and degree of technology used in its production. Therefore, an
evaluation of the biologic value of extra virgin olive oil and its use as a topical raw material in
cosmetic dermatology is reported.
© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0738-081X/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Polyunsaturates, although indispensable, constitute a and δ types with the bile, keeping only the α form, the true
mark for oxygen free radicals because the methylene vitamin E.1,2
positioned between the two double links (divinylmethane In addition to α-tocopherol, extra virgin olive oil
group) constitutes a vulnerable point that allows the contains some carotenoids as β-carotene and lutein
subtraction of a hydrogen atom through a homolytic scission (responsible for the yellow color), and especially numerous
and subsequent formation of a lipid peroxide that will in turn phenol compounds, which are presently attracting the
try to stabilize itself, creating a chain reaction (Figure 2). attention of many researchers. The most important of these
The intake of polyunsaturates is necessary, but not in are hydroxytyrosol and oleuropeine, with the ability to
high quantities (only 6%–8% of calories from fats [2%–3% decrease cholesterol levels, platelet aggregation, and tumor
of total calorie intake]). At the same time, saturated fatty risk. Other phenol compounds present, in lesser amounts,
acids consumption should be moderate (approximately the are caffeic acid, vanillic acid, and ferulic acid, which exert
same amount as polyunsaturates, with a ratio of 1:1). The an α-tocopherol–saving action, in addition to the lignanes,
saturates increase plasma cholesterol levels and act as a class of phenols able to provide protection from colon
“promoters” on certain cancer growths (colon, breast, and and breast cancers.
perhaps uterus and prostate). Currently, there is considerable interest in olive oil's
Nutritionists recommend a balanced lipid intake corre- squalene content, a triterpene hydrocarbon that exerts
sponding to a total amount of fats equal to 25% to 30% of antioxidant properties at the cutaneous level against solar
total calories with a ratio in fatty acids: rays, behaving as a biologic filter of singlet oxygen.3,4
Squalene seems to have immune-stimulating properties and
• Saturates (6%-8%) an anti-neoplastic influence on the colon, breast, and prostate.
• Monounsaturates (12%-14%) The presence of numerous and varied antioxidants agents
• Polyunsaturates ω-6 (6%-7%) is of importance because diverse antioxidants act synerge-
• Polyunsaturates ω-3 (0.5%-1.5%) tically, whereby when only one antioxidant is present, even
in high amounts, it is not effective and can even have
Olive oil's balanced acid composition gives it a high adverse effects.
value (necessary and adequate EFA content with a balanced Most researchers are primarily interested in phenol
ratio between the two series), but extra virgin olive oil, compounds, which seem to have numerous properties, in
extracted from a fruit, has an important value related to the addition to antioxidant, and this puts phenol-rich extra virgin
antioxidant power of minor components (Table 1). olive oil in first place. It is also important to consider that
although carotenoids and tocopherols are found in other
animal and vegetable foods, the most important water-
soluble phenol substances can be found exclusively in extra
Antioxidants in olive oil virgin olive oil.
have the ability to penetrate the epithelia, disarranging its agents. This can be accomplished by the regular intake of
structure and functioning, and favoring cell aging and fruits and vegetables with extra virgin olive oil.Exposure to
cancer risk. solar rays determines a serious loss of antioxidant factors in
UV rays cause skin tissue damage with the possibility the skin. It has been observed that after 30 minutes of UV
of tumor transformation because UVA induces free exposure, the level of α-tocopherol in the skin is reduced by
radical formations that target DNA, aromatic amines, and 50% to 60%. The topical application of α-tocopherol clearly
polyunsaturated fatty acids. 22 Consequently, lysosome reduces damage, and the same positive effect, although to a
rupture occurs with the release of enzymes and formation lesser degree, is seen when the α-tocopherol is taken orally.21
of typical sunburn cells. It should be remembered that UV rays exert a negative effect
On the other hand, UVB causes direct damage to DNA, on all antioxidants, especially on carotenoids, decreasing
provoking photoproducts (eg, 8-OH deoxyguanine) that their concentration both at the skin level and in the plasma.22
induce transverse bonds between nucleotides during DNA An adequate intake of carotenoids (with vegetables, but also
replication.23 with extra virgin olive oil, which contains β-carotene and
However, great importance is given to the formation of lutein) can be decisively recommended as an important
oxygen free radicals produced inside the epidermal cell, not protective skin factor. Lutein has a direct effect as an
only by solar rays but also by the oxide-reduction reactions antioxidant and works synergetically with other another
that take place inside the cell. This modifies the phospho- carotenoid, lycopene, a highly active agent against skin
lipids in the membrane that undergo the peroxidation of their photoaging and cancer risk, not only of the skin, but of other
polyunsaturates, with cell destruction that can lead to cell tissues as well.23 Olive oil also promotes the intestinal
death. The skin's susceptibility to peroxidative initiation is absorption of carotenoids, particularly lycopene.
strictly connected to the presence or absence of an adequate The phenol components of olive oil have been shown to
antioxidant system, represented by the enzymes superoxide- have a direct antioxidant action on skin, especially
dismutase and glutathione peroxidase; α-tocopherol, β- oleuropeine, which acts as a free radical scavenger at the
carotene, and squalene; and the phenol compounds. skin level. 25 Particular attention must be directed to
In addition to ensuring an adequate intake of antioxidants, squalene, present in notable concentration in virgin olive
it seems opportune to provide an optimum amount of oil in nonsaponifiable fraction, which makes it similar to the
polyunsaturated fatty acids, avoiding deficiency but also composition of sebum. Squalene is found in high amounts in
avoiding excesses, because of their high susceptibility to sebum (∼12% of its composition) and acts as a potent
peroxidative initiation, which can favor the damaging effects scavenger of singlet oxygen, inhibiting the lipoperoxidation
of solar rays. The peroxidation of EFA leads to polymer induced by UVA.3,4 When taken orally, olive oil has been
formation with cyclic compost formation, which causes shown to give photoprotection to the skin.26,27
ulcerative-type lesions that accumulate pigments of lipofus- Also present in high concentration in olive oil is β-
cin and ceroids (brown spots) and a tendency to cancer. sitosterol, a phytosterol that has an action similar to azelaic
As a confirmation of this hypothesis, we cite Harman's acid, inhibiting the transformation of testosterone into
study,19 which involved two groups of rats with diets rich in dihydrotestosterone with a consequent regulatory effect on
polyunsaturated fatty acids (safflower oil) or monounsatu- sebum.28
rates (olive oil). The rats were then exposed to radiation, and
from the measurement taken it was noted that the rats fed
olive oil had less severe lesions than those of the rats fed
safflower oil. Harman noted that UV light induces alterations Topical uses of olive oil
in the skin that mimic those of normal aging, which led us to
think that those who habitually consume olive oil should Another interesting aspect of virgin olive oil is its use in
have younger-looking skin than those who habitually cosmetic and dermo-protective creams. The similarity of
consume oil high in polyunsaturates, such as corn oil or virgin oil's composition to sebum, given by its high content
safflower oil. of squalene, β-sitosterol content, optimum fatty acids
Further support to this hypothesis is given by Pinckney,20 content (the presence of oleic acid, which acts as a skin
who observed that 78% of subjects who consumed a diet softener), and wealth of antioxidant substances, makes it
containing more than 10% of polyunsaturates presented particularly able to directly protect the skin. When applied to
striking signs of early aging and had an older appearance than the skin after sun exposure, olive oil has an inhibitory effect
their chronologic age. In this group, 6% had undergone on sun-induced cancer development. This is accomplished
removal of one or more skin lesions of suspected malignancy. by the activation of enzyme p53, the substance that prevents
Therefore, to prevent skin damage it is advisable to and repairs skin damage caused by exposure to UVA.24
consume an adequate amount of polyunsaturates, being On the whole, virgin olive oil seems indicated for use
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