Cuban Revolution
Cuban Revolution
Cuban Revolution
Cuba was a Spanish Colony
Anti labor
Was a dictator
This was the time that Havana was the “hot” spot for US tourists--night
clubs, gambling
The Cuban Revolution
The Revolution itself
It began with the assault on the Moncada
Barracks on July 26, 1953, and ended on
January 1, 1959, when Batista was driven
from the country and the cities Santa Clara
and Santiago de Cuba were seized by rebels,
led by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro's
surrogates Raul Castro and Huber Matos,
Fidel Castro
He led the revolution and shortly after was sworn in
as the Prime Minister of Cuba.
Industrial Production
-- At first Castro
attempted to increase
Cuba’s industrial
-- Failed because of
mismanagement, corruption
Economic Aims
Sugar Production
Until about 1976 economy grew, but price of sugar fell to 8¢ pound in
‘77 and economy dropped
Social Aims
• Batista’s Cuba