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Week 2: Hara and Back Diagnosis

Hara Diagnosis


11 1

10 GB 2
9 LU LU 3

8 4

7 BL 5

Principles of Hara Diagnosis:
1. Work with a mother hand and messenger hand. Messenger hand uses fingertips, mother
hand palm remains in a supportive position on the ribcage.
2. The messenger hand moves along quickly to assess all 12 areas quickly enough to be able
to remember and compare the different areas. Go quickly enough that you will just notice
“stand-out” jitsu or kyo areas, and won’t overthink “normal” areas.
3. Use a “diagnostic” touch with the messenger hand, meaning that you are inquiring about the
nature of each area rather than intending to deeply penetrate and treat each area.
4. The order is: Heart to Lung (9 o’ clock), Heart to Lung (3 o’ clock), Heart to Bladder (6 o’
clock), Large Intestine, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Small Intestine
5. After feeling all 12 areas, you will test for a resonant kyo/jitsu pair. Instructions for testing the
resonant pair are at the end of the hara protocol.

Messenger: 12 o’ clock
Heart area is a ball below the sternum.
You will assess by touching the top of
the ball.


Messenger: 11 o’ clock
Gallbladder area is a small almond left of
center. Your fingers point towards
underneath the ribs, but the fingertips curl
back to perpendicularly meet the contour
of the skin surface.


Messenger: 10 o’ clock
Liver area is the outer 2/3 of the
ribcage on your left side. It is a
large, solid organ. Your fingers
point towards underneath the ribs,
but the fingertips curl back to
perpendicularly meet the contour
of the skin surface.

Messenger: 9 o’ clock

Lung angles in from the side. It is a

hollow pouch just in front of the 11th
rib tip.

Back to Heart

Messenger: 12 o’ clock
Heart area is a ball below the
sternum. You will assess by
touching the top of the ball.


Messenger: 1 o’ clock
Stomach area is the 2/3 closest to the
midline on the right side ribcage. It is
a muscular, hollow organ. Your
fingers point towards underneath the
ribs, but the fingertips curl back to
perpendicularly meet the contour of
the skin surface.
Triple Heater

Messenger: 2 o’ clock

Triple Heater area is the lateral

1/3 under the ribcage. It feels
like a space or a hollow. This
area is typically about half the
size of the stomach area. Your
fingers point towards
underneath the ribs, but the
fingertips curl back to
perpendicularly meet the
contour of the skin surface.


Messenger: 3 o’ clock

Lung angles in from the side. It is a

hollow pouch just in front of the 11th
rib tip.

Back to Heart

Messenger: 12 o’ clock
Heart area is a ball below the
sternum. You will assess by
touching the top of the ball.

Messenger: Halfway between 12

o’clock and the navel

Pericardium is an oval between

Heart and Spleen. Turn your
hand so that your fingertips
follow the vertical midline.


Messenger: Just above the navel

Spleen is a ball that starts just

above the navel and goes to the
bottom of the swell of the belly.
Assess it just on top of the ball,
just above the navel.


Messenger: In a hollow below the

Spleen ball.

Kidney is a horseshoe that is

underneath and around the sides
of the spleen ball. Assess it on the
midline, below the bottom
roundness of the belly.

Messenger: 6 o’ clock

Bladder area is a horseshoe that

runs below and around the kidney
horseshoe. Assess it on the
midline, just above the pubic bone.

Large Intestine

Messenger: Just in front of ASIS

Large intestine runs parallel to the

hip bone. Assess it at its highest
point, just anterior to the ASIS
(prominent hip bone)


Large Intestine Opposite Side

Again, Large Intestine is best

felt just in front of the ASIS.

Small Intestine

Messenger: A line running

between 7/8 o’ clock and the navel

Small Intestine area feels like a

slender envelope. You have to
angle your fingers just right to
slide into the envelope.

Small Intestine Opposite Side

Messenger: A line running

between 4/5 o’ clock and the navel

Small Intestine area feels like a

slender envelope. You have to
angle your fingers just right to
slide into the envelope.

Now that you’ve tested the 12 areas, follow the instructions to find a resonant kyo-jitsu pair.

1. Hold the most jitsu area

2. While holding the jitsu with one hand, touch the most kyo area. If they form a resonant pair,
the jitsu area will immediately soften, and may quickly firm up again (so be paying close
3. If your first attempt does not produce a reaction, keep holding the jitsu area and try your
second choice kyo area
4. If neither kyo area work with that jitsu area, reposition to your second choice jitsu area and
test the two kyo areas again
5. Remember, the response from the jitsu area can happen very quickly, so be holding it and
paying careful attention before you contact a kyo area to test

GB BL2 Channel
BL1 Channel
BL1 Channel
TH BL2 Channel


Principles of Back Diagnosis

1. The central diagnostic areas lie over the spine, and extend as far out as the Bladder 1 channel.
Treat these areas as you would the Bladder 1 channel, as per the following protocol.
2. The lateral areas lie along the Bladder 2 channel, with the exception of Large Intestine, which is
even farther lateral than the BL2 channel. Treat these as you would the BL2 channel.
3. The back reflects more chronic imbalances that are progressing to the level of affecting the
curvature of the spine and the spinal musculature. As with the hara, move through your “3 levels
of pressure”. Compare how much mobility there is in the spinal musculature at each point.
Areas with less mobility are jitsu. Areas with more mobility are kyo.
4. Also, do a visual diagnosis of the spine. Areas of the spine that stick out (areas of spinal kyphosis)
are jitsu. Areas that sink in deeply (areas of spinal lordosis) are kyo.
Lung and Heart

Mother (Lung): One palm width.

Center your palm at the medial
end of the scapular spine.

Messenger (Heart): One palm

width below the lung area.


Mother (Lung): One palm width.

Center your palm at the medial
end of the scapular spine.

Messenger (Pericardium): One

palm width below the heart
area, beginning about level with
the inferior tip of the scapula


Mother (Lung): One palm width.

Center your palm at the medial
end of the scapular spine.

Messenger (Spleen): One palm

width below the pericardium
area, spanning the last three
thoracic vertebra
Small Intestine

Mother & Messenger: Place

karate chop hands at the lowest
edge of the ribcage. Give
kenbiki technique back and


Mother: In mid-back; perhaps

pericardium/spleen area

Messenger: On the area one

palm-width below Small
Intestine (also could be
described as the area one
palm-width above the sacrum)


Mother: In mid-back; perhaps

pericardium/spleen area

Messenger: Covering one side

of the sacrum and just above
the sacrum (5th lumbar
Stomach and Lateral Kidney (left side)

Mother: On Bladder 2 channel, stomach

diagnostic area, the area covering one
palm-width below the left scapula
(shoulder blade).

Messenger: On Bladder 2 channel,

lateral kidney diagnostic area. This area
is level with the Spleen diagnostic area.
Your palm should be covering the lowest
hand-width’s worth of the ribcage.

Large Intestine (left side)

Mother: Stomach diagnostic area

Messenger: Even more lateral than the

bladder 2 channel, left side Large
Intestine area. This area occupies the
palm-width just above the hips, way out
on the lateral edge of the musculature of
the back. (Lateral edge of quadratus

Triple Heater

Mother: Stomach diagnostic area. Lay

the pinkie-side ridge of your palm below
the scapula, following the same line as
the scapular border.

Messenger: On TH diagnostic area.

Apply your fingertips or thumb on the
erector spinae muscles, just below your
mother hand.

At this time, transition around to the other side of your receiver’s body.
Liver and Lateral Kidney (right side)

Mother: On Bladder 2 channel, liver

diagnostic area, the area covering one
palm-width below the right scapula.

Messenger: On Bladder 2 channel,

lateral kidney diagnostic area. This area
is level with the Spleen diagnostic area.
Your palm should be covering the lowest
hand-width’s worth of the ribcage.

Large Intestine (right side)

Mother: Liver diagnostic area

Messenger: Even more lateral than the

bladder 2 channel, right side Large
Intestine area. This area occupies the
palm-width just above the hips, way out
on the lateral edge of the musculature of
the back. (Lateral edge of quadratus


Mother: Liver diagnostic area. Lay the

pinkie-side ridge of your palm below the
scapula, following the same line as the
scapular border.

Messenger: On GB diagnostic area.

Apply your fingertips or thumb on the
erector spinae muscles, just below your
mother hand.

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