Macleish Sars Poetic A
Macleish Sars Poetic A
Macleish Sars Poetic A
A Critical Essay MacLeish's " Ars Poetica " : A Poem on the Art of Writing
Poetry as a Transcendent Aesthetic of Experience
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2 authors, including:
Murtada Al Manifi
King Abdulaziz University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
MacLeish’s “Ars Poetica”: A Poem on the Art of Writing Poetry as a Transcendent Aesthetic of Experience View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Murtada Al Manifi on 14 May 2017.
music of the mind into a mode of being, not into a pattern of the meaning of
vibration for a receptive ear. This is quite an old notion that the content and
the form of a work of art are one and the same thing. The form is only the
But the compactness and suggestiveness of the phrase ‘globed fruit’ as well
classical strain in his mind and art, in his Lucy poems. MacLeish’s modern
therefore, the theme of the poem and its artistic procedure or technique.
on the art of writing poetry. Here MacLeish uses rhythm and rhyme, line
order and stanza form not by a flamboyance of color and effect but by
particularly the moon figure in its silent pace or ascent, infuses a sober
pensive grace in the poem. The entanglement of the trees with the darkness
of the night undergoes a liberating drive by the cool radiance of the moon.
This is obviously not a strikingly modern image. But the simple phrasing of
the effect of a gradual ‘release’ in the same window ledge covered with
impression of touch and taste, a little like Keats’s ‘Ode to Autumn’. But the
implies among other things artistic restraint and reticence found essential for
the highest perfection of art and for its being charged with a great depth of
meaning. The iambic rhythm and the varying lengths of the lines in the
rhyming couplet add to its meaning and effect. Then ‘Dumb’ chiming with
rhyming couplet with one word ‘Dumb’ forming a line, followed by a long
leaning on the window ledge for a view, again and again, could leave behind
a new tone, by a shift from image to image. The acute and complex
couplets are set off by the simpler figures of the birds’ flight and the
climbing moon. By an imaginative swell and surge, the poem attains its
exaltation of theme and artistic treatment, like the inarticulate flight of birds.
Ignoring the sounds or cries of the birds in flight, the poet concentrates on its
extends the scope of the stillness of the poem in time as a timeless object,
mirroring the world. It renders the painful enigmas of life, suffering, death,
A Critical Essay Al Manifi 5
it all and then on its natural regeneration: “For all the history of grief/ An
empty doorway and a maple leaf”. For its great vividness and evocativeness,
the metaphor, in its verbal form, is unexcelled in the poem and leaves little
feeling as ‘leaning grasses’, under the sweep of the wind, below the
luminous orbs of the sun and the moon. The conceptual climax of the
something beautiful and meaningful comes when it dies into its eternity as a
‘A poem should not mean/ But be’. A poem is a living form of meaning, in a