Salient Features:: MBM 411: Marketing of Services
Salient Features:: MBM 411: Marketing of Services
Salient Features:: MBM 411: Marketing of Services
DHA 1: Explain the salient features of services and how service marketing differentiates from goods
Salient’s Professional Services are dedicated to our client’s long term success
through in depth business modeling, implementation and training in best practices use
of the software throughout the organization.
The software provides a foundation for the practice of value focused continuous
process improvement (CPI) through its analytical data mart and visual data mining
technologies. Salient’s advisors provide the full gamut of services necessary to
thoroughly model the chains and processes of value creation and to train various
business roles the best practices in rapid and continuous identification of performance
root causes and remedies.
The centerpiece of this service is called “alignment consulting”, which is Salient’s
method for designing an accurate and actionable analytical model of one or many
processes. Alignment consulting is used for initial design, customization and / or
when business rules or structures change.
Salient Features:
upon which people act may well differ markedly from the true nature of the real
In brief, an individual rather than a group of people or social group is more important
in man-nature relationship.
between man and his environment, whereby man shaped the environment and was
outlook. A behavioural geographer takes the help of ideas, paradigms, and theories
ethnologists and planners. However, the lack of theories of its own is coming in the
DHA 2: What do you mean by SERVQUAL? Explain its various dimensions for measuring service
DHA 3: Explain why 4Ps marketing mix framework becomes inadequate in marketing services.
DHA 4: What are the main objectives of CRM? What is the role of CRM in delivering a customer
relationship strategy?
DHA 5: What are the marketing implications of intangibility, inseparability, perishability and
heterogeneity for education services? Discuss with the help of suitable examples.
Personal selling is a broader concept then salesmanship. Personal selling, along with other
marketinge l e m e n t s s u c h a s p r i c i n g a n d a d v e r ti s i n g , i s a m e a n s f o r i m p l e m e n ti
n g m a r k e ti n g p r o g r a m s . Salesmanship is one aspect of the personnel selling. It is the art of
successfully persuading customersto buy products or services from which they can derive suitable
benefits thereby increasing their total satisfaction.
Personal selling is a broader concept then salesmanship. Personal selling, along with other
marketinge l e m e n t s s u c h a s p r i c i n g a n d a d v e r ti s i n g , i s a m e a n s f o r i m p l e m e n ti
n g m a r k e ti n g p r o g r a m s . Salesmanship is one aspect of the personnel selling. It is the art of
successfully persuading customersto buy products or services from which they can derive suitable
benefits thereby increasing their totalsatisfaction.
Buyer-seller Dyads
Fundamental to understanding salesmanship is recognition that it involves buyer-seller
interactions.Sociologists use the term “dyad to describe a situation in which two people interact. !he
salespersonand the customer interacting with each other constitute one e"ample of buyer-seller dyad.
#nother isthe interacti on of a seller using adverti sing with a parti cular prospect in the
reading, listening or viewing audience. In both advertising and personal selling, the seller seeks to
motivate the
prospect buyer to behave favorably towards the seller. $hether or not the buyer reacts as the seller de
siresdepends upon the nature of the interacti on. !he opportunity for interacti on is less
in the adverti singcase than in personal selling. %owever, advertising and personal selling often
supplement or supporteach other and the buyer reacts to their combined impact.
Creat 顎€%顎€ty -
聽 t h e t r a i t o f h a v i n g t h e i m a g i n a ti o n a n d i n v e n ti v e n e s s a n d u s i n g i t t o
c o m e u p w i t h n e w solutions and ideas.
E)!t!"al "tell'e"&e -
the ability to effectively understand and use one*s own emotions and the emotions of people with
whom one interacts. It has four aspects5
Creat%ty -
t h e t r a i t o f h a v i n g t h e i m a g i n a ti o n a n d i n v e n ti v e n e s s a n d u s i n g i t t o c o m e
u p w i t h n e w solutions and ideas.
adapti ng diff erent sales approaches to diff erent selling situati ons. !
he sales person mustalways be sensitive to what*s happening and fle"ible enough to make those
adaptations duringthe sales presentation.
this is what creates an inner and compelling drive in a person to act. Successful sales peopleare self-
starters who do not need the fear inspired by a glaring manager to get them going inthe morning or to
keep them working hard all day.
De#e"da+lty a"d trust;!rt."ess-
0ustomers develop long-term relationship with sales people who aredependable and trustworthy.
Such sales people are not interested in what the customers will buy this time but also in getting orders
in the years to come.
Pers!"al "te'rty a"d .'. et.&al sta"dards -
o o d e t h i c s i s g o o d b u s i n e s s a n d w i t h ti m e customers are able to find
out who can be trusted and who cannot
Cust!)er a"d #r!du&t <"!;led'e-
&ff ecti ve sales people need to know how businesses make purchase decisions and how
individuals evaluate product alternatives. In addition, they need to knowhow their product works
and how the product features are related to the product benefi ts customers are seeking.
G!!d &!))u"顎€&at 顎€!" s<顎€lls-
#n effective sales person needs to be a good communicator, but talking is note n o u g h . ! h e s a l e s
p e r s o n m u s t a l s o l i s t e n t o w h a t t h e c u s t o m e r s a y s , a s k 2 u e s ti o n s
t h a t uncover problems and needs and pay attention to the 聽 responses.
Res 顎€l 顎€e"&e -
!hey understand that selling has cycles and they do not allow themselves to be overwhelmedwhen
sales are not going well.
Pers 顎€ste"&e -
!hey don*t take re)ection personally6 they understand when clients opt for another product
oranother company. !hey handle ob)ections professionally and understand that selling is a gameof
numbers where chances of success are 聽 e2ual to the
number of attempts one
聽 A+顎€l 顎€ty t! /!ll!; 顎€"stru&t 顎€!"s-
顎價 eat salespeople are able to take instructions of their 3anager who has beenemployed to make
them successful. !hey know success will re2uire the 聽 manager*s hands.
Pr!/ess 顎€!"al 顎€s) -
!he appearance and behaviour of successful sales people inspires confi dence and trust. !
hey*re keen on the following5
DHA 2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating sales organizations based on
products; geographical and customers of the organization.
In the case of a large sized firm, sales organisation may be made on the basis of
Producers selling the production at a national or international level prepare their sales
In such a form of sales organisation departments for the sale of different types of
products are established. This is used in a firm which produces or sells different types
of goods. Salesmen are given training for the sale of a particular product and they are
specialists in that.
customers. Personal and intimate relations between the salesmen and customers help
For a large-sized enterprise that has succeeded in developing extensive sales both
within and outside the country, the organisation chart given below portrays
Sales managers, both for home and export sales, are entrusted with command or line
authority by the general sales manager and they are accountable to the general sales
In their marketing work, sales managers are assisted by a number of area sales
managers and overseas agents. To give necessary advice and service for facilitating
the actual selling work, four staff positions are created in the organisation, namely, the
advertising manager, the sales promotion manager, the merchandising manager and
and they are not directly responsible for actual selling. They confine their activities to
The role of the advertising manager and sales promotion manager is that of demand
creation, expansion of sales etc. The merchandising manager makes the products
ready for sales by overseeing the work of designing, packaging labelling and
He also makes for warehousing and transporting arrangements for the dispersal of
products throughout market areas. The market research and development manager
gathers relevant market information, classifies market data and presents facts for the
But the lower volume of sales in the case of smaller concerns does not warrant the
creation of so many managerial positions. In such cases, the general sales manager
may perform the functions of other managers himself and the entire marketing work
may be carried on with the help of one or two area managers, one advertising manager
For staffing the sales organisation, the selection and training of personnel are usually
made by the personnel manager. The sales manager engages the available men and
Small enterprises which do not set up a separate personnel department authorise the
marketing manager to make his own arrangement for selecting, training and
Sales organisation establishes a link between the producers and consumers. Selling
departments are the ears of the business concern. They convey the complaints and
suggestions of the customers to the producers for the further improvement in the
They also convey the viewpoint of producers to their customers. This helps in
establishing closer link between the two viz., producers and customers.
In the case of a large sized firm, sales organisation may be made on the basis of
Producers selling the production at a national or international level prepare their sales
In such a form of sales organisation departments for the sale of different types of
products are established. This is used in a firm which produces or sells different types
of goods. Salesmen are given training for the sale of a particular product and they are
specialists in that.
customers. Personal and intimate relations between the salesmen and customers help
Salesmen should know the behaviour and personal likes and dislikes of each of their
within and outside the country, the organisation chart given below portrays
Sales managers, both for home and export sales, are entrusted with command or line
authority by the general sales manager and they are accountable to the general sales
In their marketing work, sales managers are assisted by a number of area sales
managers and overseas agents. To give necessary advice and service for facilitating
the actual selling work, four staff positions are created in the organisation, namely, the
advertising manager, the sales promotion manager, the merchandising manager and
These managers have staff authority along with functional authority vested in them
and they are not directly responsible for actual selling. They confine their activities to
The role of the advertising manager and sales promotion manager is that of demand
creation, expansion of sales etc. The merchandising manager makes the products
ready for sales by overseeing the work of designing, packaging labelling and
He also makes for warehousing and transporting arrangements for the dispersal of
products throughout market areas. The market research and development manager
gathers relevant market information, classifies market data and presents facts for the
But the lower volume of sales in the case of smaller concerns does not warrant the
creation of so many managerial positions. In such cases, the general sales manager
may perform the functions of other managers himself and the entire marketing work
may be carried on with the help of one or two area managers, one advertising manager
For staffing the sales organisation, the selection and training of personnel are usually
made by the personnel manager. The sales manager engages the available men and
Small enterprises which do not set up a separate personnel department authorise the
marketing manager to make his own arrangement for selecting, training and
Sales organisation establishes a link between the producers and consumers. Selling
departments are the ears of the business concern. They convey the complaints and
suggestions of the customers to the producers for the further improvement in the
They also convey the viewpoint of producers to their customers. This helps in
establishing closer link between the two viz., producers and customers.
Sales organisation in a business or industrial concern performs the following
Sales effectiveness refers to the ability of a company’s sales professionals to “win” at each stage of the
customer’s buying process, and ultimately earn the business on the right terms and in the right
Sales effectiveness has historically been used to describe a category of technologies
and consulting services aimed at helping companies improve their sales results.
Sales outsourcing is a way for companies to attract increased, high volumes of
sales for their products or services by using a third party. The company typically uses
outsourcing companies to improve sales volumes without links to the sales teams that
carry out those campaigns. The company that undertakes the outsourcing normally
will be paid based on the results that they are able to generate and therefore creates a
mutually beneficial situation for both Client and outsource.
DHA 4: Successful selling involves in maximizing sales output through intermediaries. How would
you use training for achieving this? What all kind of training would be required?
DHA 5: What is marketing cost analysis. Explain the various marketing cost analysis techniques.