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The document provides information about the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, its structure, membership, roles and specializations.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament in 1949 for regulating the profession of Chartered Accountancy in the country.

Members of the Institute engage in specializations like direct/indirect taxes, financial services, information technology, insurance sector, joint ventures, mutual funds, exchange risk management, etc.

Eastern India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.


(i) This publication is for the limited purpose of disseminating knowledge on the topic / subject of the publication.
The views contained herein, if any, are only that of the contributors and not that of the Regional Council &
Central Council of the Institute or any of its Committees;

(ii) for the authoritative views/ pronouncements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on the
topics covered in the publication, reference should be made to the original publications of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India; and

(iii) this publication does not carry the authority of the Council of the Institute or any of its Committees.

(iv) All efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of the information, in this publication. The views expressed in
this compilation are those of various contributors. EIRC of ICAI or ICAI do not necessarily subscribe to the
same. The publishers do not hold themselves responsible for any errors that may have inadvertently occurred.

(v) EIRC of ICAI or ICAI would not be responsible for any financial loss by the Members of any kind in
discharging their duties.

Published by
Eastern India Regional Council
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan, 7, Anandilal Poddar Sarani (Russell Street)
Kolkata – 700 071
Phone : (91-33) 3989-3989, 3021-1140/41
Toll Free Number : 1800-3000-1019
Email : [email protected]
Website :

Price : ` 80/-

Designed & printed by :

Suite No. 307
1 British India Street
Calcutta - 700 069
Phone : 2210-5517, 90515-33005
E.mail : [email protected]

May 2016

© All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, adapted, abridged or transmitted, stored in any
retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other system or transmitted in any form or by any means
without a prior written permission of the copyright holders of EIRC.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament viz., The
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 in the year 1949 for regulating the profession of Chartered Accountancy in the
country. The Institute, which functions under the administrative control of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government
of India, has five Regional Councils at Mumbai, Chennai, Kanpur, Kolkata and New Delhi. It presently has 153
Branches covering the length and breadth of the country, 22 Chapters outside India and an overseas office in Dubai.

Founded 66 years ago with just seventeen hundred members, the Institute has grown to cross mark of 2,46,000
members and 9,35,000 students as of now. A significant majority of our membership is in practice and a good
deal of specialisation in traditional areas of direct/indirect taxes and in emergent specialism’s inter-alia, in financial
services, information technology, insurance sector, joint ventures, mutual funds, exchange risk management,
risk and assurance service environment/energy/quality audits, investment counseling, corporate structuring and
foreign collaborations. The other half was/is in employment, many occupying senior positions such as CMDs in
Banks/Financial Institutions, CEOs in leading and reputed public/private sector companies etc.

One of the important elements of the developmental role of the Institute is to make contributions to Government
authorities and Regulations viz., the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Trade Policy Division of the Ministry of Commerce,
CBDT, RBI, IRDA, C&AG, SEBI etc. to name a few, on relevant matters of importance to the economy and profession.

On International front, the Institute, a permanent member of International and Regional Accounting bodies, like
International Federation of Accountants(IFAC), International Accounting Standards Board(IASB), Confederation of
Asian and Pacific Accountants(CAPA) and South Asian Federation of Accountants(SAFA) has made its presence
felt through its effective and sustained contribution Professional bodies like American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants(AICPA) in U.S.A. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales(ICAEW) in U.K. and a
host of similar bodies in many other countries have signed MOUs with our Institute for professional collaboration in
areas such as education, examination, training etc. and on issues confronting the accounting profession worldwide.

The Institute, being a statutory body, is administered by a Council which is the highest policy making body of
the chartered accountancy profession. The Council is comprised of 40 members of whom 32 are elected from
among its members spread all over the country. The remaining eight members are nominated by the Central
Government representing such authorities as the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs and persons of eminence from the fields of law, banking, economic, business,
finance, industry, management, public affairs etc.

In 1952, Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC of ICAI) was constituted with its jurisdiction on West Bengal,
Orissa, Assam, Tripura, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mehalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and the Union
Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The founder Chairman was Mr. Molay Deb and the office of EIRC was
located in the 2nd Floor of 7, Hastings Street(Now renamed as Kiron Shankar Roy Road).

On 10th December, 1975, the foundation stone of the present EIRC Building at 7, Russell Street (Now renamed
as Anandilal Poddar Sarani) was led by the then Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court, Hon’ble Justice Shankar
Prasad Mitra. On 14th April, 1977, the building was inaugurated by the then Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal,
His Excellency Shri A.L. Dias.

On 17th January, 2014, the Second State of Art Building at 382/A, Prantik Pally, Rajdanga, Kasba, Kolkata-
700107 has been inaugurated and the same is in operation to cater its dedicated service to its more than
23,005 Members and 83,690 Students.

EIRC has 11 Branches, 18 Study Circles, 5 Study Circles for Members in Industry, 5 CPE Chapters and 8
Study Groups.

EIRC has the privilege and pride in presenting 10 Presidents to ICAI and each one of them has enriched and
empowered the profession through their visionary leadership and innovative dynamism.

The cherished dream of EIRC is to kindle the spark within the fraternity and to make the members world class
professionals as well as good human beings – to contribute as an active partner in the nation building exercise.


The banking sector is the most preferred location in terms of any investments
irrespective of the status of our society in our country. In terms of seeking financial aid
the only name which comes to one’s mind, is the banks, in spite of the existence of
many financial sectors and non – banking financial institutions. The backbone of the
banking sector and ensuring its financial health throughout its ages should invariably
be on its strong accounting system, robust qualitative audit and effective maintenance
of its various records. To ensure maintenance of such voluminous records, Finacle
today is being widely used.
EIRC has pondered on the issue and with an intention to make our esteemed Members
abreast and be expert on the system the banks usually follow, we thought of organising
an intensive workshop typically structured to cater for imparting basic know–how of
the system and also thought it to be apt to bring out a comprehensive Referencer on
the subject which participants and Members at large can refer to, which can be a great
aid to them in carrying out their professional responsibility.
Hence, we are releasing a Referencer on Finacle on 21st May 2016 at a Workshop on
the subject. We are sure that this publication would be of immense use and benefit to
our professional brethren.
I express my sincere gratitude to all my colleagues in the Regional Council & Central
Council for giving their all-out support in bringing out this Referencer. I would like to
extend my sincere appreciation to CA Sonu Jain, Chairperson, Internal Audit Committee
for conceptualising this Workshop and coming out with a Referencer on the subject.
I wish this endeavour a great success.
Let’s touch base…today, tomorrow and forever!!!

Date : 21st May 2016 CA Anirban Datta

Place : Kolkata Chairman, EIRC


Dear Professional Colleagues,

Most banks worldwide, and Indian banks in particular, use Finacle for their day-to-day
operations. Since Finacle is so widely used by banks all over the world, it’s important
that we as auditors are aware about the functioning of the same for smooth conduct of
Bank Audits. To keep our members updated about all latest developments in the same
we have brought out Referencer on Finacle in the most concise form.
Banking is a dynamic industry. The uniqueness of this industry, poses a major challenge
in the audit of banks. Hence it’s needed that one is having a firm grip on the knowledge
of the various software’s used in the banking industry. Finacle suite includes modules
for various banking and financial needs including e-banking, mobile banking, treasury,
wealth management, customer relationship management (CRM), business analytics,
operational data store and specialized core banking solution for regional rural banks
(RRBs). This Referencer and Workshop on Finacle would address the various queries
of our Members on the use of this software.
I take this opportunity to place on record my sincere gratitude to CA Anirban Datta,
Chairman, EIRC for entrusting me with this responsibility of being the Chairperson of
Internal Audit Committee of EIRC. I would also like to thank my other Central and
Regional Council Members for their all-out support. I acknowledge the sincere efforts
of the dedicated team of professionals who have worked to make this course a reality.
I am sure that the Members will definitely benefit from this Workshop and it would be a
great learning experience for all.

Date : 21st May 2016 CA Sonu Jain

Place : Kolkata Secretary, EIRC
Chairperson, Internal Audit Committee, EIRC


2. FINACLE 36 - 43

1. About CBS

Core Banking Solution (CBS) is networking of branches, which enables Customers to operate their accounts,
and avail banking services from any branch of the Bank on CBS network, regardless of where he maintains his
account. The customer is no more the customer of a Branch. He becomes the Bank’s Customer. Thus CBS is
a step towards enhancing customer convenience through Anywhere and Anytime Banking.

CBS environment has been quite evident in past couple of years to meet growing service expectations of customers
as well as to optimally exploit the potential of technology. Banks are developing and resorting to newer and more
effective service delivery channels e.g. ATM, Internet Banking, Tele Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS Banking etc.

While it has led to tremendous benefits for the banks in terms of operational efficiencies, enhanced security
and customer satisfaction etc, on the other hand, it also has several control implications deserving attention of
Management as well as Auditors.

CORE - Centralised Online Real-Time Electronic Banking

This basically means that all the bank’s branches access applications from centralised data centers. This
results in enhancing customer convenience through Anywhere and Anytime Banking resulting in greater
efficiency, productivity and convenience.

2. CBS works like :-

n CBS is an environment based upon client-server architecture, having a remote server (called Data
Centre) and client (called Service Outlets) branches.

n CBS has brought significant changes so far as workflow and housekeeping activities/accounting
processes at branches are concerned.

n User-actions and controls are elaborately menu-driven.

n User is prompted by software to initiate an action and to apply a control.

n Various periodical runs/mass activities like Application of Interest & Service Charges, Updation of
Parameters globally, Balancing / Reconciliation of Ledgers and TDS etc. are carried out centrally at
the Data Centre, leaving various control actions to be taken at branch.


Manual Banking Branch Computerisation CBS- Branch Banking,

Internet banking etc.

Data Centre Circle Offices & Branches

3. Advantages of CBS

 All CBS branches are inter-connected with each other. Therefore, Customers of CBS branches can avail
various banking facilities from any other CBS branch located any where in the world. These services* are:

 To make enquiries about the balance; debit or credit entries in the account.

 To obtain cash payment out of his account by tendering a cheque.

 To deposit a cheque for credit into his account.

 To deposit cash into the account.

Anywhere, Anytime, Anyhow Banking possible.

The data of all the branches covered under the project will be stored at one place called Data Centre.

Enhanced Security features can be implemented as Server is located at one place and access control can
be effectively managed on need to know basis.

The branches which will be called Service Outlets (SOLs) in the Finacle Software will not need to take
backup as the same will be done at Data Centre.

As the data of all connected branches shall be located at one Centralised location, the MIS information
can be extracted without the same being provided by branches.

Integration of Government Business Module, CRM- Loans Originating System, e-Channel (facilitates various
delivery channels like Internet Banking, ATMs etc.) with the Core Software.
Every customer of the branch hitherto, is now a customer of the bank, as all the customers will have
unique customer ID across the bank.

The Software encompasses all the retail functionalities like Savings, Current, Cash Credit, Overdraft, Term Deposits,
Term Loans, Safe Deposit Vault etc. The security features include Maker-Checker Concept, Audit Trail etc.

Trade Finance module includes Inland/Foreign Bills, Documentary Credits, Guarantees, Remittances,
Pre-shipment Credits and Forward Contracts.

Customer Relationship Module (CRM) – Credit Application Processing System (CAPS) supports initiating
account opening process at the backend.

Government Business Module (GBM) enables Pension processing, PPF, CBDT and RBI Bonds maintenance.

e-Channel to support various delivery channels like Internet Banking, ATMs etc.

Various Market Offerings:-

Softwares Developed By

Bancs 24 Tata Consultancy Services

Flex Cube Oracle Corp

Finacle Infosys

 Multi- layered multi-product anywhere- anytime service delivery Some of the Banks using Finacle are

F Bank of India

F Bank of Baroda

F Bank of India

F Punjab National Bank

F Punjab & Sind Bank

F Vijaya Bank

F UCO Bank

F Indian Overseas Bank

F Union Bank of India

F United Bank of india

4. Branch audit in CBS

 Comparison of NPA list of last year and current list – enquiry if accounts upgraded, reasons thereof

 Obtain reports from CBS

 List of loan accounts in arrear – 2 installments – NPA if 3 installments are in arrear – check borderline cases

 Check CC & OD a/c s overdrawn as on March 31 – date from which they are continuously overdrawn
– if > 90 days – NPA

 Report of accounts not reviewed / renewed for > 1 year – report LFAR

 Report of stock statement in arrears > 3 months — NPA

 List of O/D bills purchased and discounted – 1 NPA a/c of borrower makes all other facilities into NPA

 extent of manual transactions in case all departments not under CBS

 Interest not levied on particular product in bank – eg advance against mutual funds – as interest and all
charges run done at data centre, if 1 account skipped – all accounts get skipped at least for the branch.

 Non responsiveness of interest rate to PLR – check : account converted from legacy system may not
carry PLR link feature – leading to under / over recovery of interest.


 Transaction type and Subtype

 Tran Type: E.g. Cash: “C”, Transfer: “T”

 Sub Tran Type: E.g. CR – Cash Receipts, CP: Cash Payment

 Account No. Formation

 Separate series of Account Nos. for different

 Types of Accounts

 E.g. An account No. 56700 123 0001234 – made up of

branch code i.e. 56700, Account Type- 123 say current ac-
count and Account no. 0001234.

 Master Level Configurations

 Account Level Configurations

 Pointing Type Accounts

 Interest Table Maintenance

 Interest Flags

 Withholding Tax Flags

 Freeze Flags (Debit, Credit and Both)

 General Ledger Concepts: GL - > GL subhead -> Account

 Functions available at Entry/ Modification

Stage: A= Add, I= Inquiry, V= verify.

 Transaction Events by user Category

 Entered by

 Posted by

 Verified by

 Modified by

 Posted by

 Exception Types

 Warning- Warns user for possible error based on prefixed criteria

 Exception - Allow user to override. However, the transaction will be

recorded in Exception Report for the day.

 Error- Do not allow user to proceed further. Unless the correct values
are filled in the user is not allowed to go further.

 Maker and Checker matrix for valid Transaction

There has to be two persons as maker and checker.

Maker Can Checker Can

Enter Post

Enter & Post Verify

 Limit and Limit Node Concept

o Credit limit can be set at account level as well as at node level

for deriving the drawing power for a customer. In case limits are
set at node level then the following are the advantages.

o Managing two or more accounts with drawing power deriving

from the same security.

o Interchangeability of limits among different accounts

o Monitoring the overall exposure to a single client/ group of clients.

o Exposure to select commodity/security. Limit Node maintenance

helps you to build these requirement in the limit management.

The table represents limits sanctioned with the following conditions

Facility Type Particulars Limit/Lakhs Remarks

Funded Term Loan 225 Funded limit cap is 500 lakhs

WCDL 75 upper limits fixed in each type
CC 200 of facility

Total Funded Facilities 500

Non- Funded LC 300 Non-funded capping is at

BG 300 Rs.500 lakhs

Total Non-funded facilities 500

Total Company Exposure 1000 Total exposure to the company

should not exceed 1,000 lakhs

 Multiple Level of security
 OS level security
No access to OS
OS and application level profile
Direct login to application menu
 Database level
Protection from external updating
 Application Level
Menu level User Level
Product Level Account Level
Transaction Level
 Dual control for all transactions - Maker- checker concept
 Controlled error handling through exceptions - Warning, Exception and Error.

 Menu Block: The block houses all the menu and sub- menu options available in Finacle

 Menu option block: Menu code can be entered to gain access to the respective menu.

 Action Bar: User can execute the process of Finacle operations by clicking on
various options on this bar. The hot keys are also assigned for all options, which
appear on the bar

 Messaged Bar: The message bar displays the warnings, exceptions, error to
lists under a specific field code.

 Favorites: Menu item which are required and used on regular basis can be put in
favorites by copying from menu block. As a one time process specific menu item
which is required to be copied to favorites should be located in menu block and
with the use of drag and drop the function can be stored under favorites menu.

 Progress Indicator: It shows the progress of the action initiated through the use
of the colour.

Physical Key What does it do?

F1 Field level help

F2 List. This key lists the codes that may be used in a particular field.

F3 Quit/Back

F4 Accept

F5 Background Menu

F6 Next Block

F8 Copy record

F9 Display Signature

F10 Commit/ Save. This is very important key and this concludes the
transactions get into the general ledger (Database) when this key is used.

Physical Key What does it do?

F11 Next Field
F12 Previous Block
TAB Go to next valid field
ENTER Go to next field
CTRL + F1 Help Maintenance
CTRL + F3 Show key map
CTRL + F4 Display error
CTRL + F8 Terminal lock
CTRL + F9 Memo pad look up
CTRL + F11 Context level help
CTRL + D Page down on list
CTRL + E Explode. This key is particularly useful for the further inquiry.
CTRL + F Clear field. This key combination can be used when the user
wants to clear the field.
CTRL + T Display GLI. The user ID, Terminal ID, SOL, BOD date and
language details are displayed.
CTRL + U Page up on a list.

CTRL + X Put BOD date .
Shift + F4 Select the current item from the list. This key combination can
be used to select a value from the list of valid values listed for
a particular field.
Shift + F11 Transmit
Shift + Tab Go to the previous field.

 Commands List Categories

 Accounts and Customer Master
 Clearing Transactions
 Office Account Maintenance
 DD/ PO Inquiry
 Security Stationery Movement and Maintenance
 Cheque Book Issuance & Stop Payment Instruction
 Trade Finance

 CUMM (Entry as well as Inquiry Option)

 Acronym for: Customer Master such basic details DOB/DOI, TDS, etc.

 Concept: CUST ID under this unique no. is generated by the system.

 Use: To verify the customer details updated for the customer Eg. TDS
exemption flags at customer master level

 Issues: Issues if multiple CUST IDs have been opened for customer.


 Concept: Balance Type

 Use : It is used to verify the list of Transactions for a account for the
given period of time.

 It contains dynamic data

 It also provide certain basic details like account name and details.

 Tip: To go account master level configuration page
mention account no. After opening ACLI menu.
Press “Explode” key to directly go into ACM. In
the finacle menus are inter-linked at various
places. Due to which it gives flexibility of tracing
the details/ verification of complete Audit trail.

 ACM-Acronym for Account Master

 Use : It is used to verify the account level

configuration and details

 It provides basic details like Cust ID, Account

type, etc.

 INTTM- for interest table master

 Use- It is used to modify the interest rate for

deposits and advances account

 ACINT - It is used to verify running interest calculations

 ACS: Account criterion selection

 Use: It is used to find account based on criteria.

Eg. Account with negative balance.

 TM & TI: for transaction maintenance and transaction inquiry

 Use: The menu is used to carry out transactions in finacle.

 With the use of the Tran ID and Date the transaction can
be located from TI/ TM menu.

 It contains Tran type, Foreign exchange rates.

 Tips: When “Explode” key is pressed during ACLI option,

the finacle takes the user to “Transaction Inquiry Menu”

 FTI: Financial Transaction Inquiry

 Use: Used to find the a transaction based on various search criteria.

 The menu option houses various search parameters based on which

the transaction can be located.

 The menu option is having exceptional capacity to locate any transaction

for entire database. It only requires user to put certain criteria.

Tip: It is important for the Auditors to know search parameters and its mapping
at the time of transaction processing. Without the knowledge of the
parameters used in transaction processing, FTI will be a toothless weapon.

The option should be used sensibly since, it effects the retrieval speed
and also increases pressure on central database.

 ACLPOA: Account ledger print office account

 Use: It is useful in printing account ledger for an office account.
 Printing of all the accounts is done through PSP/ACLPCA mode.
 IOT: Inquire on transactions
 Concepts: Pointing type, Reversal Type, Reversal method.
 Use: It is used to inquire on office account transaction viz. Suspense/
office accounts
 As discussed during concept stage the office accounts are opened with
pointing type account capability, wherein each originating transaction is
required to be settled by corresponding reversal transaction.
 The menu option is used to track and search transactions based on its
status (i.e. reversed, part reversed, etc.)
Issues: Reversal discipline, fraught with fraught risk, reversal issues.

 SRM: Security Register Maintenance

 Concepts: For setting up of Drawing power in any account

wherein facility is sanctioned based on security, this menu
option is used.

 The concept of maintenance of security register is not

new. In earlier times the same use to take place in physical
register. However, updation of manual register takes lot
of time and energy. Moreover, it does not give real time
updation about security, Insurance coverage, etc.


 Use: SRM is used for maintenance of security and drawing power

allocation in respect of all advance accounts where DP is derive
from securities.

 The option, if used diligently and correctly. Gives excellent result

when compared to manual register.

 Issues: It is generally observed that the bank officials do not update

stock/debtors statement receipt details in SRM

Moreover, Insurance dates are not filled in/ updated properly.

Date of Valuation of Assets under hypothecation is not filled up. On

account of the same, when account becomes NPA old papers are
required to be searched through. Moreover, if the details are not
filled in it cannot be tracked. What is the age of security valuation.

 ALM: Account Lien Maintenance

 Use: It is used to mark/ lift lien from account. If the lien is

marked on the account system does not permit user to carry
out transactions which are not consistent with lien particulars.

 For carrying out the transaction in such account, lien is required

to be lifted in order to process the transaction.

 ACTODM: Account TOD maintenance

 Use: The option is used to allow the withdrawal then the

prescribed limit. It is a credit decision taken by the official/
authorizer. On setting up to TOD system allows user to process
the transaction beyond the regular limit setup at account level

 TOD can be system generated or can be user generated. The

only difference between the two is system at the time of
processing any transaction at the backend viz. interest application
finds the limit insufficient for debit grants TOD to process the
transaction. Whereas, User generated TOD is allowed manually
by user as per available credit powers for case to case basis.

 TOD can be of single type, running type or ad hoc type. Single

type TOD is applicable for specific purpose/ transactions and
used only once. Running and Ad hoc type TODs allow client to
operate within the prescribed limit for the defined period.

PSP - Pass Sheet Print

 Use : It is used to print Ledger Account / Account Statement for Client.


 Acronym for : Loan General Inquiry

 Use : It is used to inquire Loan Account details.


 Acronym for : Loan Overdue Position Inquiry

 Use : It is used to inquire Overdue/Overflow position for a Loan.

LTL - Limit Tree Lookup

 Use :

 It is used to monitor client’s limit utilization and available

limit for further credit facility.

 The system is configured in such a way that credit facilities

are not extended if the Limits have been or are insufficient.

LNDI - Limit Node Inquiry

 Use : It is used to inquire position of Limit Node.

ACLHM - Account Limit History Maintenance

 Use :

 It is used to verify history of Drawing Power and Sanctioned

limit for an account.

 It gives period wise details for DP and SL.

AINTRPT - Interest Reports for Accounts

 Use :

 It is used to generate report on details for Interest for an account.


 Acronym for : Open an Account

 Use :

 As the word suggest option is used to open an

account of customer.

 Details punched in can be verified through

ACM mode once the account is opened in system.

DDSM - Acronym for : DD Status Maintenance

 Use : It is used to verify the Status of DD/PO Issued.

DDIP - Acronym for : Inquiry on Specific DD Paid


 It is used to verify the Payment Status of specific DD/PO Issued.

 It should be checked for the cases where requests for reissue

of DD/PO are received due to Lost of Original DD/PO.

ISRA - Acronym for : Inventory Status Report

 Use :

 The report gives details of Security Stationery available

under each location in a SOL ID.

 The Security Stationery physically available with all the

bank employees should be verified based on this report.

 IMI: Inventory movement inquiry

 Use: The menu option is used to verify the entries for

movement of inventory from one location to another.

 ICHB: Issue cheque book

 Use: The menu option is used to issue cheque books of account holder.
On issuances the systems assigns cheque series to the account.

 The assignment of cheque number to account is for security

reasons. It prevent debit for cheques other than those issued client.

 In CBS environment where the clients cheque can be presented

anywhere importance of timely updation of cheque book is an important
activity.In case the cheque book is issued from branch and the same
has not been updated in the system, the system will not be able to
incorporate the series. During the meantime if the cheque from the
said series is presented for payment, the system will throw an error.

 CHBM: Cheque book maintenance

 Use: It is used to verify and maintain cheque book series issued to an account

 Its shows position of cheques in following manner

 P= Passed

 U= Unused

 S= Stopped

 C- Cautioned

 D= Destroy

 R= Returned unpaid.

 SPP: Stop payment of cheques

 Use: It is used to mark stop payment to a cheque series.

 The function can be used in inquire mode to verify timely

updation of stop payment requests and collection of
prescribed charges for processing of application.

 Tip:use SPRG menu to generate and print a report on all

stop payment transactions during the prescribed period.

 TDSIP: TDS inquiry/print

 Use: The menu option is used to verify and inquire TDS details.

 AFSM: for Account freeze status maintenance

 Use: It is used to mark/ lift freeze at CUST ID level.

Freeze marking can be for nay reasons viz. on receipt of tax recovery notices,
on receipt of notices as per various statutes to suspend the operation.

 Freeze can be of debit freeze, credit freeze or total freeze

 The system does not permit any transaction based on the freeze
code. To carry out the transactions freeze is required to be lifted.

 Bills Related:

1. INBOEM: It is used to verify the bill of entry received details

updated. Details of BOEs are updated against Import Bill Ref. No.

2. BM & BI: for bill maintenance and bill inquiry (Inland) Use: The
menu is used for maintenance of Inland bills and cheques
purchased or sent for collection.

The menu option is also used to mark realization/ delinking against

the said bills.

BI option is used for inquiry mode only. BM option can also be

used with “I” mode to verify the details in inquire mode.

3. FBM: for Foreign bill maintenance

Use: The menu is used for maintenance of Foreign Bills,

Foreign Currency, cheques, etc. The menu is also used
to mark realization/ delinking against the said bills.

4. FBI: for Foreign Bill Inquiry

Use: same as FTI option, FBI menu provides user to locate a

transaction or series of transactions based on various criteria.

The transaction are recorded as per register type.Hence,

Knowledge and information for each register type is must for
using this option Tip: To know the register types and its
description press “F2 or list command” at “Reg. Type” field in
FBI. The action will display all register type. Notings for the
screen details can be made for future reference.

5. FBP: Foreign Bill Inquiry Printing

Use: The option is used for printing of results derived from FBI option.

The option is used for printing of results derived from FBI option.

The option will take user to FBI option only. However, if this option
is used the user will have option to take print of the records searched.

Printing will be for each event for each transaction (eg. Lodgment
(L), Realization (R), Closure (Z), etc.


 Acronym for: Balancing Report for Bills Purchased (Inland).


 The report is generated to verify the status of Bills purchased.

 Long pending/overdue bills can be verified from the said report.


 Acronym for: Balancing Report for Bills on Collection(Inland).


 The report is generated to verify the status of Bills on Collection.

 Long pending/overdue bills can be verified from the said report


 Acronym for: Balancing Report for Foreign Bills.


 The report is generated to verify the status of Foreign Import

& Export Bills.

 Long pending/overdue bills can be verified from the said report

ii) Letter of Credits a. DCQRY

 Acronym for: Documentary Credit Query.


 The menu is used to verify the documentary

credit details and list as per parameters.

iii) Bank Guarantees


 (Driven by Register Types – List of Register type of

each category should be obtained from branch)

 (For both Inland & Foreign – Financial, Performance,

Bid Bond, Deferred Payment, Advance Payment)

 Acronym for : Guarantee Inquiry


 The menu is used to verify the Guarantee Issuance

details and list as per parameters.


 Acronym for: Audit File Inquiry.


 The menu contains Audit trail of Non Financial Transactions

like change in account Master, Change in Account Status

(e.g. Dormant to Active) etc.

 The menu codes discussed here is only for guidance

and all the menu codes may not be applicable /
available in Finacle Software in all the Banks.

 Limit Node


On this tab we can also get the information about the amount of Various Charges like Processing, Documentation,
Inspection Charges etc. charged in the accounts-
On the Main Tab Type ACS and the Press Enter

To Know various Information like Related Party Details, Nomination Details, Repayment Details of the Loans
Account, Rate Of Interest of the accounts type the Relevant Code given on the tab by pressing F2 and press F4.
To know the rate of interest Type ‘0’ and then press F4 and F6 so that the Following Screen will Appear-

On the Main Tab type ‘UBIRPT’ and then press ‘Enter’ to generate various reports -
We can press F2 on the ‘Report Name’ column and can get the list of various reports that can be generated
through this command like Inoperative accounts, Documents Expirded, accounts pending for Review/Renew,
Adhoc Sanctioned, Limit expired accounts, Suspense Account or Sundry Creditors/Debtors account balances,
Unadjusted enteries, Cheques Pending for Collection, Clearing Accounts, Adjustments Accounts, Unadjusted
items beyond 3 months, Over Drawing/Excess Drawings Report, Recovery in NPA accounts etc.

Through the Menu option EODDRPT we can generate the Balance Sheet and Profit & loss Report.






























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