Factors Controlling Borehole Performance: R.) Ames
Factors Controlling Borehole Performance: R.) Ames
Factors Controlling Borehole Performance: R.) Ames
but to a small percentage of steam being carried over tank introduced into the pipeline after the separator,
from the separator with the water phase. Even very and is due to vortex formation within the exit water
small quantities of the order of ½% would cause rela- pipe; a condition which is rather difficult to eliminate
tively large errors in the estimated flow (at 180 psig with certainty, as this can take place even when sight
this would result in an over-estimation in the water gauges on the vessel indicate a high water level, above
flow by 30%). This occurred even with a level-control the water exit point.
0.2 0.3 0./, 0.50.6 0.8 1-0 Z.O 3"0 4"0 6"0 8"0
d ,~oi-d kCANO,4E'rER TAPS
O 9 [[E~
"V --IN --
0 " 7 ~ Orifice
" 0"6 (sham-edged)
~0 0'4
~ i | -
of dischcurge
~c = pl:~, incrms.
din= Diameter of orifk:l~ inch
d =~ of main i~pe,
0"3 K = Factor depqndent p~n
orifice m pipe rcmo .
Meter ~ , r n m Hg
2.0 Pc: ~ ~ ot outlet
NOTE: This graph applies _of dischan~ P'I~. p.s.i.a.
when the ratio of discharge P! Pressure Ot p-s.tream.
manometer t ~ x r ~ p s u :
pipe to main pipe ho= $tacjnation enthalpy of
dc • 3 stec~n-water mixture,
d ' ~ which gives Btu / Ib
09 convenient values of the _~_
0.8 critical pressure Pc. H o w e . , -
07 for a given flow-rote, values_
ot' critical pressure are re4ated
to discl~rge pipe diameters
05 by the fol(owing ratio
I~ O" 4 . F- 7 "°"
Pc= Ldcld
0'3-Thus the critical pressure when
an "unsuitable"discharge pipe is
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 200 300 400 6OO CO0
Pv p.s.i.o.
Besides these inherent difficulties, the disadvan-
tages using heavy equipment are obvious, especially
when it has to be transported to the site of new bores
when these are ready for test, or alternatively, full STEAME ~ U t A U S ~
separation, cooling and metering facilities built at each
bore. Pcpsm
The technique finally adopted and now in use,
avoids the problems mentioned and has the benefit of
being applicable without modification to both dry steam
as well as steam-water bores. Based upon the fact that
when a large flow of a compressible fluid such as steam
(or a steam-water mixture) flows along a pipe towards a I
region of low pressure, in this case, the atmosphere,
sonic velocity is attained at the exit and the pressure 0, \~1J ~--.-.-'L~-- ' V~TF.R
~ ' ' - ~OUTLET
; ~ ' - ' ~FLOW
along the pipe falls to a value at the discharge point
which is above atmospheric and which is directly re-
lated to the flow-rate and stagnation enthalpy of the 0"1 ' ~ W
flowing fluid. Tests conducted by lAMES (1962) on 3",
6" and 8" diameter commercial pipes, have led to the °' \\
following empirical equation:
G ho'''m
pc0.~ - 11,400 (1)
content analysed, then the following relationships are ~o0
found to hold:
mw_ xc (2)
me Xw "
the ho.
When taking a steam sample at the wellhead, a
water sample should also be retained for analysis of
...... ~ I. . . . . . . . I I x
the dissolved chemical. It will be found difficult to 1'~ 29O 2t0 ~OO
do this at the critical discharge pressure tapping be- I~'B~ m P,S,I.~
tween the ends of the column are due to the weight enthalpy has to be chosen and the calculation repeated.
of the fluid alone, hence This is continued until agreement is reached.
Actual test results indicate that MDP does not
L1 strictly occur at zero flow, flows of 200,000 Ib/h in 8
P o - - Ps -- - - (4)
144 Vw inch pipe have been usually registered, but correcting
where Vw is the specific volume of water at enthalpy the above method by the introduction of frictional pres-
ho. Similarly, over the length L2 only a steam-water sure-drops due to such flows only raises the calculated
mixture exists, and enthalpies by as little as 1 BTU/lb and can therefore be
considered as negligible.
P~Pw -- - - (5)
144 Vsw Downhole temperatures
where Vsw is the unknown specific volume of the mix- When drilling a borehole, water (from the drill-
ture at enthalpy ho and average pressure (over length ing mud used) can spread outwards into fissures or
into porous-permeable media and hence reduce the sur-
P s + Pw rounding rock temperatures below their original values.
L2) of As L, + L~ = L , which is known,
2 In fact, the very act of drilling alters the whole thermal
equation (4) and (5) may be used to derive: pattern in the neighbourhood of the hole.
- - T h e hole may intercept different permeable
L ~ 144 Vw(Po-- P~)
V,w = (6) horizons with different fluid temperatures and when
144 (P~-- Pw)
the hole is closed, the cooler and denser fluid at the
To determine the enthalpy, a trial calculation is em- higher horizon will flow down the hole in the uncased
ployed using equation (6). The procedure is to assume region and outwards at the lower temperature horizon.
an enthalpy ho and from the steam tables take the as- This results in complete distortion of the true thermal
sociated saturated steam pressure, P~ and water spe- situation in the ground which existed prior to drilling
cific volume, Vw. Using these values, V~ can be esti- and which probably still exists at some distance from
mated and if the assumed enthalpy was the correct one, the hole. This flow within a closed-in bore may attain
should agree with the steam-water specific volume cal- quite high values (a few gallons/minute) so that on
P~+Pw being closed for a time of say 6 months, can result in
culated at average pressure - - and at the assumed an enormous quantity of cooler water flooding into
enthalpy. (To simplify this latter calculation, Figure 5 warmer regions. Days or even weeks of discharge may
may be used which correlates V,w at various average be required to eject this fluid, and to heat up the sur-
pressures and over a range of enthalpies). If these two roundings to a more truly representative condition.
values of V,w do not agree, then a new figure for One method of dealing with this situation is to
blow the bore for a while, then close it and lower an
electric resistance thermometer (or similar instrument)
• ~ 1' p.
to the bottom. The hole is then filled with drilling mud,
thick enough to inhibit convection between horizons
within the closed-in bore, but not thick enough to be
baked hard at the temperatures estimated to exist in
the ground, otherwise it will be difficult, if not impos-
mixture o ~ r L 2 a t m~'oge prmmum o' sible, to withdraw the instrument.
It is clear that it is not easy without taking con-
siderable care to obtain reliable temperatures particular-
ly in steam-water holes; hence the difficulty in obtaining
an enthalpy which matches that of the discharging bore
even when it is drawing from an apparently all-water
source surrounding the uncased lower portion of the
Vw : sl:~N:ific vobJam Of wQier aver L I
Maximum flow from boreholes
The maximum discharge from a borehole takes
place when the well is flowing vertically, without re-
striction at the wellhead or at the well bottom, in other
words, the flow is dependent only on the bore geom-
- T -~ Po. % etry, such as length and diameter, and not upon limita-
Fro. 4. - - Borehole at b r i n k o] collapse: discharging with
tions imposed by the impermeability of the rock in the
m a x i m u m w e l l h e a d pressure. uncased hole, or to the tightness of fissures supplying
P p.s.i.a.
10 100 1000
i 0.1
10 100 1000
P p.s.i.o.
FIG. 5. - - Speci/ic v o l u m e ol h o m o g e n e o u s steam-water mixture.
the flow. (These effects will be discussed later). If the MAXIMUM FLOW FROM DRY STEAM BORES
pressure and enthalpy are taken below the water sur-
TO estimate the maximum flow possible from a
face, at a measured depth near the bottom of a closed free flowing vertical bore which taps a source of dry
borehole it is possible to estimate the maximum pos- or superheated steam, the curve of Figure 6 gives the
sible flow which the well can discharge. Also, the ef- best solution. This is derived from the theoretical study
fect on maximum discharge due to falling bottom hole of LAPLE (1943) and its applicability for dry steam was
temperatures or pressures can be evaluated and trends experimentally confirmed over a large range of pipe
predicted. diameters and lengths by lAMES (1964). With the pres-
I I ~
I I i , IlI I t 1 ,1. I I , ,
o/vo Po
Critical Flow Ib/ft 2 st,<:.
Pipe Length ' n :
Pipe Diorneter
~ . ° Fo'nr~ Friction Factor
! I
I1 "
0.1 1 %) 100
~- 0.I
lo ~ looo lo.oo0
0 01
10 100 1000
P I~.$. i. a.
which applies to commercial steel pipe. Only the one mon in fields tapping hot water aquifers, the following
trial is required. The value of G so determined can be method is very useful in that, not only can it be used
compared with that on a vertically discharging dry to estimate the maximum possible flow for known down-
steam bore by attaching a critical discharge tapping at hole conditions, but faU-off in field discharge can be
the pipe outlet face and measuring the actual critical related to changes in the aquifer. Alternatively, changes
discharge pressure Pc which is related to G by equa- in the maximum discharge can be used to estimate pres-
tion (1). If the measured flow is significantly less than sure and temperature changes in the aquifer or to con-
that calculated from Figure 6, then draw-down will be firm instrument measurements of bottom hole condi-
taking place at the bottom of the hole where the pres- tions.
sure will be falling below the reservoir value of Po. Figure 8 is a diagrammatic sketch of a borehole of
This assumes, of course, that bottom pressure recovery length L ft discharging without restriction vertk:ally
occurs on closing the bore and that the fall in pressure from a source at the bottom of the hole of pressure Po
is not due to gross depletion within the reservoir, but and enthalpy ho which are considered as unvarying
is caused only by the restrictive effect of the surrounding stagnation conditions supplied by an infinitely perme-
media. As this can be checked by downhole measure- able reservoir. This is usual at Wairakei and elsewhere
ments of pressure recovery, there is no difficulty in dif- where it is found that continuous measurements of the
ferentiating between these two conditions. bottom hole pressure indicate no significant fall over
the range of flows that it is possible to test with an
instrument in position.
Over the lower length L~ the flow is of water and
This is a more difficult problem than for dry steam, it is only when this has risen to a level where the pres-
particularly where two flow regimes operate within a sure has declined to the saturated pressure P~ that
borehole, namely all-water vertical flow over the lower steam can exist. This is known as the flash point and
fraction of the hole followed by steam-water two-phase above this point the flow is of a steam-water mixture
flow over the higher fraction. As this case is quite com- with increasing steam fraction as the fluid rises to higher
levels at lower pressures. The mixture velocity increases
along the pipe until it discharges at the exit with sonic The kinetic energy term ~
(c)2 ~Vwis only of the order
velocity and at a critical discharge pressure Pc just of 1 psi so may be ignored, while the Fanning friction
within the outlet face. factor is found to be close to 0.003 for boreholes at
high flows and may be safely taken at this figure (the
value of L~ calculated in equation (9) is not sensitive
to its value).
S t e a m - w a t e r f l o w over l e n g t h L .~
Po -- Ps -- 144 V-----~+ \ 13.92] d + ~ V,~, where t~s and tx~ are the single-phase viscosities of steam
and water taken from ASME (1959), X is the steam dry-
ness fraction (weight basis)at enthalpy ho and pressure
(Po--P~)-- ~ V,,.
Ll = Ps + P_______~.It will be noted that L, + L~ = L (the bore
G)'-' /~.Vw I 2
T + 144 V'----~ (9) depth, which is known); hence from equations (9) and
(10) and ignoring the negligible kinetic energy term in 446 BTU/Ib and a saturated steam pressure of 485
the former: psia, hence the amount of pressurisation, '~P, is 400
~'~--'~/--(~; ( Vc--Vw 1
G f 0.O03Vw 1
d ~- 144 Vw ~) ~ d -~ 144 V~,,,
To solve this equation for maximum flow, we require psi. From the chart, Pc = 75 psia and the flow may be
to know the pipe diameter d, the stagnation pressure determined from equation (1) to be G = 855 lb/ft2sec
Po at known depth, and the stagnation enthalpy ho. The and through a pipe of 7.825 inches diameter, flow--
pressure can be obtained down a closed bore by lower- = 1.02 (10) 8 lb/h. Suppose that after a number of
ing an instrument through a wellhead sealing gland years, this hypothetical bore has been found to decline
with depth L measured from the casing head flange. in bottom hole temperature and pressure to 220°C and
The enthalpy can be determined by one of the methods 536 psia, with associated water enthalpy of 405.4
already described. With this information, steam tables BTU/lb and saturated steam pressure of 336 psia, then
give P~ and V,, leaving unknown G, Pc, and Vc. The AP = 200 psi and from the chart, Pc = 43 psia. From
procedure is to first assume a figure for Pc which per- equation (1), the new value of G = 562 Ib/ft2sec and
mits G to be calculated from equation (1). From Fig- the maximum discharge has declined to 0.675 (10) 6
ure 5, V,w and V~ are identified at enthalpy ho and ib/h. It is clear, therefore, that the chart may be used
to predict the effect on discharge of various combina-
pressures Ps +2 Pc and Pc respectively. With these values tions of bottom hole temperature and pressure; this is
inserted in equation (12), L may be obtained and should particularly important where measurements indicate de-
be equal to the actual depth taken when measuring Po. cline in these factors as it permits future estimates of
If agreement is not met, then a new value of P: must discharge in time to consider remedial action.
be tried and the calculation repeated until equality is Figure 9 is suitable for geothermal fields which
attained. Although equation (12) looks formidable, it are of the pressurised hot water type so long as the
can be solved in about 30 minutes using a slide rule. average pipe size does not vary from the Wairakei aver-
It will be noted that these calculations depend age of 7.825 inches internal diameter by more than
on the assumption of homogeneous steam-water flow about __+ 0.2 inches, in determining the value of Pc. And,
over the flashing length of pipe and this, in fact, gives of course, the measurements of temperature and pres-
good agreement with test results for maximum vertical sure should be taken at the same depth of 2200 ft
flow through boreholes. It has not been found necessary outside the cased portion of the hole (i.e. within the
to take into account the concept of ' s l i p ' (differential region of slotted casing); this is to make sure that the
velocity between the phases)postulated by some work- values truly represent reservoir conditions at this level.
ers operating with two-phase mixtures flowing horizon-
tally in small diameter pipes, hence the method adopted
here is less complicated than it was at one time thought
likely to be. In order to study the effect of bottom hole 16o!
pressures and temperatures on the discharge from bores
tapping a source of pressurised hot water under condi-
tions of maximum flow, the dimensions of a typical Wai-
rakei bore are taken as an example. With an internal
diameter of 7.825 inches and a depth from the casing
head flange of 2200 ft, bottom hole temperatures are
taken as 220, 240 and 260°C with bottom hole pres-
sures either at the saturated point or pressurised to an
amount AP above this, with values of 0, 200, 400 and 40.
600 psi (the value of AP ---- 0 psi coincides with the or-
dinate through L, = 0, where L~ is the single phase 20,
Figure 9 indicates the primary importance of water meable horizon rather that to estimate the length to
temperature, rather than the amount of pressurisation, the flash point L.~ and only increase the diameter over
on the flow of energy from boreholes. This is reflected that portion. However, even the latter is preferable
in the higher values of critical discharge pressure Pc to the case where the smaller diameter extends over
which from equation (1) is seen to be roughly propor- the whole depth (L1 + L._,). Obviously, drilling rather
tional to (Gho) which has units of BTU/ft2sec. The large diameter boreholes would only be undertaken
depth of the flash-point from the wellhead (as shown when there is considerable confidence in the extent and
in Figure 8) may also be obtained from the chart where depth of a permeable reservoir either of the dry steam
L2 = 2 2 0 0 - L~. In the numerical example given, the type or of the pressurised hot water type.
depth of the flash-point has increased from L~ = 1170 It should be mentioned that to be on the side
to L2 = 1670 ft during the period while the tempera- of conservatism, these calculations were performed on
ture and pressure at the hole bottom declined. a bore with a low enthalpy of 418 BTU/Ib and it is
expected that the exponents of equations (13) and (14)
Influence of diminishing well casing diameter with would increase slightly for higher enthalpies with that
depth of equation (13) finally attaining the value of 2.62 when
the bore enthalpy becomes that of dry steam.
Where bores tap a source of dry steam at a ho-
rizon of infinite permeability, the hole diameter and
length alone limit the flow. For a fixed wellhead pres- Boiling point with depth curve (B. P. D.)
sure and fixed source pressure, the flow is proportional
to d262 when the effect on the friction factor of average There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence
steam velocity and pipe diameter is taken into account. that hot water reservoirs are ~<once through )> systems
Obviously, therefore, in these circumstances it is eco- in which a uniform column of high temperature water
nomically preferable to have as large a pipe diameter rises slowly from depth towards the ground surface,
as is possible over the whole length of the hole down passing as it does through regions of decreasing hy-
to the permeable horizon. drostatic pressure. It is only when this ambient pres-
In the case of a bore tapping a source of pressuris- sure exactly matches the vapour pressure associated
ed hot water at a horizon of infinite permeability (as with the temperature of the column that steam can ap-
occurs in the Wairakei field), it is of interest to see if pear in the water. From this point upwards the water
the same relationship is obtained or whether it would is at boiling point with a temperature associated with
be preferable to have a large diameter hole over the the hydrostatic pressure which in turn is controlled by
flashing portion of the hole (L_~of Figure 8) and a rath- the depth of the water from its surface at 100°C, This
er smaller diameter hole over the portion L, where water surface, when extrapolated from the reservoir con-
only single phase all-water flow takes place. It was ditions, is estimated to be quite often very close to the
found possible to solve this problem using equation ground surface as at Wairakei, but it can be much lower,
(12) by increasing the borehole internal diameter over and at Ahuachapan No. 1 borehole in El Salvador it is
the whole length (L~ + L.~) and also by increasing the found to be about 600 ft below the ground surface. An
diameter only over the flashing length L2. integrated B.P.D. curve has been calculated and the
It was found that increasing the diameter from d, following equation derived:
to d2 over the whole pipe length resulted in an increase
in the flow according to the relationship: C = 54.3 H °~s (15)
of a geologically permeable layer with a depth which displaced downwards by 600 ft (as at Ahuachapan inE1
can be evaluated from equation (15) if the temperature Salvador). For comparison purposes, curve (C) is drawn
of the water column is known and if the B.P.D. curve with the B.P.D. relationship displaced 1800 ft down-
intel:cepts the ground [urface. At Wairakei, the temper- wards. A selection of Wairakei bocehole test results
ature of the water column is now estimated to be are shown plotted, which are considered to be only
257°C and using this in the equation above, the depth roughly accurate because it has, in the past, been found
at which boiling commences is 1750 ft which is very difficult to be sure of the source water temperature
close to the depth of the major permeable region at supplying a borehole at M.D.P. Because of this diffi-
1800 ft. Recent results from the Broadlands geothermal culty, it is probable that the curves of Figure 10 will
be used to determine the source temperature of bores
rather than the other way around and particularly af-
ter the vertical displacement of the B.P.D. curve has
been established by early investigation holes. Deep holes
o /// penetrating below the reservoir water surface should
result in an estimate of the rising water column tem-
perature and equation (15) will then give the depth t o
the lower permeable horizon.
For dry steam fields, curve (D) is given which can
also apply to pressurised hot water systems when bores
are bleeding (severely throttled condition) and in which
the depth of the borehole is filled with steam or gas.
5OO For bores which are drilled to shallower depths
9~ ~mtJ
over which the B.P.D. curve operates, Figure 10 will
give temperature of the water supplying the bore but
t" .~_ ~ I I I this will be less than that of the rising water column.
Such shallow bores are liable to fill with steam and
gas when closed as they are often tapping water which
is closed to the boiling point and is not pressurised to
any marked extent.
*" , I As an example of the use of Figure 10, the case
of an actual shallow Wairakei borehole is considered
which had an M.D.P. of 220 psig when discharging
a steam-water mixture. Complete closure of the well-
head valve led to steam and gas filling of the well so
that over a time period of 1 day the wellhead pressure
rose from 220 psig to a final figure of 325 psig. Plotting
of these pressures on Figure 10 indicate that the source
Water Teml~rotUm water temperature is 222°C and that curve (A) is ap-
o I
100 150 2OO 250 3~
plicable showing that the B.P.D. curve starts at groun d
level. Later tests confirmed these results. If the B.P.D.
Flo. 10. -- Maximum discharge pressure (MDP) as a ]unction curve was downwards by, say, 600 ft, then curve (B)
o/ reservoir water temperature.
would have applied, and for the same source water
temperature of 222 °C the wellhead pressure would have
been 190 psig at M.D.P. with an unchanged value of
region, which is about 18 miles from Wairakei, indicate 525 psig for the final closed-in pressure.
that the rising water column temperature there is at As an example of a bore penetrating deep into the
abouth 300 °C which, when used in equation (15), gives pressurised hot water, we may take the case of Ahua-
a depth of 3600 ft to boiling at the permeable layer. chapan No. 1 of which measurements of the bottom hole
Evidence from the Broadlands investigation pores in- pressure and temperature indicate has a B.P.D. curve
dicate that the permeable horizon is close to that depth, displaced downwards by 600 ft. With a M.D.P. of 202
for the deep reservoir. psig, the rising water column temperature is 226°C
Employing equations (5) and (15) with H = L2, from Figure 10. Equation (15) gives H = 950 ft which
a curve can be plotted which correlates the maximum with the addition of the 600 ft displacement, results
discharge pressure (M.D.P.) of a borehole with the tem- in a depth to the permeable horizon of 1550 ft at its
perature of the supply water at the bottom of the well. highest point. Actual depth to the top very permeable
This is drawn on Figure 10 as curve (A). Also drawn is layer has been given in the U.N. Progress Report (1968)
curve (B) where the B.P.D. relationship is considered as as from 1640-1800 ft which is reasonably good agree-
ment.. It should perhaps be mentioned that the max- where:
imum discharge of a bore is only slightly reduced by
O = borehole flow, cma/sec;
drilling deeper into a hot water permeable aquifer of
constant temperature. This because increasing the depth k = rock permeability, darcies;
L as given in Figure 8 results in a nearly similar in- L = thickness of permeable horizon, cm;
crease in L, and only a small increase in L~. Doubling
= viscosity of fluid, centipoise;
the depth L can result in a decrease in flow of only
about 5%. Po and Pb = reservoir and bottom hole pressure, atm
With successes in predicting the temperature of R and r,, = radii of the drainage boundary and the well bore
the rising deep water column from chemical analyses
of geyser fluids, it appears that the approximate depth Test results on Wairakei bores which have flows
to permeable horizons may be estimated before actual up to a million lb/h indicate that there is no meas-
drilling commences. If the maximum displacement down- surable draw-down, i.e. ( P o - Pb) is probably less than
wards of the B.P.D. curve is assumed as not likely to about 4 psi; it is also believed from geological evidence
exceed 1000 ft, then drilling to, say, 5000 ft (about that the wells do not dra,w from porous-permeable
1.5 kin) should locate any available permeable horizons media but instead tap fissures of generous proportions
in hot water reservoirs with temperatures up to 307 °C. which radially supply the pressurised hot water exist-
Of course, there is no guarantee that such horizons ing at depth. Recent tests on Broadlands bores indicate
will be successfully pieced as they may present an that flows are less than those at Wairakei and values
elusive target, but they should exist somewhere within of drawn-down attain hundreds of psi. But the rela-
that depth range at a level where the imposed hydro- tionship established by tests between the flow Q, and
static pressure matches the vapour pressure correspond- draw-down (Po B Pb) is not a linear one as in equa-
ing to the water temperature, and where the permea- tion (19), and O is in fact found to be approximately
bility provides room for the steam expansion. proportional to ( P o - Pb)°L This strongly suggests that
For mathematical and extrapolation purposes, the fissure flow is taking place because an equation suitable
respective equations for curves (A), (B) and (D) are for boreholes and based upon radial flow through fis-
given below (curve (C) has been neglected as outside sures is:
the normal range expected).
r ,.,.,, lO. ,,
W = 7500dt [ V,,,J (20)
Curve (A), C = 46.8 pm0"~ (16)
Curve (B), C = 63.4 Pm°'24 (17)
w -- borehole flow, lb/h
Curve (D), C -- 51.3 Pm°'2¢Is (18)
d = diameter of well bore, inches
t -- thickness of fissure, inches
It should be noted that for convenience, the pres- AP = draw-down, psi, (= difference between reservoir and
sures of Figure 10 are given in psig (gauge pressure), bottom hole pressure)
but in the above equations, the maximum discharge V., = specific volume of fluid, ftVlb.
pressure is given in psia (absolute pressure). C is the
water temperature in °C. For New Zealand wells of about 8 inches diameter,
drawing on hot water with a specific volume of appro-
ximately 0.02 ft3/lb, equation (20) simplifies to:
F l o w f r o m h o t w a t e r reservoir to borehole
W = 424000 t(AP) °'5 (21)
T h e relationship between the flow of a borehole
and the pressure gradient surrounding it can be calcu-
lated from Darcy's law of linear filtration according to Applying equation (21) to Wairakei bores indi-
which the flow is proportional to the pressure-gradient cates that the fissures there are about 1 inch in width,
and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. while for the Broadlands bores, they would be more
The equation derived from this relationship and com- than an order of magnitude smaller (i.e. less than about
monly applied to the radial flow of homogenous fluid 0.1 inches). It would appear, therefore, that the con-
into a borehole is: cept of flow through porous-permeable media must be
rejected for these fields, and probably elsewhere, and
problems involving the identification of reservoir per-
= 2~kL (Po Pb) meability in equation (19) need not be pursued. This
neither of which produced any flow from thousands steam. Where the fissure thickness is much less than
of ft of uncased hole. It appears then, that unless a this, the fissure itself increasingly controls the flow to
fissure is penetrated, flows are virtually non-existent, a point where the discharge is completely dependant
hence it can be concluded that the rock is grossly im- on the fissure thickness. When this occurs the flow-rate
permeable from the viewpoint of geothermal explora- is proportional to d.
tion. (b) Although the top 2000 ft of the Wairakei field From either point of view, improved flows are ob-
has declined in pressure over the last decade under the tained with larger diameter bores.
combined draw-off of 60 production boreholes, the field
output enthalpy has not changed in any significant de-
gree, hence there has been very little heat contributed REFERENCES
by the rock in the regions of falling pressure. This ASME 1950 - - Fluid meters, their theory and application.
is in accordance with the concept of flow through fis- Amer, Soc. mech. Engrs. New York.
sures, with minimum fluid contact with the rock. Con- KEF.NAN J. H., KEYES F. G., HILL P. G., MOORE J. G. 1969 - -
Steam Tables. John Wiley & Sons.
ductive heat flow through rock is very slow and re-
LAPPLE C. E. 1943 - - Isothermal and adiabatic flow of com-
quires a large and intimate surface contact to make pressible fluids. Trans. amer. Inst. chem. Engrs., 39, 385.
a substantial contribution, and this has apparently not MAnes W. A. J. 1966 - - A method for determining the en-
happened. thalpy of a steam-water mixture discharged from a geo-
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atmosphere. Prec. Inst. mech. Engrs., 173, 473.
in geothermal reservoirs, it is worth noting that flow-
]AM~.S R. 1965 - - Metering of steam-water two-phase flow by
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fissures of a width of the order of 1 inch however, or charging at the speed of sound to the atmosphere. N. Z.
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cause draw-down is negligible) and as has been men- P~RRY R. H. 1963 - - Chemical Engineers Handbook. McGraw-
tioned earlier, the discharge is proportional to dT M for 1968 - - El Salvador. Survey of geothermal resources. United
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