Circulation Seqs With Keys Edu Apnafort Com
Circulation Seqs With Keys Edu Apnafort Com
Circulation Seqs With Keys Edu Apnafort Com
(4 marks)
b). give formula of Poiseuille’s law (4 power law). (1 mark)
• F = π Δ P r4
• 8nl
• F = Rate of blood flow, Δ P = pressure difference, r = radius of vessel wall, n = viscosity of blood & l = length of vessel.
Q.2: a) Briefl des ri e the CN“ is he i respo se. Wh it is alled last dit h respo se of the od
(2+1 marks)
Emotional Fainting—Vasovagal Syncope.
vasodilatory reaction occurs in people who experience intense emotional disturbances that cause fainting.
In this case, the muscle vasodilator system becomes activated, and at the same time, the vagal cardioinhibitory center transmits strong signals to the
heart to slow the heart rate markedly.
The arterial pressure falls rapidly, which reduces blood flow to the brain and causes the person to lose consciousness.
Q.3: a). Give an account of circulatory changes that occur as a result of muscular exercise. (4 marks)
d) Local metabolic factors is very imp in sk.muscle.Blood flow. In tissue hypoxiathere is release of Vasodilatirs:
Adenosine,H+, K+, PGs, Bradykinin, ADP, ATP, Lactic acid, Pyruvic acid, temp, Ca++.
All these factors are present in physical activity thus blood flow is increased.
(0.5 mark)
V.R (due to thoracoabd. & sk.mus. pump), there is venoconstriction as a result E.D.V& E.S.V (due to forceful vent. Contraction)
(0.5 mark)
due to contraction of Liver & Splenic capsule, additional amount of blood enter into general circulation.
All the blood vessel show Vasoconstricton Except Cerebral, Coronary & in the active Skeletal Muscles.
(0.5 mark)
As Ex. Progresses, more heat production leading to Sweatingas a resu Cutaneous V.D.(to facilitate heat loss from the body).
(0.5 mark)
(0.25 mark)
(0.5 mark)
Because of this about 2.5L Blood is directed towards active muscle as a result
(0.5 mark)
Q:4. A person rises from sitting to standing position suddenly. He feels dizzy due to postural hypotension. But after sometime the condition
becomes normal.
a) Give the sequence of events that helped in normalizing the blood pressure in this case.
b) Which nerves take part in this reflex?
(3+2 marks)
A) standing from sitting blood pooling in legs postural hypotension decreased pressure sensed by baro-receptors
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
Q.5: Define cardiac output. List the factors which regulate cardiac output. Name at least two methods for determining the cardiac output.
(1+3+1 marks)
Key: 15 Ref: p 111, Guyton 11 Ed & p 234 Ganong
Cardiac output: it is the blood pumped out of heart in one minute. 5-5.5 L/min. 1 mark
As cardiac output is the product of stroke volume and heart rate so all factors affecting these ultimately affect cardiac output.
Intrinsic cardiac regulation of pumping in response to changes in volume of blood flowing into the heart. This follows
Frank Starling mechanism according to which the greater the heart muscle is stretched during filling the greater is the
force of contraction and the greater the quantity of blood pumped in the aorta (0.5)
The autonomic nervous system: Sympathetic stimulation increases rate and force of contraction that lead to an increase
in cardiac output. Parasympathetic stimulation on the contrary causes decreased heart rate with slight effect on force of
contraction as well.
a) Sympathetic
b) Parasympathetic
• 3. B.P or After-load
• 4. SYMPATHETIC STIMULATION or peripheral resistance
Q.6. A 50 years old barber gradually develops elongated, tortuous & dilated veins in the legs.
(Any 4 = 2 marks)
Basic factors affecting Venous return are:
enous return)
v) Sympathetic stimulation (Sympathetic Stimulation will cause vasoconstriction & more venous return)
vi) Contraction of skeletal muscles (Skeletal muscle contraction causes more pressure & more venous return). Venous pump & venous
valves (unidirectional flow)
ix) Gravitational pressure effect on venous pressure (in standing posture, gravity negatively effects venous return)
• Sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes venoconstriction & thus decreases the volume of the veins. This can push blood into
heart & thus play a major role in regulation of heart pumping
• There is negative intra-thoracic pressure in inspiration, due to descent of diaphragm (when volume increases, pressure decreases
a ordi g to Bo le’s la ) so e ous retur i reases due to su tio effe t thora i pu p & i e ersa.
Q.7: A middle aged man riding on a bicycle was hit by a speedy car. He fell on the ground and got multiple injuries. He was taken to the
emergency department of a nearby hospital after one hour. He was bleeding profusely from his wounds. He was drowsy. On examination,
his radial pulse was rapid and thready. His skin was pale, cold and clammy. Arterial blood pressure was 70/50 mmHg. 1+1+3 (2008, UHS)
b).what was the cause of rapid pulse, and his cold clammy skin?
b). sympathetic stimulation causes tachycardia and vasoconstriction of the blood vessels in skin (leading to clod and clammy skin). 1 mark
• Simple measures e.g. raising the legs to increase venous return towards heart.
• Blood transfusion should be given ideally because this is a case of shock caused by hemorrhage.
• Sympathomimetics drugs e.g. dopamine and epinephrine may be given to increase the blood pressure.
b). What is renin angiotensin mechanism? Briefly describe its significance. 1+1
• Chemoreceptor mechanism.
• Bainbridge reflex.
• Stress-relaxation mechanism.
• Renin-angiotensin-aldosteron mechanism.
• Renin is synthesized and stored in modified smooth muscle cells in afferent arterioles of the kidney.
• AI is converted to AII by a converting enzyme located in the endothelial cells in the pulmonary circulation.
• Causes vasoconstriction.
• Causes sodium (Na+) retention by direct and indirect actions on the kidney. in this way it allows a normal person to maintain a
normal blood pressure despite large variations in salt intake.
In heart failure, liver failure and renal artery stenosis this system is activated and causes fluid retention (edema) in the body.
In uncompensated heart failure it causes fluid retention leading to irreversible shock.
Tumor of renin secreting cell may lead to hypertension.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril, enalapril) are antihypertensive drugs.
Q.9: Define edema. How is interstitial fluid formed? Explain with starling forces acting on the systemic capillaries.
Edema: 1 mark
The swelling of soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation in interstitial space is called as edema.
Edema is often more prominent in the lower legs and feet toward the end of the day as result of pooling of fluid from the
upright position maintained during the day. This sort of edema is usually seen in heart failure.
Upon awakening from sleeping, patients can have swelling around the eyes referred to as "periorbital edema." This
type of edema is seen in cases of nephritic syndrome.
Four primary hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces (Starling forces) determine fluid movement through the capillary membrane
into the interstitial space:
1. The capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc): which tends to force fluid outward through the capillary membrane.
2. The interstitial fluid pressure (Pif), which tends to force fluid inward through the capillary
membrane when Pif is positive but outward when Pif is negative.
3. The capillary plasma colloid osmotic pressure (Pc), which tends to cause osmosis of fluid inward through the capillary
4. The interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure (Pif), which tends to cause osmosis of fluid outward through the capillary
Q.10: How is coronary blood flow regulated? Briefly describe the mechanisms. 5 marks
Norma Coronary Flow at rest is equal to 225 ml/min.
5) Heart Rate.
Coronary blood flow is auto regulated according to O2 consumption & demand (directly proportional).
This hypoxia causes release of vasodilators in the myocardium. The most important one is adenosine.
• Direct effect: in most of the cases this causes Coronary vasoconstriction. It is less important in overall regulation of coronary blood
• Indirect effect: (more important!) More heart rate & contraction more myocardial metabolism & O2 consumption more
vasodilators causing Vasodilatation of coronaries.
• Indirect effect: decreased heart rate & contraction decreased myocardial metabolism & O2 consumption less vasodilators and
less Vasodilatation of coronaries leading to less blood flow.