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ZXR10 5900E Series

All Gigabit-Port Intelligent Routing Switch

User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

Version 2.8.23.B

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 Nov. 9, 2009 First Release

Serial Number: sjzl20096393

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About This Manual.............................................. i

VLAN Configuration ...........................................1
VLAN Overview .............................................................. 1
VLAN Type ................................................................. 1
VLAN Tag................................................................... 2
VLAN Link Type .......................................................... 2
Default VLAN ............................................................. 3
PVLAN....................................................................... 3
QinQ......................................................................... 4
Subnet VLAN ............................................................. 4
Protocol VLAN ............................................................ 5
VLAN Translation ........................................................ 5
SuperVLAN ................................................................ 5
Configuring VLAN ........................................................... 6
Creating VLAN............................................................ 6
Creating a VLAN in VLAN Database ............................... 6
Setting VLAN Name .................................................... 6
Setting VLAN Link Type on Ethernet Interface................. 7
Adding VLAN Member Port ........................................... 7
Adding Ports to a VLAN in Batches ................................ 8
Setting the Native VLAN for a Trunk or Hybrid Port .......... 8
Setting VLAN Filtering on a Port.................................... 8
Setting Frame Filtering Type of a Port ............................ 9
Creating VLAN Layer 3 Interface ................................... 9
VLAN Configuration Example ........................................ 9
Configuring PVLAN.........................................................10
Configuring QinQ ...........................................................11
Configuring Subnet VLAN................................................11
Configuring Protocol VLAN ..............................................13
Configuring VLAN Translation ..........................................14
Configuring SuperVLAN ..................................................14
VLAN Maintenance and Diagnosis.....................................16

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SVLAN Configuration ....................................... 17
SVLAN Overview............................................................17
SVLAN Configuration ......................................................17
SVLAN Configuration Example .........................................19
Basic SVLAN Configuration..........................................19
Transparent Transmission SVLAN Configuration..............20
802.1P Priority Configuration.......................................21
SVLAN Maintenance and Diagnosis...................................21
SVLAN COS Configuration ................................ 23
SVLAN COS Overview.....................................................23
Configuring SVLAN COS..................................................23
SVLAN COS Configuration Example ..................................24
SVLAN COS Maintenance and Diagnosis............................24
MAC Address Table Configuration.................... 27
Introduction to MAC Address ...........................................27
Composition and Meaning of MAC Address Table ............27
MAC Address Classification..........................................28
MAC Address Table Establishment and Deletion..............28
Configuring MAC Address Table........................................29
Setting MAC Address Aging Time .................................30
Burning MAC Addresses..............................................30
Configuring MAC Address Permanent............................30
Binding MAC Address to a Port ....................................31
Enabling MAC Address Learning ...................................32
Limiting MAC Address Count .......................................32
Setting MAC Address Learning Protection ......................32
Setting Port Unkown Source MAC Address Filtering .........33
Setting MAC Address Filtering......................................33
Viewing MAC Address Table.........................................34
MAC Address Table Configuration Example ........................34
STP Configuration............................................ 37
STP Overview ...............................................................37
SSTP Mode ...............................................................37
RSTP Mode ...............................................................38
MSTP Mode...............................................................38
BPDU Protection ........................................................40
Configuring STP ............................................................45
Enabling/Disabling STP...............................................45
Configuring STP Mode ................................................45
Configuring STP Parameters ........................................45

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Creating Instances.....................................................46
Configuring MSTP Name and Version ............................47
Configuring Switch and Port Priority .............................47
Excluding a Port from Spanning Tree Calculation ............48
BPDU Protection Configuration.........................................48
Configuring BPDU Protection on Edge Port.....................48
Configuring Port Loopback Function..............................49
Configuring Port Root Protection Function .....................49
STP Configuration Examples............................................49
BPDU Protection Configuration Example............................52
Edge Port BPDU Protection Configuration Examples .........52
Port Loopback Protection Configuration Example ............53
Port Root Protection Configuration Example...................54
STP Maintenance and Diagnosis.......................................54
ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration ............................. 57
ZESR/ZESR+ Overview ..................................................57
Configuring ZESR/ZESR+ ...............................................58
Configuring ZESR Area Protection Instance ...................58
Configuring Major-level Ring ZESR ...............................58
Configuring Access Ring ZESR .....................................60
Configuring ZESR Restart-Time ...................................61
ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration Example ................................61
ZESR Configuration Example .......................................61
ZESR and ZESR+ Hybrid Configuration Example ............64
ZESS Configuration.......................................... 67
ZESS Overview .............................................................67
Configuring ZESS ..........................................................68
Creating ZESS Domain ...............................................68
Configuring Preup Time ..............................................69
Configuring ZESS Mode ..............................................69
Configuring ZESS Control VLAN ...................................70
Configuring ZESS Port ................................................70
Clearing ZESS receive-vlan Ports .................................71
ZESS Configuration Example ...........................................71
ZESS Maintenance .........................................................74
ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking
Configuration .................................................. 75
ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking Overview .................75
Configuring ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking .............76

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Configuring SVLAN.....................................................76
Configuring Port MAC Duplication.................................77
Configuring Port LOOPBACK ........................................77
Configuring One-Way PVLAN .......................................78
Configuring ZESR ......................................................78
Configuration Example ...................................................78
Link Aggregation Configuration ....................... 81
Link Aggregation Overview .............................................81
Configuring Link Aggregation ..........................................82
Link Aggregation Configuration Example ...........................83
Link Aggregation Maintenance and Diagnosis.....................84
IGMP Snooping Configuration.......................... 87
IGMP Snooping Overview................................................87
Multicast Group Join...................................................88
Multicast Group Leave ................................................88
Fast Leave ................................................................89
Configuring IGMP Snooping.............................................89
Enabling IGMP snooping .............................................89
Configuring ssm-mapping ...........................................89
Configuring Topology Discovery Convergence ................90
Configuring an Agent Querier ......................................90
Configuring IGMP Agent .............................................90
Restricting a Multicast Group.......................................91
Limiting Quantity of Users...........................................91
Configuring Static IGMP SNOOPING .............................92
Modifying Default Time...............................................92
IGMP Snooping Configuration Example .............................92
IGMP Snooping Maintenance and Diagnosis .......................93
UDLD Configuration ......................................... 95
UDLD Overview .............................................................95
Configuring UDLD ..........................................................96
UDLD Global Configuration..........................................96
UDLD Interface Configuration 
UDLD Configuration Notification Items .........................97
LLDP................................................................ 99
LLDP Overview ..............................................................99
Configuring LLDP ......................................................... 100
LLDP Configuration Example ......................................... 100
L2PT Configuration ........................................ 103

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L2PT Overview ............................................................ 103
Command Configuration ............................................... 103
L2PT Configuration Example.......................................... 104
Ethernet OAM Configuration .......................... 107
802.3ah Overview ....................................................... 107
Overview................................................................ 107
Remote Discovery.................................................... 108
Remote Loopback .................................................... 108
Link Monitor............................................................ 109
Configuring 802.3ah .................................................... 109
Function Configuration ............................................. 109
Enhanced Function Configuration ............................... 110
Instance Configuration ............................................. 111
CFM Configuration ....................................................... 112
CFM Overview ......................................................... 112
Configuring CFM ...................................................... 115
Basic Configuration of CFM ............................... 115
CFM Function Configuration .............................. 117
Enhanced Function Configuration ...................... 120
Instance Configuration..................................... 120
Sflow Configuration ....................................... 123
Overview.................................................................... 123
SFlow Sampling Unit ................................................ 124
SFlow Agent Unit ..................................................... 124
SFlow Collector ....................................................... 124
Configuring sFlow ........................................................ 125
SFlow Configuration Example ........................................ 125
SFlow Maintenance and Diagnosis.................................. 126
IPFIX Configuration ...................................... 129
IPFIX Overview ........................................................... 129
IPFIX Overview ....................................................... 129
Sampling................................................................ 130
Timeout Management............................................... 130
Data Output............................................................ 131
Configuring IPFIX ........................................................ 131
Basic Configuration .................................................. 131
Enabling/Disabling IPFIX Module ....................... 131
Setting IPFIX Memory Entries ........................... 131
Setting Aging Time of Active Stream.................. 131
Setting Aging Time of Inactive Stream ............... 132

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Setting Sampling Rate ..................................... 132
Setting NM Server Address and L4 Port ID.......... 132
Setting Source Address for Network Device
Sending Packets .................................. 132
Configuring TOPN............................................ 132
Template Configuration............................................. 133
Setting Template............................................. 133
Setting Data Field Contained in Template
Packet ................................................ 133
Deleting Template ........................................... 133
Running Template ........................................... 133
IPFIX Configuration Example ......................................... 133
IPFIX Maintenance and Diagnosis .................................. 134
Figures .......................................................... 137
Glossary ........................................................ 139

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About This Manual

Purpose This manual is ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port

Intelligent Routing Switch User Manual (Ethernet Switching Vol-
ume). This manual introduces Ethernet switching functions sup-
ported by ZXR10 5900E including VLAN configuration, STP config-
uration, ZESS configuration and Ethernet OAM configuration.
Intended This manual is intended for the following engineers:
� on-site maintenance engineers
� network monitor engineers
� system maintenance engineer
What Is in This ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent Rout-
Manual ing Switch User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume) contains the
following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 VLAN This chapter introduces VLAN concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 2 SVLAN This chapter introduces SVLAN concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 3 SVLAN COS This chapter introduces SVLAN COS

Configuration concept, related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 4 MAC Table This chapter introduces MAC Table concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 5 STP This chapter introduces STP concept, related

Configuration configuration command and configuration

Chapter 6 This chapter introduces ZESR/ZESR+

ZESR/ZESR+ concept, related configuration command and
Configuration configuration example.

Chapter 7 ZESS This chapter introduces ZESS concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 8 ZESR This chapter introduces ZESR and SVLAN

and SVLAN Linkage Networking concept, related
Linkage Networking configuration command and configuration
Configuration example.

Chapter 9 Link This chapter introduces Link Aggregation

Aggregation concept, related configuration command and
Configuration configuration example.

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ZXR10 5900E Series User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

Chapter Summary

Chapter 10 IGMP This chapter introduces IGMP Snooping

Snooping Configuration concept, related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 11 UDLD This chapter introduces UDLD concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 12 LLDP This chapter introduces LLDP concept, related

Configuration configuration command and configuration

Chapter 13 L2PT This chapter introduces L2PT concept, related

Configuration configuration command and configuration

Chapter 14 Ethernet This chapter introduces Ethernet OAM

OAM Configuration concept, related configuration command and
configuration example.

Chapter 15 sflow This chapter introduces sflow concept, related

Configuration configuration command and configuration

Chapter 16 IPFIX This chapter introduces IPFIX concept,

Configuration related configuration command and
configuration example.

Related � ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent

Documentation Routing Switch Hardware Manual
� ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent
Routing Switch User Manual (Basic Configuration Volume)
� ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent
Routing Switch User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)
� ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent
Routing Switch User Manual (IPv4 Routing Volume)
� ZXR10 5900E (V2.8.23.B) Series All Gigabit-Port Intelligent
Routing Switch User Manual (IPv6 Routing Volume)

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Chapter 1

VLAN Configuration

Table of Contents
VLAN Overview .................................................................. 1
Configuring VLAN ............................................................... 6
Configuring PVLAN.............................................................10
Configuring QinQ ...............................................................11
Configuring Subnet VLAN....................................................11
Configuring Protocol VLAN ..................................................13
Configuring VLAN Translation ..............................................14
Configuring SuperVLAN ......................................................14
VLAN Maintenance and Diagnosis.........................................16

VLAN Overview
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a technology that divides a
physical network into several logical (virtual) Local Area Networks
(LANs). Each VLAN is identified by a VLAN ID (VID).
VLAN technology divides users within a physical LAN into different
broadcast domains (VLANs) according to requirements. Users with
the same demands are grouped to the same broadcast domain,
while those with different demands are separated.
Each VLAN, like a logically independent LAN, shares the same at-
tributes as those physical LANs. All broadcast and unicast traffics
within a VLAN are limited to the VLAN but are not forwarded to
any other VLAN. Devices in different VLANs must rely on L3 rout-
ing switching for communication between them.
VLAN provides the following advantages:
1. Lower broadcast traffic on the network
2. Enhanced network security
3. Streamlined network management

LAN type of a device depends on how it will divide a received frame
to a VLAN. ZXR10 5900E supports port-based VLAN, the simplest
and most effective method of VLAN division. It divides its various
ports into different VLANs, so that any traffic received on a port
belongs to its corresponding VLAN.

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ZXR10 5900E Series User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

Assume ports 1, 2 and 3 belong to the same VLAN, while the other
ports belong to other VLANs, then frames received on port 1 are
broadcast to ports 2 and 3 only while they are not passed to any
other port. When a user in a VLAN moves to a new location, it no
longer belongs to the original VLAN unless the user is assigned to
that VLAN again.

It is possible to transmit services of several VLANs over a single
link if a frame carries information about its native VLAN while being
passed through a network. IEEE 802.1Q implements this function
through attaching a VLAN tag to the Ethernet frame.
A VLAN tag is a four-byte long number, and it comes after the
source MAC address and before the length/type field in an Ethernet
frame. Figure 1 shows the VLAN tag format.


VLAN tag is applied to cross-switch VLANs, when the link between

switches is usually called a trunk. VLAN tag allows VLANs cross
several switches to be created through one or more trunks. When
the ports connecting these switches receive a tagged frame, the
ports can judge which VLAN the frame belongs to based on the
VLAN tag.
Each 802.1Q port is allocated a default VLAN ID, called PVID. Un-
tagged frames received on a port is considered belonging to the
default VLAN, and then broadcasted in that VLAN.
ZXR10 5900E supports IEEE 802.1Q tag.

VLAN Link Type

ZXR10 5900E ports support the following links:
1. Access link
It connects devices (such as workstation) that cannot iden-
tify VLAN tags to the VLAN switch port. It transmits untagged
frames only to a single VLAN.
2. Trunk link

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

It connects two devices that can identify VLAN tags and car-
ries several VLAN’s services. It transmits tagged frames only
to several VLANs. The most common trunk link is the one be-
tween two VLAN switches.
3. Hybrid Link
It transmits both tagged and untagged frames. For a given
VLAN, however, it only transmits frames of the same type.

Default VLAN
ZXR10 5900E has a default VLAN initially, which has the following
� VLAN ID as 1
� VLAN name as VLAN0001
� All ports included
� Untagged by default on all ports

To improve network security, messages among different users shall
be separated. The traditional method is to assign a VLAN to each
user. The method has obvious limitation, which can be seen from
the following aspects:
1. At present, IEEE 802.1Q standard supports utmost 4094
VLANs, which limits the number of users and network expan-
2. Each VLAN corresponds to one IP subnet, so vast divided sub-
nets will cause the waste of IP addresses.
3. Planning and management to a mass of VLANs and IP subnets
is extremely complicated.
PVLAN (Private VLAN) technology is developed to solve these prob-
PVLAN divides the ports in VLAN into three types: the port con-
necting to the user is called Isolate Port, the port connecting to a
group of users that need interconnection and intercommunication
is called Community Port and the port connecting to the upstream
router is called Promiscuous Port. The isolated port communicates
with the promiscuous port only, but not with any other isolated
port or community port. Community port can communicate with
promiscuous port and any other community port, but not with iso-
lated port. Thus ports in the same VLAN are separated. The user
who connects with isolated port can only communicate with its
default gateway, the user who connects community port can in-
terconnect and intercommunicate. Network security is ensured.
ZXR10 5900E supports 20 PVLAN groups, each group having cus-
tomized isolated ports and at most 256 isolated ports, 16 commu-
nity ports and 8 promiscuous ports.

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ZXR10 5900E Series User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

QinQ, also known as VLAN stack, is a graphic name for the IEEE
802.1Q based tunnel protocol. QinQ technology encapsulates the
original VLAN tag (inner tag) with another VLAN tag (outer tag) so
that the inner tag is masked.
QinQ implements simple Layer 2 VPN (L2VPN) without protocol
support, applicable to small-sized LANs with L3 switches as their
QinQ typical networking is shown in Figure 2. Port to the cus-
tomer network is called the customer port. The port to the Service
Provider network is called the uplink port, and the SP edge access
device is called Povider Edge (PE).


The customer network is usually connected to the PE through trunk

VLAN. Uplinks ports in the SP network are connected symmetri-
cally in the trunk VLAN mode.
When a packet (tagged/untagged) from customer network 1
reaches the customer port of switch A. Switch A attaches an outer
tag (VLAN ID as 10) to its forcibly. Within the SP network, packet
is forwarded to all ports in VLAN 10. This packet finally arrives at
switch B. Switch B recognizes that the port to customer network
2 is a customer port, then dispatches the outer tag complying
with the traditional 802.1Q to restore the original packet. Switch
B sends the packet to customer network 2.
Thus data is transparently transmitted between customer net-
works 1 and 2 through the SP network. This allows the customer
considerable flexibility for Private VLAN ID planning, without any
conflict with those of the SP network.

Subnet VLAN
Subnet-based VLAN applies to L2 VLAN networks for flexible con-
figuration of data frame forwarding. Subnet-based VLAN forward
a data frame to a VLAN based on the source IP address. This
source IP address based VLAN can forward user data from differ-
ent subnets cross several VLANs, while remain the original VLAN
membership unchanged.

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

Subnet VLAN isolates data frames from different source IP ad-

dresses so that a user has access to data from its own subnet
only. The subnet VLAN priority in untagged frame forwarding is
higher than that of protocol VLAN or PVID; the priority of tagged
frame forwarding in the tagged mode is higher than that of subnet
Port is enabled on Subnet VLAN by default and also can be disabled
according to actual demands.
ZXR10 5900E supports up to 256 subnet VLANs, that is, supports
processing data frames from 256 source IP subnets.

Protocol VLAN
Protocol-based VLAN applies to L3 networks or those running many
protocols. Protocol-based VLAN divides packets based on their
network layer encapsulation protocol. Packets with the same tag
belong to the same protocol VLAN. This network layer protocol
based VLAN can broadcast packets cross several VLAN switches.
It allows users to move freely in the network while remain their
VLAN membership unchanged.
This solution eliminates the need to reconfigure the VLAN when a
user moves to another physical location in the network. In addi-
tion, as VLANs are identified based on the protocol type instead of
attached frame tag, traffic through the network reduces.
Protocol VLAN is not only enabled on all physical ports by default
but also disabled on ports according to demands, which identifies
that VLANs are based on the packet tag only. It separates packets
with different tags so that users have access to data from other
users in the same VLAN only.
ZXR10 5900E supports up to 16 protocol VLANs. This means that
protocol VLANs support processing packets with 16 kinds of tags.

VLAN Translation
VLAN translation permits the switches of different users to have
same VLAN ID. With VLAN translation, core switch modifies the
same VLAN ID of edge switches into the different VLAN ID. This
function isolate user in core switch and simply the configuration of
edge switch.
ZXR10 5900E support 768 VLAN translation.

On a traditional ISP network, one IP subnet is allocated to each
user, which means that the occupation of three IP addresses by a
single user as its subnet address, broadcast address and default
gateway address. Even if there are a number of idle IP addresses

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in a user’s subnet, they cannot be allocated to other users. This

causes waste of IP addresses.
SuperVLAN effectively resolves this problem. It merges several
VLANs (called sub-VLAN) to a SuperVLAN so that they can use the
same IP subnet and default gateway.
With the SuperVLAN technology, the ISP needs only one IP sub-
net for its SuperVLAN. It creates a sub-VLAN for each of its users.
These sub-VLANs can use flexibly the IP addresses in the Super-
VLAN subnet and share the default gateway of the SuperVLAN.
Each sub-VLAN is an independent broadcast domain, ensuring user
isolation, and communicates with other sub-VLANs through Super-
VLAN routing.

Configuring VLAN
Creating VLAN

Command Function

ZXR10(config)# vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>} This creates specific VLAN and

enters into VLAN configuration

Creating a VLAN in VLAN Database

To create a VLAN in VLAN database, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#vlan list <vlan-list>[name <vlan-name>] This creates a VLAN in VLAN


Setting VLAN Name

To set VLAN name, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-vlanX)#name <vlan-name> This sets VLAN name.

VLAN name uniquely identifies a VLAN. This can be a group, de-

partment and region name. By default, a VLAN name is “VLAN”
+ VLAN ID. VLAN ID includes four digits (0s are pretended when
there are less than four digits). Name of VLAN 4 is VLAN0004.

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

Setting VLAN Link Type on Ethernet

To set VLAN link type on Ethernet port, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport mode {access|trunk This sets VLAN link type on

|hybrid} Ethernet port.

There are three VLAN link types for Ethernet interface of ZXR10
5900E: Access mode, Trunk mode and Hybrid mode. Access mode
is used by default.
� Ports of access mode belong to only one VLAN, support un-
tagged frames and are usually connected to computers.
� Ports of trunk mode can belong to several VLANs (re-
ceives/sends packets from/to several VLANs), support tagged
frames, and are usually used as trunk ports between switches.
� Ports of hybrid mode can belong to several VLANs (re-
ceives/sends packets from/to several VLANs), support both
tagged and untagged frames (customized), and can be used
to connect both switches and computers.
Ports of hybrid mode are different from trunk ports. They send
both tagged and untagged frames (trunk ports send untagged
frames only when they are from the default VLAN).

Adding VLAN Member Port

To add an access, trunk or hybrid port to a specified VLAN, use
following commands.
Access port only can be added to one VLAN, Trunk port and Hybrid
port can be added into multiple VLANs.
� To add an access port into a specific VLAN, use the following

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport access vlan This command adds an access

{<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>} port to a specified VLAN.

� To add a trunk port to a specific VLAN, use the following com-


Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport trunk vlan <vlan-list> This command adds a trunk port

to a specified VLAN.

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� To add a hybrid port into a specific VLAN, use the following


Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport hybrid vlan This command adds a hybrid

<vlan-list>[tag|untag] port to a specified VLAN.

Adding Ports to a VLAN in Batches

To add ports to a VLAN in batches, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-vlanX)#switchport {pvid|tag|untag}<por This adds ports to a VLAN in

t-list> batches.

Setting the Native VLAN for a Trunk

or Hybrid Port
An access port belongs to only one VLAN, its native VLAN is the
VLAN to which it belongs. This requires no additional configuration.
Trunk port and hybrid port belong to multiple vlans and they need
to set native vlan. If native vlan is set on port, when one frame
with no vlan tag is received on port, it will be forwarded to the port
belonging to this native vlan. Native vlan of trunk port and hybrid
port is vlan 1 by default.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport trunk native vlan This command sets native

{<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>} VLAN for a trunk port.

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#switchport hybrid native This command sets native

vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>} VLAN for a hybrid port.

Setting VLAN Filtering on a Port

To set VLAN filtering on a port, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)# ingress filtering {enable|disab This sets VLAN filtering on a

le} port.

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

When ingress filtering is enabled on a port, the port drops a re-

ceived frame if the VLAN to which the frame belongs does not
include the ingress. By default, VLAN ingress filtering is enable.

Setting Frame Filtering Type of a Port

To set frame filtering type of a port, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#acceptable frame types {all|tag} This sets frame filtering type of

a port.

This sets the frame type of the port which can receive all types
of frames including untagged and tagged frames. By default, all
frames are received.

Creating VLAN Layer 3 Interface

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#interface {vlan <vlan-id>|<vlan-if>} This creates VLAN layer 3


It is necessary to create this VLAN before creating VLAN layer 3


VLAN Configuration Example

The ports gei_1/1 and gei_1/2 on Switch A, and the ports gei_1/1
and gei_1/2 on switch B, belong to VLAN 10; the ports gei_1/4
and gei_1/5 on switch A, and the ports gei_1/4 and gei_1/5 on
switch B, belong to VLAN 20. The four ports are all access ports,
as shown in Figure 3. Switches A and B are connected through
ports gei_1/24 (two trunk ports) over a trunk link.


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Configuration of Switch A:
ZXR10_A(config)#vlan 10
ZXR10_A(config-vlan10)#switchport pvid gei_1/1-2
ZXR10_A(config)#vlan 20
ZXR10_A(config-vlan20)#switchport pvid gei_1/4-5
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/24
ZXR10_A(config--gei_1/24)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/24)#switchport trunk vlan 10
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/24)#switchport trunk vlan 20

Configuration of Switch B:
ZXR10_B(config)#vlan 10
ZXR10_B(config-vlan10)#switchport pvid gei_1/1-2
ZXR10_B(config)#vlan 20
ZXR10_B(config-vlan20)#switchport pvid gei_1/4-5
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/24
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/24)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/24)#switchport trunk vlan 10
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/24)#switchport trunk vlan 20

Configuring PVLAN
St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map session-id <id>[i This configures isolated

solate <port-list>][promis <port-list>][community ports, promiscuous ports and
<port-list>] community port of Private

2 ZXR10(config)#show vlan private-map This displays the configuration

information of PVLAN.

Example The configuration of two isolated groups is shown below.

Isolated group 1: gei_1/1,gei_1/2,xgei_2/1 and xgei_3/1 are iso-
lated ports, port gei_1/10 is a promiscuous port.
Isolated group 2: gei_1/3,gei_1/4 and gei_4/1 are isolated ports,
gei_1/5,gei_1/6 and gei_5/1 are community ports, gei_1/11 and
gei_1/12 are promiscuous ports.
The detailed configuration is as follows:
ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map session-id 1 isolate
gei_1/1-2,gei_2/1,gei_3/1 promis gei_1/10
ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map session-id 2 isolate
gei_1/3-4,gei_4/1 promis gei_1/11-12 community gei_1/5-6,gei_5/1
ZXR10(config)#show vlan private-map
Session Isolate_Ports Promis_Ports Community_ports Vlan_Cfg Vlan
1 gei_1/1-2,gei_1/10
2 gei_1/3-4,gei_1/11-12 gei_1/5-6,gei_5/1

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

Configuring QinQ
St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config-if)#switchport <port-list> qinq When configuring QinQ, it

{normal|uplink|customer|tpid <tpid>} needs to set customer port of
SPVLAN to untagged port and
uplink port to tagged port.

2 ZXR10(config)# show qinq This views configuration

information of QinQ.

Example In figure QINQ TYPICAL NETWORKING, assume switch A’s cus-

tomer port is gei_1/1, its uplink port is gei_1/24, switch B’s cus-
tomer port is gei_1/1 and its uplink port is gei_1/24.
Configuration of Switch A:
ZXR10_A(config)#vlan 10
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_A(config-if)#switchport qinq customer
ZXR10_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/24
ZXR10_A(config-if)#switchport qinq uplink
ZXR10_A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_A(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 10

Configuration of Switch B:
ZXR10_B(config)#vlan 10
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_B(config-if)#switchport qinq customer
ZXR10_B(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/24
ZXR10_B(config-if)#switchport qinq uplink
ZXR10_B(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_B(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 10

Configuring Subnet VLAN

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#vlan subnet-map session-no<session This creates a subnet VLAN.

-no><ipaddr><mask> vlan {<vlanid><name>}

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St- Command Function


2 ZXR10(config)#show vlan subnet-map This displays configuration of

subnet VLAN.

Example As shown in Figure 4, configure VLAN data on the switch. Config-

ure VLAN20 and VLAN30. Port gei_1/1 belongs to VLAN20, port
gei_1/2 belongs to VLAN30, port gei_1/10 belongs to both VLAN20
and VLAN30. Configure different PVIDs for gei_1/1, gei_1/2 and
gei_1/10. PCs in have access to server 1, and the
PC whose IP address is has access to server 2.


Configuration of switch:
/*Create a VLAN and assign ports to it*/
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid native vlan 20
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 20 untag
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport hybrid native vlan 30
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport hybrid vlan 30 untag

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/10
ZXR10(config-gei_1/10)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/10)#switchport hybrid vlan 20,30 untag
/*Create subnet VLAN data*/
ZXR10(config)#vlan subnet-map session-no
1 vlan 20
ZXR10(config)#vlan subnet-map session-no
vlan 30
/*disable subnet VLAN in some ports which don’t need subnet VLAN*/
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/5
ZXR10(config-gei_1/5)#vlan subnet-map disable

Configuring Protocol VLAN

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#vlan protocol-map session-no This configures protocol

<session-no>{ethernet2| llc| snap}<0xHHHH> vlan VLAN.

2 ZXR10(config)#show vlan protocol-map This views the configuration

of protocol VLAN.

Example Customer port gei_1/1 of a switch receives 0X1000 packets and

0X1001 packets. These packets with different tags can be ob-
served on the other two ports, gei_1/2 and gei_1/3 respectively.
The detailed configuration is as follows:
Configuration of switch:
/*create protocol vlan data*/
ZXR10(config)#vlan protocol-map session-no 1 ethernet2
0x1000 vlan 10
ZXR10(config)#vlan protocol-map session-no 2 ethernet2
0x1001 vlan 20
/*put port into corresponding VLAN*/
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 10,20
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 10
ZXR10(config)#int gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 20
/*disable protocol vlan in some ports which don’t
need protocol vlan*/
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/5
ZXR10(config-gei_1/5)#vlan protocol-map disable

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Configuring VLAN
St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#vlan translate session-no This configures VLAN

<session_id> ingress-port <interface-name> Translation.
ingress-vlan <vlan-list> egress-vlan <vlanId>

2 ZXR10(config)#show vlan translate This views the configuration

of VLAN Translation.

3 ZXR10(config)#vlan egr-translate session-no This configures VLAN

<session_id> egress-port <interface-name> egr-translation.
egress-vlan <vlan-list> ingress-vlan <vlanId>

Example Port gei_1/1 receives a packet which belongs to vlan100. This

packet is to be sent to xgei_2/1. Port xgei_2/1 belongs to VLAN
200. As for the downlink data, users hope that VLAN 200 for-
warded from xgei_2/1 is converted to VLAN 100.
The detailed configuration is as follows:
Configuration of switch:
ZXR10(config)#vlan translate session-no 1
ingress-port gei_1/1 ingress-vlan 100 egress-vlan 200
ZXR10(config)#vlan egr-translate session-no 1
egress-port gei_1/1 egress-vlan 200 ingress-vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#ingress filtering disable
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 100,200
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_2/1
ZXR10(config-gei_2/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_2/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 200

Configuring SuperVLAN
St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#interface {supervlan <supervlan-id This creates a SuperVLAN.


2 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#supervlan <supervlan-id> This adds sub-VLANs onto


3 ZXR10(config)#supervlan inter-subvlan-routing This enables/disables routing

{enable|disable} function among sub-VLANs.

4 ZXR10#show supervlan This views SuperVLAN

configuration information.

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Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration

Example As shown in Figure 5, configure a SuperVLAN on switch A, with its

subnet as and gateway as Configure two
sub-VLANs on switch B, VLAN 2 and VLAN 3, and configure them
to belong to the SuperVLAN. Switch A and switch B are connected
through trunk ports.


Configuration of Switch A:
/*Create a SuperVLAN, and assign subnet and gateway for it*/
ZXR10_A(config)#interface supervlan10
ZXR10_A(config-supervlan10)#ip address
/*Add the SubVLAN to the SuperVLAN*/
ZXR10_A(config)#vlan 2
ZXR10_A(config-vlan2)#supervlan 10
ZXR10_A(config)#vlan 3
ZXR10_A(config-vlan3)#supervlan 10
/*Set vlan trunk port*/
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/10
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/10)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/10)#switchport trunk vlan 2-3

Configuration of Switch B
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/1)#switchport access vlan 2
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/2)#switchport access vlan 2
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/5
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/5)#switchport access vlan 3
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/6
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/6)#switch access vlan 3
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/10

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ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/10)#switch mode trunk

ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/10)#switch trunk vlan 2-3

VLAN Maintenance and

For convenient VLAN maintenance and diagnosis, ZXR10 5900E
provides the following commands:
show vlan [brief|access|trunk|hybrid|id <vlan-id>[ifinde
x]|name <vlan-name>[ifindex]]
This command can be used to view information about all VLANs,
VLAN with specified ID/name, and VLANs with their ports mode as
Access/Trunk/Hybrid. The two examples are as follows.
1. This example shows how to view the configuration information
of VLANs.
ZXR10(config)#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Said MTU IfIndex PvidPorts UntagPorts
1 VLAN0001 active 100001 1500 0 gei_1/5-12
10 VLAN0010 active 100010 1500 0 gei_1/1-3
100 VLAN0100 active 100100 1500 0
130 VLAN0130 active 100130 1500 0 gei_1/4 gei_1/4
136 VLAN0136 active 100136 1500 0
200 VLAN0200 active 100200 1500 0

2. This example shows information of all the VLANs with their port
mode as Trunk.
ZXR10(config)#show vlan trunk
VLAN Name Status Said MTU IfIndex PvidPorts UntagPorts
1 VLAN0001 active 100001 1500 0
10 VLAN0010 active 100010 1500 0 gei_1/3
100 VLAN0100 active 100100 1500 0
130 VLAN0130 active 100130 1500 0
136 VLAN0136 active 100136 1500 0
200 VLAN0200 active 100200 1500 0

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Chapter 2

SVLAN Configuration

Table of Contents
SVLAN Overview ...............................................................17
SVLAN Configuration ..........................................................17
SVLAN Configuration Example .............................................19
SVLAN Maintenance and Diagnosis.......................................21

SVLAN Overview
The full name of SVLAN is selective VLAN. SVLAN is a kind of VLAN
tunnel technology. It provides multi-point to multi-point VLAN
transparent transportation service and simple Layer 2 VPN tunnel
by means of adding a VLAN tag outside original 802.1Q tag and
getting rid of outside VLAN tag when the packet is transported to
edge switch.
SVLAN has the function of providing SPVLAN tag according to traf-
fic, which is different from that ordinary QinQ adds SPVLAN tag
based on ports. That is, in the same Customer port, according
to difference between traffic carried CVLAN tags, provide corre-
sponding SPVLAN tag based on user demands.
SVLAN can modify outer tag value according to inner tag, outer
tag, or the combination of the former tages. Also it can control
if downlink stream need to be redirected from uplink port to cus-
tomer port.
With SVLAN function, User can implement map from QOS to

SVLAN Configuration
1. To configure SVLAN, use the following command.

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St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq session-no <session_id> This command configures

customer-port <interface-name> uplink-port SVLAN.
<interface-name> in-vlan <vlan-list>{ovlan
{<vlanId>|<name>}[ priority < priority-id>]| untag

2 ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no This command configures

<session_id> customer-port < interface-name SVLAN.
> uplink-port < interface-name >{in-vlan
<vlan-list>|outer-vlan <vlanId>| untag
}[outer-vlan <vlanId>]{ovlan <vlanId>[
priority < priority-id >| map ]| helpvlan

Paramters Description:

Parameter Description

session-no <1 - 768>

customer-port CUSTOMER port, which connects user.

uplink-port UPLINK port, which connects service provider.

in-vlan VID of CVLAN

ovlan VID of SPVLAN

Priority designate SPVLAN 802.1p priority <0~7>

untag transparent transportation CVLAN TAG

extend-session-no <1 - 1000>

untag Not carrying CVLAN or VID of CVLAN is 0.

outer-vlan The packet has two layer tages before entering into customer
port, it designates outer VID.

map designate 802.1p priority in SPVLAN as 802.1p priority in


helpvlan When transporting CVLAN TAG transparently, the needed

auxiliary VLAN VID. When single tag transporting
transparently, packet only carries CVLAN TAG when
sended from UPLINK port. When double tags transporting
transparently, auxiliary VLAN VID should be the same as
outer one. The packet still has two layer tags sended from
UPLINK port.

unredirect The downlink packet received from uplink port needn't

redirect to customer port forcibly.

2. To delete SVLAN configuration, use the following command.

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Chapter 2 SVLAN Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#no vlan qinq session-no <session_id> This deletes SVLAN


2 ZXR10(config)#no vlan qinq extend-session-no This deletes SVLAN

{<session_id>|all} configuration.

Paramters Description:

Parameter Description

session-no <1 - 768>

extend-session-no <1 - 1000>

SVLAN Configuration
Basic SVLAN Configuration
Example 1: Port 1 is a customer port, and port 2 is an uplink port.
When CVLAN is 10, 12 and untag, the packet from port1 SPVLAN
is 997,998 and 999 respectively.
ZXR10(config)#switchport gei_1/1 qinq customer
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 997 tag
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 998 tag
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 999 tag
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 ovlan 997
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 2 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 12 ovlan 998
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 3 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 untag ovlan 999

The SVLAN example of viewing configuration:

ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session
Session Customer Uplink In_Vlan Outer-vlan Ovlan Helpvlan
Priority unredirect
1 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 10 997
2 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 12 998
3 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 untag 999

Example 2: Port 1 is a customer port, and port2 is an uplink port.

For the packet from port1: CVLAN is 10, outer tag is 100, new
SPVLAN(modified outer tag) is 200; outer tag VID is 101, new
SPVLAN(modified outer tag) is 201, downlink stream needn't redi-

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ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port

gei_1/1 uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 outer-vlan 100 ovlan 200
ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq extend-session-no 2 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 outer-vlan 101 ovlan 201 unredirect

The SVLAN example of viewing configuration:

ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session
Session Customer Uplink In_Vlan Outer-vlan Ovlan Helpvlan
Priority unredirect
1 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 10 100 200
2 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 101 201

Transparent Transmission SVLAN

Example 1: single tag transparent transmission, port 1 is customer
port. Port 2 is uplink port, for the message from port 1: when
CVLAN is 10 ,transmitted transparently, helper vlan is 100.
ZXR10(config)#switchport gei_1/1 qinq customer
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 100 untag
Z ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 helpvlan 100

The SVLAN example of viewing configuration is as follows.

ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session 1
Session Customer Uplink In_Vlan Outer-vlan Ovlan Helpvlan
Priority unredirect
1 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 10 100

Example 2: double tags transparent transmission, port 1 is cus-

tomer port, port 2 is uplink port, for the message from port 1:
when CVLAN is 10 and outer tag is 100, transmitted transparently,
helper vlan is 100.
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-if)# switchport hybrid vlan 100 tag
Z ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 outer-vlan 100 helpvlan 100

The SVLAN example of viewing configuration is as follows.

ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session 1
Session Customer Uplink In_Vlan Outer-vlan Ovlan Helpvlan
Priority unredirect
1 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 10 100 100

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Chapter 2 SVLAN Configuration

802.1P Priority Configuration

Example: port 1 is customer port, port 2 is uplink port. For the
message from port 1: when CVLAN is 10 and SPVLAN is 100,
SPVLAN priority is 5; when CVLAN is 12 and SPVLAN is 200,
SPVLAN priority is CVLAN priority.
ZXR10(config)#switchport gei_1/1 qinq customer
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 100 tag
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 200 tag
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 ovlan 100 priority 5
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 2 customer-port gei_1/1
uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 12 ovlan 200 map

The SVLAN example of viewing configuration is as follows.

ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session 1
Session Customer Uplink In_Vlan Outer-vlan Ovlan Helpvlan
Priority unredirect
1 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 10 100
2 gei_1/1 gei_1/2 12 200

SVLAN Maintenance and

For convenient SVLAN maintenance and diagnosis, ZXR10 5900E
provides the following commands:

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq session-no This views one or all sessions

<session_id> configuration of SVLAN.

2 ZXR10(config)#show vlan qinq extend-session-no This views one or all

<session_id> extend-session configuration

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Chapter 3


Table of Contents
SVLAN COS Overview.........................................................23
Configuring SVLAN COS......................................................23
SVLAN COS Configuration Example ......................................24
SVLAN COS Maintenance and Diagnosis................................24

SVLAN COS Overview

In SVLAN QinQ mode, when receiving tagged data packet from
user trunk port, uplink port reserves the original data packet tag
and attaches service provider tag. This tag includes 2 bytes Eth-
ernet type (0x8100) and 2 bytes priority and VID, in which priority
field is 3bits and this field is COS, we call this as service type, ser-
vice level. Or service priority. The function is to configure COS
priority value.

Configuring SVLAN COS

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#cos-session < session_id >[cos0 This configures SVLAN COS.

<0-7>],[cos1 <0-7>],[cos2 <0-7>],[cos3 session-id<1 - 16>
<0-7>],[cos4 <0-7>],[cos5 <0-7>],[cos6
<0-7>],[cos7 <0-7>] This configures a cos one time
or many coses.

2 ZXR10(config)#interface <port-name> This enters interface

configuration mode.

3 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#cos-mode cos-map-session This applies session

<session_id> corresponding cos to physical

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St- Command Function


4 ZXR10(config)#no cos-session <session_id> This deletes SVLAN COS


5 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no cos-mode cos-map-ses This deletes the binding of

sion <session_id> session on physical port.

Each physical port can only apply one session. The new configura-
tion will replaces the old one. For example, configure the following
two commands on gei_1/1 interface configuration mode:
1. cos-mode cos-map-session 1
2. cos-mode cos-map-session 2
Here only 2 takes effect.

SVLAN COS Configuration

For example, assume that on port gei_1/1, configure cos0 prior-
ity map is 7, cos1 priority map is 6, cos2 priority map is 5, cos3
priority map is 4, cos4 priority map is 3, cos5 priority map is 2,
cos6 priority map is 1, cos7 priority map is 7; on port gei_1/2,
configure cos1 priority map is 5.
/*configure cos session*/
ZXR10(config)# cos-session 1 cos0 7 cos1 6 cos2 5 cos3 4
cos4 3 cos5 2 cos6 1 cos7 7
ZXR10(config)#cos-session 2 cos1 5
/*apply cos session on physical port*/
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#cos-mode cos-map-session 1
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#cos-mode cos-map-session 2

SVLAN COS Maintenance

and Diagnosis
To perform SVLAN maintenance and diagnosis, ZXR10 5900E pro-
vides the following commands to view all SVLAN session configu-
ration information.

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Chapter 3 SVLAN COS Configuration

1. This views SVLAN COS one or all session configuration.

show qos cos-session<session_id>
2. This views if a physical port applies ACL.
show running-config interface <port-name>

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Chapter 4

MAC Address Table


Table of Contents
Introduction to MAC Address ...............................................27
Configuring MAC Address Table............................................29
MAC Address Table Configuration Example ............................34

Introduction to MAC Address

MAC Media Access Control) address is the hardware identification
of a network device. The switch forwards packets based on MAC
address. MAC address is unique, ensuring accurate packet for-
Each switch maintains a MAC address table called forwarding
database (FDB). FDB records one-to-one mapping relationship
between MAC addresses and switch ports. When receiving a
data frame, the switch decides whether to drop it or forward it
to the proper port based on this table. The FDB is the basis and
prerequisite for fast forwarding.

Composition and Meaning of MAC

Address Table
A MAC address and a VLAN ID pair uniquely identify a MAC address
table entry. ZXR10 5900E MAC address table entry includes the
following items:
1. MAC address: such as 00D0.D056.95CA.
2. Port No.: MAC address corresponding port such as gei_1/1,
3. VLAN ID: MAC address corresponding VLAN ID such as 10.
4. Other marks: Indicate MAC address state and operation.
ZXR10 5900E MAC address table entry has the following marks:
� stc: Whether the MAC address is a static one.
� per: Whether the MAC address is permanent.
� toS: Whether the MAC address is solid.

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� srF: Whether to drop frames from the source MAC address.

� dsF: Whether to drop frames from the destination MAC ad-
� Time: the time of MAC address on the switch. Desiganated by
During L2 forwarding, the switch checks its MAC address table for
the destination MAC address of the received frame, and then for-
ward data to the corresponding port.

MAC Address Classification

ZXR10 5900E MAC address is divided into the following types:
1. Dynamic MAC address
Dynamic MAC addresses are learned by the switch from data
frames it receives, and are deleted when the aging time is due.
When the device connects to another port on the switch, the
corresponding mapping relationship between the MAC addtess
and port number also changes in the MAC address table. Dy-
namic MAC addresses are lost when the switch is powered off
and must be learned again when the switch is rebooted.
2. Static MAC address
Static MAC addresses are configured manually and will never
age. The mapping relationship between MAC address and port
number in the MAC address table remains unchanged despite
of changes of the connecting port between switch and device.
Static MAC addresses are also lost when the switch is powered
off and must be configured again when the switch is rebooted.
3. Permanent MAC address
Permanent MAC addresses are also configured manually. The
mapping relationship between MAC address and port number in
the MAC address table remains unchanged despite of changes
of the connecting port between switch and device. Permanent
MAC addresses will not disappear when the switch is powered

MAC Address Table Establishment

and Deletion
The MAC address table of a switch is null initially. It is created for
fast forwarding. As the size of the MAC address table is limited and
network device changes are frequent, invalid MAC address table
entries should be deleted from the switch in time.
1. Dynamic Learning
Dynamic MAC addresses in the MAC address table are learned
by the switch. The procedure of switch learning MAC address
is as follows:

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Chapter 4 MAC Address Table Configuration

Switch analyzes the source MAC address and VLANID (for ex-
ample, MAC1+VID1) once it receives a data frame on a port.
If judging the MAC address to be valid and learnable, the switch
checks MAC1+VID1 in its MAC address table. If the entry is not
found, the address is added to the MAC address table, other-
wise the entry is updated.

i. MAC address learning is to learn the source MAC address
of received data frames, not the destination MAC address.
ii. MAC address learning applies to unicast addresses only, not
to broadcast or multicast addresses.

2. MAC Address Aging

The size of the MAC address table is limited, so a MAC address
aging mechanism is provided for effective resource utility of
the MAC address table.
A switch considers a device that has got offline or is not in
communication when it fails to receive any data frame from
that device for a certain time period (set aging time), that is, it
does not receive any data frame from its source MAC address
as that of device’s MAC address.
Then the switch deletes that MAC address of the device from
its MAC address table and updates the MAC address table.
MAC address aging applies to dynamic MAC addresses only.
3. Manual Addition and Deletion
An entry can be added to the MAC address table of a switch with
a configuration command when the network is relatively stable
and device is connected to a fixed switch port. Configuration
can take place for dynamic, static or permanent MAC address.
Configuring static or permanent MAC addresses can prevent
MAC spoofing attacks.
MAC address can be deleted with the MAC address deletion
command. Deleting command of ZXR10 5900E can forcibly
delete a dynamically learned MAC address.

Configuring MAC Address

MAC address table of switch can run normally with the default con-
figuration. But some appropriate configuration on MAC address
table can improve the network stability.
The configuration of MAC address table includes the following con-

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Setting MAC Address Aging Time

MAC address aging time influences the switch’s performance.
A shorter aging time may make the switch delete useful MAC ad-
dress table entries. As a result, it broadcasts many packets it
loses track to their destination MAC addresses, which consumes
the bandwidth.
A longer aging time may lead to too many useless entries in the
MAC address table, which use up the MAC address table resources.
New MAC addresses cannot be added to the MAC address table,
so forwarding performance also reduces.
To set MAC Address Aging Time, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)# mac aging-time <time> This sets MAC Address Aging


The address aging time on ZXR10 5900E by default is up to 360s,

configurable range is from 60s to 630s.

Burning MAC Addresses

Learned MAC addresses can be burn in the switch after a period of
stable running if there is not any change in the connecting ports
between switch and device (or in the mapping relationship be-
tween device MAC address and port number. in the MAC address
MAC address burning is to convert all dynamic MAC addresses in
the MAC address table to static MAC addresses that will not age.
After address burning, data frames from these MAC addresses are
not learned when they are received on other ports.
To burn MAC Address, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#mac to-static {enable|disable|interface Burnt MAC addresses are not

<port-name>{enable|disable}} stored permanently but are lost
after power-off.

Configuring MAC Address Permanent

This is a security policy for MAC virus flood. When network runs for
a while, if it is stable user and the location of devices that each port
of switch connects are fixed, that is, the interface that each device
MAC address in switch MAC address table corresponds is fixed,
then make the mac address that learns from port and will learn
from port permanent to prevent MAC deceiving format network

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Chapter 4 MAC Address Table Configuration

attack. Even if after device is rebooted, these MAC addresses still

can be used. Of course, the premise is that automatic writing
function is opened or write operation is implemented.
MAC address permanent means making dynamic MAC address of
corresponding port in MAC address table permanent. After this
configuration, the MAC address learns from the corresponding port
can convert to permanent automatically. These MAC addresses
don’t join aging after converting and can be saved into disk. Mean-
while if data frame with this source address occurs on other ports
switch won’t learn again. The MAC permanent entry number is lim-
ited. Therefore when the newly learned MAC entry on port can’t
continue converting, alarm will occur and subsequent MAC will still
be handled as dynamic entry. When this function is disabled, all
MAC entries converted by this way on this port will be deleted.
To configure MAC address permanent, perform the following com-

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#mac to-permanent interface After MAC address is made

<port-name> enable permanent, these MAC
address will be saved
permanently and won’t
lost when switch is rebooted.

2 ZXR10(config)#mac to-permanent interface After disabling MAC address

<port-name> disable permanent, these permanent
MAC addresses will be deletes.

3 ZXR10(config)#mac auto-write { disable | enable This configures writing

interval <time>} permanent MAC address and
save period.

Binding MAC Address to a Port

A MAC address can be bound to a port of ZXR10 5900E by adding
a static/permanent MAC address to the FD. The mapping relation-
ship between MAC address and port is fixed for static or permanent
MAC address. The relationship will not be released until it is man-
ually deleted.
For binding a MAC address, perform the following steps.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#mac add {dynamic|static|perman When adding MAC address, if

ent}<mac-address> interface <port-name>[vlan the VLAN ID is not designated
<vlan-id>] , add according to port PVID.

2 ZXR10(config)#mac delete {<mac-address>| If a VLAN ID is not specified

interface <port-name>| vlan <vlan-id>} while deleting a MAC
address, all entries matching
<mac-address>will be

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Enabling MAC Address Learning

MAC address learning is enabled on all switch ports by default.
Ports can learn MAC addresses freely. The device can bind MAC
addresses to a port (configure these addresses manually) when
these devices will always be connected to that port. Disable MAC
address learning so that the port will no longer learn MAC ad-
To enable MAC Address learning on a port, use the following com-

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#mac learning {enable|disable|interface This enables MAC address

<port-name>{enable|disable}} learning on a port.

Limiting MAC Address Count

When there are too may users online and MAC address table size
is near its upper limit, the count of MAC addresses learned by low
priority user ports can be limited.
Limiting the MAC address count of a port is a good countermeasure
against MAC address flood attacks.
For limiting MAC Address count on a port, perform the following

Command Function

ZXR10(config)# mac limit-num [interface <port-name This limits MAC address count
>]<max-number> on a port.

MAC address count is unlimited by default. To cancel MAC address

count limit, set the limit to 0.

Setting MAC Address Learning

ZXR10 5900E supports MAC address learning protection function
for ports. When a port is detected to be learning MAC addresses
abnormally, its address learning will be suspended for some time.
A port in protection state cannot learn new addresses. It recovers
learning when the protect time is due.
For setting MAC Address learning protection on a port, perform the
following steps.
1. Set port MAC address learning count limit.
2. Open port MAC address learning protection enabled switch.
3. Set the protected port protection time.

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Chapter 4 MAC Address Table Configuration

The detailed configuration is as follows:

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#mac protect [interface <port-name This sets port MAC address

>]{disable|enable} learning protection.

2 ZXR10(config)#mac protect time <time> This sets port MAC address

learning protection time.

MAC address learning protection is disabled on all switch ports by

default. To enable this function, it is recommended to set a smaller
MAC address count limit.

Setting Port Unkown Source MAC

Address Filtering
By default, the port unkown source MAC address filtering function
is closed. A port does not filter unkown source MAC address. If one
port enables unkown source MAC address filtering function, the
corresponding port will discard the unkown source MAC address
packets from this port.
To set port unkown source MAC address filtering on a port, use the
following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#mac unknowsource-filter interface This sets port unkown source

<port-name>{disable|enable} MAC address filtering on a port.

Setting MAC Address Filtering

To prevent unauthorized access, ZXR10 5900E support filtering
data frames according to MAC addresses. There are three filtering
� Source MAC address matching only, that is, a data frame is
dropped when its source MAC address matches the setting.
� Destination MAC address matching only, that is, a data frame is
dropped when its destination MAC address matches the setting.
� Source/Destination MAC address matching, that is, a data
frame is dropped when its source or destination MAC address
matches the setting.
To set MAC address filtering, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#mac filter {source|both|destination}<m This sets MAC address filtering.

ac-address> vlan <vlan-id>

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There is no need to specify a port name while setting MAC address

filtering. This function filters data frames from all ports of the
switch. To cancel MAC address filtering, simply delete the MAC

Viewing MAC Address Table

View MAC address entry by using the following command. The
viewed MAC address are dynamic learning and added manually.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#show mac [dynamic|static|permanent| This views MAC address table.

src-filter|dst-filter|<mac-address>| interface
<port-name>|vlan <vlan-id>]

Example Example: display MAC address entry.

ZXR10(config)#show mac
Total MAC address : 2

Flags: vid --VLAN id,stc --static, per --permanent, toS

--to-static,wtd--is wri
srF --source filter,dsF --destination filter, time
Frm --mac from where:0,drv; 1,config; 2,VPN; 3,802.1X;

MAC_Address vid vpn port per stc toS wtd srF dsF
Frm Time
0000.2222.2222 2 0 fei_2/1/2 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0:00:14:19
0000.1111.1111 2 0 fei_2/1/2 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0:00:14:28

MAC Address Table

Configuration Example
As shown in Figure 6, switches A and B are connected over trunk
link smartgroup1, three PCs and a ZXR10 2826E are connected to
switch B. The details is shown as .

Equipment MAC Address Switch Port VLAN

PC1 0X00D0.8765.95CA gei_1/1 1

PC2 0X00D0.8765.95CB gei_1/3 2

PC3 0X00D0.8765.95CC gei_1/5 3

ZXR10 2826E ---------- gei_1/7 4

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Chapter 4 MAC Address Table Configuration

PC1, PC2 and PC3 work as servers, and their MAC addresses are
bound to the ports of switch B. There are a number of individual
users connecting to the ZXR10 2826E, so MAC address learning
protection (with the MAC address count as 1000 and protect time
as 120s) is need to be enabled on the proper switch B port. In
addition, it is need to set the MAC address aging time to 180s on
switch B.


Configuration of switch B
/*Configure MAC address binding on the port*/
ZXR10_B(config)#mac add permanent 00D0.8765.95CA
interface gei_1/1 vlan 1
ZXR10_B(config)#mac add permanent 00D0.8765.95CB
interface gei_1/3 vlan 2
ZXR10_B(config)#mac add permanent 00D0.8765.95CC
interface gei_1/5 vlan 3
/*Configure MAC address learning protection on the port*/
ZXR10_B(config)#mac limit-num interface gei_1/7 1000
ZXR10_B(config)#mac protect interface gei_1/7 enable
ZXR10_B(config)#mac protect time 120

/*Configure MAC address aging time*/

ZXR10_B(config)#mac aging-time 180

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Chapter 5

STP Configuration

Table of Contents
STP Overview ...................................................................37
Configuring STP ................................................................45
BPDU Protection Configuration ............................................48
STP Configuration Examples................................................49
BPDU Protection Configuration Example................................52
STP Maintenance and Diagnosis...........................................54

STP Overview
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is applied to a loop network. It blocks
some redundant paths with certain algorithms so that the loop net-
work is pruned into a tree network without any loop, thus avoiding
the infinite loop of packets in the loop network.
STP is implemented by exchanging Bridge Protocol Data Unit
(BPDU) messages among involved switches in an extended LAN.
The following operations can be performed by exchanging BPDU
1. Selecting a root switch from the stable spanning tree topology.
2. Selecting a designated switch from the network.
3. Setting redundant switch ports to Discarding, to avoid loops in
the topology.
STP module of ZXR10 5900E supports three modes: SSTP, RSTP
and MSTP, which respectively observes IEEE802.1d, IEEE802.1w
and IEEE802.1s standards.

Single Spanning Tree Protocol (SSTP) fully observes IEEE802.1d
standards in terms of function. The bridge running SSTP can fully
inter work with those running RSTP and MSTP.

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Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) provides a faster aggregation
speed than STP (that is, SSTP mode). When the network topology
changes, the state of the redundant switch port can make a fast
shift (Discard > Forword) in the case of point-to-point connection.

Two concepts are added to Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
(MSTP): instance and VLAN mapping. SSTP/RSTP mode can be
regarded as a special case of the MSTP mode. There only exists
one instance, that is, instance 0. The MSTP mode also provides
fast aggregation and load balance under the VLAN environment.
In SSTP and RSTP modes, there is no concept of VLAN. There ex-
ists one port state, that is, forwarding state. The state of a port
in different VLANs is the same. In MSTP mode there can exist
multiple spanning-tree instances. Forwarding states of a port un-
der different VLANs can be different. Many independent sub-tree
instances can be formed inside the MST area to implement load
The following are the basic concepts of MSTP:
1. MST Config ID
It is a forwarding scheme for frames with different VIDs. That
is in an MST area all the bridges are forwarded to specific span-
ning trees (CIST or an MST instance) according to the VID in
the frame.
MST Config ID is composed of the following parts:
� Configuration name: a character string of 32 bytes.
� Version: non-negative integer of two bytes.
� Configuration summary: signature based on the MST Con-
fig Table and after MD5 processing, with a length of 16
MST Config Table is composed of 4,096 continuous dual-types.
The First and last dual-bytes are 0. Other dual-byte represents
a binary number. Second dual-byte stands for the MSTID to
which VID 1 corresponds. Third dual-byte stands for the MSTID
to which VID 2 corresponds and the second last dual-byte rep-
resents the MSTID to which VID 4094 corresponds. Configura-
tion summary is obtained by calculating the MST Config Table
and a fixed KEY value through the HMAC-MD5 algorithm. By
resolution, it can know a certain VID belongs to which MST in-
stance or CIST.
2. MST Area
Each MST area is composed of one or several connected bridges
with the same MST Config ID. These bridges use the same in-
stances. This area also includes the LAN designating the bridge
in the CIST instance.

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Bridges in an MST area mush have same MST config ID. Two
bridges with same MST config ID are probably in different MST
area. For example, if two bridges with the same MST config
ID are connected through the LAN of another MST area, they
should belong to different MST area.

MST area may have different spanning tree structures: Inter-

nal Spanning Tree (IST), MST1, MST2 and MSTn. Each MSTi
can be regarded as an MSTI. The bridge forwards the frame
with the designated VID based on the path to which the VID
corresponds. The mapping between VID and MSTI is shown
by the MST Config ID. The spanning tree structure of MSTI is
decided by priority parameters configured by the system.
3. MST Instance
MST bridge must support two kinds of instances that is IST
instance and multiple MST instances. By default, IST runs in
an area. All the VLANs are configured to the IST by default.
IST connects all the switches in the area. IST is responsible
for communication with other MST areas and SST areas out-
side the area. MST instance does not send the BPDU packet
independently. Spanning tree information is included in the
M-record, and transmitted as part of the IST BPDU inside the
internal IST and external CST of each MST area jointly con-
stitute Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST). It means
that CIST is same as IST inside the MST area, and CST outside
the MST area.
5. IST Region Root
Each MST area has an IST Region Root switch which has min-
imum overhead from the CST Root path. When CIST Root is
in a certain MST area, the CIST Root is the IST Region Root
of this MST area. After the IST Region Root is selected, other
ports towards the CIST Root in the area will be blocked.
MSTI inside the MST area does not communicate with the out-
side, while the IST exchanges BPDU packets with the outside.
Inside the area MSTI does not send BPDU packets indepen-
dently. MST BPDU packets are sent by the IST includes MSTI
information. MSTI uses a flag to show there is need to send
the MST BPDU packet. IST is responsible for sending packets.
All MSTIs that need to send BPDU packets place their informa-
tion in the M-record structure which is sent as part of the IST

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BPDU Protection
BPDU Overview Switches calculating spanning tree according to the content of
BPDU packet. Network topology once changes spanning tree will
be calculated again. If the network is large, the calculation will be
very frequent. This influence switches to transmit packet. At the
same time, the change of Root Bridge also brings some problem.
BPDU protection overcomes these problems.
BPDU Protection If a port is set as an edge port, BPDU protection function will shut
of Edge Port down this port when the edge port receives a BPDU packet. It
outputs alarm information to monitor terminal.
BPDU protection of edge port maintains the stable of network
topology. Device which connects to edge port can not influence
the spanning-tree. It can implement by setting port DOWN and
outputing alarm information at terminal when receiving BPDU
packet at the edge port. The example is shown as Figure 7.


See the first status in the figure, priority of switch A is 8192.

Switch A is a root switch. Priority of switch B is 16384. Link be-
tween Switch A and Switch B is 1000M and other link is 100M.
Switch A and Switch B are both core switches. Switch C is a edge
switch. Port of switch C connects to switch D edge port. spanning
tree is enabled in switches except switch D. After switches calcu-
late spanning tree the port of switch C which connects to switch B
is blocked. Switch D doesn’t take part in calculating spanning-tree.
Direction of arrow represents the direction of BPDU.
See the second status in the figure, spanning tree is enabled in
switch D. Its priority is smaller than switch A which is root switch.
Switch D will become a root switch. After switches calculate span-
ning tree, port of switch B which connects to switch A will be
blocked. Its priority is smaller than switch A which is root switch.
Switch D will become a root switch. After switches calculate span-
ning tree, port of switch B which connects to switch A will be
If configuration of BPDU protection in edge port of switch C takes
place. Switch D sends BPDU packet, switch C will receive this

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

packet and shut down the port which connects to switch D. This
solves the problem of network performance.
Port Loopback Loopback protection provides addtional layer 2 protection function.
Protection One reason for STP loop takes places in a network with redundant
Function link is that one port which in blocking state becomes a designated
port and enters into FORWARDING state. A blocking port when
doesn’t receive a BPDU packet. STP thinks that there isn’t a loop.
Port will transmit from BLOCKING state to FORWARDING state,
this will create a loop.
When port loopback protection is configured and blocking port
don’t receive BPDU packet. Port will transmit into LOOP_INCON-
SISTENT state. This state is blocking state and it doesn’t transmit
any data.


In Figure 8, switch A is a root switch. There is link failure between

switch B and switch C which doesn’t receive any BPDU packet from
switch B. Before MAX_AGE timer expired, port in switch C is still
in blocking state.

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In Figure 9, if port loopback protection is not configured. After

MAX_AGE timer expires, blocking port in switch C will be trans-
mitted into LISTENING state and then FORWARD_DELAY time is
transmitted into LEARNING state. This cycle is repeated again
then this will lead to loop.


In Figure 10, if port loopback protection is configured. Blocking

port in switch C will be transmitted into LOOP_INCONSISTENT

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

state after MAX_AGE time. Port in LOOP_INCONSISTENT state

won’t transmit data. This will avoid looping.
Port Root Port root protection function provides a way to protect root switch.
Protection In switch environment, all switches which enable spanning-tree
Function will take part in the election of root switch. Switch which has
the lowest priority will be root switch. After election, if one new
switch which has smaller priority than the root switch connects to
network, this new switch will replace the original root switch to
become new root switch. This results in calculating spanning tree
again and interrupting network for a while. The new spanning tree
may contain sub-optimum path and lower network performance.
Here, let's see how port root protection function solves this prob-


In Figure 11, switch A and switch B are both core switches and
switch A is a root switch. Switch C is a edge switch. Port of switch
C which connects to switch B is blocked. The flow of BPDU is as
direction of arrow.

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In Figure 12, switch D takes part in calculating spanning tree. If

priority of switch D is lower than that of switch A. Switch D is
elected to be a new root switch. After calculating spanning tree,
port of switch B which connects to switch A is blocked.
Port root protection command is configured in interface mode. It
is only permitted in designated port and is not permitted in root
port. A port which enables root protection receives BPDU packets
from a neighbor switch and knows the neighbor switch has smaller
priority. Port will enter ROOT_INCONSISTENT state.
In Figure 12, port of switch C that is connected to switch D should
be configured as protection. Once this port receives a BPDU packet
which contains smaller priority than root switch, this port will en-
ter ROOT_INCONSISTENT state and stops transmitting any data
packet. Once switch D stops sending the BPDU packet which con-
tains smaller priority. Port of switch C will resume transmitting
data packets automatically.

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Configuring STP
Enabling/Disabling STP

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree {enable|disable} This enables or disables STP.

Disable STP on ZXR10 5900E, all ports that physical status is up
are set Forwarding status. In default, STP is disabled.

Configuring STP Mode

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mode {sstp|rstp|mstp} This configures STP mode.

By default, STP mode of ZXR10 5900E is MSTP. Whichever mode

is selected, it can be fully compatible and interoperable with other
two modes.

Configuring STP Parameters

The parameters of STP protocol is as follow:
� max-age
In the CST structure, latest BPDU packets are transferred from
the Root switch to the leave switch along the CST structure.
The message-age value of the BPDU packet sent by the Root
switch is 0 and increases by 1 after each middle switch. The
max-age value does not change at all. When the message-age
value of a BPDU packet is greater than the max-age value, this
BPDU packet is invalid.
� hello-time
It is to control the interval for sending BPDU packet.
� forward-delay
In case of non-state fast transition, it decides the delay (2 x
forward-delay) of the port from Blocking to Forwarding.
� max-hops

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It is decided by the area root node of an instance in the MST

area and decreases by 1 after each switch. When it decreases
to 0 the BPDU packet is invalid. Message-age and max-age
values of the BPDU packet in the MST area do not change dur-
ing area transmission.
To configure STP protocol parameters , use the following com-

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree hello-time<time> This set Hello time of STP.

2 ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree forward-delay<time> This sets the forward delay

time of STP.

3 ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree max-age<time> This sets the maximum time

of BPDU packet.

4 ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst max-hops<hop> This sets the maximum hops

of BPDU packet.

In CST structure, hello-time of every switch is determined by the
root of switch. Max-hops takes effect only when this node serves
as the area root node of an instance in the MST area.

Creating Instances
In MSTP mode, users can turn connected switches into an MST
area by creating or deleting instances. Implementing fast aggre-
gation and load balance of the whole network.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration This enters MST configuration


2 ZXR10(config-mstp)#instance <instance> vlans This creates an instance.


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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

ZXR10 5900E has on instance 0 only in SSTP/RSTP mode. In MSTP
mode, the instance 0 exists by default and cannot be deleted at

Configuring MSTP Name and Version

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-mstp)#name <string> This configures MST

configuration name.

2 ZXR10(config-mstp)#revision<version> This configures version


Four conditions decide whether switches belong to same MST
area: same MST configuration, same MST configuration version
No., same INS-VLAN mapping table, and switch interconnection
or not.

Configuring Switch and Port Priority

In the entire spanning tree structure, bridge priority of an instance
can decide the position of this switch in the whole CST structure
(whether this switch can be selected as the root of the entire span-
ning tree). It can also be in a certain instance spanning tree struc-
ture in the MST area (whether this switch can be selected as the
area root of the instance).
Bridge can be designated as the spanning tree root by setting a
lower priority for the bridge.
A specific port is included in the spanning tree by setting its prior-
ity. Smaller the set value of a port is the higher port priority is. It
is most likely for such a port to be included in the spanning tree.
If all ports on the bridge have the same priority value, the port
priority depends on the port index number.

Function Example

ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst instance <instance> This configures switch priority.

priority <priority>

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Bridge and port priority of ZXR10 5900E must be configured after
the instance has been created.

Excluding a Port from Spanning Tree

In some cases, it is necessary to exclude a port from spanning tree
calculation such as uplink port of switch or the port connecting to

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree {enable|disable} This excludes a port from

spanning tree calculation

BPDU Protection
Configuring BPDU Protection on
Edge Port

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree edged-port This changes a port into edge

enable port.

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree edged-port This closes edge port.


3 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree bpduguard This configures port is in

action discard discard state after enable
BPDU protection function.

4 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no spanning-tree bpduguard This deletes discard state.


5 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree bpduguard This configures port is in

action shutdown shutdown state after enable
BPDU protection function.

6 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no spanning-tree bpduguard This deletes shutdown state.


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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Configuring Port Loopback Function

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree guard loop This enables port loopback

instance 1 protection function in instance

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no spanning-tree guard loop This deletes the port that has
instance 1 a loopback protection function
in instance 1.

Configuring Port Root Protection


St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#spanning-tree guard root This enables port root

instance 1 protection function in instance

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no spanning-tree guard root This deletes port root

instance 1 protection function in instance

STP Configuration Examples

MSTP supports multiple MST areas. However, it is suggested to
configure one MST area running on the backbone network and
serving as the root of the entire CST, for better fast aggregation
and load balance of the entire network.
1. As shown inFigure 13, MSTP is run on the backbone network.
MST area serves as the CST root. That is, the CIST root bridge
is inside the MST area. Three switches A, B and C are config-
ured in the same area, with an initial priority of 32768. The
CIST root and IST root are decided according to their MAC ad-
dresses. MAC addresses of Switches A, B and C are
Switch A 000d.0df0.0101
Switch B 000d.0df0.0102
Switch C 000d.0df0.0103
Create two MST instances and map the VLAN in the area to
Run CST on Switch D whose MAC address is 000d.0df0.0104
and priority is 32768.

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Implement fast aggregation of the entire network and load bal-

ance of two links on Switch A in the area.


Switch A Configuration
/*Configure the MST area*/
ZXR10_A(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_A(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
ZXR10_A(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10_A(config-mstp)#name zte
ZXR10_A(config-mstp)#revision 2

/*Map VLANs 1 to 10 to Instance 1 and VLANs 11 to 20 to Instance 2*/

XR10_A(config-mstp)#instance 1 vlan 1-10
ZXR10_A(config-mstp)#instance 2 vlan 11-20

Switch B Configuration
/* Configure the MST area*/
ZXR10_B(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
ZXR10_B(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10_B(config-mstp)#name zte
ZXR10_B(config-mstp)#revision 2

/*Map VLANs 1 to 10 to Instance 1 and VLANs 11 to 20 to Instance 2*/

ZXR10_B(config-mstp)#instance 1 vlan 1-10
ZXR10_B(config-mstp)#instance 2 vlan 11-20

/*Change the priority of Switch B in Instance 2 so that

it becomes the Root of Instance 2*/
ZXR10_B(config-mstp)#spanning-tree mst instance 2 priority 4096

Switch C Configuration
/*Configure the MST area*/
ZXR10_C(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
ZXR10_C(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10_C(config-mstp)#name zte
ZXR10_C(config-mstp)#revision 2

/*Map VLANs 1 to 10 to Instance 1 and VLANs 11 to 20 to Instance 2 */

ZXR10_C(config-mstp)#instance 1 vlan 1-10
ZXR10_C(config-mstp)#instance 2 vlan 11-20

/*Change the priority of Switch C in Instance 1 so that

it becomes the Root of Instance 1*/
ZXR10_C(config-mstp)#spanning-tree mst instance 1 priority 4096

Keep the default configuration of Switch D.

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

2. As shown in Figure 14Switches B and C run in an area. CIST

Root Bridge is outside the area. One edge port of Switch B/C
is blocked.


The difference between this example and the previous example

One area can have only one instance to communicate with the
external network Edge port is in block or forward state for all
the VLANs. Therefore, there is no possibility of load balance.
Advantages of MSTP are not brought into play. In Figure 14the
link from Switch C to Switch A is in block state for all the VLANs,
while the link from Switch B to Switch A is in forward state for
all the VLANs.

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BPDU Protection
Configuration Example
Edge Port BPDU Protection
Configuration Examples


In Figure 15, port 4 of switch 3 is enabled BPDU protection func-

tion, the configuration of the port that need to be configured edge
port BPDU protection is as follows
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree bpduguard action shutdown
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree edged-port enable

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Port Loopback Protection

Configuration Example


In Figure 16, switch 1 is root switch, port 4 of switch 3 is blocked

port, which is enabled loop protection function. Port 5 of switch 2
is disabled.
The configuration of the port that need to be configured port loop-
back is as follows:
ZXR10(config-gei_1/5)#spanning-tree bpduguard action shutdown
ZXR10(config-gei_1/5)#spanning-tree guard loop instance <0-16>
ZXR10(config-gei_1/5)#spanning-tree disable

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Port Root Protection Configuration



In Figure 17, switch 1 is root switch. Port 4 of switch 3 is enabled

port root protection function, The configuration of the port that
need to be configured port root protection is as follows:
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree bpduguard action shutdown
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree guard root instance <0-16>

STP Maintenance and

ZXR10 5900E provides show command to view STP related infor-
mation for fault diagnosis.

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10#show spanning-tree instance <instance> This shows details of the

instance-based spanning

2 ZXR10#show spanning-tree interface <port-name> This shows spanning tree

information of a designated

3 ZXR10#show spanning-tree statistics <port-name> This shows statistics on BPDU

packets sent and received by
a designated interface.

4 ZXR10#show spanning-tree inconsistentports This shows maintenance

information of BPDU

In the following three cases, loops cannot been avoided even if
STP function of switch is enabled.
1. Two switches but multiple parallel links. One converge port
configurations and the other does not do so.
2. One switch converge configurations of multiple ports but one
port in the aggregation port group is connected to other ports
of the local equipment in self-loop mode.
3. Two switches but two parallel links. Due to unknown reasons,
both of them cannot receive BPDU packets from the opposite

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Chapter 6


Table of Contents
ZESR/ZESR+ Overview ......................................................57
Configuring ZESR/ZESR+ ...................................................58
ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration Example ....................................61

ZESR/ZESR+ Overview
ZESRZTE Ethernet Smart Ringis a solution for solving the layer 2
loop problem (RFC 3619). Compared with STP, the biggest advan-
tage is that the link will switch and recover quickly when one way
is disconnected and the shortest time is 50ms.
ZESR is applicable with multi-ring area. Multi-ring is designated
that every level is an independent ring and low-level has two entry
points to connect with high-level ring. The highest level ring is
named as major-level ring and others are named as access rings.
Multi-area is named that there are many protection instances on
the same ring suitable to different service vlan. Their logic routes
are different and independent.
ZESR+ , in double nodes double uplinks networking, improves the
current ZESR to meet redundancy protection for uplink and node
at the same time in double nodes double uplinks networking.

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Configuring ZESR/ZESR+
Configuring ZESR Area Protection

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan <1-4094> <1-4094> area control

protect-instance <<0-16> vlan, indicates zesr area, <
0-16>the protected instance
ID ,samed as stp instance

2 ZXR10(config)#no zesr ctrl-vlan <1-4094> <1-4094> area control vlan,

protect-instance indicates zesr area

ZESR protection instance is same as STP. Service vlan is put into

protection instance, so generally enabling STP to cooperate with
ZESR. Control vlan should use vlan except service and shouldn't
conflict with service and network management. Note that pvid
of the port shouldn’t be selected as control vlan. Outside port
shouldn’t be put into control vlan.
Example 1. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000 pro-
tection instance as 1.
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1

2. This example shows how to delete control vlan as 4000 pro-

tection instance
ZXR10(config)# no zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance

Configuring Major-level Ring ZESR

To configure ZESR/ZESR+ on major-level ring , use the following
commands. Major-level ring is the highest level ring, others are
access rings.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan < 1-4094> major-level This configures major-level

{( preforward <1-600>[ preup <0-500>])| (role ring ZESR.
{master |transit|zess-master|zess-transit}

2 ZXR10(config)#no zesr ctrl-vlan < 1-4094> This cancels the configuration

major-level of major-level ring ZESR.

Parameter Description:

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Chapter 6 ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration

Parameter Description

< 1-4094> Area control vlan, indicating zesr area

<1-600> Preforward value, the unit is second. After the disconnected

port reconnecting, unless ZESR protocol is set or after waiting
for preforward time open automatically and the default is 10s.

<0-500> Preup value, the unit is second. After Master detects that
loop is up, the status is switched until delaying preup time.
The default value is 0.

<primary-interface-name> major ring two interfaces. To master, secondary interface is

<secondary-interface-name> blocked to ensure ring is disconnected and no storm.

< 1-6> Hello value, the unit is second. the time of master/zess-transit
major interface sending hello protocol message, the default is

< 3-18> The maximum time daley that master/zess-transit hasn't

received hello packet. The unit is second. The default value is

master|transit|zess- configuration node role, master|transit is ZESR master

master|zess-transit node/transit node, zess-master|zess-transit is ZESR+ master
node/transit node.

After node role and interface are ensured, preforward and preup
can be configured, of which hello, fail and preup only can be used
for master or zess-tranist, preup only can be configured as mas-
ter or zess-master. Interface must be configured in control vlan
before it is configured. Interface can use lacp interface but must
be dynamic lacp and member interface must close stp.
Besides secondery interface of zess-master node decides blocking
location. Therefore the interface must be placed on the uplink
which need to be blocked, but secondery interface of zess-transit
is suggested to be placed on uplink.
Example 1. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, interface as gei_2/10 and gei_2/20.
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role master
gei_2/10 gei_2/20

2. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role

as zess-master, interface as gei_2/10 and gei_2/20.
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role zess-master
gei_2/10 gei_2/20

3. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role

as master, preforward as 20s, preup as 20s.
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level preforward 20 preup 20

4. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role

as master, hello as 2s, fail as 4s.
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level hello 2 fail 4

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Configuring Access Ring ZESR

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-router)#zesr ctrl-vlan < 1-4094> level This configures access ring

<1-2> seg <1-4>{preforward <1-600>[ preup ZESR.
<0-500>]| role {master |transit}<primary-interface
-name><secondary-interface-name>| { edge-assist
ant | edge-control}<edge-interface-name>}| hello
< 1-6> fail < 3-18>}

2 ZXR10(config)#no zesr ctrl-vlan < 1-4094> level This cancels the configuration
<1-2> seg <1-4> of access ring ZESR.

Parameter description
< 1-4094> Area control vlan, indicating zesr area
<1-2> Level of access ring
<1-4> access ring SN, at most 4 access rings in each level.
<1-600> Preforward value, the unit is second. After the discon-
nected port reconnecting, unless ZESR protocol is set or after wait-
ing for preforward time open automatically and the default is 10s.
<0-500> Preup value, the unit is second. After Master or edge-
control detects that loop is up, the status is switched until delaying
preup time. The default value is 0.
<primary-interface-name> <secondary-interface-name> access
ring two interfaces.
< 1-6> Hello value, the unit is second. The default is 1s.
< 3-18> The maximum time dalay that master or edge-control
hasn't received hello packet. The unit is second. The default value
is 3s.
<edge-interface-name> edge node interface
Switch could be in the entry that major-ring and access ring con-
nect. At that time, it can be in major-ring or access ring . There
are two interfaces in major-ring and one interface in access ring .
Switch is named as entry node. The entry node could be edge-as-
sistant and edge-control in access ring and edge-control plays a
general node master role.
Example 1. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role
as master, level as 1 , seg as 1, ports as gei_2/10 gei_2/10
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
master gei_2/10 gei_2/20

2. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000, role

as edge-assistant, level as 1 , seg as 1, ports as gei_2/1/10
ZXR10(config)# zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge-assistant gei_2/1/10

3. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000,

level as 1, seg as 1, preforward as 20s, preup as 20s
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1
preforward 20 preup 20

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Chapter 6 ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration

4. This example shows how to configure control vlan as 4000,

level as 1, seg as 1, hello as 2s, fail as 4s
ZXR10(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 hello 2 fail 4

Configuring ZESR Restart-Time

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#zesr restart-time <30-600> <30-600>the specific timethe

unit is second, the default is

Example This example shows how to configure ZESR restart-time as 60s.

ZXR10(config)#zesr restart-time 60

ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration
ZESR Configuration Example
As shown in Figure 18,


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ZXR10 5900E Series User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

SW1-SW4 buildup ring network, transparently transform 100-200,

SW1 is core switch and the entire network exit. SW2-SW4 are
convergence switch. Demand that service is not be affected if any
link is down.
SW1: sg1gei_1/1, gei_1/2connects SW2, sg2gei_1/3, gei_1/4con-
nects SW3
SW2: gei_1/1 connects SW3, gei_1/2 connects SW4, sg2gei_1/3,
gei_1/4 connects SW1
SW3: gei_1/1 connects SW2, gei_1/2 connects SW4, sg2gei_1/3,
gei_1/4 connects SW1
SW4: gei_1/1 connects SW2, gei_1/2 connects SW3.
The network formed by SW1, SW2 and SW3 is major level. SW2 is
master node. The port that SW2 connect with SW1 is major port
(sg1). The network formed by SW2-SW4 is slave ring level 1 seg
1. Take SW4 as master node and select the port connects with
SW3 as slave port (gei_1/2), control vlan as 4000.
SW1 configuration:
ZXR10_S1(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S1(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 100-200

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup2
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup2)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#smartgroup 2 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk

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Chapter 6 ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration

ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200

ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#smartgroup 2 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1

ZXR10_S1(config)zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major level role transit
smartgroup1 smartgroup2

SW2 Configuration
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# nstance 1 vlan 100-200

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/2)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1

ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major level role transit
smartgroup1 gei_1/1
ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge- assistant gei_1/2

SW3 Configuration
Interface instance configuration is as SW2
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major level role master
smartgroup1 gei_1/1
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge- assistant gei_1/2

SW4 configuration
Interface instance configuration is as SW2
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role master

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gei_1/1 gei_1/2

ZESR and ZESR+ Hybrid

Configuration Example


Figure 19 is typical ZESR+ and ZESR hybrid networking topology

figure. Node ZXR10-2 , ZXR10-3 and ZXR10-1 form double nodes
double uplinks, that is ZESR+. Also three nodes form a main loop
virtually. Node ZXR10-2, ZXR10-3 and ZXR10-4 form a level 1seg
1 secondary ring, that is ZESR.
Node 1 configuration:
//as a normal switch, the major function is to
transparently transmit data package
//VLAN information need to be configured.
(port with tagged belongs to ctrl-vlan)
//close port broadcast and unknown unicast suppression
//connect ZXR10-3
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/1
//configure interface working mode as auto negotiation
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
//connect ZXR10-2
ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/2
//configure interface working mode as auto negotiation
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200

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Chapter 6 ZESR/ZESR+ Configuration

ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000


Node 2 configuration:
//configure ZESR+ Master node
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 100-200
//connect ZXR10-1
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_2/1
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/1)switchport trunk vlan 4000
//connect ZXR10-3
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_2/2
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/2)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/2)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/2)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/2)switchport trunk vlan 4000
//connect ZXR10-4
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_2/3
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/3)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/3)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/3)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_2/3)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1

ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major level role
zess-master gei_2/2 gei_2/1 //configure zess-master node
/*Note:Secondary interface decides blocking location, therefore ,
therefore Secondary interface can't be configured on corresponding
interface of link between ZXR10-2 and ZXR10-3 or blocking interface
faulty will occur.*/
ZXR10_S2(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role
edge- assistant gei_2/3 //configure ordinary ZESR border node role

Node 3 configuration:
The configuration such as interface instance of node 3 is the same
as that of node 2.
//Configure ZESR+ Tansit node
ZXR10_S3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10 s3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 major-level role zess-transit
gei_3/2 gei_3/1 //configure zess-transit node
/*When configuring zess-transit role, note that Primary interface
decides the direction that node sends hello frame, therefor
Primary interface must be configured the corresponding interface
of link between ZXR10-2 and ZXR10-3, or configuration error will occur.*/
ZXR10 s3(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role edge-assistant
gei_3/3 //configure ordinary ZESR border node role

Node 4 configuration:
The configuration such as interface instance of node 4 is the same
as that of node 2.
//Configure ZESR low-level main node
ZXR10_S4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 protect-instance 1
ZXR10 s4(config)#zesr ctrl-vlan 4000 level 1 seg 1 role master
gei_4/2 gei_4/1 //configure ordinary ZESR master role

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Chapter 7

ZESS Configuration

Table of Contents
ZESS Overview .................................................................67
Configuring ZESS ..............................................................68
ZESS Configuration Example ...............................................71
ZESS Maintenance .............................................................74

ZESS Overview
ZESS is ZTE Ethernet Smart Switch technology. It is efficient link
switch mechanism. When fault occurs, main link can switch to
standby link automatically and quickly to ensure service data nor-
mal transmission.
Function description is as follows: As shown in Figure 20, node 1
supports ZESS function, of which port 1 is primary port and port 2
is secondary port. When node 1 detects that both primary port and
secondary port are up, blocks protection service VLAN forwarding
function of secondary port. When node 1 detects that primary port
is DOWN, blocks that of primary port and open that of secondary
port. When node 1 detects that primary port recovers as UP, in in-
version mode, open primary port and block secondary port again,
whereas in non-inversion mode, keep primary port as blocked and
secondary port as open. In addition, when ZESS is switching, FDB
of block port need to be updated.

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Configuring ZESS
Creating ZESS Domain
Create ZESS domain protect-instance and configure ports. Each
domain protects one instance. The maximum number of domain
is 4. This is the first step of creating ZESS.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#zess domain <1-4> protect-instance This creates ZESS Domain.

<0-16> primary <primary-interface-name>
secondary <secondary-interface-name>

2 ZXR10(config)#no zess domain <1-4> This deletes ZESS Domain.

Paramters Description

Parameter Description

< 1-4> Domain ID, it indicates ZESS domain.

< 0-16> ZESS protect instance, same as ZESR and STP, put service
vlan into protect instance.

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Chapter 7 ZESS Configuration

Parameter Description

<1-600> Preforward value, the unit is second. When the disconnected

port reconnects, wait for preforward time and open
automatically unless has ZESR protocol configuration. The
default value is 10 seconds.

<primary-interface-name><s Two ports of ZESS. In normal cases, secondary port is block,

econdary-interface-name> which avoids forming storm.

Example 1. Create zess node that domain is 1, protect-instance is 1 ,ports

are gei_1/10 and gei_1/20.
ZXR10(config)# zess domain 1 protect-instance 1
primary gei_1/10 secondary gei_1/20

2. This deletes zess that domain is 1.

ZXR10(config)# no zess domain 1

Configuring Preup Time

To configure preup time of zess node, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#zess domain < 1-4> preup <1-600> The default preup time is 5

Paramters Description

Parameter Description

<1-600> Preup value, the unit is second. After ZESS detects that link
recovers, it doesn't switch state quickly until delaying preup
time. The default value is 5 seconds.

Example This example shows how to configure domain 1 preup time as 10

ZXR10(config)# zess domain 1 preup 10

Configuring ZESS Mode

To configure ZESS mode as inversion or non-inversion mode, use
the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#zess domain <1-4> mode {revertive | This configures ZESS mode

non_revertive} as inversion or non-inversion

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Paramters Description

Parameter Description

< 1-4> Domain ID, it indicates ZESS domain.

revertive | non_revertive inversion or non-inversion modes, In inversion mode, when

main link recovers, service will be cut again, whereas in
non-inversion mode, service will still be transmitted on
standby link.

Example Configure ZESS node that domain is 1 and in non-inversion mode.

ZXR10(config)# zess domain 1 mode non_revertive

Configuring ZESS Control VLAN

ZESS node can send flush packet to upper node for cleaning FDB.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#zess domain <1-4> ctl-vlan <1-4094> This configures ZESS ctl-vlan.

2 ZXR10(config)#no zess domain <1-4> ctl-vlan This deletes ZESS control


Parameter Description:

Parameter Description

< 1-4> Domain ID, it indicates ZESS domain.

< 1-4094> Control vlan Id, it is used to send flush packet which is
multicast in this vlan.

Example 1. Configure domain 1 control vlan as 2000.

ZXR10(config)#zess domain 1 ctl-vlan 2000

2. Deletes domain 1 control vlan.

ZXR10(config)#no zesr domain 1 ctl-vlan

Configuring ZESS Port

To configure the designated port as ZESS packet receiving port,
use the following command. This command must be carried out
in the corresponding port mode.

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Chapter 7 ZESS Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#zess receive-vlan <1-4094> This adds port into ZESS

VLAN receiving table.

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no zess receive-vlan This deletes port from ZESS

<1-4094> VLAN receiving table.

Paramters Description

Parameter Description

< 1-4094> control vlan identifier, after configuring, this port will receive
zess flush packet with same control vlan and forward it. It
shall be noted that zess domain used port can't be added into
the same vlan receiving table.

Example 1. Configure port gei_1/4 receive control vlan 2000 flush packet.
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)# zess receive-vlan 2000

2. Delete port gei_1/4 from the table that control vlan is 2000.
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)# no zess receive-vlan 2000

Clearing ZESS receive-vlan Ports

To clear ports in receive-vlan table on configuration mode, use the
following commands.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#zess clear receive-vlan {<1-4094>| all} This clears all ports with zess
receive-vlan in designated vlan.

Paramters Description

Parameter Description

< 1-4094> ZESS control vlan Id.

Example This example shows how to clear all ports with zess receive-vlan.
ZXR10(config)# zess clear receive-vlan all

ZESS Configuration
The networking figure is as shown in Figure 21.

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Node 1-3 comprise ZESS uplink network, node 2-3 connect upper
layer network. By default, the upper layer network is connected
and simplified as that connection node 2 and node 3 connect di-
rectly, node 1 configures ZESS.
Node 1: sg1(gei_1/1,gei_1/2) connect node 2, sg2(gei_1/3,
gei_1/4) connect node 3.
Node 2: gei_1/1 connect node 3, sg1 (gei_1/3, gei_1/4) connect
node 1.
Node 3: gei_1/1 connects node 2, sg2(gei_1/3, gei_1/4) connect
node 1.
Node 1 is configured as ZESS node that domain is 1, protect in-
stance is 1 and control vlan is 4000.
Put node 2-3 port, node 1 port, and the connection port between
2 and 3 into ZESS receive-vlan 4000 table.
Node 1 configuration:
ZXR10_S1(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S1(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 100-200

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface smartgroup2
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1 (config-smartgroup2)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-smartgroup2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/1)#spanning-tree disable

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Chapter 7 ZESS Configuration


ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/2)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#smartgroup 2 mode activ
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/3)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#negotiation auto
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#smartgroup 2 mode active
ZXR10_S1(config-gei_1/4)#spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S1(config)# zess doamin 1 protect-instance 1

primary smartgroup1 secondary smartgroup2
ZXR10_S1(config)# zess domain 1 ctl-vlan 4000

Node 2 configuration:
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXR10_S2(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 100-200

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2 (config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)switchport trunk vlan 4000

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/3)spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)negotiation auto
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 100-200
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)switchport trunk vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/4)spanning-tree disable

ZXR10_S2(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S2(config-smartgroup1)#zess receive-vlan 4000
ZXR10_S2(config)#interface gei_1/1

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ZXR10_S2(config-gei_1/1)#zess receive-vlan 4000

Node 3 configuration:
The configuration such as port instance is as node 2.
ZXR10_S3(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_S3(config-smartgroup1)#zess receive-vlan 4000
ZXR10_S3(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_S3(config-gei_1/1)#zess receive-vlan 4000

ZESS Maintenance
To show ZESS configuration, use the following command.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#show zess brief This views all ZESS domain

status simply.

2 ZXR10(config)#show zess domain <1-4> This views designated domain

status in detail.

3 ZXR10(config)#show zess receiver [ vlan <1-4094>] This views designated

receive-vlan status.

Paramters Description

Parameter Description

< 1-4> Domain ID, it indicates ZESS domain.

< 1-4094> ZESS control vlan Id.

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Chapter 8


Linkage Networking

Table of Contents
ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking Overview.....................75
Configuring ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking .................76
Configuration Example .......................................................78

ZESR and SVLAN Linkage

Networking Overview
ZESR and SVLAN linkage networking is applicable for multi-ring
multi-domain network. SVLAN can switch ports quickly according
to ring's connectivity status when fault occurs on the node of ring.
When configuring SVLAN, each configuration data only can des-
ignate a customer port as an uplink port. Meanwhile, a group
of in-vlan and customer port only can configure a SVLAN data.
Therefore it is necessary to configure vlan attribute of another port
same as that of uplink port for designating multiple uplink ports
for SVLAN.
Configure SVLAN and VLAN two different uplink ports, one is active
and another is standby. But only one port can be active at one
time, maintain only one logically connective route between any
two nodes controlled by ZESR configuration.

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Configuring ZESR and

SVLAN Linkage Networking
Configuring SVLAN
1. To configure SVLAN,
refer to SVLAN configuration.
2. To configure other uplink ports,
refer to VLAN configuration.

1. When configuring SVLAN based on ACL, configure downlink
data flow is not redirection.
2. The designated uplink port when configuring SVLAN is totally
equivalent to the ordinary port that has the same VLAN at-
tribute. The packet with double-layer tag will be broadcast in
VLAN that outer tag designates.

Example The example shows how to configure SVLAN.

ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port
gei_1/1 uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 ovlan 100 unredirect
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport qinq customer
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid native vlan 10
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 10,100 untag
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100

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Chapter 8 ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking Configuration

Configuring Port MAC Duplication

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x )#mac-duplicate <0-4> This configures port MAC

src-vlan <vlan-list> dest-vlan <vlan-list> duplication.

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x )#no mac-duplicate <0-4> This cancels port MAC


Port is configured as customer port of SVLAN based on ACL. The
learning L2 entry on port is vlan id of inner tag , need to enable
MAC duplication for customer port. CPU duplicates a L2 entry of
outer tag vlan id, downlink packet can get customer port informa-
tion according to outer vlan id L2 entry.

Configuring Port LOOPBACK

Configure uplink port of SVLAN based on ACL to implement loop-
back. At this time ,the port doesn't send packet. All packets are
loopback on this port and forwarded to other ports in the same
vlan. In one vlan, at least two ports should exist to send packets
as SVLAN uplink port.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#loopback {enable|disable} This configures port to

implement loopback on the
interface mode.

When loopback enable is configured, port learning function will be
closed automatically, whereas port learning function is opened au-
tomatically when loopback disable is configured. Loopback port
as uplink port of SVLAN only receives packet that SVLAN cus-
tomer port redirects after adding tags and loopbacks to uplink port,
which doesn't receive packet forwarded by uplink port. Therefore
it needn't port learning function. If port learning function is not
disabled, port learns L2 entry when loopbacking message, which
causes L2 entry, set by MAC duplication function on customer port,
to be coverd.

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Configuring One-Way PVLAN

To configure to forbid uplink port of SVLAN based on ACL to forward
data to loopback port, use the following commands.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map-unidirectional This configures one-way

session-id <id> source <port-list> destination PVLAN source port and
<port-list> destination port.

2 ZXR10(config)#no vlan private-map-unidirectional This cancels one-way PVLAN

session-id <id> configuration.

3 ZXR10(config)#show vlan private-map-unidirectio This displays the configuration

nal information of one-way

1. Uplink data packet is forwarded by customer port and broad-
cast in SPVLAN after looped by loopback port. To prevent cus-
tomer port from receiving data message looped by loopback
port, generally, configure a one-way PVLAN data whose source
port is loopback port and destination port is customer port.
2. Downlink data packet is forwarded directly to customer port
information by uplink port, needn't be forwarded to loopback
port. To avoid that the data packet that uplink port forwards
to loopback port loops and is forwarded to uplink port again,
must configure a one-way PVLAN data whose source port is
uplink port and destination port is loopback port.

Example This example shows how to configure one-way PVLAN.

ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map-unidirectional session-id 1
source gei_1/3-4 destination gei_1/2
ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map-unidirectional session-id 2
source gei_1/2 destination gei_1/1

Configuring ZESR
Refer to ZESR configuration chapter.

Configuration Example
1. Configure gei_1/1 as customer port on the switch, the CVID
which receives data packet is VLAN 10, configure gei_1/3/ and
gei_1/4 as uplink port, the SPVID which forwards data packet
is VLAN 100, configure SVLAN based on ACL and configure

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Chapter 8 ZESR and SVLAN Linkage Networking Configuration

gei_1/2 as auxiliary loopback port. The detailed configuration

is as follows:
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq extend-session-no 1 customer-port
gei_1/1 uplink-port gei_1/2 in-vlan 10 ovlan 100 unredirect
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport qinq customer
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid native vlan 10
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 10,100 untag
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#mac-duplicate 0 src-vlan 10 dest-vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#loopback enable
ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map-unidirectional session-id 1
source gei_1/3-4 destination gei_1/2
ZXR10(config)#vlan private-map-unidirectional session-id 2
source gei_1/2 destination gei_1/1

2. Configure gei_1/1 as customer port on the switch, the CVID

which receives data packet is VLAN 10, configure gei_1/3and
gei_1/4 as uplink port, the SPVID which forwards data packet
is VLAN 100, configure SVLAN based on VLAN translation. The
detailed configuration is as follows:
ZXR10(config)#vlan qinq session-no 1 customer-port
gei_1/1 uplink-port gei_1/3 in-vlan 10 ovlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport qinq customer
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid native vlan 10
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 10,100 untag
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/3)#switchport trunk vlan 100
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
ZXR10(config-gei_1/4)#switchport trunk vlan 100

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Chapter 9

Link Aggregation

Table of Contents
Link Aggregation Overview .................................................81
Configuring Link Aggregation ..............................................82
Link Aggregation Configuration Example ...............................83
Link Aggregation Maintenance and Diagnosis.........................84

Link Aggregation Overview

Link aggregation (also called trunk) binds multiple physical ports
into a logic port. Link aggregation is to implement load balance of
outgoing/incoming traffic among these ports. Switch decides from
which port packets are sent to the opposite switch depending on
the port load balance policy configured by users. When detecting
the link of one port is broken, switch stops sending packets from
it until it is restored to normal. Link aggregation is quite impor-
tant in increasing link bandwidth and implementing transmission
elasticity and redundancy.
ZXR10 5900E supports two link aggregation modes:
Static trunk directly adds multiple physical ports to the trunk
group, thus forming a logic port. This mode is not suitable for
observing the state of the link aggregation port.
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) follows IEEE 802.3ad
standards. It converge multiple physical ports into the trunk group
to form a logic port. It automatically generates aggregation to ob-
tain the maximum bandwidth.
It is necessary to observe the following rules to configure the link
aggregation function for ZXR10 5900E.
� Configuration is done for at most 32 trunk groups, with at most
eight ports in each trunk group.
� Cross-interface board aggregation is supported. Member port
can be located on any interface board. Selected member ports
must operate in full duplex mode and have the same working
� Mode of the member port must be consistent, and can be ac-
cess, trunk or hybrid.

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The logic port formed by link aggregation on the ZXR10 5900E is

called smartgroup, which can be used as a common port.

Configuring Link
1. To create a trunk group, use the following command.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#interface smartgroup<1-32> This creates a trunk group.

2 ZXR10(config--smartgroupX)#smartgroup mode{ This creates smartgroup

802.3ad|on} mode.

2. To add a member port to the trunk group and set the port
aggregation mode, use the following command.

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#smartgroup <smartgroup-id> This adds a member port to the

mode {passive|active|on} trunk group and sets the port
aggregation mode.

When aggregation mode is set to on, port runs static trunk and
both ends taking part in aggregation should be set to on.
When aggregation mode is set to active or passive, port runs
LACP. Active indicates a port is in active negotiation mode. Pas-
sive indicates a port is in passive negotiation mode. When con-
figuring dynamic link aggregation, set the aggregation mode
of one end to active and that of other to passive or both ends
to active.

VLAN link type of member port must be consistent with that of
smartgroup. Otherwise, port is not allowed to join trunk group.

3. To set load balance mode for port link aggregation, use the
following command.

ZXR10(config--smartgroupX)#smartgroup load-balance This sets load balance mode for

<mode> port link aggregation.

Port link aggregation of ZXR10 5900E supports six load bal-

ance modes. They are based on source and destination IP
addresses, source and destination MAC addresses, as well as
source and destination ports. By default, load balance mode is
based on source and destination MAC addresses.
4. To delete sm, use the following command.

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Chapter 9 Link Aggregation Configuration

ZXR10(config)#no interface <smartgroup-id> This deletes sm.

5. To delete port from sm, use the following command.

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#no smartgroup This deletes port from sm.

Link Aggregation
Configuration Example
Switches A and B are connected through the smartgroup port,
which is converged by four physical ports. The smartgroup op-
erates in trunk mode with VLANs 10 and 20 borne. This is shown
in Figure 22.


Switch A configuration:
/*Create a trunk group*/
ZXR10_A(config)#interface smartgroup1
/* bind ports to Trunk group */
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/1)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/2)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/3
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/3)#smartgroup 1 mode active
ZXR10_A(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10_A(config-gei_1/4)#smartgroup 1 mode active
/*Modify VLAN link type of smartgroup port*/
ZXR10_A(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_A(config-smartgroup1)#switchport mode trunk

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ZXR10_A(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk vlan 10

ZXR10_A(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk vlan 20
ZXR10_A(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk native vlan 10

Switch B configuration
ZXR10_B(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_A(config-smartgroup1)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/5
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/5)#smartgroup 1 mode passive
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/6
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/6)#smartgroup 1 mode passive
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/7
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/7)#smartgroup 1 mode passive
ZXR10_B(config)#interface gei_1/8
ZXR10_B(config-gei_1/8)#smartgroup 1 mode passive
ZXR10_B(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXR10_B(config-smartgroup1)#switchport mode trunk
ZXR10_B(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk vlan 10
ZXR10_B(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk vlan 20
ZXR10_B(config-smartgroup1)#switchport trunk native vlan 10

Link Aggregation
Maintenance and Diagnosis
To facilitate link aggregation maintenance and diagnosis, use the
following command.

ZXR10(config)#show lacp {[<smartgroup-id>]{counters|i This facilitates link aggregation

nternal|neighbors} maintenance and diagnosis.

1. This example shows how to view the aggregation state of mem-

ber port in trunk group 2.
ZXR10(config)#show lacp 2 internal
Flag *--LOOP is TRUE
Actor Agg LACPDUs Port Oper Port RX Mux
Port State Interval Priority Key State Machine Machine
gei_1/7 active 30 32768 0x202 0x3d current
gei_1/8 active 30 32768 0x202 0x3d current

When Agg State is selected and Port State is 0x3d, port ag-
gregation succeeds. If the aggregation fails, Agg State is uns-
2. This example shows how to view the count of the received and
transmitted packets of the member port.
ZXR10(config)#show lacp 2 counter
Actor LACPDUs Marker LACPDUs Marker
Port Tx Rx Tx Rx Err Err

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Chapter 9 Link Aggregation Configuration

gei_1/7 11 5 0 0 0 0
gei_1/8 10 6 0 0 0 0

When both protocol transmitted packets Tx and protocol re-

ceived packets Rx of each member port are not zero, aggrega-
tion succeeds. Otherwise, the aggregation fails.
3. This example shows how to view the member port of the op-
posite side of trunk group 2.
ZXR10(config)#show lacp 2 neighbors
Smartgroup 2 neighbors
Actor Partner Partner Port Oper Port
Port System ID Port No. Priority Key State
gei_1/7 0x8000,00d0.d0c0.0f60 323 0x8000 0x202 0x3d
gei_1/8 0x8000,00d0.d0c0.0f60 324 0x8000 0x202 0x3d

Partner Port number represents the port number of the part-

ner. When Port State is 0x3d, it indicates that the aggregation

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Chapter 10

IGMP Snooping

Table of Contents
IGMP Snooping Overview....................................................87
Configuring IGMP Snooping.................................................89
IGMP Snooping Configuration Example .................................92
IGMP Snooping Maintenance and Diagnosis...........................93

IGMP Snooping Overview

IGMP snooping is one of layer 2 functions of the switch, which can
limit the forwarding of IP multicast traffic.
As shown in Figure 23, IGMP runs between host and multicast
router. IGMP communications between host and router so that
the switch can learn which ports are multicast members and get
multicast forward table before forwarding multicast packets. Mul-
ticast packet is sent to the port in the multicast forward table only.
IGMP snooping avoid unnecessary network bandwidth waste and
improve the switch utilization.

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Multicast Group Join

The host joins corresponding multicast group by sending an IGMP
joining message. When the switch receives the IGMP host report
from a host for a particular multicast group, the switch adds the
port number of the host to the associated multicast table entry.
When other hosts in the same VLAN are interested in the multicast
traffic and send a membership report, the switch adds them to the
existed forwarding entries.
Switch creates only one forwarding entry for each multicast group
in the same VLAN, forwards the multicast traffic of the multicast
group in all ports receiving the membership report.

Multicast Group Leave

Hosts that joined multicast group must respond to IGMP query
message transmitted by router periodically. As long as one host
responds to IGMP query in a VLAN, the router must continue for-
warding traffic of the multicast group that the host joined to the
When a host wants to leave a multicast group, it could ignore
the IGMP query message transmitted by router periodically (called
“leave quietly”), or send IGMPv2 leave message of specific group.
When IGMP Snooping hears IGMPv2 leave message of specific
group, the switch sends specific group query message to the port
receiving the message to query whether other hosts belonging to
the multicast group are available in this port. If IGMP Snooping
cannot receive any response message after several queries, it in-
dicates that there are no hosts belonging to the multicast group

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Chapter 10 IGMP Snooping Configuration

in this port, and IGMP Snooping will delete corresponding ports in

the Layer 2 forwarding entries; if receiving response message, it
is not necessary to modify forwarding table.

Fast Leave
When switch monitors the IGMPv2 leave message of designated
group, it does not send the query message. Instead, the switch
directly deletes the corresponding port in the layer 2 forward entry.
Take care when enabling fast leave function in a VLAN, if one of the
multiple hosts in a port leaves multicast group, other hosts of the
same multicast group in the port cannot receive multicast traffic
of the multicast group.

Configuring IGMP Snooping

Enabling IGMP snooping

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping This enables IGMP snooping.

2 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping This enables IGMP snooping

in VLAN.

3 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping fast-leave This configures group fast

leave function in VLAN.

Configuring ssm-mapping
To configure ssm-mappingtake received igmp v2 client as v3 client
to handle, use the following commands.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping ssm-mapping This globally enables


2 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping ssm-mapping-rule This configures ssm-mapping

<group address><source address> rule.

3 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping clear-ssm-mapping This clears all configured

ssm-mapping rules.

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Configuring Topology Discovery

After igmp snooping receiving topology changing notification, the
action is triggered to speed multicast route convergence.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping send-special-leave This enables sending special

leave message function at the
global configuration mode.

2 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping send-general-qu This enables sending general

ery query message function at the
global configuration mode.

Configuring an Agent Querier

Generally multicast network has at least one multicast router
which regularly sends the IGMP query packet. If the multicast
network has no multicast router, configure an agent querier to
send the IGMP query packet.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping querier This enables IGMP Snooping

querier function.
The command with parameter
isip igmp snooping querier
vlan <vid>[version <1-3>]

2 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping query-interval<i This configures query interval

nterval> of the agent querier.

3 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping query-response- This configures maximum

interval<interval> response interval of the agent

4 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping querier <1-3> This configures IGMP

Snooping agent querier
version in VLAN.

Configuring IGMP Agent

When ZXR10 5900E is configured IGMP-SNOOPING to connect
multicast router, generally the IGMP agent function need to be
opened. There are two functions of agent: one is that when
switch receiving query from multicast router, send information got
by IGMP-SNOOPING listening to indicate that which group has the
client. Another is that when switch listens the first user joining

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Chapter 10 IGMP Snooping Configuration

or last user leaving of a group, send this message to multicast


Command Function

ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping mode proxy vlan <vlan This enables IGMP proxy
id> function.

Restricting a Multicast Group

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping acl<acl-number> This makes a ACL filtering for

multicast group.

2 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping max-group- This configures maximum

num <number> group number allowed by the

3 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping max-host-in-gr This configures maximum

oup<ip-address>[limit-num<num>] host group allowed by the

Limiting Quantity of Users

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This configures max number

interface <port-name> limit-num <1-4096> of users that port allows to

2 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This configures max number

vlan <vlan-id> limit-num <1-4096> of users that VLAN allows to

3 ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This configures max number

group <A.B.C.D> limit-num <1-4096> of users that multicast group
allows to access.

4 ZXR10(config)#no ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This deletes user number limit

interface <port-name> of port.

5 ZXR10(config)#no ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This deletes user number limit

vlan <vlan-id> of VLAN.

6 ZXR10(config)#no ip igmp snooping max-host-limit This deletes user number limit

group <A.B.C.D> of multicast group.

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Configuring Static IGMP SNOOPING

The static configuration is not aging but deleted statically.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping static This configures static user

<ip-address> interface <port-name> in VLAN. If a user needs to
join a multicast group without
IGMP. IGMP snooping cannot
monitor the request. In this
case, static configuration can
be made.

2 ZXR10(config-vlanX)#igmp snooping mrouter This configures multicast

interface <port-name> route port in the VLAN.
This command is used
when PIM-Snooping is not
configured or connecting
multicast router that does not
send query packets.

Modifying Default Time

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config-vlan)#igmp snooping host-time-out This modifies aging time of

<time> the user.

2 ZXR10(config-vlan)#igmp snooping last-member-q This modifies the last member

uery-interval<interval> query interval.

3 ZXR10(config-vlan)#igmp snooping mrouter-time- This modifies the route port

out<time> aging time.

IGMP Snooping
Configuration Example
Ports gei_1/1, gei_1/3 and gei_1/5 are connected to host. Port
gei_1/7 is connected to multicast router. These ports belong to
VLAN 10. Enable IGMP Snooping on switch. This is shown in Figure

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Chapter 10 IGMP Snooping Configuration


Configuration on the switch:

ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping
ZXR10(config)#ip igmp snooping mode proxy vlan 10
ZXR10(config)#vlan 10
ZXR10(config-vlan10)#igmp snooping

IGMP Snooping
Maintenance and Diagnosis
ZXR10 5900E provides show command to view information re-
lated to IGMP Snooping, to help maintenance and diagnosis.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10#show ip igmp snooping This shows IGMP snooping

configuration information.

2 ZXR10#show ip igmp snooping vlan<vlan-id> This shows IGMP snooping

configuration information of
designated VLAN.

3 ZXR10#show ip igmp snooping port-info This shows port information

vlan<vlan-id> related to IGMP snooping.

4 ZXR10#show ip igmp snooping statistic[clear] This shows statistics on IGMP


ZXR10 5900E also provides debug ip igmp-snooping to opens

IGMP snooping debugging to debug IGMP snooping.

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This example shows IGMP snooping packet receiving and trans-

ZXR10#debug ip igmp-snooping
IGMP SNOOPING Rcv Group Report Msg:
From Vlan 1, Port gei_4/7
IGMP SNOOPING Rcv Group Report Msg:
From Vlan 1, Port gei_4/8

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Chapter 11

UDLD Configuration

Table of Contents
UDLD Overview .................................................................95
Configuring UDLD ..............................................................96

UDLD Overview
UDLD is a layer 2 logic link detection protocol. It can detect Eth-
ernet link logic connectivity and verify physical connectivity. Dif-
ferent from physical connection detection, UDLD detects based on
neighbor. The layer 1 device is transparent to UDLD.
UDLD detection builds up neighbor relationship with adjacent layer
2 devices firstly. When the Ethernet port whose status is UP opens
UDLD function, this port sends Hello packet that neighbor has en-
tered to inform other adjacent related devices. The adjacent re-
lated devices port that opens UDLD function receives this Hello
packet and sends an Echo packet back. From the point of view of
this device, that receiving this Echo packet means that the two de-
vices are interconnection and the neighbor relationship with peer
device has established on this device and sends Echo packet back.
After the peer receiving Echo packet, the relationship on the two
devices is established.
After both sides establish the neighbor relationship, send detection
Hello packet at regular time to detect if the detection link works
normally. When receiving the Hello detection packet sent from
neighbor, update local storage neighbor buffer information and re-
set neighbor outtime. If exceed neighbor aging time and still not
receiving Hello detection packet, consider that link is on abnormal
working condition and need different working modes to handle.
UDLD has two working modes: ordinary mode and aggressive
mode. In ordinary mode, only when packets are received and
link is verified to be through in uni-direction, this interface can be
down; in case corresponding packets are not received or link fails
to be verified through in uni-direction, this operation will not be
conducted on the interface; In aggressive mode, as long that link
fails to be verified to be through bidirectionally, the interface will
be down. The common point of the two modes is that in any cir-
cumstance, as long as the link is not verified to work normally ,
print alarm.
Generally speaking, there are several conditions that UDLD sets
interface down.

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1. In ordinary mode, after sending Hello neighbor joining packet,

the received Echo packet displays that the peer port's neighbor
is not itself.
2. In aggressive mode, after sending Hello neighbor joining
packet, the received Echo packet displays that the peer port's
neighbor is not itself.
3. In aggressive mode, after receiving Hello neighbor joining
packet, send Echo packet and the peer Echo packet is not
4. In aggressive mode, all neighbors in the interface exceed the
aging time and don't receive Hello detection packet. When
interface is down or the interface can't be used, this device
need to send a flush packet to inform the adjacent layer 2
device to delete the information of this device.
Enable UDLD protocol, the receiving echo packet displays the peer
port's neighbor is not itself, which indicates fault connection. No
matter what mode UDLD applies, the port will be shutdown.
Aging time means protocol packet sending interval (the default is
15 seconds)*3. If aggressive mode is configured, packet is not
recieverd when exceed aging time, port will be shutdown.

Configuring UDLD
UDLD Global Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#Udld enable/disable <port-list> This globally enables UDLD or

enables UDLD in batch.

2 ZXR10(config)#udld message time < 7-90><port-list> This sets protocol packet

sending interval.

3 ZXR10(config)#no udld message time <port-list> This recovers default protocol

packet sending time.

4 ZXR10(config)#udld recovery enable/disenable This recovers interface up

<port-list> automatically for the reason
that UDLD causes interface
down (the default is not

5 ZXR10(config)#udld recovery timer <port-list> This sets the time when the
interface is recoverd as up
automatically for the reason
that UDLD causes interface
down (the default is 30s).

6 ZXR10(config)#no udld recovery timer <port-list> This sets 30s to recover

interface up automatically for
the reason that UDLD causes
interface down.

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Chapter 11 UDLD Configuration

St- Command Function


7 ZXR10(config)#udld reset <port-list> This resets interface manually

for the reason that UDLD
causes interface down.

8 ZXR10(config)#Debug udld event This prints UDLD related


9 ZXR10(config)#Debug udld packet This prints UDLD related


UDLD Interface Configuration 

The configuration in the interface mode is the same as that in
global configuration mode.

UDLD Configuration Notification

1. UDLD doesn't support optical-electrical mixed port.
2. The interface configuration can cover global configuration. The
global configuration also can cover interface configuration (only
suitable for optical interface), for example, optical interface is
enabled UDLD in the interface mode. In global configuration
mode, no udld mode takes effect.
3. The maximum number of UDLD neighbor is 16.

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Chapter 12


Table of Contents
LLDP Overview ..................................................................99
Configuring LLDP ............................................................. 100
LLDP Configuration Example ............................................. 100

LLDP Overview
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol is a new protocol defined in
802.1ab. It makes the adjacent devices send information to each
other to update physical topology information and establish de-
vice management information base. The workflow of LLDP is as
1. send local device link and management information to adjacent
2. Local device receives adjacent device network management
3. Store adjacent device network management information in lo-
cal device MIB database. Network management software can
query device layer 2 connection status in MIB database.
LLDP is not configuration protocol of remote system or signal con-
trol protocol between ports. LLDP can discover the adjacent de-
vices layer 2 configuration is not same, but it doesn't provide
mechanism to solve the problem, it only reports this problem to
upper layer management device.
In a word, LLDP is a kind of neighbor finding protocol. It defines a
standard for the network devices in the Ethernet such as switch,
router and wireless lan access point. It can announce its existence
to other nodes in the network and save discovery information of
every neighbor device. For example, device configuration, device
ID and other information can be announced by this protocol
LLDP defines a common announcement information set, a trans-
mission announcement protocol and a kind of way to save the
receiving announcement information. The device that need to an-
nounce its information can put multiple pieces of announcement
information into one LLDPDU Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data
Unit to transmit. This LLDPDU contains a sting of variable length
short message units, which is called Type Length Value(TLV). The
description is as follows:
� Type means the information type that need to send;
� Length means information byte number;

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� Value means the actual information that need to send.

Each LLDPDU contains four forced TLVs and an optional TLV:
1. Device ID TLV
2. Port ID TLV
4. Optional TLV
5. LLDPDU end TLV.
Device ID and port ID are used for identifying transmitter.
TTL TLV tells receiver the reserving period of all information. If the
update information from transmitter is not received in the period,
the receiver will discard all related information. IEEE has defined
a suggesting update frequency, that is, transmit one time every
Optional TLV includes basic management TLV set( such as port
description TLV), special TLV set organized IEEE 802.1, and special
TLV set organized IEEE 802.3
The occurrence of LLDPDU end TLV indicates LLDPDU is over.

Configuring LLDP
LLDP configuration includes global configuration and interface con-
figuration. Only finishes these two parts of configuration, can this
protocol take effect.

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#lldp enable This enables LLDP.

2 ZXR10(config)#lldp hellotime <seconds> This sets LLDP packet sending

The range of lldp hellotime is
<5-32768>, the default is 30.

3 ZXR10(config)#lldp holdtime <multiple> This sets LLDP packet aging

time, the product of hellotime
and parameter is aging time.
The range of lldp holdtime is
<2-10>, the default is 4.

4 ZXR10(config)#lldp {enable | rxdisable | txdisable | This configures LLDP global or

rxenable | txenable | disabled}[interface gei_1/1] interface management status.

LLDP Configuration
Connect the two devices to implement LLDP protocol discovery, as
shown in Figure 25.

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Chapter 12 LLDP


Configuration of S1:
Zxr10#conf t
Zxr10(config)#lldp enable
Zxr10(config)#lldp enable interface gei_1/1

Configuration of S2:
Zxr10#conf t
Zxr10(config)#lldp enable
Zxr10(config)#lldp enable interface gei_1/1

View the configuration result:

1. View LLDP global configuration information
Zxr10#show lldp config
Lldp init: 1
Lldp enable: enabledRxTx
Lldp hellotime: 30s
Lldp holdtime: 120s
Lldp maxneighbor: 128
Lldp curneighbor: 2

2. View LLDP status

Zxr10#show lldp statistic
LLDP counters:
Total packets output: 23352, Input: 23266
Total packets error: 0, discard: 0
Total tlvs discard: 0, unrecognized: 0
Total neighbors add: 6, del: 0,
Total neighbors age: 0, drop: 0,

3. view LLDP interface configuration information

Zxr10#show lldp config int gei_1/1
Lldp port enable: enabledRxTx
Lldp maxneighbor: 8
Lldp curneighbor: 1
Lldp rxstat: 3
Lldp rxPortstus: 1
Lldp rxenable: 1
Lldp rcvChanges: 1
Lldp rcvFrame: 0
Lldp badFrame: 0
Lldp rxTTL: 300
Lldp txstat: 2
Lldp txPortstus: 1
Lldp txenable: 1
Lldp txsLocalchange: 0
Lldp txdelay: 1
Lldp txshutwhile: 0
Lldp txTTR: 10

4. View LLDP neighbor information

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Zxr10#show lldp neighbor

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route

S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,

P - Phone W - W
LAN Access Point

Local Intrfce Device ID Holdtime Capability Platform

Port ID
gei_1/48 0000d0000100 91 B S ZXR10 ROS
Version gei_2/1
gei_1/47 000011110000 296 B S ZXR10 ROS
Version gei_1/24
V4.08.23 ZX..

5. View LLDP interface neighbor information

Zxr10#show lldp neighbor interface gei_1/1
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source
Route Bridge

S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone

W - W
LAN Access Point

Local Intrfce Device ID Holdtime Capability Platform Port ID

gei_1/48 0000d0000100 92 B S ZXR10 ROS Version gei_2/1
V4.08.23 ZX..

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Chapter 13

L2PT Configuration

Table of Contents
L2PT Overview ................................................................ 103
Command Configuration ................................................... 103
L2PT Configuration Example.............................................. 104

L2PT Overview
In the VPN mode of QinQ, if the VPN users in different locations
want to run their layer 2 protocol, core network need to transpar-
ently transmit these layer 2 protocol packets. These packets can't
be transparently transmitted, L2PT is used to transparently trans-
mit client network layer 2 protocol packet in QinQ VPN network
The fullname of L2PT is layer 2 protocol tunnel, which is a layer
2 protocol tunnel technology. The principle is that the receiving
layer 2 protocol packet is encapsulated by a multicast address on
tunnled port of edge switch, and then the encapsulated packet is
broadcast in vlan, these packets are de-encapsulated on the port
of remote switch that enables tunneled. In the end, transparent
transmission is implemented. Layer 2 protocol packet (STP), on
the port that doesn't enable L2PT, will not be transmitted in the
provider network, which will cause that the client network forms
several unconnected stp domain based on area border and the
client VPN network can't run a uniform STP topology. L2PT can
help user to meet the requirement by transparently transmitting
STP BPDU packet in VPN.

Command Configuration
To enable port or close L2PT tunnel, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#l2protocol-tunneled stp {enable This enables/disables port

| disable} tunneled.

This command is configured in the interface mode. It is used to

enable or disable a certain port tunneled. STP field indicates layer

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2 protocol mode that need tunneled, which only supports stp pro-
tocol. The default is disabled.

QinQ or SVLAN need to be configured on tunnel access port to
take an effect on port tunneled configuration function, which im-
plements L2PT packet transparent transmission function.

L2PT Configuration Example

Network figure is shown as Figure 26:


Switch A and switch B are edge switches, which are at the edge
of provider network. They are used to connect network device
of user. Tunnel is configured on a port of edge switch to imple-
ment packet encapsulation or de-encapsulation. Switch 1, switch
2, switch 3, switch 4 and switch 5 are client network switches,
which belong to the same VPN.
The client network device that switch A connects transparently
transmits STP protocol packet to the client network device that
switch B connects through provider network devices, which fin-
ishes one-way transparent transmission. The configuration is as
1. On tunnel access edge switch A, the port that connects the
client network device is configured L2PT tunnel, QinQ customer
port and enabled STP protocol; The port that connects provider
network is configured trunk port.
Zxr10#conf t
Zxr10(config)#vlan 10

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Chapter 13 L2PT Configuration

Zxr10(config)#inter gei_1/1
Zxr10(config-gei_1/1)#l2protocol-tunneled stp enable
Zxr10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport qinq customer
Zxr10(config-gei_1/1)#switchport access vlan 10
Zxr10(config)#interface gei_1/2
Zxr10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport mode trunk
Zxr10(config-gei_1/2)#switchport trunk vlan 10
Zxr10(config)#spanning-tree enable

2. On tunnel exit edge switch B, the port that connects the

provider network is configured L2PT tunnel port, the port that
connects client network device is configured access port.
Zxr10#conf t
Zxr10(config)#vlan 10
Zxr10(config)#inter gei_1/11
Zxr10(config-gei_1/11)#l2protocol-tunneled stp enable
Zxr10(config)#interface gei_1/12
Zxr10(config-gei_1/12)#switchport access vlan 10

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Chapter 14

Ethernet OAM

Table of Contents
802.3ah Overview ........................................................... 107
Configuring 802.3ah ........................................................ 109
CFM Configuration ........................................................... 112

802.3ah Overview
IEEE 802.3ah is management of "link" level. It monitors and fault
process Point to Point ethernet link. Sometimes "Detection of the
last mile" means that. Link layer OAM is mainly used in Point to
Point direct-connect link detection.

Figure 27 views the location of OAM in ISO/IEC OSI reference mod-
ule. LLC( logical link control ) or other MAC client layer are above
OAM, MAC layer or optional MAC control sub-layer are below OAM.
OAM layer is optional. OAM function mainly includes the following
three functions:



� Remote discovery

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� Remote loopback
� Link monitor
DTE joining OAM sub-layer supports active/passive mode. When
enabling OAM, DTE that supports the two modes should select ac-
tive or passive.

Remote Discovery
OAM provides mechanism for detecting if remote DTE has OAM
sub-layer, if find it isn't satisfied, OAM client will know the result
and generate fail alarm. There are two cases for fail. One is that
peer end doesn't open OAM function, another is link connection
fault. During the remote discovery process, the information OAM-
PDU tag domain carries current link event (link fault, emergency
failure and emergency event). But the specific fault definition ,
composed of link fault, emergency failure and emergency event,
relates to implementation. So there are two ways to know link has
fault by remote discovery. One is knew by OAMPDU timeout, an-
other is to define some detailed emergency link events to let client
layer know which fault occurs on link from information OAMPDU.
The DTE which is configured active mode lauches discovery
process. When discovery process finishes, remote OAM peer en-
tity is in active mode, active DTE is allowed to send any OAMPDU,
DTE configured passive mode doesn't launch discovery process,
passive DTE feedbacks remote DTE launching discovery process.

Remote Loopback
OAM provides optional data link layer frame loopback mode. It is
controlled by the remote. OAM remote loopback is used for fault
location and link performance test. When remote DTE is in OAM
remote loop mode, local and remote DTE statistics can be querid
and compared at any time. Query can happen before , during
and after the process that loop is sent to remote DTE. In addition,
analyze OAM sub-layer loop frame to ensure additional information
about link health ( namely ensure frame dropping for link fault).
If an OAM client has sent a Loopback Control OAMPDU and is wait-
ing for the peer DTE to respond with an Information OAMPDU that
indicates it is in OAM remote loopback mode, and that OAM client
receives an OAM remote loopback command from the peer device,
the following procedures are recommended: a)If the local DTE has
a higher source_address than the peer, it should enter OAM remote
loopback mode at the command of its peer. If the local DTE has
a lower source_address than the peer, it should ignore the OAM
remote loopback command from its peer and continue as if it were
never received.

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration

Link Monitor
Link monitor function is to do statistics for fault symbols or fault
frames that physical layer receives during fixed time. The driver
has a counter which is always doing the statistics of fault frame,
fault symbol, and total receiving frame number. The platform
reads these information at specific time, then judge and process
according to fault symbol number, fault frame number and total
frame number, detect what kind of event happens and generate
the corresponding event to inform OAMPDU.
There are four types of link event:
1. Link fault symbol period event, count the fault symbol gener-
ated in specific time. Period is defined by symbols number that
physical layer receives in some time.
2. Fault frame event, count the fault frame generated in specific
3. Fault frame period event, count the fault frame generated in
specific time. The period is defined by receiving frame number.
4. Fault frame second accumulated event, count the fault frame
second generated in specific time. Period is defined by time

Configuring 802.3ah
Function Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam {enable|disable} This enables Ethernet-OAM in

global configuration mode.
Enable: open global link
Ethernet-OAM function.
Disable: close global link
Ethernet-OAM function.

2 ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam <oui> This sets OUI of Ethernet

<oui> is character string
type, the maximum lengthen
is 3.

3 ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam remote-loopback This sets Ethernet OAM

timeout <1-10> remote-loopback timeout
The unit of <1-10> is second.
If the function is not set, the
default value is 3.

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St- Command Function


4 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#set ethernet-oam This enables Ethernet OAM

{enable|disable} on port.
Enable: open port link
Ethernet-OAM function.
Disable: close port link
Ethernet-OAM function.

5 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#set ethernet-oam period This configures port discovery

<1-10> timeout <2-10> mode {active|passive} mode.

6 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#set ethernet-oam This enables port

remote-loopback {start|stop} remote-loopback.
Start: open link ethernet-oam
remote-loopback function.
Stop: close link ethernet-oam
remote-loopback function.

7 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x) #set ethernet-oam This configures port link

link-monitor {{enable|disable}| (symbol-period monitor event mode.
(threshold<1-65535> window <1-65535>)|(frame
(threshold<1-65535>) window <1-60>))|
(frame-period (threshold<1-65535>)(wind
ow<1-600000>)|(frame-seconds (threshold
<1-900>)(window <10-900>)) }

8 ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam [<port>{discove This shows port or global

ry|link-monitor|satistics}] configuration. The show
command can be used in
other modes.

Enhanced Function Configuration

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10#debug ethernet-oam { all | (interface This opens OAM Debug

<interface-name>)} function.
If select all, all Debug
information on all ports will
be displayed on foreground.
If select interface, only one
interface Debug information
will be printed on foreground.

2 ZXR10#debug ethernet-oam packet interface This prints Ethernet-oam

<interface-name>{in|out|dual}type{information|n packet that is in, out or both
otify|reqst-varb|resps-varb|org-spec|all} mode on one interface, the type of
{all-time|(number [100-1000])} packet can be information
PDU, notify PDU, request PDU
,response PDU and so on.

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration

St- Command Function


3 ZXR10(config)#clear ethernet-oam { all |statistic } This clears configuration or

statistics data.
Select all to clear all
ethernet-oam configuration.
Select statistic for clearing
all statistic information but
reserving configuration.

Instance Configuration
As shown in Figure 28, run ethernet-oam on R1 and R2. R1 port
is gei_1/1, R2 port is gei_1/2.


Configuration of remote discovery

Configuration of R1:
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam en
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#set ethernet-oam enable
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#set ethernet-oam period 10 timeout 3
mode passive

Configuration of R2:
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam enable
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/2
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#set ethernet-oam enable
ZXR10(config-gei_1/2)#set ethernet-oam period 10 timeout 3 mode active

When discovering sucess, prompt ETH-OAM gei_1/2 discovery

process is successful.
When failing, prompt ETH-OAM gei_1/2 is informed of remote link
ETH-OAM: gei_1/2 is informed of remote unrecoverable failure.
When discovering sucess, the discovery information showed by R2
is as follows:
ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam gei_1/2 discovery
PortId 2 : ethernet oam enabled
Local DTE
Mode : active
Period : 10*100(ms)
Link TimeOut : 3(s)
Unidirection : nonsupport

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PDU max size : 1518

Parser : forward
Multiplexer : forward
Stable : yes
Discovery : done
Loopback : off
PDU Revision : 0

Remote DTE
Mode : passive
Link Monitor : support
Unidirection : nonsupport
Remote Loopback : support
Mib Retrieval : nonsupport
PDU max size : 1518
Parser : forward
Multiplexer : forward
Stable : yes
Mac Address : 00.19.c6.00.2b.fc
PDU Revision : 1

CFM Configuration
CFM Overview
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) is useful to Virtual Bridged
Local Area Networks for detecting, isolating, and reporting connec-
tivity faults. It is aimed primarily at Provider Bridged Networks,
but is useful also for C-VLAN networks.
CFM that current switch mainly supports implementation based on
IEEE 802.1ag.
The manager of network plans the network service and divides the
whole network into multiple MDs for management and diagnosis,
single domain is as shown in Figure 29.
The domain in the figure defines a series of ports on edge de-
vice and internal device. The gray point on the edge device is
service port that connects the devices out of domain, which is
defined maintenance edge point (MEP). The black port (includes
those devices on the domain intermediate device) is the port that
connects devices in the domain, which is defined as maintenance
intermediate pointMIP. Implement domain management function
by defining MEP and MEP.

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration


As shown in Figure 30, a network can be divided into user domain,

provider domain and operator domain. Each established domain
will be designated a level, there are 0-7 levels in total. The do-
main level will decide domain inclusion relationship. The domain
with large level can include the domain with low level, whereas
it doesn't work. The domains with same level can't include each
other. That is, the domain with the largest range has the highest
level. Domain inclusion relationship can not be intersection but
tangency(internally-tangent or externally-tangent) and inclusion.
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) is useful to Virtual Bridged
Local Area Networks for detecting, isolating, and reporting connec-
tivity faults. It is aimed primarily at Provider Bridged Networks,
but is useful also for C-VLAN networks. IEEE 802.1ag standard
defines the following mechanism:
1. Configure multiple embedded MDs by a bridge network. Each
domain can be managed by different management organiza-
2. Configure MAMaintenance Association ) identified by a lone MD
in any designated bridge and a group of VLANs.
3. Protocol, workflow and CFM protocol packet format for detect-
ing, isolating, and reporting connectivity faults.
4. Configure and manage configuration ability of MP (mainte-
nance point) in MA. MP is used for generating CFM packet.
5. Demand MPs to implement specific fault isolating operation and
inspect result.

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Route discovery: MEP use LTM/LTR to track the route from one
MEP to another MEP or between MIPs.
Fault detection: MEP use periodically sending and receiving CCM
information to detect network connection. It mainly detects con-
nection fault and unwanted connection (fault connection status).
Fault affirmation and isolation: This function belongs to manage-
ment act, manager affirms fault bill by LBM/LBR, then does the
isolation operation.
Fault notification: When MEP has connection fault, the relevant re-
port information will be sent to the designated management sys-
tem such as NMSTRAP and so on.
Network status detection: estimate network connection status or
network delay jitter status through detecting the packet with time
stamp between MEPs or packet transceiver with counter value.
MP, includes MEP and MIP, is the smallest entity of management
layer realizable function. By comparison, realizable function of
MEP is more complicated than that of MIP and management con-
figuration is more complex. In some extent, CFM function is mainly
implemented by MEP. MEP can send, receive and handle any one
of above information. But MIP only can handle LTM and LBM infor-
mation and send LTR and LBR information.

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration

Configuring CFM

Basic Configuration of CFM

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10(config)#cfm {enable|disable} This enables CFM at global

configuration mode.
Enable: enable CFM
Disable: disable CFM

2 ZXR10(config)#cfm create md session <1-16> name This establishes and

<mdname> level <0-7> configures MD attribute.
When establishing
successfully, enter into
MD mode automatically.

3 ZXR10(config)#cfm delete md <1-16> This deletes MD.

4 ZXR10(config)#cfm md session <1-16> This enters into MD

configuration mode.

5 ZXR10(config-md)#ma create session <1-32> name This creates MA.

<maname> Enter into CFM MA mode

6 ZXR10(config-md)#ma delete {<1-32>|<maname>} This deletes MA.

< 1-32 > : session id of MA
to be deleted.
< ma-name >: name of MA
to be deleted.

7 ZXR10(config-md)#ma session <1-32> This enters into MA

configuration mode.

8 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#protect {vlan|link} This sets MA protection mode.

The protection link mode can
be only used when md’s level
is 0.
The current MA only has
protect vlan an protect link

9 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#primary vlan <1-4094> This sets MA main vlan.

No matter whether ma’s
protection mode is vlan or
link, main vlan of ma need to
be configured.

10 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#speed {slow|fast} This sets MA CCM sending

fast and slow mode.
The default is slow.
{slow|fast}set MA allowed
CCM sending packet fast or

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St- Command Function


11 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#ccm timer-interval < 1-7> This sets MA CCM sending

time interval, representing
CCM sending time interval as
3.33ms,10ms, 100ms, 1s,
10s,1min, 10min respectively.
When MA configures as fast,
only set the value of 1-3.
When MA configures as slow,
only set the value of 4-7.

12 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create mep session This creates MEP at MA mode.

<1-64><1-8191> direction {down|up} MEP of down type and up type
are supported . The whole
device supports 8K MEPs.

13 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create mip session <1-64> This creates MIP at MA mode.

name <mipname>

14 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create rmep session This creates remote-mep.The

<1-64><1-8191> remote-mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> MAC address of remote MEP,
the format is 12 hexadecimal
numbers, every four is
separated by “.”. The MAC
address can neither be all 0
nor be multicast address and
broadcast address.
Creat at most 64 rmeps in
one MA, the whole device
supports 8K remps.

15 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#delete mep {<1-8191>|(session This deletes MEP, LMEP or

<1-64>)|all} RMEP.
Delete mep command can
delete a designated MEP by
index number and session
number. Also can delete the
current all MEPs in MA by
select all,here MEP includes

16 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#delete mip { (session This deletes MIP.

<1-64>)|all} When deleting MIP, delete the
designated session number
MIP or delete all MIPs in the
current MA.

17 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#assign mep <1-8191> to The port can be real port or

interface <interfacename> samartgroup.
When assigning port for MEP,
the MIP that level is lower
than or equal to current MEP
level can’t exist on the port
in the same vlan same level.
can’t assign port for one MEP
many times.

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration

St- Command Function


18 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#assign mip <1-64> interface This assigns MIP to port.

<interfacename> The port can be real port or
When assigning port for MIP,
the MEP that level is higher
than or equal to current MIP
level can’t exist on the port in
the same vlan same level.

19 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#no assign mep <1-8191> This cancels the assignment

of MEP to port.

20 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#no assign mip <1-64> This cancels the assignment

of MIP to port.

21 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep<1-8191>state{enable|dis This sets MEP management

able} enabled. By default, CFM of
MEP is disabled.

22 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep<1-8191>alarm-lowest-pri This sets MEP alarm priority.

<1-5> The five priorities from low
to high are RDI alarm, MAC
alarm, RMEP CCM failure
alarm, ERR CCM alarm and
XCON alarm.

23 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep<1-8191>priority <0-7> This sets MEP priority.

< 1-8191 >: index number
of MEP
< 0-7 >: priority of MEP, the
range is 0-7.

24 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep<1-8191>ccm-send This sets CC packet sending

{enable|disable} enabled.

25 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep<1-8191>ccm-check{enabl This checks CC packet.

e|disable} < 1-8191 >: ID number of
Enable: ccm-check status of
enabled MEP
Diable: ccm-check status of
disabled MEP

26 ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep < 1-8191> client-level < This sets level value of client
0-7> MEP and alarm function use.

CFM Function Configuration

1. To enable LB function, use the following command.
LB (LoopBack) means a MEP sends a designated MP unicast
CFM PDU for fault affirmation and isolation. A MP responses
LBM and sends unicast packet to LBM initiator MEP.
When MP loop responser receives a LBM, check its validity
first, if invalid then discard. If LBM source address is multi-
cast address (not alone MAC address) or destination address

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and receiving MP MAC aren’t matching, MP discards this LBM

packet. If test succeeds, receiving MP sends a LBR to MEP that
lauches LBM by taking LBM source address as destination ad-
dress. When a LBR is received by MHF, ignore this LBR for the
reason that MIP hasn’t the entity that receiving LBR.

Command Function

ZXR10#cfm lbm md <1-16> ma <1-32> smep-id Rmep must be established first.

<1-8191>{(dmep-id <1-8191>) | (dmep-mac<xxxx.x
xxx.xxxx>) |(dmip-mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>)}[{[repeat

LB can be used only when MD, MA, MP and RMEP establish suc-
cessfully and global enabled is opened. When using LB func-
tion, destination MP parameter can use established RMEP ID ,
RMEP MAC address or middle MIP MAC address.
LB function supports SG interface.
2. To enable LT function, use the following command.
LTM (Linktrace Message) : It is originated by MEP. It is used to
track the route from MIP to MIP until LTM arrived its destination
or MEP can’t be forwarded. It is used in fault isolation and route
discovery. LTM , multicast packet, whose destination address
is selected according to MD level of sending MEP , is forwarded
to appropriate MD level MP by bridge network. LTM packet
passing middle and MIP of MD and MA all send a LTR to source
MEP to ensure the packet arrives here. Destination MP could
be MIP.

Command Function

ZXR10#cfm ltm md <1-16> ma <1-32> smep-id Rmep must be established first.

<1-8191>{(dmep-id <1-8191>) | (dmep-mac<xxxx
.xxxx.xxxx>) |(dmip-mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>)}[{[ttl
<1-64>],[timeout <5-10>]]}]

i. LT can be used only when MD, MA, MP and RMEP establish

successfully and global enabled is opened.
ii. When using LT function, destination MP parameter can use
established RMEP ID , RMEP MAC address or middle MIP
MAC address.
iii. LT function supports middle and both ends configured SG
iv. Ttl parameter can’t exceed 64 hops. If the middle MIP
exceeds 64 hops, even if arrives at the destination, MP will
consider that is not arrived.
3. To read one time LTR route information , use the following com-

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration

Command Function

ZXR10#cfm ltr-read trans-id <1-4294967295> This reads one time LTR route
information. If read one time
arriving a certain MP route,
this route must be discovered

4. To set ais enabled function , use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep< 1-8191> ais {enable | This sets ais enabled function.

disable} If client-level command
is configured successfully,
enabling ais will send ais
message backward.

5. To set LCK function , use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-md-ma)#mep< 1-8191> lck {enable | This set LCK function. If

disable} cient-level is configured
correctly, after LCK is enabled,
LCK message will be sent.
backward . After LCK message
is received, mep will lock this
port and stop service flow
forwarding. The local or peer
end LCK is disabled, port will be

6. To display MD configuration information, use the following


Command Function

ZXR10#show md {all|(session <1-16>)} This displays MD configuration


7. To display MA configuration information, use the following com-


Command Function

ZXR10#show ma {all |( session <1-32>)} md <1-16> This shows all MAs in one MD or
a certain MA once.

8. To show MP information, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10#show mp {all |<1-64>}md <1-16> ma <1-32> This shows MP information.

Only can show a certain MD, one
or all MPs in a certain MA.

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Enhanced Function Configuration

St- Command Function

1 ZXR10#debug cfm pkt {all | (megid md <1-16> This opens Debug function.
ma <1-32> mep <1-8191>) }[{[direction {send In management mode, print
|rcv|alll}],[pkt-nums <10-100>],[time-interval all receiving and sending
<4-10000>]}] packets of all mep related
ports or only print one or
several receiving, sending or
receiving/sending packets in
one mep selectively (default
is 10), but the time interval
of printing packet can be

2 ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#cfm-mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> This configures port MAC.

The mac must be the one that
related to the rack.

3 ZXR10(config)#clear pbt-cfm This clears all CFM

after executing this
command, can't see any
CFM configuration information
by show run.

Instance Configuration
The three switches use LT function.
The network figure is shown as Figure 31:


The configurations of S1 are as follows:

ZXR10(config)# interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#switch mode trunk
ZXR10(config)# vlan 10
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# switchport tag gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# exit
ZXR10(config)# cfm create md session 15 name md15 level 7
ZXR10(config-md)# ma create session 32 name ma1
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#protect vlan
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# primary vlan 10
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# speed slow
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create mep session 64 1 direction down
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# assign mep 1 to interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# mep 1 state enable
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create rmep session 2 2 remote-mac

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Chapter 14 Ethernet OAM Configuration


The configurations of S2 are as follows:

ZXR10(config)# interface gei_2/1
ZXR10(config-gei_2/1)#switch mode trunk
ZXR10(config)# interface gei_2/2
ZXR10(config-gei_2/2)#switch mode trunk
ZXR10(config)# vlan 10
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# switchport tag gei_2/1
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# switchport tag gei_2/2
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# exit
ZXR10(config)# cfm create md session 15 name md15 level 7
ZXR10(config-md)# ma create session 32 name ma1
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#protect vlan
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# primary vlan 10
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# speed slow
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create mip session 63 name mip63
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# assign mip 63 interface gei_2/1

ZXR10(config)# cfm enable

The configurations of S3 are as follows:

ZXR10(config)# interface gei_3/1
ZXR10(config-gei_3/1)#switch mode trunk
ZXR10(config)# vlan 10
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# switchport tag gei_3/1
ZXR10(config-vlan10)# exit
ZXR10(config)# cfm create md session 15 name md15 level 7
ZXR10(config-md)# ma create session 32 name ma1
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#protect vlan
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# primary vlan 10
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# speed slow
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create mep session 62 2 direction down
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# assign mep 2 to interface gei_3/1
ZXR10(config-md-ma)# mep 2 state enable
ZXR10(config-md-ma)#create rmep session 2 1 remote-mac

ZXR10(config)# cfm enable

To enable LT function on S1, use the following command.

ZXR10# cfm ltm md 15 ma 32 smep-id 1 dmep-id 2
Interface that S1 views is as follows:
Linktrace to 00d0.d052.2800: timeout 5 seconds, 64 hops, trans-id 1.
Please wait 5 seconds to print the result.
Hops MAC ADDRESS Ingress Action Egress Action Relay Action
1 00d0.d034.5670 EgrOK RlyFDB
2 00d0.d052.2800 IngOK RlyHit
Destination 00d0.d052.2800 reached.

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Chapter 15

Sflow Configuration

Table of Contents
Overview........................................................................ 123
Configuring sFlow ............................................................ 125
SFlow Configuration Example ............................................ 125
SFlow Maintenance and Diagnosis...................................... 126

With the rapid development of network service in business envi-
ronment application, network scale becomes larger and larger, the
number of network devices increases repeatedly, and network flow
becomes more complicated, therefore the cost of network mainte-
nance keeps on increasing. How to manage the network devices
effectively and how to monitor and analyze real network traffic on
real-time have become one of the problem which device carrier pay
more attention to. At present, each equipment manufacturer pro-
vides various network flow monitor technology, but most of these
flow monitor technology are private or need specific hardware sup-
port technology. SFLOW is a standard flow monitor technology set
by IETF currently. It has low requirements on hardware , low re-
source consumption on device and good technology commonality.
Therefore it is applied by many equipment manufacturers.
SFLOW function is composed of three parts: sFlow packet sam-
pling unit, sFlow agent unit, sFlow collector(analyzer). SFlow
packet sampling unit and sFlow agent unit are generally integrated
into network device, but sFLOW collection is outside of system,
which analyzes multiple sFlow agent packets in the network.
SFlow sampling unit is the base of sFlow technology. Sampling
procedure is that sample the packet of network on the interface
which supports sFlow and send the sampling packet to sFlow agent
device to handle. SFlow Collector is the network device that sFlow
manage, monitor, collect and analyze. It is responsible for storing
packet sended from each sFlow Agent on the network and then
analyzing to give device traffic and various analysis report of ser-

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SFlow Sampling Unit

SFlow sampling unit implements on router, switch and other net-
work devices that need monitor. In the network system of router,
switch and so on, generally, implement packet sampling function
by network processor or ASIC chip.
SFlow sampling module mainly sample the packet according to
the user demands, meanwhile send the statistic information in
relevant packet forwarding procedure. In this process, the orig-
inal packet is totally not affected and this simple process mode
doesn't affect device original performance of processing packet.
The mechanism is simple and easy for processing and implemen-
tation on hardware and software.
Firstly, configure a sampling rate for sampling interface, which
can be a fixed value such as sampling a packet every N pack-
ets , or dynamic sampling rate such as deciding the current sam-
pling rate dynamically according to current port working speed,
system resource utility ratio and other information. When setting
sampling rate, sFlow works normally. For the packet that need
to be collected, system copies the packet or only copies the max-
imum packet length that sFlow Agent needs, sends the copy of
the packet, source port and destination port of the packet, the
current total packet counter value, sampling packet counter value
and other information to sFlow agent module for processing. After
sampling, packet are forwarded according to normal packet for-
warding workflow.

SFlow Agent Unit

The main function of SFlow Agent is to analyze sampling packet
, send encapsulated sFlow packet according to protocol to sFlow
collector device, meanwhile read the statistic information on the
interface and send them to sFlow collector device.
The location of sFlow agent module can be in network device itself
or outside of device. For most network devices supporting sFlow,
sFlow agent unit is integrated into management module of net-
work device. SFlow agent unit runs on a part of device network
management software module. It integrates interface count infor-
mation and sampling packet information into sFlow management
packet which is sent to sFlow collector.

SFlow Collector
SFlow Collector is the network device that sFlow manage, monitor,
collect and analyze. It is responsible for storing packet sended
from each sFlow Agent on the network and then analyzing to give
device traffic and various analysis report of service. Meanwhile,
some collector software that have MIB function can configure sFlow

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Chapter 15 Sflow Configuration

Configuring sFlow
1. To enable/disable sflow module, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config)#sflow { enable | disable} This enables/disables sflow


2. To configure sflow Agent, use the following command.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#sflow agent-config ipv4-address This configures sFlow Agent

A.B.C.D [udp_port] IP address.

2 ZXR10(config)#sflow agent-config ipv6-address This configures sFlow Agent

X:X::X:X [udp_port] IPv6 address.

3. To configure sFlow Collector, use the following command.

St- Command Function


1 ZXR10(config)#sflow collector-config ipv4-address This configures sFlow

A.B.C.D [udp_port] Collector IP address.

2 ZXR10(config)#sflow collector-config ipv6-address This configures sFlow

X:X::X:X [udp_port] Collector IPv6 address.

4. To configure sFlow sampling rate, use the following command.

Command Function

ZXR10(config-gei_1/x)#sflow-sample-rate { ingress| This configures sFlow sampling

egress}<ratevalue> rate on the interface.

SFlow Configuration
The networking figure is as shown in Figure 32.

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Configure sampling port gei_2/12 sending and receiving data flow

which is monitored on sflow server.
ZXR10(config)#sflow enable
ZXR10(config)#sflow agent-config ipv4-address
ZXR10(config)#sflow collector-config ip-address
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#sflow-sample-rate egress 1000
ZXR10(config-gei_1/1)#sflow-sample-rate ingress 1000

SFlow Maintenance and

SFlow provides the following commands for maintenance and diag-
nosis. The viewed information is the configuration in the instance.
ZXR10 (config)#show sflow

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Chapter 15 Sflow Configuration

sflow enable
sflowagent ip-addr:
sflwcollector ip-addr:

portname egress_sample_rate ingress_sample_rate

gei_2/12 1000 1000

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Chapter 16

IPFIX Configuration

Table of Contents
IPFIX Overview ............................................................... 129
Configuring IPFIX ............................................................ 131
IPFIX Configuration Example ............................................. 133
IPFIX Maintenance and Diagnosis ...................................... 134

IPFIX Overview
IPFIX Overview
IPFIX (IP Flow Information Export) is used to analyze and perform
statistics to communication traffic and flow direction in network. In
2003, IETF select Netflow V9 as IPFIX standard from 5 candidate
To analyze and perform statistics to data flow in network, it is
needed to distinguish types of packets transmitted in network.
Due to non-connection oriented characteristics of IP network, the
communication of different types of services in network can be a
series of IP packets sent from one terminal device to another ter-
minal device. This series of packets actually forms one data flow
of a service in carrier network. If management system can distin-
guish all flows in the entire network and correctly record transmit
time of each flow, occupied network port, transmit source/desti-
nation address and size of data flows, traffic and flow direction of
all communications in the entire carrier network can be analyzed
and performed with statistics.
By telling differences among different flows in network, it is avail-
able to judge if two IP packets belong to the same one flow. This
can be realized by analyzing 7 attributes of IP packet: source IP
address, destination IP address, source port id, destination id, L3
protocol type, TOS byte (DSCP), ifIndex for network device input
(or output).
With above 7 attributes of IP packet, flows of different service
types transmitted in network can be rapidly distinguished. Each
distinguished data flow can be traced separately and counted accu-
rately, its flow direction characteristics such as transmit direction
and destination can be recorded, and the start time, end time, ser-

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vice type, contained packet number, byte number and other traffic
information can be performed statistics.
As a macro analysis tool for network communication, Netflow tech-
nology doesn't analyze the specific data contained in each packet
in network, instead it tests characteristics of transmitted data flow,
which enables Netflow technology with good scalability: support-
ing high-speed network port and large-scale telecom network.
As for processing mechanism, IPFIX introduces multi-level pro-
cessing procedures:
� In preprocessing stage, IPFIX can filter data flow of a specific
level or perform sampling to packets on high-speed network
interface based on demands of network management. With
IPFIX, processing load of network device can be relieved and
scalability of system can be enhanced while the needed man-
agement information is collected and performed statistics.
� In postprocessing stage, IPFIX can select to output all collected
original statistics of data flow to upper-layer server for data
sorting and summary; alternatively, network device can per-
form data aggregation to original statistics in various modes
and send the summary statistics result to upper layer man-
agement server. The latter one can reduce the data quantity
output by network device, thus decreasing requirement to con-
figuration of upper layer management server and promoting
scalability and working efficiency of upper layer management
IPFIX outputs data in format of template. Network device will send
packet template and data flow records respectively to upper layer
management server when outputting data in IPFIX format. Packet
template specifies format and length of packet in subsequently
sent data flow record for management server processing subse-
quent packets. Meanwhile to avoid packet loss and errors in packet
transmission, network device repeats sending packet template to
upper layer management server regularly.

IPFIX supports packet number-based sampling as well as time-
based sampling. Sampling rate can be configured on each inter-
face separately.

Timeout Management
As for collected flow data,
� In case data are not updated within the inactive time, data will
be output to NM server;
� As for long time active flow, the data will also be output to NM
server after active time.

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Chapter 16 IPFIX Configuration

Data Output
After collecting data flows in network, network device always out-
puts them to NM server. IPFIX supports to output data to multiple
NM servers. Generally, data are output to two servers: master
server and slave server.
IPFIX adopts template-based data output mode. IFPIX supports to
send template every a few packets or at a certain interval. Packet
template specifies the format and length of packets in subsequent
data flows, and server resolves subsequent data flows according
to template.

Configuring IPFIX
Basic Configuration

Enabling/Disabling IPFIX Module

Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream {enable|disable} This enables/disables IPFIX


Setting IPFIX Memory Entries

Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream cache entries <number> This sets the number of data
flow entries stored in IPFIX
module, 4096 by default.

Setting Aging Time of Active Stream

Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream cache timeout active<number> This sets aging time of active

As for long time active stream, in case it exceeds the set aging
time, this data flow will age out, in minutes, 30 minutes by default.

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Setting Aging Time of Inactive Stream

Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream cache timeout inactive<numb This sets aging time of inactive
er> stream.

If data of a flow are not updated within the specified time, the
aging information will be notified to stream record, in seconds, 15
seconds by default.

Setting Sampling Rate

St- Command Functions

1 ZXR10(config)#interface < interface-name> This enters interface

configuration mode.

2 ZXR10(config-if)#netflow-sample-rate{ ingress| This configures packet

egress } number-based IPFIX sampling

Setting NM Server Address and L4 Port ID

Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream export destination This sets the address and port id
<ip-address> udp-port of NM server, to which packets
are sent.

Setting Source Address for Network Device

Sending Packets
Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream export source <ip-address> This sets source address for
network device sending packets.

Configuring TOPN
Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream topn N sort-by {bytes|packets} This sets size and sorting
behavior of TOPN (by packet
number or byte number).

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Chapter 16 IPFIX Configuration

Template Configuration

Setting Template
Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream templat <template-name> This sets template.

Setting Data Field Contained in Template Packet

Command Functions

ZXR10(config-stream-template)#match field This sets data field contained in

template packet.

Server resolves data contained in subsequent data flow according

to these fields. The fields include source IP, destination IP, source
port, destination port, the number of bytes contained in data flow,
the number of packets contained in data flow, type of L3 protocol,
TOS field, start time of data flow, end time of data flow, data flow
ingress index, data flow egress index and TCP flag.

Deleting Template
Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#no ip stream template template-name This deletes one template.

Running Template
Command Functions

ZXR10(config)#ip stream template template-name This runs template.

IPFIX Configuration
An IPFIX configuration example is given here with network topol-
ogy as shown in Figure 33.

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ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream enable

ZXR10_R1(config)#interface gei_2/12
ZXR10_R1(config-if)#netflow-sample-rate ingress unicast 1024
ZXR10_R1(config-if)#netflow-sample-rate egress unicast 1024
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip strem export destination 2055
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip strem export destination 2055
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream export source
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream export version 9
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream topn 10 sort-by packets
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream template test
ZXR10_R1(config-stream-tempalte)#match src-ip
ZXR10_R1(config-stream-tempalte)#match dst-ip
ZXR10_R1(config-stream-tempalte)#match src-port
ZXR10_R1(config-stream-tempalte)#match dst-port
ZXR10_R1(config)#ip stream run template test

IPFIX Maintenance and

For the convenience of IPFIX maintenance and diagnosis, IPFIX
provides related view commands.
1. To show IPFIX-related configurations, execute the following
show ip stream-config
This includes whether to enable IPFIX module, size of mem-
ory entries, server address, port configuration, source address
configuration, template refresh rate and refresh time configu-
2. To show TOPN, execute the following command:
show ip stream-topn
This shows information of N data flows according to set TOPN
display mode. The information includes data flow ingress,
egress, source address, destination address, source port,
destination port, L3 protocol type, the number of packets or
the number of bytes (corresponding to TOPNS setting).

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Chapter 16 IPFIX Configuration

3. To show template configuration, execute the following com-

show ipstream-template
This shows configuration of template, that is, fields contained
in template.

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Figure 1 VLAN TAG FORMAT ................................................. 2

Figure 2 QinQ Typical Networking ........................................ 4
Figure 3 VLAN NETWORKING ............................................... 9
Figure 4 Subnet VLAN Configuration Example ........................12
Figure 5 SuperVLAN Configuration Example...........................15
Figure 6 MAC Address Table Configuration Example ................35
Figure 7 BPDU Protection of Edge Port ..................................40
Figure 8 STP Before MAX_AGE Timer Expired ........................41
Figure 9 Network Loop Diagram...........................................42
Figure 10 Port Loopback Protection .....................................42
Figure 11 ROOT BRIDGE.....................................................43
Figure 12 NEW ROOT BRIDGE .............................................44
Figure 13 MSTP CONFIGURATION ........................................50
Figure 14 CONFIGURATION OF MSTP....................................51
Figure 15 BPDU CONFIGURATION ........................................52
Figure 16 BPDU CONFIGURATION 2 .....................................53
Figure 17 BPDU CONFIGURATION 3 .....................................54
Figure 18 ZESR Configuration Example .................................61
Figure 19 ZESR+ and ZESR Hybrid Networking Topology
Figure ..............................................................64
Figure 20 ZESS Network Topology........................................68
Figure 21 ZESS Networking Configuration Figure ...................72
Figure 22 LINK AGGREGATION CONFIGURATION ...................83
Figure 23 IGMP SNOOPING APPLICATION .............................88
Figure 24 CONFIGURATION OF IGMP SNOOPING....................93
Figure 25 LLDP Configuration Example ............................... 101
Figure 26 L2PT Networking Diagram................................... 104
Figure 27 OAM sub-layer in ISO/IEC OSI Reference Module
Relationship .................................................... 107
Figure 28 802.3ah Instance Configuration ........................... 111
Figure 29 Maintenance Domain Figure ................................ 113
Figure 30 Ethernet Network Maintenance Domain Inclusion
Relationship Figure .......................................... 114
Figure 31 LT Function Configuration ................................... 120

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ZXR10 5900E Series User Manual (Ethernet Switching Volume)

Figure 32 SFlow Configuration Example .............................. 126

Figure 33 IPFIX Configuration Example ............................... 134

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- Bridge Protocol Data Unit
- Common and Internal Spanning Tree
- Common Spanning Tree
- Hashed Message Authentication Code with MD5
- Internet Group Management Protocol
- Internet Service Provider
- Internal Spanning Tree
- Link Aggregation Control Protocol
- Medium Access Control
- Message Digest 5 Algorithm
- Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
- Operation, Administration and Maintenance
- Provider Edge
- Private Virtual Local Area Network
- Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
- Spanning Tree Protocol
- UniDirectional Link Detection
- VLAN Identifier
- Virtual Local Area Network
- ZTE Ethernet Switch Ring
- ZTE Ethernet Smart Switch

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