Next Generation of MBBR Technology PDF

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Wisconsin Wastewater Operators Association

Annual Meeting, Stevens Point, WI October 23-25, 2013

Fixed Film Moving Media for Wastewater Treatment


PO Box 21 P. O. BOX 101
Richfield, WI 53076 PHILLIPS, WI 54555
Business Cell: 262-628-1300
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Title & Authors
When less is Truly MORE—the Next Generation of MBBR
Technology--- Small Media Biofilm in a Continuous Flow
Intermittent Cleaning Mode

Laura R. Marcolini1, Ken Neu2, Bjorn Rusten3

1Biowater Technology, LLC, 2155 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland, RI

02864, USA
2Environmental/Health Products and Service, PO Box 101 Phillips,

WI 54555, USA (submitter/presenter)

3Aquateam, P.O. Box 6875, Rodelokka, N-0504 Oslo, Norway
Contents of Presentation

Brief Overview of Fixed Film Moving Media

Advantages & Examples
The Next Generation:
Continuous Flow Intermittent Cleaning
Brief Overview
Fixed Film Moving Media
Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment
 Developed in the 1980’s primarily by Kaldnes Co. in
Norway in collaboration with Trondheim University,
Dr. Halvard Odegard & Dr. Bjorn Rusten.

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) is a general

term used to describe the process. Initially MBBR
was designed as a Single Pass WWT process
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Technology
 Biological process—toxicity rules apply
 Requires primary treatment, FOG < 100 mg/l
 Treatment design & configuration is arranged
according to inlet & outlet parameters, including
WW temp.
 Organic and Hydraulic loading is variable,
dependent on Infl. parameters , Eff. goals.
Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment

Sample of Biofilm Carriers

Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment
Carriers move throughout tank with aeration or by
movement of water by mixers in an anoxic tank. No
unused space in Reactor.

Intimate contact of biomass w/ substrate & air

Standard MBBR maximum media fill fraction

 = 66 % fill of media in the reactor

Media Retention Screen(s) keeps media in tank

Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment

Moving Media system, Aerobic and Anoxic modes, typical

Biofilm Carrier Elements.
Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment
Advantages & Examples
Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment

Continuous process; Self-Cleaning Carrier Elements

Operates as once-through (traditional MBBR) or

multiple recirculation (IFAS, CFAS®)

Cost-effective, compact design

Stable & robust process: handles hydraulic and

organic load variations
Fixed Film Moving Media Reactor Treatment

 addition within the Activated Sludge unit process to achieve
IFAS / CFAS status, and
added as a separate unit process- within Flow Path, upstream
or downstream of existing Fixed Film, AS or Lagoon.
Complete Mix Fixed Film (CMFF )

• Once-through, no RAS, no MLSS

• BOD, COD removal at high loads:
* Municipal >17Kg/m3-day
* Industrial <= 17Kg/m ft3-day
• Nitrogen removal with low HRT: < 3 mg/L with 6 hr HRT
• Small footprint
• Operator friendly
• CSTR conditions, homogeneous bed, continuous solids sloughing
CMFF - Activated Sludge
Flow Split


CMAS Reactor
(MLSS Only
with Aeration)


•Eliminates sludge bulking on high-loaded MLSS
* (SVI reductions >300 down to < 100)
•Stabilizes organic removal:
* Installations with 10x load fluctuations
* CMFF® process providing 80-90% organic removal
•Small footprint (0.5 hour HRT or greater)
•Low Implementation Cost
Combined Fixed Film and Activated Sludge

• Biomass = MLSS & Biofilm

• Compartmentalize BOD Removal, Nitrification, and Nitrogen Removal
• Biological P removal with anaerobic selector
• Carriers/Biofilm optimizes nitrification, limiting kinetic rate in BNR
• Selective pollutant degradation by carriers/biofilm: organic compounds, post DN
Small Media Aerobic Reactor Treatment
(SMART On-site wastewater Treatment Systems)

EHS has DOWN-SIZED this technology to Very

Economical Decentralized SMALL FLOW and ON-
SITE wastewater treatment applications

Wisconsin approval has been accomplished

for the Small Flow (<1333 P.E.) ON-SITE AEROBIC
Treatment On-site systems installed since 2001
Small Media Aerobic Reactor Treatment
(SMART-Treatment On-site Systems)
EHS SMART System Small Flow Sizing, BOD + Nitrogen Rem
Pop WW Q Inf BOD Reactor HRT-av Media, Tank
Equiv gpd STE Lbs / day gallons Q, hrs % fill Depth
5 400 0.77 530 31 10 3.5

50 4,000 7.7 5300 5 64 4

500 40,000 77 8350 5 64 6

1000 80,000 154 16,500 5 64 10

Small Media Aerobic Reactor Treatment
On-site package plants: cluster developments, etc.
Small Media Aerobic Reactor Treatment
SMART On-site treatment tank
Water Environment Federation’s (1998) MOP 8,
“Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”
Surface Area of Stationary Media Bundles
Typical Wastewater Strength Surface Area , Sq Ft / Cu Ft
Categories Stationary Media Volume
High Strength Waste: 30.5 sq ft/cu ft
Domestic, BOD removal: 36 sq ft/ cu ft
Nitrification applications: 42 sq ft/ cu ft
RBC: – std den / high den 34 sq ft & 56 sq ft / cu ft

Moving Media Comparison, at 66 % Fill Fraction

BWT-X@198 sq ft/cu ft-bulk 131 sq ft / cu ft- In Reactor
BWT-15@ 253 sq ft/cu ft-bulk 167 sq ft/cu ft- In Reactor
Water Environment Federation’s (1998) MOP 8,
“Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”
Typical Wastewater Strength Surface Area , Sq Ft / Cu Ft
Categories Stationary Media Volume
High Strength Waste: 30.5 sq ft/cu ft
Domestic, BOD removal: 36 sq ft/ cu ft
Nitrification applications: 42 sq ft/ cu ft
RBC: – std den / high den 34 sq ft & 56 sq ft / cu ft
Moving Media Comparison, at 66 % Fill Fraction
BWT-X@198 sq ft/cu ft-bulk 131 sq ft / cu ft- In Reactor
BWT-15@ 253 sq ft/cu ft-bulk 167 sq ft/cu ft- In Reactor
CFIC—BWT-X @ 99% Fill 196 sq ft / cu ft- In Reactor
CFIC—BWT 15 @ 99% Fill 250 sq ft /cu ft- In Reactor
The Next Generation:
Continuous Flow
Intermittent Cleaning
Doing More with Less—Biowater’s Newest Innovation-
Better Treatment In An Even Smaller Foot Print:
Continuous Flow Intermittent Cleaning

The CFIC® reactor contains highly packed biofilm carriers to a

degree (typically 90-99% bulk volumetric fill) that little
movement of the carriers occurs in the reactor during normal
 For example using Biowater BWT-X carrier elements---
 By increasing bulk volumetric fill from 66 % maximum fill to
99% maximum fill, the reactor biological surface area
INCREASES from 131 sq ft/cu ft to 196 sq ft/cu ft w/in same
reactor volume— A 50 % INCREASE IN SURFACE AREA!
CFIC®—Normal Operation
CFIC®—Intermittent Cleaning
CFIC Reactor---CFIC Elevation
CFIC Reactor---Clean Cycle
Typical CFIC Reactor
Biowater Technology’s CFIC® process
 The cleaning cycle is a forward wash cycle (FWC) in that influent wastewater
continues to flow into the CFIC® reactor. The cleaning process removes biomass
(biofilm and excess sludge) from the biofilm carriers and out of the reactor.
 The turbulence in the reactor may temporarily be increased with an air-lift pump or a
propeller to facilitate effective removal of biomass from the carriers
 The carrier shape provides a large void volume (typically an 85% void volume in a
100% fill situation) for growth and accumulation of biomass. The void volume
maximizes the run time between cleaning cycles.
 Wastewater treatment with a:

BIOLOGICAL TURBO– More Treatment in Less Space

Biowater Technology’s CFIC® process
CFIC® Biofilm Process
Controlled Wasting of Solids
• High Volatile Solids Content / Renewable Energy Component
• Solids directly to Thickening/Dewatering
• Low Effluent TSS Concentration, 50 – 90% Less Than MBBR
• Filtration for Effluent Reuse
• Continuous Biological Treatment
• Water is dischargeable depending on effluent requirements
• Water does not need to be recirculated
• No Polymer Dosing
• Energy Savings of 20-30%
CFIC®-Parallel Trains, w/ direct flow from CFIC
Reactors to micro-filtration or Ultra-fine Membranes
CFIC® Pilot Development
CFIC®--Pilot Data
CFIC vs. CMFF (conventional MBBR)
Biowater Technologies CFIC® process
 CFIC® Biofilm process- a new development in
MBBR technology
 The CFIC® reactor is filled to a high degree of biofilm
carriers (typically 90-95% fill fraction)
 The high filling will create a hindered movement of the
carriers in the reactor during normal operation
 The CFIC® process has continuous flow to the bioreactor
and intermittent cleaning
Biowater Technology & Licensees

Laura Marcolini, P.E., M.Sc. - Technical Director, US

• Process Design Engineer for Kaldnes / Regional Manager for AnoxKaldnes.
• ~ 20 years’ water and wastewater process experience

 Jon Gregar Siljudalen, M.Sc. – Chief Technical Officer

 • Senior Process Engineer Kaldnes Miljøteknologi - AnoxKaldnes
 • Formerly with the municipality of Oslo and Hjellnes COWI

Thorbjørn Westrum, M.Sc. (Founder & Board Member)

• Founder of Kaldnes Miljøteknologi AS and Managing Director from 1990 to 1999.
• Managing Director of Kaldnes, one of the largest shipyards in Norway.

Terje Andersen (Founder & CEO)

• Managing Director of Kaldnes Miljøteknologi 1999 - AnoxKaldnes until June 2007.
• ~25 years International Sales and Marketing.
EHS & Biowater - A Good Team
Summary—Fixed Film Moving Media Treatment:
 Teamed with engineers & companies w/ the most experience &
innovative products/processes in fixed film moving media
treatment of Water & Wastewater
 Can supply process knowledge and product for ANY volume or
process configuration
 Provides maintenance agreements where/when needed
 Strive for BEST Treatment @ Lowest Price, both initial
investment and O & M.
Environmental /Health Products & Service

Thank You for the opportunity!

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