Good and Gracious King

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Good And Gracious King

(based on the recording by CityAlight)

Words and Music by

Jonny Robinson, James Ferguson
and Michael Farren

D A Bm


1. 2, 3, 4. VERSE
4 G G D

1. I ap - proach the throne of glo - ry;

2. I will give to You my bur - den
3. O what grace that You would see me
7 Bm

noth - ing in my hands I bring but the prom - ise of ac -

as You give to me Your strength. Come and fill me with Your
as Your child and as Your friend. Safe, se - cure in You for -
1. 2.
10 A D

-cep - tance from a good and gra -cious as I sing to You this praise.
Spir - it I pour out my praise a - gain.
-ev - er,

14 D/F G D

You de -serve the great -er glo - ry. O - ver -come, I lift my voice

CCLI Song # 7073329

© 2016 Farren Love And War Publishing | Integrity's Alleluia! Music | James Ferguson, CityAlight Music | Jonny Robinson, CityAlight Music
For use solely with the SongSelect®. Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 3021190
Good And Gracious King - 2

18 A D

to the King in need of noth - ing; emp - ty-hand - ed, I re -joice.

22 D/F G Bm

You de -serve the great -er glo - ry; o - ver -come with joy I sing.

Last time to Coda 1.

26 A

By Your love I am ac - cep - ted; You're a good and gra - cious

29 Bm G

You're a good and gra - cious King.

32 D A Bm G

Ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord Al - might - y,

36 D A Bm G

good and gra - cious, good and gra - cious. Ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord Al - might - y,

D A D.S. al Coda

good and gra - cious King. You de - serve the great - er

Good And Gracious King - 3

43 Coda D A

You're a good and gra - cious King.

46 Bm G D

You're a good and gra - cious King.

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