1 The Living World Neet Biology Model Question Paper

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Model question paper by onlinetestsindia.com

Day 1 - The Living World

NEET Biology Reg.No. :            

Answer All  the Question(Each Question contain one mark)
Time : 00:40:00 Hrs Total Marks : 40
Part – A 40 x 1 = 40

1) Nicotiana sylvestries flowrs only during long days and N.tabacum flowers only durine short days.If raised in the
laboratory under di erent photoperiods,they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be cross fertilised to
produce self-fertile o spring.What is N.tabacum to be seperate species?

(a) They are physiologically distinct (b) They are morphologically distinct (c) They cannot interbreed in nature

(d) they are reproductively distinct

2) Which of the following is not correct?

(a) Biological organisations starts with submicroscopic molecular level

(b) 25 elements are essential for animals and 17 for plants

(c) 98% mass of the every living organism is composed of C,H,N2,O2,P and S

(d) 98% mass of the every living organism consists of three elements including potassium

3) Metabolic reaction can be demonstrated outside the body in cell free systems.An isolated metabolic reaction iutside
the body of an organism,performed in a test tube is

(a) living thing (b) non living thing (c) either living or non living thing but a living reaction

(d) none of the above

4) Which one of the constant characteristic of living organisms?

(a) Adaptation (b) metabolism (c) Homeostasis (d) reproduction

5) Match the following

column I column ii
philosophie zoologique carolus linnaeus
historia plantarum lamarck
systema naturae theophrasts
genera plantarum bentham and hooker

(a) (b) (c) (d)

32 41 23 14 12 34 43 21

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6) ICBN stands for

(a) indian congress of biological names (b) international code of botanical nomenclature

(c) international congress of biological names (d) indian code of botanical nomenclature

7) Which of the following is not the main criteria for five kingdom system of classification?

(a) cell structure and thallus organisation (b) mode of nutrition and rproduction (c) phylogenetic relationship

(d) gram staining

8) 'Taxon' is the unit of group of any rank

(a) species (b) genera (c) orders (d) taxonomy

9) All living organisms are linked to one another because

(a) they have common genetic material of the same type

(b) they share common genetic material but to varying degrees (c) All have common cellular organisation

(d) All of the above

10) Which of the following 'Su ixes' used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of 'family'?

(a) Ales (b) Onae (c) Aceae (d) Ae

11) The term 'systematics' refers to

(a) identification and classification of plants and animals

(b) nomenclature and identification of plants and animals

(c) diversity of kinds of organisms and their relationship (d) di erent kinds of organisms and their classification

12) Match the following columns.

column I columns II
family tuberosum
Kingdom polymoniales
Order solanum
Species Plantae
Genus Solanaceae

(a) (b) (c) (d)

43 52 1 54 21 3 45 21 3 53 21 4

13) The di erent forms of interbreeding species that live in di erent geographically similar are called

(a) sibling species (b) allopartic  species (c) sympartic  species (d) polytypic  species

14) Related species, which are reproductively isolated but morphologically similar are called

(a) sibling (b) sympartic  (c) allopartic  (d) morphospecies

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15) The main basis of living kingdom classification is

(a) nutrition (b) structure of nucleus (c) asexual reproduction (d) structure of cell wall

16) One of the most important functions of botanical gardens is that

(a) one can observe tropical plants there (b) they allow ex situ conservation of germplasm

(c) they provide the natural habitat for wildlife (d) they provide a beautiful area for recreation

17) Five kingdom system of classification suggested by RH whittaker is not based on

(a) presence or absence of a well defined nucleus (b) mode of reproductions (c) mode of nutrition

(d) complexity of body organisation

18) How many organisms is the list given below are autotrophs?
Lactobacillus,Nostoc,Chara,Nitrosomonas,Nitrobacter,Streptomyces,saccharomyces,trypanosoma,porphyra,wol ia

(a) Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Three

19) Nothing lives for ever, yet life continues . What does it mean ?

(a) Death has nothing to do with the continuation of life

(b) Through older die, but new are produced due to reproduction (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

20) Homestatasis is

(a) a tendency to change with change in environment (b) tendency to resist internal changes

(c) disturbance in regularly controls (d) plant and animal extracts used in homoeopathy

21) Death is the most important regulatory process on the earth. It avoids

(a) pollution (b) over crowding on earth (c) passing of traits from one generation to the next (d) reproduction

22) Which of the following is most appropriate to explain a living organism ?

(a) Cell division and growth (b) Gene pool (c) To reproduce and increase its gene pool (d) All of the above

23) Homeostasis refers to

(a) positive and negative feed back (b) positive feed back (c) negative feed back (d) there is no feed back

24) A national herbarium is that which contains plants of 

(a) a region (b) a country (c) a locality (d) word

25) Herbarium means

(a) store house /place where preserved identified dry / liquid / specimens are kept systematically

(b) a heavy card sheet carrying the dried and pressed specimen of plant

(c) a garden with all plants arranged systematically (d) a system of arranging plants into di erent categories

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26) Gardens are meant for

(a) protecting plants and to maintain gene pool (b) knowing origin of plants (c) checking erosion and pollution

(d) Both (a) and (c)

27) The idea of binomial nomenclature was first introduced by

(a) Gaspard Bauhin (b) Linnaeus (c) John Ray (d) Caesalpino

28) National museum of natural history (NMNH) is situated in

(a) Paris (b) Delhi (c) Jaipur (d) Mexico

29) In a plant herbarium, mostly to arrange plants, we make use of

(a) Hutchinson system of classification (b) Bentham and Hooker's system (c) Linnaeus system classification

(d) Haeckel system of classification

30) The members of which one of the following groups have many characteristics in common ?

(a) Genus (b) Kingdom (c) Phylum (d) Species

31) Endothermic organisms are

(a) fishes (b) reptiles (c) amphibians (d) birds and mammals

32) Which of the following show maximum diversity ?

(a) Plantae (b) Animalia (c) Monerans (d) Protistans

33) Species is

(a) Specific unit of evolution (b) specific unit in evolutionary history of a race (c) specific class of evolution

(d) not related to evolution

34) Which one is not a category?

(a) Species (b) Class (c) Phylum (d) Glumaceae

35) In nomenclature

(a) both genus and species are printed in italics (b) genus and species may be same name

(c) both in genus and species the first latter is capital (d) genus is written a er the species

36) Unity of life is emphasised in close similarities in 

(a) basic structure of cell (b) molecular organisation of cells (c) biological activities of cells (d) All of the above

37) Genus in a group of similar and related

(a) classes (b) phyla (c) species (d) orders

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38) Duplicate of holotype is

(a) Monotype (b) Paratype (c) isotype (d) Lectotype

39) The herbarium specimen, based on which, a new species is described for  the first time, is called

(a) neotype (b) lectotype (c) paratype (d) holotype

40) In a taxonomic hierarchy, species is a rank which is smaller than the

(a) order (b) family (c) class (d) All of these


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