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Apache OFBiz + Modern UI =

Gaurav Saini
Viithiisys Technologies
About me
● Open Source Enthusiastic
● Full Stack Javascript Developer
● Committer @ Apache Roller and Apache Fineract
● Long time Apache OFBiz user
● Mentored students GSOC, GCI and Outreachy programs

#iot #beacons #voip #nodejs #ionic #angular

Apache OFBiz
● ERP + E-commerce + CRM + Accounting
+ Manufacturing + …..
● Automates almost entire business process
of Enterprise
● In simple word, complete solution for an
Enterprise web application
Experience with OFBiz and Problems
● OFBiz Data Model is perfectly designed
● Really less effort to setup an E-commerce store
● UI/UX Design !! hmmmm
○ FTL Templates syntax difficult to understand for html/css developers
○ Backoffice apps forms are designed in XML
○ Difficult to do major theme changes in backoffice
○ Backoffice is filled with sooo.. Many features which many time
confuses end users.
Why should we care too much on UI/UX ?
● High Competition with other platforms
● End Users don’t much care about what going behind the wall
● Good UI/UX enhances customer satisfaction
● Everybody talking about Material Design !!
Decouple back-end from front-end
How ?
● RESTful Services
● Javascript Frameworks
● Single Page Applications (like AngularJs)
Apache OFBiz and Apache Wink
● Apache Wink is a simple yet solid framework for building RESTful Web
● Integrating Apache Wink in OFBiz for preparing RESTful services which
can be consumed easily.
● Exposing login, catalog, orders etc services to make use in the frontend
● Let’s see some code !
UI Frameworks
● AngularJs is one the widely used javascript framework
● Angular based SPAs are perfect example for building ofbiz back-office
applications and in modules.
● Ionic Framework for hybrid app development for Android and iOS
● Charts and Visualisation libraries for reporting
Code & Demo !
Profits !!
● Saved a lot of time
● Less dependency between backend and frontend teams
● High Level of UI/UX customization
● End User Satisfaction
● Mobile Apps Development with Restful APIs
Q/A ??

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