Nortek Quick Guide: - To Vectrino Profiler
Nortek Quick Guide: - To Vectrino Profiler
Nortek Quick Guide: - To Vectrino Profiler
Click the Configuration button to activate the dialog for configuring the instrument
velocity settings, bottom check settings and disk file parameters. A description of
each submenu and each parameter can be found in the SW User Guide. Extra
attention should be given to the Velocity range parameter. Read more about Weak
Spots below.
When the parameters are adjusted, press Apply and/or OK and accept the changes.
By using the Open/Save commands in the File menu the configuration parameters
can be saved to a *.nts file at any given time and re-loaded when it is time to
actually deploy the instrument.
Getting Started
Data can be displayed by clicking the Start Collecting Data button.
After data collection has started, the button switches to Stop Collecting Data. The
button switches back to Start mode when the instrument has been verified to
Install the Nortek software complete collecting data.
The display window shows profiling and time series graphs for data currently being
The instrument’s software is collected. A status display is also shown on the upper right of the panel. This shows
located on the attached four lights used to display status information while collecting data (run status,
memory stick. Please check collection status, connection status, and instrument status). Hovering the mouse over each status light will display information that is more detailed. Save to Disk can be enabled either before data collection is started or during data
regularly for updates on both collection. The preferred mode of operation is to enable Save to Disk before
software and firmware. starting collection.
Weak Spots
The system can suffer from data degradation due to reflections from previous pulse(s)
interfering with the current pulse. These weak spots may be seen in amplitude data as
unexpected sharp peaks in an otherwise smooth profile. More information about this
phenomenon can be found in the Principles of Operation, available at
Weak spots are related to the spatial separation between the pulse pairs transmitted by
the instrument. The Velocity Range controls how far apart in time the two pulses used Software
to determine the Doppler shift are. Using the Max Interval algorithm allows this time New software provides
interval to be adjusted manually. The rule of thumb is to set the velocity range as low as enhanced capabilities such as
possible without the potential for water velocities to exceed the horizontal or vertical real-time plots of velocity
velocity ranges. The velocity range can then be adjusted to a slightly higher range to profiles, velocity standard
move the weak spots out of the sampling window. The Vectrino Profiler can also use an deviation, energy spectra and
adaptive ping interval algorithm to help alleviate these issues. This allows the ping color contour plots. The
intervals to be adjusted dynamically during data collection to account for changing acquisition software is used to
conditions within the environment. Options range from Once (perform adaptive check configure the instrument and to
only during the configuration phase at the start of acquisition) or 1/sec (dynamic collect, save and display data in
checking). See the SW User Guide for more information. real-time. Proper visualization of
data as it is being collected
Mounting Guidelines greatly facilitates the operation
Make sure that there are no obstructions between the sensor and the focal point of the instrument, allowing early
(sampling volume). detection of incorrect
Consider the effects of large objects on the flow itself. A rough rule of thumb is that configuration parameters or
objects disturb the flow as far as 10 diameters away from the object. The flow anomalous behavior of the
disturbance is greatest directly downstream in the wake behind the object. instrument due to external
All acoustic transducers must be submerged during data collection. Operating your factors. The software supports
Vectrino Profiler when the transducers are out of water will not cause any damage, four modes of visualization:
but your data will be meaningless. textual (for slowly varying data),
The best quality is achieved if the main flow direction is perpendicular to the profile plots, time series plots
transmit axis. Flow directly into the transmit axis should be avoided. and real-time 2D contour plots
Make sure your mounting structure is stable. Small vibrations in the mounting can (imaging).
generate large accelerations in the data.
The bottom material used in a lab environment can have a marked effect on the The software is also capable of
quality of the data. Acoustically highly reflective surfaces will cause very large return supporting multiple instruments
signals, which pollute the water column in such a way that obtaining reliable data is simultaneously. Each instrument
not possible. If the instrument is to be used in such an environment (e.g. a metal is provided with its own panel
bottomed flume), a sheet of some sort of absorptive material (e.g. soft rubber) created in a separate tab.
should be placed along the bottom underneath the probe.
Note: When mounting your Vectrino Profiler, use the recessions to strap it to the
structure. Never use the probe stem as mounting point.
As most problems are caused by simple mistakes, please initially
check if
you have forgotten to power the system
the connector has fallen out of the computer
you are using the wrong serial port
You may find that there is a lot of noise in the velocity data. This
may be caused by
not enough particles in the water
the velocity range being set too high
the sampling volume being located beyond the bottom
reflection and reverberation conditions at the bottom
probe malfunction. Test the probe with the Probe Check feature.
When all obvious mistakes are ruled out, please turn to our
Troubleshooting Guide available at