Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection & Intelligent Information System
Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection & Intelligent Information System
Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection & Intelligent Information System
Abstract— Road accident is the major problem in urban of late first aid to the patient due to which one can die on the
areas. Currently there is no technology for accident detection. way to hospital. So to overcome their negative factors and to
Also due to the delay in intimation for the ambulance to the provide the first aid to the victim this system Intelligent
accident location, conveying the situation of the passengers to Ambulance with automatic traffic control is proposed in this
their relatives and reduces the chances of the rescue of victim. paper. This paper describes the working of accident detection
There is a need of introducing a system to reduce the loss of life and immediately. accident with the location co-ordinates,
due to accidents and the time taken by the ambulance to reach receiving such co-ordinates the ambulance unit or so called
the hospital. We will implement the system in which there is an emergency unit respond immediately alerting the emergency
automatic detection of accident through sensors provided in
ambulance unit about the accident with the location co-
the vehicle. A GPS and GSM module in the concerned vehicle
will send the location of the accident to the main server which
ordinates, receiving such co-ordinates the ambulance unit or
will rush an ambulance from a nearest hospital to the accident
so called emergency unit respond immediately and leaves for
spot and convey the occurrence of accident to the relatives. It the accident location. now while moving toward the location
can automatically find a traffic accident, search for the spot or while taking the patient to the hospital their may or may
and then send the basic information to first aid center within not occur some traffic so in order to free or release the traffic
two seconds covering geographical coordinates, the time and the intelligent ambulance controls the traffic light itself such
circumstances in which a traffic accident takes place. GPS that the traffic light converts in a manner so that it could
software is fitted in the vehicle will now start communicate receive the free way to the hospital.
with the satellite and get the latitude and longitude values and
send the information to the nearest hospital. The hospital will II. NEED OF ACCIDENT DETECTION SYSTEM
then be sending the ambulance to the accident zone. Then the
injured people will be saved as soon as possible. According to the Global status report on road safety
2015 ,the total number of deaths caused due to road accidents
Keywords— Accident , GSM, GPS ,Vibration sensor, has leveled out at 1.25 million a year. India faces the highest
Accelerometer, IR sensor, Arduino uno. number of accidents and accidental fatalities in the world. In
India, there are many kind of places like hilly area plateaus,
and due to improper road facilities accidents are more and
I. INTRODUCTION death rate due to this accidents are more. The maximum
Road accidents are the major problem in this fast number of accidents are reported in the transport sector, that
growing world. With a large population and large amount of is, on road as well as railways. Some approximations claim
vehicles there is also a big trouble of car accidents or road that Indian roads alone accounted for approximately 105,000
accidents. Currently there is no technology for accident accidental fatalities in 2010. This is almost 15 percent of the
detection. Also due to the delay in reaching of the ambulance global road fatalities when India has just 1% of the total
to the accident location and the traffic congestion in between global vehicles. The incidents of accidental deaths have
accident location and hospital increases the chances of the shown increasing trend during the year 2000-2015 with an
death of passenger and driver. There is a need of introducing increase of 50 percent in the year 2010 as compared to the
a system to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and the year 2000. According to Planning Commission of India, the
time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital, which total annual economic loss is 2.5% of India’s GDP due to
includes the accident detecting, alerting and tracking rising number of road fatalities.
mechanism with automatic traffic light controlling system
Traffic accidents are a major public issue worldwide. The
such that the ambulance can achieve a free way in order to
provide the first aid to patient as fast as possible. huge number of injuries and death as a result of road traffic
accident uncovers the story of global crisis of road safety.
With the increase in the population and due to luxurious According to statistical projection of traffic fatalities, the
living there is an increase in the traffic on roads. Amidst all two-year comparison of total driver participation in mortal
these frenzied life, one forgets the importance of human life crashes presented a three percent increase from 43,840 in
.This is a very serious problem even in case of road accident 2011 to 45,337 in 2012.Additionally 184,000 young drivers
one even doesn’t care to call the emergency unit. On road (15 to 20 years old) were injured in vehicle crashes, in 2012,
due to high traffic people are unable to provide the free way an increase of two percent from 180,000 in 2011. The most
to the emergency unit which also becomes one of the factors obvious reason for a person's death during accidents is
unavailability of the first aid provision, which is due to the adapter or battery to get started.. You can tinker with your
delay in the information of the accident being reached to the UNO without working too much about doing something
ambulance or to the hospital. Thus, in the case of incidents wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip for a
involving vehicular accidents, response time is crucial for the few dollars and start over again.
timely delivery of emergency medical services to accident
victims and is expected to have an impact on fatalities.
Moreover, each minute is passed while an injured crash
victims do not receive emergency medical care can make a
large difference in their survival rate, for example, analysis
shows that decreasing accident response time by 1 minute
correlates to a six percent difference in the number of lives
Fig 4.Accelerometer