Fast Food Junkie

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Fast Food Junkie


Students analyze the nutritional value of their favorite fast food meals and describe alternative
choices for these unhealthy foods.


The student understands the potential impact of common risk behaviors on the quality of life

The student understands the role of individual responsibility regarding personal risk behaviors.


-Nutrition charts and menus from at least three fast food restaurants
-Overhead projector
-Transparency of associated file
-2 Mason jars
-Red food coloring
-Paper, pens, markers and poster board
-Softened margarine


1. Be familiar with health-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

2. Procure menus and nutrition charts from several fast food restaurants. These are usually
available from the cashier at no charge.

3. Make a transparency of the associated file.

4. To shorten the lesson, prepare the mason jars with red water ahead of time.

5. List the following objectives on the board: a) The student understands the impact of a high fat
diet on future quality of life; b) The student understands his personal responsibility in making
healthy choices regarding diet.


1. Begin the lesson by asking students to list several unhealthy foods on the overhead. Discuss
why they are unhealthy (fat, sugar and cholesterol content). (10 minutes)

2. Ask students to tell you their favorite fast food restaurants. List the three favorites on the
board. (Be sure you have nutrition guides for these.) Ask students if what they eat at these
restaurants is healthy. Why or why not? (5 minutes)

3. Discuss health risks associated with diets that are high in fat and cholesterol (heart attack,
diabetes, arteriosclerosis, stroke) and the accompanying impact on quality of life. (10 minutes)

4. Demonstrate the effect that saturated fat has on a person's arteries by performing the following

Fill two mason jars with water. Add enough food coloring to make the water in each jar resemble
blood. Have a student who ate a fast food meal the day before describe what he ate. As the
student tells you what he ate, add the softened margarine to one of the jars. Tell the students that
the softened margarine contains saturated fat, much like the meal that the student just described.
Shake the jar well. Pour out the colored water in each jar. Show the students the insides of the
jars. Explain that saturated fats coat the walls of the arteries much like the margarine coated the
insides of the jar and that this builds up over time, eventually restricting blood flow in these
arteries. This is arteriosclerosis. (10 minutes)

5. Show students the transparency and have them ascertain the amount of fat they should be
eating daily. Refer to the favorite meals on the overhead. Do these meals exceed this amount?
What other foods from the same restaurant could be eaten instead to lower the fat content of the
meal? Are there low-fat alternatives available at these restaurants? (10 minutes)

6. Put students in groups of 3-4. Let each group choose from one of the following assignments.
Tell students they must demonstrate mastery of the related standards that are listed on the board.

#1- You are a group of nutritionists and advertising agents. You have been hired by a large fast
food restaurant chain to introduce four low fat items to their menu. In addition, it is your
responsibility to create the advertising campaign for these items. Draw and describe these items.
Be sure to include TV ads and posters. What will you say to convince people that they should eat
the items you have created?

#2- You are a team of archeaologists from a super health-conscious society in the year 2500.
Your team has just uncovered the ruins of a fast food restaurant. Describe what you find and
what it tells you about the health of Americans in the early 2000s. Explain how different your
diet is and why society has changed its views about fast food restaurants.

Allow students about 45 minutes to decide on and complete their project. Tell students that they
will present their projects to the class the next day. (Presentation time, approximately 30
minutes, depending on how many groups you have.)


Students complete one of the projects, which is assessed by the teacher. In this formative
assessment, students should demonstrate the ability to identify foods that are not healthy, choose
healthy alternatives, and exhibit knowledge of the consequences of an unhealthy diet. The
teacher should circulate around the room to ensure that all students are working together and
contributing to the assignment. The teacher should keep a checklist to assess whether or not
students worked in a productive, cooperative manner.

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