sg248350 - A Practical Approach To Cloud IaaS PDF
sg248350 - A Practical Approach To Cloud IaaS PDF
sg248350 - A Practical Approach To Cloud IaaS PDF
Daniel Aguado
Thomas Andersen
Aram Avetisyan
Jeff Budnik
Mihai Criveti
Adrian Doroiman
Andrew Hoppe
Gerardo Menegaz
Alejandro Morales
Adrian Moti
Marie Joy Salazar
Sebastian Szumczyk
In partnership with
IBM MEA University Program
International Technical Support Organization
February 2016
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page xi.
This edition applies to IBM SoftLayer cloud infrastructure at the time this guide was developed in July 2015.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Contents v
5.35 Managing VPN connections to SoftLayer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.36 Managing VPN connections to SoftLayer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.37 Direct Link use case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.38 Direct Link use case (continued) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.39 Direct Link use case (continued) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.40 Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.41 Checkpoint questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5.42 Checkpoint questions (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
5.43 Checkpoint questions (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.44 Checkpoint questions (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.45 Checkpoint questions (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.46 Checkpoint questions (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.47 Checkpoint questions (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
5.48 Checkpoint questions (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Contents vii
9.32 Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
9.33 Checkpoint questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
9.34 Checkpoint questions (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
9.35 Checkpoint questions (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
9.36 Checkpoint questions (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
9.37 Checkpoint questions (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
9.38 Checkpoint questions (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
9.39 Checkpoint questions (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
9.40 Checkpoint questions (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
9.41 Checkpoint questions (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
9.42 Checkpoint questions (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
9.43 Introduction to OSI model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
9.44 Understanding TCP/IP addressing and subnetting basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
viii A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.15 Cancelling a monitoring package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
11.16 Checkpoint questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
11.17 Checkpoint questions (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Contents ix
x A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
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xii A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer Presentations Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication is based on the Presentations Guide of the course A
Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer, which was developed by the IBM
Redbooks team in partnership with IBM Middle East and Africa University Program. This
course is designed to teach university students how to build a simple infrastructure as a
service (IaaS) cloud environment based on IBM SoftLayer®. It provides students with the
fundamental skills to design, implement, and manage an IaaS cloud environment using the
IBM SoftLayer platform as an example.
The primary target audience for this course is university students in undergraduate computer
science and computer engineer programs with no previous experience working in cloud
environments. However, anyone new to cloud computing can benefit from this course.
The workshop materials were created in July 2015. Thus, all IBM SoftLayer features
discussed in this Presentations Guide are current as of July 2015.
This course was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
Daniel Aguado is a Cloud Technical Sales professional in the IBM Cloud business unit in
Madrid, Spain. His areas of expertise include IBM SoftLayer and IBM Cloud Managed
Services™. Daniel designs solutions for clients based on these cloud offerings. He joined
IBM in 2013.
Thomas Andersen is a certified IT specialist, technical team leader, cloud administrator, and
SoftLayer solution designer in the IBM Development Support Team (DST) organization in IBM
Denmark. Thomas has been with IBM for 20 years filling different roles such as development,
services, and infrastructure support. In the last years, his focus has been virtualization and
cloud technologies.
Aram Avetisyan is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect in IBM who has over 14 years of
experience in the IT industry. He has a rich background and expertise in several technologies
such as virtualization, operating systems administration, and disaster recovery. Aram joined
IBM in 2011, and is based in the Czech Republic. As a certified instructor, Aram delivers IT
courses to IBM employees around the world. Aram is an active blogger and contributor to the
cloud community. For his contributions, Aram was awarded VMware vExpert accreditation in
2014 and 2015.
Jeff Budnik is a Certified IT Specialist and Cloud Solution Architect in the IBM DST
organization. Jeff has over 18 years of experience in infrastructure services with special focus
on cloud computing. As a cloud solution architect, Jeff helps clients to identify requirements
and design solutions based on the IBM SoftLayer technology. Jeff joined IBM in 1998 and is
based in the United States.
Mihai Criveti is a Technical Sales Leader in IBM Ireland. Mihai supports large sales
opportunities for IBM Cloud. He has over 10 years of experience in the IT industry. Mihai
holds a degree in Managerial Informatics. His areas of expertise include cloud computing,
Dr. Andrew Hoppe is a Senior Software Engineer and Technical Architect in IBM Cloud
Services, Business Partner Sales team. Andrew’s focus is on SoftLayer sales support. He
came to IBM with the Rational® acquisition in 2003. Andrew has over 20 years of experience
in software design and development, specializing in object-oriented modeling and multitier
business system implementation. Andrew is also an active educator, with 15 years of
teaching experience at universities in several countries. He has published papers on research
conferences and in trade journals, and is the author of several IBM developerWorks® articles,
blogs, and technical materials on several IBM cloud topics. He is based in Raleigh, North
Carolina, US. Andrew holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Warsaw, Poland.
Gerardo Menegaz is a Chief Architect in the IBM Global Technology Services® business
unit. Gerardo has over 20 years of IT leadership experience formulating strategies and using
proprietary technologies in fast-paced, challenging environments. Gerardo has led projects to
develop business strategies across multiple industries and new technologies such as cloud
computing, mobile, bring your own device (BYOD), big data, analytics, and social media. He
also has extensive experience on data center topics such as server consolidation,
virtualization and optimization technologies, methodologies, application rationalization, and
logical consolidation techniques. Gerardo has published several papers and blogs. He is a
graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Adrian Moti is a Project Manager working in Romania for IBM Cloud Managed Services, the
private cloud offering of IBM. He has four years of experience in cloud computing and 10+
yeara experience in IT. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Electronics in
Transportation. His areas of expertise include cloud computing, project management, agile
software development and customer support in IT.
Marie Joy Salazar is the team leader for the SoftLayer Operations team in the IBM DST, IBM
Philippines. Marie Joy was part of the IBM Internship Program in her college days, and she
has now been with IBM for five years. She has taken several roles in asset management,
systems operations, and infrastructure operations. Her current responsibilities include
process improvement and operating system, security, and middleware support for IBM
internal and external clients that are hosted in IBM SoftLayer.
Sebastian Szumczyk is a Cloud Advisor in IBM Poland. His primary focus is cloud
infrastructure solution design. His current responsibilities include cloud technical sales,
technical feasibility studies of complex cloud solution proposals, and transforming client
requirements into technical solution designs. His areas of expertise include IBM Tivoli®
Storage and System Management, pSeries, IBM AIX®, virtualization, storage, high
availability solutions, and cloud solution for enterprise systems. He holds several technical
certifications including the prestigious IBM System p Certified Advanced Technical Expert
and IBM Architect Accreditation certificates. Sebastian is an author of the IBM Redbooks
publications IBM Information Infrastructure Solutions Handbook, SG24-7814 and IBM System
Storage Solutions Handbook, SG24-5250.
xvi A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
The project that produced this course material was managed by Vasfi Gucer and Marcela
Adan, IBM Redbooks Project Leaders, Global Content Services.
Lysa Banks
IBM Cloud
Aaron Morris
Network & SoftLayer Automation, IBM Global Business Services
David Rhinehart
IBM Cloud Service Technical Sales
Priti Agarwal
Jerry Amal
Yashaswani Aschar
Deana Coble
Shari Deiana
Nagasandesh Narahari Rao
Sreya Sarkar
Shawn Tooley
IBM Redbooks video production team
Mayowa Adeoti
IBM MEA University Programs Internship
Daniel Nussbaummueller
Anja Jessica Paessler
University Program Internship, IBM Germany
Find out more about the residency program, browse the residency index, and apply online at:
Preface xvii
Comments welcome
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xviii A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
1.2 References
The following publications are useful for further research on the topic presented in this unit:
National Institute of Standards and Technology - Special Publication 800-145:
IBM CS-101 Introduction to Cloud
Disruptive innovation according to Wikipedia:
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Essential characteristics
Service models
Deployment models
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The term cloud is an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it conceals. The generally
accepted definition of cloud computing comes from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). The NIST definition runs to several hundred words but essentially says
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Essential characteristics*
Provision resources Accessed through Resources pooled to Elastic resource Transparent resource
such as compute, standard mechanisms serve multiple provisioning and usage is monitored,
network, or storage over the network customers in a multi- release, scale in and controlled, reported for
automatically tenant model scale out on demand. consumers and
Physical and virtual To consumers,
resources are capabilities appear
dynamically assigned unlimited and can be
based on demand ordered at any time.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Deployment models*
Deployment Models
Exclusive use by a single Exclusive use by a community Provisioned for open use by Composite of two or more
organization comprising of consumers from the general public. distinct cloud infrastructures
multiple business units. organizations that have a (private, community, public).
shared concern (mission, Owned, managed, and
Can be owned, managed, and security requirements, etc). operated by a business, They remain unique entities,
operated by the organization, academic or government but are bound together by
a third party, or a combination Can be owned, managed, and organization, or some standardized or proprietary
of both. operated by one or more of combination of them. technology that enables data
the organizations in the and application portability.
May exist on-premises or off- community, a third party, or Exists on the premises of the
premises. some combination of both. cloud provider. Examples: Cloud-bursting,
load balancing between
May exist on-premises or off- clouds, moving applications
premises. between on-premises and off
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Service models*
Service Models
Consumers use the provider’s Consumers deploy consumer-created or Consumers provision compute, storage,
applications running on cloud acquired applications using provider- and network resources.
infrastructure. supported programming languages,
libraries, tools, or services. Consumers can deploy and run arbitrary
Accessible from various client devices software, including operating systems and
either through a thin client interface (web Consumers do not manage the underlying applications.
browser) or APIs. infrastructure including network, servers,
OS, and storage. Consumers do not manage the underlying
Consumers do not manage the underlying infrastructure, but have control over OS,
infrastructure or even applications, except Consumers manage the deployed storage, deployed applications, and
possibly limited application configuration applications and possibly application- possibly limited control of network
settings. hosting environment configuration components such as host firewalls.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
IaaS Making up the bottom layer of the cloud is the infrastructure services layer (IaaS). In
this layer, a set of physical assets such as servers, network devices, and storage
disks are offered as provisioned services to consumers. The services at this layer
support application infrastructure, regardless of whether a cloud and many more
consumers provide that infrastructure. As with platform services, virtualization is an
often-used method to provide the on-demand rationing of the resources.
PaaS Platform services (PaaS) is the layer in which application infrastructure emerges as a
set of services. These services include but are not limited to middleware as a service,
messaging as a service, integration as a service, information as a service, and
connectivity as a service. The services here are intended to support applications.
These applications might be running in the cloud, or in a more traditional enterprise
data center. To achieve the scalability that is required within a cloud, the different
services that are offered here are often virtualized.
SaaS Application services are most familiar to everyday web users. The application
services layer hosts applications that fit the SaaS model. These applications run in a
cloud and are provided on demand as services to users. Sometimes the services are
free and providers generate revenue from things like web ads. At other times,
application providers generate revenue directly from the usage of the service. Do
these scenarios sound familiar? It probably does because almost everyone uses
them. If you use a tax preparation service to file your income taxes online, or use an
email service to check your mail, then you are familiar with the top layer of the cloud.
These types of applications are just a couple of examples. There are literally
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
From IBM CS-101 Introduction to Cloud
Clients who are not using cloud (Traditional / On-Premises environments) manage the entire
technology stack.
As you move higher up the cloud to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, clients manage less and less
infrastructure and focus more and more on their business.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
From IBM CS-101 Introduction to Cloud (including comments below):
What is a workload?
An abstraction–that is, isolated from the hardware it’s running on—focusing on what needs to
be done, as opposed to how it’s going to be done, in the context of a particular cloud.
Can be a small or complete application, typically combined with other workloads to execute a
business process or task.
Companies adopting cloud will likely make decisions about cloud based on workload capacity
– cloud architectures and deployment models need to fit.
Clients are seeing real value by moving their development tests and development operations
or DevOps works to the cloud. Cloud can speed the development and deployment for new
applications and reduce the time needed for the development process. We also are seeing
some clients move workloads to cloud that they were not ready to move just a few years ago.
These include information-intensive applications and applications with sensitive data.
Network availability, as well as well defined cloud security frameworks, can facilitate moving
some of these workloads.
Some applications, however, are not ready for cloud. These include applications with complex
processes and transactions that may require excessive reengineering, as well as highly
customized applications. In addition, applications that are not yet virtualized may receive few
benefits from a cloud model.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Infrastructure as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a way of delivering cloud-computing infrastructure,
including servers, storage, network, and operating systems, as an on-demand service. Rather
than purchasing servers, software, data center space, or network equipment, clients instead
buy those resources as a fully outsourced service on demand.
“Two guys in a Starbucks can have access to the same computing power as a Fortune 500
company” - Jim Deters, Founder - Galvanize
Infrastructure services are built on top of a standardized, secure, and scalable infrastructure.
Some level of redundancy needs to be built into the infrastructure to ensure the high
availability and elasticity of resources.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
System Administrators Manage Virtual Instances and From prod image template Create bare metal
maintain instances and Bare Metal Servers server
provision new resources on
demand through the Cloud
interface or API for the
customer production
. Sysadmin
12 © 2015 IBM Corporation
IaaS can be used for any type of environment (development, test, and production) and can
support a wide variety of applications.
This simplified use case shows how a client can leverage IaaS to set up a development
environment that provides cheap virtual servers from standard templates that contain
development tools, and also maintain a production environment that takes advantage of the
cloud’s global footprint.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Platform as a Service
Service provider supplies the software platform or middleware where
the applications run in addition to the underlying infrastructure.
The customer is responsible for the creation, updating, and
maintenance of the application that sits atop the platform.
Common platform environments include Java Application Servers,
NodeJS, Python, PHP, Go, and more, with services commonly
provided for SQL and NOSQL data stores.
Platform as a service (PaaS) can be used to quickly and easily create and maintain
applications without the complexity of maintaining the software stack (such as application
servers) or the infrastructure underneath it.
Installing, configuring, licensing, patching and maintaining the software stack is performed by
the cloud vendor so that the customer can focus on developing and maintaining their
Some of the PaaS offerings on the market include IBM Bluemix®, IBM CMS4Oracle, IBM
CMS4SAP, Heroku, Google App Engine and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Software as a Service
SaaS is software delivery method that provides access to software and its functions remotely
(typically as a web-based service). Software as a Service allows organizations to access
business functionality at a cost typically less than paying for licensed applications. Because
software is hosted remotely, organizations do not need to invest in additional hardware.
Software as a Service removes the need for organizations to handle the installation, setup,
and maintenance.
Under the SaaS model, the software provider is responsible for the creation, updating, and
maintenance of software, including the responsibility for licensing the software. Customers
usually rent the software on a per usage basis, or buy a subscription to access it that includes
a separate license for each person who uses the software. Upgrades and new features are
typically included as part of the on-going application lifecycle.
In this model, the service user only accesses the service itself, and not the platform or the
infrastructure the service is running on. The service is usually accessed as a web application
or as a wrapped web services application invoked by using web services APIs.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Business benefits
Development model benefits
Industry impact
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
th rough P ay as you go
Ec onom ies of s cale
th rough
On-demand prov is ioning
Cost reduc tion
th rough
Elas tic ity Multi tenanc y
th rough
S calability Centraliz at ion
Univ ersal ac cess
Multiple si tes
th rough
th rough
Reliabili ty Higher availability options
th rough
Data c ent raliz ation
Dis as ter rec overy
th rough
of ferings Auditi ng and compliance
These are potential benefits from a business point of view. Benefits will vary depending on the
use case, workload, cloud provider, capabilities, and so on.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
The following are benefits from a developer point of view.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Industry impact
Companies are embracing new business models and disruptive technologies to help them
become more agile, competitive and innovative.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Block storage
File storage
Object storage
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The main types of storage you will encounter are block, file, and
object storage.
Driving design considerations are performance, resilience, data
type, and data access methods.
# Attributes
# #
# Object
# #
Data ID
# #
IaaS Storage Considerations There are several options with regards to the storage that
CAN be used for the cloud. The important design
consideration is the type of data that you are intending to
store and the performance that your design requires. The
main types of storage are Block, File, and Object.
Block Storage In IaaS computing, Block Storage refers to what you
associate with storage area networks (SANs) where a block
(a sequence of bytes and bits) is stored in a data buffer that
then reads or writes an entire block at a time. Reading and
writing in blocks reduces the processor usage and increases
performance. They also support snapshots and replication.
Volumes can be provisioned in your desired storage
capacity, from 20 GB to 12 TB, and at your desired IOPS tier
to support a variety of application needs.
Object Storage Object Storage is different from Block Storage in that data is
stored as objects rather than blocks. This means that each
object includes the data, metadata, and a globally unique
identifier. Object storage can be implemented at multiple
levels, including device, system, and interface level. In each
case, object storage seeks to enable capabilities not
addressed by other storage architectures.
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Essential Deployment
Service models Adoption
characteristics models
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Usually when selecting from the offerings of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), you can choose
either virtual servers or bare metal servers. However, if you wish to mix the two in a single
environment, at present SoftLayer is the only provider offering. You can, for example, have a
setup consisting of two bare metal servers and five virtual ones.
Note that there are providers of cloud services who are also providers of hosting and
outsourcing services, but they do not do so within the same implementation. Currently
SoftLayer is the only IaaS provider who uses the same provisioning and services tools in an
integrated fashion for both virtual servers and bare metal servers.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
V irtual Servers F ile S torage Network Firewall s Em ai l Deli very Mon itoring and
Appl iances Rep orti ng
S oftware Obj ect S torage Dom ai n Services SSL Certificates Message Queue Management
Too ls
Almost everything can be mixed and matched, making the platform very
flexible and adaptable to most customer needs.
IaaS is more than just servers on a network. It includes additional services to ensure stability,
adaptability, and security, which are on most customers’ wish lists.
Before choosing a IaaS or cloud provider, ensure that your needs will be met and that the
provider offers a means for you to manage as much of the setup yourself. This is important to
avoiding wasting time communicating back and forth before you see the results. When using
cloud, one of the parameters you look for is how fast you are able to get what you need.
Compared to other IaaS providers, SoftLayer has many possible combinations of the
services, so some technical knowledge is recommended when ordering. In addition, you
should also have a design plan. You can change your environment later, but while it is easy to
add storage, CPU, and memory to instances, changing the network itself is much trickier.
Therefore, plan your network carefully before making any changes.
Many of the service shown in the graphic will be described in detail in the later units.
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When you look at real estate, one of the key parameters is location. The same
should be the case when choosing a cloud provider.
Location is a key parameter when buying real estate, and it should also be a key parameter
when choosing your IaaS provider.
If you have customers or potential customers all over the world, look for a provider who has
data centers near the key potential markets because internet customers have little patience
and will not wait for data to load or web pages to respond.
In the above graphic, the only datacenter is in the United States, and customers in Europe
and Africa are unlikely to be happy about the response times.
Additionally, there might be laws dictating where your data should be stored. For example,
many European countries have laws that certain data is not allowed to be stored or even
transported outside of Europe or their own country.
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SoftLayer presence
This is the current global footprint for SoftLayer as of July 2015. More
datacenters are being added on an almost monthly basis.
An example of a IaaS provider who has a global footprint is SoftLayer, which has data centers
all over the world and is adding new ones almost monthly. The lines on the picture are not just
for show because each all the data centers are connected by a private network. This will be
covered in more detail in one of the next slides.
SoftLayer datacenters consist of Point of Presence (PoP) locations and Point of Delivery
(PoD) locations.
SoftLayer PoPs are locations which connects SoftLayer PoDs to SoftLayer's global, private,
resilient private network, to customer's private Wide Area Networks (via Direct Link) and to
the Internet.
Both SoftLayer customers and the end users of SoftLayer customers' applications benefit with
SoftLayer's extensive PoP because it reduces the distance that they must traverse on the
open Internet before reaching SoftLayer's private, resilient, high speed global network to
reach SoftLayer PoDs where a customer's compute and storage reside.
SoftLayer PoDs are where SoftLayer services are delivered from including compute and
storage. The next slide shows a SoftLayer PoD.
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The datacenter
Backup Battery
Server Storage
When choosing an IaaS provider, consider how the datacenter is set up to ensure that you get
the uptime and reliability you need and pay for, and that your customers expect.
Make sure that they have backup batteries, generators, and environmental controls to ensure
continued operation during a power outage or worse. Make sure that they have contingency
plans and that these plans as well as their equipment are reviewed and maintained regularly.
You are placing your business in their hands.
A SoftLayer datacenter consist of four or more PoDs. The following are the standard
specifications for a PoD as of July 2015:
10000 ft2 (930 Sqm)
2 megawatts of power
150 racks
4000 physical nodes
N+1 generators (N+1 meaning 1 more than is actually required)
N+1 battery backups (N+1 meaning 1 more than is actually required)
An additional number of load balancers, firewalls, and storage units
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Network architecture
The reliabi lity of an IaaS cloud's network is very important because the
ne twork is the way in which a cloud customer and their end u sers interact with
their IaaS cloud services.
An IaaS provider could have a network setup that looks like this. Note th at this
example is from SoftLayer. Other providers might have a different network
setup, such as only a public network.
Public Network
P ri vate Net work
M anagem ent
Management c onsole
Publ ic network to service customers
Private network for inter-server communication
Managemen t network for console access, maintenance, and so on
Note that this example is from SoftLayer. Other providers might have a different network
setup, such as only one public network without a private or management network.
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Network Load
Security Balancer
VPN Edge Router MPLS VPN IMS Services
SoftLayer’s triple network architecture is very unique not only because it segregates network
traffic from the public network (for example Internet, VPN) from the private network (SoftLayer
PoD to SoftLayer PoD, Direct Link, customer administrative access) and management
network (SoftLayer services) where as other cloud providers lump all this traffic into one
network, but also because unlike many IaaS providers SoftLayer does not charge usage fees
for SoftLayer customers moving data across the Private Network between a customer's
environments in multiple SoftLayer PoDs. The SoftLayer private resilient private network
enables lighting fast communication between SoftLayer PoDs.
With the private network that runs between data centers and PoPs, you can transfer data at
high speeds to other SoftLayer data centers. This also means that you can have redundant
setups in different SoftLayer data centers across the globe where data is synchronized at high
speeds at no extra cost. You can also use SoftLayer patch servers and software repositories.
This setup also benefits any clients/customers around the world because no matter in which
SoftLayer datacenter your solutions are hosted, the customer only has to reach the nearest
datacenter or PoP before Soft Layer's own network takes over, minimizing the number of
network hops and handoffs between providers.
The management network allows you, via VPN, to connect to the servers and perform OS
reloads, power off/on operations, and monitor your server using keyboard, video, and mouse
(KVM) over IP, and get console access to it.
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Infras tructure Managem ent Sys tem pr ovid es o rchestra ti on and a utomatio n
U ni que Triple Ne twork Ar chite cture a llo ws se amle ss co mmu nica ti on acro ss d istrib uted envi ronme nts
Bare Metal Se rvers Vi sual Serve r Instan ces Pri vate C lou ds
To tie the entire infrastructure together, an IaaS provider will likely use an orchestration
management system (OMS).
An OMS handles all interactions with your instances and services from provisioning to restart
and logging. Billing and API calls also pass through IMS (Infrastructure Management
System), which then handles the automation required to make your orders happen. This is
even true for bare metal servers.
SoftLayer is the provider that has the richest set of application programming interfaces (APIs)
that allow you to interact directly with the backend system via IMS. The functions available
using the API allows you to perform remote server management, monitoring and retrieving
information from the various systems such as accounting, inventory, and DNS. Basically, if an
action can be performed by using the customer portal, there will be an API for it as well. The
customer portal is covered later in this unit, the API in a later unit.
The API uses Representational State Transfer (REST), and many of the most popular
programming languages can be used with it (Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and more). This way,
SoftLayer customers can control the entire environment from their applications.
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Now that we covered most of the infrastructure, we can now see the big picture of what an
IaaS datacenter looks like when it is deployed. This slide shows how a SoftLayer datacenter
is set up. The general structure does not greatly vary from SoftLayer PoD location to location
around the world.
You can see that the outside users come in through the PoP through the public network, and
that the PoP is connected to the other PoPs and the datacenter.
Inside the datacenter, you can see what is available/accessible on the public network and that
you can order firewall and load balancers, both of which will be covered later.
You can also see which parts of the infrastructure are on the private network, such as
instance storage, update servers, DNS, API servers, and so on.
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
Why do the locations of the IaaS providers' data centers matter?
Location = Da ta Privacy, Laten cy, Resi liency considerations . Some
cou ntries require data to remain in country. Deploying applications closer
to the end users can reduce latency and improve end user response time s
in accessing and utilizing the application. Having diverse locations allows a
customer to replicate their data between data centers to mitigate risk from
man -made and natural disasters.
How many power generators should an IaaS provi der have ?
N+1 backup p ower ge nerators and fail-over battery systems are two ways
to provide better reliabil ity of power for their data center..
What are the three network types an IaaS p rovider can h ave?
Public, Private, and Management.
Which network should console access be delivered on?
Management network.
What is the Orchestration Mana gement System?
OMS handles all interactions to the servers, be they API calls or server
restarts . © 2015 IBM Corporation
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The management web interface is the control center for all of your accounts,
devices, users, and services.
The management web interface is the one place to go to administer your account. You can
think of it as the entrance to your data center because you can do the same things here as
you would be able to in a physical datacenter. The slide shows the SoftLayer customer portal.
Protect your password to the portal and make sure that when you give users access to the
portal that they only have the rights that they need.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The offerings of the SoftLayer customer portal are shown here, but similar offerings should be
available at any IaaS provider on their management web interface
The SoftLayer customer portal offers more than 200 services, which are based on the APIs
that are also available to you. This means that you can perform any action available in the
portal (and more) from a script, or even make your own portal encapsulating the APIs. APIs
are covered in a later unit.
SoftLayer also offers a mobile version of the portal that can run on smartphones where you
can perform many of the same tasks as in the main portal. Other providers might have mobile
apps as well.
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Using the management web interface, you have full control over every
aspect of your instance and can perform these tasks for each server:
Monitor status
Modify the configuration
Open support tickets
Monitor bandwidth usage
Check audit logs (Security)
View and edit passwords
View and edit storage
From the web interface, you have fine-grained control over every aspect of your instances.
Because almost everything is automated, you have even more control of the instance than if
you had hands on access.
You can add or remove memory and CPU, check the bandwidth used, connect and
disconnect the network interfaces, and even modify the speed with which they operate. Some
of these actions might require a restart.
If you suspect something is not working properly on the server or just need to be certain that
the server is running, you can set up specific monitoring agents. These will be covered in a
later unit.
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Monitor/control/change instances
This slide shows the view that you get when you click the Configuration details for a device in
the SoftLayer customer portal. It shows the current configuration and status of your server.
You can disconnect or connect the network interfaces, order a reload of the OS, and modify
the memory and CPU from this view. Storage is managed in the Storage tab.
You can also order a firewall, not shown in the image, to add security to your server. Firewalls
will be covered later.
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Account administration
The portal provides more control than just hardware and network topics. The portal also
provides good tools. You can perform the following tasks inside the portal:
You can place orders or get quotes. You can also see orders waiting for approval and
approve or void them.
In the billing section, you can see you past and present total invoices for the account and
the current balance to be invoiced.
You can manage users (adding, deleting, disabling, and changing passwords), and grant
and revoke user permissions. This topic is covered in the next slides.
You can control who has VPN Access and reset their passwords.
You can subscribe to alerts so that you are notified should something happen at the
datacenter or network that would affect the availability of your services. You can also
change your company profile and contact persons as well as view the audit log for the
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The password to the web interface is the key to your server room.
Guard it carefully.
Adding a user to your account is easy, but remember that giving a user access to the web
interface essentially gives that user access to your server room and everything within. You
can limit this by using permissions, which are covered in the next slides, but it is still
recommended to have strict passwords rules and security policies.
Adding two factor authentication is also an option to add more security, which will be covered
in a later unit.
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In the SoftLayer customer portal, the security permissions are divided into six categories:
The Devices tabs allows you to manage the hardware/virtual hardware devices you have such
as servers, firewalls, and load balancers. Device access is controlled in a separate
permission set that is covered in later slides.
The Network tab gives you access to the network settings such as IP addresses, Subnets,
VLAN spanning, VPN, and gateways.
The Services tab allows you to manage other services offered such as images, licenses,
provisioning scripts, and vulnerability scanning.
Other IaaS providers should also have a way of setting permissions in their management web
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
View Tickets View tickets Full access to everything Any combination you wish
including cancelling devices
View hardware details Add/edit tickets
and changing account
View bandwidth statistics View hardware details information.
View CDN bandwidth Manage servers, firewalls Unlike the master account
statistics and load balancers ID, a super user account
cannot be deleted.
View licenses Add IP addresses
View account summary View CDN bandwidth
View licenses
Manage DNS and antivirus
Perform vulnerability
View account summary
Manage notifications and
The master account user can do everything and cannot be deleted. Generally, do not use this
account for daily use. Rather, create users with permissions based on the roles they will
The SoftLayer customer portal has three default permission templates that you can apply.
However, but you will likely need to create custom users and use the templates as a base for
those users.
The View Only User has the privileges to view tickets and basic statistics.
The Basic User can manage almost everything concerning servers and devices, but
cannot cancel a device. If a basic user orders a service that incurs a charge, someone
who can approve charges to the account must approve it before the service is processed.
The Super User has the same rights as the master account. Carefully consider whether
you really need another user with that much authority. If you do, there should not be many
of these for security reasons.
If other IaaS providers do not have templates, you will have to create them or manually set
permissions for each user.
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The access to instances through the web interface or API can be granted per
user either per instance or sorted by type:
All Devices: Access is granted to all instances, both virtual and bare metal.
All Virtual Servers: Access is granted to virtual servers only.
All Hardware: Access is granted to all bare metal servers.
The user can access the server if they have a user ID and a password to the
22 © 2015 IBM Corporation
Although the previous permission set could seem to indicate that you have access to
instances based on them alone, this is not the case. If using SoftLayer, you will need to set
the permissions for the user and decide which instances, if any, that user is able to access.
Other IaaS providers might do this differently
The permissions that you set can be even more fine-grained if you use the quick filters. Quick
filters allow you to grant permission automatically to the user for any future instances of the
same type. Account here means user account.
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What can you compare the management web interface to?
Can you power off your server from the management web interface?
Can you view your account invoices in the management web interface?
Can you disconnect your server from the network in the management web
Can you give a user access to only virtual servers from the management
web interface?
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What can you compare the management web interface to?
The server room
Can you power off your server from the management web interface?
Can you view your account invoices in the management web interface?
Yes, both for the account and for individual devices
Can you disconnect your server from the network in the management web
Yes, you can disconnect both public and private networks, but not the
management network
Can you give a user access to only virtual servers from the management web
Yes it is possible and also grants access to virtual servers provisioned in
the future
3.2 References
The following items are useful for further research:
Erl, Thomas; Puttini, Ricardo; Mahmood, Zaigham, Cloud Computing: Concepts,
Technology & Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2013
Virtual Server on the SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer®:
Bare Metal Server on the SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer:
Cabling a SoftLayer Data Center Server Rack:
SoftLayer Amsterdam - AMS01 Data Center Tour:
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Cloud computing is the buzzword of recent years, and it changes the way companies run their
IT divisions. It came to life not as a single new idea, but by joining existing ideas that were
known for years. This synergy was the source of progress, which is how much of the progress
in IT happens.
The following are the ideas that combined to form the cloud:
Remote access to computers: People realized that “non-personal”, corporate computers
are mostly accessed remotely using Internet protocols that were invented in the 1970s.
Virtualization: Machines became so powerful that they could efficiently “pretend” to be
other machines. Virtualization was first used by IBM in the 1960s
The Metering and “pay per use” billing model, used in the utility industry.
As opposed to customer clouds that are mainly used for storage, in business environments
the computing instances (also called compute nodes) are the crucial cloud resources.
Traditionally, those were virtual machines provisioned in the provider’s data centers.
IBM SoftLayer pioneered extending the concept of compute node types, adding bare metal
servers to the traditional virtual servers, and making virtualization a choice, not a mandate.
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As you can see when ordering SoftLayer servers, there are three types: Bare metal, virtual
(private node), and virtual (public node).
Let’s start with virtual servers. Those are traditional virtual machines created and run using
virtualization mechanisms by a hypervisor running on a host machine.
What is the difference between public and private nodes? It has to do with the concept of
A private node is run on a host machine that is dedicated to one customer of the cloud
provider (single tenant).
A public node is run on a host machine that is shared between multiple customers
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Public virtual servers are deployed in a multi-tenant environment. It is the most traditional
model in cloud computing. They can use up to 16 2-GHz cores, and up to 64 GB of RAM.
The Virtual Server cores are “virtual” cores, which are half of a physical hyper-threaded Intel
Linux instances are usually provisioned faster than Windows instances, and they are all up
and running in the matter of a few minutes.
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Fast provisioning
Affordable solution for deployments without stringent performance
or compliance requirements, where resource sharing is OK
Hourly billing offers flexibility
Deployments can be automatically scaled up and down
Typical use is for LAMP-based web servers
Because public virtual servers share physical resources of the host
hardware with other public virtual servers, you may observe fluctuations
in performance (the “noisy neighbor effect”).
This is the most cost-effective and option, with fastest provisioning.
Two levels of billing granularity are available: Hourly and monthly. Some features available
only with monthly billing.
Public virtual servers are used for Autoscaling groups that can be defined in the SoftLayer
customer portal.
Because of multi-tenancy, your public virtual server’s share of the host machine resources
might vary depending on usage of public virtual servers of other SoftLayer customers sharing
the host. This is unpredictable. SoftLayer will not allow your public virtual server to be starved
to death, but its performance may go up and down within some limits.
Typical usage of public virtual servers is for LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
deployments that can tolerate lower resource levels.
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Private Virtual servers are single-tenant. The host that runs your virtual server is running
exclusively on your virtual servers, with no virtual servers of other customers. This option has
fewer CPU choices, and is more expensive.
The hypervisor and below is still managed by SoftLayer, so you end up with a private cloud
managed by the IaaS provider.
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For all virtual servers, there is a choice of operating systems. including multiple versions of
Windows Server and Linux, and even an operating system for Vyatta network appliance
(discussed in Advanced Networking unit).
Virtual servers can have up to 5 (virtual) disks. The first two can be local.
SoftLayer updates, features, and prices change periodically to stay competitive in the market
and include new models and technologies as they arrive.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
SoftLayer extends the cloud computing paradigm by introducing bare metal servers, which
are physical (as opposed to virtual) servers that dedicated to one customer, as an alternative
and complement to virtual server offering.
You get all the advantages of physical machine without owning one, and you can pay per use.
Bare Metal servers are provisioned as if they were Virtual Servers, using the same customer
interface (web portal and API) and are fully integrated with SoftLayer virtual servers and
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Bare metal hourly servers are pre-configured and are in separate racks. They are not always
available in all data centers due to capacity reasons.
The configuration options are limited to just a few processor choices and associated
What you gain are faster provisioning times and flexibility of hourly billing, while still getting a
dedicated piece of hardware.
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When you choose monthly bare metal servers, the list of CPU options is greatly expanded.
You also see many more options for other configuration elements, like RAM and disks,
although some CPU choices place limits on RAM or disks.
The list of operating systems is also expanded. In addition to Linux and Microsoft, you can get
operating system for OSNexus storage appliance, and more choices for hypervisor, including
popular Citrix Xen, and the No OS option under Other that lets you boot your own OS using
the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).
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You can also select CPUs with GPU support and Intel TXT technology. SoftLayer is an ideal
platform for gaming and other graphic intensive applications.
Bear in mind that SoftLayer periodically adds new configuration elements as they appear on
the market, and removes obsolete ones. Therefore, the list in the slide might be different from
the one that you see.
All these monthly Bare Metal choices give you freedom in implementing a wide range of
business use cases. In addition to typical uses such as database servers, you can use them
for your own custom storage solutions, heavy-duty web and application servers, Big Data
solutions, private and hybrid clouds, DevOps (development and operations) environments,
and vertical industrial solutions like customer relationship management (CRM).
Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) is a technology that is available in select Bare Metal
Servers to secure data through a series of encryption keys, launch verified process, and
securely boot systems once it verifies that all processes and programs are acting in a
predictable manner. It is ideal for customers looking to lock down data that may otherwise be
vulnerable and run processes that may deliver such data in a secure manner.
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All types of servers discussed so far can be mixed and matched in an IaaS solution
architecture as per your needs. Typically, a web application runs in one or more virtual
servers, which can be auto-scaled as explained in later units. Database and other storage
solutions can run on bare metal servers.
Development and testing phases can use hourly billing, and production environments can
switch to monthly billing.
You can deploy clusters of servers for massively parallel scalable solutions.
Private network traffic is free and can span data centers, so you can design your own
replication and disaster recovery schemes.
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Checkpoint questions
What is the difference between virtual server (public node) and virtual server
(private node)?
Who manages the hypervisor running your virtual server (private node)?
Can two customers share a bare metal server?
Does bare metal server need a hypervisor? Can it have a hypervisor installed?
Which server type will be provisioned faster: Virtual or bare metal?
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
What is the difference between virtual server (public node) and virtual server
(private node)?
A: Multi-tenant vs. single-tenant.
Who manages the hypervisor running your virtual server (private node)?
A: Your IaaS cloud provider.
Can two customers share a bare metal server?
A: No, they are dedicated.
Does bare metal server need a hypervisor? Can it have a hypervisor installed?
A: They don’t need a hypervisor if customer wants just to run an OS. However,
there are options to install one and run a private cloud.
Which server type will be provisioned faster: Virtual or bare metal?
A: Virtual
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Ordering servers
Servers can be ordered from the Order window on the customer portal
home page, by clicking the Devices link.
You are presented with Order Devices window, which shows types
of servers available.
Click the server type you want, and select hardware, software,
and services options. Then click the Continue Your Order link.
You can also order devices from the Devices → Device List window. You end up with the
same window showing server types available.
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The Order Summary and Billing window shows all the selected options
with pricing.
You can also specify:
– Public and private VLAN (if your account has more than one provisioned).
– Provisioning scripts that run automatically after the server is provisioned.
– Secure Shell (SSH) keys, allowing for more secure login.
– User metadata, which is server-specific data that can be passed
to provisioning scripts.
– The host and domain name for your server .
Accept the SoftLayer Master Service Agreement.
In Devices tab, click Device List, and watch for your server become active.
VLANs will be explained in more detail in networking units, but you might see VLAN choices
when ordering servers, so let’s spend a minute on them.
When a first server is provisioned in an account, the account gets a pair of VLANs: Public and
private (unless you specify Private VLAN only deployment when selecting Public Bandwidth,
which is different from private virtual server, and deploys your server without public VLAN
If your account has only one pair of VLANs, all subsequent servers are provisioned in them.
You can purchase additional VLANs by entering a ticket. If you do, a choice of VLANs appears
in Order Summary and Billing.
You can specify provisioning scripts, and user metadata typically used to parametrize them.
The host and domain names that you enter are only used for internal naming of your servers,
and are not registered with the Domain Name System (DNS).
Provisioning times vary depending on the server type, the software being installed, and other
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The Device List in the Devices tab shows all servers on your account.
In the Actions drop-down menu for a device, you can reboot the device,
power it off/on, rename it, upgrade or downgrade it, or cancel the device.
If you power down the device, you will be still be paying for it because it
consumes data center resources.
Click the device name to see device details.
In Device Details window, the details are organized in tabs. The Actions
menu and the various tabs provide many additional actions that you can
start for a device.
In Device List, you see all servers on your account that you have permission to see, showing
their name, device type, location, public and private IP addresses, start date, and a limited set
of Actions.
Click the device name to see device details, organized into set of tabs. These are discussed
in detail in Unit 3 Exercise 1.
You can also modify the device configuration in this view, and there is a more comprehensive
set of Actions to start, including creating images and reloading servers from them, port
control, and so on. These topics are discussed in future units.
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Upgrade and downgrade capabilities depend on the server type. For example, bare metal
hourly servers are pre-configured and upgrades are limited. Be aware that most upgrades
require a server shut-down.
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Once your server is up and running, you can access it using these methods:
For Windows, use the Remote Desktop program.
For Linux, the most basic access is command-line. Use an SSH client of your choice to
open an terminal window on your server. If you specify a public SSH key during
provisioning, you can access your server with your private key. This is a more secure
method than using passwords. SSH clients are discussed in the Appendix.
If you want to run one of Linux GUI environments, you need to use a graphical desktop
sharing system like VNC, running the server daemon on your server, and a client on your
workstation. You will need to install the environment on your server.
If you change the root password on the device, update the password stored in the portal
accordingly to enable system updates, reloads, and so on.
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To cancel a server, use the Cancel Device action in Device List window
(also available on Device Details window).
Agree to the cancellation terms, and accept the possible loss of data.
The cancellation request generates a ticket, and your server will disappear
from the Device List window after the cancellation is complete.
If you do not need your server anymore, in an IaaS cloud environment like SoftLayer, you can
just cancel them and they are gone. Server cancellation is the last action in list of Actions for
each server in the Device List window.
Hourly servers are scheduled for immediate cancellation, and you will stop being charged.
Monthly servers will stay up until your billing anniversary, which is usually the 1st day of next
month, and then they are cancelled.
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Checkpoint questions
What tool do you use to access the command line on a SoftLayer server
running Linux?
Do you need a root password to access a server running Linux?
If you power down a virtual server, do you stop being charged for it?
If you cancel a monthly server, when do you stop being charged for it?
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Checkpoint questions
What tool do you use to access the command line on a SoftLayer server
running Linux?
A: Secure Shell (SSH) client
Do you need a root password to access a server running Linux?
A: No, if you use public key authentication.
If you power down a virtual server, do you stop being charged for it?
A: No, it still consumes data center resources. You need to cancel it to stop
being charged.
If you cancel a monthly server, when do you stop being charged for it?
A: At your next monthly billing anniversary.
Some of the storage types and protocols are discussed in greater detail such as DAS, iSCSI,
and NFS. More advanced topics such as RAID arrays are also introduced.
The second part of this unit covers the SoftLayer storage offerings. You will learn details
about the block and file storage SoftLayer offers, and about the performance and endurance
offerings of both block and file storage. It also covers object storage in SoftLayer and the use
cases for it.
4.2 References
The following items are useful for further research:
SoftLayer Cloud Storage:
SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer:
Which storage solution is best for your project?
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The terms storage type and storage protocols are often confused. You can find a lot of
documents where they are used interchangeably. For sake of simplicity in this course, the
storage types are DAS, SAN, NAS, and Object Storage. The storage protocols are NFS, FC,
iSCSI, FCoE, and CIFS.
This unit discusses direct-attached storage (DAS) which is basically local disk on system, and
storage area network (SAN) which is a remotely access block storage. It also describes NAS,
which is remotely accessed file storage, and object storage which is a unit approach to
storing data and is popular in Cloud Computing.
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As mentioned, DAS is basically the local disk of the system. Direct-attached storage (DAS) is
digital storage directly attached to the computer, accessing it using the SATA, SAS, or USB
interface. Examples of DAS include hard drives, optical disc drives, and storage on external
drives directly attached to the system.
Basically, any storage that is directly attached to your server using your internal Storage BUS
is considered DAS.
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Disk Types
These tables explain the storage interfaces and disk types that can be used.
Although disk types are presented in DAS section, they are applicable for external storage
systems as well. Understand that any external storage system is a server machine with a lot
of local disks.
SAS is considered the more enterprise-ready solution than SATA, but it is also more
These SATA and SAS interfaces interact with three main types of disks:
SATA Hard Disk Drives are usually cheaper and, due to ATA technology specifics, run at
lower speeds (usually 7200 RPM).
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SAN is a dedicated network that is used to provide storage access to servers. The storage
which is accessed over SAN is block level, which means it will appear as a raw device to the
operating system on the server. You will have to format it with a compatible file system before
you can use it. This is the main difference between SAN solutions and other storage
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SAN supports several protocols. The following are the most commonly used protocols:
Fibre Channel (FC) is a high-speed network technology primarily used to connect to
computer data storage. Fiber channel is commonly used for enterprise solutions in
modern data centers. It can provide high-speed access to storage (4, 8, or 16 Gb/s).
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is a transport protocol (similar to TCP used in IP
networks) that predominantly transports SCSI commands over Fibre Channel networks.
Fibre Channel SAN uses optical network for communication. That makes it very fast, but
also very expensive, so it is mostly used in high-end enterprise solutions.
FCoE encapsulates FCP packets into usual Ethernet packets, but to use FCoE efficiently
you will need to run at least a 10 Gb network, and your network equipment must support
In modern IT, 10 Gb Ethernet cards are becoming common, so FCoE has become more
popular. Basically, customers do not want to pay for additional Fibre Channel HBA if they
can use 10 Gb NIC card for storage accessibility.
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) works on top of TCP, and allows the
SCSI command to be sent end-to-end over local area networks (LANs), wide area
networks (WANs), or the Internet.
The benefit of iSCSI is that it does not have any specific HW requirements. It can work
across any LAN. And although it will definitely benefit from a 10 Gb network, it is not
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IP network
Network-attached storage (NAS) is a file-level storage system connected to a network
providing data access to a heterogeneous group of clients. NAS is specialized for serving
files, rather than block level storage. The two most common NAS solutions are SMB/CIFS
and NFS. NAS, unlike SAN, provides file-level storage.
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The most common protocols used with SAN are:
Server Message Block (SMB) is a file sharing protocol which was invented by IBM in 80s.
Directories which were made available over network are called Shares
Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a so-called dialect of SMB. Basically CIFS is
implementation of SMB created by Microsoft. Currently CIFS is considered the
default/native file sharing mechanism for Microsoft Operating systems.
Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol allowing a user on a client
computer to access files over a network much like local storage is accessed. NFS is
supported by default in many operating systems, especially *NIX based ones.
Because it is easy to implement, NFS is used by many Cloud providers as a default
protocol for file-based storage shares. SoftLayer uses NFS in its file storage offering, so it
will be covered in more detail later.
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Object storage manages data as objects. Each object includes metadata and a globally
unique identifier. Object storage is often API- integrated, which enables it for integration
directly into application.
Object storage can be used to store files like Virtual Machine images, backups, and archives
as well as photos and videos. Object Storage can be integrated with CDN, as described in
Unit 9.
Most cloud-based storage available on the market uses an object storage architecture,
including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and OpenStack Swift.
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RAID 0 Striping
RAID 1 Mirroring
This slide gives a broad overview of RAID levels. A detailed explanation is beyond the scope
of this presentation.
RAID 0 (also known as a stripe set or striped volume) splits (“stripes”) data evenly across
two or more disks, without parity information, redundancy, or fault tolerance. RAID 0
provides good performance for both read and write, but no redundancy.
RAID 1 consists of an exact copy (or mirror) of a set of data on two or more disks.
Because the data is mirrored on all disks belonging to the array, the array can only be as
big as the smallest member disk. RAID 1 performs well on reads because reads can be
served by any member of the mirror, but write performance remains at the single disk
RAID 5 is a RAID configuration that uses disk striping with parity. Because data and parity
are striped across all of the disks, no single disk is a bottleneck. Striping also allows users
to reconstruct data in case of a disk failure. Reads and writes are more evenly balanced in
this configuration, making RAID 5 the most commonly used RAID method.
RAID 6 extends RAID 5 by adding another parity block. It uses block-level striping with two
parity blocks distributed across all member disks. RAID 6 does not have a performance
penalty for read operations, but it does have a performance penalty on write operations
because of the processing associated with parity calculations.
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iSCSI: Components
Physical disks
This diagram shows the components of basic iSCSI SAN:
The iSCSI storage device can be either a dedicated storage system or a server with a
storage appliance such as OSNexus Quantastor installed. Quantastor is covered in Unit 8.
The storage device has its local disk built into some kind of RAID array, LUNs, or Storage
volumes that are created on that RAID array.
The NICs of the storage system act as iSCSI targets, which means that the NIC is the
point of access for iSCSI initiators.
A server accesses the storage device over the usual IP network. The NIC of the server
acts as the iSCSI initiator. The iSCSI initiator transmits SCSI command to the iSCSI
target. This initiator can be either hardware based or software based.
A software-based initiator is software that enables something, usually NIC, to act as the
iSCSI initiator. There is an implementation of Software iSCSI initiator for every OS.
Because it is fully software based, all processing of traffic is handled by the system CPU.
A hardware iSCSI initiator is a specialized physical device that can offload SCSI
commands processing.
You can have several iSCSI initiators and iSCSI targets per system.
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iSCSI addressing
Storage Device
IP network
Although iSCSI uses IP network for protocol itself, higher level naming is used to address the
objects within the protocol. The most common naming format is iSCSI qualified name (IQN).
IQN has the following format:
Literal IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name)
Date (yyyy-mm) that the naming authority took ownership of the domain
Reversed domain name of the authority (e.g., com.softlayer)
Optional “:” prefixing a storage target name specified by the naming authority
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Access control lists can be used on storage devices to control which iSCSI initiator
can access certain iSCSI targets. ACL are based on IQNs.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) can be used to allow iSCSI
initiator to prove its identity to iSCSI targets. It is also possible to configure
bidirectional CHAP for better security.
Access control lists (ACLs) can be used on your storage device to control which iSCSI
initiator can access certain iSCSI targets. ACLs are based on IQNs.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) can be used to allow iSCSI initiator to
prove its identity to iSCSI Target. It is also possible to configure bidirectional CHAP for better
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NFS components
IP network
This diagram shows the components for NFS storage. The NFS server can be either a
dedicated storage device, a specialized storage appliance installed on usual server, or even a
Linux machine configured to act as an NFS server. The server shares the directories shonw,
and the client accesses the shares over the usual IP network.
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NFS addressing
NFS server
/iso /media /user1
IP address:
IP network
IP address:
NIC Example path to share from client:
There is no high level addressing in case with NFS. All communication is done using IPs and
host names.
The share should be mounted on client so that files in it can be accessed. The path to the
share has following convention:
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The most common way to control access to NFS shares are IP-based
or subnet-based ACLs.
The most common way to control access to NFS share is IP based or subnet based ACLs.
More advanced access control mechanisms are available such as integration with Kerberos,
Microsoft Active Directory, or LDAP.
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When ordering a bare-metal server from SoftLayer, you can select between three main disk
SAS disks
SATA disks
The selection should be done based on your needs. For most cases, use more reliable disks
like SAS, but SAS is more expensive. For example, highly loaded databases could make a
good use of SAS disks, build into a RAID 10 array, with some SSD disks acting as the cache.
However, a Mail archive server could use cheaper SATA disks build into a very reliable RAID6
array. Therefore, the decision on which disk should be used depends on business case.
In addition, during order process you can configure a RAID array on local disks. This is useful
to have availability configured before the operation system is installed. You can order a
bare-metal server with 4, 6, 12, 24, or 36 disk slots. This can help you to build large and
complex solutions.
SoftLayer virtual servers can be deployed with primary storage based on local disk or SAN,
and with portable storage volumes as secondary storage. Whether your application needs
higher disk I/O, resiliency, or long-term flexibility, you can match your virtual server's storage
to its application.
There is no difference from the operating system perspective between these three
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SoftLayer has its own naming convention for storage offerings. SoftLayer's block storage
offering, as you can understand from its name is a SAN offering. According to its description,
it works over private networks.SoftLayer uses iSCSI for its block storage offering.
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The file storage offering provides NAS storage. The File storage offering of SoftLayer
provides NFS-based volume, which can be mounted to your systems.
100 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
4.22 SoftLayer storage offering: Storage options
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SoftLayer has two options for both block and file storage:
Some of the characteristics of these offerings are described in the next two slides.
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Endurance is a new class of block and file storage from SoftLayer. It brings
an effective feature set to help you fulfill availability requirements of your data.
At the same time, it provides consistent performance baseline.
Endurance storage provides advanced availability features such as snapshots and
replication. These features are described in detail in Unit 8. Having these features enabled
does have a negative effect on performance.
102 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
4.24 SoftLayer storage offering: Storage options (3)
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Performance storage is designed to fulfill high IO demand. If you are planning to run an
application with predictable IO demand, Performance storage is good option. SoftLayer
provides tools to determine which Storage option suits your needs. For more information, see:
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Object storage in SoftLayer can be hosted in many SoftLayer data centers around the world
and integrated with CDN. In SoftLayer, you can use Swift APIs or one of the language clients
to control your Object Storage objects.
Object storage in SoftLayer is based on OpenStack Swift, which is an open source object
storage implementation developed by the OpenStack project. Swift functions as a distributed,
API-accessible storage platform that can be integrated directly into applications or used to
store files like VM images, backups, and archives as well as photos and videos.
104 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
4.26 Overview
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Object File Block
Units Objects (include Files. Blocks, simply a series of
object ID, data, 0s and 1s.
and meta data).
Access API. NFS, CIFS. Direct Attachment, FC, FCoE,
method or iSCSI.
Common Static data. Shared file data. Frequently changing and
Use case transaction data.
This table shows a side-by-side view of the three storage types that have been discussed. For
more information about what to consider when selecting a storage solution for your project,
see Which storage solution is best for your project? at:
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106 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
4.28 Check point: Questions and answers
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
We now know about:
The basics of storage
The available storage types
SoftLayer storage offerings
Endurance and performance storage
108 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.2 References
The following websites are useful for further research:
Network details about SoftLayer:
Networking details about SoftLayer:
SoftLayer Knowledge Layer
110 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.4 What is cloud computing?
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To define cloud computing, you can say that is the use of “outsourced” computing
resources that can be employed or accessed through networking or the internet.
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Computer Remote
From a networking standpoint, each service model requires the cloud provider to expose part
or all of the network, and provide more or less networking capabilities to cloud users.
Each service model requires cloud users to understand and design more or less of the
network to which they are exposed.
The network is most exposed in the IaaS model, and least exposed in the SaaS model.
Without networks, users cannot access their cloud services. Without networks, applications,
data, and users cannot move between clouds. Without networks, the infrastructure
components that must work together to create a cloud cannot.
112 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.6 Networking had to change
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Cloud User
Cloud Vendor’s
New infrastructure: Everything is becoming virtualized, infrastructure is becoming
programmable, and servers and applications have mobility.
New applications: Data-intensive analytics, parallel and clustered processing,
telemedicine, remote experts, and community cloud services.
New access: Mobile device-based access to everything and virtual desktops.
New traffic: Predominantly server-to-server traffic patterns and location-independent
endpoints on both sides of a service or transaction.
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Networking Self Healing
Low Extensible
Latency Guaran- Management
1. Scalability: The cloud network must scale to the overall level of throughput required to
ensure that it does not become a bottleneck. This means that the cloud networking fabric
must handle throughputs that will soon reach trillions of packets.
2. Low Latency: The cloud network must deliver microsecond latency across the entire
network fabric because low latency improves application performance and server
utilization. For latency sensitive applications, 10-Gigabit Ethernet is a major improvement.
3. Guaranteed Performance: The cloud network must provide predictable performance to
service many simultaneous applications in the network, including video, voice, and web
4. Extensible Management: Real-time upgrades and image/patch management in a large
cloud-network is a daunting challenge to network administrators. A vastly simpler
approach is required to handle networks of this size, which automates provisioning,
monitoring, maintenance, upgrading, and troubleshooting.
5. Self-Healing Resilience: Cloud networks operate 24x7, so downtime is not an option. This
requires a network architecture that offers self-healing and the ability for transparent
in-service software updates. On most switches, any software fault results in a reload,
resulting in seconds or even minutes of downtime.
114 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.8 Example: Data center switch network architecture
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Top of Rack
(TOR) Switch
The most common network architecture for enterprises is the three-layer architecture with
access, aggregation or distribution, and core switches. The data center requires a slightly
different variation of this layering, as proposed by some vendors. The data center consists
mainly of servers in racks interconnected through a Top-of-Rack (TOR) Ethernet switch that
connects to an aggregation switch, sometimes known as an End-of-Rack (FOR) switch.
The aggregation switch connects to other aggregation switches and through these switches
to other servers in the data center. A core switch connects to the various aggregation
switches, and provides connectivity to the outside world, typically through Layer 3 (IP). It can
be argued that most intra-data center traffic traverses only the TOR and aggregation
switches. Therefore, the links between these switches and the bandwidth of those links need
to account for the traffic patterns.
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Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS)
Connections from
CPU Other Servers
In an environment with physical servers, switches are used to connect servers to other
servers. Firewalls and application-delivery controllers are other types of equipment that you
can use in a data center for connection to external clients. With a virtualized environment, you
can move some or all of these functions to inside a server.
You can use the Virtual Switch to switch between virtual machines (VMs) inside the same
physical server and aggregate the traffic for connection to the external switch. The Virtual
Switch is often implemented as a plug-in to the hypervisor. The VMs have virtual Ethernet
adapters that connect to the Virtual Switch, which in turn connects to the physical Ethernet
adapter on the server and to the external Ethernet switch. To the network manager, the virtual
switch can appear as a part of the network. Unlike physical switches, the Virtual Switch does
not necessarily have to run network protocols for its operation. It also does not need to treat
all its ports the same because some of them are connected to virtual Ethernet ports. For
example, it can avoid destination address learning on the ports that are connected to VMs. It
can function through appropriate configuration from an external management entity.
116 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.10 Networking overview
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Networking overview
The SoftLayer global network seamlessly integrates three distinct and redundant
network architectures - private, public, and management - into a Network-within-a-
Network topology for maximum accessibility, security, and control.
SoftLayer has a worldwide footprint, with data centers currently in Amsterdam, London,
Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Denver, San Jose, Seattle, Los Angeles,
Singapore, Washington D.C, Tokyo, Hong Kong S.A.R. of the PRC, Frankfurt, Paris, and
These centers are built with SoftLayer’s unique PoD data center design concept. This allows
them to provide functions that are independent with distinct and redundant resources and
fully integrate all of their compute, storage, and services components in their network
architecture. All of this together allows for seamless inter-data center capabilities with all
these different services.
The backbone of these PoDs is the network rack and server design. This unit looks at how the
rack is designed from a networking point of view, and then at the actual individual servers.
This slide shows the overall network architecture from a rack point of view.
SoftLayer as a whole uses a three-network architecture. So when you’re coming into the rack,
you use the SoftLayer public and private networks, and also use the services that are built
into the SoftLayer management network.
This unit focuses mainly on the public and private networks because that’s where much of
your data traffic is for your day-to-day customer interactions.
The management network, although it is a separate network, uses the private network
bandwidth for access to the systems.
118 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.11 Networking overview (2)
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Networking overview
From a SoftLayer computing resource point of view, each server is complimented with a
five physical NIC configuration. All adaptors are 1 Gb/s or 10 Gb/s.
• Two public adaptors (red)
• One management adaptor (green)
• Two private facing adaptors (blue)
Storage Infrastructure
Network Load
Security Balancer
VPN Edge Router MPLS VPN IMS Services
Note: All dedicated infrastructure follows the same routing and rules, but the number of
adaptors differs by configuration.
This image is an architectural representation of the backend of each server that represents
the SoftLayer ecosystem. You have a redundant connection to the public network, a
redundant connection to the private network, and one connection for the management
network. Therefore, each server has a five-NIC setup: Two NICs to the public network, two
NICs to the private network, and one to the management network.
SoftLayer is designed so that users do not have to worry about any of the networking
components being locked into a switch that fails or anything along those lines. You have a
redundant path going into each rack, and another redundant path going into each server.
While all SoftLayer dedicated infrastructure follows the same routing and rules, the number of
adapters can differ by chosen configurations in certain compute resources.
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Networking overview
The following outlines SoftLayer’s SLAs for service and power for its networks:
Public network: SoftLayer will use reasonable efforts to provide a service level of
100% for the public network.
Private network: SoftLayer will use reasonable efforts to meet the service level of
100% for the private network.
Customer Portal: SoftLayer will use reasonable efforts to meet the service level of
100% for access to the Customer Portal.
Redundant infrastructure: SoftLayer will use reasonable efforts to meet the service
level of 100% for access to the power and HVAC services provided to customers.
SoftLayer's geographically diverse PoPs provide seamless, direct, private, and high-
speed access to the backbone network, bringing connectivity closer to the end user. You
can choose the SoftLayer PoP location closest to your office or end users.
High-speed metro-WAN services and cross
connects from providers including Equinix and
Telx are also available.
These are the SoftLayer SLAs for service and power for its networks.
As the network capabilities of SoftLayer are explored, you can see what SoftLayer has for
SLAs for service and power for its networks. SoftLayer is committed to use reasonable efforts
to provide a service level of 100% for the public network, private network, and Customer
Portal. The public and the private network SLA are up to the machine levels.
SoftLayer also provides an SLA for redundant infrastructures to use reasonable efforts to
meet a 100% access to the power and HVAC services provided to customers.
SoftLayer attempts to put each PoP into the most heavily used co-location site in the city in
which the PoPs are deployed. This configuration allows for the easiest peering and transit
connections with Telcos to expand the SoftLayer network. A co-location site is a data center
where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers.
An example of a PoP use is if a customer resides in Germany and they are attempting to
access a server in Amsterdam.
Instead of going straight to Amsterdam, the customer would go directly to the Germany
POP and use SoftLayer’'s 10 gigabits per second network to make the connection over the
physically longer network distance, thus reducing latency.
The time that clients use whenever they connect to a system on the SoftLayer network is
reduced, which is the main reason for the POPs.
120 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
The following are the current POP locations:
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Atlanta, GA
Chicago, IL
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
Frankfurt, Germany
Hong Kong S.A.R. of the PRC
Houston, TX
London, England
Los Angeles, CA
Mexico City, Mexico
Miami, FL
New York, NY
San Jose, CA
Seattle, WA
Singapore, Singapore
Tokyo, Japan
Washington, D.C.
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Storage Infrastructure
Network Load
Security Balancer
VPN Edge Router MPLS VPN IMS Services
This section describes what the public network definition is, and how SoftLayer uses network
carriers to connect out and expand the public network for customers. It also covers some of
the features that are available on the public network.
122 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.14 Learning about public networks (2)
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As shown in the diagram, the core network handles public traffic to hosted websites or online
SoftLayer uses multi-homed connectivity with bandwidth from independent peering and
transit carriers, combining more the 20 x 10 Gbps connection to create one of the industry's
fastest networks.
Peering: When two or more autonomous networks interconnect directly with each other to
exchange traffic. This is often done without charging for the interconnection or the traffic.
Transit: When one autonomous network agrees to carry the traffic that flows between
another autonomous network and all other networks. Because no network connects
directly to all other networks, a network that provides transit will deliver some of the traffic
indirectly through one or more other transit networks. A transit provider's routers announce
to other networks that they can carry traffic to the network that has bought transit. The
transit provider receives a "transit fee" for the service.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
Juniper and Cis co 10 G net work Arbor Peakf low traffic analysis
Cisco Guard DDoS protect ion Arbor TMS DDoS protection
This is the current list of transit and peering carriers that SoftLayer uses to expand network
across data centers and PoPs.
SoftLayer uses both Cisco and Juniper technology to drive the network, and Cisco Guard,
Arbor Peakflow traffic analysis, and Arbor TMS for DDOS protection.
124 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.16 Understanding the primary features
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Continuing from the core network on the previous slide, next is the front end customer
This section of the public network allows addition of servers to existing public VLANs.
With full automated IP routing and management, each VLAN is secure in their customer
environment through strict network access control lists (ACLs).
Each server has fully gigabit capable speeds from server to the Internet.
The entire SoftLayer network is fully IPv6 ready.
IPv6 addresses can be requested when ordering a compute resource in the Customer
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Understanding bandwidth
Public bandwidth in the SoftLayer network is handled through unlimited inbound bandwidth
and metered and purchased unmetered outbound bandwidth. Therefore, any bandwidth you
have coming into the data centers from a public network is completely unlimited. You can use
it as much as you want. You can use it at 1 gigabit. If you're using specific dedicated servers,
you can even use it as a 10-gigabit connection.
SoftLayer also allows for the option to purchase bandwidth pooling for a small monthly fee.
Bandwidth pooling allows for a customer's account to take all of the credited outgoing
bandwidth from virtual instance or dedicated server purchases and pool it together for use by
any system that is using outgoing bandwidth.
An example scenario of this is if you order three dedicated servers for backend services
(databases or application servers) that you never want on the public network, and two virtual
instances that will act as your web servers handling all outgoing traffic. If you pool your
bandwidth, you can disable the public network ports on the three dedicated servers, and use
the 2 terabytes (500 gigabytes x three dedicated + 250 gigabytes x two virtual) of credited
outbound traffic for the two web servers.
Pooling can be enabled by opening a ticket in the SoftLayer portal and requesting bandwidth
pooling be turned on. You can get more information and pricing details at:
126 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.18 Learning about private networks
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Storage Infrastructure
Network Load
Security Balancer
VPN Edge Router MPLS VPN IMS Services
Customers interact with the public network. This section looks at the options available to you
as you go through the private network. This is also one of the more powerful options that
SoftLayer has.
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SoftLayer provides you with a private network and then services that are connected to that
private network so that you can expand the capabilities that you currently have with SoftLayer
offerings. That capability allows you to take any server that you deploy into SoftLayer and,
using the span VLANs, connect to any of the other servers you have in data centers inside of
For example, if you have servers in Washington, DC, servers in Dallas, and servers in San
Jose data centers, you can use the private network to be able to move all your data between
those servers in each data center at no extra charge with unlimited bandwidth. The fully
10-gigabit network goes across all these data centers and allows you to sync across all of
them. This is also completely private, so you're not exposing any of your traffic out to the
public network
You can use the private network as secure transit for DR centers, to back up for data on
another set of servers, or use it just to sync servers for a large-scale rollout across the world
As you can see from the diagram, each of these private networks and each of these VLANs
that you have deployed are redundant because they are backed into the backend routers that
connected to each data center. This configuration creates a complete failover system that
allows you to keep going even if a switch fails
128 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.20 Learning about private networks (3)
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SoftLayer provides you with Windows or Red Hat updates, depending on your operating
system. Updates for other Linux instances can be done through repositories that SoftLayer
sets up on the private network. You do not have to expose any of your resources to be able to
update them, or work out a gateway to update those machines. You can use the SoftLayer
backend services to keep them at the highest level of security patches that is available.
Use redundant DNS resolvers if you are using full DNS resolution and you still need machines
that have to resolve host names on the private network. The resolvers allow you to resolve
any host names you have across your systems.
Centralized network attached storage and backup provide a centralized storage area network
across all of your private network. This means that you are not locked to your local region. If,
for example, you have an iSCSI in Dallas and you have a system in Washington, DC, you can
temporarily connect them to be able to move data.
For Windows operating systems, MacAfee antivirus is available in the security update server,
which is also available on the private network. If you have private systems that you want to be
able to keep certain secure levels, antivirus, you can keep them on the private network and
still be able to manage them securely through private network access.
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Storage Infrastructure
Network Load
Security Balancer
VPN Edge Router MPLS VPN IMS Services
When it comes to managing your server, you want an unencumbered network connection that
will give you direct, secure access when you need it. Splitting out the public and private
networks into distinct physical layers provides significant flexibility when it comes to delivering
content. However, SoftLayer saw a need for one more unique network layer. If your server is
targeted for a denial of service attack or a particular ISP fails to route traffic to your server
correctly, you are effectively locked out of your server if you do not have another way to
access it. The SoftLayer management-specific network layer uses bandwidth providers that
are not included in the public/private bandwidth mix, so you access the server through a
dedicated port.
130 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.22 SoftLayer network architecture
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This diagram shows you how the networks and secure connections work together in the the
overall SoftLayer network architecture:
You can see how you come in from the public network:
– You come into the core network from different transit and peering connections.
– The data comes into the public network for SoftLayer and connects into the public
VLANs that are available for your servers.
On the other side, those servers are also connected to the private network through
redundant connections:
– Those link back to the backend services on SoftLayer.
– Note also the out-of-bound management.
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You do not have to have an account to use Looking Glass it is available publicly on the
Go through what’s available on this tool and some of the other tools on SoftLayer.
132 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.24 Using Looking Glass, SoftLayer’s IP backbone
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This slide also begins an activity for students to conduct a latency test using a traceroute
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Enter the website that you want, and select the locations and the routers in those locations
that you want to perform this test against.
134 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.26 Using SoftLayer Looking Glass, SoftLayer's IP backbone
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This example shows the results generated by the quick trace route that was entered in the
previous slide.
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You can also test network latency, run test downloads, and perform speed tests.
The Network Latency table lets you see the current latency between data centers
and PoPs. Hover over a square in the table to see the latency between locations.
Network latency can be tested by running test downloads and performing speed tests. Hover
over the square that you are interested in to see the amount of latency.
You can quickly call out two sites and see if the students are able to answer what the latency
is between the two sites.
136 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.28 Using other networking tools (2)
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Test Downloads allows you to test the throughput rate for different file sizes from
SoftLayer data centers. Click the test that you want to run and download the .zip file.
SoftLayer allows you to download different size test files from all of the data centers so you
can test your throughput. You can use 10-, 100-, or 500-megabyte test files.
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138 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.30 Using other networking tools from SoftLayer Control Panel
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Figure 5-27 Using other networking tools from SoftLayer Control Panel
A customer with a valid SoftLayer account can access the following networking tools for
additional debugging purposes:
The Ping tool requests an echo ICMP from the selected server and is used to check
communication links and to ensure the specified server is active. Ping requests can be
sent to both SoftLayer and external devices
The Traceroute tool determines the path that a packet of information is traveling across the
Internet by mapping the path to a destination. The results returned include the
corresponding name and IP address for each hop, and the number of milliseconds the
packet takes to get to the destination.
The NSLookup tool resolves hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa, and can be
performed on any hostname or IP address. For queries on a hostname, all associated IP
addresses will be returned. For queries on an IP, the corresponding hostname will be
The Check DNS tool allows users to check the last time that entries have been propagated
to DNS servers, as well as the standard propagation time for the selected domain and its
authoritative name servers.
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140 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.32 General concept of VPN
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VPN-1 Pro
Microsoft Apple Microsoft
Handheld PC Macintosh Windows
Clientless VPN
Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to securely access a private network and share
data remotely through public networks. Much like a firewall protects your data on your
computer, VPNs protect it online. And while a VPN is technically a wide area network (WAN),
the front end retains the same functionality, security, and appearance as it would on the
private network.
For this reason, VPNs are hugely popular with corporations as a means of securing sensitive
data when connecting to remote data centers. These networks are also becoming
increasingly common among individual users. Because VPNs use a combination of dedicated
connections and encryption protocols to generate virtual point to point connections, even if
snoopers did manage to siphon off some of the transmitted data, they would be unable to
access it because of the encryption. In addition, VPNs allow individuals to spoof their physical
location (the user's actual IP address is replaced by the VPN provider), allowing them to
bypass content filters.
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This next section talks about connecting securely into SoftLayer. There are three overall types
of VPN or direct connections into SoftLayer. The SoftLayer VPN offering for System
Administration management uses the Management network to connect.
In the diagram, note the VPN connections coming in across the bottom and linking back into
the customer’s private network. This is defaulted to a 1 gigabit link that is available to connect
through SSL VPN, PPTP VPN, and IPSec VPN.
Additional tunnels can be requested as user access or site-to-site IPsec VPN access.
However, these additional tunnels are still only for system Admin use.
142 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.34 Managing VPN connections to SoftLayer (2)
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The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN technology has been growing in popularity. A big
advantage of SSL VPNs is that you do not need special VPN client software on the VPN
clients because they use the Web browser as the client application. Thus, SSL VPNs are
known as "clientless" solutions. This also means that the protocols that can be handled by an
SSL VPN are more limited. However, this can also be a security advantage. With SSL VPNs,
instead of giving VPN clients access to the whole network or subnet as with IPSec, you can
restrict them to specific applications. A disadvantage of this is that to use such plug-ins, the
client's browser settings will have to be opened up to allow active content. This configuration
exposes the browser to malicious applets unless you set it to block unsigned active content
and ensure that the plug-ins are digitally signed.
In SoftLayer, you need to access in order to perform the VPN install
and configuration.
144 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.35 Managing VPN connections to SoftLayer (3)
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Note the following about the IPSec management VPN:
There is no inherent redundancy built into this solution.
There is just one Internet link to each VPN device in a given city.
Unlike the SSL VPN or the PPTP VPN (which are more dynamic), the connection to the
SoftLayer IPSec devices are specific to a city and require customer configurations on the
user side.
The customer can purchase an additional IPSec VPN in a different city if they would like to
have a backup connection available.
If the customer is using static NATs, they will have to change some configurations on their
SoftLayer servers from one set of IPs to another as they move from one IPSec device to
Reverse static NATs are specific to each city.
An l2tp IPSec VPN is used, which requires NAT'd addresses for the server hosted at
SoftLayer to initiate a connection with a computer on the other end of the tunnel.
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146 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.37 Direct Link use case
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Super-secure data
Customers moving sensitive financial, health, or government-
regulated data to and from the cloud platform can further ensure its
security by completely avoiding exposure to the public internet at all
The third option for a secure connection is a customer Ethernet circuit handoff or a Direct
By using this option, you can plug into SoftLayer’s private network with a Direct Link in any of
SoftLayer's network points of presence (PoPs), and enjoy fast and secure network connection
to and from your servers in any of the SoftLayer data centers around the world. With this
connection, you will have unfettered access to your servers on the SoftLayer platform. And
because you are connected to SoftLayer's private network, all traffic across your Direct Link
and between your servers in all Softlayer data centers is free and unmetered.
Point of presence allows the customer to come into SoftLayer. And going to their telco they
can negotiate a rate with their own telco and have them come to a SoftLayer point of
presence and actually bring a GBIC (gigabit interface converter), a physical connection for a
network, and physically bridge their network to the SoftLayer private network.
This option is available in any point of presence and also any data center location. All data
centers have a point of presence location in that city.
You can also do that for private networks. If you wanted to make sure all your data is
encrypted as it is moving through the SoftLayer network, you can actually set up VPN points
on the private side of things and encrypt your own data so that you can add another level of
security to your solution.
148 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.38 Direct Link use case (continued)
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To configure Direct Link, you must perform these steps:
1. Deliver and deploy the physical circuit (see previous slides).
2. Order the Direct Link through the SoftLayer portal under
Network → Direct Link.
3. Select the points of presence (PoP) location for the end point, which is the Data Center
where your SoftLayer environment is provisioned.
4. Select the connection speed: 1 Gb or 10 Gb (customer is fully responsible for all
5. Select options for Remote Deployment:
– New deployment (default): Gives you a layer 3 connection to a single IP address (/30 or
/31). The SoftLayer description of these options are NAT (source-nat overload) and
Tunneling for BYOIP.
– Source NAT: Only getting one IP address really forces you to source NAT everything
from your remote site. The real life translation is that everything in your remote site can
connect to all of your SoftLayer server/services, but there will be limited connectivity
from SoftLayer into the remote site. This model only works when your remote site only
has users, and no local servers/services.
150 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.39 Direct Link use case (continued) (2)
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This diagram is intended to show how a customer can configure communication between
their SoftLayer hosts and hosts on their remote network through a direct link with a dual IP
scheme on their remote hosts. A customer also has the ability to reIP their existing hosts on
their remote network into the SoftLayer provided 172.x.x.x IP range if they prefer not to use a
dual IP setup. All IPs used in this diagram are example IPs and will be different on
deployment with the exception of the SoftLayer services network (
Vyatta Gateway Appliance and detailed information about SoftLayer's network topology are
covered in Unit 9.
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152 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.41 Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
154 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.43 Checkpoint questions (3)
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Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
156 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.45 Checkpoint questions (5)
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Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
158 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
5.47 Checkpoint questions (7)
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Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
Answer: With:
With monthly billed virtual servers, it is
250 GB/month included.
With monthly billed bare metals, it is 500 GB/month
With hourly billed servers, itis not included.
160 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
162 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.3 Basics of cloud infrastructure and components
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Compute, network,
storage, and
IaaS virtualization
There are three service models on cloud, which vary in how much the cloud provider is
responsible for managing:
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
There could be exceptions where the customer can negotiate with the provider to manage
more, but most implementations follow one of these three models. This course concentrates
on the IaaS service model.
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Compute, network,
IaaS storage, and virtualization
No investment in infrastructure.
Able to scale infrastructure up or down in hours.
High dependency on the network because the servers are not in house.
Complete dependency on IaaS provider.
Cost of infrastructure can vary depending on usage, harder to budget.
Need a strong design to avoid over-provisioning
With IaaS as used in this course, the customer has little or no need to invest in infrastructure
because this is all included in the subscription fee paid to the provider. The customer gains
the flexibility to scale up infrastructure within minutes or hours should it be needed, and can
scale down immediately after the peak period.
However, not having servers in house make you more dependent on internet access as you
cannot reach your servers otherwise. Likewise you are dependent on the IaaS provider
because you put your data (and thus your business) in the hands of a third-party company
that you need to be able to trust.
Lastly, the financial department will have to cope with the fact that you cannot give them a
fixed price for your infrastructure cost because you pay depending on usage. You might need
extra capacity during the release of a new version of software. Then, after a few days you
scale down back to normal. However, this period where you upgraded the capacity appears
on the next bill and will likely cause the financial department to raise questions because the
cost differs from the norm.
Again, it is easy to click and provision in IaaS, perhaps too easy so make sure you have a
correct design of your environment and do not provision more than you need because it is not
changed directly.
164 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.5 Platform architecture
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Platform architecture
Management interface
Infrastructure management system
The IaaS cloud infrastructure consists largely of a management interface through which you
can submit requests to your servers or hosted infrastructure.
Your requests are then intercepted by the automation layer and the infrastructure
management system, and your requests are routed through the network to the data center
where your servers are hosted.
There might be several networks for the instance (private, public, and management) and
depending on the request and type, several networks can be involved.
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The location of the IaaS provider is likely an important issue because stable and fast access
to your hosted infrastructure is important. Customers are unlikely to wait for websites to load
or to accept unstable connections. In addition, laws in your country or region might dictate
where you may host your data and through which countries that the data may travel.
This means that the location of the providers datacenter, and possibly the geographical foot
print, is of great importance to your business and choice of provider.
166 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.7 Types of servers
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Types of servers
When you provision servers in your IaaS environment, you can choose virtual server or bare
metal server. Not all providers have both and there can be different types of each.
It is up to the IaaS provider to dimension the public and private node host so that the VMs
running on it can perform, as you are the customer have no influence on that.
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Server options
You build your servers as you wish and can pick and choose from
many options.
When you build your servers, determine how much memory, CPU, and disk you want to add.
Specify the network bandwidth and network speed, and order monitoring and firewalls to be
in place once the server is up.
Having said that, there are some “rules” set by the IaaS provider so you cannot select
1.5 CPU or 4.5 GB of memory. They have a wide selection, but you might have to order 1 GB
memory more than you need. That should be a small compromise to make.
Depending on how you configure your bare metal server, it might take a little longer to get up
and running if your specifications do not match the prebuilt ones that the provider supplies.
Naturally, you can remove or add more memory and CPU as needed. This process is faster
on a virtual server than a physical one because it requires no physical intervention.
Lastly, some service add-ons are not available with hourly billed servers such as hardware
firewalls. Because it is automated, the reason could be that they want a guaranteed longer
commitment before setting up some of the more advanced services.
Regardless of whether you select a bare metal or virtual server, it should be ready within a
couple of hours at the most and usually minutes (for virtual ones).
168 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.9 Storage types and protocols
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Several storage types and protocols are available in the IaaS infrastructure:
When choosing storage for IaaS, you can choose among these types:
Direct-attached storage (DAS): DAS is storage that is directly attached to the servers just
like home computers or laptops.
Storage area network (SAN): SAN is a type of network storage that is attached through
high speed links. To the operating system, the SAN storage appears as if it was locally
Network-attached storage (NAS): NAS is a type of network storage that is specialized for
serving files and not as fast as SAN.
Object Storage: Object Storage treats dat a as objects, and can be used to store files like
Virtual Machine images, backups, and archives as well as photos and videos.
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Other IaaS providers might have different offerings, but SoftLayer has these
storage options available.
The selection of storage should be based on your requirements and usage of the server.
For bare metal the highest speed (and corresponding cost) is achieved with SSD, with SAS
and the SATA being less costly, but slower. If speed is not a key requirement, use the type that
costs less.
For virtual servers, you can place your virtual disk on local storage of the hHypervisor or on
SAN-based storage. You also have the option to place your data disks (except the operating
system disk) on portable storage, which enables seamless transfer of data between VMs.
170 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.11 Network types
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Network types
Public network
Private network
Out-of-band Management network
IaaS providers are likely use three types of networks as part of their
An IaaS provider is likely to have three different networks as part of their infrastructure:
A public network that can access and is accessible from the internet
A private network that is accessible only from server in your account, and if you connect
through VPN to the servers.
A management network, so called out-of-band, that you cannot modify in any way and is
used for maintenance and console access to the servers.
You can usually disconnect private and public network interfaces on your servers as needed.
For example, you might want to disconnect a public interface on servers if your account does
not need to be accessible from the internet but only from other servers in our account or
through VPN. You can access the account from both of these using the private network
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Most IaaS providers will as part of their offering also provide tools to help you
monitor the network such as the following:
Speed test
Latency of the network between datacenters or between you and your
hosted servers.
Download tests from the providers different datacenters
Because the network is essential for both you and your customers to access to your servers
and the data stored on them, any serious IaaS provider should offer you the means to test the
state of their network.
It could easily be that the nearest data center might not be the one where you or your
customer experience the best or most stable connection. In the case of a sudden increase in
the time it takes to access your data/servers, it is useful to troubleshoot whether the problem
is at the provider’s end, your end, or somewhere in-between.
172 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.13 Conclusion of recap
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Conclusion of recap
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Cloud computing is a group of pre-existing technologies that are enabled to provide services
to your clients.
Aside from the need to have a high speed, low cost, and scalable computing environment,
some technological power covers the evolution of cloud computing. Nowadays, clouds are
supported by a set of primary technology components that are combined together to enable
key features and characteristics needed by cloud computing:
174 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.15 Overview of technologies
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Overview of technologies
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Use it -– Whenever you need it
A key to cloud computing
VIRTUALIZATION Creates a virtual version of a device or
resource (such as compute, network, and
Creates an intelligent abstraction layer
between the computer hardware system
and the software running on it
Virtualization is the key to cloud computing because it enables the technology that allows the
creation of an abstraction layer of the computer hardware system and the software running on
them. It allows a single machine act as if it were many machines.
176 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.17 Hypervisor
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Hardware resources – Efficient to use
Manager of your virtual machines that
HYPERVISOR allows multiple operating systems to run
on the same hardware
Controls resources allocated and ensures
multiple partitions are isolated among
Hypervisor is a critical component of a virtual server because it is the virtual machine
manager that allows multiple operating systems (virtual machines) to run on a same
hardware. It is the foundation for virtualization of server that enables and supervises that
partitioned IT resources and ensures isolation among them.
Because the hypervisor allows multiple VMs to run on a same hardware, it helps optimize the
use of the resources. This is important to achieve the hardware's maximum productivity for all
the VMs hosted to it.
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Provisioning is the process of configuration, deployment, and management of multiple types
of IT system resources. The self-service provisioning for cloud computing services allows the
users to acquire and remove cloud services anytime.
Provisioning helps deploy resources for the application in a small amount of time, configure
the resources based on your specifications, and manage the infrastructure whenever you
178 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.19 Managing cloud infrastructure
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Traditional IT IaaS
Convenient, on-demand access to
Traditional data centers consist of a
an array of products and service
fragmented single purpose tools that
offerings (compute, networking,
are limited in scope
security, storage, and services)
Complex and hard to manage
Easily provisioned and minimal
infrastructure that cannot scale
Requires continuous funding to keep Subscription model, pay for what
environment updated and running you use model.
Requires specialized resources to Once environment is designed, the
operate and manage environment provider handles the management.
Big initial investment No upfront investment needed
With the move from traditional IT to IaaS, the fundamentals of how to operate your
infrastructure have changed.
With traditional IT, you not only have to invest in hardware and resources to manage and
operate that hardware, but you also need to have cooling, power, and likely emergency power
to handle unforeseen events. Additionally you need to set aside funding for upgrading,
servicing, and updating the infrastructure.
With IaaS, all of these are outsourced to the provider and you simply pay a subscription fee.
Additionally, if you need to upgrade a server for a period of time, you can do so with a few
clicks and later remove it again. The only effect is that your subscription fee will be a little
higher during that period. With traditional IT, you would have to purchase the upgrade and
once the peak period was over it would still be there unused.
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Only acquire the resources that you need and when you need them
These are the key points when considering IaaS versus traditional IT, and part of the reason
that startups often use IaaS or one of the other cloud service models.
180 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
6.21 Managing cloud infrastructure in IaaS
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From the management portal, you can get a full overview of all the devices
and storage used by your account.
Additionally, you can get a full overview of your previous and upcoming
invoices, and the current balance for your account.
The IaaS management portal, throughout this course referred to as the Customer Portal, is
the one place to go to get a full overview of devices that are or have been provisioned. It also
displays the amount of storage used and the current balance for your account.
Additionally, you can see past and present invoices and, depending on your account
configuration, approve or deny pending requests from users in your account.
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Which place can you see the current balance of your IaaS account ?
The Customer Portal.
Can you get a full overview of your devices from the Customer Portal ?
Yes, you can get a full overview of devices, storage, and billing from
the Customer Portal.
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184 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.3 Introducing the image template concept
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Usually there are import/export tools to allow images from a particular cloud offering to be
used in a different one.
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SoftLayer currently provides two options for creating image templates, each
offering unique features based on operating system and image type:
186 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.5 Image template types in SoftLayer: Standard images
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Are available on all virtual servers, and do not require a specific operating
system for functionality.
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Flex Image is available on machines running out of any SoftLayer data center, worldwide. Flex
Image is currently available for use on machines that run one of the following operating
CentOS 5 and 6 (7 is not supported yet)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or better
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Similar to SoftLayer's Standard Image template, Flex Image templates capture an image of a
machine and allows you to replicate that machine on another instance. However, Flex Image
goes a step further than the Standard Image template because it can be used for replication
on both bare metal and virtual servers. In addition, images captured using Flex Image can be
used between platforms.
188 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.7 Image template types in SoftLayer
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
190 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.9 Creating image templates in SoftLayer (2)
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Standard Images are only applicable to virtual servers. Flex Ima ges support
both virtual servers and bare metal servers, not standard images..
Image templates can be created from the SoftLayer Custo mer Portal
or using the SoftLayer’s application programming in terface (API)
Image templates can be created in the SoftLayer Customer Porta from the Device List
window under the Devices menu. The server needs to be turned off when the template is
being created. Image templates are charged per gigabyte.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The diagram presents an example view of the Image Templates window in SoftLayer. The
default view on this window shows all the private images associated with the account. Public
images can be accessed from the same page.
Private Images: Private Images are those created by a user on the account or images
created on another account that have been shared with the account. By default, all images
created are private.
Public Images: The Image Templates window containing public images displays images of
pre-configured machines posted by SoftLayer and are available for use by all SoftLayer
customers. The Public Image templates were created with optimal performance in mind
and provide a comprehensive list of choices.
Editing image templates: Details regarding private images can be viewed and edited,
while details regarding public images are read-only.
192 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.11 Sharing, finding, and deploying the image templates (2)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Figure 7-9 Sharing, finding, and deploying the image templates (2)
This image shows the following options:
Editing the details of a private image
Sharing a Private Image across data centers and across SoftLayer accounts
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Figure 7-10 Sharing, finding, and deploying the image templates (3)
This image shows how to create virtual or bare metals servers from a Flex Image template.
194 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.13 Sharing, finding, and deploying the image templates (4)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Figure 7-11 Sharing, finding, and deploying the image templates (4)
During the deployment stage of the Image Template, SoftLayer’s Infrastructure Management
System constructs a new machine based on the data gathered from the selected image,
making adjustments for volume. It then restores the copied data and then makes final
configuration changes (for example, network configurations) for the new host.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Provisioning scripts
Provisioning can be downloaded to a device during the provisioning process from a URL
specified during the time of order creation. For existing accounts, provisioning scripts are
managed within the Customer Portal. Additionally, scripts for new accounts or scripts that are
not yet tracked on the Customer Portal can be entered manually during the ordering process.
During the provisioning process, scripts associated with an HTTP URL are downloaded to the
device and must be manually executed on the device by an administrator after it has been
provisioned. Scripts associated with an HTTPS URL are downloaded and executed. If the
URL is not associated to an executable script, the script will simply be downloaded and no
further action will be taken.
Provisioning scripts should be executable on the provisioned server and the prerequisites
(such as the Python interpreter if it is a Python script) should be present.
196 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.15 Usage scenarios in SoftLayer
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Environment scale-out can be leveraged with both Flex and Standard Image
templates for virtual servers. The scenario is to use image templates and
provisioning scripts to clone an existing configuration and provision multiple
servers according to the performance requirements.
There already is an automated implementation for scaling virtual servers in
SoftLayer, called Autoscale. An Autoscale group works by using an image
template and optionally a provisioning script to add a flexible number of virtual
servers behind a local load balancer.
Custom implementations can be developed using the SoftLayer API. A custom
implementation can use bare metal servers, global load balancing, and more advanced
monitoring triggers when configuring the autoscaling.
198 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.17 Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
c) A Flex Image can be viewed and applied to a new machine by any user,
while a Standard Image can only be viewed by authorized users.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
a) Using HTTP protocol, the transfer of the provisioning script during the provisioning
process can be controlled by the server. Using HTTPS protocol, the information that
is being transferred is sheltered to act contrary to possible security flaws.
b) Using HTTP protocol results in the provisioning script being downloaded to the
device and then be manually executed, if necessary, by a user with administrative
access. Using HTTPS protocol results in the provisioning script being downloaded
and executed, if possible. If the URL is not associated to an executable script, the
script will simply be downloaded and no further action must be taken.
c) Using HTTPS protocol, the files and information downloaded while the provisioning
process are encrypted, so you have to decrypt them to use them. Using HTTP, the
provisioning script is already decrypted by the server, so you can use it
200 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
7.19 Checkpoint questions (3)
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Checkpoint questions
a) It enables you to scale the options you made while ordering the
SoftLayer solution.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
1. a)
2. b)
3. b)
4. b)
202 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.2 References
The following links are useful for further research:
204 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.4 Backup and recovery: Concepts
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
– A complete backup of the data
– Backup of data that was changed since the last full backup
– Backup of data that was changed since the last backup of any kind
In the IT industry, data is the most important asset and must be kept safe. Backup and
recovery solutions help you keep it secure. The following are important backup concepts in
Backup is a process of creating additional copies of the data. If you lose the original version of
your data, you can recover your data from the copy.
When working with the Backup and Recovery application, you will often encounter the
following terms:
Full backup: A complete, one to one copy of the existing data.
Differential backup: Backup of data that was changed since the last full backup. For
example, if you did your full backup on Sunday and run a differential backup on Monday,
only the data that has changed since Sunday will be backed up. If you will take a backup
on Friday, the differential backup backs up the data that was changed between Sunday
and Friday.
Incremental backup: Backup of data that was changed since the last backup of any kind.
For example, if you ran a full backup on Sunday and an incremental backup on Monday, an
incremental backup on Tuesday will only copy data taht was changed since the Monday
These backup types are often used in combinations. One of the common approaches is to
run full backups once per week, and an incremental backup every week day.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
When thinking about backup strategy you need to consider additional factors, including the
How fast you will need the data to be recovered in case of failure
How old the data restored should be
206 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.6 Backup and recovery solutions in SoftLayer
IBM Digital Sales Intern atio nal Te chn ica l Support Organi zation a nd Authoring Services
EVault Backup is an automated agent-based backup system that is managed by
using a centralized web administration console called WebCC. It provides users with
a possibility to back up data between servers in one or more data c enters on the
SoftLayer Network.
Idera/R1Soft CDP
Idera Server Backup provides high-perf ormanc e disk-to-disk server backup, featuring
a central management and data reposit ory. It protects data at block level, and unique
disk blocks on the server are stored only once across all recovery points, increasing
storage efficiency.
EVault Backup is an automated agent-based backup system that is managed through a
centralized web administration console called WebCC. It allows you to back up data between
servers in one or more data centers on the SoftLayer Network. To use Evault, you complete
the following steps:
1. Order an Evault backup volume for the server you want to back up.
2. Install the Evault Client (aka Agent) on your system. Instructions for agent installation are
available at
3. Create a backup job using Evault WebCC.
Another backup solution available from SoftLayer is Idera Server Backup. Idera Server
Backup provides high-performance disk-to-disk server backup, featuring a central
management and data repository. It protects data at block level, and unique disk blocks on the
server are stored only once across all recovery points, increasing storage efficiency.
Idera is ordered as an add-on for a bare metal server. SoftLayer provides the license based
on the amount of backup agents that the customer needs. For more information about Idera,
see the vendor website at
In SoftLayer, you are free to install any middleware on your virtual servers and bare metal
servers that you wish to. SoftLayer customers can implement their own backup solution on
their bare metal servers using software such as IBM TSM, NetBackup, Networker, etc. This
Overall, there are plenty of ways you can use to protect your data in SoftLayer. Some other
options are covered in the next part of this unit.
208 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.7 Snapshots and replication of Endurance storage
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
A snapshot represents a volume's contents at a particular point in time. Snapshots
enable you to protect your data with no performance impact, minimal consumption of
space, and are your first line of defense for data protection. Data can be quickly and
easily restored from a snapshot copy if a user accidentally modifies or deletes crucial
data from a volume with the snapshot feature.
Replication uses one of your snapshot schedules to automatically copy snapshots to
a destination volume in a remote data center. The copies can be recovered in the
remote site in the event of corrupted data or a catastrophic event.
Snapshot represents a volume's contents at a particular point in time. You can have
scheduled snapshots, and in case of need you can rollback to one of previous snapshots. In
SoftLayer you can have snapshots scheduled in hourly, daily, and weekly, and can store up to
50 Snapshots. The number of snapshots that you can store also depends on the size of
snapshot volume that you order together with Endurance storage.
Snapshot technology can be used as a first line of defense in your Backup and Recover plan.
You can easily combine Endurance snapshots with any of external backup solutions. As an
extension to the Snapshot functionality, a replication functionality is available for Endurance
For more information about snapshots and replication, see the following links:
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Dedicated storage
Dedicated storage
Although SoftLayer’s storage portfolio covers most business cases, remember that
your data is hosted on a shared storage system. Some business cases might require
data to be stored on a dedicated storage system.
It is important to understand that having information on a shared storage device does not
expose you to any additional risk.
Some examples of cases when you would consider dedicated storage are storing financial,
confidential, or personal information. You might also need to consider dedicated storage due
to some kind of regulations, such as from a government. Or your company might just want to
have better control over their own storage.
For such cases, you can deploy a 2U or 4U server with up to 36 internal drives. Configure it
with your choice of hard drives (SATA, SAS, or SSD) and install OS of your choice on it. For
example, you can install Linux and share the storage using the NFS or iSCSI protocol. Or you
can install Windows and share the disk using CIFS.
210 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.9 Dedicated storage: OS NEXUS QuantaStor
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The QuantaStor Storage appliance platform delivers SAN (iSCSI) + NAS (NFS/CIFS)
storage on the server hardware of your choice. Designed for IT generalists,
QuantaStor appliances configure in minutes and are easy to operate by using an
intuitive HTML5 interface.
QuantaStor is a third-party product developed by OSNexus. It is a customized Linux
distribution with an intuitive HTML5 web interface. You can use it to provide iSCSI Volumes, or
NFS and CIFS shares. It supports your read and write cache using SSD disks.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
True or False:
Differential backup saves data changed from last full backup?
True or False:
You can create daily, weekly, and yearly snapshots for Endurance storage.
212 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
8.11 Check point: Questions answered
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
True or False:
Differential backup saves data changed from last full backup?
– True
True or False:
You can create daily, weekly and yearly snapshots for Endurance storage.
– False: Hourly, daily, and weekly
9.2 References
The following materials are useful for future research:
Technical documentation:
SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer:
Content Delivery Network (CDN):
Comparison of CDN providers:
Hosting a WordPress blog:
Getting started with the IBM Cloud marketplace:
SoftLayer CDN:
WP Super Cache:
216 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
SoftLayer Content Delivery Network (includes use case)
Vyatta appliance
Networking 101 (optional)
– Introduction to OSI model
– Understanding TCP/IP addressing and subnetting basics
– Netmask quick reference
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
This diagram shows the detailed SoftLayer network topology. Softlayer uses a variety of
devices in its network topology including, but not limited to Cisco and Juniper network
devices, Fortigate security devices, Array Network load balancers, and NetApp storage.
218 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.5 IP addresses in SoftLayer
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
IP addresses in SoftLayer
Static IP block A block of IP addresses that are routed directly to a specific IP on the network.
Portable IP block Any IP block that can be used on multiple servers within a single VLAN
concurrently. Portable IP address are switchable within a VLAN from server to
server. There are two types of portable IP blocks:
• Routed to VLAN is a static IP block that is routed to an entire VLAN rather
than a specific IP address. Use this method if you have multiple host nodes
within the same VLAN. This allows you to migrate a container to a different
hardware node within the same VLAN, and not change the IP of the container.
• Secondary to VLAN is designed to be used within a virtual environment. It
requires that the network, gateway, and broadcast IPs be bound directly to the
VLAN rendering these IPs unusable by the customer. This block is used with a
virtual machine. To have one usable IP address for a server, you need at least
four IP addresses in a block.
Global IP addresses A Global IP is a static IP address that can be transferred between bare metal
servers or virtual servers associated with the account that owns the subnet.
Global IPs can be moved to any compatible device on the SoftLayer network.
SoftLayer currently offers two different types of IP blocks: Static and Portable. The different
types of IP blocks are designed to be used in different ways. Below is a brief description on
each type of block that is offered by SoftLayer as well as a section on using these IP
addresses within a virtual machine (VM).
Static IP block
The most popular type of IP block within the SoftLayer network is the Static IP block. A Static
IP block is a block of IPs that are routed directly to a specific IP on your network. Every IP
address in a Static block is usable on the server. One of the primary benefits of a Static block
of IPs is that you do not lose the first two and last IP from the block. Below is an example of a
small Static IP block - Usable Address - Usable Address - Usable Address - Usable Address
As this example shows, all 4 IPs in this block would be available to the server, while with a
portable block, only a single IP from this block would actually be usable on the server due to
the network, gateway, and broadcast IPs being bound directly to the VLAN.
A SoftLayer Portable IP block is considered to be any IP block that can be used on multiple
servers within a single VLAN concurrently. SoftLayer currently offers two different types of
Portable IP blocks:
Routed to VLAN block: A Static IP block that is routed to an entire VLAN rather than a
specific IP address.
Secondary on VLAN block: Designed to be used within a Virtual Environment.
The primary difference between the two is the number of IPs that are available for use. A
Routed to VLAN block, like a static block, provides the user access to all IPs within the block.
A Secondary on VLAN block, however, requires that the Network, Gateway and Broadcast
IPs be bound directly to the VLAN, rendering them unusable by the user. Use a Routed to
VLAN block when you want to use any IP within that block on any server within the VLAN at
any time. The Secondary on VLAN block is used with a virtual machine. More information on
Secondary on VLAN blocks is provided in the IPs for VMs section.
When ordering a Portable IP block, by default SoftLayer will provide you with a Secondary on
VLAN block. If you wish to have this block converted to a Routed to VLAN block for use on
your servers within a single VLAN, open a support ticket requesting that it be converted to a
Routed to VLAN block.
Remember that PoDs that take advantage of the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) utilize
two more IPv4 addresses (one for the VLAN interface of each participating router) out of
every Secondary on VLAN block configured on the VLAN.
Below is an example of a Secondary on VLAN block being used for multiple
VMs in a HRSP PoD. - Network Address - Gateway Address - Router A VLAN Interface - Router B VLAN Interface - VPS1 - VPS2 - VPS3 - VPS4 - VPS5 - VPS6 - VPS7 - VPS8 - VPS9 - VPS10 - Broadcast Address
Private Clouds are becoming more popular every day. This section covers what type of IP
blocks are required to be used in a VM to implement hypervisors which are not managed by
SoftLayer, such as Citrix XenServer, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V and KVM. You may
provision a SoftLayer bare metal server with XenServer, VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V using
the SoftLayer customer portal. For other hypervisors such as KVM, you should provision a
bare metal server with No Operating System and then load your own hypervisor. Remember
you are responsible for managing hypervisors which you implement on bare metal servers.
220 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
The example provided below is based on Microsoft Hyper-V.
As the example shows, this Secondary on VLAN block provides five usable IP address out of
the eight IP addresses in the block bound across three different VMs. If you want to add more
IPs to a VM when all the IPs on the Portable block are used, use a Static block, or a Routed to
VLAN Portable block.
To use a Static Block within a VM, first order a new Static IP block from the portal. When you
order this block you will be able to select the IP address that you want this block to be routed
to. By selecting the IP address that is assigned to the VM, the new block is routed specifically
to that VM. You can then bind the new block of IPs directly to that VM and begin using them
Alternately, if you wish for the new block to be usable by more than one VM, use a Routed to
VLAN block. A Routed to VLAN block is available by purchasing a Portable IP block from the
portal and selecting the VLAN where the IP address of the VM is. After the IP block is created,
it is then available for use on any Server or VM on that VLAN.
Each SoftLayer server (virtual or bare metal) comes with one primary IPv4 address.
Additional IP blocks are available with quantities of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 IP addresses..
Global IP addresses
Global IPs provide IP flexibility by allowing users to shift workloads between servers, even
ones in different data centers. Global IPs also provide IP persistence by allowing for
transitions between servers and VSIs (Virtual Server Instance), such as upgrading from a VSI
to a dedicated system without having your IP tied to a particular server or VLAN.
IBM Di gital Sales Intern atio nal Te chn ica l Support Organi zation a nd Authoring Services
IP addresses in SoftLayer
Click Network → IP Management → Subnets to find the four types of subnets configured in
your SoftLayer account by ordering IP blocks (which are the equivalent to subnet in SoftLayer
terminology). Some new subnet names appear as explained in the table.
222 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.7 Five steps to start using IPv6 in SoftLayer
IBM Di gi tal Sales Intern atio nal Te chn ica l Support Organi zation a nd Authoring Services
Each type of address (Static, Portable, and Global) can be ordered in SoftLayer either in
version 4 or 6. When you connect to the Internet, your device (computer, smartphone, tablet)
is assigned an IP address, and any site you visit has an IP address. The IP addressing
system that has been used since the beginning of the Internet is called IPv4, and the new
addressing system is called IPv6. IPv6 was introduced because the Internet is running out of
available IPv4 address space, and IPv6 provides is an exponentially larger pool of IP
Total IPv4 Space: 4,294,967,296 addresses
Total IPv6 Space: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses
An IPv4 address is based on 32 bits, while IPv4 is based on 128 bits. Example of IPv6
Fortunately, the SoftLayer platform is IPv6 ready, and is already issuing and routing IPv6
traffic. Obtaining a block of public IPs from SoftLayer is as easy as logging into the portal,
pulling up the hardware page of a server, and ordering a /64 block of IPv6 IPs.
In addition, most current server operating systems are ready to change to IPv6. This includes
Windows 2003 SP1 and most Linux operating systems with 2.6.x Linux kernels. This
discussion focuses on Windows and RedHat/CentOS.
After IPv6 is installed, IIS will automatically support IPv6 on your web server. If a website was
running when you installed the IPv6 stack, you must restart the IIS service before the site
begins to listen for IPv6 requests. Sites that you create after you enable IPv6 automatically
listen for IPv6. Windows 2008 server should have IPv6 enabled by default.
When your Windows server is ready for IPv6, add IPv6 addresses to the server just as you
add IPv4 addresses. The only difference is that you edit the properties to the Internet Protocol
Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) network protocol.
Now that you have more IPv6 addresses for your servers than what's available to the entire
world in IPv4 space, you must bind them to IIS or Apache. This is done the similarly to the
way you bind IPv4 addresses.
Add your new IPv6 addresses to your DNS server. If you are using a IPv6-enabled DNS
server, simply insert an 'AAAA' resource record (aka quad-A record) for your host.
While your DNS is propagating, test your web server to see if it responds to the IP that you
assigned by using square brackets in your browser:
http://[2101:db8::a00:200f:fda7:00ea]. This test only works if your computer is on a IPv6
network. If you are limited to IPv4, you will need sign up with a tunnel broker or switch to an
ISP that offers IPv6 connectivity.
After about 24 hours, your server and new host should be ready to serve websites on the IPv6
224 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.8 Separating devices and subnets with VLANs
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
VLAN spanning is an account setting that enables traffic to travel between private
VLANs on a single account. VLANs protect devices from traffic that occurs on other
customer accounts. Private VLANs take this protection further by restricting traffic on the
VLAN to only occur between devices on the VLAN. This means that, by default, devices
that are located on two different private VLANs cannot send traffic between one another.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
VLAN spanning
226 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.10 VLAN spanning (2)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
VLAN spanning
To enable or disable VLAN spanning, complete these steps:
1. Access the VLANs screen in the Customer Portal. Refer to Access the VLANs window.
2. Click the Span tab to access the VLAN Spanning window.
3. Click the On radio button to enable VLAN spanning. Click the Off button to disable VLAN spanning.
After updating VLAN spanning selections, the request can take up to 15 minutes to process.
A confirmation of the change will briefly appear below the Span tab. If enabling VLAN spanning,
devices will be able to communicate with one another across VLANs using the private network after
the update has been processed. If disabling spanning, devices will only be able to connect to one
another if they reside in the same VLAN. Cross-VLAN communication will no longer be possible.
VLAN spanning settings can be updated at any time by repeating these steps. Toggling between
VLAN spanning settings in a short amount of time might result in a delay of settings being applied.
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228 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.12 Load balancing fundamentals (2)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Round robin
Least connections
The following are standard load balancing algorithms:
Round robin: One of the simplest methods for distributing client requests across a group of
servers. Going down the list of servers in the group, the round-robin load balancer
forwards a client request to each server in turn. When it reaches the end of the list, the
load balancer loops back and goes down the list again.
Weighted round robin: A weight is assigned to each server based on criteria chosen by the
site administrator. The most commonly used criterion is the server's traffic-handling
capacity. The higher the weight, the larger the proportion of client requests the server
receives. If, for example, server A is assigned a weight of 3 and server B a weight of 1, the
load balancer forwards three requests to server A for each one it sends to server B.
Least connections: Load Balancer passes a new connection to the pool member or node
that has the least number of active connections, for example HTTP connections (this is a
default method in Citrix NetScaler VPX).
Least response time: When Load Balancer is configured to use the least response time
method, it selects the service with the least number of active connections and the least
average response time.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
r Local and global load balancing with Citrix NetScaler VPX
l tn
e Distribute traffic between your servers in one or multiple SoftLayer data
til eC
centers with Citrix NetScaler VPX. These multifunction network appliances
u a can perform DNS-based local and global load balancing to give you
M ta complete control over how your client traffic will be balanced between
D your servers.
230 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.14 Load balancing options in SoftLayer (2)
IBM Digi tal Sales Intern atio nal Te chn ica l Support Organi zation a nd Authoring Services
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
This diagram illustrates an example of load balancing. Here the load balancing solution is
created for Wordpress web application. Two WordPress servers, which connect to a single,
shared MySQL database server and shared file storage, use SoftLayer Load Balancing to
distribute requests in the IBM Cloud.
Here WordPress is just an example, but the general concepts can also be used to load
balance other applications that are stateless and use a common, shared data store.
232 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.16 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The SoftLayer Content Delivery Network (CDN) uses EdgeCast, and includes robust
tools for digital rights management and content monetization.
Distribution options
Origin pull The first time content is request, it is pulled from the host server to the
network and stays there for other users to access it.
PoP pull Customers pre-load content using various methods. The loaded
content is pulled from the CDN FTP as opposed to being pulled from
the customer’s origin location.
Only complete network cache updates are supported. Individual nodes cannot be
cleared or deleted.
CloudLayer® CDN helps you deliver content to end users faster and more efficiently through
a network of 24 cloud-connected nodes running advanced organizing, storing, and streaming
software. Rather than serving content directly from your host server, your content is served
from a node that is geographically closer to your user, minimizing the distance the data has to
travel and thereby avoiding network traffic jams and decreasing latency.
CloudLayer CDN is available in two different content delivery options, letting you optimize
your end-user experience and cost:
Origin Pull: Store your content on a SoftLayer server or computing instance, or on another
location on the Internet. The content's location is registered with the CDN. When the first
user requests the content, it is pulled to the network and delivered from the closest point to
that user. The content does not have to be manually uploaded to the CDN. The content
then remains on the network for other users to access it. Using Origin Pull requires a
bandwidth plan, but no storage charges are incurred.
PoP Pull: Customers can pre-load content by using the EdgeCast API, SoftLayer API,
SoftLayer Portal, or the customer's own portal. That content is pulled from the CDN FTP
as opposed to being pulled from the customer's origin location. Pay As You Go or monthly
pricing is based on bandwidth and storage used, with mix and match rate plans available.
CloudLayer CDN includes robust tools for digital rights management and content
monetization, with SoftLayer's renowned ease-of-use and unparalleled level of control. In
addition, it can be seamlessly integrated with your SoftLayer dedicated servers, virtual
234 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.17 EdgeCast CDN locations
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The EdgeCast CDN provides 24 content delivery nodes around the world, in addition
to the SoftLayer global footprint that includes data centers and PoP.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
For some period of time, visitors of the website could measure
the “website asset delivery speed” of 24 CDN and cloud providers using their own internet
connection. The results for each user were stored in database and they
gathered the performance results of 340,000 requests. This test provides “real surfer”
measurements for the 24 providers because they had actually used the “real world” Internet
connections of website visitors to run the test requests. SoftLayer CDN was
one of the best in test. For more information, visit:
236 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.19 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Minimizing latency
- CDN nodes much
closer to users
Load Balancing
- Requests are
served by CDN
CDNs help get your content closer to your customers reducing the distance AND TIME it
takes for your customers to access your content. Used the right way CDNs have a positive
impact on your business. Your use of CDNs can start out deployed locally within a country,
continent or hemisphere and easily expand around the globe with the expansion of your
These are the two typical use cases for Content Delivery Network:
Reducing Latency (DNS resolution, connection speed, 1st byte time): In a typical,
internationally operating B2B manufacturing company or an international financial
institution, the main CDN benefit is getting the content much closer to the users spread
across the globe, which minimizes the latency and increases performance. Factors like
decreased DNS, connection, and first byte times are their main motivators.
Externalizing Load Balancing (hit/miss ratio): Another scenario is the heavy traffic sites
where the benefit is to outsource the handling of the load and thus minimize the number of
requests on their own infrastructure. Therefore, the hit/miss ratio is an important factor
when judging the efficiency of the CDN. Hit in this case means the content was served
straight from a CDN PoP, and miss means the content had to be fetched by the CDN
before it could served it to the user. A miss therefore affects the data center. Such a traffic
reduction on the origin can also be used to minimize the effect of denial of service attacks.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The following diagram illustrates the solution that was created in this example. A WordPress,
which is deployed in the IBM Cloud, uses a SoftLayer CDN to deliver its static content. There
are two types of stakeholders: Users viewing the content and the SoftLayer customers who
run the WordPress site. In this example, “user” is used for the first type and “customer” for the
second type. Below you can find out the step by step instructions how to implement CDN for
WordPress in SoftLayer.
Follow the steps in the Hosting your WordPress blog in the IBM Cloud to deploy a WordPress
blog in the IBM Cloud. For more information, see this website:
238 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.21 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case
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Step 2: Order the SoftLayer CDN
There are two ways that a SoftLayer CDN can distribute your content: Origin Pull and PoP
Typically, sites with heavy traffic loads will benefit from an Origin Pull CDN, because the
content is pulled from the host server and users can pull the cache content from the CDN.
Alternatively, customers can benefit from a PoP Pull CDN by controlling the content that gets
uploaded to a CDN FTP site when it expires. Regardless of the type of CDN chosen,
deploying a CDN means getting content to users faster and more efficiently. For WordPress in
this article, use an Origin Pull CDN.
Log in to the SoftLayer customer portal and add a CDN service by clicking Sales → Add
CDN Service. There is no configuration at this point, so just place the order.
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Step 3: Get your CDN account name
After the order is processed, the new CDN account is displayed in the SoftLayer customer
portal (Public Network → Content Delivery Network). Remember the account name of the
newly created CDN account because it will be used in the next step. In this example, the
account name is 10D24.
240 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.23 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case (3)
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Step 4: Update your DNS zone
In addition to your WordPress site domain, you also need a custom domain for your CDN
content. This example uses for the WordPress site domain, and uses for the CDN domain. The demo domain name is, which is
registered in GoDaddy. Your CDN domain must be set as a CNAME record that points to your
SoftLayer CDN account domain. The SoftLayer CDN account domain is your CDN account
name with the suffix of In this example, the SoftLayer CDN
account domain is
Add the CDN CNAME record to your domain DNS zone in your domain DNS provider. This
example uses GoDaddy as the domain provider. Note that the host blog is mapped to the IP
address and that the cdn hostname is mapped to the account domain
assigned for your SoftLayer CDN, which is
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Step 5: Add Origin Pull mapping in your SoftLayer CDN account
After the update of your DNS zone, you can add the Origin Pull mapping in your SoftLayer
CDN account. Click More to the right of your CDN account and select Origin Pull from the
242 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.25 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case (5)
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Step 5 (continued)
Select HTTP url for the Media Type, enter your WordPress site domain ( in
this example) in the Origin Domain field, enter your CDN domain ( in this
example) in the CNAME Record field, and save the changes.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Step 6: Install the WordPress CDN plug-in
To distribute your WordPress static content by using the SoftLayer CDN, you need to rewrite
all URIs referencing static content to point to your SoftLayer CDN domain, and you need to
configure the WordPress cache policy to use the CDN. Several WordPress plug-ins can help
you with this process. This example uses the WP Super Cache plug-in to enable the
SoftLayer CDN for your WordPress.
To install the WP Super Cache plug-in, complete these steps in the WordPress admin panel:
1. Click Plugins → Add New.
2. Search for WP Super Cache.
3. Select the WP Super Cache plug-in within the search results, and click Install Now.
244 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.27 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case (7)
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Step 6 (continued)
After the plug-in is installed, click Activate Plugin to activate the WP Super Cache plug-in.
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Step 7: Configure the WordPress CDN plug-in
246 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.29 SoftLayer Content Delivery Network use case (9)
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Step 7 (continued)
On the CDN tab, select Enable CDN Support, enter in the Off-site
URL field, and select Skip https URLs to avoid “mixed content” errors. Keep the other
configuration defaults and save the changes.
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Step 8: Check the results
You have completed the SoftLayer CDN support for your WordPress. Open your WordPress
site in a Firefox browser. Now the static contents of your WordPress site are fetched from the
SoftLayer CDN. In this figure, Firebug was opened in the lower part of the panel. It shows the
GET requests from WordPress for a page with static content that is pulled from HTTP response code 304 means that the requested content has not
changed since your last request.
248 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.31 Vyatta appliance
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Vyatta appliance
1. IPSec VPN
2. NAT
3. Firewall
4. Router
Vyatta Network Gateway
A network gateway provides tools to manage traffic into and out of one or more virtual local
area networks (VLANs). The network gateway serves a customer-configurable routing device
in front of designated VLANs. The servers in those VLANs route through the network gateway
appliance as their first hop instead of Frontend Customer Routers (FCR) or Backend
Customer Routers (BCR).
The general function of a network gateway might seem a little abstract, so here are some real
world use cases to see how you can put that functionality to work in your own cloud
This example involves a multi-server cloud environment and a complex set of firewall rules
that allow certain types of traffic to certain servers from specific addresses. Without a network
gateway, you must manually configure multiple hardware and software firewalls throughout
your topology and maintain multiple rules sets. With the network gateway appliance, you can
streamline your configuration into a single point of control on both the public and private
After you order a gateway appliance in the SoftLayer portal and configure which VLANs route
through the appliance, the process of configuring the device is simple. Define your
In this example, you want to create a static network address translation (NAT) so that you can
direct traffic through a public IP address to an internal IP address. With the IPv4 address pool
dwindling and new allocations being harder to come by, this configuration is becoming
extremely popular to accommodate users who cannot yet reach IPv6 addresses. This
challenge would normally require a significant level of effort of even the most seasoned
systems administrator, but with the gateway appliance, it is a painless process.
In addition to the IPv4 address-saving benefits, your static NAT adds a layer of protection for
your internal web servers from the public network, and as described in the first example, your
gateway device also serves as a single configuration point for both inbound and outbound
firewall rules.
If you have complex network-related needs, and you want granular control of the traffic to and
from your servers, a gateway appliance might be the perfect tool for you. You get the control
that you want and save yourself a significant amount of time and effort configuring and
tweaking your environment on-the-fly. You can terminate IPSec VPN tunnels, run your own
network address translation, and run diagnostic commands such as traffic monitoring
(tcpdump) on your global environment. And in addition to that, your gateway serves as a single
point of contact to configure sophisticated firewall rules.
To make an order, go to the Network section in SoftLayer's order panel and select Vyatta.
250 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.32 Recap
IBM Di gi tal Sales Intern atio nal Te chn ica l Support Organi zation a nd Authoring Services
Detailed So ftLayer ne twork architecture
IP addresses in SoftLayer
VLANs an d VLAN sp anning
Load balancing solutions in SoftLayer
SoftLayer Con tent Delivery Network
Vyatta appliance
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Checkpoint questions
252 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.34 Checkpoint questions (2)
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Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
254 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.36 Checkpoint questions (4)
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Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
256 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.38 Checkpoint questions (6)
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Checkpoint questions
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Checkpoint questions
4. What is a CDN?
258 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.40 Checkpoint questions (8)
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Checkpoint questions
4. What is a CDN?
Answer: A Content Delivery Network (CDN)
is a solution for organizing, storing, and
streaming content on the web with
optimized flow of content to users.
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Checkpoint questions
260 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
9.42 Checkpoint questions (10)
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Checkpoint questions
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The open system interconnection (OSI) model defines a networking framework to implement
protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next, starting at the
application layer in one station over the channel to the next station until it gets to the bottom
layer, and back up the hierarchy. The OSI model doesn't do any functions in the networking
process. It is a conceptual framework so you can better understand complex interactions that
are happening. In theoretical discussions, the OSI Reference Model helps you understand
how networks and network protocols function. In the “real world”, it also helps you figure out
which protocols and devices can interact with each other. OSI consists of these layers:
Physical (Layer 1): This layer conveys the bit stream (electrical impulse, light, or radio
signal) through the network at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the hardware
means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards, and
physical aspects. Fast Ethernet, RS232, and ATM are protocols with physical layer
Layer 1 Physical examples include Ethernet, FDDI, B8ZS, V.35, V.24, and RJ45.
Data Link (Layer 2): At this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. It
furnishes transmission protocol knowledge and management, and handles errors in the
physical layer, flow control, and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into
two sub layers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC)
layer. The MAC sub layer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the
data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow
control, and error checking.
262 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
Layer 2 Data Link examples include PPP, FDDI, ATM, IEEE 802.5/ 802.2, IEEE
802.3/802.2, HDLC, and Frame Relay.
Network (Layer 3): This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical
paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and
forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as addressing, internetworking, error
handling, congestion control, and packet sequencing.
Layer 3 Network examples include AppleTalk DDP, IP, and IPX.
Transport (Layer 4): This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems
or hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control. It ensures
complete data transfer.
Layer 4 Transport examples include SPX, TCP, and UDP.
Session (Layer 5): This layer establishes, manages, and terminates connections between
applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations,
exchanges, and dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and
connection coordination.
Layer 5 Session examples include NFS, NetBios names, RPC, and SQL.
Presentation (Layer 6): This layer provides independence from differences in data
representation (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network format, and
vice versa. The presentation layer transforms data into the form that the application layer
can accept. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network, providing
freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer.
Layer 6 Presentation examples include encryption, ASCII, EBCDIC, TIFF, GIF, PICT,
Application (Layer 7): This layer supports application and end-user processes.
Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication
and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. Everything
at this layer is application-specific. This layer provides application services for file
transfers, e-mail, and other network software services. Telnet and FTP are applications
that exist entirely in the application level. Tiered application architectures are part of this
Layer 7 Application examples include WWW browsers, NFS, SNMP, Telnet, HTTP, and
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
What is an IP address?
IP is divided into five classes of network addresses based on the range of the first octet. Out
of the total valid addresses in each class, two dedicated IP address are reserved for these
Network address
Broadcast address
264 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
Public and Private IP addresses
To communicate over an internet connection, a device must have a public IP address that is
provided by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The private range of IP
addresses are used in an intranet (an internal network that uses internet technology). IANA
also provides address for private networks in each class as follows:
Class A: -
Class B: -
Class C: -
A subnet mask is a 32 bit address used with an IP in order to identify its network and host
portions. For example, if you have an IP address with a subnet mask, it means that 200.1.1 is the network portion and last octet is the host portion.
Any IP that starts with 200.1.1 goes to the same network (Network A), like,, up to These IPs therefore do not require a router to
communicate with each other.
In Network A, the first IP ( is used to indicate network address and the last IP
( is used to send broadcast messages to all host computers in network A.
Another IP that has the same subnet mask cannot communicate with Network A
without using a router because there is a change in the network part. It belongs to another
network with network address (Network B).
Another IP with subnet mask makes you understand that it belongs to the
network (Network C), where only the first octet indicates network.
Therefore, subnet masks help you understand which IPs belongs to which network. By
default, the following subnet masks are used:
Class A:
Class B:
Class C:
Class A Network
Class A network range goes from to The Class A network subnet
mask is, which means it has eight network bits of which the first bit is fixed as '0'.
And hence a total of seven network bits and 24 host bits. The total number of networks is 2^7
-2 = 126. Two are subtracted because is the default network and is the
loopback IP address used for checking proper functionality (self testing). The total number of
hosts per network is 2^24 -2 = 16777214.Two are subtracted for the network and broadcast
The class B network range goes from to The default subnet
mask is, which means it has 16 network bits of which first two bits are fixed as
'10'. It has a total of 14 network bits and 16 host bits, so the total number of networks is 2^14
= 16384. The total number of hosts per network is 2^16 -2 = 65534. Two IPs are subtracted,
one each for the network and broadcast addresses.
Class C Network
The IP range goes from to The Class C network subnet mask is, which means it has 24 network bits of which the first three bits are fixed as
'110'. It therefore has a total of 21 network bits and 8 host bits, so the total number of
networks is 2^21 = 2097152, and the total number of hosts per networks is 2^8 - 2 = 254. Two
IPs are subtracted: One for the network address and the other for the broadcast address.
IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol (IP) address standard that will supplement and
eventually replace IPv4, the protocol most Internet services use today. The world ran out of
the 4.3 billion available IPv4 addresses, so to allow the Internet to continue to grow and
spread across the world, implementing IPv6 is necessary. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address,
allowing 2^128, or approximately 3.4 x 1038 addresses, or more than 7.9 x 1028 times as
many as IPv4. IPv6 addresses are represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits
with the groups being separated by colons, for example
266 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.2 References
The following resources are useful for further reference:
Compliances and certifications:
268 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.4 Why security is important
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Internet Internet
Rest of Rest of
the world Cloud Provider the world
Office building
Office building
Security has always been important, and the move to IaaS has not changed that. In fact,
before moving to IaaS, your company servers were safely secured in your company server
room and accessible only from the company workstation or laptops. They could be completely
separated from the Internet. Physical access to the servers required access to the building
and again to the server room which typically is a secured area only accessible by few people
in the company. Many people would not know where their company's server room is located.
270 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.5 Data center security
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Once you move your workload to IaaS, the physical part of security is the responsibility of
your IaaS provider. A serious IaaS provider will share their certifications and security
measures (to a certain degree). It is up to you to decide if they meet your requirements.
SoftLayer, for example, readily shares that they have physical controls that limit only certified
employees to their data center, but does not share how the physical controls work as that
would be a breach of protocol.
272 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.6 Additional security offerings
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Before IaaS, traffic between company workstations and servers were on the internal network.
This is not the case anymore, so you also need to consider how to ensure that the information
sent between your servers at the IaaS provider’s data center and our computers is not
intercepted by malicious third parties.
You need to see what your selected provider offers so that you can communicate with your
system in their data centers and be certain that only the intended recipients have access to it.
Does the IaaS provider offer VPN access? Do they offer encrypted communication between
servers or servers and endpoints? SoftLayer does offer these and more such as site to site
VPN and client to site VPN.
Although it may seem like all IaaS providers sell the same services, study their offerings and
services closer because there might be important differences.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Securing communications
External customers
accessing public website
IaaS environment
Communication secured
by SSL certificate Website traffic over
public network
SSL certificate
VPN continuing
over private network
Communication secured
by VPN certificate
Remote management
of servers over VPN
Securing communications with SSL and VPN
Because you now must communicate with your servers through the Internet, take measures
to ensure that the data you send and receive is suitably encrypted to protect it from malicious
For your customers accessing your public website, there is little change in the normal
procedure because you already use SSL certificates to secure communication sent from and
to your web servers. Communication now takes place on the public network at the IaaS
provider’s end. SSL certificates are purchased from certified vendors and are valid for one or
more years before they have to be renewed.
Your administrators connect through a VPN connection. After they connect to the IaaS
provider’s network, they are routed over the private network at the IaaS provider’s end.
274 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.8 Securing instances using firewalls
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Now that you have ensured that physical security is in place and that communication to and
from your devices is secure, ensure that data on your servers can only exit to the network in a
way that you specify. Also, ensure that no one can enter your server from the network except
along paths that you allow (a website for example).
Most IaaS providers offer firewalls, and all of them use them inside their infrastructure. In
addition, firewalls and VLANs are used by all IaaS providers to separate customers inside
their offerings.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
OS firewall
Firewall Network
could be an
or physical
A firewall can be placed on different parts of the network, or on the machine it is to
protect/isolate itself. This example shows these different configurations:
A system that has an OS firewall, meaning that the firewall is either running as an
application on the machine or is part of the operating system itself.
Two systems that are “sharing” a firewall, in this case an appliance firewall or a physical
firewall device.
Another firewall that is protecting/isolating all of the systems from the Internet.
You can have as many firewalls as you like, and each can have different rules. However, be
sure to clearly document which rules each firewall has because you could end up having to
do a lot of troubleshooting if you have conflicting rules defined.
276 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.10 Hardware firewalls
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Hardware firewalls
Pro Con
One hardware firewall can protect Expensive compared to software
your entire network firewalls
Run own dedicated CPU and memory Not as easy to configure
A hardware firewall is the most advanced and generally also the most expensive firewall, and
is typically what you would use in larger installations. It has very advanced configuration
options and is very secure.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Appliance firewalls
Pro Con
One appliance firewall can protect Requires a separate server instance
your entire network
Has its own CPU and memory Requires regular maintenance with
security patches because it is
essentially a server
Easier to set up than hardware Not as effective resource-wise as
firewall a hardware firewall
An appliance firewall is a stripped down operating system (usually Linux based) running a
firewall application at startup. It can be placed anywhere on the network, and can protect one
or more machines or network segments.
Compared to a hardware firewall, which has no OS, appliance firewalls run a real OS that
could have its own vulnerabilities and a software-based firewall. It is also more sensitive to
load than a hardware firewall. The setup can be anywhere from simple to advanced and is
usually set up by using a web interface on the appliance.
An appliance firewall can be much more than just a firewall. An example is the Vyatta gateway
appliance available with SoftLayer that can work as a router, firewall, gateway, and VPN
278 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.12 OS firewalls
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
OS firewalls
Pro Con
Cheap or free compared to the Protects only one server.
Easy to setup Consumes resources from the host
that it is running on
Can have stricter rules than a firewall Often less stable than a hardware
protecting many servers. firewall
The OS firewall is either built into or running on top of the operating system of the server it is
meant to protect. They are easy to setup and work fine. However, they only protect that one
server and consume resource from the server they are protecting, which means less
resources are available for the workloads running on the servers.
The OS level firewall is the last line of defense because the firewall is directly on top of what it
is to protect.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Hardware Application OS
Firewall Firewall Firewall
Most IaaS providers should be able to offer all three kinds of firewalls, preferably
in different configurations.
Most IaaS providers can provide all three types of firewalls. For example, SoftLayer offers the
following options:
Hardware firewall: Protect individual servers with hardware firewalls provisioned on
demand without service interruptions.
Dedicated hardware firewall: Protect one, multiple, or all servers that share the same
VLAN with a dedicated hardware firewall, provisioned on demand without service
High Availability redundant firewall: Protect one, multiple, or all servers that share the
same VLAN, with a secondary physical firewall for failover protection (and automatic fall
back when primary firewall is restored).
Fortigate Security Appliance: Provides complete, granular control over advanced firewall
and security features. High availability options are available.
Gateway Appliances: Software-defined firewall, router, VPN, and more that lets you create
and manage virtual routers, firewalls, and VPN devices through user-defined parameters.
Vyatta Network OS Gateway Appliance: A SoftLayer bare metal server with Vyatta
Network OS can be customized, monitored, and tweaked to protect your infrastructure and
optimize your network performance.
SoftLayer has even made the hardware firewalls configurable from the Customer Portal.
280 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
Note that when you configure the firewalls, make sure not to block the ports used by the IaaS
provider to monitor your systems. Contact your IaaS provider to find out which ports are used.
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282 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.15 Checkpoint (2)
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Firewalls will not help you if you do not have a security policy for your servers and the users
accessing them. Follow these best practices:
Keep the OS updated with the latest security patches. It is also a good idea to have a fixed
maintenance window scheduled for such maintenance.
Give administrative access to the server only to users who actually need it.
Whenever possibly try to avoid passwords as we all have heard about people using the
same password for everything and often not even a strong one. Instead it is recommended
to use SSH keys where the public key is located on the server and the private key at the
person logging in.
Do not suddenly start installing software onto the server to do something that only has to
be done once and can be done from else where. Remember the more software you put on
your server the more potential vulnerabilities you introduce.
As mentioned, you can have multiple firewalls; you can easily have a OS firewall
implementing the same rules as the appliance or hardware firewalls. Most operating systems
come with such an offering and because it is free, consider adding this extra layer of security.
You will need to make sure the OS on your servers is hardened before you open your server
to traffic. Be sure to apply all patches BEFORE you open your server and KEEP it patched
on a regular, scheduled basis including applying emergency security patches as they arise.
Most IaaS providers should be able to provide OS patch management services..
284 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
If you have a server in your IaaS environment that is only accessed by other servers from that
environment, disable the public interface of that server and let the other servers use the IaaS
provider’s private network to communicate with it. This adds an extra layer of security for that
server and you will still be able to access it through VPN on the private network.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Portal Security
As mentioned earlier, there are two
entrances into your data center at your IaaS
provider. One is the physical door controlled
by your provider’s on-premises security. The
second entrance into your data center is
through the control portal.
The portal is your access to the datacenter. Make sure that only those who really need it have
access to the portal and that their authorization inside the portal does not give them more
access than they need. Consider adding security questions or two factor authentication as
extra security measures when logging in to the portal.
A best practice is to have procedures to regularly validate the users’ continued need for
access to the portal.
286 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.18 Administering firewall from the portal
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The IaaS provider’s customer portal might also have features allowing you to add/edit rules to
the firewalls protecting your servers. This graphic shows how the hardware firewall in a
SoftLayer setup can be modified directly from the portal by adding rules, editing rules, or
disabling the firewall entirely. You can only edit the firewall rules if your profile permissions
allow it.
Being able to configure the hardware firewall in the portal makes it the easiest of the firewalls
to configure because the appliance firewall requires you to go to the appliance and do the
setup, and the OS firewall requires editing files on the operating system of the server that you
wish to protect.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Your IaaS provider’s portal could, like SoftLayer’s does, also have the option to perform
vulnerability scanning of your servers. This image shows part of the result of such a
vulnerability scan performed on a server, and shows that there are seven warnings.
Further down you will see details of those warnings. It is up to you to decide if they should be
acted upon. Remember that the vulnerability scan could suggest a fix for something that is
needed for your server to work, so read the scan carefully and do not act blindly upon it.
This is a great way to monitor that your servers are safe, whether or not they are secure, and
that the patch you applied has had the wanted effect.
288 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
10.20 Checkpoint
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290 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.2 References
The following links are useful for further research:
Adding a monitor to a device in SoftLayer:
SoftLayer server monitoring:
Monitoring in the SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer:
Basic Monitoring - SoftLayer 101:
A guide to monitoring your IBM SoftLayer environment:
292 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
Ordering monitoring service
Building your own simple monitoring solution
Upgrade monitoring package
Cancelling monitoring package
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Figure 11-1 Typical service models responsibilities and typical service access to infrastructure
A customer is usually responsible for all of the components in a traditional service model or its
own private cloud. These responsibilities are shared at different levels in the IaaS, PaaS, and
SaaS cloud service models.
Monitoring options should be provided to the customers by an IaaS Cloud provider, but
customers are not required to use these. They can install, configure, and manage their own
monitoring software or service solutions.
294 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.5 Typical core infrastructure monitoring and
typical infrastructure components monitored
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
e Data
u Middleware Apache, IIS, MS SQL, MYSQL, Tomcat ...
OS CPU, Disk, Memory, Processes, Mounted File System....
Figure 11-2 Typical core infrastructure monitoring and typical infrastructure components monitored
In an IaaS service model, physical and virtualized components, applications, OS processes,
and services are part of the cloud provider and customer infrastructure, and need to be
The monitoring services have various benefits that can help in building your business
monitoring solution. The cost depends on your provider.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
In today’s competitive market, a stable IT infrastructure is an important concern. Downtime
can cause a business loss in productivity, affect quality of service, and damage a business’
Server monitoring is vital to help avoid outages and performance problems. It is a preventive
measure that helps detect issues that can affect your productivity and foresee future
296 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.7 Typical monitoring tool limitations
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Application Not suitable for the application topologies that are constantly changing
e Data Cannot monitor data integrity
Can only monitor if service is up or down
u Middleware Can not specifically identify problems on application
Can only monitor if server is up and running
OS Cannot specifically identify cause of downtime
Can only provide info on host status (i.e. uptime, resource utilization, service
Virtualization availability)
r Can only identify disk utilization and provide alerts on specified threshold
P Cannot identify data integrity and types of data filling storage capacity
Many monitoring tools are available from cloud providers that provide stand-alone monitoring,
monitoring as service, and full monitoring solutions with an equivalent cost.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
While trends for IaaS are emerging, IaaS providers generally not only offer portals into the
operational health of the underlying infrastructure, but also offer APIs to the data that feeds
these portals.
298 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.9 Typical monitoring alert
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Monitoring tools usually provide detailed graphing, and customizable alarms and alert
Graphical Report: Provides a comprehensive visual depiction of your usage to understand
the patterns and plan resource requirements in advance.
Customizable Alarms: Will let you know when a service is outside an expected range.
Alarms can be tracked from the monitoring portal, and also be configured to send email
Notifications: Alerts can be tracked from the monitoring portals. IT might have an
equivalent portal ticket and can be configured to send email notifications.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Automatic Reboot
Network operations
center (NOC) monitoring
Automatic server reboot restarts the system if a failure is detected.
Network operations center (NOC) monitoring includes engineers who actively monitor your
servers, and provide immediate response and personalized notification of alerts and failures.
Infrastructure monitoring consists of monitoring the servers, network, and the data center
User experience monitoring simulates user behavior and activities to replicate problems and
find the most effective solutions.
300 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.11 Practical approach to SoftLayer monitoring
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
SoftLayer Monitoring
Monitoring Options Monitoring Response Options
Standard Monitoring Automated Server Reboot
Standard 24/7/365 NOC Monitoring
Host Ping + IPMI + Services (optional)
Nimsoft Monitoring
t OS, CPU, MEM, DISK, Process &
e Services monitoring
s Basic Package + File System, Network
i Email/Ticket Notification
N Traffic, Network Time, DHCP, LDAP &
h SNMP data Immediate email/ticket alerts for any urgent issues
it requiring your attention.
W Premium
Advanced Package + DNS, Email, IIS, Automated Customer Notification
MS SQL, MySQL, Tomcat & URL Automated notification of order confirmations, payment
Response reminders, ticket updates and scheduled maintenance.
An example of an IaaS provider offering monitoring is SoftLayer, which provides two
monitoring services: Standard Monitoring and Nimsoft Monitoring to cover various monitoring
needs with no extra cost. These monitoring services provide additional features with an extra
charge that can help in building your business monitoring solution.
Standard Monitoring is available for both physical and virtual servers at no extra charge,
and provides basic host ping monitoring so you can set up notifications upon failure and
based on Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) statistics. In addition to this,
Standard Monitoring provides an option to monitor TCP service connections with an
additional fee.
Nimsoft Monitoring allows the monitoring of a wide variety of statistics on Windows and
Linux servers. It consists of three levels (packages):
– Basic (Hardware and OS): This package monitors your OS metrics, such as CPU,
memory, disk, processes, and service for no extra charge.
– Advanced (System Health): This package includes the basic package and has more
components like file system, network traffic, and time, DHCP, LDAP, and SNMP data
collection. You can choose between hourly and monthly billing.
– Premium (Application): This includes the advanced package with extra components
like DNS, email, IIS, MS SQL, MYSQL, Tomcat, and URL responses. You can choose
between hourly and monthly billing.
302 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.12 Ordering a monitoring service
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
IaaS providers might not provide an automatic monitoring tool in the environment.
Customers should order and configure the monitoring package that they prefer to build.
1. During provisioning
2. Post-provisioning
IaaS providers might not have an automatic monitoring tool installed on the environment.
Order and configure the monitoring package that you prefer to build.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Monitoring tools that are used by cloud providers usually provided a web portal and API
services to help you easily design and build your monitoring solution. This example is from
the SoftLayer IaaS provider. For more information, see the SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer at:
304 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.14 Upgrading a monitoring package
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Monitoring tools provided by your cloud provider might allow you to modify your current
monitoring package. In SoftLayer, you can easily modify the monitoring package with just a
few clicks.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Monitoring tools provided by the cloud providers might have the flexibility in canceling the
monitoring package that you configured.
In SoftLayer, you can easily cancel a monitoring package with just a few clicks.
306 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
11.16 Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Sup portOrg anizati on and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
What is a key benefit of monitoring?
Answer: D
It is customer's responsibility to monitor the...
Answer: C
Automatic server reboot is a type of monitoring alert?
Answer: True
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
What monitoring options are available on SoftLayer?
Answer: Standard Monitoring and Nimsoft Monitoring
The SoftLayer provider is based on which cloud service model?
Answer: C
308 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.2 References
SoftLayer API overview:
SoftLayer API structure:
Services reference:
310 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.4 Introducing the API concept
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
What is an API?
– API stands for Application Programming Interface.
– It is the interface by which an application program accesses a software
– An API exposes an interface in terms of services, inputs, outputs,
and underlying types.
– An API exposes functionalities, or services, that are independent
of their implementation.
One important characteristic of APIs is stability. The API functions as a black box of software
services. Customers can use the API without understanding what is inside. Function
implementation can vary if the interface exposed remains unchanged. There might be
multiple implementations of the same function, and the implementation will evolve in terms of
non-functional requirements, like performance, maintainability, and serviceability.
APIs often come in the form of a library that includes specifications data structures, services,
and parameters.
In some cases, such as SOAP and REST services, the specification includes only a definition
of the remote calls exposed to the customers.
The trend in APIs is moving away from web services based on SOAP towards web resources
based on Representational State Transfer (REST) and a Resource-Oriented Architecture
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
API advantages
A global API is an important selling point for companies because you can call APIs for the
offered services from anywhere.
312 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.6 API advantages (2)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
API advantages
Different cloud solutions have distinct benefits and drawbacks. All solutions have
interoperability in common. For example, CloudStack supports other cloud API models like
AWS API, OpenStack API, and VMware vCloud API. Development of APIs for cloud enables
applications to be designed and developed on the cloud. Such applications are not written for
a static infrastructure, but for an infrastructure that is provided as a service and accessible
through APIs.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Figure 12-4 Hybrid cloud scenarios that use the API economy
The following service levels affect the APIs as follows:
SaaS: Application level APIs can be used to extend applications and create additional
modules that interact with the application.
PaaS: APIs are used to access and interact with platforms (such as Java, NodeJS,
Python, Ruby, and PHP), the application environment, the tooling (such as version control
and build tools), and pipeline, as well as connect and configure services (such as SQL and
NOSQL data stores).
IaaS: APIs are used to provision, deprovision, and manage infrastructure level services
and resources. Compute resources include CPU and memory allocation, I/O resources
such as network and storage, and security services such as firewalls and intrusion
detection systems.
Cloud broker APIs provide a unified view that uses an existing API economy across multiple
cloud providers, platforms, and services to present a single solution. An example is Cloud
Marketplace providers that present entire business applications that can use analytics,
integration, backup, or resiliency services across multiple providers.
314 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.8 SoftLayer API overview
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The SoftLayer API (SLAPI) is available to all SoftLayer customers at no additional charge.
Object-oriented programming allows you to take full advantage of the capabilities offered in
the SoftLayer API.
Use the API to automate tasks that would otherwise take more time and be prone to human
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
316 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.10 The SoftLayer API structure
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
SoftLayer implements a main API library, an Object Storage API, and a Message Queue API.
318 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.12 The main SoftLayer library
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The main SoftLayer API library was written using two standards for developing web services:
SOAP is a widely accepted standard for starting software services over computer
networks, and passing structured data in and out of them.
XML-RPC can be viewed as a simplified version of SOAP.
REST is a standard for starting software services over the Internet. REST advocates using
HTTP or HTTPS protocols for starting web pages with operations such as GET and PUT to
maintain and update remote resources over the Internet in a stateless manner. Stateless
manner means one call does not know anything about other calls.
SoftLayer also provides a REST interface to their APIs. Simple REST calls can be shown in
action through a simple REST client, or even through a web browser.
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320 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.14 The Message Queue API
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
The normal scenario in an object-oriented environment is to first create an instance of the
SoftLayer_Client type by authenticating with a user name and an API key, and use that to
access the various services. Each service provides methods either for changing the
infrastructure, in which case the correct data types need to be provided as parameters, or for
retrieving information that is then provided as instances of the specific data types. The object
returned contains all the local properties if there is no mask provided and only the relational
properties provided through a mask field.
322 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.16 Using the SoftLayer API: Services and methods
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
A service is an endpoint associated with internal SoftLayer systems. Each service is a
collection of methods, or actions, which can be performed. All SoftLayer services begin with
“SoftLayer_” and contain more terms that define the general function that the service provides
such as “Hardware”, “Account”, “Billing”, and “Network”. Each service is extended from there
with a name that defines the service's specific function within that particular subset. Each
service that is associated with the SoftLayer API has a unique name. While some services,
such as SoftLayer_Account and SoftLayer_Account_Address, can share a common prefix,
their interaction is not necessarily similar. There is no direct inheritance for services of a
similar name. Because of this, each service should be approached individually.
While each service offers a unique set of methods, many services offer the getObject method.
These methods can be used to retrieve an object of the same type from the API. For example,
calling the getObject method on the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet service returns a
SoftLayer_Network_Subnet data type object.
A method is a specific action that can be performed for a SLAPI service. Each method returns
a scalar or structured data type, and might require specific parameters, permissions, or
headers to run. Method parameters should be passed by using the techniques described in
each language's or endpoint's documentation. In situations where multiple parameters are
required, pass the parameters in the order that they are expected to be received.
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
A data type is a structure that contains a collection of scalar values and other data types. In
addition to traditional scalar values such as string, bool, and int, the SLAPI also uses complex
data types that contain properties that define the objects passed to and returned by methods
in the API. Each data type potentially contains a number of local, relational, and count
A local property is a direct child of a data type. Local properties are typically returned when
getObject() is called. Some local properties are required when creating an instance of this
data type when calling createObject().
A relational property is an indirect child of a data type. Relational properties are defined in
other data types or their properties. For example, the SoftLayer_Account data type has a
relational property for hardware. This relational property is an array of SoftLayer_Hardware
data types. When tapped with an object mask, this property returns an array that contains a
SoftLayer_Hardware object for each hardware device on the account.
A count property is a convenience property that can be used to determine the total number of
objects that are associated with a property. For example, you can retrieve the total number of
VLANs associated with a specific server by using an object mask with included
Softlayer_Hardware_Server networkVlanCount.
324 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.18 Using the SoftLayer API: Service hierarchy sample
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Virtual_Guest_ Virtual_Guest_
Block_Device_ Block_Device_
Template_Group Template_Group
The SoftLayer API has these service groups, among others:
User accounts
User billing
Virtual server management
Hardware management (dedicated/bare metal and other hardware)
Product ordering
Configuration templates
Software components
Network (firewalls, gateways, load balancers, subnets, and VLANs)
Storage (iSCSI, NAS, and backup)
Reboots and reloads
Security (certificates, keys, and scans)
Portal customization
Auxiliary functions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
In addition to the typical create, read, update, and delete actions, the SLAPI allows
developers to define how data is returned from each call by using special API call headers.
These headers allow an extra level of control over the amount of data returned by the API.
A result limit is a support method that allows you to define an offset and number of objects to
return. This methods allow pagination of large data sets.
An object mask allows the user to specify which local properties to return from a method and
retrieve information found in both relational and count properties. A map, or “mask” is created
to define the specific data to include in the return value. For example, it is possible to gather
the IDs for each VLAN on a SoftLayer_Hardware_Server by specifying an object mask for
“” when calling SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getObject.
Object filters can be used to limit the results that are returned by the API. They differ from
object masks in that they determine what data type objects are returned while Object Masks
define what properties to retrieve from the returned objects.
326 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.20 Using the SoftLayer API (cont.)
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IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
328 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.22 Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
330 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.24 Checkpoint questions (3)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
332 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
12.26 Checkpoint questions (5)
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
Checkpoint questions
1. d
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. d
IBM Digital Sales International Technical Support Organization and Authoring Services
334 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
ACL Access Control List Global Load Balancing Refers to specially designed
DNS server that load balances DNS requests
API (application programming interface) An interface
that specifies how software components should interact HA (high availability) A term that refers to a system or
with each other component that is continuously operational by avoiding
single point of failures
Appliance firewall Custom OS with software to filter
traffic Hardware firewall Physical device to filter traffic
Audit log An automatically created report of who has HDD Hard disk drive
done what and when
Horizontal scaling Upscaling or downscaling by adding
Autoscale The automated scaling option that is or removing servers from an environment
provided by SoftLayer for virtual servers
HVAC Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
B&R Backup and recovery
Hybrid cloud A configuration of cloud IaaS resources
Bare metal server In SoftLayer, a physical machine that that mixes public and private cloud assets
is made available to the customer as part of a cloud
offering Hypervisor A piece of computer software, firmware, or
hardware that creates and runs virtual machines. Also
CHAP Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol known as virtual machine monitor (VMM)
CIFS Common Internet File System IaaS (infrastructure as a service) Cloud service model
in which the consumer can provision fundamental
Citrix NetScaler VPX A multifunctional network and computer resources such as processors, storage, and
security device offered by Citrix and available in SoftLayer networking resources
as a service. It provides load balancing, firewall functions,
data compression, and more IMS (Infrastructure Management System) A software
platform for managing the infrastructure developed by
Client to site VPN VPN connection between one user SoftLayer
device and a site
In-Band Management A way to manage computer
Cloud Computing Model for enabling convenient, devices locally through the network itself, using a
on-demand network access to a shared pool of telnet/SSH connection to them
configurable computing resources that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) A
or service provider interaction standardized interface that is used by system
administrators as a way to manage a computer that is
DAS Direct-attached storage powered off or otherwise unresponsive. It connects to the
hardware rather than to an operating system or login shell
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) A
standardized network to allocate IP addresses to Internet Information Services (IIS) A web server
computers created by Microsoft
DNS (Domain Name System) Used to resolve IP (Internet Protocol) Address A numeric label that is
human-readable host names into IP addresses assigned to each device that communicates over the IP
protocol. The IP address space is split into public and
DR Disaster recovery private spaces. Comes in two versions: v4 (traditional,
currently running out of public addresses), and v6 (new
Firewall Device to filter traffic standard to accommodate much larger address space)
Flex Image The SoftLayer platform-neutral imaging IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) VPN A suite of
system protocols that are designed to authenticate and encrypt all
IP traffic between two locations
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) A PaaS (platform as a service) Cloud service model in
protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed which the computing platform and solution stack are made
directory information service available as a service. Customers can develop, test, and
deploy their applications on the cloud
Load balancer A device that distributes network or
application requests over a number of servers. A client Pay-per-use A billing model that monitors usage of a
connects to VIP and the load balancer then forwards the service and charges only for the amounts used. Service
traffic to one of the servers usage is monitored, controlled, and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and user
Local load balancing Refers to load balancer
distributing network or application requests locally (in the Ping A networking utility to verify that one server can be
same network segment) reached from another
336 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks VIP (Virtual Internet Protocol Address) An IP address
that is not a primary of a physical network card. In the
REST (Representational State Transfer) A protocol case of load balancing, the VIP usually refers to the
that is used for communicating with web resources address that the client receives through DNS and
connects to
RPO Recovery point objective
Virtual server An instance of virtual hardware platform
RTO Recovery time objective that is created and run by using virtualization techniques
SaaS (software as a service) Cloud service model in Virtualization In computing, rcreating a virtual (rather
which software or applications are provided to different than actual) version of something, including but not limited
customers, or consumers through a network, usually the to a virtual computer hardware platform, operating system
Internet (OS), storage device, or computer network resources
SAN Storage area network VLAN (virtual local area network) A logical grouping
of network nodes that is configured as though they were
SAS Serial-attached SCSI in the same LAN even if they are in separate ones
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment VLAN trunking Enables the movement of traffic to
different parts of the network configured in a VLAN
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
VPN (virtual private network) A network that is
Single tenant An architecture in which a host machine constructed by using public networks (usually the
supports cloud infrastructure for a single customer Internet) to connect to a private network such as the
SoftLayer Private Network
Site to site VPN Direct VPN line between two sites that
allows devices on both sites to communicate securely Vulnerability scan A scan of one or more devices to
search for security issues in the configuration or
SMB Server Message Block
OS/software of a device
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) A
Vyatta appliance A multifunctional network device
standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks
offered by Brocade and available in SoftLayer as a
service. It provides software-based virtual network
SOAP A protocol that is used for web services
gateway, virtual firewall, and VPN capabilities
SSD Solid-state drive
Workload Independent service or collection of code
SSH (Secure Shell) A cryptographic network protocol that can be run
for secure data communication, remote command line
XML-RPC A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol
login, remote command execution, and other secure
that uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport
network services between a pair of client and server
Glossary 337
338 A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
A Practical Approach to Cloud IaaS with IBM SoftLayer: Presentations Guide
ISBN 0738441562
(0.5” spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
Back cover
ISBN 0738441562
Printed in U.S.A.