WHITE, Robert - Madeira, Its Climate and Scenery PDF
WHITE, Robert - Madeira, Its Climate and Scenery PDF
WHITE, Robert - Madeira, Its Climate and Scenery PDF
Illuttralrd teith Engraringt, from Sketchet takrn on Ih* S/,ot ty John Hotcii► nn* F*tj
and o Mep the írfunrf.
Hadkira, 1850.
Ilistoiy of tile Discovery of Madeira—General Appearance of tlie
Islaad—Hiatory—Populatiort, &c. }
Appearance of thc Isiand frora lhe Anchoragc—Description of the
Atichoragi; — Impressions oa Landin# — Funchal: Hietory,
Churches. Convento kc. ,.11
Descriptiou of Funchal—Ribeiros—Inundations—Praças—Beach—
Carreira—Englísh Chapei—Ccmeteríes—Hospitais—Old Buildings
—Manicipal GoTernment—Garrison—Improvements, &e. . , . 33
Inh&hitanta—Manners and CusÉoms—Muaic—Literatura, &e. . . . 34
Geology—Nataral Histoiy—Imgatíon—Agricnltare, Src 41
Iand—Cullivation of the Sagar-çane—Vine—Vintage—
Wines—Eiports, &i
Fruits—Yegetables—Treea—Flowers, &e 64
Climnto of Madeira—Hoteorological ObservatioUB and Tablcs. . . 71
Snlubrity of t!i c CHmate—-Its eflccts ou Pulmonary Discqscs , . 80
Means of reachiog Madeira—Outfit—Currency—Mnils—Passports—
Ionding—Custom-liouse j q-j
Boardiug llouses —Funiished Honses—Scrvatits—Horus—Talaii-
qu i ns—II ammocks-—âlctf ges—Boatiog—Shops—Club-—Libraries
—Chnrch Few-rent»—Medicai Practitioners—Druggfsts—Meana
of retnrning to Eiiglnad 1X1
Medicai Directiom for Invalida during the Vojage 130
Toar of the Island, kc,
Tour of the Isl&nd—ixmtittued
Population Tables—Foundation of Hospitais-—Monicipal Iteccipts
and Eipenditure—Laws rclating to the Press —British Chap-
laiocy—Exports, ^:c. of Wine—Rcmarks oo CLiroato—Tables of
Monics, Weights, Measiires—Dutics—List of Furnished Hooscs,
Frices, &c.—Tables of Distantes, Altitudes, &c 165
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In Table I. tlie mean daily temperatura of
February 1850, is increased Io 08 by a Leste of four
days' duration; and that of August, 0° 84, by three
days Leste. Ou tliese occasions tlie highest tem-
peraturc obscrved during the day, by self-registcr-
ing thermometers, was as follows:—
c £ 10
1850-1851. Uoua £- 13 A3 5 sE | Cm5c o
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5*5 33 cr-
cífí, de*. dpf. de*. iiwhn snint JltilIL
' 9 A,M. <54,33 59.25 5.0* 55.2 .435 5,258 L820
June j 2 P.M. ti4.92 59.16 5.76 54.5 .424 5.145 2.065 I »
7 p.m, 58.75 56.42 2,33 54.3 .421 ">,175 .817
9 A.M. 65.77 60.53 5.24 56.3 .45! 5.454 1.927 'íf
Jul? | 3 P.M. G5.68 60.63 5,05 56.5 .455 5.491 1.890
7 P.M. 61.95 5 7,92 4.03 54.7 .427 5.212 1.345 * to
7 A.M. 65.19 58.92 6.27 53,9 .415 5.135 2.116 ff
AUÊUit | 3 P.M, 67.20 61.02 6.18 56.1 .448 5.431 2,254 ?"
7 P.M. (33.04 57.52 5,52 53.1 .403 i.899 í.m
8 A.M. 09.08 64,48 4.60 62.8 .566 6.662 1,473
Septcmber.., 2 P.M. 72.30 66.06 6,30 61.6 .543 6.?62 2.644 1?|t
0 P.M. 63.60 64.33 4.27 60.7 .526 6.242 1.798 )?
■S A.M. 68.77 63.48 5.29 59.2 .500 5.963 2,101
Qctober 2 P.M. 72.74 65.86 6.88 60.9 .530 6.228 2.888
6 P.M. 70.24 64.62 5,62 60.7 .526 6,222 2.196
8 A.M. 63.93 58,33 5.60 53.8 ,414 5.033 1.958
N©vember„,| 2 P.M, 70.16 62,35 7.81 56.9 .461 5.5J1 2.907
6 P.M, 66,46 60.38 6.08 55.5 .439 5.306 2.227 •K
8 A.M. 60.37 55.87 4.50 52.3 .398 4.802 1.473 B3
December „| 2 P.M. 65.67 59.01 6.66 5,7 .412 4.998 2.362
a p.m. 62.38 59.93 5.45 52.6 .400 4.836 1.804 $7
8 A.M. 59.90 55.30 4.60 51.2 .379 4.629 1,575 m2.0
January 2 P.M. 66.21 59.37 6.81 53.9 .415 5.027 2.441
6 P.M. 62.24 57.40 4.81 53.5 .409 4.997 1.599 >\JT
8 A.M. 57,50 53.32 4.18 54.6 .356 4.410 1.363 *S
February ,..rj 2 P.M. 63.98 57.70 6.28 52.6 .400 4.830 2.183 3C
6 P.M. 59.46 55, JO 4.36 51.2 .379 4.633 1.483
8 A.M. 61.27 55.17 6.10 50.3 .365 4.^53 1,998 1
March j 2 P.M. 66,74 59.19 7.55 53.2 .415 4.899 2.698
G P.M. 62.71 56.71 6.00 51,9 .397 4.727 2.001
8 A.M. 63.15 57.78 5.37 53.5 .409 4.988 1.828
Apríl. 2 P.M. 68,73 61.80 6.93 56,2 .450 5.403 2.661
6 P, M, 61.73 53.76 4.97 55,8 11 .444 5.377 1.787
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IIow much ignorance prevails in England on this subject
may bc gathered from the fact, that an eminent authority on
discases of the chest, on being consulted in 3x>ndon by a friend
of the author, during the last season, with regard to the eligihOity
of Madeira as a vrinter residenee for his diseafe, remarked that
invalids in Madeira were deprired of ali the comforts they enjoyed
in England, That Madeira had its wínter, as well as England;
and during that season tbere were feiv days on which an invalid
iTould be able lo Bit in the bouso without a great-eoat over his
shonldeTS ! 1
Penha cTitj/tíía-^Eagle-roei.
POPULATIO». Emigration.
Yesrs, Totftl. Years. Total.
1835 115,446 1835
1839. 115,761 1839 to 1841... 9,000
1843*.. 119,041 1842 to 1846... 5,600
1847 106,436 4,000
1848 106,603 300
1849 110,084 1849 330
1850 1,300
(B.)-Page 28.
Tlie British Chaplain is nomírated by the members
of the congregation who are entitled to vote;1 and if
the person so named be approved of by Her Majesty's
Government, and found duly qualified for the office, lie
receivea his appointment from the Crown, holding sueli
appointment " for and during Her ilajesty's pleasure
and no longer." Tlie Aet 6 Geo. IV. chap. 87, com-
monly callcd the Consular A et, regulates ail matters
counected with the support and management of the
Britisli Chapei t ti Madeira. It was formerly tho cus-
toni, on Her Majesty's appointing the chaplain, to
obtain for him a licenee from the Bishop of London,
This licencc was, however, very differeut from a
Persons who have contributed 201. towards the church-fund,
aad paid 3Í. aterling during the year, are enlitled to vote.
Bishop's licence for the cure of souls iti England, sinoc
no English Bisliop ean, properly speaking, have any
jurisdiction iti a foreign diocese ; íhe present Bishop of
London desenhes it " as nothing more tlian a certificate
from me to Her Majesty'8 Goverumetit, on one side,
and the British resideuts on tlie other, of my belief
that the clergyman to whom it is given is a respectable
person." The licence ceases with the appointmcnt, or
rather lapses on. its cnncelment; this lias been settled
by the unanimous decision of four judges, sitting in
Banco, in the anaiogous case of Reg. v. Middlesex
Pauper Lunatic Asylum (Visiting Justices), 2 Q.Lí. 483.
The original regulations regarding a bfehop'e licence
emanated from the Foreign Office j these liave been
rcccntly cancelled, and others substituted in their
]>lace, in whíeh the necessity of a bishop's licence to a
foreign chaplaincv is done away with for the present;
the Secretary of State taking care to ascertain that a
clergyman is duly qualified for the sitnation, before his
appointmcnt takes placc, One-half of the chaplain's
stipend is paid by Iler Majesty's Government, and the
otlier raoiety by the residents.
(C.)—ragc 30.
(D.)—Pago 30.
The first Hospital existing ia Funchal was founded
by Zargo, ín 1454. In 1483 it was transferred to
grounds granted, in tlie district of Santa Maria Maior,
where the Kua do Hospital Vellia now exists, by
Alvaro Affonso, and liis wife, Constança Vaz, for that
Thc Santa Casa do Misericórdia, the present hospital,
was fonnded by royal charter, in 1611, and tho ineome of
tbe former institution was annexed to it in 1514, The
establishment continuing to flourish, and receiving
many gifts and legacies, enablod tlie authorities to
orcct the present building in 1C85, uiider thc directíon
of l'edro de Lima, thcn goveraor and captain-general.
Therc are also hospitais at Santa Cruz, Machico, and
otlior parts of the islaud, bnt they aro totally neglected,
and possess ueither furnitnrc, medicines, nor any otber
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(F.)-—Page -37.
(G.)—Pago 37.
(H.)—Page 02.
Exporte of Wine from. Madeira, during the Year ending í/te
31íi of December, ISSO, from Offiáal Betuma.
imported. Exported.
rnJIrm*, laltons» falir®».
279,157 143,829 112,555
215,253 146,283 107,701
200,413 107.6G2 65,209
245,498 101,412 93,589
226,660 149,037 111,577
213,229 137,641 102,745
205.(06 138,491 94,580
201,096 100,506 81,349
154,701 86,430 76,938
165,463 129,897 71,097
(1)—Pílge 71.
Dr. Fothergill, wh o wrote so for back as 1775, anil
Dr. Gourlay, in 1811, have alike established the great
advantages of the climate of Madeira as regards its
mildneea and equability of temperature, and its bene-
ficiai effects ou pulmonar}- diseases. Till the late
Dr. Ileuton, howcver, brought the subject before the
medicai world, in a paper publiehod in the Edinburgh
Medicai and SurgUsal Journal, in 1817/ its advantages
were not generally known or apprcciated m Englaud ;
atui the observations made hy Dr. Heincken, and pub-
lisheií in the Medicai Reponiory, in 1824/ have placed
it, as a wiater resort for invalida, probably above any
»ther spot in the northern hemisphere. Tliat the
climate of Madeira ean proloug life, even under the
V°!. xxrii, 1817. * Vol. «1L 1824.
(K.)—Page 87.
Some parta of Spaín have been much lecommendod
of Iate yeara, as winter resorts for invalida. Among
these Malaga stands preeminent j its climate, liowevcr,
mentioncd by aome of the leading medicai men in
3í S S 5 3
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(L.)—Fage 107.
Tables of hloneys, Weiíjld», and Mea&ures current
in Madeira.
Accounts in Madeira are kept íta reis, ati imaginary
coin, equal to one-fifth of a farthing ; 1,000 reis being
mil-reU, or one dollar.
The calculation is similar to that of the United
States curreney, with a unit addedj thus, 10 cetits
= 100 reis, 100 eents = 1,000 reis, or one dollar.
RiU. £ '■ -
tj 5 Cínco-ruis = M 0|
S; \ 10 Dez-teis = 0 o ol
e^ 20 Vintém = 001
«!!!. £ '■
r SO Meio Tosln3, or half-bit = 00-1
100 ToitaS, orbit - = 0 0 5
- I 200 Dois Toslííes, or pístareen
= 0010
\ 1,000 Pataca, or dollar = 042
{2,ooo One-eigbth doubloon = 084
4,000 ttuarter doublooil = 0 16 8
8,000 Half doubloon = 1 13 4
10,000 One doubloon = S 6 fi
£ t. d. koií.
^ /O 0 6 Sixpence.*.. .» . . = 120
Joio Shilling ...... „... = 240
0 2 6 HaIf*crown — 600
5 I 0 10 0 Half-sovereigtt . .. = 2,400
£ VI 0 0 Sovereign = 4,800
Omt*. £ i. d. Rei».
{5 Half-dime = 0 0 2\ = 50
10 Dime ±=005 = 100
50 Half-dollar = 0 2 1 = 500
100 Dollar, U. S. or Mexican...... = 0 4 2 = 1,000
/ 250 Quarter-eagle s 0 10 5 = 2,500
2 I 500 Half-eagle = 1 0 10 — 5,000
£ j 1,000 Eagle ... = 218 = 10,000
* 2,000 Double-eagle = 4 3 4 ■* 20,000
Prfmlum, Currency. Madeira
Premium. Currency, Mftdtira
Premium. Currency.
Per CetH. Reii, Per Crat, Rfíi. P*r Ccnt. Rrt«.
25 454,545 29 460,091 33 483,636
26 158,182 30 172,727 34 487,273
27 461,818 31 476,364 35 490,909
23 465,455 32 180,000 36 494,543
72 Grate = 1 Oitava = 2 Dram», Avoirdupois.
8 Oitavas = 1 Onça-, = 1 Ounoe „
16 Onças = 1 Arrátel, or libra.. = i Pound t,
32 Libras — 1 Arroba — 32 „ „
4 Arrobas = 1 Quintal — 128 „ ti
131 Quintais = 1 Ton, Portuguese.
17J Quintais.. = 1 Ton, Avoirdupois.
N.B. These weights are 1J per cent. heavier than those of England.
1 Quartilho, = 1| Gill, Eng. Irop.
4 Quartilhos « 1 Canada or 2} Pinta „
14 Canadas = 1 Almude or 4 Gallons n
23 Al mudes = 1 Pipa or 92 „ „
2 Selamins ......... — 1 Maquia.* .. or 1JJ Pints, Eng, Imp.
16 Maquias = 1 Alqueire......... or Peeks „
4 Alqueires m l Fanga or fi[ „ „
15 Pangas............ s 1 Moio... or 23£ Bushels M
1 Covado m 26i English Inches, or nearly J Yard.
1 Vara...... = 43 „ or l/r ,,
N.B. Woollens, silks, and printed cloths, are sold in Madeira by tbe Covado;
líneas, ribbons, and plaiu cottons, are sold by the Vara.
12 Linhas =s 1 Polegada or 1.1028 Inches, English,
8 Polegadas Palmo or 8,8224
1| Palmo. s 1 Pe or 13.2336 „
10 Palmos .... = l Braça or 2 Yds. 16.224 In.
2,500 Braças ..... = 1 Legoa or 6,116 Yards
18 Legoas..... = 1 Grão or 62 Miles, 968 Yds,
20 Legoas = 1 Degree» Eng. ... or 69$ Miles
N,B. The Portuguese long measure is seldom u&ed in Madeira; the English
scale of feet and inches bting generally employed by builders, cabinet-
makers, &c. #
(JI.)—Page 110,
L ist of Dutizs, including aU CuxUnn-house scpmiscs, charged at
Madeira, on variou» Articlee imported from England, tchen
not forming part of the Luggage of Paseeng&rs arriving, or
not haviítg been in um.
Àrtic*«, Duty,
Shirtings, plain, ordinary ..per 1b. 32 reis.
,, middling ,, 45
,t fine t, 76
,, coloured, or printed cloths „ 126
Cambrics, ordinary ,, 280
„ fine „ 379
Musiins, plain, ordinary „ 126
„ fine „ 280
tt coloured, or printed, ordinary „ 280
i» ii fine |, 379
Counterpanes „ 126
Stockings and Ilosiery n 280
Cambrics, in piece or Ilandkcrchief* ... per lb. 3,017 reis.
Díaper, Irtsh Line» ... „ 375 to 550
Holland, &c. „ 01
Duck, Osnaburgs, 8cc „ 71
Gr os de Naples, Satin, &c ....per lb. 3,017 reis.
Ribbons, Gauze, Crape „ 4,625
Stockinga and other Ilosiery .. 4,813
BonncLs, made up each 3,142
Capa „ 1,885
N,B> On ali dresses or clothing made up of cotton, linen, or silk, four times
the amount of the foregoing duties ia charged.
Cloths, black or coloured per lb. 378 reis.
Cassinettes, Serge, Flannel, Ariophanc, Kc. „ 315
Blank ets ,» 177
Ilosiery 378
Carpeting., ,, 252
N.R. On ali dresses, or under elothing made up of woollens, eight times the
amount of the foregoing duties is charged.
Artlclet. D»**-
Boots, men's . ...pair 2t012 reis.
„ woraen'» ...... „ 1,005
Shoes. Slippers, &c. .. n
•Saddles . each 3,821
Reins, Bridles, &c . . p«r lb. 375
*Plate, manufactured, plain per lb, 4,833 reis.
* „ omamcnted.. ,, 10,050
*Plated goods, plain or omaroentcd ,, 1,132
* „ gilt , 3,142
*Arnvchairs, cominon, straw scats .............. cach 1+260 reis.
* „ eovered in silk «» 3.060
* „ mabagany, plain, straw scats n M3*
* u eovered in silk........ . i 11,303
•Guitars - eacii 2,312 reis.
•Harps «•»». tt 32,000
*Piano~fortes, square or oblong ....... * »» 27,OCO
* ,, upright ii 45,852
* „ grai)d «• ii 95,075
Butter. ......per arroba s= 32 Ibs. 1,018 reis,
Cheese, Pine or Che*hire i» 1,217
„ Stilton and Parmasan ..*** » 2,425
Figs, Raisina, and Dried Fruiu... u
Ham.% Bacon 955
Bacon .. *» 7
Sweetmeats or Preserves n 1,018
Candles, Tallow.. «... » 1.520
t, Stearine or Cotnposite „ 2,425
Books, unbound ......... Frce
„ bound per 1b. 026 reis.
Straw Bonnets, Tusean, with ribbons or flowers .♦ „ 11,313
l( „ plain ti 5,656 *
Dunstaple, omamented ,, 5,028
2 51
„ „ plain ...» rr ' 4
HaU, felt or silk, for men 1*280
Horses, above 134 hands each 15,224
f, 13i hands, or less » 9,290
Artlcles. Dutj>.
*Fowling-pieces, double each G,Q83
» single „ 4,575
Tin-work . per arroba = 32 lbs. „ 8,05fi
*Iron-work, polished or bronzed.,.......,, 2,014
*Mathero atícal and other Instruments 5 per cent.
N.B, Articlcs marked # are admitted, when furming part of passRiigers1
luggage, free of duty, on giving bond for tbeir reshipment within cighleen
luuutiks, or lhe amount of duty chargeuble on thcru being thcn jmid.
(N.)—Page 113.
List of Furnished Quintas and Iíouses usually to be let in and
around Funchal.
Under £50 for the Seaton.
Pt. ibore
Sflr. Pedro Jorge Monteiro^ jjg
Sflr. Ani, Jozé da Souza..... Portas Novas 86
Heíraof J. Ruffino... Santa Lusia 254
Mestre Francisco Val Formoso 394
Mr. John Payne Caminho da Torrinha 402
Sflr. Fr. A. da Silva . ............... Angustias . 77
appendix. 189
From £50 to £75 for the Seeuon.
Silr. Roberto da Costa ConsoHçafl « Ft. abori»51G«e».
Sílr, Ricardo Fonseca Caminho da Torrinha -129
Siir, J. H, de Freitas .. ..... Caminho do Monte .. . 375
Sflr- Luis S, Anna Val, Caminho do Monte 311
Sfir. Alex, P. Cunha Val, Caminho do Monte , 323
Siir. A, Sarsfield Casa Branca .. 231
Miss Araujo Pombal.. j;2
Síír. H. d'Ornellas .. Pombal 145
Silr. J. Salustiano de Govea..... Nora 126
Sílr. Ant. Gomes Camacho Angustias ... 164
Mr. J, Johnson Travessa das Angustias 153
Sfír. F. A, Pestana....,...* llheos de Cima 239
From £75 to £100 for ths Seasott.
Sfir. Hathias Figueira Cam*, do Santa Luzia Velha... 283
Silr. Antonio Rabello ílose Cottage, Caminho du Til. 241
Silr. Alex. Ferreira Quinta d'Ambrósio..,......, 3.12
Síír. Fr. de Andrade Caminho da Torrinha 262
Silr. Severino F. de Freitas ............ Rua das Hortas 93
Sílr. Germano Soares Quinta das Rosas, Portas Novas 89
Síír. Ant. Ferreira Caminho do Meio 146
Silr. J. Caetano Jardim Caminho do Meio 200
Sfir, JoaÕ Joié da Camara .............. Nora Piquena 120
Sfír. Pedro J. Monteiro Achada 48
Silr. F. Hod". da Govêa Rua da Bella vista, Carreira.. 9#
Mr. J. Johnson Travessa das Angustias 142
Mr. Wm. Grant , Pontinha 18
From £100 to £l?5 for the Season.
Sfir JoaS Fr. Nunes Saltos.... 494
Sílr. Tii&taô da Camara Pinheiros 498
Sfír. Fr. de Andrade Caminho da Torrinha .......... 304
Sfir. F. Plácido da Veiga . Levada ., 494
Sílr. Morgado Vellosa Val Formoso......... 2BI
Sfír. J. F. dos Santos Val 347
Sfira. J. J. R. d'01iveira Val do Meio. 298
Sftr. Ant. Jozé Tangerina, lower Val 277
Dr. Mil ler Santa Luzia, Mount-road...... 262
Sfír. Alex. P. Cunha Caminho do Meio .. 202
Sílr. Fr. Jurino.. ; , Boa Vista, Caminho do Meio. 335
Sílr. Julio U. Fernandes llheos.... 123
Sfír. Manoel da Luz llheos....... 120
Mr. Wm. Newton llheos... 119
Sfír. Fr. L. Perreira Caminho Novo 1$8
From £125 to £150 for the Seaton.
Silr. C. A. Pimenta Quinta dos Saltos ................ 384
SfS*". Domingos A. da Costa Caminho da Torrinha 284
Sfír. Candido J. F. Abreu.Val 338
Silr. Sebastaã Leal Mount-road 219
Pt. above Sri.
Morg, J. F. Florença* . Ilheos,,.,,, 119
5Ar. J. A. Bianchi Ilheos..,.. . 112
Mr, Wra. Newton . Bella Vista, ílheos 158
Dr. Coelho. Qa< Virgínia, Rua da Princeza 95
From £150 to £200 for the Season.
Silr. Alex. Ferreira Upper Ambrogio 368
Mr, Robt. Wallas «. Caminho da Torrinha ......... ÍSO
Heirs of late Dr. Renton, per Mr. ir*\yaj 3j5
Lundie ....í
Mr. J. Payne Ilheos da Cima 269
Síir. Luiz Gonsalves Quinta do Sa5 Joa5 482
Sfir. Pr. da Silva. Cabouqueira 141
Síir. Fred. Bianchi Caminho do Palheiro..... 369
rrom £200 Hpwarâa for the Season.
Mr. Geo. Stoddart Deanery, Santa Luzia Velha.. 245
Mr. T, C. Burnett............ Levada, Mount-road 503
Sílr. A. J. M. Basto Ílheos » 210
Síir. J. A. Bianchi Ilheos 233
The rental of these furnished houses fluctuates eomiderably, accordlng to
the existing demand. They may geucrally le obtained for a whole year
at nearly the some rates as are chargcd for the season, but are seldoxn lei
by the month, uníeis it be at a Iate period, or when fcw visitors arrive.
(O.)—Pngo 119.
List of Prorisiom, Qrocerte.i, Vegetables, Dry Gooás, tl-c., with
th':ir tt&ual Prices in Madeira.
Bwf per Ib. 2 ri. to td.
Mutton ,, 2{<1. to 1-7
Hurk 4d. toírf.
Vcal SJrf. to JJ.
Hacoit p( >, 3^
il.ihg, York .t ]/.
l-srd lod,
Hiuter „ lj. to lt. 3J.
Cheegg ,, i» 3;f.
Fow Is per couple -i. 1 d. to 3r. bil.
Hucks 2,. 1 d. to 4i. 1d.
Turkcys „ eich 6a. to ]5j.
I"«rmdgcs per bracc ii. 6d, to ti. 2d.
Wgeoni „ 10J, to I». .3(1,
«uails J», to 1». 3d.
Woodcocks „ „ lt. Gd. to 3j. ii,
lUbbits to Srf.
T-;?..... . .per ]b. St.
» grecn Jj.
CofTee „ Id. to lorf.
Sugar, cru&lied Jh }C",'.
moist 3J(Í.
Sago „ líirf.
Arrow-root ,, flj. to l\rí
"i« 2d. to Ad.
Flour ,, 3rf.
Raisins, Figí ph [c/y.
(.'Urraiits „ im.
Preserves .... t| ],.
Picklei bottlc f». 6rf.
Fish and other Sauces.... ........ ,, J#, 8d.
Canelles ... .per lb. 7\d.
„ composíte. ,, 1*. 8rf.
.* 3#. 4d.
Plain and Paney Bread, ítc.
Uiual ffrijtht.
Abrolei .. — 2 to 6 Ibs .,«..ettch 5<!. to lf. 3i,
Alfonsiiii, costa larga 2 to fl Ibs ad. to It. Jd
„ estreita 1 to 2 Ibs id. to M.
Anchova 2 tu 30 Ibs Sd. lo 2». Í!íj
Hora-negra 1 to 2 Ibs id. to 2d.
líodcam 2 lo 4.Ibs id. to <w.
Hodcjo 3 to 10 Ibs U.toSii.
JloqueiraS ] to 2 oi 20 for !d.
Carneiro 1 to 3 Ibs cnch 3/1. to 6ri
Cav»U«, mackrrtl lto2]hs J ror id.
therne, tpecles of Jetc-JIth,.,, 3 to 30 Ibs per lb. 2d. to M.
Chicharro, horie-macktreí j lb each li,
Coelho 1 to 3 Ibs.... ,. t"
Enchaleo 2 to H Ibs s<f. to (». 3d.
Aspada 2 to S Ibs. to ed.
Gullo, John Dory 2 to 4 Ibs id. to 1». 3íi.
Garopa, grouptr 1 to 2 Ibs 1. to 2 jd.
Goraz 2 to 6 Ibs M. to lOtf.
Guelro, KhitfbaU a plste full 5 d.
Pargo, bralzr 1 to 12 Ibs each Sd. to Ij, Sd.
Raquieme 1 to 2 11)5, Irf.toíjff.
Kuhaldo 2 to 4 Ibs ti d. to 6'.'
Salmonde, red mttilet 1 lb 5 for Sd. to Grf.
r<J= do alto 2 lo 4 Ibs enel) 1». 3d. to 2i„E<J.
Sardinha, sardinei a plate full 3
Saigo about 1 lb each 1 d. to IJrf.
Sema „ about 1 lb ti. to 1 j í/
Bolha, Jloundcr about 2 oí 10 for 3d. tt>Sd.
Pescada 2 to 10 Ibs each 5d. to 1*. M.
Tainha, grey mullet } |o 10 Ibs jií. to lt.
Tartaruga, tu file 0 to 50 Ibs id. to
CatnaraS, thrimpi a plate full íd.
líeans, Broad ....per dish l^tf. to 3tf.
,, Freneh » 2^d. to 5tf,
Cabbages * *«-3 to G for 5d.
Carrots per dozen 2|rf. to 5d.
Cauliflowcrs „ * each ljrf. toJrf,
Chou-chou .per dish 5d.
Cucumbers ..eaeh \d. to 1M.
Lettuce . . per dozen to 4d.
Onions per 100 5rf. to 2*. Gd,
Peas, green * per dhli 2£d. to Gd.
Po ta toes, nev per 32 Ibs. 1*. 3d. to 2». Gd.
M old tt 1*' 6íí- 3*-
Pumpkins, old ...each 4d. to 8rf.
(t green >> Itf- to 2d.
Rartisbes ............... per dish irf, to 3tf.
Tomatoes, large 50 for 7d, to 1 s.
Turiiips * -per dozen Itf, to 3tf,
In Mason*
Apples, table Sept, to Jan 50 for Id. to 2*.
bakíng M. to »*•
Apricots May to July ....30 to 50 for 2£d,
jí-,nanas Tlie whole year...6 to 10 for 2Já,
Clierrfea * May to July ..........per lb. 1 d. to 2±d.
Chestnuts Sept. to Dec per 100 2d. to 5d.
Cuatard Applea ... Oet. to Jan. p-r dozen lOrf. to 2s, Gd.
Figs, various kinds ....... June to Nov, ..........30 for !</. to 5rf.
Gooseberrles, baking May to July per pint !$(/. to 2jd.
tirapes, large table Sept. to Nov per lb. 1 d. to 5d,
Guavas S-pt. to March ........50 for 2Jrf. to 5tf.
Lemona The whole year..8 to 12 for 2|t/.
Mediara * Oet. to Dec 50 for 2^d.
Melon» Aug. to Sept each 2jrf. to 1*. 3tf.
Oranges Oct. to April 50 for 5rf. to 1*. Srf.
M andar tn Nov. to Jan 10d. to 2** Itf.
Peaches July to Sept. ...10 to 15 for 2\d.
pears Aug, to Oct.............50 for 5tf. to 7$d.
„ baking Nov. to Dec...... „ 10tf. to 1*.
*. príckly (Cactus) .... July to Oct „ Ijtf. to4tf.
Pine Apples Sept, to Jan each S#. 4tf. to 8j. id.
Plums June to Aug. 50 for to 4d.
Strawberries. May to Aug per dish 2jtf. to 7±d.
Walnuts green Aug. to Oct 50 for l^tf. to 2±d.
„ dry 50 lo 80 for Òd.
ort per alqueire = 1 j peck 2t. 6d. to 3j. itf.
Calico, I^ong cloths, .per vara Gd. to 1*. Sd,
„ Prints ...per eovado 4d. to 7tf.
Cottons, continued—
Muslins, book, mull, &c per vara 1#. to S*.
„ Prlnted Dresses ....each 7s, to 18#.
Skirts, corded ,, 1*. Sd. to3#. 4rf.
Hose per pair 10rf. to 2s.Qd.
Cambrics, Scotch per vara 1«. 3rf, to 21. Gd.
Drítl 2s 6tL to 5>.
Ducks, Russian lí, to 2s. Grf.
Ginghams „ Gd. to 1#.
Irish Linen . ,, 3#. to 6*.
Lawns „ 1*. 10rf. to Gt.
Laco and Edging ....... „ Gd.toSs.
Slieetings „ 4*. Gd. to 6*.
Towclling. „ 1*. 8d. to 2s.
Gras de Naples ..........per covado 2t. to 5*.
Ribbons, bonnet ..per vara 7d. to 2$. Gd.
„ gauze ,, 10d. to li. 3d.
Glotes, ailk per pair 1*. 8d. to 3#.
Tulle ....per covado 1#. 3d. Lo lt. 6d.
Balzarine per covado 8d. to ]#.
Barèges „ 8rf. to U.
CloLhs.......... „ 12*. to 20*.
Cobourgs „ U. Gd. to 3*.
Crape *1 2s. Gd. to Gí.
De Laines •***»*«. ,v 7£d. to 1#.
Platineis ii 1*. Gd. to 3*.
Tweed, &c * „ 4*. to 6*.
Straw Bomiets... each 4s. to 7*. Gd.
Kid Gloves .per pair 2s. to 3*.
Thread Gloves „ 10rf. to 1*. 3<í.
Unibrellas, silk .»»».. * .each 12*. to 21#,
(P.)—Page 140.
Time oceupied on líorsebach, at a Kttlking pace, or by a Four-
oared Boat during favourabh weatker, in various Excurnona
over the lsland, or (dong the Coast, qf Madeira.
b, fn.
From Funchal lo Boa Ventura, by Torrinhas 7 0
„ Brazen-head 1 0
H Ditto by boat 0 45
tl Calheta 8 0
„ Ditto, by boat 4 25
,, Camacha». «... 1 35
b. m.
From Funchal to Cama de Lobos . * 1 30
Ditto, by boat 1 0
Campanarlo * ... 3 45
Ditto, by boat (to landing-place) 2 30
Canhas.. ..." 6 0
Ditto, by boat (to landing-plaee) 3 30
Caniçal, by boat 4 0
Caniço 1 15
Cape Giram, sumntit 3 15
Ditto, by boat.......... 2 0
Curral das Freiras, by Jardim . 3 0
Ditto» view of, by S. Antonio 2 0
Ditto, Church of, by S. Antonio ... 2 55
Curral dos Romeiros, by Rocket-road and Mount 2 15
Ditto, by Palheiro to Mount 2 45
Ericumiada de Sad Viçente,,..,. 5 45
Fayal, by Mount 5 0
Jardim da Serra 2 30
Lamaceiros 4 0
Machico ....... 4 0
Ditto, by boat. 3 0
Magdalena 6 30
Ditto, by boat 4 0
Mount Church 0 40
Palheiro do Ferreiro.. ....... 1 0
Ponta do Sol 5 30
Ditto, by boat 3 30
Porto da Cruz, via Lamaceiros 5 0
Ribeira Brava * 4 15
Ribeira Frio 3 0
Sant' Anna 6 30
Sant* Antonio and Sant' Amaro ...................... 1 30
Sant* Antonio da Serra 3 30
Santa Cruz 3 0
Ditto, by boat 2 0
Sad Jorge, via Sant' Anna 8 0
Sad Roque, and round by S, Amaro 1 45
Sa5 Viçente 7 30
Torrinhas, via Curral 4 15
£rom Sant* Anna to Arco de Sad Jorge 2 45
Boa Ventura 3 30
Faval ] 35
Machico Ivia Fortella 6 20
5 35
Fico Ruivo, summit 3 30
Ponta Delgada 4 0
Porto da Cruz.......... 3 10
Ribeiro Frio 3 20
Sant' Antonio da Serra fvii
via Lamaceiros . 5 0
tviia Feiteiras .... 5 45
Sad Jorge 1 30
SaS Viçente .. 5 45
ÀtTESDlX. 195
b, m,
From Boa Ventura to Torrinhas, summit 3 0
,, Curral Church ...,. 1 lã
,i Funchal, via Curral 7 15
From Safl Jorge to Arco de Sa3 Jorge . 1 15
„ BoaVentura. 2 0
„ Sant* Anna . I 3°
„ Ponta Delgada 2 30
„ SaS Viçeute 1 15
t, Voltas (for víewing scenery). 1 30
From Machico to Caniçal, by boat, N. S. da Ficdade I o
„ SantaCruz .... * 1 ÍJ
„ Ditto, byboat ......... .. 0 45
„ Sant' Antonio da Serra 1 20
,, Portella .. *.«• 1 45
From Sant' Antonio da Serra to Santa Cruz, dircct 1 30
n „ Lamaceiros 0 50
f, „ Portella, via Lamaceiros 1 20
t, „ Porto da Cruz, via Lamaceiros 1 30
From Calheta to Faj5 da Ovelha .... . 3 o
„ Paul da Serra and Rabaçal 2 45
„ Paiii do Mar 4 0
„ Ponta do Pargo 5 o
From SaÔ VÍçente(from hotel)to Calheta... 7 0
M „ Paíil da Serra (ascent) 2 0
„ „ Ponta Delgada 1 45
„ „ Rabaçal .. 4 30
n „ Sant* Anna .. 5 45
„ Sa5 Jorge 4 15
„ „ Seiçal, by boat . 1 0
„ „ Bo& Ventura 2 15
Persons travelling in hammocks will find, by adding 15 minutes to evety
taour of the time occupied in performing the journeys on horseback, the
average period required for performing the same joumeys in a hammock.
K 3
A. a
Agoa Pé, 56. Calheta, 162.
Agricultura, 49; implerocnts of, 49; Camacha, 144.
im provem em s in, 50. Cama do Lobos, 154, 161.
Águia, Penha de, 149, 152; altitude Camara, appointment of the, 32 ; in-
of, 196. come of, 33, 171.
Alicant grapo, 61, Caniçal, 44, 118.
Altitude of variou» hills, &c., 195. Caniço, 146.
Amusements, 125. Cape Girara, 43, 161; altitude of,
Anchoragc, description of, 11, 195.
Arco, de SaS Jorge, 153,159; de Cal- Carreira, 27,
heta, 163, Casa da Misericórdia, or hospital,
Arrow-root, cultivation of, 65. 30, 170.
Atmosphere, temperature of, 79, 81 ; Caseiros, 52.
hygrometrical condi tion of, 83. Cathedral, 19; collegiate chapter of,
B. Cemetery, English, 28; Portuguese,
14, 29,
Balis, 122, 125. Census, of Madeira, and Porto Santo,
Barley, cultivation of, 49. 10; table of, 16?,
Barometrical ob&ervations, table of. Chapeis, British, 27, 123.
85, Cliemists, 128.
Beach, appearance of, 26. Chureh-librarios, 133.
Bemfeitorias, 53. Churches, Portuguese, 18, 20; Eng
I ísh, 27, 123.
Boarding-houses, 111; cliargeg at, Citron, cultivation and preparatimi
112. of, 64.
Boating, 118, Clark (Sir James), remarks on the
Boats, inode of landing in, 17 ; ap- climate of Madeira, &i\, 89, 179.
pearance of, 26. Clifton, temperature of, 88.
Boa Ventura, 153, 158. Climate of Madeiro, salubrity of, 7J,
Boa Vista, 152. 8!>; eflects on pulmonary diseases,
Brazen-liead, 11. 94; remarks ou, 71, 90, 178."
British Chapei, 27, 123. Clothing, 105.
Britisli Chapluiticy, la ws relating to, Clubs, 122,
168. Coehineal, cultivation of, 67,
British population, 10, 168. Coffee, cultivation of, 65,
BÚal wine, 58. Columbus, marriage of, 2; resideuce
Burgundj -Madeira wine, 59. of at Forto Santo, 2; at Funchal,
Burying-grounds, 28. 31.
200 INDEX.
Commerce, 9, 62, 175. Floods, 24.
Comiuercial-rootns, 122. Florence, temperature of, 88.
Consumption, eflects of the climate Flowers, 70.
on, 94; table of cases of, 95—98, Foàsil-bed, 44.
Convents, 20. Fothergil] (Dr>), notices of climate,
Corivevances, from England, 102, 178.
134; in Madeira, 117; from Ma- Fruits, different varieties of, 64;
deira, 128, priees of, 192.
Corn, cultivation of, 50; quantity Funchal, founded hy Zargo, 18; bis-
produced» 50, tory of, 19; origin of name, 18;
Cove (Cork), temperature of, 88. distance of from varíous places,
Crater, extiuct, at S. A, da Serra, 18; made a cily, 19; a bishopric,
145. 19 ; occupation of by French, 7—
Crops, 49, 20; descriptíon of, 23; cxcursions
Cultivation, 46t 49. from, 143, 155,
Curral, das Freiras* 156, 160; dos Furnished houses, 113; list of, 188.
Romeiros, 141,
Currencv, 106; tahles of, 183.
Custom-house, 14; examination of G.
luggage at, 109 ; receipts of, 178. Garajáo, 11.
Gardens, 69.
D. Garrison, 32,
Geology, 41.
Date-tree, 146* Giratn Cape, 43,
Desertas, 6, 67. Gourlav <Dr.}, notices of climate,
Dewpoint, table of, 83. 71, 178.
Dews, 72. Governor, improvements effected by
Diseovery of Madeira, 2; of Porto the present, 32, 139,
Santo, 2. Grapes, cultivation of, 54; difTerent
Discas es of Madeira, 89. kinds of, 57, 61,
DUtances, table of, 103. Grocerles, stores for, 120; priees of,
Drapers, list of, 120, 191.
Druggists, 128. GurgulhOj 142.
Duties chargcd at Madeira on im~
portí, 110; table of, 186, H,
Hammocks, 117.
E. Heights, altitude of difTerent, 195.
Heineken (Dr.), notices of climate,
Elastic force of vapour, table of, 83, 71, 178.
Eraigration from Madeira, 10; table History of the discovery of Ma-
of, 168. deira, 2.
Encutniada of SaS Vicente, 157. Horses, cost of, 114; expense of
Kntails, 52. keeping, 115; of liiring, 116,
Entroza, 153, 159, Hospitais, 30, 169.
Estreito, de Cama de Lobos, 155. Hotels, 111.
Exchange, loss on, 106, table of, Houses, descriptíon of furnished,
184. 113; list of, 188.
Excursions, 140; preparalions ne- Hugueuots, occupation of Funchal
cessary for, 143» by, 7.
Exporte, of wine, 62, 175 ; of citron, Hygrometrical observations, table
64 ; of oranges, 65. , of, 83,
F. I.
Fajãa da Ovelha, 153. Impressione on landing, 15.
Fares to Madeira, 103, 104. Improvements, 33,
Fayal, 150» 152. Inhabitants, number of, 10; de-
Feiteiras, 154, scription of, 34,
Fish, 46; liít, and priees of, 191. Instruments, agricultural, 49; posi-
Fi&híng, 119. Lion of metcorological, 77.
INliEX. 201
Inund&tíons» 24. Manufactures, 39.
Invalids, advice 10, 125; medicai Marriages, table of, 167.
directions for, 126—130. Mason (Dr.), remarks on the climate
Ironmongers, 121. of Madeira, 73, 76.
írrigatiou, system of» 46. Measures, tables of, 185.
Medicai directions for invalida. 126»
J. Medicai practttioners, list of, 127.
Medicines, 127, 134.
Jardiné da Serrai 155; altitude of, Meio-Metade, valley of, 154.
195. Meteorological observations, 77;
Jersey, temperature of, 88. tables of, 79.
Jesuits, arrival of, 20; collegc Moisture, 73.
founded by, 20; expulsion of, 20. Monasteries, 30.
Monies current in Madeira, 106;
tables of, 183.
L. Morgados, 52.
Mortality, table of, 167.
Mountains, &c. altitude of variou*,
Lagoa, of S. A. da Serra, 145* 105.
Lamaceiros, 149. Mount-church, 15, 141; altitude of,
Laiul, tenure of, 52. 195.
Landi ng, impressiona on, 15 ; mode Mules, 26; charges for sumpter, 143.
of, 17; charges on, 108. Muniripality, appointment of, 32;
Lauíllord and tcnant, 52. reeeipts and expenditure of, 33,
Latitude of Funchal 18. 171.
Lazare Uo, 13, 146. Muscatcl grape, 61.
Leste, effects of, 76; Dr. Matou > Music, 39.
remarks on, 76; tables of, >1,82. Musical instrumenta, 38.
Levadas, 46; of Rabaçal, 47, 164;
of Furado, 4$. N.
Librarics, 122, 123.
Literature, 39, 123. Naples, temperature of, 88.
London, temperatura of, 88. Natives. appearanct and dress of,
Longitude of Funchal, 18. 34} religion of, 36; music of, 38;
Loo Rock, 13. education of, 39.
Luggage, charges on landtng, 100; Natural history, 44.
on leavíng, 129 ; examination of Negrinho wine, 61.
at custom-house, 109; dock charges New road, 139, 141.
on at Southampton, 105. Nice, temperature of, 88.
Lund (Dr.) on pulmonary dígeases,
94; advice to invalids, 130.
M, Opticians, 121.
M'Euen, remarks on líinds, &c*, 74. Orangcs, cultivation of, 64.
Machico, 6, 147. Outfit, 105.
Machin, Madeira said to be dis- Oxen» 20; hire of, 118.
covered by, 2.
Madeira, history of discovery, 1; P.
known to Phaemctaiui, 1; extent
and form of, 3; description of, 4 ; Fackets to Madeira, 102.
general appearanco of, 4, 6, IIf Palanquins» 117.
invasion of by Huguenots, 7; oc- Paih«iro dos Ferreiros, 140.
cupation or by Britjsh, 9; popu~ Palhete wine, 60,
latíon of, 10, 167; climate of, 71» Palm-trces, 146.
89, 178; diseases of» 89; coavey- Fassage to Madeira, 102; to Eng-
ances to, 102* land» &e., 128.
Maiis, 107. Passports, 108, 129.
Malaga, temperatura of, 88, 180, 182. Pau, temperature of, 88.
Malmsey wine, 57. Paiilda Serra, 163; altitude of, 196.
Malta, temperature of, 88.
20 2 INDEX.
Paul do liar. 103. Ribeiro Frio, 153.
Peasantry, 35» 37. Rides, 138.
Penha cl'Águia, 149, 152; altitude lliding. 114.
of, 196. Rivers, 23.
Penzanee, tempcrature of, 83, Roads, construction of, 138; to Cama
Perestrello, discoverv of Porto Santo de Lobos, 139.
by, 2. Rome, tempcrature of, 88.
Perfumery, store for, 120.
Pew rents, 124.
Phccnicians, .Madeira supposed to be S.
known to, 1.
Pic-nics, 125. Salubrity of the climate of Madeira,
Pico Ruivo, 152, 160; altitude of, 71, 89, I78r
196. Sant*1 Atnaro, 110.
Pisa, temperatura of, 88. Sant Anna, 149, 150.
Pliny, Madeira mentioned by, 2. Sant" Antonio, 140.
Poiao, 154, Sant' Antonio da Serra, 144.
Ponta Delgada, 153. Santa Cru?,, 6, 14fi.
Ponta do Pargo, 163. Sa5 Jorge, 152.
Ponta do Sol, 162. Sa3 Lazaro Hospital, 30, 169.
Pontinha, 13. Sao Lourença Point, 4, 148.
Poor, asylum for, 33. Safl Lourenço Fort, 7, 14, 30.
Population, 10; table of, 167. Sa3 Roque, 142.
Portella, 148. SaJ5 Viçente, 155, 157, 164.
Porto da Cru*, 149, 150. Sercial wine, 58.
Porto Novo, 146. Serra d'Agoa, 156, 164.
Porto Santo, discovery of, 2. Scrrants, 114.
Potato, cultivation of, 66. Shops, 120.
Poultry, prices of, 190. Sirocco, 76.
Praças, 25. Sky, appearance of, 74.
Praya Formosa, 7. Slaves, 54.
Prazeres, 163. Sledge drivers, 27.
Press, la ws relating to the, 37, 172. Sledges, 26, 118.
Prices, tablcs of, 190. Soil, 46, 49.
Priesthood, 37. Stationery, store for, 120.
Processions, 37. Sugar, manufacture of, 53.
ProvUions, prices of, 190. Sugar-cane, introduction of, 53; cul-
Pulmonory disease*, remarks on, 94. tivation of, 53.
Purpurarise, the Madeiras known Surdo, or nun+s wine, 60.
as, 2.
Table of con&umptive diseases, 95.
Quarantine establishment, 13. — thermometrical observa-
Quintas, 113; listof furnished, 188. tions, 79, 88, 182.
hygrometrical observations,
R. — barométrica! observations,
Rabaçal, 47, 163. prevailing winds, 86; com-
Rains, season of, 72; table of, 85. parative force, 74, 85.
Reading-rooms, 122. municipal receipt and ex-
Religion, 36. penditure, 171,
Rental of furnished houses, 113, —— exporta of wine, 175.
188, montes, weights, and mea-
Renton (Dr.), remarks on climate, sures, 183, 185.
71, 178. prices, 190.
Revenue, municipal, 33, 171; of distances, 193.
customs, 178. — altitudes, 195.
Ribeiro Brava, 162, Taveira, one of the discoverers of
Ribeiro da Janella, 47, 164. Madeira, 2.
Ribeiro dos Soccoridos, 155, 161. Tea-plant, 67, 155,
INDEX. 203
Temperature of Madeira, Í9, 85; of Vessels, to Madeira, 102; entríes of
dinerent places, 88. at Funchal, 177.
Tennnts, 52- Vine» cultivation of, 54; introductíon
Teneriffe, excursion to, 12C; tem- of, 55.
perature of, 183. Vineyards, 52,
Tenurc of lands, 52. Vintage, 55.
Theatre, 31,125. Voltas, 153,
Tinta, and Tinto wines, 59. Voyage, medicai directions during,
Torquay, temperature of, 85. 130.
Torrinhas, 156, 150.
Tour of the island, 138, 155. W.
Trades-people, list of principal, 120.
Trees indigenous to Madeira, 68. Washing, 25; chargcs for, 112.
Tunnel of Rabaçal, 47,164. Water-courses, 46.
TwlHght, duration of, 73. Waterfall, excursion to the, 142.
"VVeights, &c., tablc of, 185.
U, Winds, Leste, 76, 8), 82 í compara-
tive force of, 74,85; trade winds,
UnderclifT (Isle of Wight), tempera- 75; prevailing winds, 8C.
Win es, manufacture of, 55; descrip-
ture of, 88. tíon of, 57; exports of, 62, 175.
Wine-shops, 121.
Vapour, elastic force of, 83. Z.
Vegetahles, 66; list and usual cost Zarpo, discoverer of Madeira, 2;
of, 192. origin of nanie, 2; portrait of in
Verdelho wine, CO. Funchal, 31.