BK-IT26 Sensor Tech (Brochure) 10
BK-IT26 Sensor Tech (Brochure) 10
BK-IT26 Sensor Tech (Brochure) 10
Dr i v ing Bus iness perfor ma nce wi th
Intell igent sensor syste ms
“Our perspective is that cost of both the sensors and devices is approaching free and the size is
approaching invisible. Our perspective is literally everything will have IOT technology at some point,”
- James Bailey, SMD Accenture Mobility Lead, USA
Sensor technology has set its way to uplift the ability of IoT in today’s Information
Age, championing the emerging scene of Industrial 4.0 into the industries masses. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
MarketsandMarkets states that the smart sensor market is expected to grow from
This event is targeted but not limited to:
USD 18.58 Billion in 2015 to USD 57.77 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 18.1%
between 2016 and 2022. The revolutionising sensor ability will bring infinite • CEO, COO
outbreaks of technological innovations in the future. • Chief of Maintenance
• Chief Engineer
• Chief Analytics Officer
The fast-growing demands of automation and intelligence technology has • Chief Technology Officer
shaped the sensor system to fulfil the gap of growth. Matthias Rebellius, CEO of • Chief Digital Officer
Siemens Building Technologies says, “Enlighted has a strong footprint in • Chief Data Scientist
revolutionizing building intelligence by developing a multi-sensor-based IoT VPs/ Directors / Heads / Managers of:
platform, using the power of data”. Smart sensors give an intelligent aspect to
industries by providing the opportunity to advance through enhancement of • Technology
• Digital Operation
automation levels, minimisation of cost and real time monitoring of operations. • Operation
• Reliability
Sensor technology is no longer an innovation of the future with a long-term road • Remote Service
map. With the emergence the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems, many industries • Energy
have already been incorporating sensor technology in their daily business From the following industries:
operations. Sensor Tech by Trueventus aims to provide opportunities for
operation enhancements and explore solutions with efficient integration of • Manufacturing
• Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
sensor technology. • Industrial Automation
• Machinery
• Oil & Energy
• Semiconductors
WHY YOU CANNOT MISS THIS EVENT • Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
• Information Technology and Services
• Gaining a comprehensive understanding of sensor technology and of its • E-commerce
global market and applications • Retail
• Evaluating the ability of smart sensor use cases, challenges of adaptation, and • Automotive
• Aviation & Aerospace
finding the correct solutions • Logistics and Supply Chain
• Remarking the unifying strategies by leading organizations in applying sensor • Consumer Electronics
• Consumer Goods
technology with smart machinery and technological advancements
• Observing the in-depth analysis of intelligent sensor’s by ultimately benefiting
enterprises’ gross margin
• Grasping the global impact of intelligent sensors through overall market
outlook and landscape
Driving business performance with intelligent sensor systems
25 th - 26 th September 2019 | The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok, Thailand
APAC CIOoutlook is a print magazine that aims to provide a platform for CIOs, CTOs, and other senior level IT buyers and
decision makers along with CXOs of solution providers to share their experiences, wisdom and advice with enterprise IT
community of APAC countries. We promote our unique 'learn from our peers approach' in the Asia Pacific region. From
enterprise applications to the leading trends in big data, Mobin the meantime ill computing, security and the Cloud, APAC
CIOoutlook delivers practical, actionable information from senior practitioners in the trenches. We leverage our extensive
peer-to-peer network, among leading technology executives, to bring their experience and the best practices to other
members of the CIO community in Asia Pacific countries. We also identify and profile emerging companies providing cutting
edge solutions to enterprises in APAC.
2PG. 2
Driving business performance with intelligent sensor systems
25 th - 26 th September 2019 | The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok, Thailand
Speaking on: Revamping asset management through smart sensor Speaking on: Charting the arrival of smart sensors ecosystem in
platform for greater business continuity industries
Gopinaath Bakthinathan
Dr. Ghulam Hashmi
HSE Head
Condition Monitoring Expert
Maxis, Malaysia
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Speaking on: Human Safety: Embracing latest monitoring technology
Speaking on: Championing the emergence of sensor technologies
to improve workers safety
and MEMS for industrial purposes
Speaking on: Real-time machinery status monitoring web Speaking on: Accelerating smart sensor system for operational
application viewable from anywhere at any time with any device efficiencies
Speaking on: Highlighting opportunities for Machine Learning Speaking on: IoT and Smart Home applications
analytics via sensor endpoint
Speaking on: Exploring the role of sensor technology in industrial Speaking on: Exploring sensors in construction industry and
asset performance management and connected _eld services infrastructure health monitoring progress
3PG. 2
Driving business performance with intelligent sensor systems
25 th - 26 th September 2019 | The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok, Thailand
4PG. 2
Driving business performance with intelligent sensor systems
25 th - 26 th September 2019 | The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok, Thailand
5PG. 2