Optimization Techniques On Riemannian Manifolds

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Fields Institute Communications

Volume 3, 1994

Optimization Techniques on
Riemannian Manifolds
arXiv:1407.5965v1 [math.OC] 22 Jul 2014

Steven T. Smith
Harvard University
Division of Applied Sciences
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Abstract. The techniques and analysis presented in this paper provide new meth-
ods to solve optimization problems posed on Riemannian manifolds. A new point of
view is offered for the solution of constrained optimization problems. Some classical
optimization techniques on Euclidean space are generalized to Riemannian manifolds.
Several algorithms are presented and their convergence properties are analyzed em-
ploying the Riemannian structure of the manifold. Specifically, two apparently new
algorithms, which can be thought of as Newton’s method and the conjugate gradient
method on Riemannian manifolds, are presented and shown to possess, respectively,
quadratic and superlinear convergence. Examples of each method on certain Rieman-
nian manifolds are given with the results of numerical experiments. Rayleigh’s quotient
defined on the sphere is one example. It is shown that Newton’s method applied to
this function converges cubically, and that the Rayleigh quotient iteration is an effi-
cient approximation of Newton’s method. The Riemannian version of the conjugate
gradient method applied to this function gives a new algorithm for finding the eigen-
vectors corresponding to the extreme eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix. Another
example arises from extremizing the function tr ΘT QΘN on the special orthogonal
group. In a similar example, it is shown that Newton’s method applied to the sum
of the squares of the off-diagonal entries of a symmetric matrix converges cubically.
Keywords. Optimization, constrained optimization, Riemannian manifolds, Lie
groups, homogeneous spaces, steepest descent, Newton’s method, conjugate gradient
method, eigenvalue problem, Rayleigh’s quotient, Rayleigh quotient iteration, Jacobi
methods, numerical methods.

1 Introduction
The preponderance of optimization techniques address problems posed on Eu-
clidean spaces. Indeed, several fundamental algorithms have arisen from the de-
sire to compute the minimum of quadratic forms on Euclidean space. However,
many optimization problems are posed on non-Euclidean spaces. For example,
finding the largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix may be posed as the max-
imization of Rayleigh’s quotient defined on the sphere. Optimization problems
subject to nonlinear differentiable equality constraints on Euclidean space also

c 1993 by the American Mathematical Society. 113

lie within this category. Many optimization problems share with these examples
the structure of a differentiable manifold endowed with a Riemannian metric.
This is the subject of this paper: the extremization of functions defined on
Riemannian manifolds.
The minimization of functions on a Riemannian manifold is, at least locally,
equivalent to the smoothly constrained optimization problem on a Euclidean
space, because every C ∞ Riemannian manifold can be isometrically imbedded
in some Euclidean space [46, Vol. V]. However, the dimension of the Euclidean
space may be larger than the dimension of the manifold; practical and aes-
thetic considerations suggest that one try to exploit the intrinsic structure of
the manifold. Elements of this spirit may be found throughout the field of
numerical methods, such as the emphasis on unitary (norm preserving) trans-
formations in numerical linear algebra [22], or the use of feasible direction meth-
ods [18, 21, 38].
An intrinsic approach leads one from the extrinsic idea of vector addition to
the exponential map and parallel translation, from minimization along lines to
minimization along geodesics, and from partial differentiation to covariant dif-
ferentiation. The computation of geodesics, parallel translation, and covariant
derivatives can be quite expensive. For an n-dimensional manifold, the compu-
tation of geodesics and parallel translation requires the solution of a system of
2n nonlinear and n linear ordinary differential equations. Nevertheless, many
optimization problems are posed on manifolds that have an underlying algebraic
structure that may be exploited to greatly reduce the complexity of these compu-
tations. For example, on a real compact semisimple Lie group endowed with its
natural Riemannian metric, geodesics and parallel translation may be computed
via matrix exponentiation [24]. Several algorithms are available to perform this
computation [22, 32]. This algebraic structure may be found in the problems
posed by Brockett [8, 9, 10], Bloch et al. [3, 4], Smith [45], Faybusovich [17],
Lagarias [30], Chu et al. [13, 14], Perkins et al. [35], and Helmke [25]. This
approach is also applicable if the manifold can be identified with a symmetric
space or, excepting parallel translation, a reductive homogeneous space [29, 33].
Perhaps the simplest nontrivial example is the sphere, where geodesics and par-
allel translation can be computed at low cost with trigonometric functions and
vector addition. Furthermore, Brown and Bartholomew-Biggs [11] show that
in some cases function minimization by following the solution of a system of
ordinary differential equations can be implemented such that it is competitive
with conventional techniques.
The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, the optimization prob-
lem is posed and conventions to be held throughout the paper are established.
The method of steepest descent on a Riemannian manifold is described in Sec-
tion 3. To fix ideas, a proof of linear convergence is given. The examples of
Rayleigh’s quotient on the sphere and the function tr ΘT QΘN on the special
orthogonal group are presented. In Section 4, Newton’s method on a Rieman-
nian manifold is derived. As in Euclidean space, this algorithm may be used to
compute the extrema of differentiable functions. It is proved that this method
converges quadratically. The example of Rayleigh’s quotient is continued, and it

is shown that Newton’s method applied to this function converges cubically, and
is approximated by the Rayleigh quotient iteration. The example considering
tr ΘT QΘN is continued. In a related example, it is shown that Newton’s method
applied to the sum of the squares of the off-diagonal elements of a symmetric
matrix converges cubically. This provides an example of a cubically convergent
Jacobi-like method. The conjugate gradient method is presented in Section 5
with a proof of superlinear convergence. This technique is shown to provide
an effective algorithm for computing the extreme eigenvalues of a symmetric
matrix. The conjugate gradient method is applied to the function tr ΘT QΘN .

2 Preliminaries
This paper is concerned with the following problem.

Problem 2.1. Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold, and f a C ∞ func-

tion on M . Compute
min f (p).

There are many well-known algorithms for solving this problem in the case
where M is a Euclidean space. This paper generalizes several of these algorithms
to the case of complete Riemannian manifolds by replacing the Euclidean no-
tions of straight lines and ordinary differentiation with geodesics and covariant
differentiation. These concepts are reviewed in the following paragraphs. We
follow Helgason’s [24] and Spivak’s [46] treatments of covariant differentiation,
the exponential map, and parallel translation. Details may be found in these
Let M be a complete n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Riemannian
structure g and corresponding Levi-Civita connection ∇. Denote the tangent
plane at p in M by Tp or Tp M . For every p in M , the Riemannian structure g
provides an inner product on Tp given by the nondegenerate symmetric bilinear
form gp : Tp ×Tp → R. The notation hX, Y i = gp (X, Y ) and kXk = gp (X, X)1/2 ,
where X, Y ∈ Tp , is often used. The distance between two points p and q in M is
denoted by d(p, q). The gradient of a real-valued C ∞ function f on M at p, de-
noted by (gradf )p , is the unique vector in Tp such that dfp (X) = h(gradf )p , Xi
for all X in Tp .
Denote the set of C ∞ functions on M by C ∞ (M ) and the set of C ∞ vector
fields on M by X(M ). An affine connection on M is a function ∇ which assigns
to each vector field X ∈ X(M ) an R-linear map ∇X : X(M ) → X(M ) which

(i) ∇fX+gY = f ∇X + g∇Y , (ii) ∇X (f Y ) = f ∇X Y + (Xf )Y,

for all f, g ∈ C ∞ (M ), X, Y ∈ X(M ). The map ∇X may be applied to tensors

of arbitrary type. Let ∇ be an affine connection on M and X ∈ X(M ). Then

there exists a unique R-linear map A 7→ ∇X A of C ∞ tensor fields into C ∞

tensor fields which satisfies
(i) ∇X f = Xf, (iv) ∇X preserves the type of tensors,
(ii) ∇X Y is given by ∇, (v) ∇X commutes with contractions,
(iii) ∇X is a derivation: ∇X (A ⊗ B) = ∇X A ⊗ B + A ⊗ ∇X B,
where f ∈ C ∞ (M ), Y ∈ X(M ), and A, B are C ∞ tensor fields. If A is
of type (k, l), then ∇X A, called the covariant derivative of A along X, is of
type (k, l), and ∇A: X 7→ ∇X A, called the covariant differential of A, is of
type (k, l + 1).
Let M be a differentiable manifold with affine connection ∇. Let γ: I → M
be a smooth curve with tangent vectors X(t) = γ̇(t), where I ⊂ R is an open
interval. The curve γ is called a geodesic if ∇X X = 0 for all t ∈ I. Let
Y (t) ∈ Tγ(t) (t ∈ I) be a smooth family of tangent vectors defined along γ. The
family Y (t) is said to be parallel along γ if ∇X Y = 0 for all t ∈ I.
For every p in M and X 6= 0 in Tp , there exists a unique geodesic t 7→
γX (t) such that γX (0) = p and γ̇X (0) = X. We define the exponential map
expp : Tp → M by expp (X) = γX (1) for all X ∈ Tp such that 1 is in the domain
of γX . Oftentimes the map expp will be denoted by “exp” when the choice of
tangent plane is clear, and γX (t) will be denoted by exp tX. A neighborhood Np
of p in M is a normal neighborhood if Np = exp N0 , where N0 is a star-shaped
neighborhood of the origin in Tp and exp maps N0 diffeomorphically onto Np .
Normal neighborhoods always exist.
Given a curve γ: I → M such that γ(0) = p, for each Y ∈ Tp there exists a
unique family Y (t) ∈ Tγ(t) (t ∈ I) of tangent vectors parallel along γ such that
Y (0) = Y . If γ joins the points p and γ(α) = q, the parallelism along γ induces
an isomorphism τpq : Tp → Tq defined by τpq Y = Y (α).
Let M be a manifold with an affine connection ∇, and Np a normal neigh-
borhood of p ∈ M . Define the vector field X̃ on Np adapted to the tangent
vector X in Tp by putting X̃q = τpq X, the parallel translation of X along the
unique geodesic segment joining p and q.
Given a Riemannian structure g on M , there exists a unique affine connection
∇ on M , called the Levi-Civita connection, which for all X, Y ∈ X(M ) satisfies
(i) ∇X Y − ∇Y X = [X, Y ] (∇ is symmetric or torsion-free),
(ii) ∇g = 0 (parallel translation is an isometry).
Length minimizing curves on M are geodesics of the Levi-Civita connection.
We shall use this connection throughout the paper.
Unless otherwise specified, all manifolds, vector fields, and functions are
assumed to be smooth. When considering a function f to be minimized, the
assumption that f is differentiable of class C ∞ can be relaxed throughout the
paper, but f must be continuously differentiable at least beyond the derivatives
that appear. As the results of this paper are local ones, the assumption that M
be complete may also be relaxed in certain instances.
We will use the the following definitions to compare the convergence rates
of various algorithms.

Definition 2.2. Let {pi } be a Cauchy sequence in M that converges to p̂.

(i) The sequence {pi } is said to converge (at least) linearly if there exists an
integer N and a constant θ ∈ [0, 1) such that d(pi+1 , p̂) ≤ θd(pi , p̂) for all i ≥ N .
(ii) The sequence {pi } is said to converge (at least) quadratically if there exists
an integer N and a constant θ ≥ 0 such that d(pi+1 , p̂) ≤ θd2 (pi , p̂) for all i ≥ N .
(iii) The sequence {pi } is said to converge (at least) cubically if there exists an
integer N and a constant θ ≥ 0 such that d(pi+1 , p̂) ≤ θd3 (pi , p̂) for all i ≥ N .
(iv) The sequence {pi } is said to converge superlinearly if it converges faster
than any sequence that converges linearly.

3 Steepest descent on Riemannian manifolds

The method of steepest descent on a Riemannian manifold is conceptually iden-
tical to the method of steepest descent on Euclidean space. Each iteration in-
volves a gradient computation and minimization along the geodesic determined
by the gradient. Fletcher [18], Botsaris [5, 6, 7], and Luenberger [31] describe
this algorithm in Euclidean space. Gill and Murray [21] and Sargent [38] ap-
ply this technique in the presence of constraints. In this section we restate the
method of steepest descent described in the literature and provide an alternative
formalism that will be useful in the development of Newton’s method and the
conjugate gradient method on Riemannian manifolds.

Algorithm 3.1 (The method of steepest descent). Let M be a complete Rie-

mannian manifold with Riemannian structure g and Levi-Civita connection ∇,
and let f ∈ C ∞ (M ).
Step 0. Select p0 ∈ M , compute G0 = −(gradf )p0 , and set i = 0.
Step 1. Compute λi such that

f (exppi λi Gi ) ≤ f (exppi λGi )

for all λ ≥ 0.
Step 2. Set
pi+1 = exppi λi Gi ,
Gi+1 = −(gradf )pi+1 ,
increment i, and go to Step 1.

It is easy to verify that hGi+1 , τ Gi i = 0, for i ≥ 0, where τ is the paral-

lelism with respect to the geodesic from pi to pi+1 . By assumption, the func-
tion λ 7→ f (exp λGi ) is minimized at λi . Therefore, we have 0 = (d/dt)|t=0
f (exp(λi + t)Gi ) = dfpi+1 (τ Gi ) = h(gradf )pi+1 , τ Gi i. Thus the method of
steepest descent on a Riemannian manifold has the same deficiency as its coun-
terpart on a Euclidean space, i.e., it makes a ninety degree turn at every step.
The convergence of Algorithm 3.1 is linear. To prove this fact, we will make
use of a standard theorem of the calculus, expressed in differential geometric

language. The covariant derivative ∇Xf of f along X is defined to be Xf . For

k 0
k = 1, 2, . . . , define ∇X f = ∇X ◦ · · · ◦ ∇Xf (k times), and let ∇X f = f.

Remark 3.2 (Taylor’s formula). Let M be a manifold with an affine connec-

tion ∇, Np a normal neighborhood of p ∈ M , the vector field X̃ on Np adapted
to X in Tp , and f a C ∞ function on M . Then there exists an  > 0 such that
for every λ ∈ [0, )

f (expp λX) = f (p) + λ(∇X̃f )(p) + · · · + (∇n−1f )(p)
(n − 1)! X̃
n−1 n
+ (1 − t) (∇X̃f )(expp tλX) dt.
(n − 1)! 0

Proof. Let N0 be a star-shaped neighborhood of 0 ∈ Tp such that Np = exp N0 .

There exists  > 0 such that λX ∈ N0 for all λ ∈ [0, ). The map λ 7→ f (exp λX)
is a real C ∞ function on [0, ) with derivative (∇X̃f )(exp λX). The statement
follows by repeated integration by parts.
The following special cases of Remark 3.2 will be particularly useful. When
n = 2, Eq. (1) yields
Z 1
f (expp λX) = f (p) + λ(∇X̃f )(p) + λ2 2
(1 − t)(∇X̃f )(expp tλX) dt. (2)

Furthermore, when n = 1, Eq. (1) applied to the function X̃f = ∇X̃f yields
Z 1
(X̃f )(expp λX) = (X̃f )(p) + λ (∇X̃f )(expp tλX) dt. (3)

The convergence proofs require a characterization of the second order terms

of f near a critical point. Consider the second covariant differential ∇∇f = ∇2f
of a smooth function f : M → R. If (U, x1 , . . . , xn ) is a coordinate chart on M ,
then at p ∈ U this (0, 2) tensor takes the form
X ∂ 2f  X  ∂f  
(∇ f )p = i ∂xj p
− Γkji k p
dxi ⊗ dxj (4)
∂x ∂x

where Γkij are the Christoffel symbols at p. If p̂ in U is a critical point of f, then

(∂f /∂xk )p̂ = 0, k = 1, . . . , n. Therefore (∇2f )p̂ = (d2f )p̂ , where (d2f )p̂ is the
Hessian of f at the critical point p̂. Furthermore, for p ∈ M , X, Y ∈ Tp , and X̃
and Ỹ vector fields adapted to X and Y , respectively, on a normal neighborhood
Np of p, we have (∇2f )(X̃, Ỹ ) = ∇Ỹ ∇X̃f on Np . Therefore the coefficient of the
second term of the Taylor expansion of f (exp tX) is (∇X̃ f )p = (∇2f )p (X, X).
Note that the bilinear form (∇2f )p on Tp × Tp is symmetric if and only if ∇ is
symmetric, which true of the Levi-Civita connection by definition.

Theorem 3.3. Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold with Riemannian

structure g and Levi-Civita connection ∇. Let f ∈ C ∞ (M ) have a nondegener-
ate critical point at p̂ such that the Hessian (d2f )p̂ is positive definite. Let pi be
a sequence of points in M converging to p̂ and Hi ∈ Tpi a sequence of tangent
vectors such that
(i) pi+1 = exppi λi Hi for i = 0, 1, . . . ,
(ii) h−(gradf )pi , Hi i ≥ c k(gradf )pi k kHi k for c ∈ (0, 1],

where λi is chosen such that f (exp λi Hi ) ≤ f (exp λHi ) for all λ ≥ 0. Then
there exists a constant E and a θ ∈ [0, 1) such that for all i = 0, 1, . . . ,

d(pi , p̂) ≤ Eθi .

Proof. The proof is a generalization of the one given in Polak [36, p. 242ff] for
the method of steepest descent on Euclidean space.
The existence of a convergent sequence is guaranteed by the smoothness of f .
If pj = p̂ for some integer j, the assertion becomes trivial; assume otherwise.
By the smoothness of f, there exists an open neighborhood U of p̂ such that
(∇2f )p is positive definite for all p ∈ U . Therefore, there exist constants k > 0
and K ≥ k > 0 such that for all X ∈ Tp and all p ∈ U ,

kkXk2 ≤ (∇2f )p (X, X) ≤ KkXk2 . (5)

Define Xi ∈ Tp̂ by the relations exp Xi = pi , i = 0, 1, . . . By assumption,

dfp̂ = 0 and from Eq. (2), we have
Z 1
f (pi ) − f (p̂) = (1 − t)(∇X̃ i
f )(expp̂ tXi ) dt. (6)

Combining this equality with the inequalities of (5) yields

2 kd (pi , p̂) ≤ f (pi ) − f (p̂) ≤ 21 Kd2 (pi , p̂). (7)

Similarly, we have by Eq. (3)

Z 1
(X̃i f )(pi ) = (∇X̃ i
f )(expp̂ tXi ) dt.

Next, use (6) with Schwarz’s inequality and the first inequality of (7) to obtain
Z 1
kd2 (pi , p̂) = kkXi k2 ≤ 2
(∇X̃ i
f )(expp̂ tXi ) dt = (X̃i f )(pi )

= dfpi (X̃i )pi = dfpi (τ Xi ) = h(gradf )pi , τ Xi i
≤ k(gradf )pi k kτ Xi k = k(gradf )pi k d(pi , p̂).

k(gradf )pi k ≥ kd(pi , p̂). (8)

Define the function ∆: Tp ×R → R by the equation ∆(X, λ) = f (expp λX)−

f (p). By Eq. (2), the second order Taylor formula, we have
Z 1
1 2 2
∆(Hi , λ) = λ(H̃i f )(pi ) + 2 λ (1 − t)(∇H̃ i
f )(exppi λHi ) dt.

Using assumption (ii) of the theorem along with (5) we establish for λ ≥ 0
∆(Hi , λ) ≤ −λck(gradf )pi k kHi k + 21 λ2 KkHi k2 . (9)
We may now compute an upper bound for the rate of linear convergence
θ. By assumption (i) of the theorem, λ must be chosen to minimize the right
hand side of (9). This corresponds to choosing λ = ck(gradf )pi k KkHi k. A
computation reveals that
∆(Hi , λi ) ≤ − k(gradf )pi k2 .
Applying (7) and (8) to this inequality and rearranging terms yields

f (pi+1 ) − f (p̂) ≤ θ f (pi ) − f (p̂) , (10)

where θ = 1 − (ck/K)2 . By assumption, c ∈ (0, 1] and 0 < k ≤ K, therefore
θ ∈ [0, 1). (Note that Schwarz’s inequality bounds c below unity.)
 From (10)
it is seen that f (pi ) − f (p̂) ≤ Eθi where E = f (p0 ) − f (p̂) . From (7) we
conclude that for i = 0, 1, . . . ,
2E √ i
d(pi , p̂) ≤ θ . (11)
Corollary 3.4. If Algorithm 3.1 converges to a local minimum, it converges
The choice Hi = −(gradf )pi yields c = 1 in the second assumption the
Theorem 3.3, which establishes the corollary.
Example 3.5 (Rayleigh’s quotient on the sphere). Let S n−1 be the imbedded
sphere in Rn , i.e., S n−1 = { x ∈ Rn : xT x = 1 }, where xT y denotes the standard
inner product on Rn , which induces a metric on S n−1 . Geodesics on the sphere
are great circles and parallel translation along geodesics is equivalent to rotating
the tangent plane along the great circle. Let x ∈ S n−1 and h ∈ Tx have unit
length, and v ∈ Tx be any tangent vector. Then
expx th = x cos t + h sin t,
τ h = h cos t − x sin t,

τ v = v − (hT v) x sin t + h(1 − cos t) ,
where τ is the parallelism along the geodesic t 7→ exp th. Let Q be an n-by-n pos-
itive definite symmetric matrix with distinct eigenvalues and define ρ: S n−1 → R
by ρ(x) = xT Qx. A computation shows that
2 (grad ρ)x = Qx − ρ(x)x. (12)

The function ρ has a unique minimum and maximum point at the eigenvec-
tors corresponding to the smallest and largest eigenvalues of Q, respectively.
Because S n−1 is geodesically complete, the method of steepest descent in the
opposite direction of the gradient converges to the eigenvector corresponding
to the smallest eigenvalue of Q; likewise for the eigenvector corresponding to
the largest eigenvalue. Chu [13] considers the continuous limit of this prob-
lem. A computation shows that ρ(x) is maximized along the geodesic expx th
(khk = 1) when a cos 2t − b sin 2t = 0, where a = 2xT Qh and b = ρ(x) − ρ(h).
Thus cos t and sin t may be computed with simple algebraic functions of a and b
(which appear below in Algorithm 5.5). The results of a numerical experiment
demonstrating the convergence of the method of steepest descent applied to
maximizing Rayleigh’s quotient on S 20 are shown in Figure 1 on page 133.

Example 3.6 (Brockett [9, 10]). Consider the function f (Θ) = tr ΘT QΘN
on the special orthogonal group SO(n), where Q is a real symmetric matrix
with distinct eigenvalues and N is a real diagonal matrix with distinct diagonal
elements. It will be convenient to identify tangent vectors in TΘ with tangent
vectors in TI ∼ = so(n), the tangent plane at the identity, via left translation.
The gradient of f (with respect to the negative Killing form of so(n), scaled
by 1/(n − 2)) at Θ ∈ SO(n) is Θ[H, N ], where H = AdΘT (Q) = ΘT QΘ. The
group SO(n) acts on the set of symmetric matrices by conjugation; the orbit
of Q under the action of SO(n) is an isospectral submanifold of the symmetric
matrices. We seek a Θ̂ such that f (Θ̂) is maximized. This point corresponds to
a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are ordered similarly to those of N . A
related example is found in Smith [45], who considers the homogeneous space
of matrices with fixed singular values, and in Chu [14].
The Levi-Civita connection on SO(n) is bi-invariant and invariant with re-
spect to inversion; therefore, geodesics and parallel translation may be computed
via matrix exponentiation of elements in so(n) and left (or right) translation [24,
Ch. II, Ex. 6]. The geodesic emanating from the identity in SO(n) in direction
X ∈ so(n) is given by the formula expI tX = etX , where the right hand side
denotes regular matrix exponentiation. The expense of geodesic minimization
may be avoided if instead one uses Brockett’s estimate [10] for the step size.
Given Ω ∈ so(n), we wish to find t > 0 such that φ(t) = tr Ade−tΩ (H)N is
minimized. Differentiating φ twice shows that φ0 (t) = − tr Ade−tΩ (adΩ H)N
and φ00 (t) = − tr Ade−tΩ (adΩ H) adΩ N , where adΩ A = [Ω, A]. Hence, φ0 (0) =
2 tr HΩN and, by Schwarz’s inequality and the fact that Ad is an isometry,
|φ00 (t)| ≤ k adΩ Hk k adΩ N k. We conclude that if φ0 (0) > 0, then φ0 is nonneg-
ative on the interval
2 tr HΩN
0≤t≤ , (13)
k adΩ Hk k adΩ N k

which provides an estimate for the step size of Step 1 in Algorithm 3.1. The
results of a numerical experiment demonstrating the convergence of the method
of steepest descent (ascent) in SO(20) using this estimate are shown in Figure 2.

4 Newton’s method on Riemannian manifolds

As in the optimization of functions on Euclidean space, quadratic convergence
can be obtained if the second order terms of the Taylor expansion are used ap-
propriately. In this section we present Newton’s algorithm on Riemannian man-
ifolds, prove that its convergence is quadratic, and provide examples. Whereas
the convergence proof for the method of steepest descent relies upon the Taylor
expansion of the function f, the convergence proof for Newton’s method will rely
upon the Taylor expansion of the one-form df . Note that Newton’s method has
a counterpart in the theory of constrained optimization, as described by, e.g.,
Fletcher [18], Bertsekas [1, 2], or Dunn [15, 16]. The Newton method presented
in this section has only local convergence properties. There is a theory of global
Newton methods on Euclidean space and computational complexity; see the
work of Hirsch and Smale [27], Smale [43, 44], and Shub and Smale [40, 41].
Let M be an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Riemannian structure
g and Levi-Civita connection ∇, let µ be a C ∞ one-form on M , and let p in M
be such that the bilinear form (∇µ)p : Tp × Tp → R is nondegenerate. Then, by
abuse of notation, we have the pair of isomorphisms
Tp ←−−−−
− Tp∗


with the forward map defined by X 7→ (∇X µ)p = (∇µ)p (·, X), which is nonsin-
gular. The notation (∇µ)p will henceforth be used for both the bilinear form
defined by the covariant differential of µ evaluated at p and the homomorphism
from Tp to Tp∗ induced by this bilinear form. In case of an isomorphism, the
inverse can be used to compute a point in M where µ vanishes, if such a point
exists. The case µ = df will be of particular interest, in which case ∇µ = ∇2f .
Before expounding on these ideas, we make the following remarks.

Remark 4.1 (The mean value theorem). Let M be a manifold with affine con-
nection ∇, Np a normal neighborhood of p ∈ M , the vector field X̃ on Np
adapted to X ∈ Tp , µ a one-form on Np , and τλ the parallelism with respect
to exp tX for t ∈ [0, λ]. Denote the point exp λX by pλ . Then there exists an
 > 0 such that for every λ ∈ [0, ), there is an α ∈ [0, λ] such that

τλ−1 µpλ − µp = λ(∇X̃ µ)pα ◦ τα .

Proof. As in the proof of Remark 3.2, there exists an  > 0 such that λX ∈ N0
for all λ ∈ [0, ). The map λ 7→ (τλ−1 µpλ )(A), for any A in Tp , is a C ∞ function

 t µpt )(A) = (d/dt)µpt (τt A) = ∇X̃ µpt (τt A) =
on [0, ) with derivative (d/dt)(τ
(∇X̃ µ)pt (τt A) + µpt ∇X̃ (τt A) = (∇X̃ µ)pt (τt A). The lemma follows from the
mean value theorem of real analysis.
This remark can be generalized in the following way.

Remark 4.2 (Taylor’s theorem). Let M be a manifold with affine connec-

tion ∇, Np a normal neighborhood of p ∈ M , the vector field X̃ on Np adapted

to X ∈ Tp , µ a one-form on Np , and τλ the parallelism with respect to exp tX

for t ∈ [0, λ]. Denote the point exp λX by pλ . Then there exists an  > 0 such
that for every λ ∈ [0, ), there is an α ∈ [0, λ] such that

λn−1 λn n
τλ−1 µpλ = µp + λ(∇X̃ µ)p + · · · + n−1
(∇X̃ µ)p + (∇ µ)pα ◦ τα . (14)
(n − 1)! n! X̃

The remark follows by applying Remark 4.1 and the Taylor’s theorem of real
analysis to the function λ 7→ (τλ−1 µpλ )(A) for any A in Tp .
Remarks 4.1 and 4.2 can be generalized to C ∞ tensor fields, but we will only
require Remark 4.2 for case n = 2 to make the following observation.
Let µ be a one-form on M such that for some p̂ in M , µp̂ = 0. Given any p
in a normal neighborhood of p̂, we wish to find X in Tp such that expp X = p̂.
Consider the Taylor expansion of µ about p, and let τ be the parallel translation
along the unique geodesic joining p to p̂. We have by our assumption that µ
vanishes at p̂, and from Eq. (14) for n = 2,

0 = τ −1 µp̂ = τ −1 µexpp X = µp + (∇µ)p (·, X) + h.o.t.

If the bilinear form (∇µ)p is nondegenerate, the tangent vector X may be ap-
proximated by discarding the higher order terms and solving the resulting linear
µp + (∇µ)p (·, X) = 0
for X, which yields
X = −(∇µ)−1
p µp .

This approximation is the basis of the following algorithm.

Algorithm 4.3 (Newton’s method). Let M be a complete Riemannian mani-

fold with Riemannian structure g and Levi-Civita connection ∇, and let µ be a
C ∞ one-form on M .

Step 0. Select p0 ∈ M such that (∇µ)p0 is nondegenerate, and set i = 0.

Step 1. Compute
Hi = −(∇µ)−1
pi µpi
pi+1 = exppi Hi ,
(assume that (∇µ)pi is nondegenerate), increment i, and repeat.

It can be shown that if p0 is chosen suitably close (within the so-called

domain of attraction) to a point p̂ in M such that µp̂ = 0 and (∇µ)p̂ is non-
degenerate, then Algorithm 4.3 converges quadratically to p̂. The following
theorem holds for general one-forms; we will consider the case where µ is exact.

Theorem 4.4. Let f ∈ C ∞ (M ) have a nondegenerate critical point at p̂. Then

there exists a neighborhood U of p̂ such that for any p0 ∈ U , the iterates of
Algorithm 4.3 for µ = df are well defined and converge quadratically to p̂.

The proof of this theorem is a generalization of the corresponding proof

for Euclidean spaces, with an extra term containing the Riemannian curvature
tensor (which of course vanishes in the latter case).

Proof. If pj = p̂ for some integer j, the assertion becomes trivial; assume

otherwise. Define Xi ∈ Tpi by the relations p̂ = exp Xi , i = 0, 1, . . . , so
that d(pi , p̂) = kXi k (n.b. this convention is opposite that used in the proof of
Theorem 3.3). Consider the geodesic triangle with vertices pi , pi+1 , and p̂, and
sides exp tXi from pi to p̂, exp tHi from pi to pi+1 , and exp tXi+1 from pi+1
to p̂, for t ∈ [0, 1]. Let τ be the parallelism with respect to the side exp tHi
between pi and pi+1 . There exists a unique tangent vector Ξi in Tpi defined by
the equation
Xi = Hi + τ −1 Xi+1 + Ξi (15)
(Ξi may be interpreted as the amount by which vector addition fails). If we
use the definition Hi = −(∇2f )−1 pi dfpi of Algorithm 4.3, apply the isomorphism
(∇2f )pi : Tpi → Tp∗i to both sides of Eq. (15), we obtain the equation

(∇2f )pi (τ −1 Xi+1 ) = dfpi + (∇2f )pi Xi − (∇2f )pi Ξi . (16)

By Taylor’s theorem, there exists an α ∈ [0, 1] such that

τ1−1 dfp̂ = dfpi + (∇X̃i df )pi + 21 (∇X̃

df )pα ◦ τα (17)

where τt is the parallel translation from pi to pt = exp tXi . The trivial identities
(∇X̃i df )pi = (∇2f )pi Xi and (∇X̃
df )pα = (∇3f )pα (τα ·, τα Xi , τα Xi ) will be used
to replace the last two terms on the right hand side of Eq. (17). Combining the
assumption that dfp̂ = 0 with Eqs. (16) and (17), we obtain

(∇2f )pi (τ −1 Xi+1 ) = − 12 (∇X̃

df )pα ◦ τα − (∇2f )pi Ξi . (18)

By the smoothness of f and g, there exists an  > 0 and constants δ 0 , δ 00 , δ 000 ,

all greater than zero, such that whenever p is in the convex normal ball B (p̂),

(i) k(∇2f )p (·, X)k ≥ δ 0 kXk for all X ∈ Tp ,

2 00
(ii) k(∇ f )p (·, X)k ≤ δ kXk for all X ∈ Tp ,
3 000 2
(iii) k(∇ f )p (·, X, X)k ≤ δ kXk for all X ∈ Tp ,

where the induced norm on Tp∗ is used in all three cases. Taking the norm
of both sides of Eq. (18), applying the triangle inequality to the right hand
side, and using the fact that parallel translation is an isometry, we obtain the
δ 0 d(pi+1 , p̂) ≤ δ 000 d2 (pi , p̂) + δ 00 kΞi k. (19)
The length of Ξi can be bounded by a cubic expression in d(pi , p̂) by con-
sidering the distance between the points exp(Hi + τ −1 Xi+1 ) and exp Xi+1 = p̂.
Given p ∈ M ,  > 0 small enough, let a, v ∈ Tp be such that kak + kvk ≤ , and

let τ be the parallel translation with respect to the geodesic from p to q = expp a.
Karcher [28, App. C2.2] shows that

d expp (a + v), expq (τ v) ≤ kak · const. (max |K|) · 2 ,


where K is the sectional curvature of M along any section in the tangent plane
at any point near p.
There exists a constant c > 0 such that kΞi k ≤ c d p̂, exp(Hi + τ −1 Xi+1 ) .

By (20), we have kΞi k ≤ const. kHi k2 . Taking the norm of both sides of the
Taylor formula dfpi = − 0 (∇X̃i df )(exp tXi ) dt and applying a standard integral
inequality and inequality (ii) from above yields kdfpi k ≤ δ 00 kXi k so that kHi k ≤
const. kXi k. Furthermore, we have the triangle inequality kXi+1 k ≤ kXi k +
kHi k, therefore  may be chosen such that kHi k + kXi+1 k ≤  ≤ const. kXi k.
By (20) there exists δ iv > 0 such that kΞi k ≤ δ iv d3 (pi , p̂).

Corollary 4.5. If (∇2f )p̂ is positive (negative) definite and Algorithm 4.3
converges to p̂, then Algorithm 4.3 converges quadratically to a local minimum
(maximum) of f .

Example 4.6 (Rayleigh’s quotient on the sphere). Let S n−1 and ρ(x) = xT Qx
be as in Example 3.5. It will be convenient to work with the coordinates x1 , . . . ,
xn of the ambient space Rn , treat the tangent plane Tx S n−1 as a vector subspace
of Rn , and make the identification Tx S n−1 ∼ = Tx∗ S n−1 via the metric. In this
coordinate system, geodesics on the sphere obey the second order differential
equation ẍk + xk = 0, k = 1, . . . , n. Thus the Christoffel symbols are given
by Γkij = δij xk , where δij is the Kronecker delta. The ijth component of the
second covariant differential of ρ at x in S n−1 is given by (cf. Eq. (4))
(∇2ρ)x ij = 2Qij − δij xk · 2Qkl xl = 2 Qij − ρ(x)δij ,


or, written as matrices,

1 2
2 (∇ ρ)x = Q − ρ(x)I. (21)
n−1 n n
Let u be a tangent vector in Tx S . A linear operator A: R → R defines a
linear operator on the tangent plane Tx S n−1 for each x in S n−1 such that

A·u = Au − (xTAu)x = (I − xxT )Au

If A is invertible as an endomorphism of the ambient space Rn , the solution to

the linear equation A·u = v for u, v in Tx S n−1 is

(xTA−1 v)
u = A−1 v − T −1 x . (22)
(x A x)

For Newton’s method, the direction Hi in Tx S n−1 is the solution of the equation

(∇2ρ)xi ·Hi = −(grad ρ)xi .


Combining Eqs. (12), (21), and (22), we obtain

Hi = −xi + αi Q − ρ(xi )I xi

where αi = 1 xi (Q − ρ(xi )I)−1 xi . This gives rise to the following algorithm


for computing eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix Q.

Algorithm 4.7 (Newton-Rayleigh quotient method). Let Q be a real symmet-
ric n-by-n matrix.
Step 0. Select x0 in Rn such that xT0 x0 = 1, and set i = 0.
Step 1. Compute
yi = Q − ρ(xi )I xi

and set αi = 1 xTi yi .
Step 2. Compute
Hi = −xi + αi yi , θi = kHi k,
xi+1 = xi cos θi + Hi sin θi /θi ,
increment i, and go to Step 1.
The quadratic convergence guaranteed by Theorem 4.4 is in fact too conser-
vative for Algorithm 4.7. As evidenced by Figure 1, Algorithm 4.7 converges
Proposition 4.8. If λ is a distinct eigenvalue of the symmetric matrix Q, and
Algorithm 4.7 converges to the corresponding eigenvector x̂, then it converges

Proof 1. In the coordinates x1 , . . . , xn of the ambient space Rn , the ijkth

component of the third covariant differential of ρ at x̂ is −2λx̂k δij . Let X ∈
Tx̂ S n−1 . Then (∇3 ρ)x̂ (·, X, X) = 0 and the second order terms on the right
hand side of Eq. (18) vanish at the critical point. The proposition follows from
the smoothness of ρ.

Proof 2. The proof follows Parlett’s [34, p. 72ff] proof of cubic convergence
for the Rayleigh quotient iteration. Assume that for all i, xi 6= x̂, and denote
ρ(xi ) by ρi . For all i, there is an angle ψi and a unit length vector ui defined
by the equation xi = x̂ cos ψi + ui sin ψi , such that x̂T ui = 0. By Algorithm 4.7
xi+1 = x̂ cos ψi+1 + ui+1 sin ψi+1 = xi cos θi + Hi sin θi /θi
αi sin θi αi sin θi
= x̂ + βi cos ψi + (Q − ρi I)−1 ui + βi ui sin ψi ,
(λ − ρi )θi θi
where βi = cos θi − sin θi /θi . Therefore,

αi sin θi
θi (Q − ρi I)−1 ui + βi ui

| tan ψi+1 | =
αi sin θi
· | tan ψi |. (23)
(λ−ρi )θi + βi


The following equalities and low order approximations in terms of the small
quantities λ−ρi , θi , and ψi are straightforward to establish: λ − ρi = (λ − ρ(ui ))
× sin2 ψi , θi2 = cos2 ψi sin2 ψi + h.o.t., αi = (λ − ρi ) + h.o.t., and βi = −θi2 /3 +
h.o.t. Thus, the denominator of the large fraction in Eq. (23) is of order unity
and the numerator is of order sin2 ψi . Therefore, we have
|ψi+1 | = const. |ψi |3 + h.o.t.
Remark 4.9. If Algorithm 4.7 is simplified by replacing Step 2 with
Step 2.0 Compute 
xi+1 = yi kyi k,
increment i, and go to Step 1.
then we obtain the Rayleigh quotient iteration. These two algorithms differ by
the method in which they use the vector yi = (Q − ρ(xi )I)−1 xi to compute the
next iterate on the sphere. Algorithm 4.7 computes the point Hi in Txi S n−1
where yi intersects this tangent plane, then computes xi+1 via the exponential
map of this vector (which “rolls” the tangent vector Hi onto the sphere). The
Rayleigh quotient iteration computes the intersection of yi with the sphere itself
and takes this intersection to be xi+1 . The latter approach approximates Algo-
rithm 4.7 up to quadratic terms when xi is close to an eigenvector. Algorithm 4.7
is more expensive to compute than—though of the same order as—the Rayleigh
quotient iteration; thus, the RQI is seen to be an efficient approximation of
Newton’s method.
If the exponential map is replaced by the chart v ∈ Tx →
7 (x + v)/kx + vk ∈
S n−1 , Shub [39] shows that a corresponding version of Newton’s method is
equivalent to the RQI.
Example 4.10 (The function tr ΘT QΘN ). Let Θ, Q, H = AdΘT (Q), and Ω be
as in Example 3.6. The second covariant differential of f (Θ) = tr ΘT QΘN may
be computed either by polarization of the second order term of tr Ade−tΩ (H)N ,
or by covariant differentiation of the differential dfΘ = − tr[H, N ]ΘT (·):
(∇2f )Θ (ΘX, ΘY ) = − 21 tr [H, adX N ] − [adX H, N ] Y,

where X, Y ∈ so(n). To compute the direction ΘX ∈ TΘ , X ∈ so(n), for

Newton’s method, we must solve the equation (∇2f )Θ (Θ·, ΘX) = dfΘ , which
yields the linear equation
LΘ (X) = [H, adX N ] − [adX H, N ] = 2[H, N ].
The linear operator LΘ : so(n) → so(n) is self-adjoint for all Θ and, in a neigh-
borhood of the maximum, negative definite. Therefore, standard iterative tech-
niques in the vector space so(n), such as the classical conjugate gradient method,
may be used to solve this equation near the maximum. The results of a numer-
ical experiment demonstrating the convergence of Newton’s method in SO(20)
are shown in Figure 2. As can be seen, Newton’s method converged within
round-off error in two iterations.

Remark 4.11. If Newton’s method applied to the function f (Θ) = tr ΘT QΘN

converges to the point Θ̂ such that AdΘ̂T (Q) = H∞ = αN , α ∈ R, then it
converges cubically.

Proof. By covariant differentiation of ∇2f, the third covariant differential of f

at Θ evaluated at the tangent vectors ΘX, ΘY , ΘZ ∈ TΘ , X, Y , Z ∈ so(n), is

(∇3f )Θ (ΘX, ΘY, ΘZ) = − 14 tr [adY adZ H, N ] − [adZ adY N, H]

+ [H, adadY Z N ] − [adY H, adZ N ] + [adY N, adZ H] X.

If H = αN , α ∈ R, then (∇3f )Θ (·, ΘX, ΘX) = 0. Therefore, the second order

terms on the right hand side of Eq. (18) vanish at the critical point. The remark
follows from the smoothness of f .
This remark illuminates how rapid convergence of Newton’s method applied
to the function f can be achieved in some instances. If Eij ∈ so(n) is a matrix
P entry +1 at element (i, j), −1 at element (j, i), and zero elsewhere, X =
i<j x Eij , H = diag(h1 , . . . , hn ), and N = diag(ν1 , . . . , νn ), then

(∇3f )Θ (ΘEij , ΘX, ΘX) =

xik xjk (hi νj − hj νi ) + (hj νk − hk νj ) + (hk νi − hi νk ) .


If the hi are close to ανi , α ∈ R, for all i, then (∇3f )Θ (·, ΘX, ΘX) may be
small, yielding a fast rate of quadratic convergence.

Example 4.12 (Jacobi’s method). Let π be the projection of a square matrix

onto its diagonal, and let Q be as above. Consider the maximization of the
function f (Θ) = tr Hπ(H), H = AdΘT (Q), on the special orthogonal group.
This is equivalent to minimizing the sum of the squares of the off-diagonal
elements of H (Golub and Van Loan [22] derive the classical Jacobi method).
The gradient of this function at Θ is 2Θ[H, π(H)] [14]. By repeated covariant
differentiation of f, we find
(∇f )I (X) = −2 tr[H, π(H)]X

(∇ f )I (X, Y ) = − tr [H, adX π(H)] − [adX H, π(H)] − 2[H, π(adX H)] Y
(∇3f )I (X, Y, Z) = − 12 tr [adY adZ H, π(H)] − [adZ adY π(H), H]
+ [H, adadY Z π(H)] − [adY H, adZ π(H)] + [adY π(H), adZ H]
+ 2[H, π(adY adZ H)] + 2[H, π(adZ adY H)]
+ 2[adY H, π(adZ H)] − 2[H, adY π(adZ H)]

+ 2[adZ H, π(adY H)] − 2[H, adZ π(adY H)] X

where I is the identity matrix and X, Y , Z ∈ so(n). It is easily shown that

if [H, π(H)] = 0, i.e., if H is diagonal, then (∇3f )Θ (·, ΘX, ΘX) = 0 (n.b.
π(adX H) = 0). Therefore, by the same argument as the proof of Remark 4.11,
Newton’s method applied to the function tr Hπ(H) converges cubically.

5 Conjugate gradient on Riemannian manifolds

The method of steepest descent provides an optimization technique which is
relatively inexpensive per iteration, but converges relatively slowly. Each step
requires the computation of a geodesic and a gradient direction. Newton’s
method provides a technique which is more costly both in terms of computa-
tional complexity and memory requirements, but converges relatively rapidly.
Each step requires the computation of a geodesic, a gradient, a second covariant
differential, and its inverse. In this section we describe the conjugate gradient
method, which has the dual advantages of algorithmic simplicity and superlinear
Hestenes and Stiefel [26] first used conjugate gradient methods to compute
the solutions of linear equations, or, equivalently, to compute the minimum of
a quadratic form on Rn . This approach can be modified to yield effective algo-
rithms to compute the minima of nonquadratic functions on Rn . In particular,
Fletcher and Reeves [19] and Polak and Ribière [36] provide algorithms based
upon the assumption that the second order Taylor expansion of the function
to be minimized sufficiently approximates this function near the minimum. In
addition, Davidon, Fletcher, and Reeves developed the variable metric meth-
ods [18, 36], but these will not be discussed here. One noteworthy feature of
conjugate gradient algorithms on Rn is that when the function in question is
quadratic, they compute its minimum in no more than n steps.
The conjugate gradient method on Euclidean space is uncomplicated. Given
a function f : Rn → R with continuous second derivatives and a local minimum
at x̂, and an initial point x0 ∈ Rn , the algorithm is initialized by computing
the (negative) gradient direction G0 = H0 = −(gradf )x0 . The recursive part
of the algorithm involves (i) a line minimization of f along the affine space
xi + tHi , t ∈ R, where the minimum occurs at, say, t = λi , (ii) computation of
the step xi+1 = xi + λi Hi , (iii) computation of the (negative) gradient Gi+1 =
−(gradf )xi+1 , and (iv) computation of the next direction for line minimization,
Hi+1 = Gi+1 + γi Hi , (24)
where γi is chosen such that Hi and Hi+1 conjugate with respect to the Hessian
matrix of f at x̂. When f is a quadratic form represented by the symmetric
positive definite matrix Q, the conjugacy condition becomes HiT QHi+1 = 0;
therefore, γi = −HiT QGi+1 /HiT QHi . It can be shown in this case that the se-
quence of vectors Gi are all mutually orthogonal and the sequence of vectors
Hi are all mutually conjugate with respect to Q. Using these facts, the com-
putation of γi may be simplified with the observation that γi = kGi+1 k2 /kGi k2
(Fletcher-Reeves) or γi = (Gi+1 − Gi )T Gi+1 /kGi k2 (Polak-Ribière). When f is
not quadratic, it is assumed that its second order Taylor expansion sufficiently
approximates f in a neighborhood of the minimum, and the γi are chosen so
that Hi and Hi+1 are conjugate with respect to the matrix (∂ 2f /∂xi ∂xj )(xi+1 )
of second partial derivatives of f at xi+1 . It may be desirable to “reset” the
algorithm by setting Hi+1 = Gi+1 every rth step (frequently, r = n) because
the conjugate gradient method does not, in general, converge in n steps if the

function f is nonquadratic. However, if f is closely approximated by a quadratic

function, the reset strategy may be expected to converge rapidly, whereas the
unmodified algorithm may not be.
Many of these ideas have straightforward generalizations in the geometry of
Riemannian manifolds; several of them have already appeared. We need only
make the following definition.
Definition 5.1. Given a tensor field ω of type (0, 2) on M such that for p in M ,
ωp : Tp × Tp → R is a symmetric bilinear form, the tangent vectors X and Y
in Tp are said to be ωp -conjugate or conjugate with respect to ωp if ωp (X, Y ) = 0.
An outline of the conjugate gradient method on Riemannian manifolds may
now be given. Let M be an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Rie-
mannian structure g and Levi-Civita connection ∇, and let f ∈ C ∞ (M ) have
a local minimum at p̂. As in the conjugate gradient method on Euclidean
space, choose an initial point p0 in M and compute the (negative) gradient
directions G0 = H0 = −(gradf )p0 in Tp0 . The recursive part of the algo-
rithm involves minimizing f along the geodesic t 7→ exppi tHi , t ∈ R, making
a step along the geodesic to the minimum point pi+1 = exp λi Hi , computing
Gi+1 = −(gradf )pi+1 , and computing the next direction in Tpi+1 for geodesic
minimization. This direction is given by the formula
Hi+1 = Gi+1 + γi τ Hi , (25)
where τ is the parallel translation with respect to the geodesic step from pi
to pi+1 , and γi is chosen such that τ Hi and Hi+1 are (∇2f )pi+1 -conjugate, i.e.,
(∇2f )pi+1 (τ Hi , Gi+1 )
γi = − . (26)
(∇2f )pi+1 (τ Hi , τ Hi )
Eq. (26) is, in general, expensive to use because the second covariant differen-
tial of f appears. However, we can use the Taylor expansion of df about pi+1 to
compute an efficient approximation of γi . By the fact that pi = exppi+1 (−λi τ Hi )
and by Eq. (14), we have
τ dfpi = τ dfexpp (−λi τ Hi ) = dfpi+1 − λi (∇2f )pi+1 (·, τ Hi ) + h.o.t.

Therefore, the numerator of the right hand side of Eq. (26) multiplied by the
step size λi can be approximated by the equation
λi (∇2f )pi+1 (τ Hi , Gi+1 ) = dfpi+1 (Gi+1 ) − (τ dfpi )(Gi+1 )
= −hGi+1 − τ Gi , Gi+1 i
because, by definition, Gi = −(gradf )pi , i = 0, 1, . . . , and for any X in Tpi+1 ,
(τ dfpi )(X) = dfpi (τ −1 X) = h(gradf )pi , τ −1 Xi = hτ (gradf )pi , Xi. Similarly,
the denominator of the right hand side of Eq. (26) multiplied by λi can be
approximated by the equation
λi (∇2f )pi+1 (τ Hi , τ Hi ) = dfpi+1 (τ Hi ) − (τ dfpi )(τ Hi )
= hGi , Hi i

because hGi+1 , τ Hi i = 0 by the assumption that f is minimized along the

geodesic t 7→ exp tHi at t = λi . Combining these two approximations with
Eq. (26), we obtain a formula for γi that is relatively inexpensive to compute:

hGi+1 − τ Gi , Gi+1 i
γi = . (27)
hGi , Hi i

Of course, as the connection ∇ is compatible with the metric g, the denominator

of Eq. (27) may be replaced, if desired, by hτ Gi , τ Hi i.
The conjugate gradient method may now be presented in full.

Algorithm 5.2 (Conjugate gradient method). Let M be a complete Rieman-

nian manifold with Riemannian structure g and Levi-Civita connection ∇, and
let f be a C ∞ function on M .

Step 0. Select p0 ∈ M , compute G0 = H0 = −(gradf )p0 , and set i = 0.

Step 1. Compute λi such that

f (exppi λi Hi ) ≤ f (exppi λHi )

for all λ ≥ 0.

Step 2. Set pi+1 = exppi λi Hi .

Step 3. Set

Gi+1 = −(gradf )pi+1 ,

hGi+1 − τ Gi , Gi+1 i
Hi+1 = Gi+1 + γi τ Hi , γi = ,
hGi , Hi i
where τ is the parallel translation with respect to the geodesic from pi
to pi+1 . If i ≡ n − 1 (mod n), set Hi+1 = Gi+1 . Increment i, and go to
Step 1.

Theorem 5.3. Let f ∈ C ∞ (M ) have a nondegenerate critical point at p̂ such

that the Hessian (d2f )p̂ is positive definite. Let pi be a sequence of points in M
generated by Algorithm 5.2 converging to p̂. Then there exists a constant θ > 0
and an integer N such that for all i ≥ N ,

d(pi+n , p̂) ≤ θd2 (pi , p̂).

Note that linear convergence is already guaranteed by Theorem 3.3.

Proof. If pj = p̂ for some integer j, the assertion becomes trivial; assume

otherwise. Recall that if X1 , . . . , Xn is some basis for Tp̂ , then the map
expp̂ (a1 X1 + · · · + an Xn ) → (a1 , . . . , an ) defines a set of normal coordinates
at p̂. Let Np̂ be a normal neighborhood of p̂ on which the normal coordinates
ν = (x1 , . . . , xn ) are defined. Consider the map ν∗f = f ◦ ν −1 : Rn → R. By the

smoothness of f and exp, ν∗f has a critical point at 0 ∈ Rn such that the Hes-
sian matrix of ν∗f at 0 is positive definite. Indeed, by the fact that (d exp)0 = id,
the ijth component of the Hessian matrix of ν∗f at 0 is given by (d2f )p̂ (Xi , Xj ).
Therefore, there exists a neighborhood U of 0 ∈ Rn , a constant θ0 > 0, and
an integer N , such that for any initial point x0 ∈ U , the conjugate gradient
method on Euclidean space (with resets) applied to the function ν∗f yields a
sequence of points xi converging to 0 such that for all i ≥ N ,
kxi+n k ≤ θ0 kxi k2 .
See Polak [36, p. 260ff] for a proof of this fact. Let x0 = ν(p0 ) in U be an initial
point. Because exp is not an isometry, Algorithm 5.2 yields a different sequence
of points in Rn than the classical conjugate gradient method on Rn (upon
equating points in a neighborhood of p̂ ∈ M with points in a neighborhood
of 0 ∈ Rn via the normal coordinates).
Nevertheless, the amount by which exp fails to preserve inner products can
be quantified via the Gauss Lemma and Jacobi’s equation; see, e.g., Cheeger
and Ebin [12], or the appendices of Karcher [28]. Let t be small, and let X ∈ Tp̂
and Y ∈ TtX (Tp̂ ) ∼
= Tp̂ be orthonormal tangent vectors. The amount by which
the exponential map changes the length of tangent vectors is approximated by
the Taylor expansion
kd exp(tY )k2 = t2 − 31 Kt4 + h.o.t.
where K is the sectional curvature of M along the section in Tp̂ spanned by
X and Y . Therefore, near p̂ Algorithm 5.2 differs from the conjugate gradient
method on Rn applied to the function ν∗f only by third order and higher terms.
Thus both algorithms have the same rate of convergence. The theorem follows.

Example 5.4 (Rayleigh’s quotient on the sphere). Applied to Rayleigh’s quo-

tient on the sphere, the conjugate gradient method provides an efficient tech-
nique to compute the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest or smallest eigen-
value of a real symmetric matrix. Let S n−1 and ρ(x) = xT Qx be as in Examples
3.5 and 4.6. From Algorithm 5.2, we have the following algorithm.
Algorithm 5.5 (CG method for the extreme eigenvalue/eigenvector). Let Q
be a real symmetric n-by-n matrix.
Step 0. Select x0 in Rn such that xT0 x0 = 1, compute G0 = H0 = (Q −
ρ(x0 )I)x0 , and set i = 0.
Step 1. Compute c, s, and v = 1 − c = s2 /(1 + c), such that ρ(xi c + hi s) is max-
imized, where c2 + s2 = 1 and hi = Hi /kHi k. This can be accomplished
by geodesic minimization, or by the formulae
1 1
c = 21 (1 + b/r) 2 s = 12 (1 − b/r) 2
if b ≥ 0, or if b ≤ 0,
s = a/(2rc) c = a/(2rs)

where a = 2xTi Qhi , b = xTi Qxi − hTi Qhi , and r = (a2 + b2 ).


10−1 ∗sb b b Method of Steepest Descent b

∗∗ b b b
∗∗ b b b b b
s ∗∗∗ b b b b b b Conjugate Gradient Method ∗s
10−2 bbbbbb
∗ b b b b b b Newton’s Method
∗ bbbbbb
∗ bbbbbb
10−3 ∗ bbbbbb
∗ bbbbbb
kxi − ξ1 k ∗ bbbbbb
10−4 ∗

10−5 ∗
s ∗
10−6 ∗

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Step i
Figure 1: Maximization of Rayleigh’s quotient xT Qx on S 20 ⊂ R21 , where Q =
diag(21, . . . , 1). The ith iterate is xi , and ξ1 is the eigenvector corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue of Q. Algorithm 4.7 was used for Newton’s method and Algo-
rithm 5.5 was used for the conjugate gradient method.

Step 2. Set

xi+1 = xi c + hi s, τ Hi = Hi c − xi kHi ks, τ Gi = Gi − (hTi Gi )(xi s + hi v).

Step 3. Set

Gi+1 = Q − ρ(xi+1 )I xi+1 ,
(Gi+1 − τ Gi )T Gi+1
Hi+1 = Gi+1 + γi τ Hi , γi = .
GTi Hi
If i ≡ n − 1 (mod n), set Hi+1 = Gi+1 . Increment i, and go to Step 1.

The convergence rate of this algorithm to the eigenvector corresponding

to the largest eigenvalue of Q is given by Theorem 5.3. This algorithm costs
one matrix-vector multiplication (relatively inexpensive when Q is sparse), one
geodesic minimization or computation of ρ(hi ), and 10n flops per iteration.
The results of a numerical experiment demonstrating the convergence of Algo-
rithm 5.5 on S 20 are shown in Figure 1.

Fuhrmann and Liu [20] provide a conjugate gradient algorithm for Rayleigh’s
quotient on the sphere that uses an azimuthal projection onto tangent planes.

Example 5.6 (The function tr ΘT QΘN ). Let Θ, Q, and H be as in Examples

3.6 and 4.10. As before, the natural Riemannian structure of SO(n) is used.
Let X, Y ∈ so(n). The parallel translation of Y along the geodesic etX is given
by the formula τ Y = LetX ∗ e−(t/2)X Y e(t/2)X , where Lg denotes left translation

100 ∗∗∗∗∗ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
∗∗∗∗∗∗ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
∗∗∗∗∗∗ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
s ∗∗
10−1 ∗
∗∗∗∗ Method of Steepest Descent b
kHi − Di k 10−2 ∗∗∗ Conjugate Gradient Method ∗
∗∗∗∗∗∗ Newton’s Method s
10−3 ∗∗∗∗∗∗
s ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
10−4 s

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Step i
Figure 2: Maximization of tr ΘT QΘN on SO(20) (dimension SO(20) = 190), where
N = diag(20, . . . , 1). The ith iterate is Hi = ΘT i QΘi , Di is the diagonal matrix
of eigenvalues of Hi , H0 is near N , and k · k is the norm induced by the standard
inner product on gl(n). Geodesics and parallel translation were computed using the
algorithm of Ward and Gray [47, 48]; the step sizes for the method of steepest descent
and the conjugate gradient method were computed using Brockett’s estimate [10].

by g. Brockett’s estimate (n.b. Eq. (13)) for the step size may be used in Step 1
of Algorithm 5.2. The results of a numerical experiment demonstrating the
convergence of the conjugate gradient method in SO(20) are shown in Figure 2.

Acknowledgments. The author enthusiastically thanks Tony Bloch and the

Fields Institute for the invitation to speak at the Fields Institute and for their
generous support during his visit. The author also thanks Roger Brockett for his
suggestion to investigate conjugate gradient methods on manifolds and for his
criticism of this work, and the referee for his helpful suggestions. This work was
supported in part by the National Science Foundation under the Engineering Re-
search Center Program NSF D CRD-8803012, the Army Research Office under
Grant DAA103-92-G-0164 supporting the Brown, Harvard, and MIT Center for
Intelligent Control, and by DARPA under Air Force contract F49620-92-J-0466.

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