Pre-Prof Final Question Paper
Pre-Prof Final Question Paper
Pre-Prof Final Question Paper
This refers to systems of health Extended Roles Expanded Roles Change in social
care delivery that focus on reducing structure
the cost of health care by closely
monitoring the cost of personnel,
use and brands of supplies, length
4 of hospital stays, number of
procedures carried out, and number
of referrals requested:
It refers exclusively to people with ANM Trained nurse Skilled birth
midwifery skills, who have been and midwife attendant
trained to get proficiency in the
skills necessary to manage normal
5 deliveries and to diagnose, manage
or refer complications to all levels
of health care settings:
An antenatal mother asks to the 5th day 11th day 20th day
clinical nurse regarding
10 implantation timing of the fertilized
ovum. What would the nurses’s
expected answer?
In an antenatal clinic doctor asks 9 days and 9 7 days and 9 9 days and 9
the students to calculate the EDD months to the last months to the months from the
of the antenatal mother with menstrual period last menstrual ovulation day
13 Naegele’s formula. How will the period
students calculate the EDD using
this formula?
The physician determines that the 4- 6 weeks 10-12 weeks 16-18 weeks
client is in the 15th week of
pregnancy. The client asks if it is
too early to hear the baby’s
15 heartbeat. How early in a
pregnancy can the nurse expect to
hear the foetal heart beat using a
Doppler device?
A patient has underwent testing of At 36 weeks she At 28 weeks she No further testing
her blood type and Rh factor. She will receive Rh should receive will be done
has A- blood type. Which of the immune globulin. the Rh immune because the patient
16 following statement is correct? globulin. is Rh negative,
instead of Rh
A patient Roshini, who is multipara Roshini is having Sign of old Both a and b
came for antenatal checkup at 28th loose and lax scarring from
weeks of gestation. How will you abdominal wall previous perineal
17 assess that she is a multipara and lacerations
not the primigravida from the
following options?
A patient Sunita, 22nd weeks Immediately go Sit and relax , The problem
pregnant , is worry about the for this is nothing to mostly disappears
Haemorrhoids problem that she is haemorrhoidectom worry after pregnancy
18 facing during pregnancy . What y
would be the best advice you will
give, if haemorrhoids are not
bothering her too much?
The nurse is preparing a client at 16 Ensure the client Ensure that Ensure that the
weeks’ gestation for an has a full bladder. lab results are on client empties her
19 amniocentesis. Which of the the chart. bladder.
following nursing actions has
A pregnant woman at her 16 weeks Give first dose Give first dose Give first dose then
of gestation came in antenatal then gap of 4 then gap of 1 gap of 2 weeks
clinic. she has queries regarding TT weeks then 2nd weeks then 2nd then 2nd dose
22 administration. What is the correct dose dose
answer by the nurse about TT
administration in pregnancy?
A 16 years old girl named Meera Single parent Unwed mother victim of sexual
came to antenatal OPD with violence
complaints of nausea and vomiting
23 with amenorrhea since 2 months,
her UPT is done and is positive.
Meera falls in which category of
Tripple screening is to be done on a Maternal blood Amniocentesis urine examination
antenatal woman which measures sampling
blood protein, screens for spina
24 bifida, Down syndrome and other
severe abnormalities, which of the
following is needed for this
When measuring a client’s fundal From the xiphoid From the From the
height, which of the following process to the symphysis pubis symphysis pubis to
28 techniques denotes the correct umbilicus to the xiphoid the fundus
method of measurement used by process
the nurse?
The client is found to be at +4 Prepare for Chart the finding Administer pain
33 station. Which action is most delivery medication
appropriate for the nurse to take?
During stage 3 of labor, a gush of Postpartum Imminent Signs of placental
blood is noted and the uterus haemorrhage delivery of baby separation
34 changes shape from an oval shape
to globular shape. This indicates?
A patient who is in labour has Increase in Retracting Rapid and intense
transitioned to stage 2 of labor. meconium-stained perineum and contractions
35 What changes in the perineum fluid and retracting anus with an
indicate the birth of the baby is perineum increase of
imminent? bloody show
The nurse observes the client’s Clear and dark Milky, greenish Clear, almost
amniotic fluid and decides that it amber in colour yellow, colorless, and
appears normal. What are the containing containing little
36 normal features of amniotic fluid shreds of mucus white specks
that made the nurse to reach the
Why should the client nurse teach energy helps to fatigue may energy is needed to
pregnant women the importance of increase the increase the need push during the
37 conserving the "spurt of energy" progesterone level of pain first stage of labour
before labour? medication
A primigravida with 40 weeks of teach the client encourage the provide the client
gestation arrives at the labour room how to push with client to perform with comfort
with abdominal cramping and a each contraction pattern paced measures
bloody show. Her membranes breathing
ruptured 30 minutes before arrival.
38 Vaginal examination reveals 1 cm
dilatation and -1 station. After
obtaining the FHR and maternal
vital signs, what should the nurse
do next?
Why should the nurse with hold the the mechanical undigested food the gastric phase of
food and oral fluids as a labouring and chemical and fluid may digestion stimulates
client approaches the second stage digestive process cause nausea and the release HCL
39 of labour? require energy that vomitting and may cause
is needed for the dyspepsia
labour process
A nurse is caring for a primigravida bloody discharge client become perineum begins to
during labour. What does the nurse from the vagina more irritable bulge with each
40 observe that indicates birth is about increases contractions
to happen?
The cervix of a client in labour is relax by closing push with her blow to slow the
fully dilated and effaced. The head her eyes glottis open birth process
41 of the fetus is at +2 station. What
should the nurse encourage the
client to do during contractions?
How should the nurse plan the care decrease the IV help the client to reduce the client's
42 for a client in the transition phase fluid intake maintain control discomfort with
of the first stage of labour? medications
A client was being taken care by deep breathing perform pelvic use the panting
her partner/ attendant during the slowly rocking technique
women's labour. The client's cervix
is now dilated 7 cm, and the
presenting part in the mid pelvis.
43 What should the nurse instruct the
partner to do that will alleviate the
client's discomfort during
A client is admitted in the delivery Diminished blood increased and less discomfort
area in active phase of labour. What flow more variable with contractions
44 should the nurse expect after an FHR
amniotomy is performed?
A pregnant women at 39 weeks auscultate the fetal perform check the vaginal
gestation arrives in the triaging area heart rate to abdominal introitus for the
of the labour ward, stating that,"her determine the feat palpation to rule presence of
45 bag of water have been broken." well being out the umbilical cord
What should be the nurse's next presentation
A client's membrane spontaneously auscultate the FHR monitor the call the health care
rupture during active labour. The contractions provider
nurse inspects the perineum and
46 determine that the umbilical cord is
not visible. What is the next
nursing action ?
A client's membrane rupture while change the client's take the client's stop the oxytocin
her labour is being augmented with position blood pressure infusion
oxytocin infusion. A nurse observes
47 variable decelaration in the fetal
heart rate on the fetal monitoring
strip.what action should the nurse
take immediately?
A primigravida is admitted to the not yet engaged below the ischial entering the pelvic
delivery room in early labour. A spine inlet
pelvic examination reveals that her
48 cervix is 100% effaced and the 3
cm dilated.the fetal head is at +1
station. In what area of the
maternal pelvis is the fetal occiput?
What is the most common problem intrusion on inability to take interference with
that confronts the client in labour movement sedative breathing technique
49 when an external fetal monitor has
been applied on to her abdomen?
Longitudinal axis of the fetus in Presentation Attitude Lie
relation to the long axis of maternal
50 uterus assessed by nurse during
abdominal examination prior to
delivery is determined as:
On assessment of the postpartum Elevate the client,s Document the Massage the fundus
client the nurse notes that the leg findings until it is firm
54 uterus feels soft and boggy. the
nurse takes which initial action:
While mother is feeding her child Breast milk Colostrum A and B
first time, the discharge from the
55 breasts following birth of the baby
for the first three days is known as:
Mrs. Moni, 35 years old postnatal Clean the wound Application of Hot fomentation at
mother admitted in obstetrics ward, and advice her to infrared heat at suture site
complains that she is having severe use ice packs at suture site
56 pain on episiotomy site, on suture site
observation hemotoma found at
suture site, what will be the intial
action by nurse?
The nurse is providing instructions I should feed after I should I should change the
about measures to prevent 2-3 hours exclusively breast pads
postpartum mastitis to a client who breastfeed the frequently
58 is breastfeeding her newborn baby
,which client statement indicate
need for further instructions
A postpartum nurse is preparing to Every 30 minutes Every 15 Every hour for the
care for a woman who has just during the first minutes during first 2 hours and
delivered a healthy newborn infant. hour and then the first hour and then every 4 hours
59 In the immediate postpartum period every hour for the then every 30
the nurse plans to take the woman’s next two hours. minutes for the
vital signs: next two hours.
A postpartum nurse is taking the Retake the Notify the Document the
vital signs of a woman who temperature in 15 physician findings
delivered a healthy newborn infant minutes
60 4 hours ago. The nurse notes that
the mother’s temperature is
100.2*F.Which of the following
actions would be most appropriate?
A nurse in a Postpartum unit is One peripad per Two peripads per Three peripads per
instructing a mother regarding day day day
lochia and the amount of expected
61 lochia drainage. The nurse instructs
the mother that the normal amount
of lochia may vary but should
never exceed the need for:
A nurse in a delivery room is Warming the crib Turning on the Closing the doors
assisting with the delivery of a pad overhead radiant to the room
newborn infant. After the warmer
62 deliveryWhich of the following
method is used by the nurse to
prevent heat loss in the newborn
resulting from evaporation?.
A newborn with cleft palate is suction infant feeding in sitting hold feed of an
admitted to the ward, what before feeding position infant during
64 appropriate feeding method for the hospitalization
nurse to use with this infant?
When performing a physical bulging fontanels stiff lower abnormal heart
assessment of a newborn with extremities sound
65 down syndrome, the nurse suspects
that the infant may have
When the object touches the baby's rooting reflex gag reflex sucking reflex
cheek ,baby turns his head towards
66 the side touched ,opens his mouth
and begins to suck -this is an
A NICU nurse is taking care of a administer oxygen document notify physician
newborn what action should a findings
67 nurse take if the respiratory rate of
an infant is 35 breaths/minute
A nurse is educating a postnatal attachment parenting caring
mother regarding proper newborn
68 care. The newborn should always
be kept close to the mother for
A nurse in a newborn nursery is Wrap the tape Place the tape Place the tape
performing an assessment of a measure around measure under measure under the
newborn infant.What would the the infant’s head the infants head infants head. wrap
nurse do to appropriately measure and measure just at the base of the around the occiput.
the head circumference of the above the skull and wrap and measure just
71 infant? eyebrows. around to the above the eyes
front just above
the eyes
A senior nurse is taking a class on Fetal kick chart Cardiotocograph Chorionic villous
IUGR. When talking about the y CTG non stress sampling
investigations for it, she mentioned test
89 that all these tests can be useful in
management of intrauterine fetal
growth restriction (IUGR)
When talking about the possible Intra uterine death Severe hypoxia Meconium
90 complications of IUGR, all are and fetal distress aspiration
included except : in labor
What is your management of a 36 Laparatomy Laparascopy Repeat of vaginal
year old woman who is pregnant sonography several
after primary infertility. She is days later
91 referring to you for spotting and
hypogastric pain, beta HCG is 1500
mu/l and ultrasound of uterus and
ovaris are normal.
In the 12th week of gestation a Administer Make certain she Not give RhoGAM
client completely expels the RhoGAM within receives since it is not used
products of conception. Because 72 hours RhoGAM on her with the birth of a
93 the client is Rh negative the nurse first clinic visit stillborn
A client in the first trimester of I will maintain I will avoid I will count the
pregnancy arrives at a healthcare strict bedrest sexual numbe of perineal
clinic and reports that she has been throughout the intercourse until pads on a daily
experiencing vaginal bleeding. A remainder of the bleeding has basis and note the
threatened abortion is suspected pregnancy stopped and for amount and colour
94 and the nurse instructs the client 2weeks of blood on the
regarding management of care. following the last pads
Which statement, if made by the evidence of
client,indicates a need for further bleeding
A 24 years old 36 weeks gestation ineffective uterine prolonged labour hyperactive uterine
woman presented in labour. She contractions contractions
has contractions every 5 minutes
97 and looks comfortable. She
progressed 4 cm in last 6 hours.
Membranes are intact. Her
condition is determined as:
A client just ruptured her Check color and Perform vaginal Instruct the client
membranes spontaneously when quantity of the examination for to remain in bed the
she went to the bathroom to fluid. dilation. remainder of labor.
102 urinate. As soon as she gets back to
bed, what is the first assessment the
nurse should make?
A client arrives in the labor and Perform a ferning Feel the perineal Check at the
delivery unit with a perineal pad test pad for moisture vaginal opening
on, stating that she “thinks she with nitrazene
103 ruptured her bag of water” On way. paper
the nurse can assess if the bag is
really ruptured is to:
A client has been making steady Decrease in FHR Inability to push Client anxious and
progress in labor. When she is to 100 bpm baby out restless
starting to push, she lets out a
104 blood-curdling scream and
contractions stop. What sign would
the nurse recognize as life
threatening in this situation?
A labor and delivery nurse is Check for ruptured Call for the Turn client to left
watching the fetal monitor strip on membranes. physician. side or knee-chest
a client whose fetus has been at -3 position.
105 station. Suddenly the FHR drops
from 150 to 90 bpm and stays
there. What is the first thing the
nurse should do to help the fetus?
A client is about 3 weeks larger in “Do not eat or “Drink several Eat properly before
uterine size than her dates indicate. drink after glasses of water test
The physician orders an ultrasound midnight.” 1 hour before,
106 to diagnose multiple fetuses. What and do not
information should the nurse give urinate.”
the client in preparation for the
A client is 4–5 cm dilated at 40 The contraction is The contraction The uterus is at
weeks. She is complaining of at its peak starts to its peak rest
107 severe backache with contractions.
The nurse will administer an
analgesic IV when:
The delivery nurse is prepared for Retained placental Prolapsed cord Meconium-stained
111 this common complication with fragments fluid
twin deliveries:
A client’s abdomen is loose and Umbilical hernia Diastasis recti Inguinal hernia
soft after delivery. The nurse will
112 assess for a common herniation
that appears after delivery, which
Suddenly, a client who is in active Put on sterile Call the Speed up her IV
labor screams out in pain and then gloves for delivery physician fluids
113 quiets down. She has had three
previous cesarean sections. The
nurse’s first priority is to:
When assessing a postpartum Massage the Assure the client Apply an ice pack
client, the nurse notes a continuous uterus every 15 that such to the perineum.
flow of bright red blood from the minutes. bleeding is
125 vagina. The uterus is firm and no normal.
clots can be expressed. Which
action should the nurse take?
A multigravid client gave birth blood glucose uterine infection fundus and lochia
vaginally 2 hours ago. A family level and vital and pain
member notifies the nurse that the signs
126 client is pale and shaky. Which are
the priority assessments for the
nurse to make?
Parents brought a 4 month-old to OPD A sunken fontanel Drinking water Increased blood
with lethargy and poor feeding. Which pressure
129 among the following finding
suggestive of fluid volume deficit?
Rh negative mother delivered a baby. Direct Coomb's Indirect Coomb's Blood culture
Which among the following test is
130 more likely to be ordered for the
Excess vitamin A cause all among the Increased appetite Blurred vision Bone pain or
137 following sign EXCEPT swelling
Feeding a child with coanal atresia can Chokes on feeding Lack of Does not appear to
138 cause ................ swallowing be hungry
In phototherapy unit what is the To provide privacy To reflect the light To avoid exposure to
139 importance of using white clothes or to the child back on the baby other lights in the
aluminium foil around the unit? unit
The nurse is assessing a client who Obtain Instruct the Elevate the
is 6 hours Postpartum after haemoglobin and mother to request mother's legs
delivering a full-term healthy haematocrit levels help when
infant. The client complains to the getting out of
nurse of feelings of faintness and bed
dizziness. Which of the following
140 nursing actions would be most
A nurse recieves a baby with Maintain hydration Antibiotic therapy Measurement in head
141 meningomyelocele. What should be circumference daily
her priority nursing action?
A nurse in a delivery room is assisting Warming the crib Turning on the Closing the doors to
with the delivery of a newborn infant. pad overhead radiant the room
After the deliveryWhich of the warmer
following method is used by the nurse
142 to prevent heat loss in the newborn
resulting from evaporation?.
The nurse posted in antenatal OPD Once a month Precoceptional Twice a month
gives education to an antenatal client. during first 7 visit during the next
163 Which of the following about months month
Antenatal Visit is NOT true:
Placing infant Covering the Placing crib close
Nurse is taking care of a newborn
under radiant scale with a to nursery window
who was born by forcep assisted
warmer after warmed blanket for family viewing
vaginal delivery. Which of the
164 bathing prior to weighing
following actions would be least
effective in maintaining a neutral
thermal environment for the
Call the Start oxygen per Suction the infant’s
Geeta deliverd a baby at 42 weeks. assessment data to nasal cannula at mouth and nares
Immediately after birth the nurse the physician’s 2 L/min.
notes the following on a male attention
newborn: respirations 78; apical
165 hearth rate 160 BPM, nostril
flaring; mild intercostal retractions;
and grunting at the end of
expiration. Which of the following
should the nurse do?
Which among the following is the to increase the to relieve the to prevent
purpose of the drug butorphanol uterine false labour pain respiratory distress
172 tartate (stadol) used for a client in contractions in the newborn
The physician has ordered urine for glucose deep tendon stool for blood
magnesium sulphate therapy for a reflexes
client in worsen condition. While
the client is receiving magnesium
173 sulphate, besides monitoring the
client's vital signs, what other
nursing assessment is essential to
The ingestion of drugs during first trimester second trimester third trimester
pregnancy is most likely to cause
174 structural damage to the fetus
during which trimester of
A nurse is caring for an obese epidural anesthesia oral opoid pudendal nerve
client in early labour. The analgesia anesthesia
anesthesiologist have discussed
regarding the types of analgesia
175 and anesthetic and recommended
one according to the client's
condition. Which type of anesthesia
did the anesthetic preferred for the
A client in labour who has been turn the client on notify the health check the vaginal
receiving epidural anesthesia has a her side care provider area for bleeding
sudden episode of severe nausea
176 and her skin becomes cold and
clammy. What is the nurse's
immediate action?
Which one of the following is the IUCD Depo-Provera Diaphragm
ideal contraceptive for a patient
177 with heart disease who comes to
familoy planning OPD for family
A client asks the nurse, "Why do I This is the hardest Who told you I'm not sure why
need to examine my armpits when I area to feel for that you have to that is important,
do my monthly breast exam?" changes. do that? but it sounds like it
189 Which of the following would be is.
an appropriate response for the
nurse to make to this client?
During the breast exam, the nurse It's done because To review the To assess the deep
palpates a series of lymph nodes. the chest area is integrity of the lymph nodes which
190 Why is this a part of the breast exposed. skin. drain the mammary
exam? lobules.
A 14-year-old female client is upset Don't worry about They look equal Maybe you should
because her breast development is that! to me. talk with your
191 not equal. What can the nurse say mother about breast
to this client? surgery?
An elderly female client wants to It's not really Breast cancer Probably in a
know when she can stop doing necessary at your can still develop month or two.
192 breast exams. What can the nurse age. when you get
say to this client? older.
A female client tells the nurse, "I Nothing. Talk with the Instruct the client
know I should examine my breasts client about on how to perform
193 but I just don't." What should the possible fears the breast exam
nurse do with this information? associated with again.
the breast exam.
The nurse is planning a focused Has your mother Have you ever Are you still
breast/axilla interview and wants to or sister had breast had a menstruating?
194 include a general health question. cancer? mammogram?
Which of the following questions
would fit this criteria?
A 58-year-old client says to the Maybe you can Wearing a good Don't be silly.
nurse, "My saggy breasts have breast bra will help.
195 embarrass me!" What can the nurse augmentation
say to this client in response? surgery?
During the breast exam, the nurse Skin dimpling is The nurse The client has
asks the client to raise her arms accented in this couldn't palpate small breasts.
196 over her head. Why did the nurse position. the axillae
change the client's position? correctly.
A 29-year-old G4P4 is found to Vaginal Radical Cold-knife
have an abnormal smear signed out hysterectomy hysterectomy/Ra conization of the
as atypical glandular cells, diotherapy cervix
favouring neoplasia. She undergoes
a colposcopy with cervical
197 biopsies. One of the ectocervical
biopsies demonstrated
adenocarcinima in the situ. The
most appropriate next step is:
A 42-year-old G4P4 has had Perform a Pap Perform a cold- Give the patient a
postcoital bleeding for the past four smear knife conization course of
months. She has not had a Pap test intravaginal
since the delivery of her last child 7 Metronidazole gel
years ago. Speculum examination followed by
198 shows a vaginal discharge and a 1 reexamination
cm exophytic lesion of the in 6 weeks
posterior cervical lip. The most
appropriate next step is:
30 weeks
Staff nurse
1000 ml
Intra Uterine
22nd day
500 g
Hegar’s sign
7 days and 9
months from the
ovulation day
36-72 hours
20-24 weeks
Rigid uterine
No need to
“Heartburn is
caused by
carrying your
baby high.”
fetal blood
and softening of
the uterus B
Ischemic phase
Cervical dilation
Increasing the
to the patient
when pushing A
Insert an internal
fetal scalp
Increase the
oxytocin A
Both b &c
perineum and
rectum with an D
increase in
bloody show
Cloudy, greenish
yellow and
containing little
white specks C
fatigue will
increase the
intensity of B
contraction s
prepare for
client blood
grouping and Rh
becomes more
stronger and last C
pant to prevent
the cervical
edema B
institute simple
breathing B
begin pattern
paced breathing
dilation and
effacement D
do a nitrazine
test on the
vagianl fluid for
verification C
obtain the
maternal vital
prepare the
client for an
visible at the
vaginal introitus
frequency of
vaginal A
postnatal period
It is given
during last
trimester in Rh C
positive mother
Push on the
uterus to assist
in expressing C
None of these
10 weeks
I should wash
my nipples daily
with soap and
water D
Every 5 minutes
for the first 30
minutes and
then every hour B
for the next 4
hydration by
encouraging oral
Eight peripads
per day
Drying the
infant in a warm
Level IV
reassess after 15
Newborn infants
have sterile
bowels. and
vitamin K
promotes the C
growth of
bacteria in the
record the
24 months.
Obtaining fundal
height and a
sterile vaginal A
Administer 100
mL of 5%
solution A
Prepare the
client for an
ultrasound scan. C
Major degree
placenta previa
The placental
grading is 3 or 4
and cytology of
liquor C
Biophysical profil
Post maturity
Twin pregnancy
Precipitate Labou
spastic lower
Postterm labour
Umbilical cord
Listen to FHR
Do a vaginal
Palpation of
fetal parts
abdominal wall
Prepare for
cesarean section.
“Give yourself
an enema prior
to the test.”
The contraction
Protect mother
from abnormal
Pap smears
Inability to
breast-feed at
delivery C
Placenta previa
Hiatal hernia
Check the
pattern C
“You will be
closely, to look C
Monitoring for
signs of
infection D
hemoglobin and
hematocrit B
Post partum
Uterine atony.
Notify the
temperature and
level of
Uterine infection
Enough tears
Pletelet count
Facial expression
deceleration of
fetal heart rate
Tricycle riding
Radiating pain
towards left
shoulder D
Dryness in the
skin A
Inform the B
nursery room
nurse to avoid
bringing the
newborn infant
to the mother
until the feelings
of light-
headedness and
dizziness have
I/O chart
maintanance C
Drying the infant
in a warm blanket
reassess after 15
record the
grasp reflex
fractured hip
reaction C
amount of frothy
saliva in the D
severe persistent
diarrhoea A
Jan Sulabh-
Sauchaly Yojana C
Sub centre
Number of
training hours C
prevention C
Going into
Every week in
Covering the
infant’s head
with a knit cap
Recognize this
as normal first
period of
Scotomas are
adequate resting
tone of the
uterus palpated
between the
to prevent
nausea and
vomitting B
pupils for
entire pregnancy
IV infusion of
opoid analgesia
Palpable dorsalis
pedis pulses
ecchymosis and
vertigo C
Weight Loss
Decreased LH
diabetes mellitus
Breast tissue
extends into the
To assess
shoulder range
of motion. C
Breast tissue
growth is
uneven but will D
even out as you
get older.
You can stop
five years after
menopause. B
Instruct the
client on getting
an annual B
Breasts sag
because of
declining D
estrogen levels.
The client has
large breasts.
Loop excision of
the cervical
Perform a punch
biopsy of the
oma. B