Ray Abc Countdown To Summer 2019

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Ray Elementary School

ABC Countdown to SUMMER VACATION 2019!!!

5/15 A Animal Day (Bring a stuffed animal to school day)
5/16 B Buddy Day – Do Buddy activities
5/17 C Character Costume Day –Dress up as a character. This should be a book character.
*Progress Report Distribution Day & Walk-a-thon
5/20 D Dress Up Day –Dress up in your best clothes and take a picture with your class.
5/21 E Exercise Day at 9am and 3PM school wide 5 minute exercises
5/22 F Favorite Book Day – Bring a favorite book or enjoy a favorite book together
5/23 G Game Day - Bring and play your favorite board game at 3:15PM
5/24 H Hawaiian Day – wear flower Hawaiian Clothes
5/28 I Identical Day ( Dress Identical to Another Person)
5/29 J Joke Day (Students-Tell a joke in class /Staff- Stick a funny joke in someone’s mailbox)
5/30 K Kindness Day – Be kind to EVERYONE and do something king for someone!
5/31 L Letter Day – Write letters to incoming students or letters to the next grade teacher
6/3 M Music Day (Music can be played by your teacher at 3:20PM)
6/4 N No HOMEWORK for the Day
6/5 O Outside Day enjoy an activity outside with your class
6/6 P Pajama Day (Appropriate for school)
6/7 Q Question Day –Ask questions about the next school year (for your visit day)
6/10 R Rainbow Day or Read books around the room Day
6/11 S School Spirit Day – Awards given per floor for the most creative display
6/12 T Thank you Day (Write thank you notes to room parents, volunteers, or of your choice)
6/13 U Unforgettable Day – Recap on the year together and hang it outside your classroom
6/14 V Visit Day – Plan a visit to the next grade and stop by an 8th grade class to say congrats
6/17 W Walk Day (Take a walk with your class)
6/18 X eXtra Day – Extra fun Day – Decide as a class on an activity
6/19 Y Year End Cleaning and Celebration Day
(Clean Everything! Students take belongings home)
6/20 Z Zoom Out of School Day (Have a wonderful summer break Ray Warriors!

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