The Evolution of International Law
The Evolution of International Law
The Evolution of International Law
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Now thereis one truththat is not open to denialor even to doubt, namelythat
the actualbody of internationallaw, as it standstoday, not only is the product
of the conscious activity of the Europeanmind, but also has drawnits vital
Antony Anghie is in the SJ Quinney School of Law, University of Utah, 332 South, 1400 East, Salt Lake
City, UT 84112-0730, USA. Email:
While others characterised the Indians as heathens, and animals, lacking any
cognisable rights, Vitoria instead humanely asserts of the Indians that:
the true state of the case is that they are not of unsound mind, but have
accordingto their kind, the use of reason. This is clear, because there is a
certainmethodin theiraffairs,for they havepolitieswhichare orderlyarranged
and they have definite marriage and magistrates, overlords, laws, and
workshops,and a systemof exchange,all of which call for the use of reason:
they also have a kind of religion.Further,they makeno errorsin matterswhich
are self-evidentto others:this is witnessto their use of reason.8
Although the aboriginesin questionare (as has been said above) not wholly
unintelligent,yet they are a little short of that condition, and so are unfit to
found or administera lawful State upto the standardrequiredby human and
civil claims.Accordinglythey have no properlaws nor magistrates,and are not
even capableof controllingtheir familyaffairs.9
are acts of war'. " Thus, any Indian resistance to Spanish incursions would
amount to an act of aggression by the Indians that justified the Spanish in
using force in self-defence-and, in so doing, in endlessly expanding their
territory, conquering the native rulers in the process. Violence arises, in
Vitoria's system, through the inevitable violation by the Indian of the natural
law by which he is bound.
Once commenced, war, in Vitoria's scheme, has an overwhelming and
transformative character. It is through war that the aberrant Indian identity
might be effaced. It is clear, furthermore, that war against the barbaric
Indians has a different character from war waged against a civilised,
Christian adversary. In describing this war, Vitoria reverts to principles and
arguments developed earlier, in the times of the Crusades. The Indian is like
the Saracen, a pagan:
And so when the war is at that pass that the indiscriminatespoliationof all
enemy-subjectsalike and the seizureof all theirgoods arejustifiable,then it is
also justifiableto carry all enemy-subjectsoff into captivity,whetherthey be
guiltyor guiltless.And inasmuchas warwith pagansis of this type, seeingthat
it is perpetualand that they can never make amends for the wrongs and
damages they have wrought, it is indubitablylawful to carry off both the
childrenand the women of the Saracensinto captivityand slavery.'2
The barbaric Indian exists beyond the existing rules of law; war against the
Indians is 'perpetual', their guilt or innocence is irrelevant. Thus, both bound
by the law and yet outside its protections, the Indian is the object of the most
extreme aspects of sovereignty, which can expand and innovate its practices
and manifestations precisely because of this peculiar, in-between status.
I have dwelt on Vitoria's work because it illustrates several crucial and
enduring aspects of the relationship between colonialism and international
law, and this in a text regarded as the first modern work of the discipline.
Vitoria's work demonstrates, for instance, the centrality of commerce to
international law, and how commercial exploitation necessitates war. It
shows, furthermore, how an apparently benevolent approach of including the
aberrant Indian within a universal order is then a basis for sanctioning and
transforming the Indian. The Indian is characterised in a number of different
and sometimes contrasting ways: as economic man anxious to trade with the
Spanish; as oppressed by his own rulers and looking to the Spanish to
liberate him; as backward and in need of guidance; as irredeemably and
hopelessly savage and violent. In each of these cases Spanish intervention
appears the appropriate response. And Spanish violence is characterised as,
simultaneously, overwhelming, liberating, transforming, humanitarian. My
argument, furthermore, is that Vitoria's attempt to address the problem of
difference demonstrates the complex relationship between culture and
sovereignty, for Vitoria's jurisprudence decrees that certain cultures-such
as that of the Spanish-are universal and enjoy the full rights of sovereignty,
whereas other cultural practices-like those of the Indians-are condemned
as uncivilised and non-sovereign.
The same structure of ideas is evident in the 19th century, the apogee of
imperial expansion, and the period when positivism was established as the
major jurisprudence of international law. Unlike naturalism, which argues
that all states are subject to a higher universal law, positivism, in basic terms,
asserts that the state is the exclusive creator of law, and cannot be bound by
any law unless it has consented to it. There is no higher authority than the
sovereign, according to this system of jurisprudence. Nominally, at least,
under the system of naturalism both European and non-European societies
were bound by the universal natural law which was the foundation of
international law.13 Positivist jurists, however, devised a series of formal
doctrines that used explicitly racial and cultural criteria to decree certain
states civilised, and therefore sovereign, and other states uncivilised and non-
sovereign. Thus non-European societies were expelled from the realm of
international law. Lacking legal personality, these societies were incapable of
advancing any legally cognisable objection to their dispossession, and were
thus reduced to objects of conquest and exploitation.
This law legitimised conquest as legal, and decreed that lands inhabited by
people regarded as inferior and backward were terra nullius. In other cases
imperial powers claimed that native chiefs had entered into treaties which
gave those powers sovereignty over non-European territories and peoples.
The ability of natives to enter into such treaties was paradoxical, given that
they were characterised as entirely lacking in legal status. What is clear from
an examination of the treaties, however, is that international lawyers granted
the natives such status, quasi-sovereignty, for the purposes of enabling them
to transferrights, property and sovereignty. The right of the native to dispose
of himself or his resources was in effect upheld by these treaties, just as in
Vitoria native personality is established so that it may be bound by
international law.
Once again, Western standards were declared universal, and the failure of
non-Western states to adhere to these standards denoted a lack of civilisation
that justified intervention and conquest. Thus John Westlake, the Whewell
Professor of International Law at Cambridge, declared in 1894, that
'Government is the Test of Civilization' and elaborated:
state, however, its internal system had to comply with standards that in effect
presupposed a European presence within that polity. Thus countries such as
Siam, which were never formally colonised, were compelled to enter into a
humiliating system of unequal treaties, capitulations according to which
foreigners were governed by their own law rather than that of the non-
European state. Non-European societies that failed to establish the
conditions in which Europeans could live and trade could then be justifiably
replaced by European governance, which proclaimed itself as bringing
with it civilisation and stability, and, indeed, better protection for the
natives themselves. Such government was essential and inevitable, as 'The
inflow of the white race cannot be stopped where there is land to cultivate,
ore to be mined, commerce to be developed, sport to enjoy, curiosity to be
Many of the legal doctrines used at this time dealt not only with relations
between European and non-European states but between European states
who were intent on acquiring title over the non-European territories. These
doctrines were developed for preventing conflict between European states
over who had proper title to a non-European land. Thus, at the Berlin
Conference of 1884-85 the great European powers of the period met in
Berlin to decide on how Africa was to be divided among them. The resulting
division of the continent, which occurred with no regard to the complex
system of political organisation that operated within that territory, has
created enduring problems.16
By the end of the 19th century European expansion had ensured that
European international law had been established globally as the one single
system that applied to all societies. It was in this way that European
international law became universal.
even contemplated that the most advanced territories, such as Iraq, would
become sovereign states. These territories were placed under the control of
Mandate Powers-Britain and France, most often-who acted as trustees on
behalf of the League towards the backwards peoples, and were ultimately
accountable to the League.
The League of Nations is studied most often in terms of its failed attempts
to prevent international aggression. For the Third World, however, what is
perhaps most important about the League was its attempt to create a set of
techniques that were uniquely devised for the specific purpose of transform-
ing backward, non-European societies into modern societies. Once more,
whereas the interior realm of Western states (and of course of their colonies)
was immune from international scrutiny by the League, the non-European
mandate territories were completely accessible to the technologies of this, the
first major international institution. The League's ambitions to establish
international peace were thwarted by the obdurate sovereignty of Western
states-and of Japan, which was in effect treated as a Western state. In the
case of the Mandate System, by contrast, the League was confronted by a
novel and contrasting task, that of creating sovereignty and promoting self-
government. As a consequence, once more, it was in the non-European world
that the League could devise legal, administrative and institutional
mechanisms to address this great challenge, and in so doing develop the
technologies of management and control that have become entrenched in the
repertoire of techniques subsequently used by international institutions.
While this project suggested the first attempts to achieve something like
decolonisation and to create an international law that would further rather
than suppress the aspirations of Third World peoples, the character of the
sovereignty to be enjoyed by the non-European peoples was problematic. As
Sir Arthur Hirtzel of the Indian Foreign Office recommended, regarding the
sovereign Iraq that Britain-the mandatory power should bring into
The Mandate System, of course, did not apply to the victorious colonial
powers, such as Britain and France. Sustained nationalist protest by Third
World peoples, however, ensured that decolonisation had become a central
preoccupation of the international system. The United Nations responded by
creating a number of institutional mechanisms for the furtherance of
decolonisation, and by extending and adapting the doctrine of self-
determination to colonial territories. The newly independent states signifi-
cantly changed the composition of the international community, as they
became a majority in the UN system. Most significantly, this enabled the
sovereign Third World states to use international law and sovereignty
doctrines to further their own interests and to articulate their own views of
international law. The new states were especially intent on protecting their
recently won sovereignty and negating the enduring effects of colonialism.
Thus they sought to establish a set of principles that outlawed conquest and
aggression, and prevented intervention in Third World affairs. Further, the
new states used their numbers in the General Assembly to pass a number of
resolutions directed at creating a 'New International Economic Order'.20This
initiative was especially important, as the new states realised that political
sovereignty would be meaningless without corresponding economic indepen-
dence. Thus the new states sought to regain control over their natural
resources through the nationalisation of foreign entities that had acquired
rights over these resources during the colonial period.
Issues such as the terms on which a state could nationalise a foreign entity
became particularly controversial. International economic law, which
determined these issues, became a central arena of struggle between the
West and the new states. The new states argued that this body of law had
been created by the West to further its own interests and that they had played
no role themselves in its formation. While several Western scholars
acknowledged the legitimacy of the claims made by the new states, Western
states argued that they were not bound by the principles authored by the
Third World because of the basic rule that a state could not be bound by
international rules unless it agreed to be so bound.2' Nevertheless, the West
proceeded to argue, the Third World was bound by the older rules of inter-
national economic law that the West had authored. Indeed, the West argued,
acceptance of these and the other established rules of the international system
was a condition of becoming an independent, sovereign state. In this context,
Third World sovereignty was again articulated principally as a basis for being
bound by international norms. The Third World initiatives, undertaken in
the belief that colonialism was embodied in certain specific doctrines relating,
for instance, to conquest or the rate of compensation payable upon
nationalisation, confronted the problem that the colonial past could not be
so easily excised from the discipline.
My argument is that colonialism had shaped not only those doctrines of
international law explicitly devised for the very purpose of suppressing the
Third World, but also had also profoundly shaped the very foundations of
international law, including the ostensibly neutral doctrine of sovereignty.
The end of formal colonialism, while extremely significant, did not result in
the end of colonial relations. Rather, in the view of Third World societies,
colonialism was replaced by neo-colonialism; Third world states continued to
play a subordinate role in the international system because they were
economically dependent on the West, and the rules of international economic
law continued to ensure that this would be the case.
The acquisition of sovereignty by the Third World state had numerous
other repercussions. The postcolonial state, in many ways, adopted the
models of development, progress and the nation-state that had first been
articulated in the Mandate System and that had been further refined and
elaborated by development theories such as modernisation theory. The
leaders of these states sometimes consisted of elites with close ties with the
West; in other cases they derived their power from affiliations with
superpowers in the context of the ongoing Cold War. Further, Third World
states divided along ethnic lines experienced civil wars as different ethnic
groups fought for control of the state.
The postcolonial state, then, engaged in its own brutalities: women,
minorities, peasants, indigenous peoples and the poorest were the victims.
The international human rights law that emerged as a central and
revolutionary part of the United Nations period offered one mechanism by
which Third World peoples could seek protection, through international law,
from the depredations of the sometimes pathological Third World state. It
was for this reason that international human rights law held a special interest
and appeal for Third World scholars.
Human rights law was controversial, however, precisely because it
legitimised the intrusion of international law in the internal affairs of a
state: it could be used to justify further intervention by the West in the Third
World. Aspects of this intervention became evident after the collapse of the
USSR and the intensification of globalisation. The ascendancy of neoliberal
economic policy and the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO),
presented new challenges to Third World states. International financial
institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank played an increasingly
intrusive role in the economies of Third World states, and attempted to use
their considerable powers to reform the political and social structures of these
states, this in the name of promoting 'good governance', a project that
entailed drawing in various strategic ways on international human rights law.
The virtues of good governance are apparently self-evident. But the meaning
of the terms remains open and contestable and these institutions attempted to
use an amended version of human rights law to further their neoliberal
policies in the guise of 'good governance', rather than enabling real
empowerment of Third World citizens. In this way these international
institutions, which proclaimed that the project of 'good governance' was
entirely novel and necessary, were in many ways replicating the earlier efforts
of their predecessor, the Mandate System and its efforts to promote 'self-
government'. The demand made by the international financial institutions
(IFIS) that these states reform their internal arrangements was compared by
some scholars with the system of capitulations that had previously been used
by European states to demand the reform of non-European states.22
and that is furthered and promoted not only by the USA, but by European
states that otherwise have opposed US policy in Iraq. Much has been made on
both sides of the Atlantic about the differences between Europe and the
USA.25 But, I would argue, whatever separates Europe and USA, they are in
many ways arguing for different versions of an imperial international system,
one more explicit than the other. For the Third World, I suspect, imperialism
is not an aberration that has emerged with the US actions in Iraq. Rather,
imperialism is an integral aspect of day-to-day international relations. What is
required, then, is an understanding of how imperial relations and structures of
thought continue to operate in an ostensibly neutral setting. This would reveal
how imperialism has always been a part of the international system, as
opposed to a phenomenon that has suddenly emerged with the US war on
terror and against Iraq.
The current war on terror involves the return of a much older form of
imperialism. Equally, however, there is a certain novelty about the present
that requires closer analysis, as the USA's policy appears to be premised on
the belief that only the use of force and the transformation of alien and
threatening societies into 'democratic' states will ensure its security.
I have argued that the transformation of the peoples and polities of the
non-European world is a continuing preoccupation of international law from
its Vitorian beginnings. That transformation was seen principally in terms of
enabling economic exploitation; now, however, the transformation of the
non-European world is seen as essential for physical security.
Yet what events in Iraq and elsewhere have suggested is that US policies
have only exacerbated the situation, and are more likely to generate
resentment and retaliation. The paradoxes emerge: while proclaiming to
further human rights, the USA has persistently violated them, while seeking
to prevent terrorism, it has generated further violence. There is a cycle of
violence here that could make the attempts to create a Kantian world of
peace-loving democratic states into a guarantee of endless war rather than
perpetual peace.
The use of international law to further imperial policies is, I have argued, a
persistent feature of the discipline. The civilising mission, the dynamic of
difference, continues now in this globalised, terror-ridden world, as
international law seeks to transform the internal characteristics of societies,
a task which is endless, for each act of bridging generates resistance, reveals
further differences that must in turn be addressed by new doctrines and
institutions. This is not to say, however, that these imperial ambitions and
structures have always prevailed; rather, they have been continuously
contested at every level by Third World peoples. Equally, of course, Third
World states have often engaged in what might be regarded as colonial
practices, in relation both to other, smaller states and to minorities and
indigenous peoples within their own boundaries. Colonial practices, further,
suffer from their own contradictions and incoherence. But they certainly
pervade every aspect of the discipline. The questions that then arise are
whether, how and to what extent international law can be used for the
purposes of furthering the interests of Third World peoples-protecting them
against the excesses of the authoritarian and sometimes genocidal state, on
the one hand, and advancing their interests in the international sphere on the
other. Third World international lawyers, immediately following the period
of decolonisation, placed a special faith in international law, believing that it
could achieve these results. However, this faith proved unfounded, and many
international initiatives that were explicitly humanitarian and anti-colonial-
such as the Mandate System-became a vehicle for imperialism. As a result,
some scholars have eloquently argued that the Third World should dispense
with international law altogether. But this not a feasible option, simply
because that would leave open the field of international law to the imperial
processes I have sketched, and this in a context where international law plays
an increasingly vital role in the public sphere, where questions of violation,
injury, legitimacy are all discussed in terms of international law. Interna-
tional law operates, I have tried to suggest, at every level: international and
national; economic, political and social; private and public. And it is in all
these arenas that it is now imperative to understand the operations of
imperialism and how they might be opposed and overcome. This is an issue
that must surely concern all international lawyers, North and South, who
intend international law to make good on its promise of furthering the cause
of global justice.
1 This article presents arguments that are developed at greater length in Antony Anghie, Imperialism,
Sovereignty and the Making of InternationalLaw, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
2 JHW Verzijl, International Law in Historical Perspective, 10 vols, Leiden: AW Sijthoff, 1968, Vol I,
pp 435-436.
3 See Hedley Bull & Adam Watson (eds), The Expansion of International Society, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1984. For an important critical treatment of the same theme, see Onuma Yasuaki,
'When was the law of international society born? An inquiry of the history of international law from an
intercivilizational perspective', Journal of the History of InternationalLaw, 2, 2000, pp 1-66.
4 On this theme, see Martti Kosekenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2003, pp 98-178.
5 This approach draws heavily on the work of pioneering postcolonial scholars, eg Edward Said,
Orientalism, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978; Said, Culture and Imperialism, New York: Knopf,
1993; and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, A Critiqueof Post-Colonial Reason, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1999.
6 Important works that deal with these themes include TO Elias, Africa and the Development of
International Law, Leiden: AW Sijthoff, 1972; RP Anand, New States and International Law, New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1972; and CH Alexandrowicz, An Introduction to the History of the
Law of Nations in the East Indies, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. For a more recent work that offers
an important Third World perspective, see Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui, Sovereigns, Quasi Sovereigns
and Africans, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
7 See Francisco de Victoria (1557/1917) De Indis et de Ivre Belli Relectiones, ed Ernest Nys, trans John
Pawley Bate, Washington, DC: Carnegie Institute of Washington. This work consists of lectures that
Vitoria gave with the titles that might be broadly translated as 'On the Indians lately' and 'On the law
of war made by the Spaniards on the barbarians'. Significantly, this is the first work in the series 'The
Classics of International Law' published by the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Victoria is more
usually referred to as 'Vitoria' and I have used the latter name.
8 Vitoria, De Indis, p 127.
9 Ibid, p 161.
10 Ibid, p 150.
11 Ibid, p 151.
12 Ibid, p 181.
13 See Alexandrowicz, An Introductionto the History of International Law in the East Indies.
14 John Westlake, Chapters on the Principles of International Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1894, p 141.
15 Ibid, p 142.
16 Makau wa Mutua, 'Why redraw the map of Africa? A moral and legal inquiry', Michigan Journal of
International Law, 16, 1995, pp 1113 - 1176.
17 For an early and masterly account of the system, see Quincy Wright, Mandates Under the League of
Nations, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1930.
18 This was stipulated by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which created the
Mandate System. Ibid, p 591.
19 Peter Sluglett, Britain in Iraq, 1914-32, London: Ithaca Press, 1976, p 37.
20 The classic work on this subject is Mohammed Bedjaoui, Towards a New International Economic
Order, New York: Holmes and Meir, 1979.
21 Fundamental norms, jus cogens norms, are an exception to this broad principle.
22 David Fidler, 'A kinder, gentler system of capitulations? International law, structural adjustment
policies, and the standard of liberal, globalized, civilization', Texas InternationalLaw Journal, 35, 2000,
p 387.
23 Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global
Power, New York: Basic Books, 2003.
24 See, for example, BS Chimni, 'International institutions today: an imperial global state in the making',
European Journal of International Law, 15 (1), 2004, pp 1- 37.
25 See, for example, Robert Kagan, Of Paradise and Power, New York: Alfred Knopf, 2004.