Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Rev 2 Popovici Maria Lucia Iulian Butnaru Paul Popescu Ion Sterian
Head Environmental BRUA BRUA Director General
Protection Service HSE Project manager / Project Manager PMU / SNTGN Transgaz SA
SNTGN Transgaz SA
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author. The European Union and the Innovation &
Networks Executive Agency (I.N.E.A.) are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Project Overview ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Environmental and Social Commitments....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3. Document Management ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. DOCUMENT PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. Purpose Of the CESMPS ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2. Project hazardous materials Philosophy ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.3. Purpose of this hazardous materials CESMP ................................................................................ 4
2.4. Scope of the hazardous materials CESMP .................................................................................... 4
3. KEY POLICIES, LEGISLATION, NORMS AND STANDARDS ........................................................................... 7
3.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Company Policies .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3. National Legislation and Permits .................................................................................................. 7
3.4. International Standards and commitments .................................................................................. 7
4. LINKAGES TO OTHER BENEFICIARY ELEMENTS ......................................................................................... 9
4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Linkages to Other CESMPs ............................................................................................................ 9
5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................ 11
5.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. Company Roles & Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 11
5.3 . Contractor Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 13
6. MANAGEMENT, MITIGATION, MONITORING AND VERIFICATION ......................................................... 15
6.1. Management Actions .................................................................................................................. 15
6.2. General Monitoring Activities ..................................................................................................... 15
6.3. Management System Verification Monitoring ........................................................................... 15
6.4. Key Performance Indicators ........................................................................................................ 16
6.5. Training ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1: Mitigation Measures & Management Actions................................................................ 18
Appendix 2: Monitoring Requirements .............................................................................................. 24
Appendix 3: Relevant Legislation ........................................................................................................ 25
Abbreviations Description
BRUA Bulgarian-Romanian-Hungarian-Austrian
CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
F-CESMP Project Framework Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HSE-MS Health, Safety and Environment Management System
HSES Health, Safety, Environment System
HSSE Health, Safety, Social and Environment
JOCE Official Journal of European Community
KPI Key Performance Indicators
PMU Project Management Unit
PR Performance Requirement
Integrated Management Manual Quality-Environment-Occupational Health and Safety, code MSMI-CMSSO Ed. 03/Rev.
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and local authorities (which have the competency to check compliance with Project provisions regarding the
storage, transportation, and final disposal of hazardous materials), and also to sanction deviations from legal
The operational cooperation procedures in the construction site will be set in the Statement of Works that will
be an Appendix to the Commercial Contract to be signed between the Beneficiary and the Contractor. The
Contact Point Unit for each construction site, as defined in the Contractor Management Plan, is the structure
responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the provisions in the Statement of Works.
5.2 Company Roles & Responsibilities
Transgaz HSE management roles and responsibilities during the Project construction phase are detailed in
the BRUA PMU - Regulation of organization and functioning. Further information is also provided in other
documents listed in the F-CESMP document.
With regards to this CESMP, Transgaz S.A. is responsible for key management activities including:
• Development of bidding conditions regarding hazardous materials management;
• Professional training of a Transgaz Hazardous Materials representative on site;
• Monitoring Contractor performance, supervision and control of Contractors;
Specific roles and responsibilities within the Company presented in Table 5.2 will apply.
Table 5.2 Company Roles and Responsibilities
Role Responsibility
Director general - Approves the Hazardous Materials Management Plan
HSSE Coordinator the - Ensures the compliance of the Project with the requirements
environmental expert established in this Plan;
- Has the general responsibility for the implementation of this Plan,
including by the main Contractors;
- Develops, monitors and revises this plan;
- Ensures the necessary training for BRUA PMU staff on hazardous
materials is delivered;
- Centralizes the information regarding the generated hazardous
materials and hazardous materials management by the Contractors;
- Provides necessary support to the Contractors to enable them to
comply with the Hazardous Materials Management Plan;
- Ensures this Hazardous Materials Management Plan is available to all
BRUA PMU staff and Contractor staff;
- Performs regular audits of the main Contractors’ performance against
the requirements of this Plan;
- Reports all the risks, non-compliances with this Plan and incidents;
- Prepares an annual environmental report that includes details
regarding the management of hazardous materials
Will verify the implementation of contractors’ obligations, including regular
A nominated audits of:
environmental - the hazardous materials storage areas;
responsible of - visual inspections of soil and water in the work area;
TRANSGAZ from PMU- - whether safety data sheets exist for hazardous materials;
BRUA - whether hazardous substances are managed according to the safety
data sheets;
- whether Contractors’ have appropriate Intervention Plans in case of
accidental pollution.
Ecologic accident – an event resulting from an unforeseen and accidental spillage or emission of a hazardous or polluting
substance (whether liquid, solid, gasseous or vapour) that could result in detrimental impacts to the environment and/or local
communities (G.E.O. 195/2005 on environment protection, as further amended and supplemented)
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5.3 Contractor Roles & Responsibilities
Overarching Contractor HSSE requirements are defined in the relevant articles of their contracts and
associated mandatory Annexes. Each contractor must also implement all relevant requirements of the
CESMPs, including this Hazardous Materials CESMP. Contactors are also responsible for ensuring that any
subcontracted work meets these requirements. In addition, within the Project, responsibility for hazardous
materials management lies with the Contractors according to the principle "polluter pays".
Contractors will be required to present to the Beneficiary, represented in the Project by PMU BRUA, in
accordance with the requirements, their proposed approaches to:
• Management of hazardous materials on site, including handling and storage;
• Spill recovery and emergency response;
• Any other conditions outlined in this CESMP or its appendices.
Further specific responsibilities of the Contractor/sub-contractors are outlined in the Appendices to this
CESMP and in Table 5.3 below.
Role Responsibility
- Manager - Ensures that all construction activities are performed in compliance
responsible for with the requirements of this Plan.
environmental - Produces a Hazardous Materials Management Plan in line with this
matters Plan.
- Ensures the proper handling, labelling, storage and management of
hazardous materials.
- Ensures the proper disposal of hazardous materials in line with
national / EU legislation.
- Identifies registered and appropriately managed disposal facilities for
hazardous materials; and undertakes a review of facilities as part of
Project supplier management processes.
- Ensures all staff receive the necessary training in relation to
hazardous materials management.
- Performs regular audits of the working sites to ensure all activities are
being undertaken according to the requirements of the Hazardous
Materials Management Plan.
- Ensures that all information regarding hazardous materials is properly
recorded and reported. Ensures the transport of hazardous materials
is undertaken by an authorized firm(s), according to the required legal
Objective Approach
1: Risk Based Monitoring programs to address material issues based on the use of the ‘source-
pathway-receptor’ approach in the EIA. These are commensurate with:
the scale and nature of the activity,
the assessed potential level of impact (and uncertainty thereof), and
the sensitivity of the local environment within the activity area of influence
2: Compliance Additional monitoring programs to meet specific regulatory needs.
By adopting the above approach, the monitoring plans should meet both Transgaz’s requirement to
understand and manage the Project’s potential impacts for each construction activity/ location and any
specific requirements of the Romanian authorities. The specific monitoring requirements for this Hazardous
Materials CESMP are presented in Appendix 2.
6.3 Management System Verification Monitoring
Management System verification monitoring requirements, as detailed in the F-CESMP Document, are
divided into three levels as shown in Table 6.3 below.
Table 6.3 Auditing Management System
In addition to the above, there are also expected to be regulatory audits and lender compliance monitoring
visits. The nature and structure of these will be confirmed with regulators and lenders.
Table 6.4 Key Performance Indicators for Project Hazardous Materials Management
The specific auditing and monitoring requirements for the verification of each of the management measures
described within this Hazardous Materials CESMP (Appendix 1) are identified in Appendices 1 and 2. This
includes identification of the relevant audit tier level (1 to 3) to be undertaken.
HM Hazardous All sites All chemical substances and compounds purchased Contractor Audit of Technical
004 materials from suppliers used on the site will be accompanied Safety Data Sheets.
inventory by their Technical Safety Data Sheets that meet the Visual confirmation
requirements of Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH) as of TSDSs at storage
regards their content. The purchase of chemicals for areas and points of
which the supplier can provide proof of their pre- use.
registration to the European Chemicals Agency shall
be performed in compliance with the same
provision. These will be available in the storage
locations and principle points of use.
Ref. Topic Location Requirement Responsibility Verification
HM Storage All sites Storage of fuel will be in tanks equipped with locking Contractor
005 procedures devices and which have secondary containment Visual inspections
(with 110% capacity) that are located on a platform
in a designated area located away from any
watercourse or drain
HM Storage All sites *The metal containers for the deposit of used oils Contractor Visual inspections
006 procedures shall be adequately marked (with the code of the Audit of records of
type of used oil) and they shall be located on inspections and
concreted surrounded areas. any repairs.
Waste oils will not be stored in underground tanks.
Storage tanks will be emptied and inspected
regularly for any signs of cracks or holes. The
findings of the inspection will be recorded; any
cracks or holes will be repaired, and any repairs
conducted will be recorded.
HM Spill Response All sites Spill kits, protective equipment, and other necessary Contractor Visual inspections
007 equipment will be available where hazardous
materials are handled, to enable any spills to be
cleaned up.
HM First Aid All sites Appropriate first aid will be located close to Contractor Visual inspections
008 hazardous material storage areas such as eye-wash,
showers, and first aid kits.
HM Transfer All sites The transfer of hazardous materials from vehicles to Contractor Visual inspections
012 procedures storage tanks must be conducted on impervious
hard standing, which is sloped to a collection or a
containment structure, not connected to municipal
wastewater/storm water collection system.
HM Transfer All sites Written procedures for transfer operations must be Contractor Audit of written
013 procedures prepared that include a checklist of measures to procedures.
follow during filling operations for storage tanks.
HM Storage All sites Material-specific storage for extremely hazardous or Contractor Visual inspections
015 procedures reactive materials will be provided.
HM Health & All sites All sources of ignition near to flammable storage Contractor Visual inspections
016 Safety tanks are prohibited.
HM Storage All sites Drummed hazardous materials will be stored in Contractor Visual inspections
017 procedures areas with impervious surfaces that are sloped, or
bunded to retain any spills/leaks
HM Storage All sites Containers holding flammable and/or toxic materials Contractor Visual inspections
019 procedures will be kept permanently closed and covered. They
shall be kept in their original packaging and they
shall be handled and transported under maximum
HM Emergency All sites There will be strict compliance with all relevant Contractor Internal audit
020 response guidelines for health and safety at work and with the
provisions of the Emergency Response Plan
HM Accidental All sites Any accidental leaks of fuel or oil will be immediately Contractor Audit of incident
021 leaks cleaned up with absorbent material and collected in reports.
closed and labelled containers - temporarily stored
in specially designed spaces until delivery to an
operator authorized for the collection / disposal of
oil waste.
HM Accidental All sites All equipment and machinery involved in the Contractor Visual inspections
022 leaks construction of the trench will be well maintained
and periodically inspected to avoid the accidental
loss of fuels and oils.
HM General All Sites All relevant mitigation measures in relation to the Contractor
24 Principles management of hazardous materials included in the
Environmental Agreement will be complied with.
HM Disposal All Sites All Hazardous Materials must be disposed of Contractor Audit of relevant
25 according to the requirements of relevant national / paperwork for the
EU legislation disposal of
HM Recording All Sites Maintenance of a hazardous materials register which Contractor Audit of the
26 is updated monthly register
The indicative list of Romanian national legislation regarding hazardous materials - general framework
Law 360 of September 2nd, 2003 (*republished*) on the regime of hazardous chemical substances and
preparations, as further amended and supplemented
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on
classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives
67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006
concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing
a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No
793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and
Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC