DLD Micro Lesson PlaN 2 - Section C
DLD Micro Lesson PlaN 2 - Section C
DLD Micro Lesson PlaN 2 - Section C
Po1 Po2 Po3 Po4 Po5 Po6 Po7 Po8 Po9 Po10 Po11 Po12 Pso1 Pso2
Understand different number systems, 3 2 1
codes and conversions
Understand and optimize Boolean 2 3
functions using K-Maps
Design combinational logic circuits 2 3 1 2
Understand basic building blocks of 2 3 1 1
Sequential Logic circuits
Design & Analyze Sequential Logic 1 3 1
Design Digital Systems using 1 3 2
Programmable logic Devices and
understand Logic Families
1.4 2
Attainment Target 1.8 3 1
1 21-06-19 LCD/BB T1
Complements of Numbers
Learning Content & Plan
Unit- II
Basic Theorems and Postulates, 2 08-07-19 LCD/BB T1
Digital Logic Gates, Universal Gates, 2 09-07-19 LCD/BB T1
Algebraic Simplification of Digital Logic 1 LCD/BB T1
Gates using Theorems and Postulates, 10-07-19
Unit- III
Arithmetic Circuits-Half adder, Full adder, 2 30-07-19 LCD/BB T1
Half subtractor, Full Subtractor 1 31-07-19 LCD/BB T1
4-bit parallel adder/subtractor, 1 LCD/BB T1
Unit- IV
Basic Architectural Distinctions between 1 22-08-19 LCD/BB T1
Combinational and Sequential circuits,
The basic Latch-NAND latch & NOR latch, Clocked
1 Latches-SR, D, JK and LCD/BB
23-08-19 Flip Flops-Master-Slave
1 Test/ Interactive
Unit Assessment 20-09-19
Unit- VI
Algorithmic State Machines-Components 2 24-09-19 LCD/BB T1
of ASM Charts,
Salient features of the ASM chart
Learning Resources