Q: An Agreement Was Made Between. A & B. Was A Contract Created?
Q: An Agreement Was Made Between. A & B. Was A Contract Created?
Q: An Agreement Was Made Between. A & B. Was A Contract Created?
EX: A wants to sell his house for Article 1352. Contracts without cause, or
P60 M because A is moving to with unlawful cause, produce no effect
Canada. B is willing to buy the whatever. The cause is unlawful if it is
house for P60 M. In this case, the contrary to law, morals, good customs,
cause for A is the P60 M while the public order or public policy.
cause for B is the house. A’s
motive is to dispose of the house Article 1353. The statement of a false
which he does not need since A is cause in contracts shall render them
going to Canada. void, if it should not be proved that
they were founded upon another cause
Like failure of or lack of object, which is true and lawful.
the failure of cause has an effect
on the contract. If there is no
cause or the cause is illegal, then Article 1354. Although the cause is not
the contract is void. stated in the contract, it is presumed
that it exists and is lawful, unless the
debtor proves the contrary.
This is unlike the lack of consent.
When consent is lacking, the
contract is not void. The contract Article 1355. Except in cases specified
is merely voidable. by law, lesion or inadequacy of cause
shall not invalidate a contract, unless
Article 1350. In onerous contracts the there has been fraud, mistake or undue
cause is understood to be, for each influence.
The document of donation & the (a) an agreement that by its terms is
acceptance need not be public instruments not to be performed within a year from
but may simply be private documents. the making thereof (Art. 1403 (a))
When the value does not exceed P5 [BAVIERA] rationale of this: because of
thou, a donation may be made orally or in memory lapse
writing. Tolentino: The time begins from the day
the contract is entered into, & not from
If donation is made orally, there the time that performance of it is
must be simultaneous delivery. entered upon;
If there is no simultaneous It must appear that the parties
delivery, the donation is void unless made intended when they made the contract that
in writing. BUT in this case, the law does it should not be performed w/in a year.
not require that that when the donation is
made in writing, the acceptance should
also be in writing. Where no time is fixed by the
parties for performance, & there is
nothing in the agreement itself to show
Instances when the law requires contract that it cannot be performed w/in a year
to be in a certain form to be valid: according to its terms & the understanding
of the parties, the agreement is NOT w/in
Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is the SOF.
void, whenever immovable property is
contributed thereto, if an inventory of (b) a special promise to answer for the
said property is not made, signed by the debt, default or miscarriage of another
parties, & attached to the public (Art. 1403 (b))
BAVIERA: Examples of this are guaranty
Art. 1984. The depositary cannot demand & surety contracts
that the depositor proves his ownership of
the thing deposited. Tolentino: This has been defined as an
Nevertheless, should he discover undertaking by a person, not before
that the thing has been stolen & who its liable, for the purpose of securing or
true owner is, he must advise the latter performing the same duty for w/c the
of the deposit. original debtor continues to be liable.
If the owner, in spite of such The test as to whether a promise is
information, does not claim it w/in the w/in the statute has been said to lie in
period of one month, the depositary shall the answer to the question whether the
be relieved of all responsibility by promise is an original or a collateral
returning the thing deposited to the one:
If the depositary has reasonable PROMISE IS PROMISE IS COLLATERAL
grounds to believe that the thing has not ORIGINAL OR
been lawfully acquired by the depositor, INDEPENDENT
the former may return the same. If the promisor If the promise is
becomes primarily collateral to the
Art. 2134. The amount of the principal & liable for the agreement of another &
of the interest shall be specified in payment of a debt, the promisor becomes
writing; otherwise, the contract of the promise is not thereby merely a
antichresis shall be void. w/in the statute surety, the promise
falls w/in the SOF &
Art. 83---Family Code hence, it should be in
These donations are governed by the writing
rules on ordinary donations established in
The following provision in sales Art. 1192. In case both parties have
are examples of rescissible contracts committed a breach of the obligation, the
declared by law – Arts 1526, 1534, liability of the 1st infractor shall be
1538, 1539, 1540, 1556, 1560, 1567, equally tempered by the cts. If it cannot
1659. be det. Which of the parties 1st violated
the K, the same shall be deemed
payments made in a state of
extinguished, & each shall bear his own
insolvency for obligations to whose
fulfillment the debtor could not be
compelled at the time they were [Tolentino]
effected (Art. 1382) Similarities between Rescission under Art.
1191 & Art. 1380+:
(1) the person asking for
rescission must have no other legal (1) both presuppose contracts validly
means to obtain reparation for the entered into & existing, &
damages suffered by him (Art.
1383); (2) both require mutual restitution when
declared proper.
(2) the person demanding
rescission must be able to return (1) Rescission under 1191 may be demanded
whatever he may be obliged to only by party to the contract, under 1380+
restore if rescission is granted by 3P prejudiced by the contract;
(Art. 1385, 1st par)
(2) Rescission under 1191 may be denied
This requisite is only when there is sufficient reason to justify
applicable if the one who suffers extension of time to perform, under 1380+
the lesion is a party to the such reason does NOT affect rt. To ask for
This requisite does not apply (3) Non-perf. is the only ground. For
when a defrauded creditor resorts Rescission under 1191, while there are
to accion pauliana. various reasons of equity as grounds.
(3) the things which are the under 1191 applies only to recip. ds.
object of the contract must not where one party has not performed, while
have passed legally to the under 1380(+) ob. May be unilateral or
possession of a 3rd person acting in reciprocal & even when K has been
good faith (Art. 1385, 2nd par) fulfilled.
Voidable contracts are binding unless iii. those where the consent is vitiated
they are annulled by a proper action by mistake, violence, intimidation,
court. They are susceptible to undue influence or fraud
A contract where consent is given
There is a difference between through mistake, violence, intimidation,
confirmation and ratification: undue influence or fraud is voidable
Confirmation is the process of (Art. 1330).
curing the defect of a voidable
contract. a) mistake
Q: What if the Thing to Be Returned is ii. that the ratification is made with
Lost? knowledge of the cause for nullity
a. Loss due to Fault of Defendant to pay iii. that at the time the ratification
the plaintiff value of the thing loss, is made, the cause of nullity has already
fruits if any, interest ceased to exist
d. Loss without Fault on the Plaintiff’s Confirmation does not require the
Part conformity of the contracting party
who has no right to bring the
Commentators have a difference of opinion action for annulment (Art. 1395).
the right to annul is extinguished Confirmation may be effected by the
unless the plaintiff offers to pay guardian of the incapacitated
the value of the object at the time person (Art. 1394).
of loss
the plaintiff is entitled to annul
without having to pay anything. (3) Unenforceable Contracts
Where there is a purchase of a number (c) those where both parties are
of articles which taken separately incapable of giving consent to a contract
does not have a price of P500 each,
but taken together, the price exceeds Neither party or his representative
P500, the operation of the statute of can enforce the contract unless it
frauds depends upon whether there is a has been previously ratified.
single inseparable contract or a
several one. If the contract is The ratification by 1 party,
entire or inseparable, and the total however, converts the contract into
price exceeds P500, the statute a voidable contract – voidable at
applies. But if the contract is the option of the party who has not
separable, then each article is taken ratified; the latter, therefore,
separately. can enforce the contract against
the party who has ratified.