Irrigation Water Pumps: AE1057 (Revised)
Irrigation Water Pumps: AE1057 (Revised)
Irrigation Water Pumps: AE1057 (Revised)
Water Pumps
The heart of most irrigation systems is a pump. To make an irrigation system as
efficient as possible, the pump must be selected to match the requirements of
the water source, the water distribution system and the irrigation equipment.
Thomas F. Scherer
Extension Agricultural Engineer
August 2017
1•AE1057Irrigation Water Pumps
Pumps used for irrigation
Basic Pump Operating Characteristics
include centrifugal, deep- “Head” is a term commonly used with Table 1. Pounds per square
well turbine, submersible pumps. Head refers to the height of a inch (PSI) and equivalent head
vertical column of water. Pressure and in feet of water.
and propeller pumps.
Actually, turbine, head are interchangeable concepts in PSI Head (feet)
irrigation because a column of water
submersible and 0 0
2.31 feet high is equivalent to 1 pound
propeller pumps are 5 11.5
per square inch (PSI) of pressure. The 10 23.1
special forms of a total head of a pump is composed of 15 34.6
centrifugal pump. several types of heads that help define 20 46.2
However, their names are the pump’s operating characteristics. 25 57.7
30 69.3
common in the industry. 35 80.8
In this publication, the term Total Dynamic Head 40 92.4
The total dynamic head of a pump 45 104
centrifugal pump refers to
50 115
any pump that’s above the is the sum of the total static head,
55 127
pressure head, friction head and 60 138
water surface and uses a
velocity head. An explanation of 65 150
suction pipe. these terms follows and is shown 70 162
graphically in Figure 1. 75 173
Before selecting an 80 185
irrigation pump, you Total Static Head 85 196
must make a careful and 90 208
The total static head is the vertical 95 219
complete inventory of the distance the pump must lift the water. 100 231
conditions under which When pumping from a well, it would
the pump will operate. be the distance from the pumping
water level in the well to the ground Friction Head
The inventory must include:
surface, plus the vertical distance the Friction head is the energy loss or
• Source of water water is lifted from the ground surface pressure decrease due to friction when
(well, river, pond, etc.) to the discharge point. When pumping water flows through pipe networks.
from an open water surface, it would The velocity of the water has a
• Required pumping be the total vertical distance from the significant effect on friction loss.
flow rate water surface to the discharge point.
Loss of head due to friction occurs
• Total suction head when water flows through straight
Pressure Head
• Total dynamic head Sprinkler and drip irrigation systems pipe sections, fittings or valves;
require pressure to operate. Center around corners; and where pipes
You usually have no choice pivot systems require a certain increase or decrease in size. Values
about the source of the pressure at the pivot point to for these losses can be calculated or
obtained from friction loss tables.
water; it is either surface distribute the water properly.
The pressure head at any point The friction head for a piping system
water or well water, and
where a pressure gauge is located is the sum of all the friction losses.
the local geology and
can be converted from PSI to feet
hydrologic conditions will Velocity Head
of head by multiplying by 2.31.
determine the availability. Velocity head is the energy of the
However, the type of For example, 20 PSI is equal to water due to its velocity. This is a
20 times 2.31, or 46.2 feet of head. very small amount of energy and is
irrigation system, distance
Most city water systems operate at usually negligible when computing
from the water source and
50 to 60 PSI, which, as illustrated in losses in an irrigation system.
size of the piping system Table 1, explains why the centers
will determine the flow rate of most city water towers are about
and total dynamic head. 130 feet above the ground.
Figure 1. The total dynamic head (TDH) is the sum of the total static head, total friction head and pressure head.
The components of the total static head for a surface water and well water pumping system are shown.
The horizontal centrifugal has a vertical with frequent electrical power outages
Centrifugal Pumps impeller connected to a horizontal or off-peak electrical price reductions.
Centrifugal pumps are used to pump drive shaft, as shown in Figure 3.
from reservoirs, lakes, streams and Self-priming also lends itself to the new
shallow wells. They also are used as Horizontal centrifugal pumps are the control panels for center pivots where
booster pumps in irrigation pipelines. most common in irrigation systems. automatic restart is a programmable
All centrifugal pumps must be filled They are generally less costly, require function.
completely with water or “primed” less maintenance, and are easier to
install and more accessible for A note of caution:
before they can operate.
inspection and maintenance than Because the bearings are constantly
The suction line, as well as the pump, a vertical centrifugal. Self-priming under water, these pumps may
has to be filled with water and free horizontal centrifugal pumps are require a higher level of maintenance.
of air. Airtight joints and connections available, but they are special-purpose
are extremely important on the suction pumps and not normally used with
pipe. Priming a pump can be done irrigation systems.
by hand-operated vacuum pumps,
an internal combustion engine Vertical centrifugal pumps may be
vacuum, motor-powered vacuum mounted so the impeller is under
pumps or small water pumps that water at all times. (See floating
fill the pump and suction pipe pump on cover.) This makes priming
with water. unnecessary, which makes the vertical
centrifugal desirable for floating
Centrifugal pumps are designed applications. Also, a self-priming Figure 3. A horizontal centrifugal
for horizontal or vertical operation. feature is very desirable in areas pump.
Table 2. A chart showing the most desirable pump types to use for
a given range of flow rates and total dynamic heads.
TDH (feet)
per Minute 50 or less 50 to 500 500 or more
0 to 300 Propeller Centrifugal Centrifugal
Centrifugal Vertical turbine Vertical turbine
Submersible Submersible
300 to 5,000 Propeller Centrifugal Centrifugal
Vertical turbine Vertical turbine
Submersible Submersible
5,000 or more Propeller Centrifugal Centrifugal
Vertical turbine Vertical turbine
Vertical turbine 1. Adapted for use in wells 1. Difficult to install, inspect and repair
2. Provides high TDH and flow rates with 2. Higher initial cost than a centrifugal
high efficiency pump
3. Electric or internal combustion power 3. To maintain high efficiency, impellers
can be used must be adjusted periodically
4. Priming not needed 4. Repair and maintenance more expensive
5. Can be used where water surface fluctuates than for centrifugals
Submersible 1. Can be used in deep wells 1. More expensive in larger sizes than
2. Priming not needed deep-well vertical turbines
3. Can be used in crooked wells 2. Only electric power can be used
4. Easy to install 3. More susceptible to lightning
5. Smaller diameters are less expensive 4. Water movement past motor is required
than comparable-sized vertical turbines