Electrical Department Risk Assessment Form

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BRANCH : HQ Risk assessment by: Date of risk assessment:

What are the Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to Action by Action by Done
hazards? how? manage this risk? whom? when?
Wiring not If the connection is not properly Make sure all wirings done by using proper tools SOP Electrical staff;
using proper secured, it might harm electrical and proper technique. Manager to
tools / staff that might accidentally touch monitor.
equipments the conductor

Energized Electrical staff  Use multimeter / test pen to make sure that  SOP Electrical staff;
equipment, the equipment / circuit is disconnected.  Use PPE such as Insulating Rubber Manager to
closed circuit &  Do a measurement carefully. At least 2 Glove. monitor.
high voltage staffs involve when completing a job.
 Report to the person in charge that the jobs
are in progress.

Leaving Directly – Electrical staff.  Inform the person in charges that wiring Put “Lock-Out / Tag-Out”. Electrical staff.
unfinished Indirectly – All staff. jobs are still in progress. Manager to
wiring job. When electrical worker need to  Secure expose conductor before leaves the monitor
leave the unfinished wiring job. wiring location.

What are the Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to Action by Action by Done
hazards? how? manage this risk? whom? when?

Wet Condition When leaking occurs on the roof Determined the leaking area and avoid any electrical  Leaking problem should be solved All staff.
top, the possibilities of short circuit equipment from that area. immediately.
to occur will drastically increase.  Put a tray on top of the computer

Damaged Directly: Electrical staff. Rewiring. Electrical staff;

Insulation Indirectly: All staff. Manager to
Old wiring (Pendaflour light, etc) monitor.

Working at Directly: Electrical staff.  Use suitable ladder that is in a good  Check ladder before each use Electrical staff;
heights (ladder Indirectly: All staff will get harm if condition with proper technique and  Use harness when necessary. Manager to
or platform) the ladders fall. awareness. monitor.
 At least 2 staffs involve when completing a

What are the Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to Action by Action by Done
hazards? how? manage this risk? whom? when?

Sharp objects Electrical staff Keep alert on sharp objects. Use ‘Cut Resistant Gloves’. Electrical staff
during wiring
(in junction box,
cockpit, etc)

Multimeter / Electrical staff Use another unit of instruments.  Prepare spare battery or test cord Electrical staff.
Test Pen is not for multimeter.
functioning.  Prepare spare test pen.
 Own tools box specific for multimeter
and test pen.

Electrical Directly: Electrical staff Label electrical equipment with suitable safety signs.  Explain to all staff regarding safety Electrical staff;
Safety Sign Indirectly: All staff signs Manager to
 Use a sign with symbol and caption monitor.

What are the Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to Action by Action by Done
hazards? how? manage this risk? whom? when?

Tools & Cords Mechanical and electrical staff. Make sure tools and cords are in a good/ safe Scheduled maintenance check. Electrical staff
Damaged tools and cords can condition every time before used.
cause serious injury to employees.

Cable on the All staff Make sure that other staff can see the cable. Put a sign “WORK IN PROGRESS” near by All staff
floor the cable.

Staff Electrical staff Get clear information and job scope. Training courses to increase staff competency Manager
competency in and safety awareness.
wiring job and
Tools and All staff. Tools and equipments Put tools and equipments at safest place as possible Staff wearing a bag to carry tools and Electrical staff
equipments scatter when doing a job. when doing a job especially on a high place (on equipments.
scattered when ladder, platform etc).
doing a job
Power All staff. Extension socket’s Extension socket located on the corner of the table. Relocate the extension socket by mounting All staff
Extension on location under the table (near by on the side of the table, etc.
the floor foot). Employee expose to
electrical shock.
Staff Directly: Electrical staff. Get information from internet. Attend a training course regarding emergency Manager
competency to response plan.
counter When electrical accidents occur,
Electrical lack of knowledge in emergency
Emergencies response plan will cause fatal
injuries or death.

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