U660E: Diagnosing The Toyota 6-Speed: Smart
U660E: Diagnosing The Toyota 6-Speed: Smart
U660E: Diagnosing The Toyota 6-Speed: Smart
Street Smart
U660E: Diagnosing
the Toyota 6-Speed by Mike Brown
computer has
a learning
to adapt
to vehicle
...most diagnostic
procedures only involve
inspecting one circuit
at a time. With a basic
understanding of the
system and a firm
grasp on the principles
of electricity, you
should have no trouble
performing accurate
diagnoses and repairs.
Diagnostic Procedures
Toyota and Lexus use a large num-
ber of ECU-controlled systems. These
systems are often very intricate, requir-
ing a high level of technical knowledge
to troubleshoot.
But most diagnostic procedures
only involve inspecting one circuit at a Figure 3
time. With a basic understanding of the sending current to the faulty circuit. Check the solenoids for a short to
system and a firm grasp on the prin- At the same time, the TCM goes ground; connect your meter between
ciples of electricity, you should have no into failsafe operation, controlling the the each solenoid wire and the chassis
trouble performing accurate diagnoses remaining shift solenoids to provide ground. Resistance should be 10kΩ or
and repairs. basic transmission operation. higher. Below 10kΩ indicates a short
to ground.
Shift Solenoid Operation Inspection Procedure • If the solenoid resistance is
The TCM commands shifts by Remove the TCM from the trans- okay and there’s no indication of a short
turning the shift solenoids on or off in a axle and measure the solenoid resis- to ground, you’re probably dealing with
specific sequence. tances. (figure 3) a faulty TCM.
When there’s an open or short SLT, SLU, SL1, SL2, SL3, and • If the solenoid resistance is out
circuit in any shift solenoid circuit, the SL4................................ 5.0–5.6Ω of spec, or the resistance between the
TCM detects the problem, lights the SL.................................... 11–15Ω solenoid and ground is below 10kΩ,
MIL, and stores a code. It also stops you’ll need to replace the solenoid.
Figure 4
Figure 5