Design of 125 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant at Dundigal Village, Medchal Distrct, Telanagana State

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e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470

Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72

p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research

Volume 4, Issue 11, November -2017

Design of 125 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant at Dundigal Village, Medchal

Distrct, Telanagana State
Dr.Vajja Varalakshmi1, Dr.K.Venkateswara Reddy2, N.Krishna Rao2, T.Abhiram Reddy3
Department of Civil Engineering, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Dundigal
Village&Mandal, Hyderabad, Telanagana State
Principal, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Dundigal Village&Mandal, Hyderabad,
Telanagana State

Abstract — Dundigal Village of Medchal District, Telangana State does not have proper drainage system. The house
holds waste water (grey water) joining directly into the lake creating the pollution. So it is required to construct a
sewerage treatment plant to collect and treat grey water before entering the lake to decrease the lake pollution. The
treatment operations are done by various methods in order to reduce its organic content. This paper focuses on the
Designing of Sewerage Treatment Plant for 4 colonies of Dundigal area. In one day the total sewage generated was
estimated 125 KLD. The various components of sewage treatment plant are Grey water collecting tank, Bar screen
chamber, SBR Tank, Equilisation tank and Treated water collecting tank. It is proposed to design the various
components of sewage treatment plant considering the various standards and permissible limits of treated sewage water.
The treated water will be supplied for irrigating the crops and the sludge which is generated after the treatment will be
used as manure, so it increases the fertility of soil. Also reduce the ground water usage.

Keywords- Grey water, sequential batch reactor, Sewarage Treatment Plant; Design approach


Sewage treatment plant (STP) plays an important role for the mankind. The main function of these plants is to
make the water of the sewage clean that comes from home. The treatment of sewage water has become the need of the
hour as it stops spreading the diseases and illness caused by the sewage water. It helps society in making the water as
well as environment clean.

In Dundigal Village & Mandal of Telangana State, it is observed that there is severe crisis of drinking water as well
as there is problem of disposing the sewage water due to lack of storm water drainage system in the village. Some
colonies near the lake are disposing their waste directly into the lake. It causing a severe threat to the water chemistry,
micro-habitat, causing a variety of diseases, increased evapotranspiration, fishing problems etc. therefore it is necessary
to create a proper sewer lines to collect a grey water from the colonies and treated the this grey water before entering it
into the lake and supplied to agricultural and gardening purpose. Therefore the treatment plant is designed to cover four
colonies namely Munnur basthi, Kurma basthi (fully) and Gollola basthi and Pittala basthi (partly) covering nearly
200 houses near the lake.


Activated sludge process, oxidation ponds, aerated lagoons and oxidation ditches are the commonly adopted suspended
growth biological treatment systems. However, the flexibility in design, process and cost Sequencing Batch Reactor
(SBR) is best defined process. (Irvine et al., 1979). Demoulin et al., 1997; Keller et al., 2000 used SBR for nutrient
removal. Hersbrun, 1984; Ng, 1987; Ng and Chin, 1986 used for treatment of industrial and hazardous wastes

Lin S.H. and Cheng K.W., (2001) treated the municipal sewage with SBR process. SBR reactor was divided into 3 equal
compartments containing Two perforated baffle plates having 2-mm holes. From this Reactor the COD and BOD
removal observed was 93.6% and 91.8 % respectively. Klimiuk and Kulikowska (2006) carried out the SBR study to
treat the municipal landfill leachate. The study was devoted to nitrogen removal from leachate by activated sludge
treatment in SBR. The rate of ammonium removal and nitrification rate in the SBR cycle were estimated. The
concentration of ammonium in the effluent did not exceed the value of 1 mgNNH4/dm3 at sludge ages above 20d and the
ammonium removal rate changed from 5.38 mg NNH4/ g VSS.h to 7.36 mg NNH4/g VSS.h, while the nitrification rate
changed from 0.75 mg NNO3/g VSS.h to 0.99 mg NNO3/g VSS.h.

Kulikowska et al. (2007) aimed to estimate the BOD5 and COD removal efficiency and biomass yield coefficient in SBR
treating landfill leachate.. It was observed that there is no change in BOD removal efficiency due to change in HRT but

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

COD removal efficiency was affected by about 4 to 5 % in both conditions. Also there is significant increase in biomass
decay rate, as it was observed fivefold increase in aerobic condition as compared to aerobic-anaerobic phase (0.006 d -1
to 0.032 d-1). Due to lower biomass aerobic system was considered to be optimal for municipal leachate. Freitas et al.
(2009) proposed that short SBR cycles select and maintain a robust and active biomass, able to cope with typical
disturbances occurring in wastewater treatment plants. In order to test this hypothesis, an SBR system was subjected to
COD, N and P shock loads. It was shown that the sludge enriched in the SBR operated with short cycles was able to
rapidly recover from the tested disturbances.COD and N removal recovered within 1–2 days for shock loads of 10 times
the standard concentration. . It was concluded that SBR operated with short cycles led to a robust sludge that was able to
respond well to shock loads.

III. Methodology

SBR: Sequencing Batch Reactor , PSF: Pressure sand filter,ACF Activated carbon filter

Fig.1 Flow Diagram

IV. Point To Be Considered In Design

Following points are considered during the design of sewage treatment unit
 The maximum waste water generation shall not exceed 115KLD
 The proponent shall provide Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 125 KLD capacity consisting of Grey water
collecting Unit, Bar Screen Chamber, Equilisation tank, Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) tank, Treated water
collection Tank
 The treated wastewater shall be recycled for agricultural and gardening purposes. The excess treated wastewater
is to be discharged into Public sewer line.
 All the units of the STP shall be impervious to prevent ground water pollution. STP shall be operated in a closed
circuit so as to avoid smell nuisance.
 Treated effluents (i.e. outlet of STP) shall comply with inland surface water discharge standards.
 Self scaling velocity should develop at every place and stage
 The design of the treatment units should be economical; easy in maintenance should offer flexibility in

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

V. Design of Individual Units

5.1 Receiving chamber:

Receiving chamber is the structure to receive the raw sewage collected through under ground sewage system from the
village. It is a rectangular shape tank constructed at the entrance of the sewage treatment plant. The main sewer pipe is
directly connected with this tank.
Average water supply per day =140000lit
=0.18 mld
Average sewage = 85% of supplied water
=0.85x0.14 =0.119mld
= 119 KLD
͌ 125 KLD
Total quantity of water requirement for the Dundigal people is 1,40,000 lit/day. By considering 85 % of the water
supplied will be converted in to sewage i.e. 119 KLD. Wastewater generated from the proposed project will be treated in
an STP of 125 KLD. Detailed design write up of the STP is in the following section.

The sewage generated during the operation phase will be treated up to the tertiary level in Sewage Treatment Plants
(STP) The entire (100%) treated sewage from STP of 125KLD capacity will be recycled/ reused for agricultural and
gardening purposes in the Dundigal village.

Average. Sewage per hour = 125/24 = 5.20 𝑚3/hr

Peak Factor = 3
Design Flow capacity = 5.20×3 =15.6 m3/hr. =0.0043m3/sec

Sizing calculation for collection pit:

Retention time required =4h
Average design flow =15.6m3/h
Capacity of collection sump =4x15.6 =62.4m3
Assume liquid depth =5m
Area required for collection pits =62.4/5 =12.48 m2
Let it is a rectangular tank
Now 12.48 = bd
d=5.5m, b= 2.5m, l=5
Volume of the pit provided =68.75m3

5.2 Bar screen chamber:

Max Flow = 125 KLD
Detention Time = 6.0 min
Bar Screen Chamber Volume = 1.5 m3
Let Side water depth (SWD) be 1.0 m
BSC Size = 1.0 m x 1.0m x 1.50 m
Screen is made out of MS Flat of Size 10mm x 50mm (10mm facing the flow)
Clear spacing between bars = 20mm
Inclination of bars with horizontal = 60° (For Manual Cleaning)
𝑄max = 0.0043 𝑚3/sec
Shape of bar = M.S. Flats Size = 10 mm X 50 mm
Clear spacing between the bars = 20 mm.
inclination of bars = 60 deg.
Assume avg. Velocity to sewer = 0.8 m/sec
At peak flow, net inclined area required = 0.03 9/0.8 = 0.048 sq. m
Gross inclined area = 0.048 x 1.5 = 0.072 sq. m
gross vertical area required = 0.072 x sin80 = 0.070 sq. m
Provide submergence depth = 0.3 m
Width of channel = 0.070/0.3 = 0.23 m ≈ 0.30 m
Provide 20 bars of 10 mm x 50 mm at 20 mm clear spacing. Screen chamber will be 60 cm wide.
Bar Screen Chamber Size = 1.0 m x 1.0m x 1.50 m

5.3 Equalization tank:

The flow from the bar screen chamber is let into the equilisation tank. This tank is provided to even out the flow variation
and to provide a continuous feed into the secondary biological treatment units.
Design flow : 1,40,000lit/day

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

Average flow: 20 hours

Provided equilisation tank with HRT of 6 hours (holding capacity)
Hence required volume of the tank = 37.5m3
Provide a tank of 39,000 liter capacity
Equalization tank dimension = 3.33m x 5.0m x 4.0m
Free board should be 1.5m

4.4. SBR

Flow = 125 KLD

BOD after treatment <10mg/l
F/M Ratio : 0.10 (between 0.10-0.18)
MLSS : 8000MG/L when tank is full
Total BOD Load : 46kg/day
No. of Reactor : 2 Nos
No. of Cycles per reactor: 3 Nos
Deccant fraction of aeration tank : 60%
Fill volume per batch :55 cumecs
Recommended value of the reactor :165cumec
Overall volume of SBR :165 M3
Hence provide SBR tank of capacity 1,65,000lit/day

The aeration tank size required will be of dimension 3.6m×5m×4m

Free board should be 0.5m

5.5 Calculation of air volume

BOD5 after treatment <10mg/l
BOD5 loading :350mg/l
Total BOD5 load :(125×1000×350)/1000000 kg/day
Total BOD5 load :44kg/day
BOD5 load in kg/day in the aeration tank:44kg/day
(2kgs of axygen is required for every kg of BOD5 to be removed)
% of oxygen in air :0.21
Density of air :1.2
Air volume required per day :365m3 of O2/Day
No.of hours of oxygenation :10.5
Diffuser transfer efficiency = 35/0.27 =130 m3/hr
(27% for 4.5 m submergence)
Hence, air volume required in aeration tank :130+30% extra
Equilisation 20% of air volume of aeration tank :34m3/hr
Sludge holding tank+decant tank+treated water tank:34m3/hr
Therefore total air requirement in cum/day :240m3/hr

5.6 Pressure sand filter

Pressure sand filter with various grades of pebbles and sand media help in the removal of residual suspended solids. The
filter will be operating in the pressure range of 3-3.5 kg/cm2
Assuming a loading rate of 6.0 m3/ hr
Design flow = 125 m3/day and considering 20 hr/day of operations of PSF
The recommended PSF dimension is 0.8m diameter with 1.5 m height sand media over layer, under drainpipe, laterals
face piping.

5.7 Activated carbon filter

Design flow = 125 m3/day
Loading rate =12 cumec/m2/hr
Provide an activated carbon filter of dimension is 0.8m diameter with 1.5 m height with carbon filter media with under
drainpipe, lateral face piping.

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

5.8 Chlorination:
The filtered water is further chlorinated through an online automatic chlorination system with electronic dosing pump for
disinfection. Provide one number automatic chlorinator with electronic metering pump to ensure the residual chlorine
level to be less than 2 ppm for disinfect ion as that it will not affect the plantations. The chlorinator shall be coupled with
the filter outlet.

5.9. Final collection tank:

Final Collection Tank: Detention time = 11.5 Hrs
Volume of Final collection tank = 70.0 m3
Final Collection tank dimension = 4.5m x 5.0m x 3.5m

5.10 Pumps:
A.provide 2 Nos sewage transfer pumps (one working and one standby)
Capacity:6.0KLH@15m head
Type : centrifugal pumps
Solid handling size upto 10mm
Purpose: to pump the sewage from the equilisation tank to SBR Tank

B. Provide 1 No sludge transfer

Capacity:3KLH/hr@15m head
Type :centrifugal pump
Solid handling size upto 25mm
Purpose: to pump the sludge from SBR Tank to sludge drying beds

C. Provide 1 No sludge transfer

Capacity:10KLH/hr@30m head
Type :centrifugal pump, self priming
Solid handling size upto 5mm
Purpose: to pump the treated effluent from the pre-filtration tank through the pressure sand filter and activated carbon


The wastewater generated from Dundigal Village and mandal of Medchal District, Telanagana State is currently treated
by 125 KLD sewage treatment plant. The treatment is carried out by SBR technology which is the cyclic activated sludge
treatment process. In the SBR Multiple Sequencing batch reactors are provided to treat the wastewater in batches.
Sequencing batch reactors will be operated to oxidize carbonaceous Bio chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), nitrify the
ammonia and denitrify to reduce total nitrogen to a level that meets the permit limits. The treated water from SBR is
pumped through the Pressure sand filter and Activated carbon filter for removal of suspended solids, final polishing and
removal of any traces of colour. For HVAC purpose part of the treated water is passed through Softener for achieving the
desired hardness reduction. The effluent is then disinfected with Chlorine by intermittent dosing system. The treated
sewage can be used for chillers and flushing purposes. Excess sludge from SBR tank is pumped out periodically to the
Sludge holding tank and then fed in to the Filter press for dewatering and drying during decanting phase.

Table:1 Important units of the sewage treatment plant

S.No Name of the unit Size in m
1 Bar screen chamber 1.0m×1.0m×1.50m
2 Equilisation tank 3.33m×4.0m×5.0m
3 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) 3.6m×5.0m×4.0m
4 Decant tank 4.2.0m×5.0m×4.0m
5 Final treated water tank 1.5m×5.0m×4.0m
6 Sand bed filters .8m dia and 1.5mm height
7 Activated carbon filter .8m dia and 1.5m height
8 chlorinator 100liters capacity

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

Fig.2 Plan and Section of 125 KLD STP at Dundigal Village


I would like to thank Science & Technology for women under Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development
(SEED) Division –DST for giving financial support for this work.


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