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April 30th, 2019. Vol. 03 NO 76 Toll Free Number: 18001-200-1818 www.biotecnika.


ICMR Junior
Research Headlines:
Fellowship - AcSIR PhD Admission 2019
Page 3

(JRF) 2019 EXAM

Page 2
- AIIMS, New Delhi PhD
Programme July 2019 Admissions
Page 5

GET THIS NEWSPAPER e-copy - Govt of Canada 70 Banting

VIA WHATSAPP every week Postdoctoral Fellowships & 140
Awards 2019
GIVE MISSED CALL TO 080-470-90943 Page 7
HEADLINES April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

ICMR Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

2019 Test
The official notification for the Test for ICMR Junior Research Fellowship 2019 has been released.


By Diluxi Arya

Indian Council of Medical Re-

V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan,
Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911, New

Test for ICMR Junior Research Candidates can go to the cants and 50 percent for the SC/ST All disputes relating to the conduct
Fellowship sites w.e.f. 23.04.2019. The final date &Physically Handicapped (PH) and of the examination or any matter con-
Notification- 2019 for filling of online application is Visually Handicapped (VH) candi- nected with this ad shall be dealt at
27.05.2019. Only online application dates in the areas mentioned previ- the jurisdiction of National Capital
The Indian Council of Medical Re- will be approved, no other mode of ously. Candidates appearing in the Territory of Delhi Court.
search (ICMR) in cooperation with submission of application will be ac- last year exam (2018-2019) may also
Postgraduate Institute of Medical cepted. apply. Important Dates:
Education & Research (PGIMER),
Chandigarh will hold a National lev- Fee: Rs.1000/- (General/OBC) & Age Limit: The upper age limit for • DATE FOR FILLING OF
el exam for the award of Junior Re- Rs. 800/- (SC/ST/PH/VH) admission to the eligibility test is 28 ONLINE APPLICATION
search Fellowship (JRF), for Indi- years according to 30-09-2019 (relax- FORM: 23.04.2019
an federal candidates at Bengaluru, Eligibility: able around five years in case of can- • LAST DATE FOR FILLING
Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, didates belonging to SC/ST/PH/ VH/ OF ONLINE APPLICATION
Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyder- Educational Qualification: MSc/ female applicants and three years in FORM: 27.05.2019
abad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Srinagar MA or equal degree with minimum the case of OBC • (No further date will be ex-
(J&K) and Varanasi on Sunday, July 55% marks for General/OBC appli- tended in any case )
21, 2019.

A total of 150 Fellowships will be

awarded. [120 fellowships within the
field of Biomedical Sciences with
focus on Life Sciences (such as mi-
crobiology, physiology, molecular
biology, genetics, human biology,
biotechnology, biochemistry, bioin-
formatics, biophysics, immunology,
pharmacology, nursing, zoology, bot-
any, environmental sciences and vet-
erinary Medicine (excluding Agricul-
ture extension/ Soil Sciences, etc) and
thirty fellowships for the work with
an emphasis on Social Sciences like
psychology, and sociology, home sci-
ence, statistics anthropology, social
work, public health/health economics
(agriculture economics won’t be con-

Info bulletin/brochure, online

application form and other details
will be accessible at both PGIMER,
Chandigarh site
in and ICMR, New Delhi site: www.
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 HEADLINES 3

AcSIR PhD Admission 2019

Official Notification
The official notification for the PhD Science Admissions 2019 at AcSIR. Admissions AcSIR for Biological Sciences area 2019.


By Diluxi Arya


The aim of AcSIR is the pursuit of

excellence in addition to doing some-
thing applicable. We promote the
culture of being singularly dynamic
and innovative. The Academy was
established by a Resolution of the
Parliament in 2010 and received rec-
ognition as an”Institution of National (b) Meeting all the conditions re- try, Academic or Research Institutes during program.
Importance” by the Academy of Sci- quired for eligibility for the CSIR- for required academic leave and fi-
entific and Innovative Research (Ac- SRF nancial support during the program. Applicants qualifying their degree in
SIR) Act 2011. The Academy intends (c) Meeting all the conditions for percentage shall use the formula, CG-
to maximize the number of quali- the award of the INSPIRE fellowship These are only minimum quality PA=(Percentage + 5) /10. Applicants
fied professionals and researchers of (typically awarded to students ranked yardsticks of eligibility for consider- with percentage ≥ 95%, shall fill 10
high-quality in the domain of science first in the University) ation for admission and bear no rela- CGPA.
and engineering; and also to equip (d) Meeting all the conditions stip- tionship with financial assistance or A Bachelor’s degree in Engineering
them with the skills to innovate and ulated by AcSIR for Project Assis- scholarship. Any stipend, scholarship or Technology following a four-year
conduct seamless interdisciplinary re- tants to register for a PhD or financial source for study would be engineering/technology or 4/5 year
search. (e) Meeting all the conditions stip- the sole responsibility of the student. science degree or equivalent degree
ulated by AcSIR for industry-spon- AcSIR itself does not provide any of not less than four years’ duration.
ABOUT PROGRAMS: sored* students. such scholarship or have any rule in
these matters. AND
The programs equip students to un- 2. Integrated Dual-Degree PhD
dertake interdisciplinary research by (IDDP) Program PhD (Sciences): At least one of the following:
providing a broad-based practical (a) Awarded a national-level fel-
training at the best in the class na- (i) A 4-year undergraduate degree Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree lowship tenable at CSIR institutes
tional laboratories of CSIR. The Pro- in Engineering or Science (such as in Engineering/ Technology, Medi- (b) Qualifying all the conditions
grams are structured around academ- BE/BTech/BS), or a five-year degree cine or Master’s degree in Science required for eligibility for the CSIR-
ic coursework (according to program in Science (such as MSc), or equiva- with a keen sense of scientific en- SRF, or CSIR-GATE-JRF
requirement) and compulsory cours- lent. quiry for pursuing advanced research (c) Qualifying the conditions for
es viz. One Project Proposal & one in frontier areas of Biological, Chem- award of the INSPIRE fellowship
Review Article writing; and Societal AND ical, Physical and Mathematical & In- (typically awarded to students ranked
Program; and research in frontier ar- formation Sciences leading to a PhD first in the University)
eas of Science, Technology and Engi- (ii) At least one of the following degree. (d) Qualifying the conditions stip-
neering leading to a PhD degree. (a) Awarded a national-level fel- The candidate should be having a ulated by AcSIR for industry-spon-
lowship (such as NET JRF) tenable at valid National level fellowship (JRF/ sored *students
PhD in Engineering CSIR institutes SRF of various funding agencies, (e) A valid GATE score, or CGPA
(b) Meeting all the conditions re- e.g. CSIR, UGC, DBT, DST etc.), ≥ 8.0 from a CFTI at the BE-level ex-
(i) A Master’s degree in Engineer- quired for eligibility for the CSIR- INSPIRE or other equivalent fellow- amination
ing or Technology following a four- GATE-JRF ships.
year engineering/technology or 4/5 (c) Meeting all the conditions for Project Assistants, Senior Research * with endorsement from Industry
year science degree; or an integrated the award of the INSPIRE fellowship Fellows and CSIR Scientists are also for required academic leave and fi-
minimum-5-year M Tech degree; or (typically awarded to students ranked eligible to apply (as per AcSIR Ordi- nancial support during program.
equivalent. first in the University) nance No. 4(5)).
(d) Meeting all the conditions stip- These are only minimum quality
AND ulated by AcSIR for Project Assis- Sponsored PhD (Sciences): yardsticks of eligibility for consider-
tants to register for a PhD
(ii) At least one of the following (e) Meeting all the conditions stip- Master’s degree in Science with en-
(a) Awarded a national-level fel- ulated by AcSIR for industry-spon- dorsement from Industry, Academic
lowship (such as NET JRF) tenable at sored* students. or Research Institutes for required
CSIR institutes * with the endorsement from Indus- academic leave and financial support
Next Page>>>>
HEADLINES April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

ation for admission and bear no rela- be generated e.g. AcSIR12345.

tionship with financial assistance or This AAN shall be used in future
scholarship. Any stipend, scholarship correspondence between appli-
or financial source for study would be cant and AcSIR.
the sole responsibility of the student. 3. Print Acknowledgement of Ad- Important Dates:
AcSIR itself does not provide any mission Receipt with AcSIR Ap-
such scholarship or have any rule in plication Number (AAN). • Ph.D (Sciences)
these matters. • Important dates of the admission • Ph.D (Engineering)
Bachelor Degree in science, agri- process and any other update,
culture science, medical science, en- as well as information, will be
gineering, technology or equivalent flashed on Portal. 12-04-2019 Commencement of Online Admission Portal
from a recognized university/ institu- • Only one application is allowed
tion with 60% or equivalent score. for an applicant. If at any time,
23-05-2019 Last date of submission of Online Application
it is found that more than one
Online Admission Portal of AcSIR application is filled by a candi-
31-05-2019 Declaration of Shortlists
date then the candidature will be
• For the Admission Process, you summarily rejected. 24-06-2019 To
Aptitude Test/Interview
need to follow two phases: • Short-listed candidates will be 12-07-2019
1. Sign Up phase: In Sign Up phase, intimated electronically and they
17-07-2019 Declaration of results
once you successfully SignUp will be required to appear for
on AcSIR Online Admission the interview for selection at the Last date to accept the offer with Payment of First Semester non-refund-
Portal, you will be receiving designated centres on the dates able fees
auto email on your email-id with announced. Offer to Waitlisted candidates (In case of vacancy arising /candidates
login credentials and link to be • In addition to their academic per- waitlisted)
re-directed for further complete formance and/or depending on Last date to accept the offer (Waitlisted Candidates) with Payment of
admission form fill-up process. the vacancies, the final selection First Semester non-refundable fees
2. Online Application Form: On will be based on the performance 12-08-2019 To
completion of AcSIR Online of the candidate in the aptitude 13-08-2019
Application form, AcSIR Ap- test/ interview.
16-08-2019 Commencement of Academic Session
plication Number (AAN) will
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 HEADLINES 5

AIIMS, New Delhi PhD Programme July 2019

The official announcement for the AIIMS, New Delhi PhD Programme July 2019 Admissions has been released.


By Diluxi Arya


Desired qualifications: are completing their requisite sion will have to pay the following
qualification after 31st July 2019 is Course duration Fees and dues:
The non-medical candidates should not eligible to take up this examina-
have preferably qualified in any one tion. Note: 1. The Hostel Security deposit
of the following national entrance * Applicants from AIIMS Faculty/ (refundable) i.e. Rs. 1000/-
tests in the last 2 years: Scientific Staff for Ph. D. registration
will be considered Note: 2. Fees and other charges in-
Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF as in-service candidates as per cluding hostel rent once paid shall not
All India Institute of Medical
• ICMR — JRF guidelines laid down by AIIMS in be refunded in any case and no cor-
Sciences, New Delhi invites Online
• ICMR- SRF this regard. respondence will be entertained in
applications for Entrance Examina-
• DBT — JRF * A candidate is allowed to submit this connection. However, the caution
tion through online (CBT) mode in
• DBT – SRF an application for one speciality/de- money will be refunded to those can-
Delhi/NCR for admission in Ph.D.
• NBHM screening test partment only. didates who do not join the course.
Programme Jan. & July 2019 session
• Graduate aptitude test (GATE) The caution money must be claimed
(clubbed). The details are given be-
• INSPIRE fellowship FEES: within one year after completion of
• UGC — JRF the course failing which it will be for-
• UGC – SRF Each candidate selected for admis- feited.
Non-Medical – For non-medical
candidates eligibility shall be Mas-
ter’s Degree (two years course)
awarded by Indian Universities or
equivalent in the subject as per the re-
quirement of the project. Candidates
*. Candidates who have qualified in
holding M.Sc. (Other than M.Sc.
above-said examinations leading to
Nursing) M.Tech. degree & BAMS
the award of fellowships will be giv-
will be eligible for the Non-Medical
en special weightage in the entrance
Qualification Category.
examination as detailed in the method
of selection part of guidelines.
Candidate possessing a Masters De-
gree through distant learning course
*Candidates working under Cen-
shall not be eligible. While seeking
tral Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous
project details from the department,
organization should submit their ap-
the desired qualification of Masters
plications through proper channel i.e.
Degree to be suitable for project work How to Apply: tertained. Applicants are also advised
employer. They will be required to
should be mentioned by the respec- to download and take a print of the
submit a ‘No Objection Certificate”
tive department. The same will be All applicants are advised to read the Registration Form. They should re-
from their employer before they are
displayed along with the Number of Prospectus and Help Manual careful- tain a copy of Registration Form till
allowed to join the PhD Course.
Seats & Department. ly before starting Online Registra- the completion of Admission Process.
*The candidates who are likely to
Candidate having eligibility under tion and ensure that no column is left
complete requisite qualification and
non-medical category should have at blank. In the event of rejection of the
degree by 31st July 2019 may also
least 60% marks in the last eligibility application form, no correspondence/
apply. However, the candidates who Next Page>>>>
examination qualified. request for reconsideration will be en-
HEADLINES April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

Please visit rejection of applications. + Transaction Charges as applicable

regularly for latest notification/an- Result of individual candidate will SC/ST Category: Rs.1200/- + Trans-
nouncement as well any Addendum/ Duplicate applications from any ap- NOT be informed on telephone and action Charges as applicable
Dedendum/ Corrigendum/Latest up- plicant will result in cancellation of candidates are advised NOT to call PWBD Candidates is exempted
dates etc. regarding this Examination. all such applications. No intimation the Examination Section for such in- from any Fee
regarding such summary rejections formation. However, the individual Mode of payment: Through Debit/
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION will be provided. result can be checked after the closing Credit Card/Net Banking
APPLICABLE TO PhD PRO- of the admission process.
GRAMME EXAMINATION: Declaration of Results: Important Dates:
Application Fee:
1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILL- Results for PhD Programme will
ING THE ONLINE APPLICA- be available on the website at www. General / OBC Category: Rs.1500/-

Candidate should fill in the Online

Application Form taking utmost care
and follow the instructions and help
manual as given in the APPENDIX
– II of the Prospectus, step by step.
Candidate should fill in the Online
Application form correctly. The in-
correctly filled form may lead to re-



A candidate seeking admission to

the Entrance Examination is required
to submit his/her application in the
prescribed format available online
with the Prospectus on www.aiim- The cost of Application
Form includes the fee for the entrance
examination which is non-refundable
and no correspondence in this regard
will be entertained. The candidate is
required to go through the Prospectus
carefully and acquaint himself/herself
with all requirements with regard to
the filling of the online application

Online Registration: After selecting

the online registration, fill the manda-
tory details asked for and deposit the
prescribed fee through debit/credit
card/Net Banking. After submitting
fees filled required information step
by step. Follow the Instructions scru-

It will be the responsibility of the

candidates to ensure that correct de-
tails are filled in the Registration DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION OF APPLICATIONS:
Form. The Institute will not be re-
sponsible for any incorrect informa- Name of Course Opens on Closes on
tion/cancellation of candidature/loss
or lack of communication etc. due to Ph.D. Programme 22.04.2019 06.05.2019 at 05:00 PM
the wrong filled the online Applica-
tion form.
No candidate should register more
than one application.
Name of Course Date of Exam. Duration of Exam. Exam Centre Location
All applicants are required to ensure
Ph.D. Programme 21.05.2019 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Delhi/NCR
that Photo/Signature/Left Thumb Im-
pression is uploaded according to the
instructions provided in the Prospec-
tus. Failure to do so may result in the
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 HEADLINES 7

Govt of Canada 70 Banting

Postdoctoral Fellowships & 140 Awards 2019
Official Notification for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Government of Canada. Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019 Notification for International Candidates.

By Diluxi Arya

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellow-

ships program provides funding to
the very best postdoctoral applicants,
both nationally and internationally,
who will positively contribute to the
country’s economic, social and re-
search-based growth.

The objective of the Banting Post-

doctoral Fellowships program is to:
Duration : 2 years (non-renewable) dents of Canada and foreign citizens sively), and
are eligible to apply with the follow- • before the start date of their
• attract and retain top-tier post-
Features ing stipulations: award.
doctoral talent, both nationally
and internationally
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellow- • Applicants who are not Canadian Applicants who have not fulfilled all
• develop their leadership poten-
ships program is unique in its em- citizens or permanent residents requirements for their degree at the
phasis on the synergy between the of Canada may only hold their time of application must submit proof
• position them for success as re-
following: Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship no later than October 15, 2020.
search leaders of tomorrow
at a Canadian institution.
• applicant – individual merit and • Applicants who are Canadian For applicants who have completed
Areas of research
potential to launch a successful citizens or permanent residents more than one PhD, PhD-equivalent
research-intensive career of Canada and who obtained or health professional degree, the el-
• Health research
• host institution – commitment their PhD, PhD-equivalent or igibility window applies to the most
• Natural sciences and/or engi-
to the research program and health professional degree from recent of these degrees.
alignment with the institution’s a foreign university may only
• Social sciences and/or humani-
strategic priorities hold their Banting Postdoctoral Allowable extensions to eligibility
• An applicant to the Banting Fellowship at a Canadian insti- window
Postdoctoral Fellowships pro- tution.
Eligibility Citizenship :
gram must complete their appli- • Applicants who are Canadian The window of eligibility can be
cation in full collaboration with citizens or permanent residents extended by a cumulative maximum
• Canadian citizens
the proposed host institution. of Canada and who obtained of two years if the applicant had their
• Permanent residents of Canada
their PhD, PhD-equivalent or career interrupted for the following
• Foreign citizens
Eligibility health professional degree from reasons:
a Canadian university may hold
Number of Fellowships Available :
Confirm that you and your proposed their Banting Postdoctoral Fel- • Parental leave
host institution meet the criteria be- lowship at either a Canadian in- • Illness
70 fellowships are awarded annually
low before you apply for a Banting stitution or an institution outside • Health-related family responsi-
a total of up to 140 awards are active
Postdoctoral Fellowship. of Canada. bilities
at any time.
• Mandatory military service
Applications that do not meet all of For a list of eligible health profes- • disruptions due to war, civil con-
Fellowships are distributed equally
the eligibility criteria will not be ac- sions, please see CIHR’s webpage. flicts and/or natural disasters in
cepted. the country of residence
Eligibility window for degree com-
• the Canadian Institutes of Health
This fellowship is not intended for pletion “Career interruption” refers to a pe-
Research (CIHR)
students (including Health Profes- riod of time when the applicant was
• the Natural Sciences and En-
sionals) to complete a degree. Applicants to the 2019-20 Banting not working (full-time or part-time)
gineering Research Council
Postdoctoral Fellowships program and when their research output was
Applicant eligibility must fulfill or have fulfilled all degree completely interrupted.
• the Social Sciences and Human-
requirements for a PhD, PhD-equiva-
ities Research Council (SSHRC)
Citizenship and location of host lent or health professional degree:
Fellowship Amount : $70,000 per
• between September 15, 2016
year (taxable)
Canadian citizens, permanent resi- and September 30, 2020 (inclu- Next Page>>>>
HEADLINES April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

Additionally, for health profession- mandate and capacity. in both competitions will have to (e.g., availability of specialized
als who have engaged in post-degree choose which award to accept. equipment/infrastructure or ex-
non-research-related clinical training Canadian governments (federal, pro- • Applicants must not hold a ten- pertise), family reasons (e.g.,
(e.g., residency), the eligibility win- vincial, municipal) and all for-profit ure-track or tenured faculty po- family obligations), health rea-
dow can be extended by the duration organizations are not eligible to par- sition, nor can they be on leave sons (e.g., proximity to health
of this training. ticipate as host institutions. from such a position. care facilities) and/or reasons
• Only in rare circumstances will a related to community or cultural
For other professions that require Questions regarding institutional Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship responsibilities.
post-degree, non-research-related eligibility should be directed to the be awarded to an applicant who • Applicants can submit only one
training to be certified by a profes- Vanier-Banting Secretariat well in ad- is staying at the same institution application per competition year
sional body, please consult the Vani- vance of the submission deadline. or within the same research en- to the Banting Postdoctoral Fel-
er-Banting Secretariat to confirm vironment where they complet- lowships program.
whether an extension to the eligibility Other eligibility restrictions ed their PhD, PhD-equivalent • Without exception, Banting
window is allowable. or health professional degree. Postdoctoral Fellowships:
• Applicants who currently hold If an applicant chooses to apply 1. are tenable only at the institution
No other exceptions will be allowed. or have held agency-specif- in collaboration with the same that supported the original appli-
ic (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) institution (or its affiliated hos- cation for the program;
Interruptions used to extend the el- awards at the postdoctoral level pitals, research centres and oth- 2. must be taken up no earlier than
igibility window for degree comple- are eligible to apply to the 2019- er laboratories) or within the April 1st and no later than Octo-
tion must have occurred after the ful- 20 Banting Postdoctoral Fellow- same research environment from ber 1st following the year of ap-
filment of your degree requirements ships program only if the term of which they obtained their PhD, plication;
and before the application submission that funding officially ends on or PhD-equivalent or health pro- 3. are for two years;
deadline. before September 30, 2020 and fessional degree, a solid justifi- 4. cannot be held concurrently with
prior to the start of the Banting cation must be provided in the another Tri-Agency training
Justification must be provided in the Postdoctoral Fellowship. Early Special circumstances attach- award; and
Special circumstances attachment. termination of the agency-spe- ment. Examples of valid justi- 5. can only be held once in a life-
cific postdoctoral award for the fications are scientific reasons time.
“Fulfilled all requirements of the de- purpose of application to the
gree” refers to the date that the appli- Banting Postdoctoral Fellow- TIMELINE:
cant completed all the steps required ships program is not permitted.
for obtaining their degree. Although • Applicants can apply for both
September Application deadline; applications are received.
these requirements may vary by insti- the Banting Postdoctoral Fel-
tution and degree type, they normal- lowships program and other October and Applications are reviewed for eligibility and assigned to
ly include thesis defence corrections agency-specific postdoctoral November reviewers.
and thesis deposition. Note that con- fellowships programs (whether
vocation is not considered a degree to the same or a different feder- November Applications are evaluated by reviewers and readers.
requirement. al granting agency) at the same Selection committees meet to discuss applications and
time, provided that the research December
finalize their recommendations.
Host institution eligibility proposed in each application Tri-Agency Programs Steering Committee meets to
falls within the mandate of the January approve the ranked list of applications recommended by
Institutions eligible to host a Bant- federal granting agency to which the selection committees.
ing Fellow include Canadian and for- the application is submitted. For
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program applicants
eign universities, affiliated research more information, please refer to February
are notified of their results in the competition.
hospitals, colleges and not-for-profit Identify area of research.
organizations with a strong research • *Applicants who are successful April to October Tenure of fellowships begins.
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 NEWS 9

Cheapest qPCR with a better Efficiency

brought in India by BioTecNika Prime
Chai Bio QPCR, Real time PCR has been launched in India by BioTecNika Prime. After creating rounds of applauds and appreciation in the US Market, Chai Bio now
comes to India! BioTecNika Prime launches Chai Biotechnologies qPCR for the Indian Market.


By Preety Suman

Both quality and price flexibility are

very hard to find.

For the purpose, BioTecNika Prime About Chai Bio stand making them super accessible Comparison Portal” which intends to
has brought Chai Bio in India for all. to everyone around the globe. transform the way Lab supplies are
One of the finest in USA, Chai Bio Chai Biotechnologies Inc, a com- Chai Bio connects all the research- ordered & purchased. BioTecNika
has stepped into the market with its pany based in Santa Clara, US was er with an open platform that builds Prime flourishes to give this luxury
ultra-cheap qPCR machines. qPCRs formed in the year 2013. Since then bridges, not barriers. to the researchers and offers its mem-
at cheap prices and fine quality along the sole motive of the founders Josh bers lucrative advantages on every
with its master mix, Chai Bio has got Perfetto and Jessie Ho has been to About BioTecNika Prime purchase from BioTecNika Prime.
it all. provide the premium quality life sci-
ence laboratory products to their con- BioTecNika has been a name that BioTecNika Prime as abiding by its
Meet Chai’s open qPCR which pro- sumers in US and around. Their reach is associated with helping nature and Aim and Motto keeps on adding a
vides a fast, accurate, and portable is counted to be very strong in the en- hence is helping hand to all the life feather to its cap by bringing world-
real-time amplification and modifica- tire USA. science minds. Founded in the year class and top-notch manufacturers
tion experience. of 2006, BioTecNika recently re- in the field of life science laboratory
Chai Biotechnologies more pro- launched its very dear and imperative products to give your research ease
Whether it is research, academia, or foundly know as Chai Bio is engaged division of laboratory supplies known so that you can concentrate solely on
biotech, Chai Bio’s qPCR has been in the manufacturing of Open qPCR, as BioTecNika Prime. your work!
used by a handsome number of us- PCR Master Mix, PCR Reagents,
ers in these fields. Their insanely fast PCR Tubes and Test Kits for Beer With the aim of putting all the blocks Because your Research is our re-
qPCR runs in just 20 minutes, has Spoilage. They have their own sys- together and forming a uniform and sponsibility and we have made this
a small footprint and is easy to ship tem of facilitating things by Blogs in disciplined process of lab supplies as our solemn vow!
with all this coming at very cheap which they encourage students to use procurement, BioTecNika Prime has
prices. the qPCR machine and teach them come way ahead. Since the day of
how to use it as well. its formation, BioTecNika Prime has
Bringing the Real-Time qPCR for not left a single stone unturned in its
real the world, Chai Bio has no com- Chai Bio has a wide user base in course of onboarding leading manu-
promise in the quality and durability around 40 countries and in more than facturers throughout the world and
of its products. 15 Top Biomedical Research Univer- hence helping the researchers in get-
sities worldwide. ting the best quality laboratory sup-
When it comes to service, Chai Bio plies at cheap and genuine prices with
has never failed to astonish its users. The unique thing what BioTecNika the standard delivery.
Chai Bio comes with a user-friend- Prime found about Chai Bio is their
ly and a classy website of its own. Aim behind Chai Biotechnologies. BioTecNika Prime along with its
Browse through their categories of Founders, Josh and Jessie’s idea be- members thrive to help the research-
products and compare the prices as hind Chai Bio is the accessibility of ers by streamlining the flow and op-
well as quality with other manufac- Biotechnology to every researcher. timizing the effort behind procuring
turers on BioTecNika Prime and see Nowadays, scientists are applying bi- laboratory products in need. BioTec-
the difference yourself. otechnology in every field of science. Nika portrays a stage where various
With Chai, they wanted to provide manufacturers display their range of
To find all the Chai Bio’s products everyone the tools which are pre- products, conjunction with price list-
along with their cheap prices, visit cise, powerful and importantly at an ing. Comparative prices for every ultra-affordable price. Chai’s prod- product, with respective brands as-
ucts are designed in a way that they sociated with the manufacturing, are REGISTER HERE
are simple to use and easy to under- listed. BioTecNika Prime is “Price
NEWS April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

LEAF 2019 – Life Science

Education Ambition Fair Concluded Successfully
What a green leaf is to a tree, Biotecnika’s education fair was to its attendees. True to its name, Biotecnika Info Lab Pvt. Ltd., India’s No. 1 Bioscience Institute, suc-
cessfully hosted its first ever online virtual education fair “ Life Science 90Education Ambition Fair (LEAF – 2019), which was held on the 16th and 17th of April

By Preety Suman

It was intended for them to ascertain

their career paths in the future and
also provide them with the opportu-
nity to directly interact with the top
institutes and learn about the plethora
of courses that they can choose from.
The two-day education fair journey
saw incredible participation of more
than 7000 students which was not
possible without the contribution of
highlighting the right features while Biotecnika, with an informed lecture tion about the institute and informed
the following institutes and person-
applying for an interview. These strat- about the various career paths offered about the various courses offered by
egies for the future were designed to in Life Sciences. The audience was them along with the eligibility crite-
guide the students in selecting their exposed to the various job opportu- ria for each. Up next was our special
• The Radboud University, rep-
career. nities and the eligibility associated guest for the day ‘Dr. Cletus D’Sou-
resented by Ms. Keerthana
This was followed by a session on with each, that could help them re- za’, Chairman of the Committee for
the ‘Importance of Mathematics in alize their interests. The First Day of Development of science in schools,
• The Reva University, represent-
a Life Science career’ held by Mrs. the event came to an end with high from the University of Mysore. He
ed by Dr. Ramachandra,
Rashmi Sanyal, Academic manager spirit filled in the attendees. The valu- gave an insightful talk about the var-
• The Amrita University, repre-
at Biotecnika. The session aimed to able interactions and guidance built a ious career options in the field of sci-
sented by Dr. Sahadev Shan-
lessen the fear that a student has to- lot more expectations for the eventful ence . Once the session resumed after
wards Mathematics and promoted Day 2 – 17th of April. a short break, Reva University, repre-
• The Teri university, represented
the benefits of keeping mathematical The second day of the event began sented by Dr. Ramachandran, intro-
by Dr. Udit Soni,
concepts in mind while entering into with a lot of enthusiasm and was in- duced the University and informed
• The Padmashree Institute of
any stream under Life Sciences. With itiated with the motivational and in- about the opportunities awaiting
Management and Sciences, rep-
the conclusion of this interactive ses- spirational video of how to write a students. Mr. Shekhar Suman went
resented by Dr. M.Anuradha,
sion, esteemed Universities began ad- resume and secure a job with minimal ahead and introduced The Institute
• The Institute of Bioinformat-
dressing the crowd. The first univer- effort. The first speaker of the day was of Patent Attorneys, India (IPAI) and
ics and Applied Biotechnolo-
sity to open the surfeit list in this fair Dr. Neha Suman, Managing Director informed about the Patent Agent Ex-
gy (IBAB), represented by Dr.
was ‘Institute of Bioinformatics and of, Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt. Ltd. She amination that would allow a student
Gayatri Saberwal,
Applied Biotechnology’, represented greeted all the attendees and the insti- to pursue a career in filing patents.
• The Yenepoya University
by ‘Dr Gayatri Saberwal’, Dean of tutes and guided all the students seek- The next University to be presented
• The University of Portsmouth
the respective institute. She provided ing various options in life science by was ‘Padmashree Institute of Man-
• CHG(Centre for Human Genet-
an overview of all the academic pro- talking on ‘Upcoming career Oppor- agement and Sciences’, represented
grammes held at IBAB and also in- tunities in Life Sciences’. Following by ‘Dr. Anuradha’, Principal of the
• The Institute of Patent Attorneys
formed students about the exams they her talk, Esteemed Amrita University respected institute.
are required to attend if they intend to took the podium, represented by Dr. She provided a brief idea about their
join the respected institute. Sahadev Shankarappa, a Professor at institutes, courses and the placements
The education fair opened on the
the institute. He introduced the Am- offered by them. The last talk for the
16th of April, with a motivational talk
After a brief session break, ‘Ms Ka- rita University and shared the exten- day was from Biotecnika’s Academic
by the CEO and Managing Director
jol Patel’, Academic Specialist at Bi- sive list of courses offered by them. specialist ‘Dr. Pallavi Rungta’, who
of Biotecnika, ‘Mr. Shekhar Suman’,
otecnika, took over the podium and The session also portrayed feedback gave a knowledgeable idea to all the
and was greeted by a very enthusi-
guided all the attendees about the of their alumni, so that all the par- attendees on ‘Careers for Life Science
astic crowd of students, research en-
career paths in the field of Biodiver- ticipants could have first-hand infor- students in pharmaceuticals & chem-
thusiasts, and professionals. The ses-
sity. She motivated all the active par- mation about the experience. After a ical industry’, which answered many
sion was summed up with thoughts
ticipants and highlighted the benefits descriptive and informative talk, ‘Bi- of the attendee’s dilemma. The attend-
of what a young mind can do is set
of pursuing the field close to nature. otecnika Prime’, a novel venture by ees were further informed about The
on the right path and how challenges
Next, Ms. Keerthana Thiagaraja, pre- Biotecnika, was introduced and the
in each step of life can be overturned
sented about The Radboud Univer- attendees visualized how Prime could
into an opportunity. Biotecnika also
sity, located in the Netherlands, and help them in procuring research aides
uncovered various short films on the
spoke about their education programs under one roof. Teri University, rep-
importance of completing a doctorate
in Life Science and Medical Science. resented by Ms. Udita Sony came up
degree in a field and also provided in-
The day was concluded by the talk next. She began with a brief introduc-
sights on how a CV can be developed,
of Mrs. Urmimala Ray, an expert at Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 NEWS 11

Yenepoya University in Mangalore ipants – Ms.Pooja Pooja, Ms. Afrin ing institutes, without whose support motivating and invoking enthusiasm
and The Center for Human Genetics Rahim, Ms. Karthika, Ms. Robandeep it would never have been possible to in all attendees. Excitement and an-
in Bangalore, Karnataka, which offer Kaur, Ms. Suparna Pattnaik, Ms. Ya- have such a successful event. ticipation lingered on, as Biotecnika
many specialized courses in the field chika Kapoor, Ms. Shiuli Das, and announced the ‘CRISPR Congress’ to
of Life Sciences. Ms. Aritri Bhattacharya. With this Life Science Education be held on the 25th and 26th of May
Fair, aimed at helping all the millen- 2019, offering an insight into the new
The two-day education fair wind- Mr. Shekhar Suman concluded the nials and students who aspire to have age in Genomics.
ed up with the announcement of the event by giving gratitude to all the at- a successful career in life science,
name of the Eight most active partic- tending participants and the support- wrapped up with a huge success,
SCHOLARSHIP April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

Wellcome Trust / DBT India Alliance

Grants & Training Programmes 2019

he Wellcome Trust/DBT ence Grants, Clinical/Public Health
India Alliance launch- Research Centres, and Clinical Re-
es new financing pro- search Training Programme.
grammes to tackle India’s
health issues through collaborative Team Science Grants (TSG)
research and also by building clinical
research capacity. Team Science Grants (TSG) will fi-
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Al- nance teams that bring together high
liance (henceforth, India Alliance), tech scientists from multiple insti-
a public charity that funds health re- tutions with complementary skills,
search in India, announces the launch- knowledge, and resources to tackle a
ing of new financing schemes that significant health challenge for India.
aim to address major health issues for High-risk, high-reward suggestions health research ecosystem. itiatives. Having financed very high
India and the entire world. Three new may also find funding under this pro- tech human researchers for the last
initiatives will fund collaborative re- gram. Clinical Research Training Pro- ten years, the next phase has to focus
search projects, clinical research cen- gramme (CRTP). on the coming together with teams to
tres, and clinical research training, as Clinical/Public Health Research make more than the sum of compo-
ways to promote innovation and ex- Centres (CRC) Physician-scientists link the clinic to nents. We expect that ample, flexible,
cellence and improve India’s health research, for which the CRCs could and timely financing administered
research ecosystem. Clinical/Public Health Research have an embedded Clinical Research through effective grant management
Centres (CRC) are envisioned as ‘re- Training Programme (CRTP). These procedures will catalyse the growth
Together with the Department of search-oriented centres’, which pref- can finance 3-year mentored research of a world-class research ecosystem
Biotechnology (DBT), Government erably involve numerous institutions training fellowships for medical which will drive solutions to improve
of India and Wellcome Trust, UK, that focus on significant biomedical graduates (MBBS) and post-grad- the health of many,” explained Dr
renewing this partnership for another research problems and develop phy- uates (MD/MS). These fellowships Shahid Jameel, CEO of India Alli-
5 years, India Alliance has entered a sician-scientists. The CRCs will be are intended to incorporate basic and ance.
fresh phase of financing from April virtual centres that may have either clinical/public health research and
2019. This enables India Alliance to crosscutting or vertical research top- equip trainees with skills required for Applications are accepted online
amplify its efforts beyond providing ics, together with the training of early a career in health research. from 16 May 2019 to 17 June 2019.
individual fellowships at different ca- career physician-researcher as an es- All enquiries concerning the new pro-
reer stages to basic biomedical, clin- sential component. Beyond the fund- “I’m thrilled that another phase of grammes must be directed to info@
ical, and public health researchers, ing period, the CRCs are expected India Alliance is currently operation-
which it’s done for ten years. We now to evolve as sustainable centres that al and we’re launching three new in-
bring three new initiatives: Team Sci- strengthen India’s clinical and public

The Raman –
Charpak Fellowship Program 2019

he official notification and Innovation.
for Raman – Charpak Fel-
lowship Program – 2019 The Raman-Charpak Fellowship is
has been announced. Ra- currently the sole Indo-French bilat-
man-Charpak Fellowship Program eral Fellowship program jointly fi-
2019 Notification. Indian nationals nanced by the Department of Science
are eligible to apply for this fellow- and Technology (DST), Government
ship program in areas of life scienc- of India along with the French Insti-
es. Check out all of the details on the tute in India (IFI), French Embassy
same below: in India, Ministry for both Europe
and Foreign Affairs, Government of
The Raman–Charpak Fellowship France.
program is in honour of 2 Nobel Lau-
devote some time in India in accord- This year, the 2 calls for French Mas-
reates in Physics, Prof C.V. Raman, This program implemented by the
ance with their own curriculum. It ter’s students and Indian & French
Indian Nobel Laureate (1930) and Indo French Centre for Promotion
aims at enhancing the Master’s abili- PhD students are established respec-
Prof Georges Charpak, French Nobel of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/
ties of French pupils by offering them tively based on the timelines given on
Laureate (1992). CEFIPRA) aims at enhancing the
a chance to perform an internship job page 4 of the call.
The Fellowship was started dur- doctoral skills of French and Indian
at a University / Research Institute
ing the State visit of the President of students by offering them an oppor-
established in India. Please note: Candidates need to
France to India during in February tunity to carry out part of the research
have a pre-determined project propos-
2013. The intention is to ease the ex- work in a University / Research &
The strategy also gives exposure and al that’s been discussed and agreed
change of doctoral students between Development Institute established in
expertise about the present research upon by the student along with the 2
the 2 nations, so as to expand the France or India respectively.
procedures and trends in France/In-
depth and scope of prospective en- This program is currently open to
dia, while detecting each other’s cul-
gagements in Science, Technology French Master Students, who want to
tural context. Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 SCHOLARSHIP 13

supervisors (French and Indian ) be- conclusion of fellowship length • PhD synopsis or a brief summa- supervisors. Consequently, it’s
fore applying. by the awarded student (in the ry of PhD work with titles (up to advised that applicants need to
time of TA/DA settlement) 2 pages only) [for PhD students] carefully submit their proposed
TARGET GROUP: • A brief summary of the purpose length in their application form
Please note, no assistance will be and work of this internship [for after consulting and discussing
This fellowship programme is dedi- offered for the household members Masters’ students] with their PhD and host supervi-
cated to highly qualified PhD students during the fellowship period. • Research expertise letter or pub- sors. Please be aware that in total,
registered in an Indian or French lications, if any (first author or the general duration shouldn’t
Research Institute / University and ELIGIBILITY: co-author); (kindly combine the be less than two months and
Master Students from France. The first page of all of the publica- shouldn’t exceed 6 months.
programme offers them an excellent • Applicants from India has to be tions and enclose as one PDF • o Such request may be consid-
opportunity to carry out a part of their Indian citizens living in India file) ered in the initial stage of award-
respective PhD/ Masters’ research and also have enrolled for a PhD • No Objection Certificate from ing the fellowship and prior to
project in each other countries and in a recognized college or re- Head of the Institution. (Just for the ticket booking.
to further establish professional rela- search institution in India Indian Applicants) • o Please notice fellowship for
tionships promote new S&T coopera- • Applicants from France has to • A scanned copy of passport (both over 3 months of duration is
tion, and experience another cultural be living in France and have reg- front and back) processed via Campus France
context. istered for a PhD/ Master’s de- • A current photo with different processes, hence
gree in a recognized university student may carefully pick &
DURATION: Students can avail or research institution in France Please note: choose the whole period of fel-
the fellowship for a minimum of 2 • Age: Maximum 30 years as on lowship beforehand
months to a maximum of 6 months 1st April 2019 • The documents enclosed must • A fellow may be encouraged to
• Students once supported by respect the lengths indicated take part in a Seminar/Confer-
FIELDS OF RESEARCH: CEFIPRA, also in the frame- previously. It’s strongly urged to ence/Workshop throughout their
work of CEFIPRA projects, and apply early for timely processing stay in their host nations. For this
• Atmospheric Sciences, Earth students that have a permanent instead of towards the close of purpose, the fellow ought to of-
Sciences and Environmental position in institutions/universi- the deadline. Please make sure fer evidence of approval regard-
Sciences ties aren’t eligible that you fill out the application ing selection of the paper/poster
• Chemical Sciences • Pre-authorization or previous form and submit with the re- or their participation. CEFIPRA
• Engineering Sciences consent from his/her Institute / quested documents/attachments. will look at providing support to
• Biological Sciences, Life and University to submit an appli- Incomplete applications won’t their own registration, travel and
Medical Sciences cation for a foreign fellowship be considered keep throughout this period.
• Materials Science program • The host institution/university of
• Mathematical and Computation- Indian applicants have to main- Please be aware that the online sub-
al Sciences APPLICATION PROCEDURE & tain France and vice versa for the mission form for Indian & French
• Physical Sciences DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: French applicants PhD students will be accessible on
• • In the event the application is the online submission system only
FELLOWSHIP SUPPORT • Only online submission will successfully submitted and, the from 15th May 2019 onwards.
be considered, applicants need candidate shouldn’t apply again
• For Indian Fellow: Fellowship to register and apply in www. • Applications received through For any further information please
Support of 1500 Euros a month or log on to http:// post or submitted after the dead- contact:
for daily expenses, local travel, line won’t be considered for
lodging charges plus Social Se- dex.aspx evaluation. Dr. Purnima Rupal
curity charges • Interested applicants to thor- Director,
• For French Fellow: Fellowship oughly see the various applica- Indo-French Centre for the Promo-
support Rs. 40,000 per month tion forms available in the online Guidelines & Important Instruc- tion of Advanced Research
for daily expenses, local travel submission system tions: (Centre Franco-Indien pour la Pro-
etc. and lodging charges not ex- • Detailed description of this Re- motion de la Recherche Avancée-
ceeding Rs. 45,000 monthly search Plan/Proposal/ Research/ • Awarded fellows shall be en- CEFIPRA)
• To and fro air ticket in economy Educational Proposal (equal up couraged to submit a legal travel Core 5B, Ground Floor, India Habi-
class between India and France to five pages) in the prescribed itinerary based on their proposed tat Centre Lodhi Road,
• Insurance coverage (travel & format (see link below), which duration of fellowship stated in New Delhi 110 003 (India)
health) where is required notably asks for: the title and the his/her application form Website:
• Any administrative costs for research work plan, an explana- • The travelling itinerary for the
Visa and Registration (if any) tion of the expected benefit from visit will be valid only after the (Attn: Mr. Kunal Kasariya,
• Carte de Sejour (if any) his/her stay in the proposed Re- announcement of results and a Scientific Associate, CEFIPRA;
• A Fellow may be provided with search Institute / University in given fellow shall start their fel- E-mail:[email protected])
extra support (up to Euro 500 for France / India etc.. lowship by 31st March 2020 (for Office Tel. No.+91 11 24682251,
Indian Fellows and equal sup- • A CV (max as many as two pag- Indian & French PhD Students) +91 11 24682252
port in Indian Rupees for French es) in the prescribed format (see in the newest A request made by
Fellows) for participating in a link below) with current picture a fellow for diminishing or in- TIMELINE FOR APPLICA-
Seminar/Workshop throughout including a summary of accom- creasing the duration of the fel- TIONS :
the duration of their fellowship plishments and research inter- lowship could be approved on
and stay in their host nations. ests, list of relevant publications following requirements: • Launching: 15th May 2019
The exact same will be restrict- (maximum 5 most important • o An increase/decrease of the • End of Deadline: 15th July 2019
ed to registration fees (if any) ones), etc.. maximum 30 days from the • Result: End- Sept, 2019 (Tenta-
b) Bus/Train tickets for travel- • A letter of recommendation from proposed length and within the tive)
ling including (if any) c) lodging the PhD supervisor guidelines of their programme. • Starting date of fellowship:
charges (if any). Such claim will • A letter of agreement from the • 0 The fellow must provide a jus- Mid-October, 2019 onwards
be provided on actual receipts, proposed host supervisor in the tification for such a request to-
proof of participation/acceptance fellowship lab (Foreign Re- gether with the recommendation
of the paper and following the search Institute / University) letters from their PhD & host
SCHOLARSHIP April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds –

PhD Fellowships for Junior Scientists

oehringer Ingelheim lows are paid an additional flat rate of
Fonds – PhD Fellowships 150 euros per month to cover minor
Official Notification research-related costs (books, travel
2019. Boehringer Ingel- expenses, etc.). To adjust e.g. for dif-
heim Fonds – PhD Fellowships for ferences in living costs, country-re-
Junior Scientists notification 2019. lated premiums of up to 1,700 euros
Interested and eligible candidates are may be added (in the United King-
eligible to apply online for Boehringer dom currently 700 euros, in the USA
Ingelheim Fonds – PhD Fellowships and Denmark 800 euros, in Austral-
as per the details below: ia, Israel, and Canada 500 euros, in
Switzerland 1,700 euros, and in Aus-
PhD Fellowships: tria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden research groups. begin their PhD work; preliminary
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 200 euros). Depending on the cost of project results are not expected from
awards PhD fellowships into out- living, all other countries are grouped In the event of illness, BIF usually applicants. The beginning of the PhD
standing junior scientists who want into one of these categories. For ex- continues payments for 2 months, project is considered by BIF to be:
to pursue an ambitious PhD project ample, an unmarried fellow working after which time assistance would
of about 3 years in basic biomedical in Germany currently receives 1,900 cease. Upon recovery, the fellowship • the date of the final degree ex-
research within a global leading lab- euros, in the USA 2,500 euros, in the may be extended by the period of ab- amination (e.g. BSc, MSc, Di-
oratory. For additional details please United Kingdom 2,400 euros, and in sence due to illness. ploma, Licenciatura, Laurea) on
refer to “Who can apply ?“. The peer- Switzerland 3,400 euros. the official certificate if the ap-
review-based selection procedure is Furthermore, a spouse allowance of Who Can Apply? plicant continues to work in the
extremely competitive. Applicants 200 euros, a child allowance of 200 same research group; or
must consequently be exceptional in euros per child and/or childcare al- The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds • the month of arrival at the lab-
all three selection criteria. lowance of up to 500 euros may be (BIF) awards PhD fellowships to Eu- oratory in which the PhD pro-
added depending on the personal sit- ropean citizens working in Europe ject is pursued if the applicant
Purpose: uation. or overseas, and to non-European changes his/her research group,
citizens pursuing their PhD project irrespective of the project he/she
To promote basic research in bi- The initially awarded stipend sum is in Europe. At the respective dead- starts to work on.
omedicine by providing the best based on the information provided in line (1 February, 1 June, 1 October)
young, up-and-coming scientists with the application. The fellowship hold- the university entrance qualification In other cases, i.e. when participat-
comprehensive support during their er is obligated to inform BIF about (secondary school leaving certifi- ing in MSc/PhD programmes or grad-
PhD phase. any changes in his/her personal or cate/A-levels/university entrance test uate schools without an official final
financial circumstances (change of that permits to pursue first university examination prior to the PhD project,
More than a monthly stipend: marital status, income of spouse, etc.) studies after finishing school) must please contact us.
so that BIF can adjust the amount of not have been achieved more than 8
The fellowship includes a compet- the stipend. The stipend is transferred years ago. If a laboratory presents 2 candidates
itive monthly stipend that’s initially in euros by the middle of each month. for a PhD fellowship at the same ap-
granted for two years and that may be In addition, fellowship holders can The PhD project must be experi- plication deadline, only one of them
extended for up to another 12 months. apply for travel allowances to present mental, in the field of basic biomedi- can receive a fellowship. This is why
Participation in international scientif- their research projects at international cal research and aimed at elucidating we would highly recommend that
ic conferences can be supported. Ad- scientific conferences, to participate basic biological phenomena of hu- candidates from the same laboratory
ditionally, fellowship holders have in methods courses, or to perform man life and acquiring new scientific apply at different deadlines.
been offered personal support, sem- research in cooperating laboratories. knowledge. For a survey on the range
inars to discuss their projects, com- Besides, BIF offers its fellows and of topics, please refer to the results of We do not support
municating training and alumni meet- alumni exclusive meetings, seminars, finished projects in FUTURA, the in-
ings, and consequently can become a and trainings. ternational journal of the foundation. • applied research, such as biotech-
part of a global network. Read below Natural scientists should have been nological and pharmaceutical
personal support and conditions. Duration: awarded their ultimate university de- development (e.g. development
gree (diploma, MSc, BSc, or equiv- of assays for diagnostic purpos-
Conditions for PhD Fellowships: PhD fellowships are granted for 24 alent). Students who have not yet es or drug screening; optimiza-
months and can be extended once for finished their MSc studies, i.e. who tion or screening of substances/
Grantees can take up their Boehringer a maximum of 12 months. However, cannot provide their MSc certificate compounds for therapeutic use;
Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) fellowship by if the fellow began work on his/her at the deadline, can only apply when development of drug delivery
sending us their signed fellowship PhD before taking up the fellowship, they are able to hand in their certifi- systems or vaccines);
conditions, desired start date, and de- that period will be deducted from the cate within 4 months after the dead- • studies on the course of diseases
tails of their bank account. The fel- maximum extension period. The be- line. Physicians, veterinary surgeons or the treatment of symptoms;
lowship expires if not taken up within ginning of the PhD work is consid- and pharmacists should have passed • botanical and prokaryotic inves-
6 months of the date of the letter of ered by BIF to be the date of the final their state examinations. tigations unless they are of gen-
approval. examination on the official certificate eral biological importance;
(e.g. BSc, MSc, Diploma, DEA, Li- At the deadline, the applicant should • education; we can support only
Amount: cenciatura, Laurea) if the fellow con- not have been working on his/her
tinued to work in the same research project for more than 6 months. BIF
The basic monthly stipend amounts group, or the date of arrival at the encourages applicants to apply for
to 1,550 euros. In most countries, fel- PhD laboratory if the fellow changed a fellowship when they are about to
Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 SCHOLARSHIP 15

research; fellowships therefore For examples of projects that we do are welcome to contact us. Pre-selection occurs about 4 weeks
cannot be used during the course and do not support please see the PDF after the respective deadline, along
and rotation phase of PhD pro- “What we do and do not fund“. Timing and selection: with the last selection approximately
grammes, but only for the dura- 5 months after the respective dead-
tion of the PhD project. In case you are not sure if your pro- Deadlines of application: 1 Febru- line. Read more about this selection
ject fits into the scope of support, you ary, 1 June, 1 October of every year. process and its criteria…

Sydney Scholars India

Scholarship Program 2019

he notification for the the time of application for the award.
Sydney Scholars India
Scholarship Program d. Applicants commencing a second
2019 has been released. degree in the University of Sydney
Students who are already or in the are eligible to apply provided they
process of checking out admissions at haven’t formerly held The Sydney
the University of Sydney, can check Scholars India Scholarship.
out all of the details on the scholar- Selection Criteria
ship, the details, timeline and such all
below: a. The Scholarship will be granted
on the basis of academic merit and
Background: personal statement assessed from a
student’s application for admission al Admission Offer” by the deadline student following the census date of
The Sydney Scholars India Scholar- to an undergraduate or postgraduate associated with their scholarship of- each semester.
ships are given to exceptional inter- coursework degree as well as the de- fer round. Failing to do will result in
national students. The Scholarship is tails provided in the scholarship ap- the scholarship offer being rescinded. e. Deferral or suspension of this
open to all commencing Indian stu- plication. Scholarship isn’t allowed.
dents enrolled full time in an under- c. On the award, the student must
graduate or postgraduate coursework b. The Scholarship will be given on remain enrolled at the University of f. The Scholarship will be provided
degree. the nomination of a selection commit- Sydney following census date. Syd- subject to the availability of funds
tee comprising two academic nomi- ney Scholars India Scholarship
Eligibility nees and two non-academic nominees g. No additional amount is payable.
made by the Vice-Principal (External d. The payment will be made to the
a. To qualify for the Scholarship, Relations).
applicants have to be an internation-
al student as described in the Higher Value
Education Support Act 2003. This ex-
cludes Australian citizens and perma- a. Three scholarship amounts can be
nent home. found based on a ranking against se-
lection criteria:
b. You have to hold Indian citizen-
ship and be a current resident of India. i. $50,000 per annum for any under-
Proof of residency will be required. graduate degree up to four years or
c. The applicant must have applied ii. $20,000 for one semester only, or
for but not yet commenced an under- iii. $10,000 for a single semester only.
graduate or postgraduate coursework b. Applicants should complete
degree in the University of Sydney in the”Acceptance of their Uncondition-
ADMISSIONS April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

PhD Admission 2019 – 2020

@ Shiv Nadar University (SNU)

he official notification ments/schools/centres of the Univer-
for the PhD Admissions sity. Detailed descriptions of research
2019-2020 Monsoon areas of our faculty members can be
(August) 2019 session at found at
Shiv Nadar University has been re-
leased. Interested and eligible candi- Selection Process
dates can check out all of the details
on the overview, the fees, the applica- Shortlisted candidates will be inti-
tion procedure, the timelines. eligibil- mated for appearing in written test
ity and more below: and interview on the dates mentioned
Ph.D. Admission Announcement: below, which will be conducted at
2019-2020, Monsoon (August) 2019 Shiv Nadar University (SNU) cam-
Department of Life Sciences pus in Gautam Buddha Nagar District • Fill all the mandatory fields Fees and Assistantship
(near Greater Noida), U.P. • Upload the following documents
The Department of Life Sciences online: SNU provides attractive financial
in the School of Natural Sciences at Candidates with CSIR-UGC NET-  Passport size color photograph assistance in the form of tuition and
Shiv Nadar University JRF & DBT-JRF, etc., fellowships  Current CV hostel fee waivers (100% and 70%,
invites applications for admission in will directly appear for the  All Mark sheets/Degree Certifi- respectively), and a substantial As-
the Ph.D. program for the coming se- onsite interview. TA for 3rd AC by cates (Bachelors and Masters) sistantship of Rs. 50,000/- per month
mester (August 2019). Candidates ad- train or equivalent will be paid for at-  Standardized Examination Certif- (for the first 2 years) and Rs. 55,000/-
mitted for full time PhD program will tending the test/interview. icate- CSIR, UGC, GATE etc. (if ap- per month (for the next 2 years) to at-
receive a stipend of Rs. 50,000/- (fif- plicable) tract the best candidates.
ty thousand rupees) per month for the Local transport and accommodation  A Statement of Purpose
first two years and Rs. 55,000/- (fifty will also be provided. In addition to these amounts, a se-
five thousand rupees) for the next two After the online submission, a curity deposit (refundable on exit) of
years. Candidates with their fellow- A separate written examination copy of the completed application Rs. 75,000/- will be payable in the
ships through CSIR-UGC NET-JRF will be conducted for a PhD in Life form should be sent by email to dl- first semester as Rs. 15,000/- monthly
& DBTJRF, etc., are encouraged to Sciences and Bioinformatics [email protected] instalments for 5 months (15,000×5 =
apply. 75,000) from the monthly stipend.
Eligibility Please make provision for at least
After the online submission, a copy one reference letter in support of your The fee waivers and assistantships
of the completed form should be sent A candidate should have a Master’s application. The reference letter can will continue, subject to satisfactory
by email to degree in any areas of Life Sciences/ also be sent to the same email ad- academic performance evaluated at
[email protected]. The sub- Bioinformatics or M.Tech in relevant dress. the end of each year.
ject heading of email should clearly areas, with a minimum of 60% marks
mention, “Application for PhD pro- or an equivalent grade point. Application Fees: You will be re- Important Dates
gram of Life Sciences”. Additionally, quired to pay a non-refundable ap-
you are requested to provide one ref- Application Instructions: plication fees of Rs. 1,200/- (One • Last date for submission of filled
erence letter to support your candida- Thousand Two Hundred Only). The forms: 25th May 2019
ture at the time of interview. All interested applicants should ap- application fee is to be paid online. • Examination Date: 1st and 2nd
ply online by clicking the “Apply July 2019
Many of our research projects are Now” button given at the bottom of
interdisciplinary in nature, involv- this page. Please follow the instruc-
ing collaborations with other depart- tions carefully.
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 ADMISSIONS 17

PhD Programme Admission 2019 – 2020

fficial notification for Architecture, Plant Immunity, Trans-
the PhD Programme genics such as Crop improvement,
Admission 2019-2020 Molecular Breeding along with other
at NIPGR has been an- emerging regions according to plant
nounced. NIPGR – National Institute genomics. Reservations are according
of Plant Genome Research is invit- to statutory standards.
ing eligible and interested candidates The Admission to the PhD program
from a life sciences background to is through two-stage procedure con-
apply online for the PhD Programme sisting of Entrance Test and Inter-
Admission 2019-2020. Check details view/Viva-Voce. The qualified appli-
on the same below: cants that have secured the minimum
National Institute of Plant Genome qualifying marks at the entrance ex-
Research, is an Autonomous Re- amination will be shortlisted for inter- • Age Proof. (less than 100 KB) As soon as you’ve uploaded the doc-
search Institution, funded by Depart- view/viva-voice • Relevant Educational Qualifica- ument and click on the”UPLOAD
ment of Biotechnology, Government The selected candidates will be en- tion (less than 100 KB) DOCUMENTS” button you’ll get the
of India, and conducts basic and ap- rolled for Ph.D. program in academic • Category Certificate, in case SC/ Form Preview option. Save/Print your
plied research in the frontier areas of affiliation with the Jawaharlal Nehru ST/OBC. (less than 100 KB) form for future reference.
plant biology. The Institute invites on- University, New Delhi. NIPGR will • Fellowship Award Letter/Admit
line applications from applicants that provide hostel accommodation to se- Card (less than 100 KB) NIPGR Won’t provide any travel
have completed or will be completing lected candidates (subject to availa- • Payment Confirmation Slip Fee expenditures to applicants appearing
M.Sc. Or equivalent degree (by Au- bility). receipts (less than 100 KB) for Entrance Test and Interview/ Vi-
gust 31, 2019) in Life Sciences and/or va-Voce
in related disciplines with minimum APPLICATION PROCEDURE
55% marks [a relaxation of 5% of (ONLINE ONLY)
marks, from 55% to 50 percent or an
equal relaxation of grade, will be per- Candidates must register first and
mitted for those belonging to SC/ST/ then follow steps for filling Online
OBC (non-creamy layer)/Different- Application Form. The application
ly-abled along with other categories fee is 300/( 100/for SC/ST candidates
of applicants, or if you had obtained provided relevant documentary ev-
their Master’s degree before 19th idence is enclosed with the Applica-
September, 1991], and have cleared tion Form).
(chosen through BET/BINC)/ICMR The admission Form is to be filled
NET examination for JRF (with a Jun- and submitted ONLINE ONLY to-
ior Research Fellowship valid at least gether with required documents up-
up to December 31, 2019), together loaded at the specified format and
with DST INSPIRE Fellowship for online payment via SBI Collect. No
pursuing full-time Ph.D. program, hard copies will be accepted.
for conducting advanced research in
the frontier regions of Plant Biology Upload following Scanned Docu-
for example, Computational Biolo- ments: (It is suggested to scan doc-
gy, Genome Analysis and Molecular uments from your originals).
Mapping, Molecular Mechanism of
Abiotic Stress Responses, Nutrition- • Photograph (less than 50 KB)
al Genomics, Plant Development and • Signature (less than 50 KB)
ADMISSIONS April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

PhD & Post-Doctoral Programme Admission 2019

@ Nirma University

he Faculty of Doctoral Procedure for Admission
Studies and Research is
the co-ordinating faculty The University will decide on an an-
for the PhD programmes nual basis through Faculty of Doctoral
run by the constituent institutes of Studies & Research a predetermined
the University. The University offers and manageable number of Ph.D.
Full-time and Part-Time PhD pro- scholars to be admitted depending
grammes. The Admissions in vari- on the number of available Research
ous PhD programmes is scheduled Supervisors and other academic and
annually and the Announcement in physical facilities available, keep-
the Newspapers/Website is also pub- ing in mind the norms regarding the
lished. scholar- teacher ratio
UGC-CSIR NET (Including the number of scholars per Research
Introduction: The University will notify well in JRF) SLET/ GATE/GPAT with Supervisor, the available speciali-
advance in the institutional website a valid score in terms of cut- zation among the Supervisors and
Nirma University started Doctoral and through advertisement in at least off marks and duration, teacher research interests of the scholars as
Programmes in the year 2003. The two (2) national newspapers, of which fellowship holder or who have indicated by them at the time of inter-
PhD Programmes in the University at least one (1) shall be in the region- passed M.Phil programme shall view/viva voce
are offered by the Faculty of Technol- al language, the number of seats for be exempted from appearing in
ogy & Engineering, Faculty of Phar- admission, subject/discipline-wise the entrance test and deemed to The University shall maintain the list
macy, Faculty of Science, Faculty of distribution of available seats, criteria be qualified for personal inter- of all the Ph.D. registered students on
Management, Faculty of Law and for admission, procedure for admis- view. its website on year-wise basis. The list
Faculty of Architecture. sion and all other relevant informa- shall include the name of the regis-
tion. The interview/viva-voce shall also tered candidate, topic of his research,
Eligibility Criteria: For Ph.D. consider the following aspects, viz. name of his supervisor/co-supervisor,
(Full-Time & Part-Time Pro- • Candidates, who intend to take whether: date of enrolment/registration.
gramme) admission for Ph.D. have to ap-
ply in a prescribed proforma. On • the candidate possesses the Attendance Requirement : A re-
Candidates for admission to the. the receipt of applications, an en- competence for the proposed re- search scholar, who is pursuing
programme shall have a Master’s de- trance test will be conducted for search; course-work as a part of his Ph. D.
gree or a professional degree declared the eligible candidates irrespec- • the research work can be suita- Programme, is expected to have full
equivalent to the Master’s degree by tive of number of applications bly undertaken at the Institution; (100%) attendance in each course.
the corresponding statutory regulato- received, which will be followed • the proposed area of research However, a maximum of 30% attend-
ry body, with at least 55% marks in by an interview by a Departmen- can contribute to new/additional ance may be condoned by the Dean,
aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ tal Research Committee consist- knowledge. Final merit shall be Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Re-
in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equiv- ing of the 1) Dean of the faculty based on the merit of interview/ search for genuine reasons
alent grade in a point scale wherev- concerned, 2) Head of the De- viva-voce
er grading system is followed) or partment(s)/ Area 3) probable Course work Requirement : The
an equivalent degree from a foreign Research Supervisor , 4) domain * Provided that for selection of can- course work shall be treated as prereq-
educational Institution accredited external expert. The domain ex- didates a weightage of 70% to the uisite for Ph.D. preparation. A mini-
by an Assessment and Accreditation pert will be decided by the Dean entrance test and 30% to the perfor- mum of four credits shall be assigned
Agency which is approved, recog- concerned. The selection crite- mance in the interview/ viva-voce to one or more courses on Research
nized or authorized by an authority, rion for the admission in Ph.D shall be given. Methodology, which could cover are-
established or incorporated under a programme are as under as such as quantitative methods, com-
law in its home country or any other • (*Likely to be implemented this puter applications, research ethics and
statutory authority in that country for • An Entrance Test shall be qual- year subject to approval of competent review of published research in the
the purpose of assessing, accrediting ifying with qualifying marks as authority of the University) relevant field, training, fieldwork, etc.
or assuring quality and standards of 50%. The syllabus of the En- Other courses shall be advanced lev-
educational institutions.. trance Test shall consist of 50% On the recommendation of the De- el courses preparing the students for
of research methodology and partmental Research Committee and Ph.D. degree.
Candidates possessing a Degree 50% shall be subject specific. on the approval of Dean, Faculty of
considered equivalent to M.Phil. De- • The list of candidates clearing Doctoral Studies & Research the list The Department where the scholar
gree of an Indian Institution, from the entrance test shall be de- of selected candidates will be dis- pursues his research shall prescribe
a Foreign Educational Institution clared on the notice board/ web- played on the notice board / website the course(s) to him based on the rec-
accredited by an Assessment and site of the University. of the University. ommendations of the Research Advi-
Accreditation Agency which is ap- • An interview/viva-voce to be or- sory Committee.
proved, recognized or authorized by ganized by the University when However, the final admission will
an authority, established or incorpo- the candidates are required to be given after getting eligibility as All candidates admitted to the Ph.D.
rated under a law in its home country discuss their research interest/ per the provisions of the relevant reg- programmes shall be required to com-
or any other statutory authority in that area through a presentation be- ulations of the University. plete the course work prescribed by
country for the purpose of assessing, fore Department Research Com-
accrediting or assuring quality and mittee specified under R.Ph.D The allocation of Research Super-
standards of educational institutions, 2.3. visor for a selected research scholar
shall be eligible for admission to • The candidates who qualify shall be decided by the Department
Ph.D. programme. the UGC-NET (Including JRF) Research Committee depending on
Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 ADMISSIONS 19

the Department within initial two se- synopsis presentations in conferences/seminars er / Certificate of M.Phil. Pro-
mesters. before the submission of the thesis for gramme
Research Advisory should be formed evaluation and produce evidence for • i) Experience Certificate, if ap-
However, if the student is not in a soon after the candidate is registered the same in the form of presentation plicable
position to complete the course work for the Ph.D programme. The Re- certificates and/or reprints as per the • ii) Certificate of Research Expe-
in the prescribed time limit as above, search Advisory Committee (RAC) UGC norms. rience, if any
due to genuine reasons, may file an consisting of Head of the Depart- • iii) No Objection Certificate
appeal and on the recommendation ment, Research Supervisor-Convener The thesis of all the Ph.D students from the present employer (ap-
of the RAC, the Director General of the Committee, Co-Research Su- who have submitted the thesis is sent plicable for the full-time spon-
may grant extension up to additional pervisor, if any, and two experts to be to two referees for review One Indian sored
one semester. Failing to complete the nominated by the Director General, Expert and One Foreign Expert. The • candidates )
course work in the extended period one of whom will be from outside the final thesis before the announcement • iv) No Objection Certificate and
will lead to cancellation of admission. University will meet at least once in a of the award of the Ph.D. degree .will Infrastructural Support Certif-
semester and monitor the progress of be uploaded on the official website of icate for conducting research
The course work result including the research scholar and, based on the UGC “Shodganga” through INFLIB- from the
Research methodology course/s shall suggestions of the committee, the re- NET. • present employer (applicable for
be finalized after a combined assess- search scholar will take follow-up ac- only the part-time candidates)
ment by the Research Advisory Com- tions. Functions of the Research Ad- How to Apply: • v) Tentative Research Proposal
mittee and the Area/ Department and visory Committee (RAC) shall have (including a tentative title, ob-
the final marks shall be sent to the the following responsibilities: • The Application Form Process- jectives of research, proposed
Ph.D Section for preparing the result ing Fee for the Ph.D. Programme • methodology, time –line, etc.)
within reasonable time but not be- • The Department where the schol- is Rs. 1250/- (non-refundable). • vi) Copies of the technical pa-
yond one month after submission of ar pursues his research shall pre- The application will be consid- pers published in refereed jour-
course work by the student at the de- scribe the course(s) to him based ered complete only after pay- nals, if any1.
partment. on the recommendations of the ment of the Application Form
Research Advisory Committee, Processing Fee through online Contact Details:
A Ph.D. scholar has to obtain a min- of the research scholar. mode. Deputy Registrar (Ph.D. Section)
imum of 55% of marks or its equiva- • To review the research proposal • The applicant who fulfills the 1st Floor, Institute of Management
lent grade in the UGC 7-point scale in and finalize the topic of research; necessary requirements can ap- Nirma University, Sarkhej Gandhi-
the course work in order to be eligi- • Guide the research scholar to de- ply for the Ph.D. admissions in nagar Highway
ble to continue in the programme and velop the study design and meth- Full-Time, Part-Time, Part-Time Ahmedabad – 382 481
submit the thesis. odology of research and identify (Visvesvaraya Scheme only for Email: [email protected].
the course(s) for the course work Technology & Engineering) or Ph: + 91-02717-241911-15
A Ph.D scholar has to obtain a mini- that research scholar have to do. all the categories. Website:
mum of C+ grade in each course and • To periodically review and assist • Those who are applying for all
minimum CPI 6.00 in order to be el- in the progress of the research the three categories will have For the procedure of application and
igible to continue in the programme. work of the research scholar. to pay the processing fee of Rs. other details, please visit:
After successfully completing the • In case the progress of the re- 1250/- + Rs. 1250/-+1250/- =
course work, within three months, search scholar is unsatisfactory, Total Rs. 3750/- missions
the Research scholar will be required the Research Advisory Commit- • List of Enclosures to be upload-
to develop a comprehensive research tee shall record the reasons for ed are as under: (Out of Full-Time students admit-
proposal under the guidance of his/ the same and suggest corrective • Qualifying examination mark- ted, selected students are entitled for
her Research Supervisor and will measures. If the research scholar sheets/grade sheets, Certificate Scholarship.)
be examined by Research Advisory fails to implement these correc- of Passing of Graduation and
Committee (RAC) and on the recom- tive measures, the Research Ad- Master Degree Contact:
mendation of the committee, the final visory Committee may recom- • Authenticated document show- Nirma University, S. G. Highway,
shape of the research proposal along mend to the Institution/College ing conversion from CPI/CGPA Ahmedabad, Gujarat
with tentative title of the topic of re- with specific reasons for cancel- to percentage, wherever applica- E-mail: phd.section@nirmauni.
search shall be decided. lation of the registration of the ble
research scholar. • Certificate of UGC-NET/SLET Ph: +91-02717-241900-04
Minor changes in the topic can be (Including JRF) / Score Card of
done by the Research Scholar on rec- The student is required to publish GATE with validity of duration Last Date for Application:
ommendations of Research Advisory has at least one research paper in ref- and cut-off marks / Certificate 30/04/2019
Committee before submission of the ereed journal and make two paper of Teacher Fellowship Hold-
ADMISSIONS April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

CSIR – IGIB PhD 2019 Admission –

Official Notification

SIR-IGIB PhD 2019 Please convert CGPA grades to per-
Admission notification cent .
is out. CSIR-Institute of
Genomics and Integra- Fellowship
tive Biology (CSIR-IGIB) PhD ad-
missions 2019 notification. PhD Ad- M.Sc/M.Tech/M.Pharm/B.Tech/B.
mission 2019-2020 CSIR-Institute of Pharm/B.E/MBBS candidates should
Genomics and Integrative Biology. hold CSIR-UGC(JRF)/DBT(JRF)/
Check out all of the details on the ICMR- JRF/DST-INSPIRE or equal
same below: (fellowship certificate ought to be
valid at least until June 30, 2019, in
Application portal Site for most cases). Fellowship conditions
CSIR-IGIB will be Available from should let them work in CSIR Lab- the registration process successfully. e. 1-page schematic (could be hand-
19 April 2019 9:30 AM to 30 May oratories and under CSIR projects. You will need the following for ap- drawn, or computer made) on the pro-
2019 6:00 PM B.Tech/B.Pharm/B.E pupils who plication, therefore please keep these posal. The entire proposal could be
meet the requirements for GATE-JRF handy whilst applying. It’s very im- maximally 1500 words (excluding the
It’s compulsory to also apply fellowship ( portant to be aware that details once figure). The proposal file should be
through the AcSIR portal site (in- gate.html) will also be eligible. Eligi- submitted aren’t editable, so in order one pdf file containing the schematic.
structions given below) that closes ble candidates will need to appear for to apply, you want to complete the It has to be uploaded during the ap-
on 23rd May interviews in CSIR-IGIB (see below). procedure in a single sitting. plication procedure. Please write and
keep this ready this before beginning
Introduction Age Limit PRE-REQUIREMENTS FOR the application process.
The CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Upper age limit is 28 years (accord- 5. Fellowship details.
Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) in- ing to the final date of application, 1. Application number from AcSIR
vites applications from bright young May 30, 2019) that is readable for portal. 6. Candidates will need to submit
people from varied backgrounds with SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy)/physical- Application number generated after a non-refundable application fee of
strong motivation and great academ- ly handicapped persons in addition to registering and applying on the Ac- Rs 1000/[Rs 500/for SC/ST/OBC
ic qualifications to pursue research women candidates according to Govt. SIR entry portal ( The (non-creamy) applicants ]. The pay-
in the frontier regions of modern bi- Of India principles in this aspect. portal is available from 19 April 2019 ment has to be made through an on-
ology resulting in a PhD degree. The to 23 May 2019. Please be aware line payment portal. Please keep your
wide interdisciplinary research areas NOTE that you’d need the APPLICATION net-banking particulars or your card
are genomics and molecular medi- NUMBER which you get after fin- information available with you.
cine, genome informatics and struc- GATE is NOT a legitimate fellow- ishing the application form. That
tural biology, systems and chemical ship to join the program for Masters can be NOT just like the registration With all these documents please visit
biology, respiratory disease biology degree holders. GATE-JRF is the number (acquired while creating an the portal Registration Form to fill out
and environmental biotechnology. sole valid fellowship scheme strict- account in the AcSIR portal site ) the application form for CSIR-IGIB
ly for applicants that have BTech or for applying to CSIR-IGIB PhD pro-
Eligibility equivalent as maximum qualifica- gram. The AcSIR portal for applica- After completing the very first step
tion according to guidelines provid- tion is of this application procedure, you’ll
Masters degree (M.Sc/M.Tech/M. ed at online-admission/portal/acsir-on- be directed to a page to verify the spe-
Pharm) with at least 60% (or equal CSIR/UGC-LS qualified applicants line-adm-portal/index.php#/. Please cifics. Please check the facts carefully.
in CGPA) in almost any branch of aren’t eligible. select CSIR-IGIB as the main Insti- As soon as you’ve verified the details,
Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Chem- Please be aware that JGEEBILS/ tute for application. If you face any you’ll be redirected to the payment
istry/Physics/Mathematics/Computer TIFR entrance exam/IISc entrance problem with the online application gateway. The payment amount will
Science or allied subjects with a par- examination and comparable assess- form please notify Pratima or Priyan- be determined in accordance with the
ticular interest in Biology. B.Tech (in ments are NOT valid fellowship ex- ka at [email protected] criteria provided above. After pay-
Biological Sciences or other branch- aminations for CSIR-IGIB. Please well beforehand of this deadline. ment is successful you’ll be redirected
es with a particular interest in Biol- don’t apply with these examinations back to our website for the transaction
ogy)/B.Pharm/B.E./MBBS applicants as your fellowship source. 2. A digital passport photo NOT and enrollment details. You’ll receive
with at least 60 percent (or equal in over 2MB in size. your admit card on your registered
CGPA) can also apply. Along with Application Procedure email address after this. In the event,
this, all candidates must also have got 3. Information on your educational the payment is made and you haven’t
at least 60 percent (or equal in CGPA) Link to the application form can be qualifications (marks, subjects, uni- got your registration details, please
in their XIIth standard board exam. found in and in the versity, year of passing, etc). Please don’t initiate another payment. Kind-
Both the standards are relaxed for SC/ base of the webpage. convert CGPA grades to percent. ly write an email to [email protected] to
ST/OBC (non-creamy) candidates to Refreshing webpage or pressing solve the matter. Please read the facts
a minimum of 55 percent in the high- back button of the browser will reset 4. A succinctly written research pro- offered in the admit card attentively.
est qualifying examination and at the all the details you’ve entered. Please posal emphasizing the following In the event of any difficulty please
XIIth standard board exam. Candi- fill in your Gender and Category be- contact us in [email protected].
dates that are awaiting results for its fore you move to fill up the date of a. Title of this proposal
top qualifying exams are permitted to birth or your qualifications. In the b. Introduction to the problem.
appear, but their admission is subject event, you’ve made an error please c. What isn’t known?
to clearing all of the eligibility criteria refresh or close the tab. You are able d. How can you aim to resolve it?
at the time of admission. to restart the procedure again to finish
Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 ADMISSIONS 21

Contact Email ID will be informed of the dates via the sion with all the scientists at the Insti- any stage of the selection procedure.
Admit Card they get after completing tute on the 19th of June 2019. The decision of the Admission Com-
[email protected] the application process and successful mittee will be final and binding and
payment. Admission Process no correspondence will be entertained
Selection Procedure in this regard. Canvassing of any form
Candidates shortlisted according to The names of those successful candi- and/or bringing in almost any influ-
All candidates meeting minimum the first round of interviews will need dates eligible to join CSIR-IGIB PhD ence is going to be treated as a dis-
eligibility standards will be invited to appear for the next round of inter- program is going to be announced on qualification. In the event of qualified
through email for appearing for inter- views on the 18th of June 2019. The or before 26th June 2019. The cho- candidates with already activated JRF
views in CSIR-IGIB, Delhi, from the candidates will be evaluated for their sen candidates need to join CSIR-IG- fellowships, the consent letter from
16th to the 19th of June 2019. Can- ability in biological sciences with IB between 27th June and 16th July the appropriate authority is to be sub-
didate should report in the venue for special emphasis in their research 2019. Students are usually enrolled in mitted to CSIR-IGIB in the time of
an interview by 8:30 am on the sched- proposal that they are to submit in the AcSIR. The selected candidate has to interview otherwise the candidature
uled date. There’ll be two rounds of time of application. The candidates pay a non-refundable fee at the time is liable to cancellation. Candidates
interviews. The first round is going to must be prepared to make a brief of admission (Rs 10000 for general must be aware that non-fulfilment of
be geared toward assessing abilities to 10-minute presentation based on their category and Rs 5000 to get SC/ST/ their eligibility standards will lead to
understand, analyze and reason along own research interest and research OBC(non-creamy) applicants ). cancellation of their candidature at
with the potential of the candidate in proposal. any point of the admission procedure
biological sciences. Candidates will Disclaimer without refund of their application
be called either on the 16th or the Candidates eventually picked will fee.
17th of June for this. The candidates have a compulsory interaction ses- No TA/DA will be compensated at
ADMISSIONS April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

PhD Programmes Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

@ RCB, Faridabad

he official notification
for the RCB PhD Admis- Those appearing in the final exam-
sions for Bioinformatics ination and having secured at least
and Biostatistics has been 60 percent marks an Average in all
released. Interested and eligible can- exams held throughout the Master’s
didates can check out all of the details degree programme will also be eli-
on the admissions, eligibility, process gible to apply. But, students will be
and timelines and more below: permitted to join the program just on
the production of first class Master’s
Regional Centre for Biotechnology degree certificate.
(RCB) is an institution of national
importance created by An Act of Par- The selection process of admission
liament under the aegis of UNESCO and stipend: a written exam and interview on 24- • Medical Fee: Rs. 3000 per se-
together with the primary focus of 25 June 2019 at RCB, Faridabad. mester
providing world-class education and Eligible candidates need to appear to • Student amenities Fee: Rs. 1000
training, and to conduct innovative re- get a nationally-open written exami- Application procedure: per semester
search at the interface of various dis- nation in RCB. Shortlisted candidates • Thesis examination Fee: Rs.
ciplines to make high-quality human will then be interviewed to your final Interested students may apply on- 10000 (at the time of submission
resource in the region of biotechnol- choice. Selected candidates Shall re- line by paying the prescribed applica- of thesis)
ogy. RCB is offering interdisciplinary ceive a consolidated stipend of Rs. tion fee of Rs. 500. • Caution money: Rs. 5000 (at the
doctoral programs in Biostatistics and 45000 a month for the first two years The last date of application is 20 time of admission)
Bioinformatics in partnership with of the Program and Rs. 50000 for May 2019. • Hostel Room Fee: Rs. 1200 per
other institutions by creating a virtu- the next 3 years. The stipend shall be semester
al faculty pool. All these programmes subject to taxes as per Govt. of India Eligible candidates shall be invited • Hostel Electricity charges: As
will be supported through a collabo- rules. Continuation of the stipend is for a written test and interview on 24- per the installed meter
ration using the global pharmaceuti- subject to satisfactory progress made 25 June 2019 at • Mess Charges: As per actual
cal giant, GlaxoSmithKline Pharma- by The student to be evaluated yearly. RCB, Faridabad.
ceuticals India Private Ltd. (GSK) In case of any discrepancy/issue/
and therefore are subject to RCB stat- For your PhD programme in Bio- Fee Structure query regarding filling up the online
utes, ordinances and regulations. Fac- statistics, the candidate should have form or any payment related issues,
ulty for the Programme: In addition to a first-class (60% marks Or more) • Academic Administration Fee: the applicant may contact – regis-
RCB faculty members, the following Master’s degree in Statistics or Math- Rs. 5000 per semester [email protected], [email protected].
mentors from the partner institutions, ematics. • Laboratory Fee: Rs. 6000 per se-
holding an adjunct faculty position at mester
RCB, will function as faculty for the For the PhD programme in Bioin-
programme. formatics, the candidate must have a
first-class (60% marks or more) Mas-
Faculty for the Programme: ter’s degree in Computer Science or
In addition to RCB faculty mem-
bers, the following mentors from the A total of four students may be se-
partner institutions, lected annually to those programs.
holding an adjunct faculty position
at RCB shall be the faculty for the Coursework:
In the first year, the students admit-
• Prof. ParthaPratimMajumder, ted to these programmes will expe-
Distinguished Professor, NIB- rience rigorous Coursework either
MG, Kalyani at RCB or even NIBMGto finish the
• Prof. Saurabh Ghosh, Professor, minimum 8 credit requirement for
ISI, Kolkata RCB PhD programme according to
• Dr DebasisaMohanty, Staff Sci- its statues, ordinances and regula-
entist VII, NII, New Delhi tions. For the detailed course Content,
• Dr Dinesh Gupta, Group Leader, please see
ICGEB, New Delhi details_of_all_courses.pdf.
• Dr D. Sundar, Associate Profes-
sor, IITD, New Delhi There’ll also be a three-months sta-
• Dr AnalabhaBasu, Associate tistical internship at GSK’s Clinical
Professor, NIBMG, Kalyani Development Operations Centre at
• Dr Indranil Mukhopadhyay, As- Bengaluru during the programme for
sociate Professor, ISI, Kolkata the Biostatistics students. Application
• Dr Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, As- process: Interested students may ap-
sistant Professor, NIBMG, Kaly- ply online by paying the prescribed
ani application fee of Rs. 500. The final
date of application is 20 May 2019.
Eligibility for admission: Eligible applicants will be invited for
April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76 ADMISSIONS 23

PhD Biotechnology Admissions 2019

@ NIT Jalandhar

dmission to PhD (Full etc.
Time & Part Time) Pro-
gramme in Engineer- A candidate who has already secured
ing, Sciences, for the funding/fellowship from reputed ex-
Academic Year 2019-2020 (Session ternal agencies like JRF/DST IN-
July-2019). Interested and eligible SPIRE etc. can also apply for admis-
candidates check out all of the details sion to PhD (Full Time) programme.
below: These candidates, if selected, will not
be provided with any fellowship/con-
Admission to PhD (Full Time& tingency grant by the Institute
Part Time) Programme in Engi-
neering, Sciences, Humanities and The academic qualifications for
Management for the Academic PhD (Part-time) programmes/ PhD Committee for the process of “pres-
Year2019-2020 (Session July-2019) (Full Time) with external fellow- entation and interaction” for the ap- 1. Last date for submission of Appli-
ships like JRF/DST INSPIRE etc. plicants. For this purpose, a screen- cations 15.05.2019
Department: Biotechnology are the same as that for PhD (Full ing test shall be conducted by the 2. Display of list of eligible candi-
Time) as mentioned at Sr.No.B. respective Departments. Only those dates 20.05.2019
The email address of HOD: obt@ applicants who score marks above 3. Written Test (in the respective De- How to apply: the cutoff of 40%, i.e. 24 marks out partment. Reporting time 9:00 AM)
of 60 for General category candidates 27.05.2019
PhD (Full Time/Part-Time) (Broad The link to fill the online application and 35% i.e. 21 out of 60 for SC/ST/ 4. Display of list of candidates eli-
Areas of Research): Bioprocess En- form can be accessed through Insti- OBC/EWS/PWD candidates in the gible for presentation & interaction
gineering, Environmental Biotech- tute website screening test shall be eligible for 27.05.2019 by 4:00 PM in the respec-
nology, Microbial Biotechnology, presentation and interaction process. tive Departments
Biomaterials and biopolymers, Tissue Please submit separate application Marks obtained in the screening test 5. Presentation/interaction by the
Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Bi- forms, if applying for more than one shall not be counted for preparation candidates who have qualified the test
ofilms based bioprocess, Bioremedia- programme. Copy of the applica- of final merit list of the successful 28.05.2019 and 29.05.2019
tion, Ecotoxicity of pollutants. tion forms duly filled, accompanied candidates. 6. Display of list of selected candi-
by self-attested copies of the rele- dates 31.05.2019
B) Eligibility Criteria vant certificates/testimonials, along The details of the Syllabi and Pat- 7. Deposition of fee& Registration
with details of Application Fee of tern of Examination will be separate- 15.06.2019
1) (Full Time & Part Time) Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST/PWD ly notified on the Institute website i.e. 8. Last date of deposition of fee, reg-
candidates),in an envelope which istration and commencement of class-
Science Departments: Master’s De- must be superscribed as, “APPLICA- es Shall be notified on the Institute
gree in the appropriate branch of Sci- TION FOR ADMISSION TO PhD Important Dates: Website
ence with a first class or minimum (FULL TIME/PART TIME) IN THE
60% Marks (or CGPA of 6.5 on 10 DEPARTMENT OF ________,”
point scale) in the qualifying exami- should reach the concerned “Head of
nation. the Department’ by the due date as
per schedule is given in this adver-
2) Ph D programmes (Part-Time): tisement.

Faculty/Technical/Scientific staff of Incomplete applications and re-

NITJ; Project staff working under the ceived after the due date (5:00 PM of
projects sponsored by MHRD/DST/ 15th May 2019)or without applica-
UGC or some other government agen- tion fee as applicable/without attest-
cy and coordinated by the institute ed copies of documents/ certificates/
faculty as certified by the concerned testimonials shall be rejected during
Principal Investigator/Coordinator; scrutinizing. The application fee shall
External candidates sponsored by In- not be refunded in any case.
dustry/Institute having R & D facility
recognized by NITJ having minimum Admission Procedure
two-years experience and possessing
the same academic qualifications as i. The admission to PhD programme
that for Ph.D. (Full Time& Part Time) in all disci-
regular candidates are eligible to plines mentioned in this advertise-
apply for PhD Programme as a part- ment shall be made purely on the
time candidate. In–service candidates basis of a “presentation” to be made
must have to submit No Objection by the shortlisted applicants in their
Certificate from their employer in proposed area of research followed
which it must be stated that they will by “interaction” to be conducted by
be relieved at least for six months in a the respective Department Admission
stretch for course work. Committee.

3) PhD (Full Time) with external ii. Shortlisting of candidates shall be
fellowships like JRF/DST INSPIRE done by the Departmental Admission
Vol. 03 NO 76

Govt THSTI Biotech & Life Sciences Jobs With Rs.

1.50 Lakh Salary pm

Sc / MTech & PhD Bi- technology / Biological Sciences with
ological Sciences / Life a minimum of 5 years of relevant re-
Sciences / Biotech / Bi- search experience.
ochem & Microbiology Experience: Experience in working
Candidates with the relevant experi- with infectious agents (Virus, Bacte-
ence are eligible to send in online ap- ria, Microbes), preferably with clini-
plication for positions available over cal samples are desirable.
at THSTI. THSTI is recruiting life Post II
sciences candidates for Scientist and
Lab Manager vacancies. Interested Job Name: Lab Manager
candidates check out all of the details
posted below: No. of Vacancies: 01
a) Before filling the online applica- the format prescribed by the Govt of
THSTI Consolidated Emoluments p.m.: Up tion, keep the following documents India, if applicable.
(An Autonomous Institute of the to Rs. 1,00,000 (consolidated) handy: b) Candidates are requested to use
Department of Biotechnology, (i) A soft copy of your passport size Google Chrome internet browser for
Govt. of India) NCR Biotech Sci- Qualifications: photo and signature best results in submission of online
ence Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Farid- (ii) A comprehensive CV (PDF For- application.
abad – Gurgaon Expressway, P 0 Essential: MSc / MTech in Life mat Only) containing details of quali- c) Once the online application is
Box No. 04, Faridabad – 121001 Sciences or equivalent degree in bi- fications, positions held, professional submitted, no correction/modification
otechnology or any of the life, labo- experience/distinction etc. is possible.
Post I ratory or medical sciences with three (iii) The documents in support of d) In case of difficulty in filling up
years of research experience. educational qualification and experi- the online form, please send e-mail to
Job Name: Principal Scientist Experience: Experience in the are- ence (PDF format only) as mentioned [email protected]
as of laboratory management skills, below: e) On successful submission of your
No. of Vacancies: 01 knowledge of standard lab safety and ♣ Matriculation Mark Sheet application, an auto-generated email
procedures. Ability to lead and direct ♣ Intermediate Mark Sheet containing a reference number will
Consolidated Emoluments p.m.: other lab staff members, additional ♣ Graduation/Degree Mark Sheet be sent to the email address provid-
Up to Rs. 1,50,000 (consolidated) tech skills and qualifications as well ♣ Post Graduation/Degree Mark ed. Please keep a note of the reference
as interpersonal communication skills Sheet number for future correspondence.
Qualifications: are desirable. ♣ PhD Degree or equivalent (if any)
♣ Relevant experience certificates Deadline: : 31 May 2019
Essential: PhD in Biochemistry / How to Apply: (if any)
Microbiology / Life Sciences / Bio- (iv) Caste/Disability certificate in

PepsiCo India Quality Control Jobs –

MSc Food Tech Apply Online

f you are looking for • Ensuring the highest quality of
Quality Control jobs, product and minimal customer
then PepsiCo India re- complaints through rigorous on-
quires BTech & MSc line quality control tests and fin-
Food Technology relevant experience ished product review
to apply online for Quality Control • Implementing right excellent
position that is available at PepsiCo. control systems/standards for
For more details on the experience the procedures, physical systems
required, job description, key respon- and environment.
sibilities and such, check Biotecnika. • Troubleshooting during online
production to minimize wastage
Designation: Executive – Sc Qual- and ensure quality.
ity Control • Accountable for maintaining Conducting online quality tests in • ensuring optimal usage of fryer
GMP, GHK GLP and internal/ the procedure area to make sure all oil
Location: Pune, India external audits (HACCP, AIB, FLI criteria of quality are followed • Conducting 4 hourly checks on
Personal Hygiene, Procedure through the manufacturing process the oil used for frying for FFA,
Relocation Eligible: Not Applica- audit) OV, foreign materials, taste &
ble • Root cause and failure analysis • Assessing visual inspection ; odour
for quality defects and imple- • ensuring key operating param- • Comparing test results against
Job Type: Regular mentation of their corrective ac- eters of machines have been at golden criteria oil use charts
tions. the specified range • Deciding the mixture of fresh
Job Description: • (Peelers, Fryers, Slicer for thick-
Accountabilities: ness average and range, Chip
Main Purpose Conveyors, Seasoning Tumbler)
Next Page>>>>
April 30th, 2019

and blended oil for use for frying periodically to prevent any effect documents Manager
operations on product quality • Compliance to I2C crucial con- • Implementing the action plans
• Conducting product weak link • Process capability studies have trols developed by the Quality Man-
analysis based on the stipulated been conducted for seasoning ager for continuous change
frequency system and corrective actions Effective resolution of consumer • Make compliance with SOX and
• Conducting regular excellent are required to improve Cp/Cpk complaints carry out all responsibilities and
wall meetings with S/I, Pkg lead- if discovered low roles as an Control Owner of I2C
er & operatives for discussing • Assisting the quality manager in process
quality defects detected online Maintaining comprehensive and analyzing root causes of com-
and then deciding the measures accurate reports for communicat- plaint and creating a forward ac- Documenting all excellent pro-
to rectify the issues ing with all of the people concerned tion plan cesses, systems, standards, findings,
• Ensuring PAE analysis is con- • Implementing the action plan dangers and corrective activities me-
ducted by operatives each hour • ensuring the quality checkers • strengthening the complaint thodically
to lines make the proper entrance of doesn’t happen again
• bolstering corrective actions are congestion & weight in SAP for Support in driving training agen-
required for the majority of devi- every change Participating in TPM actions for da
ations in quality parameters • Circulating shift quality report greater participation in the perfor-
• Communication concern areas consisting of crucial product & mance of the plant • Training to operatives for TPOD,
and corrective actions to the con- packaging quality parameters seasoning, oil quality, meal qual-
cerned shift in-charge and pro- • ensuring the operators create Leading/ participating in TPM for ity, packaging quality
duction manager immediately PAE recoding in a delegated for- a variety of projects undertaken by • Leading LTI initiatives to ensure
• Informing the Quality Manag- mat on an hourly basis these. timely completion of trials and
er if test results indicate that an • Submitting a Weekly & Monthly execution of enhanced packag-
emergency scenario Quality Report on crucial prod- Practicing a work culture which ing configuration.
uct & packaging characteristic promotes business growth
Conducting online quality checks parameters Qualifications/Requirements:
and completed products’ inspection • Internalizing quality criteria and
in the packing area to guarantee Conducting housekeeping audit concept of” cost of non- quality’ Key Skills/Experience Required
compliance with Frito Lay stand- to guarantee the implementation of • Executing the actions plans to
ards of quality safety and hygiene practices in the institutionalize these • M.Sc. Chemistry, Food Tech
full plant • Providing regular feedback to Degree, Post Graduate in Food
• ensuring the Quality Checkers this excellent director on civili- technology, Post Graduate in
conduct packaging quality eval- • Inspecting the procedure and zation dairy technology
uation according to laid protocol packing region to make sure that • 2 to 5 years of expertise in Food/
• Conducting arbitrary film quali- the working conditions such as Implementing change initiatives Beverage/FMCG industry
ty checks on the grounds of any light, placement of material on and constant improvement in own • exposure to food safety systems
distinctive complaints received the store floor are according to plant and department and ISO systems
in the production department standard requirements and there • Preferably Awareness of HAC-
• Communication concern are- aren’t any unsafe conditions • Assessing areas of development CP/AIB and TPM.
as and corrective actions to the from the plant and highlighting them to Quality
concerned operator, change in- • ensuring no spillage/unhygienic
charge and production manager requirements around the gear
promptly • Conducting a visual inspection
• Consulting the quality manager to make sure that the whole hold
in the event of criticalities material of the prior week is
• ensuring the corrective actions is cleared
executed • Obtaining non-compliances rec-
• Product weak-link analysis on tified before startup
4 hourly basis to assess product
quality. Managing the holding material
• Driving product wall evaluation for minimizing wastages
to determine product quality sta-
tus. • ensuring the holding material is
• Partnering with R&D for pack- cleared within 48 hours of hold-
aging development. up
• Awarding Red, White and Yel-
Tracking machines at the process low Non-Compliance Disposi-
and packaging area particular- tion (NCD) Tags into the grip
ly for their impact on quality and material after a comprehensive
ensuring minimal waste because of analysis
machine associated variables • Reporting the status of their tags
into the production department
• Calibration of machines such as stating the causes of hold-up
FL-710 that finds moisture and
percent of the oil at the chips af- Ensuring adherence to statutory
ter they are fried legislation (Weights and Measures
• ensuring the slicer blade has & FSSA ) and internal controls
been changed according to de-
fined frequency. • Increasing awareness regarding
• Assuming the peeler rollers/ statutory legislation
KKR components are changed • Maintaining accurate statutory
Vol. 03 NO 76

NCCS, Pune BSc & MSc Technician Post

With Rs. 53,000/- Salary pm

andidates with MSc & tial qualification and expertise
BSc Biological / Life of the above posts will kindly
Sciences are encouraged attend the walk-in interview on
to apply for Technician the above-mentioned dates cited
vacancies. Life sciences jobs for msc in the tabulated format.
& bsc candidates at NCCS. MSc Bio- • Candidates have to bring an ap-
logical/Lifesciences candidates apply plication in the prescribed bio-
for technician positions that are avail- data format duly filled in and all
able at NCCS details given below: original documents/certificates/
mark sheets combined with a
Name of the Job: Technician ‘C’ single set of self-attested pho-
(Lab) tograph copies of all relevant
certificates showing date of • SC/ST/OBC candidates should required based with no commit-
No. of Posts: 01 birth, qualifications, expertise, produce proof of the caste cer- ment for its filling.
particulars of the exam passed tification from the appropriate • Candidates working in Govern-
Age Limit: 30 years (SSC onwards), caste certificate, authority. Additionally, OBC ment Departments/Public Sector
if any along with other relevant candidates should also produce Undertakings/Autonomous Bod-
Name of the Project: “Establish- documents in the time of inter- latest/valid non-creamy layer ies should produce No objection
ment of Centre of Excellence for Na- view. certificate in the prescribed form certificate from their employer
tional Centre for Microbial Resource” • Candidates reporting after 9.15 of claiming the reservation ben- at the time of interview using a
NCMR. am won’t be allowed to attend efits. transparent certification the can-
the interview, which may be not- • Age & Expertise is going to didate will be relieved within a
Essential Qualification & Expe- ed. probably be relaxed in excep- month of receipt of the appoint-
rience: M.Sc. Or equal degree with • An application that’s incomplete tional cases from the Competent ment order if chosen.
1-year experience or B.Sc. Or an or not in the prescribed format Authority. • No TA/DA will be compensated
equal degree with 5 years’ experience. will be strictly rejected. • No interim enquiries/corre- for attending the interview
• The Director, NCCS reserves the spondence/communication of • Selected candidates Will Need to
Desirable Qualifications: right to enhance/reduce the num- any sort will be entertained on join duty immediately on receipt
ber of posts and also cancel the this matter. of the offer of appointment letter
In one or the more of these: recruitment procedure. • The aforementioned advertised • Please download the prescribed
A) NGS data analysis particular- • Added percentages and expertise positions are filled up only on biodata format.
ly with microbial genomics and cut-off will be applied during a temporary basis for the limit-
metagenomics. the selection procedure together ed period of time on the project. Date, Time & Venue of Interview:
B) Molecular biology techniques with the approval of competent The position will automatical- 08.05.2019 / Starts from 8.00 am to
like DNA extraction, PCR and library authority if needed. ly co-terminus on the conclu- 9.00 am / National Centre For Mi-
prep for NGS • Age limit is deemed according sion of the project tenure. The crobial Resource, (NCMR) Pune
C) Database development/manage- to date of interview. Age relax- appointed person will have no NCMR Office, Sai Trinity Complex.
ment. ation of five years in the event claim of appointment/absorp- Central Wing, 1st Floor, Raman Hall,
D) Working together with linux of SC/ST candidates, 10 years in tion in financing agency or in Sutanrvadi-Sus Road, Pashan, Pune
high-performance servers and clus- the event of PH candidates and 3 NCCS/NCMR, Pune. 411021. Landmark: COSMOS BANK
ters. years in case of OBC candidates • Canvassing in any form and/or BUILDING
will be awarded according to bringing in almost any influence
How to Apply: Government of India rules. Res- is going to be treated just as a
ervation according to Govt. Of disqualification for this post.
• Candidates fulfilling the essen- India, norms will be followed. • The posts advertised shall be
April 30th, 2019

Govt CPCB, Delhi MSc Life Sciences

JRF Jobs Recruitment 2019

Sc Life Sciences / Bi-
ology and Zoology gov- Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
ernment jobs vacant at
CPCB – Central Pollu- Position Available: 26 (Subject to
tion Control Board. Central Pollution increase or reduction )
Control Board is hiring msc biology /
life sciences and zoology candidates Tenure: Up to 31.03.2020 extenda-
for 26+ JRF vacancies. CPCB – Cen- ble on Year to year basis
tral Pollution Control Board Recruit-
ment 2019 for msc candidates. Check Monthly Emoluments/ Stipend:
the details on the same below: Rs. 25,000/-+ HRA (under revision)

CENTRAL POLLUTION CON- Place of posting: Delhi. However, agement with NET Qualification. employer, if any.
TROL BOARD can be transferred in any Regional • TA/DA will be admissible to just
(Ministry of Environment, Forest Office in India. How to Apply: SC/ST Candidates for Interview
& Climate Change) according to rules
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun N Age Limits: 28 Years and 5 years • Applications with recent pass-
agar relax-able to get SC/ST/OBC/Indi- port size photograph and sup- The candidates may appear for
Delhi-110032 vidual with disability (PwD) and for porting documents: Walk-in-interview on 03.05.2019
Women candidates. • Self attested copies of the next (Friday) at 09:30 A.M. With all sup-
Central Pollution Control Board to be submitted; porting documents at CPCB Head Of-
(CPCB) is proposing to engage 26 Educational Qualification: Post • i). Date of Birth, ii). Mark Sheet fice Delhi in the address given above.
Junior Research Fellow purely on Graduate (PG) Degree in Science in and Degree Certificates for Ed- No candidate will be entertained after
contractual and year to year basis un- Biology, Zoology/Life Science, En- ucational Qualifications & iii). 11:00 A.M.
der projects. vironmental Science with Data Man- Experience Certificate from the
BIOTECNIKA TIMES April 30th, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 76

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