Electronics Lab 2019 G-Umadevi

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 1 Date :

Verify the operation of op – amp

Voltage follower, Adder, Subtractor and Averager


Design and verify the operation of op – amp as an Voltage follower, Adder, Subtractor
and Averager.


Op-amp kit, IC 741,10K POT, Resistance (1KΩ, 10KΩ), Multimeter and

connecting wire.


1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Apply DC input signal to the input terminals of an op-amp.

3. Appropriate input voltage is applied to the inverting input terminal of the Op-Amp.

4. Measure the DC output voltage using multimeter.

M. Gopinathan Page 1
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Circuit Diagram (non-inverting mode):

1. Voltage follower (Unity-gain amplifier):

𝑽𝒊𝒏 = 𝑽𝒐𝒖𝒕

Table for voltage follower:

V0 Output Observed V0 Calculated

S.No Vin Input Volt
(volts) (volts)

M. Gopinathan Page 2
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

1. Voltage follower (Unity-gain amplifier):

The circuit consists of an op-amp and a wire connecting the output voltage to the input
i.e. the output voltage is equal to the input voltage, both in magnitude and phase.V0 = Vi

Since the output voltage of the circuit follows the input voltage, the circuit is called
voltage follower. It offers very high input impedance of the order of MD and very low output

Therefore, this circuit draws negligible current from the source. Thus, the voltage
follower can be used as a buffer between a high impedance source and a low impedance load for
impedance matching applications.


M. Gopinathan Page 3
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

2. Adder (summer):

If R1 = R2 = Rf then,
𝐕𝟎 = − (𝐕 + 𝐕𝟐 )
𝐑𝟏 𝟏

Thus, the output is proportional to the algebraic sum of the inputs.

Table for adder:

Input (volt) Output (volt)

V1 V2 Observed V0 Calculated V0

M. Gopinathan Page 4
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

2. Adder (summer):

This is one of the liner applications of the Op-Amp. A circuit whose output is the sum of
several input signals is called a summer.

Now, with the right-hand sides of the three averaging resistors connected to the virtual
ground is now held at 0 volts by the op-amp’s negative feedback, whereas before it was free to
float to the average value of V1, V2, and V3.

However, with all resistor values equal to each other, the currents through each of the
three resistors will be proportional to their respective input voltages.

Since those three currents will add at the virtual ground node, the algebraic sum of those
currents through the feedback resistor will produce a voltage at Vout equal to V1 + V2 + V3,
except with reversed polarity.

The reversal in polarity is what makes this circuit an inverting summer:

When Rf = R1 =R2=R3, then

V0 = - (V1+V2+V3)

That is, the output is an inverted sum of the inputs.


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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

3. Subtractor:

If R1 = R2 = Rf ≠R3 then,

𝑽𝟎 = − (𝑽𝟐 − 𝑽𝟏 )
Thus, the circuit amplifier the difference of two input signals.

Table for subtractor:

Input (volt) Output (volt)

V1 V2 Observed Calculated

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

3. Subtractor:

A basic differential amplifier can be used as a subtractor as shown in the figure. If all
resistors are equal in value, then the output voltage can be derived by using superposition

To find the output V0 due to V1 alone, make V2 = 0.

Then the circuit of figure as shown in the above becomes a non-inverting amplifier
having input voltage V1 and V2 at the non-inverting input terminal and the output becomes;

Thus the output voltage Vo due to both the inputs can be written as

Vo=V2 - V1


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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

4. Averager:

If R1 ≠ R2 ≠ Rf then
𝑽𝟏 + 𝑽𝟐
𝑽𝟎 = or

Table for average:

Input (volt) Output (volt)

V1 V2 Observed(V0) Calculated(V0)

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

4. Averager:

If we take three equal resistors and connect one end of each to a common point, then apply
three input voltages (one to each of the resistors’ free ends), the voltage seen at the common
point will be the mathematical average of the three.

This circuit is really nothing more than a practical application of Millman’s Theorem.
The large equation to the right of the averager circuit comes from Millman’s Theorem, which
describes the voltage produced by multiple voltage sources connected together through
individual resistances.

Since the three resistors in the averager circuit are equal to each other, we can simplify
Millman’s formula by writing R1, R2, and R3.

𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3
𝑉0 =

If R1 = R2 = Rf then,



Using Op-amp IC 741, Voltage follower, Adder (Summer), Difference ( Subtractor), and
Average circuits are constructed and their performances have been studied.

M. Gopinathan Page 9
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No. : 2 Date:

Verify the operation of op – amp as an integrator and differentiator

Design and verify the operation of op – amp as an integrator and differentiator.


Op-amp kit, IC 741, Resistance (1KΩ, 10KΩ, 100KΩ), Capacitor (0.01µF), Function
generator, CRO, Connecting wire.


1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Apply DC input signal to the input terminals of an op-amp.
3. By adjusting the amplitude and frequency knobs of the function generator, appropriate input
voltage is applied to the inverting input terminal of the Op-Amp.
4. Observe the output wave forms on CRO.
5. Measure the DC output voltage using multimeter.

M. Gopinathan Page 10
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Circuit Diagram:

a) Integrator


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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

OP-Amp Integrator

1. Define integrator.

Ans: An integrator is a device to perform the mathematical operation known as integration, a

fundamental operation in calculus. The integration function is often part of engineering and
scientific calculations. Electronic analog integrators were the basis of analog computers.

An integrator is a circuit that performs integration of the input signal. The most important
application of an integrator is to produce a ramp output voltage.

Shows the circuit of an OP-Amp integrator. When a signal is applied to the input of this circuit,
the output-signal waveform will be the integration of input-signal waveform. It consists of an
OP-Amp, input resistor R and feedback capacitor C.

Circuit Analysis

Since point A in fig. is at virtual ground, the virtual ground equivalent circuit of operational
integrator will be as shown in fig.

Because of virtual ground and infinite impedance of the OP-Amp, all of the input current flows
through the capacitor i.e.

To find out the output voltage, we integrate both sides of the above equation to get,

This equation shows that the output is the integral of the input with an inversion and scale
multiplier of 1/RC.

Output Voltage

If a fixed voltage is applied to the input of an integrator, the output voltage grows over a period
of time, providing a ramp voltage.

The output ramp voltage is opposite in polarity to the input voltage and is multiplied by a factor

M. Gopinathan Page 12
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Circuit Diagram:

a) Differentiator:


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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

OP-Amp Differentiator :

2. Define differentiator.

Ans: A Differentiator is a circuit that is designed such that the output of the circuit is
proportional to the time derivative of the input.

A differentiator is a circuit that performs differentiation of the input signal. That means, a
differentiator produces an output voltage that is proportional to the rate of change of the input
voltage. Its important application is to produce a rectangular output from a ramp input.

Circuit Analysis

Since point A in fig.5 (i) is at virtual ground, the virtual-ground equivalent circuit of the
operational differentiator will be as shown in fig.

Because of virtual ground and infinite impedance of OP-Amp, all the input current ic flows
through the feedback resistor R. i.e.

The above equation shows that output is the differentiation of the input with an inversion and
scale multiplier of RC.

If the input voltage is constant, dvi/dt is zero and the output voltage is zero.

The faster the input voltage changes, the larger the magnitude of the output voltage.

Practical application of integrator and differentiator op-amp:

Integrators have use as low pass filter in audio applications; differentiators are used as
high pass filters. To separate vertical sync signal from analog TV signal integrators are used,
differentiators are used to recover horizontal sync signal


Differentiator and integrator circuits are constructed and their wave forms have been
studied using Op-Amp 741.

M. Gopinathan Page 14
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 3 Date:

To realize half/full adder using NAND gate IC 7400.

Components Required:
Digital logic kit and IC 7400



Half Adder is a combinational logic circuit which is designed by connecting one EX-OR
gate and one AND gate. It adds two one-bit numbers and generates the sum as the output. It
consists of two input terminals and two output terminals, one is SUM, and the other is CARRY.

The Boolean functions describing the half-adder are:

S =A  B

Full-Adder: Full Adder is the circuit which consists of the circuit which consists of two
EX-OR gates, two AND gates and one OR gate. It adds three binary digits, among which two are
the inputs, and one is the carry obtained from previous addition. A combinational logic circuit
that adds two data bits, A and B, and a carry-in bit, Cin , is called a full-adder. The Boolean
functions describing the full-adder are:

S = A  B  Cin
C = A . B+ A . C

Comparison between Half and Full Adder:

Parameters Half Adder Full Adder

Definition Half Adder is combinational logic Full Adder is a combinational logic
circuit which adds two 1-bit circuit which adds three 1-bit
digits. digits.
Carry Addition Carry generated from previous Carry generated from previous
addition is not added in next step. addition is added in the next step.
Hardware It consists of one EX-OR gate and It consists of two EX-OR, two
components one AND gate. AND gate and one OR gate.
Applications Calculators, computers, digital Multiple bit addition, digital
measuring devices etc. processors etc.

M. Gopinathan Page 15
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

a) Half-Adder


0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

2. Full Adder


0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1


1. Half Adder and Full Adder, both are the combinational digital circuit. This means both
the circuit does not have any memory element like sequential circuits.
2. The above two combinational circuits are crucial for arithmetic operation. Both the
combinational circuits provide the addition of binary numbers.

The Half and Full adder circuit was constructed and their truth tables are verified using
IC 7400.

M. Gopinathan Page 17
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 4 Date:

To realize half and full Subtractor using NAND gate IC 7400.


Op-amp digital kit, IC 7400 (NAND), connecting wire, cutter, etc.

Half Subtractor:
Subtracting a single-bit binary value B from another A (i.e. A -B) produces a difference
bit D and a borrow out bit Br. This operation is called half subtraction and the circuit to realize it
is called a half subtractor.

Half subtractor is the most essential combinational logic circuit which is used in digital
electronics. Basically, this is an electronic device or in other terms, we can say it as a logic

Half subtractor is used to perform two binary digits subtraction. In the previous article,
we have already discussed the concepts of half adder and a full adder circuit which uses the
binary numbers for the calculation.

Similarly, the subtractor circuit uses binary numbers (0, 1) for the subtraction. The circuit
of the half subtractor can be built with two logic gates namely NAND and EX-OR gates. This
circuit gives two elements such as the difference as well as the borrow.

The Boolean functions describing the half-Subtractor are:

D =AB
Br = 𝑨 . 𝑩

Application of Half Subtractor

The applications of half subtractor include the following.

 Half subtractor is used to reduce the force of audio or radio signals

 It can be used in amplifiers to reduce the sound distortion
 Half subtractor is used in ALU of processor
 It can be used to increase and decrease operators and also calculates the addresses
 Half subtractor is used to subtract the least significant column numbers. For subtraction
of multi-digit numbers, it can be used for the LSB.

M. Gopinathan Page 18
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

A) Half Subtractor:



0 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

M. Gopinathan Page 19
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

B) Full Subtractor:
Full subtractor is an electronic device or logic circuit which performs subtraction of two
binary digits. It is a combinational logic circuit used in digital electronics. Many combinational
circuits are available in integrated circuit technology namely adders, encoders, decoders and

Subtracting two single-bit binary values, B, Cin from a single-bit value A produces a
difference bit D and a borrow out Br bit. This is called full subtraction.

The full subtractor is one of the most used and essential combinational logic circuits. It is
a basic electronic device, used to perform subtraction of two binary numbers. In the earlier
article, already we have given the basic theory of half adder & a full adder which uses the binary
digits for the computation.

The full-subtractor uses binary digits like 0,1 for the subtraction. The circuit of full
subtractor can be built with logic gates such as OR, Ex-OR, NAND gate. The inputs of this
subtractor are A, B, Bin and outputs are D, Bout.

The Boolean functions describing the full subtractor are:


Br = 𝑨 . B + 𝑨 . C + B . C

Applications of Full Subtractor

Some of the applications of full-subtractor include the following

 These are generally employed for ALU (Arithmetic logic unit) in computers to subtract
as CPU & GPU for the applications of graphics to decrease the circuit difficulty.
 Subtractors are mostly used for performing arithmetical functions like subtraction, in
electronic calculators as well as digital devices.
 These are also applicable for different microcontrollers for arithmetic subtraction, timers,
and program counter (PC)
 Subtractors are used in processors to compute tables, address, etc.
 It is also useful for DSP and networking based systems.

M. Gopinathan Page 20
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

B) Full Subtractor:



0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1


The Half and Full adder circuit was constructed and their truth tables are verified using IC

M. Gopinathan Page 21
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 5 Date:

De-Morgan’s Theorem

Aim: To verify De-Morgan’s theorem for 2 variables

Components required: IC 7404, 7432, 7408, Digital IC Trainer Kit, Patch cards


De-Morgan’s Theorem is mainly used to solve the various Boolean algebra expressions.
The De-Morgan’s theorem defines the uniformity between the gate with same inverted input and
output. It is used for implementing the basic gate operation likes NAND gate and NOR gate. The
De-Morgan’s theorem mostly used in digital programming and for making digital circuit
diagram. There are two De-Morgan’s Theorems. They are described below in detail.

Theorem 1: The compliment of the product of two variables is equal to the sum of the
compliment of each variable. Thus according to De-Morgan’s laws or De-Morgan's theorem if A
and B are the two variables or Boolean numbers. Then accordingly,

𝑨. 𝑩 = 𝑨 + 𝑩

Theorem 2:
The compliment of the sum of two variables is equal to the product of the compliment of each
variable. Thus according to De Morgan’s theorem if A and B are the two variables then,


De-Morgan's laws can also be implemented in Boolean algebra in the following steps:-

1. While doing Boolean algebra at first replace the given operator.

That is (+) is replaced with (.) and (.) is replaced with (+).
2. Compliment of each of the term is to be found.

1. Realize the De-Morgan’s theorem using logic gates.
2. Connect VCC and ground as shown in the pin diagram.
3. Make connections as per the logic gate diagram.
4. Apply the different combinations of input according to the truth tables.
Verify that the results are correct.

M. Gopinathan Page 22
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Theorem 1:

Truth table:

A B 𝑨. 𝑩 𝑨+𝑩

0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0

M. Gopinathan Page 23
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Theorem 2:

Truth table:


0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0


De-Morgan’s circuits (theorem) were constructed and verify their truth tables.

M. Gopinathan Page 24
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 6 Date:


To write an Assembly Language Program to find the square root of a number using 8085

8085 kit

Algorithm (Square Program)

1. Start.
2. Load into register pair HL from memory address 9000H.
3. Initialize accumulator A with 00.
4. Move contents of memory M into register C.
5. Add the contents of memory M with the contents of accumulator A and store the result in
accumulator A.
6. Decrement the register C by 1.
7. If no zero is present, go to step 5 else go to step 8.
8. Store the contents of accumulator into memory location 9100H.
9. Terminate the program.

Algorithm (Square Root Program)

1. Load the HL pair with the address of the number whose square root is to be found.
2. Copy the number to accumulator.
3. Initialize E with 0.
4. Subtract content of E from accumulator.
5. Increment register E by 2.
6. Increment content C register by 1.
7. Compare accumulator content with 0.
8. If accumulator content is not zero then go to step 4 else go to step 9.
9. Store the square root in to the memory.
10. Terminate the program.

M. Gopinathan Page 25
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

A. Program for 8-bit Square:


8100 LDA 8300 3A,00,83 Load the data in accumulator
8103 MOV C , A 4F Move the data from Reg. A to Reg. C
8104 MOV B , A 47 Move the data from Reg. A to Reg. B
8105 XRA A AF Exclusive OR Accumulator
8106 (L1) ADD B 80 [A]  [A] + [B]
8107 DCR C 0D Decrement Reg. C
8108 JNZ (L1) C2,06,81 Jump on non-zero to the label LOOP
810B STA 32,00,84 Store the square in 4500
810E HLT 76 Stop the Program

i/p Add 8300 o/p Add 8400

02 04
03 09
04 10
0D 09
07 31
0E C4
3F 81

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

B. Program for 8-bit Square root


8100 LDA 8200 3A,00,82 Load the data in Accumulator
8103 MVI C , 00 0E, 00 Initialize C as 0
8105 MVI D , 00 16 , 01 Initialize D as 0
8107 (L2)INR C 0C Increment register C
8108 SUB D 92 [A]  [A] + [D]
8109 JZ (L1) CA,11,81 Jump on zero to the label LOOP
810C INR D 14 Increment register D
810D INR D 14 Increment register D
810E JMP (L2) C3,07,81 Jump to the label LOOP
8111 (L1)MOV A,C 79 Copy content of register C to accumulator
8112 STA 32,00,85 Store the square root in 8500
8115 HLT 76 Stop the Program

i/p Add 8200 o/p Add 8500

25 05
64 0A
81 3F
49 1D
09 03
36 1D
0A 1D


The assembly language program square and square root of 8 bit numbers was executed
successfully by using 8085 micro processing kit.

M. Gopinathan Page 27
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 7 Date:

Microprocessor – Sum of N elements

To write an assembly language program for sum of N-elements of 8-bit using 8085

8085 kit
Step 1: Start the microprocessor
Step 2: Load the number of values in series in accumulator and move it to register C and
load the starting address of array
Step 3: Initialize the value of A as ‘00’
Step 4: Move the value of ‘A’ to ‘B’ register
Step 5: Add the content of accumulator with the data pointed by ‘HL’ pair
Step 6: If there exists a carry, increment ‘B’ by 1, if not continue
Step 7: Increment the pointer to next data
Step 8: Decrement the value of ‘C’ by 1, which is used as counter
Step 9: If ‘C’ is equal to zero, go to step 10 if not go to step 5.
Step 10: Store the value of ‘A’ to memory, it shows the result
Step 11: Move the content of B to A
Step 12: Store the value of A to memory
Step 13: Stop the program.

C) Program for sum of N-elements:


8200 LXIH , 8400 21 , 00, 84 Load the content of memory in acc. A
8203 MOV C , M 4E Move the value of acc. M in Reg. C
8204 INX H 23 Increment Reg. H
8205 MVI E , 00 1E , 00 Initialize E to 0
8207 XRA A AF Exclusive OR in accumulator A
8208 L2) ADD M 86 Add the data M to Reg. A
8209 JNC (L1) D2 , 0D, 82 Jump on non-zero to the label LOOP
820C INR E 1C Increment Reg. E
820D L1) INX H 23 Increment Reg. H
820E DCR C 0D Decrement Reg. C
820F JNZ (L2) C2 , 08, 82 Jump to the given step if there is not zero
8212 STA 8600 32 , 00, 86 Store the data in memory 8600
8215 MOV A , E 7B Move the data Reg. E to Reg. A
8216 STA 8601 32 , 01, 86 Store the data in memory with carry
8219 HLT 76 Stop the Process.

M. Gopinathan Page 28
No. of

M. Gopinathan
8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 840A 840B 8601 8600

8085 microprocessor kit.

04 01 5C 0A 03 00 6A
Department of Physics

05 4C 1D 04 5F 0F 00 DB

06 5F 3E 06 08 0A 1B 00 D0

07 7F 2B 1D 09 5B 2C 5D 01 B4

08 25 3E 5F 2A 1E 3F 20 15 01 7E

09 5C 30 12 1C 2A 5B 50 15 3D 01 E1

0A 15 6E 4C 09 83 5F 32 14 1D 3A 02 57

0B 20 14 0F 8C 2D 3B 18 06 29 5B 6C 02 45
VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Result: The assembly language program for sum of N-Elements was executed successfully using

Page 29
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 8 Date:

Number conversion – 8 bit

BCD to binary, Binary to BCD, Hex to ASCII using 8085.

To write an assembly language program for BCD to binary, Binary to BCD of 8-bit
using 8085

Apparatus: 8085 kit

a) Algorithm for (BCD to binary)

Step 1: Start the microprocessor

Step 2: Get the BCD data in accumulator and save it in register ‘E’
Step 3: Mark the lower nibble of BCD data in accumulator
Step 4: Rotate upper nibble to lower nibble and save it in register ‘B’
Step 5: Clear the accumulator
Step 6: Move 0AHto ‘C’ register
Step 7: Add ‘A’ and ‘B’ register
Step 8: Decrement ‘C’ register. If zf = 0, go to step 7
Step 9: Save the product in ‘B’
Step 10: Get the BCD data in accumulator from ‘E’ register and mark the upper nibble
Step 11: Add the units (A-ug) to product (B-ug)
Step 12: Store the binary value in memory
Step 13: End the program

b) Algorithm for (Binary to BCD)

Step 1: Start the microprocessor

Step 2: Clear ‘D’ and ‘E’ register to account for hundred’s and ten’s load the binary data
in accumulator
Step 3: Compare ‘A’ with 64 if carry = 01, go step C otherwise next step
Step 4: Subtract 64 from (64+1) ‘A’ register
Step 5: Increment ‘E’ register
Step 6: Compare the register ‘A’ with ‘0A’, if carry=1, go to step 11, otherwise next step
Step 7: Subtract (0AH) from ‘A’ register

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Step 8: Increment D register

Step 9: Go to step 7
Step 10: Combine the units and tens to from 8 bit result
Step 11: Save the units, tens and hundred’s in memory
Step 12: Stop the program execution

A. Program for BCD to Binary


8500 LXI H, 8200 21,00,82 Load the data in HL pair Reg.
8503 MOV A , M 7E Move the content Reg. M in Reg. A
8504 ANI 0F E6 , 0F Mask of the least significant four bits
8506 MOV C , A 4F Copy A to C
8507 MOV A , M 7E Copy M to A
8508 ANI F0 E6 , F0 Mask of the most significant four bits
850A RRC 0F Rotate accumulator right with carry
850B RRC 0F Rotate accumulator right with carry
850C RRC 0F Rotate accumulator right with carry
850D RRC 0F Rotate accumulator right with carry
850E MOV E , A 5F Load the count value to the Reg. E
850F MVI D , 0A 16 , 0A Initialize Reg. D with 0AH
8511 XRA A AF Clear the contents of the accumulator A
8512 (L1)ADD E 83 Add the contents of Reg. E to A
8513 DCR D 15 Decrement the count by 1 until 0 is reached
8514 JNZ (L1) C2 ,12,85 Jump on non-zero label loop
8517 ADD C 81 Add the contents of Reg. C to A
8518 STA 8300 32,00,83 Store the data in 8300
851B HLT 76 Stop the Program
Table: BCD to Binary

BCD 8200( I/P) Binary 8300 (O/P) BCD 8200( I/P) Binary 8300 (O/P)
22 16
40 28
15 0F
54 36
75 4B
92 5C
0B 0B
0C 0D

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

B) Program for Binary to BCD


8500 XRA A AF Clear Accumulator
8501 LXI H 8200 21,00,82 Initialize memory pointer
8504 MOV A , M 7E Get HEX data
8505 MVI D , FF 16,FF Move D- Reg. for Most significant Byte
8507 MVI B , 64H 06, 64 Move the data with 64
8509 (L1)INR D 14 Increment Reg. D
850A SUB B 90 Subtract the data in Reg. B
850B JNZ (L1) D2,09,85 Jump on non-zero to label loop
850E ADD B 80 Add ‘A’ and ‘B’
850F MVI C , FF 0E,FF Move the data FF in Reg. A
8511 MVI E , 0AH 1E,0A Compare the Reg. E with OA
8513 (L2) INR C 0C Increment Reg. C
8514 SUB E 93 Subtract Reg. E with Reg. A
8515 JNC (L2) D2,13,85 Jump on no carry to label loop
8518 ADD E 83 Add Reg. E
8519 STA 8300 32,00,83 Store the data in specific memory
851C MOV A , C 79 Move the data from Reg. C to Reg. A
851D STA 8301 32,01,83 Store the data in memory
8520 MOV A , D 7A Move the data from Reg. D to Reg. A
8521 STA 8302 32,02,83 Store the data in memory
8524 HLT 76 Stop the process


I/P (8200) 100’S(8302) 10’S(8301) 1’S (8300) EQUIVALANT

2B 00 04 03 43
0A 00 01 00 10
5A 00 09 00 90
60 00 09 06 96
5F 00 09 05 95


Thus the BCD to Binary, Binary to BCD conversion was executed successfully using
microprocessor 8085 kit.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 9 Date:


To write and execute an assembly language program to perform the addition and
subtraction two eight bit numbers using 8085 kit.


Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Clear C register for carry
Step 3: Load the first data from memory to accumulator and move it to B register.
Step 4: Load the second data from memory to accumulator.
Step 5: Add the content of B register to the accumulator.
Step 6: Check for carry. If carry = 1, go to step 7 else if carry =0, go to step 8.
Step 7: Increment the C register.
Step 8: Store the sum in memory
Step 9: Move the carry to accumulator and store in memory
Step 10: End Program


Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Clear C register to account for sign of the result.
Step 3: Load the subtrahend (the data to be subtracted) from memory to accumulator and move it
to B register.
Step 4: Load the minuend from memory to accumulator.
Step 5: Subtract the content of B register from the content of the accumulator.
Step 6: Check for carry. If carry = 1, go to step 7 else if carry =0, go to step 8.
Step 7: Increment the C register. Complement the accumulator and add 01H.
Step 8: Store the difference in memory.
Step 9: Move the content of C register (sign bit) to accumulator and store in memory.
Step 10: End program

M. Gopinathan Page 33
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Program for Two 8-Bit Additions:


8100 LDA 8200H 3A, 00,82 Load the 8 bit data in HL pair
8103 MOV B, A 47 Move the Reg. A to Reg. B
8104 LDA 8201H 3A, 01, 82 Load the 8 bit data in HL pair
8107 MVI C, 00H 0E, 00 Clear Reg. C
8109 ADD B 80 [A] = [A] + [B]
810A JNC (L) D2, 0E, 81 Jump on no zero to label loop
810D INR C 0C Increment Reg. C
810E (L) STA 8500 32, 00, 85 Store the first bit in 8500
8110 MOV A, C 79 Move the data in Reg. C to Reg. A
8111 STA 8501 32, 01, 85 Store the second bit in 8501
8114 HLT 76 Stop the Program

Table for Two 8-bit Additions:

Input Address Output Address

8200 H 8201 H 8500 H 8501 H
02 06 08 00

M. Gopinathan Page 34
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Program for Two 8-Bit Subtractions:


8100 MVI C, OO 0E, 00 Initialize Reg. C to 00
8102 LDA 8200 H 3A, 00, 82 Load the data in HL pair
8105 MOV B, A 47 Move the data Reg. A to Reg. B
8106 LDA 8201 H 3A, 01, 82 Load the data in HL pair
8109 SUB B 90 [A] = [A] – [B]
810A JNC (L) D2, 10, 81 Jump on no carry to label loop
810D INR C 0C Increment Reg. C
810E CMA 2F Compare to Reg. A
810F INR A 3C Increment Reg. A
8110 (L) STA 8500 32, 00, 85 Store the first bit data in 8500
8113 MOV A, C 79 Move the data in Reg. C to Reg. A
8114 STA 8501 H 32, 01, 85 Store the second bit data in 8501
8117 HLT 76 Stop the Process

Table for Two 8-bit Sutractions:

Input Address Output Address

8200 H 8201 H 8500 H 8501 H
AF EF 40 00

An assembly language program to perform the addition and subtraction two eight bit
numbers using 8085 kit is written and executed.

M. Gopinathan Page 35
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 10 Date:

NAND, NOR as universal gates.

Aim: Realization of logic functions with the help of universal gates-NAND Gate
logic trainer kit, NAND gates (IC 7400), wires.

NAND gate is actually a combination of two logic gates: AND gate followed by NOT
gate. So its output is complement of the output of an AND gate.

This gate can have minimum two inputs, output is always one. By using only NAND
gates, we can realize all logic functions: AND, OR, NOT, X-OR, X-NOR, NOR. So this gate is
also called universal gate.

NAND gates as NOT gate:

A NOT produces complement of the input. It can have only one input, tie the inputs of a
NAND gate together. Now it will work as a NOT gate. Its output is

NAND gates as AND gate

A NAND produces complement of AND gate. So, if the output of a NAND gate is
inverted, overall output will be that of an AND gate.


NAND gates as OR gate

From DeMorgan’s theorems: (A.B)’ = A’ + B’
=> (A’.B’)’ = A’’ + B’’ = A + B
So, give the inverted inputs to a NAND gate, obtain OR operation at output.


NOR gates as NOT gate

A NOT produces complement of the input. It can have only one input, tie the inputs of a
NOR gate together. Now it will work as a NOT gate. Its output is


NOR gates as OR gate

A NOR produces complement of OR gate. So, if the output of a NOR gate is inverted,
overall output will be that of an OR gate.

Y = (A+B)

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

NOR gates as AND gate

From DeMorgan’s theorems: 𝐴 + 𝐵 = 𝐴. 𝐵

=> ̿̿̿̿̿̿̿̿
𝐴 + 𝐵 = 𝐴̿ . 𝐵̿ = A B
So, give the inverted inputs to a NOR gate, obtain AND operation at output.


NAND gates as NOT gate:


NAND gates as AND gate:


NAND gates as OR gate:


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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

NOR gates as NOT gate:


Type equation here.

NOR gates as OR gate:


NOR gates as AND gate:



The Universal logic gates were constructed and verify their truth tables.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 11 Date:

RS, Clocked RS, and D Flip Flops using NAND gate


To Setup the following flip flops using NAND gates and verify the truth table also familiarize
the flip flop ICs

1. Flip flop

2. Clocked RS flip flop and

3. D flip flop


Digital IC trainer kit, IC 7400, IC 7404


Flip flops are the basic building blocks in any memory systems since its output will remain in its
state until it is forced to change it by some means

S=R FLIP FLOP and stands for set and reset. There are four input combination possible at the
inputs. But 𝑆 = 𝑅 = 1 is forbidden since the output will be indeterminate

The SET-RESET flip flop is not designed with the help of two NOR gates and also two NAND
gates. These flip flops are also called S-R Latch.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

i) S-R Flip flop using NAND Gate:

The design of such a flip flop includes two inputs, called the SET [S] and RESET [R].
There are also two outputs, Q and Q’.

The diagram and truth table is shown below.

The truth table of the Set/Reset is given below.

0 0 1 1 Invalid(Not allowed)
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 X X No change

From the diagram it is evident that the flip flop has mainly four states. They are

S=1, R=0 → Q=1, Q’=0 This state is also called the SET state.

S=0, R=1 → Q=0, Q’=1 This state is known as the RESET state.

S=0, R=0 → Q & Q’ = 1 [Invalid]

This is an invalid state because the values of both Q and Q’ are 0. They are supposed to be
compliments of each other. Normally, this state must be avoided.

S=1, R=1 → Q=0, Q’=0 Remember( No change)

If both the values of S and R are switched to 0, then the circuit remembers the value of S and R
in their previous state.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

ii) Clocked S-R Flip Flop:

It is also called a Gated S-R flip flop. The problems with S-R flip flops using NAND gate
is the invalid state. This problem can be overcome by using a bistable SR flip-flop that can
change outputs when certain invalid states are met, regardless of the condition of either the Set or
the Reset inputs. For this, a clocked S-R flip flop is not designed by adding two AND neither
gates to a basic NOR does Gate flip flop.

The circuit diagram and truth table is shown below.

CLK S R Q 𝑸 Comments
0 1 1 X X No change
1 0 0 X X No change
1 0 1 1 0 Reset
1 1 0 0 1 Set
1 1 1 1 1 Invalid

A clock pulse [CP]is given to the inputs of the AND Gate. When the value of the clock
pulse is ’0′, the outputs of both the AND Gates remain ’0′. As soon as a pulse is given the value
of CP turns ’1′. This makes the values at S and R to pass through the NOR Gate flip flop. But
when the values of both S and R values turn ’1′, the HIGH value of CP causes both of them to
turn to ’0′ for a short moment. As soon as the pulse is removed, the flip flop state becomes

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

intermediate. Thus either of the two states may be caused, and it depends on whether the set or
reset input of the flip-flop remains a ’1′ longer than the transition to ’0′ at the end of the pulse.
Thus the invalid states can be eliminated.

iii) D Flip Flop:

The circuit diagram and truth table is given below.

D Q 𝑸 Comments
0 0 1 Reset
1 1 0 Set

D flip flop is actually a slight modification of the above explained clocked SR flip-flop.
From the figure you can see that the D input is connected to the S input and the complement of
the D input is connected to the R input. The D input is passed on to the flip flop when the value
of CP is ’1′. When CP is HIGH, the flip flop moves to the SET state. If it is ’0′, the flip flop
switches to the CLEAR state.


The flip flops RS flip flop, Clocked (Gated) RS flip flop and D flip flops were set up
using NAND gates and their truth tables are verified.

M. Gopinathan Page 42
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 12 Date:

Aim: To study IC 7474, and the realization of shift operations using the same.
Components required: IC 7474, Digital IC Trainer kit etc.
• A shift register is a group of flip-flops (typically 4 or 8) that are arranged so that the values
stored in the flip-flops are shifted from one flip-flop to the next for every clock.
• Shift registers are used extensively in logic circuits to control digital displays.
• A classic example is numbers being typed into a calculator. As the numbers are entered, the
digits shift to the left one position. This shifting is controlled by a shift register.
1. Connections are made as shown in the SIPO circuit diagram.
2. On applying the first bit of data and then a clock pulse, it can be observed that this data
appears at (Q3).
3. Now, applying the second bit of data and a clock pulse, the bit at Q3 shifts to Q2 and Q3 will
be loaded with the new data.
4. This repeats until all 4 data bits are loaded.
5. At the end of the 4th clock pulse, all 4 bits are available at the parallel output pins Q3 through

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Circuit Diagram: Serial In Parallel Out (SIPO)

Truth Table:
CLK Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1
5 0 0 0 0

The performance of shift registers using D FF are set up and studied.

M. Gopinathan Page 44
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 13 Date:



To design and set up a 4-bit ripple counter.

Components Required: IC 7473

Ripple Counter:
Ripple counter is an asynchronous counter. So clock pulse is given to any one of the flip flop and
output of the flip flop is from 0000 to 1111.

In order to make a mod 10 counter, the counter should be reset to 0000 after reaching 1001. To
achieve this, we can use a NAND gate whose inputs are the outputs of third and first flip flop so
that when both of them are ‘1’, flip flops will be cleared.

Then by using the BCD 7 segment decoder IC, we will produce the outputs, which are the inputs
of 7-segment display.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Pin Diagram for 7473

Pin 4 → +Vcc (5V)

Pin 11 → GND

Four Bit Ripple Counter Using IC 7473

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Pin Diagram for IC 7476

Pin 5 → +Vcc Pin 13 → GND

Four Bit Ripple Counter Using IC 7476

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Thus 4 bit Ripple Counter was constructed and verified with their truth table.

M. Gopinathan Page 48
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 14 Date:

Field Effect Transistor (FET)


To study Drain Characteristics and Transfer Characteristics of a Field Effect Transistor (FET).


S.No. Name Quantity

1 JFET (BFW11/ BFW10) 1(One) No.
2 Resistor (1K ,100K ) 1(One) No. Each
3 Bread board 1(One) No.


S.No. Name Quantity

1 Dual DC Regulated Power supply (0 - 30 V) 1(One) No.
2 Digital Ammeters ( 0 - 200 mA) 1(One) No.
3 Digital Voltmeter (0 - 20V) 2(Two) No.
4 Connecting wires (Single Strand)


For FET BFW11:

 Gate Source Voltage VGS = -30V

 Forward Gain Current IGF = 10mA
 Maximum Power Dissipation PD = 300mW

Circuit Diagram:

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Pin assignment of FET:

Top View

Bottom View


The circuit diagram for studying drain and transfer characteristics is shown in the figure1.

1. Drain characteristics are obtained between the drain to source voltage (VDS) and drain
current (ID) taking gate to source voltage (VGS) as the constant parameter.
2. Transfer characteristics are obtained between the gate to source voltage (VGS) and drain
current (ID) taking drain to source voltage (VDS) as the constant parameter.


Drain Characteristics:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure1.

2. Keep VGS = 0V by varying VGG.
3. Varying VDD gradually in steps of 1V up to 10V note down drain current ID and drain to
source voltage (VDS).
4. Repeat above procedure for VGS = -1V.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Transfer Characteristics:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure1.

2. Set voltage VDS = 2V/5V (BFW10/ BFW11).
3. Varying VDD in steps of 0.5V until the current ID reduces to minimum value.
4. Varying VGG gradually, note down both drain current ID and gate-source voltage (VGS).
5. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for VDS = 4V/ 8V (BFW10/ BFW11).


i) Table for Drain Characteristics:

Drain Characteristics
VDD (Volts) VGS = 0V VGS = -1V
VDS(Volts) ID(mA) VDS(Volts) ID(mA)

ii) Table for Transfer Characteristics:

Transfer Characteristics
VGG (Volts) VDS = 2V/5V VDS = 4V/8V
VGS(Volts) ID(mA) VGS(Volts) ID(mA)

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


1. Plot the drain characteristics by taking VDS on X-axis and ID on Y-axis at a constant VGS.
2. Plot the transfer characteristics by taking VGS on X-axis and taking ID on Y-axis at
constant VDS.

Calculations from Graph:

1. Drain Resistance (rd): It is given by the relation of small change in drain to source
voltage( VDS) to the corresponding change in Drain Current( ID) for a constant gate to
source voltage ( VGS), when the JFET is operating in pinch-off region.

𝑟𝑟 = at a constant VGS (from drain characteristics)

2. Trans Conductance (gm): Ratio of small change in drain current ( ID) to the
corresponding change in gate to source voltage ( VGS) for a constant VDS.

𝑟𝑟 = ∆𝑟 𝑟 at constant VDS (from transfer characteristics).

The value of gm is expressed in mho’s ( ) or Siemens (s).

3. Amplification factor (µ): It is given by the ratio of small change in drain to source
voltage ( VDS) to the corresponding change in gate to source voltage ( VGS) for a
constant drain current (ID).

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


1. As the gate to source voltage (VGS) is increased above zero, pinch off voltage is increased
at a smaller value of drain current as compared to that when VGS = 0V.
2. The value of drain to source voltage (VDS) is decreased as compared to that when VGS =


1. While performing the experiment do not exceed the ratings of the FET. This may lead to
damage of FET.
2. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless the circuit connections are checked as per the
circuit diagram.
4. Properly identify the Source, Drain and Gate terminals of the transistor.


Drain and Transfer characteristics of a FET are studied.

M. Gopinathan Page 53
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 15 Date:

Uni Junction Transistor (UJT) Characteristics


To study and plot the Characteristics of UJT.


S.No. Name Quantity

1. UJT 2N 2646 1(One) No.
2. Resistors (1 K Ohm) 2(Two) No.
3. Bread board 1(One) No.


S.No. Name Quantity

1. Dual DC Regulated Power supply (0 - 30 V) 1(One) No.
2. Digital Ammeters ( 0 - 200 mA) 1(One) No.
3. Digital Voltmeter (0 - 20V) 2(Two) No.
4. Connecting wires (Single Strand)


For UJT 2N- 2646:

 Peak emitter current (Ip) = 2A

 Continuous emitter current (IE) = 50mA
 Inter Base Voltage (VBB) = 35V
 Emitter Base Reverse Voltage (VEB2) = -30V
 Power dissipation at 25°C = 300mW

M. Gopinathan Page 54
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Circuit Diagram:

Pin assignment of UJT:

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


The UJT- junction is a 3 - terminal solid-state device (emitter and the two bases). The simplified
equivalent circuit is shown below:

The device has only one PN junction and hence it is known as UNI-JUNCTION transistor. The
PN emitter to base junction is shown as diode D1. The inter base resistance R BB of the N-type Si
bar appears as two resistors RB1 and RB2.

Referring to equivalent circuit:

1. When no voltage is applied between B1 and B2 with emitter open, the inter base
resistance is give by RBB = RB1 + RB2.
2. When a voltage VBB is applied between B1 and B2 with emitter open, voltage will divide
up across RB1 and RB2.

VRB1 = VBB where = the intrinsic stand-off ration =

The VBB across RB1 reverse biased diode thereby dropping the emitter current to zero.

3. When supply is connected at the emitter, the diode is forward biased making the input
voltage to exceed by VD %u200BVp = VBB + Vb

Since the diode is conducting, the resistance between emitter and base (B1) reduces and hence
the internal drop from emitter to B1 decreases.

The emitter conductivity characteristics are such that as IE increases the emitter to base (B1)
voltage decreases. At a peak point Vp and the valley point Vv, the slope of the emitter
characteristics is 0. At points to the left of VB to E-B1 is forward biased and IE exists. Between
Vp and Vv increase in IE is accompanied by a relation in emitter voltage VE. This is the negative
resistance region of UJT. Beyond the valley point Vv an increase in IE is accomplished by an
increase in VE. This region is known as the saturation region.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Set output voltage VBB1 = 5V by varying VBB.
3. Varying VEE gradually, note down both emitter current IE and emitter voltage (VE).
4. Step size is not fixed because of non linear curve. Initially Vary VEE in steps of 1V.
Current IE remains zero. As voltage is varied further, current starts increasing while
voltage VE drops. Note down the readings VE and IE.
5. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for VBB1 = 10V.


VEE (Volts) VBB1 = 5V VBB1 = 10V

IE(mA) VE(V) IE(mA) VE(V)

Expected graph:

Plot the tabulated readings on a graph sheet with IE on X-axis and VE on Y-axis.

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


1. There is a negative resistance region from peak point to valley point.

2. Increase in VBB1 increases the value of peak and valley voltages.


1. While performing the experiment do not exceed the ratings of the UJT. This may lead to
damage of the UJT.
2. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as
per the circuit diagram.
4. Make sure while selecting the emitter, base-1, base-2 terminals of UJT.


The emitter characteristics of UJT are studied.

a. Peak Voltage, Vp ___________ Volts.

b. Peak Current, Ip ___________ mA.
c. Valley Voltage, Vv ___________ Volts.
d. Valley Current, Iv ___________ mA.
e. Negative Resistance ___________ Ohms.

M. Gopinathan Page 58
Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

Experiment No: 16 Date:

To construct an emitter follower circuit and
(i) Measure the gain
(ii) Plot its input and output waveforms
On completion of the experiment students will be able to
Assemble an emitter follower circuit
Test the dc condition and ascertain the working condition of the amplifier
Understand the characteristics of emitter follower circuit.


Resistors (1K, 2.2K, 10K, 22K, 33K), Capacitor 1 μF , Transistor BC 107, Function generator 0
to 1 MHz, Oscilloscope 0 to 20 MHz, Multimeter, etc.

Emitter follower is the popular name for common collector amplifier. Its voltage gain is
approximately unity (without RL voltage gain is unity). It has high input impudence and low
output impedance. Thus emitter follower has less loading effect and is suitable for impedance
Since collector is directly connected to dc source, it appears to be grounded for ac signal.
Output is taken from the emitter terminal. The output voltage is in phase and is equal to the input
signal. Since the amplitude and phase of the output (emitter) follows the input (base), the circuit
is called emitter follower. In this circuit voltage divider biasing is used for base bias. RE acts as
the load for signal at the output circuit.RE also provides a negative feedback in the circuit.
1) Test the components
2) Assemble the circuit
3) Measure the dc condition using multimeter and verify whether the transistor is in active region
4) Apply 1Vpp,1 KHz sinusoidal signal as input
5) Observe the voltages at input point (Vin), at base, at emitter and at the output point(VO)
without RL
6) Measure the amplitudes and dc levels
7) Plot the waveforms
8) Observe and measure VO with RL = 10 KΩ and RL = 1KΩ
9) Calculate the voltage gain for the above three conditions of RL

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab


1. DC Condition (multimeter)
Note : At proper biased condition, VBE should be 0.6V to 0.7V, VCE should be approximately
half of VCC

2. Input Output waveforms.

Vin = 1V (pp), 1 KHz, without RL

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Department of Physics VI-SEM- Electronics Lab

3. Voltage gain
(i) Without load (RL = ∞)
VO = 1V
Gain =𝑉 0 = 1

(ii) Voltage gain with 10 K load

VO =
Gain =

(iii) Voltage gain with 1 KΩ load

VO =
Gain =


Emitter follower (Common Collector) Amplifier is studied and its Bandwidth is


M. Gopinathan Page 61

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