Cyber Bullying in The Philippines - In-House Community
Cyber Bullying in The Philippines - In-House Community
Cyber Bullying in The Philippines - In-House Community
The pen is mightier than the sword or so the adage goes. When this was once said, it was to highlight the power of
thoughts and ideas over brute force and violence as a way to effect change. Today, the pen can very well be a tap of
a button, as social media has reinvented our way of life anew — for good or for bad.
Regardless of political af liation or social philosophy, it is undeniable how the power of social media has shaped
recent events. The perceived anonymity that social media brings tends to shed people’s normal sensibilities or
even basic civility. We therefore sometimes see posts or commentaries meant to embarrass competence and
intelligence, gender or just plain rumour mongering.
Such acts done behind the cloak of a social media platform may have legal implications under Philippine Laws. 1/13
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another; or materially or substantially disrupting the education process. (Sec. 2, RA 10627) These acts are
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collectively called “cyber bullying” when committed online. (Sec. 2-D, RA 10627) This covers social bullying aiming
belittle another individual
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bullying that humiliates another on the basis of perceived
or actual sexual orientation and gender identity. (Sec. 3, B-1, RA 10627, Implementing Rules).
Slander may also be applicable to one who, in heat of anger, utters statements that are highly defamatory in
character. (Art. 358, RPC) Intriguing Against Honour may also nd applicability when the principal purpose is to
blemish the honour or reputation of a person. (Art. 364, RPC) However, the requirement is that the post be
directed to a speci c person. Hence, a blind item is not as actionable as a named-post in social media.
However, all these will only be a valid cause of action to one who is the subject of the post and who is aware of the
post directed to him.
Freedom of speech must not be infringed but this right is not without any limitations. In the end, it is always best
to devote the stroke of our ngers and the clicks of our mouse to intellectual discourse that matter rather than risk
being held liable under the law. A er all, the power of our minds should be mightier than any sword there is.
Note: This article was originally published in Business World, a newspaper of general circulation in the
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