Aliphatic Amines
Aliphatic Amines
Aliphatic Amines
3----------- 464 guns, (6) polyoxyethylene tridecyl ether----- 102 gms. alal monia.--. 20 3 200 1,000 (a)
-- 450gm.S. triethylene glycol---------------------- 306 gmS. ammonia. --. 20 3. 200 1,900 (b)
do----------------------------------------------- do---------------- 20 3 225 2,800 (c)
6----------- 540 gms. (4) polyoxyethylene phenol------------ 170 gnas. anmonia. --- 20 3 200 1,775 (d)
(a) Liquid product containing 1.7% by weight of nitrogen and an acetyl number of 73.
(b) HOCH;CCHO-CaliNH2, B.P.127C. at 14 mm. containing 9.33% of nitrogen.
(c) Mixture of IOCEIOCHO-CFL NEI-I-II NCH4OCHOCH-NH containing 13.9% by weight of nitrogea,
(d) Liquid product containing 3.41% by weight of nitrogen and an acetyl number of 66.
the sole product from the ammonolysis of an alcohol with Similarly these and other hydroxy-containing com
ammonia, it is preferred to use at least a 3 or 4 fold molar 40
pounds are aminated with aminating agents, e.g., methyl
excess of ammonia. If lesser amounts of ammonia are amine, ethyl amine, diethyl amine and ethylene diamine,
used the reaction should not be carried as near to com to produce useful aminated products.
pletion to prevent secondary and tertiary amine formation. What is claimed is:
In such cases, considerable alcohol would have to be re 1. In a process for producing aliphatic amines by am
covered and recycled in addition to unreacted ammonia. monolysis the steps of reacting an hydroxy-containing
Where high secondary and tertiary amine yields are de compound selected from the group consisting of primary
sired the ammonia to alcohol mole ratio may be 1 or slight alcohols and secondary alcohols with an aminating agent
ly lower than 1. Selected from the group consisting of ammonia, primary
The following examples are illustrative of the process amines, and secondary amines, said primary and secondary
of the present invention: amines containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms in the pres
50 ence of an active metal hydrogenation catalyst the im
Example I provement which comprises conducting the ammonolysis
646 grams of n-butyl alcohol were placed in an auto reaction in the presence of a Raney nickel catalyst con
clave along with 30 ml. of a thick aqueous slurry of taining a minor amount of chromium and at a tempera
nickel-chromium catalyst prepared from Raney No. 2428 ture from about 150° C. to about 275 C.
nickel-aluminum-chromium alloy containing about 58% 55 2. The process of claim 1 wherein the hydroxy-contain
by wt. aluminum, 39.5% nickel and 2.5% chromium. The ing compound is butyl alcohol.
autoclave was then sealed and the air therein removed by 3. The process of claim 1 wherein the aminating agent
flushing with hydrogen under pressure. The hydrogen was is ammonia.
then vented to atmospheric pressure and 220 gms. of an 4. The process of claim 1 wherein catalyst in the amount
hydrous ammonia was introduced into the autoclave under 60 of from about 1 to about 5% by weight of the starting
pressure from a cylinder on a balance. The autoclave was materia is used.
then heated rapidly with stirring to a reaction temperature 5. The process of claim 1 wherein the Raney metal
of 200 C. and held there for a period of 4 hours. The catalyst is prepared from an alloy containing from about
pressure was found to be 1275 p.s.i.g. After the 4 hour 45% to about 65% by weight of aluminum, from about
reaction period, the reaction mixture was rapidly cooled to 65 34% to about 50% by weight of nickle and from about
room temperature. The excess ammonia was then vented 1% to about 5% by weight of chromium.
and the mixture removed from the autoclave. Samples of
the reaction mixture were removed after the first, second References Cited
and third hours during the reaction period and the progress UNITED STATES PATENTS
of the reaction followed by noting the water content of 70 2,782,237 2/1957 Hindley et al. ------ 260-585
the sample. After 1 hour 10.6% by weight of the reaction 2,923,696 2/1960 Harwell et al. ------ 260-585 X
mixture was found to be water. After 2 hours 14.6% by
weight of the reaction mixture was found to be water, CHARLES B. PARKER, Primary Examiner.
and after 3 hours the water content of the reaction mix
ture was found to be 18.9% by weight. 75 R. L. RAYMOND, Assistant Examiner.