Notas - Introduccion Al Análisis Real PDF
Notas - Introduccion Al Análisis Real PDF
Notas - Introduccion Al Análisis Real PDF
Philippe B. Laval
Fall 2015
2 Important Properties of R 45
2.1 The Completeness Property of R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.1.1 Bounded Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.1.2 The Axiom of Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.1.3 Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.1.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.1.5 Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.2 Some Consequences of the Completeness Axiom . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.2.1 Archimedean Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.2.2 Denseness of Q in R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2.3 Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2.5 Hints for the Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.3 Bounded Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.3.1 Suprema and In…ma of a Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.3.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.3.3 Hints for the Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.4 Sequences, Sequences of Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.4.1 Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.4.2 Sequences of Sets and Indexed Families of Sets . . . . . . 73
2.4.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.4.4 Hints for the Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.5 Cardinality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.5.2 Finite and In…nite Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.5.3 Countable and Uncountable Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.5.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.6 The Extended Real Number System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.6.2 Arithmetic in the Extended Real Number System . . . . . 87
2.6.3 Suprema and In…ma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
2.6.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6 Continuity 181
6.1 Preliminary Notions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.1.1 De…nitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.1.2 Some Properties of Continuous Functions . . . . . . . . . 185
6.1.3 Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.1.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
6.1.5 Hints for the Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6.2 Deeper Properties of Continuous Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6.2.1 Intermediate Value Theorem and Consequences . . . . . . 195
6.2.2 Topological Interpretation of Continuity . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.2.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.3 Uniform Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.3.1 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7 Di¤erentiation 203
7.1 A Quick Review from Di¤erential Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.1.1 De…nitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.1.2 The Derivative as a Function, Higher Order Derivatives . 205
7.1.3 Rules of Di¤erentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
7.1.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
7.2 Important Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
7.2.1 Local Extrema and Fermat’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 210
7.2.2 Intermediate Value Property of the Derivative . . . . . . . 210
7.2.3 Mean Value Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7.2.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
11 Bibliography 435
List of Figures
10.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
10.2 Graph of x bxc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
x [x]
10.3 Graph of f (x) = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
10.4 Partition P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Chapter 1
This chapter contains material students are expected to know. Except for some
parts of a few sections, this material will not be covered thoroughly in class.
However, if you …nd that you do not remember parts of this material, it is your
responsibility to review it. One way to test your knowledge of this material is to
try the homework at the end of each section. If you …nd you struggle doing the
homework in a section it means you need to review the material in that section.
Here is the material that will be discussed in class from this section:
Proof by induction.
A set can be …nite or in…nite. Sets are usually named using a capital letter
such as A, B, ... The words sets, collection, family are all synonymous. The
order in which the elements are listed is not relevant. In other words, two sets
are equal if and only if they contain the same elements, regardless of the order
in which they appear.
1. We can list all the elements of the set, or, we list enough elements until a
pattern is established, then we add ”...”. In both cases, the elements are
surrounded by curly brackets.
Example 1.1.4 P = ff1; 2g ; f2; 3gg. The elements of a set can be sets
means "is included in but not equal to" or ”is a proper subset of”.
It is used between two sets. When we write A B, we mean that A is
contained in B, the two are not equal.
means "is included in and could be equal to" or ”is a subset of”; it is
used between two sets. When we write A B, it is understood that A is
contained in B and could be equal to B:
? denotes the empty set. It is also called the void set or the null set.
2. To show A B one must show that A B and that B has at least one
element which is not in A.
If A is any set, then the power set of A, denoted P (A), is the set of all
subsets of A (including ? and A). For example if A = f1; 2; 3g then
P (A) = f?; f1g ; f2g ; f3g ; f1; 2g ; f1; 3g ; f2; 3g ; f1; 2; 3gg
It can be shown that if A has n elements, then P (A) has 2n elements that
is jP (A)j = 2n .
The union of A and B, denoted A [ B is de…ned by:
A[B = fx : x 2 A or x 2 Bg i.e. it consists of the elements which are either
in A or in B.
The intersection of A and B, denoted A \ B is de…ned by:
A \ B = fx : x 2 A and x 2 Bg i.e. it consists of the elements which are in
both A and B.
Relative Complement
The relative complement of B in A, denoted A n B or A B (we will use A n B
as A B also means fa b : a 2 A and b 2 Bg) is de…ned by:
A n B = fx : x 2 A and x 2 = Bg i.e. it consists of the elements of A which
are not also in B.
Sometimes, when all the sets we are working with are subsets of a …xed set
we will call X, then instead of writing X n A or X A, we write AC . This set
is called the complement of A. It is understood that it is the complement of
A in X. For example, in these notes, R is the set where all our elements come
from, unless speci…ed otherwise. So, if we write AC , it will mean R A.
If A and B are two sets, A n B 6= B n A in general.
Cartesian Product
The Cartesian product of A and B, denoted A B is de…ned by:
A B = f(x; y) : x 2 A and y 2 Bg. This is called the Cartesian product of
A and B. It is the set of all ordered pairs whose …rst element comes from A
and second element from B.
Because it is a set of ordered pairs, if A and B are di¤erent sets, A B 6=
B A.
Figures 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 illustrate the …rst three operations.
A [ B = f0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9g
A \ B = f5; 6g
A n B = f0; 1; 2; 3; 4g
B n A = f7; 8; 9g
Remark 1.1.13 From the two examples above, you notice that, in general, A n
B 6= B n A and A B 6= B A.
Remark 1.1.14 The standard technique to prove that two sets A and B are
equal (that is A = B) is to prove that A B and B A.
Remark 1.1.15 Often, when proving some result about the elements of a set
A, we start by picking an arbitrary element of that set by using a statement like
"Let x 2 A....". However, this statement makes sense only if A has elements,
in other words A 6= ?. If we do not know that fact, we will have to consider the
special case A = ? as part of the proof.
Theorem 1.1.16 Let A; B; and C be three sets. Then, the following properties
are satis…ed:
1. ? A
2. A \ A = A, A [ A = A
3. A \ ? = ?, A [ ? = A
4. Commutative law. A [ B = B [ A and A \ B = B \ A
5. Associative law. A[(B [ C) = (A [ B)[C and A\(B \ C) = (A \ B)\C
6. Distributive laws. A [ (B \ C) = (A [ B) \ (A [ C) and A \ (B [ C) =
(A \ B) [ (A \ C)
7. If in addition, A B then A [ B = B and A \ B = A
Proof. We only prove a few of the statements. For the other ones, see problems
at the end of the section.
1. For this proof, it is easier to consider what it would take for this statement
to be false. There would have to be an element of ? which is not in A.
But this cannot happen since there are no elements in ?. So the statement
cannot be false, hence it is true.
2. We only prove A\A = A. Though this statement seems pretty obvious, we
need to prove it. This can only be done by using "irrefutable" arguments.
One way to show two sets are equal is to show we have inclusion both
ways. So, we show A \ A A and A A \ A.
A\A A. If A\A = ? then the result holds since the empty set is a
subset of every set. If A \ A 6= ? then we pick an arbitrary x 2 A \ A
and show that x 2 A. If x 2 A \ A =) x 2 A and x 2 A =) x 2 A.
A A \ A. If A = ? then the result holds since the empty set is a
subset of every set. If A 6= ? then we pick an arbitrary x 2 A and
show that x 2 A \ A. If x 2 A =) x 2 A and x 2 A =) x 2 A \ A.
De…nition 1.1.17 (Disjoint Sets) Two nonempty sets A and B are said to
be disjoint if they do not intersect that is if A \ B = ?.
Theorem 1.1.19 A\B and AnB are disjoint sets. Furthermore, A = (A \ B)[
(A n B).
Proof. We …rst prove the sets are disjoint. We then prove A = (A \ B) [
(A n B), by showing that A (A \ B) [ (A n B) and (A \ B) [ (A n B) A.
Proof that the sets are disjoint. The result seems obvious if we look at
Figure 1.3. However, this is just a speci…c case. We need to establish this
fact in general. We show the sets are disjoint by showing an element x
cannot be in both sets at the same time. If x 2 A \ B, then it is in both A
and B. Hence, it cannot be in A n B. Similarly, if x 2 A n B, then x 2 =B
hence it cannot be in A \ B.
Theorem 1.1.20 (De Morgan’s Laws) Let A, B, and C be sets. Then the
following holds:
1. A n (B \ C) = (A n B) [ (A n C)
2. A n (B [ C) = (A n B) \ (A n C)
Proof. We only prove the …rst part. The second one is left as an exercise.
First, we show that A n (B \ C) (A n B) [ (A n C). Let x 2 A n (B \ C).
Then, x 2 A and x 2 = B \ C. So, x 2 A and either x 2 = B or x 2
= C . If x 2=B
then x 2 A n B since x 2 A. Similarly, if x 2 = C then x 2 A n C. Therefore,
either x 2 A n B or x 2 A n C. Hence, x 2 (A n B) [ (A n C).
Next, we show that (A n B) [ (A n C) A n (B \ C). Let x 2 (A n B) [ (A n C).
Either x 2 A n B or x 2 A n C. So, either x 2 A and x 2
= B or x 2 A and x 2
= C.
In both cases, x 2 A and either x 2
= B or x 2= C. So, x 2 A and x 2
= B \ C that
is x 2 A n (B \ C).
Remark 1.1.21 If we assume that both A and B are subsets of a …xed set X
and we wish to express the relative complement with respect to X, then theorem
1.1.20 can be written
1. (A \ B) = Ac [ B c
2. (A [ B) = Ac \ B c
1.1.5 Exercises
1. Prove Theorem 1.1.16.
A = f 1; 0; 1; 2g
B = f 2; 3g
C = f 2; 0; 1; 5g
9. Let
A = fx 2 R : 1 x 5g
B = fx 2 R : 0 x 3g
C = fx 2 R : 2 x 4g
(b) Find each of the following:
(A B) [ (A C)
A (B [ C)
(c) Sketch the sets (A B) [ (A C) and A (B [ C)
(d) On the basis of your answer in (c), what might you conjecture about
A (B [ C) for arbitrary sets A; B; C?
(a) A [ Ac = X
(b) A \ Ac = ?
(c) (Ac ) = A
11. Verify that a set with three elements has eight subsets.
13. If A and B are any sets prove that A n B and A \ B are disjoint and that
A = (A n B) [ (A \ B)
15. Suppose that A; C are subsets of X and B; D are subsets of Y . Prove that
(A B) \ (C D) = (A \ C) (B \ D)
19. Let A, B and C be sets. Determine if the statements below are true or
false. If you think they are true, prove them. If you think they are wrong,
either explain why or give a counterexample.
1.2 Functions
1.2.1 What is a Function?
In this section, we only consider functions of one variable. Loosely speaking, a
function is a special relation which exists between two variables. In introductory
mathematics classes, the de…nition below is the one which is usually given for a
De…nition 1.2.2 (function) Let A and B denote two sets. A function from
A to B is a subset of A B that is a set of ordered pairs with the property that
whenever (a; b) 2 f and (a; c) 2 f then b = c.
When we say that (a; b) 2 f , it means that b = f (a). With this form of the
de…nition, the domain of f is simply the set of …rst members of each pair, the
range is the set of second members. A set of ordered pairs is a function if no
two pairs have the same …rst member and di¤erent second member.
At this stage, it is also important for students to understand the di¤erence
between f and f (x). f is a function. As we have seen in the above de…nition,
it is a set of ordered pairs. f (x) is an element of R (f ), the range of f .
A function from A into R is called real-valued.
f :A!B
f = f(0; 6) ; (1; 54) ; (2; 70) ; (3; 54) ; (4; 6) ; (5; 74)g
g = f(0; 6) ; (1; 54) ; (1; 74) ; (2; 70) ; (3; 54) ; (4; 6) ; (5; 74)g
is not a function. The pairs (1; 54) and (1; 74) have the same …rst component
but have di¤ erent second components. This violates the de…nition of a function.
Example 1.2.8 Often, a function is given by a formula which gives the rela-
tionship between input and output values as in this example. Let A = B = R.
We de…ne the function h by
h = (x; y) 2 R2 : y = x2 + 1
The division of two functions f and g, denoted , is de…ned by:
f f (x)
(x) =
g g (x)
The domain of is the set fx : x 2 D (f ) and x 2 D (g) with g (x) 6= 0g.
f f (x) x+1 f
(x) = = . The domain of is the set of real numbers except
g g (x) x 1 g
Once again, let f be a function from A into B and g be a function from B into
C. The composition of f and g, denoted g f , is the function de…ned by:
(g f ) (x) = g (f (x))
(f g) (x) = f (g (x))
= f x2 + 1
= x2 + 1
(g f ) (x) = g (f (x))
=g x
p 2
= x +1
x 1, then
p we take the square root. This suggests that g (x) = x 1, and
f (x) = x. If we verify, we get
(f g) (x) = f (g (x))
= f (x 1)
= x 1
f : R!R
x 7! x2
f : R! [0; 1)
x 7! x2
is surjective.
1. f (a) = f (b) ) a = b
2. a 6= b ) f (a) 6= f (b)
f : R ! [ 1; 1]
x 7 ! sin x
h not an
i injection, f (0) = f (2 ) for example. However, its restriction to
; is an injection.
2 2
Proposition 1.2.22 (horizontal line test) The graph of a function is the
graph of an injective function if it passes the horizontal line test, that is if
no horizontal line can intersect the graph in more than one point.
You may recall from previous mathematics classes that to …nd the inverse
of a function given by a formula y = f (x), the following steps can be followed:
Certain important set properties are preserved under the direct image or the
inverse image of a set. We list them in two theorems.
1. If E F then f (E) f (F )
2. f (E \ F ) f (E) \ f (F )
3. f (E [ F ) = f (E) [ f (F )
4. f (E n F ) f (E)
Proof. We only prove some of these items. For the remaining ones, see the
problems at the end of this section.
Remark 1.2.34 To prove part 4 of the above theorem, we can also use part 1
and the fact that E n F E.
1 1
1. If G H then f (G) f (H)
1 1 1
2. f (G \ H) = f (G) \ f (H)
1 1 1
3. f (G [ H) = f (G) [ f (H)
1 1 1
4. f (G n H) = f (G) n f (H)
Proof. We only prove some of these items. For the remaining ones, see the
problems at the end of this section.
1. see problems
3. see problems
4. see problems
1.2.7 Exercises
1. Is the subset (x; y) : x 2 R;y 2 R; and x2 + y 2 = 1 a function? Explain.
x2 1
2. De…ne the function f and g by f (x) = for x 2 R and x 6= 1 and
x 1
g (x) = x + 1 for x 2 R. Is f = g? Why?
3. Prove that if f is an injection from A onto B, then g de…ned by g =
f(b; a) : (a; b) 2 f g is a function. Then, prove this function is an injection.
4. Let f : A ! B be an bijection. Show that f 1 f (x) = x for every x
in D (f ). Also, show that f f 1 (y) = y for every y in R (f ).
5. Let f be a function from A into B. Let E and F be subsets of A.
(a) f1; 2; 3; 4g
(b) f1; 3; 5; 7g
(c) N
11. For each of the following real-valued functions, …nd the range of the func-
tions f and determine if the function is one-to-one. If f is one-to-one, …nd
the inverse function f 1 and specify the domain of f 1 .
(a) f (x) = 3x 2, D (f ) = R.
(b) f (x) = sin x, D (f ) = fx 2 R : 0 x g.
Example 1.3.1 Prove that the sum of two odd integers is even.
Recall that an integer n is even if n = 2k and it is odd if n = 2k + 1 for some
integer k. We start with two odd integers we call a and b. This means that there
exist integers k1 and k2 such that a = 2k1 + 1 and b = 2k2 + 1. Now,
Proof by Contrapositive
Suppose that P and Q are two statements. "If P then Q" is equivalent to its
contrapositive "if not Q then not P ". Instead of proving one, the other can be
Proof by Contradiction
Suppose that given certain assumptions we have to prove a certain result. To
do a proof by contradiction, we prove that under the given assumptions, the
negation of the result to prove leads to some contradiction. Hence, the negation
of the result cannot be true and so the result has to be true. We show a classical
Example 1.3.3 Show 2 is irrational.
We do a proofpby contradiction. We assume the opposite of what we want to
prove, that is 2 is rational (there are only two possibilities, either a numberpis
p Thus, 2
rational or it is irrational). We will show this leads to a contradiction.
cannot be rational, hence it must be irrational. So, suppose that 2 is rational,
p m
that is 2 = where m and n are integers with no common factors. This
n p
means that m = n 2 or m2 = 2n2 . Thus m2 is even, it follows that m is even
(see above). If m is even, then m = 2k for some integer k so that m2 = 4k 2
but m2 = 2n2 hence 2n2 = 4k 2 or n2 = 2k 2 thus n2 is even,hence n is even. It
follows that both m and n are even which is a contradiction since m and n were
supposed to have no common factors.
Proof by Exhaustion
We divide the result to prove into cases and prove each one separately.
Proof by Construction
We prove an object having certain properties exists by constructing an example
of an object with the required properties.
n (n + 1)
For every natural number n, 1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + n =
If x > 1, and n is a natural number, then (1 + x) 1 + nx
Theorem 1.3.4 (Induction) Let P (n) denote a statement about natural num-
bers with the following properties:
Remark 1.3.10 Can we say the same about subsets of positive real numbers?
n (n + 1)
Theorem 1.3.11 If n is a natural number, then 1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + n =
Proof. We do a proof by induction (though a nice direct proof also exists).
n (n + 1)
Let P (n) denote the statement that 1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + n = . We would
1 (1 + 1)
like to show that P (n) is true for all n. P (1) states that 1 = which
is true. This establishes that P (1) is true. Next, we assume that P (k) holds
for some natural number k. We wish to prove that P (k + 1) also holds. We
begin by writing what P (k) and P (k + 1) represent so that we know what we are
k (k + 1)
assuming and what we have to prove. P (k) says that 1+2+3+:::+k = .
(k + 1) (k + 2)
P (k + 1) says that 1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + k + (k + 1) = . Now,
1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + k + (k + 1) = (1 + 2 + 3 + ::: + k) + k + 1
k (k + 1)
= + k + 1 by assumption
k (k + 1) 2 (k + 1)
= +
2 2
(k + 1) (k + 2)
So, we see that P (k + 1) holds. Therefore, by induction, P (n) holds for all n.
Remark 1.3.12 Proving that P (1) is true is essential. Consider the statement
n + 1 = n for all n 0. This is obviously false. However, if we do not bother to
check whether P (1) is true and we assume that P (k) is true then we can prove
that P (k + 1) is also true. P (k + 1) says that n + 2 = n + 1.
n+2 = n+1+1
= n + 1 by assumption since n + 1 = n
1.3.3 Exercises
n n (n 1) 2
1. Prove by induction that (1 + x) 1 + nx + x when x 0.
n n (n 1) 2
2. Prove by induction that (1 x) 1 nx + x when 0 x < 1.
3. Prove by induction that if a1 ; a2 ; :::an are all non-negative, then (1 + a1 ) (1 + a2 ) ::: (1 + an )
1 + a1 + a2 + ::: + an .
1 1 1 n
4. Prove by induction that + + ::: + = .
1 2 2 3 n (n + 1) n+1
5. Use mathematical induction to show that the identities below are valid
for any n 2 N.
6. Use mathematical induction to establish the identities below for the given
values of n. If no value is speci…ed, you also need to …nd the smallest
value of n that will work.
4. We will also assume a set of properties (see section 1.4.2). From these as-
sumptions, we will prove most of the important results about real numbers,
needed for this class. Finally, we will assume the axiom of completeness
(see section 2.1). When we want to talk about the real numbers together
with the two binary operations, we will use the notation (R; +; :). Before
we do this though, let us give an intuitive presentation of the real numbers.
Z = f0; 1; 2; 3; :::g
As one learns about multiplication and division, one realizes that Z is not
enough. For example, if we try to divide 2 by 3, the answer is not an integer.
Thus, we are quickly forced to introduce new numbers, the rational numbers.
The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q. Its de…nition is
nm o
Q= : m 2 Z, n 2 Z and n 6= 0
Then, we ask the question: do we have all the numbers we’ll ever need with the
rational numbers? The answer is no, and it has been known for a long time.
Around 500 BC, Pythagora knew that not every quantity could be expressed
as a rational number. Consider for example a right triangle in which the length
of the sides around the right angle is 1. Then, the length x of the hypotenuse
satis…es 12 + 12 = x2 . In other words x2 = 2. What is the number x such that
x2 = 2? We know thispnumber exists because we can p construct such a triangle.
We call this number 2: Pythagora proved that 2 is not a rational number.
It is not the only one. is not rational, neither is e. If p is a prime number,
one can show that p is not rational. When a number is not rational, we say
that it is irrational. There are more irrational numbers than rational ones. If
we represent the rational numbers as dots on a line, there will be more empty
spaces than dots. There are several categories of numbers which are irrational.
We will not discuss those here. p
Before we look at the properties of the real numbers, we prove that 2 is
irrational using Pythagora’ proof. We begin with a lemma which proof is left
as an exercise.
We are now ready for Pythagora’ proof. We state the result as a theorem
and give its proof.
Theorem 1.4.2 There does not exist a rational number r such that r2 = 2.
Proof. We do a proof by contradiction. Suppose there exists integers a and
a a
b 6= 0 such that r = , r2 = 2 and assume is already in lowest terms that is
b b
a and b do not have any common factors. Then, 2 = 2 or a2 = 2b2 . Thus a2
is even. It follows that a is even from lemma 1.4.1. Thus there exists a number
k such that a = 2k. It follows that 2b2 = 4k 2 or b2 = 2k 2 . Hence, b2 is even,
thus b is even. Which contradicts the fact that was in lowest terms.
Let us now look at the essential properties which de…ne the set of real num-
= (( a) + a) + b
= ( a) + (a + b)
= ( a) + 0
= a
Remark 1.4.6 Properties (A4) and (M4) guarantee the possibility of solving
the equations a + x = 0 and a:x = 1. Theorem 1.4.5 guarantees the uniqueness
of the solution. We now generalize this result.
Theorem 1.4.8 (Cancellation Laws) Suppose that a, b and x are real num-
bers. Then the following is true:
1. a + x = b + x =) a = b
a+x = b + x =) (a + x) + y = (b + x) + y
=) a + (x + y) = b + (x + y)
=) a+0=b+0
=) a=b
1. a:0 = 0
2. a = ( 1) :a
3. (a + b) = ( a) + ( b)
4. ( a) = a
5. ( 1) : ( 1) = 1
1. Since 0+0 = 0, we have (0 + 0) :a = 0:a. Using the distributive law we can
write it as 0:a+0:a = 0:a. This in turn can be written as 0:a+0:a = 0:a+0.
Finally, using the cancellation law for addition, we obtain 0:a = 0.
2. Theorem 1.4.5 establishes the fact that every non-zero real number a has a
unique additive inverse a. If we can show that ( 1) :a has the properties
of the additive inverse of a, the result will follow.
a + ( 1) :a = 1:a + ( 1) :a
= (1 + ( 1)) :a
= 0:a
3. Left as an exercise
4. a + ( a) = 0 implies that a is the additive inverse of a. But the additive
inverse of a is, by (A4) ( a). Since the additive inverse of a element
is unique, it follows that ( a) = a.
5. The details are left as an exercise. Combine parts 2 and 4 .
1 = a: (1=a)
= a:0
2. Left as an exercise.
3. Left as an exercise.
1 = a: (1=a)
= ( a) ( (1=a)) by part 3 of this theorem
From this point on, we will drop the use of the dot to denote multiplication.
We will write:
ab instead of a:b
b a for b + ( a) or ( a) + b
1 n
a for 1=a and a for 1= (an )
or a=b for a (1=b)
1.4.4 Exercises
As you do these problems, keep in mind that you already know all these results.
The goal is to prove them using all the assumptions we have made as well as
what you have already proven. When I ask you to prove a result stated in the
notes, you can only use all the assumptions we have made as well as the results
proven up to the result I am asking you to prove. If the question is a stand
alone question, then you can use all the results stated in the notes as well as all
the problems up to the question you are working on.
Axiom 1.5.1 (O1) For all a and b in R, exactly one of the following holds:
1. a < b
2. a = b
3. b < a
Axiom 1.5.2 (O2) For all a, b and c in R, if a < b and b < c then a < c.
Axiom 1.5.4 (O4) For all a, b and c in R, if a < b and 0 < c then ac < bc.
Remark 1.5.5 The …rst axiom, axiom 1.5.1, is known as the law of tri-
Remark 1.5.6 The second axiom, axiom 1.5.2, is simply the statement of the
property called transitivity.
De…nition 1.5.8 We can now de…ne some well known terms. Let a and b be
in R.
Remark 1.5.9 If we have a < b and b < c, it is convenient to combine the two
relations and write a < b < c. The same applies for the other inequalities.
Remark 1.5.10 A …eld together with an order that is a relation satisfying ax-
ioms 1.5.1 - 1.5.4 is called an ordered …eld. So, (R; +; :; <) is an ordered
Proof. We only prove the …rst part. The second part is left as an exercise. If
x < 0 then by O3 x + ( x) < 0 + ( x). It follows that 0 < x which is the
same as x > 0.
1. a2 > 0
2. 1 > 0
1. a < b () a b<0
2. a > b and c < 0 ) ac < bc
3. a > 0 ) 1=a > 0
4. a < 0 ) 1=a < 0
Theorem 1.5.15 If a and b are any real numbers, then a > b =) a >
(a + b) > b
Proof. left as an exercise.
Remark 1.5.16 Theorem 1.5.15 implies (by setting b = 0) that given any
strictly positive number a, there exists another smaller strictly positive num-
ber ( a). Thus there is no smallest strictly positive number.
Theorem 1.5.17 Let a and b be arbitrary real numbers. If a > 0 and b > 0
then ab > 0
Proof. If a > 0 and b > 0 then by O4 ab > 0:b = 0. Therefore, ab > 0.
Theorem 1.5.18 If ab > 0 then we either have a > 0 and b > 0 or we have
a < 0 and b < 0.
Proof. If ab > 0, then ab 6= 0, hence neither a = 0 nor b = 0. By the law
1 1
of trichotomy, either a > 0 or a < 0. If a > 0, then b = b a = (ba) =
a a
(ab) > 0 (why?) Hence, b > 0. The proof is similar if we assume that a < 0.
Corollary 1.5.19 If ab < 0 then we either have a > 0 and b < 0 or we have
a < 0 and b > 0.
Proof. Left as an exercise.
1.5.3 Exercises
1. Finish proving theorem 1.5.12.
2. Finish proving theorem 1.5.14.
3. Finish proving theorem 1.5.15.
4. Finish proving theorem 1.5.18.
5. Finish proving corollary 1.5.19.
6. Prove that If a b and b a then a = b where a and b are arbitrary real
7. Prove the following where a; b; c and d denote arbitrary elements of R.
(e) a < a + 1
(f) 0 < a < b =) a2 < b2
(g) a b and c d =) a + c b+d
a if a 0
jaj =
a if a < 0
The domain of this function is R, its range is the set of non-negative real
numbers, and it maps the elements a and a into the same element.
Geometrically, the absolute value of a number x can be interpreted as how
far from 0 x is. Similarly, jx aj can be interpreted as the distance between x
and a and therefore, one can think of the absolute value as a tool to measure
distances between numbers. In particular, for a …xed number a, the set de…ned
by fx 2 R such that jx aj < g denotes the set of numbers within a distance
of a. The inequality jx aj < is equivalent to < x a < or a <x<
a + that is x 2 (a ; a + ). This will be used a lot throughout this class.
1. jaj = 0 , a = 0
7. jaj a jaj
8. a2 = jaj
Theorem 1.6.4 (Triangle inequality) If a and b are any real numbers, then
Proof. First, we prove the right side. Since jaj a jaj and jbj b jbj
it follows that (jaj + jbj) a + b jaj + jbj. Thus, ja + bj jaj + jbj by remark
1.6.2 or part 6 of theorem 1.6.3. Next, we prove the left side.
jaj = ja + b bj
ja + bj + j bj
= ja + bj + jbj
jaj jbj ja + bj
jbj = ja + b aj
ja + bj + j aj
= ja + bj + jaj
jbj jaj ja + bj
jaj jbj ja + bj
ja + bj jaj jbj ja + bj
An application of the above theorem, often used when dealing with absolute
values and inequalities is given by the corollary below.
Corollary 1.6.5 If a; b and c are any given real numbers then ja cj ja bj+
jb cj
Proof. If we let a c = (a b) + (b c) and use the triangle inequality, we
ja cj = j(a b) + (b c)j
ja bj + jb cj
We …nish with a theorem which appears simple in statement but whose proof
can sometimes give a hard time to beginners. The theorem simply states that
the only non-negative real number less that every positive number is 0.
Theorem 1.6.7 Let x be a real number. If jxj < for each > 0 then x = 0.
Proof. See exercises.
Remark 1.6.8 This result is often used to show two numbers are equal. If a and
b are two real numbers, to show a = b, it is enough to show that ja bj < for
each > 0. By the theorem, it will follow that a b = 0 or a = b. Geometrically,
we are simply saying that if the distance between a and b is less than any positive
real number then a = b.
distances. For example, you already know that in R2 ,q the distance between two
2 2
points of coordinates (x1 ; y1 ) and (x2 ; y2 ) is given by (x2 x1 ) + (y2 y1 ) .
In more general settings, we replace the absolute value by a function we call a
distance function or a metric. We give a formal de…nition for a metric.
1. d (x; y) 0 (non-negativity)
2. d (x; y) = 0 () x = y
3. d (x; y) = d (y; x) (symmetry)
4. d (x; z) d (x; y) + d (y; z) (triangle inequality)
Example 1.6.11 It is easy to see that the absolute value function is a metric
for R, hence we say that (R; j:j) is a metric space.
1.6.4 Exercises
1. Prove theorem 1.6.3.
2. Prove the second corollary of theorem 1.6.4.
Important Properties of R
The purpose of this chapter is to explain to the reader why the set of real
numbers is so special. By the end of this chapter, the reader should understand
the di¤erence between R and Q. We will see that R is complete while Q is
not. We will also see that Q is countable while R is not. We will explain the
consequences these di¤erences have.
1. M 2 S.
Example 2.1.7 Following the examples above, it is easy to see that if a and
b are two real numbers such that a b then [a; b) does not have a maximum
and min [a; b) = a, (a; b] does not have a minimum and max (a; b] = b, (a; b) has
neither a minimum nor a maximum.
Example 2.1.9 Consider the set S = q 2 Q : q > 0 and q 2 < 2 . This set
has no maximum. To show this, we show that if p 2 S, one can …nd q 2 S such
that p < q. Let p 2 S. In particular, p > 0 and p2 < 2. De…ne
2 p2
q = p+
2p + 2
First, it should be clear that q 2 Q and q > 0 (since p2 < 2) . Also, it is clear
4p2 + 8p + 4
q2 2 = 2 2
(p + 2)
4p2 + 8p + 4 2p2 8p 8
= 2
(p + 2)
2p2 4
= 2
(p + 2)
2 p2 2
= 2
(p + 2)
< 0
Remark 2.1.11 Not every subset of R has an upper bound. For example,
(4; 1) does not have an upper bound, it is unbounded. However, if a set S
has an upper bound M , then every number larger than M is also an upper
bound. That is, if S has an upper bound, then it has in…nitely many. A similar
result holds for lower bounds. Consider (0; 1). 1 is an upper bound. In fact, any
number M 1 is an upper bound.
Example 2.1.12 3 and every number larger than 3 is an upper bound of [0; 3).
On the other hand, 2:99 is not an upper bound.
Example 2.1.13 3 is also an upper bound of [0; 3]. So, an upper bound of a
set can be in the set (more on this later) but does not have to be in the set.
Since a set usually has an in…nite number of upper bounds, a possible ques-
tion is: given a set S, what is the set of upper bounds of S. We explore this
question in the next two examples.
Remark 2.1.16 The reader should remember the argument we used above. It
is a result which was established in theorem 1.5.15.
Remark 2.1.17 [0; 1] and [0; 1) have the same set of upper bounds.
Remark 2.1.18 More generally, if a and b are two real numbers such that
a b, then [a; b], (a; b), (a; b] and [a; b) have the same set of upper bounds which
is [b; 1) and the same set of lower bounds which is ( 1; a].
Example 2.1.21 The empty set, ?, presents an interesting case. Every real
number is both an upper bound and a lower bound of ?. To see this, it is better
to look at why a number may fail to be an upper bound. M will fail to be an
upper bound of a set S if there exists an element of S larger than M . If x is
any real number, no member of ? can be larger than x. Thus x is an upper
bound of ?. Since this argument can be carried out for arbitrary x, it follows
that any real number x is an upper bound of ?. A similar argument can be used
for lower bounds.
1 2 3 1
Example 2.1.23 Consider the set S = 0; ; ; ; ::: = 1 :n2N .
2 3 4 n
This set is bounded below by any real number m 0. It is bounded above by any
real number M 1.
Example 2.1.30 Consider the set [0; 2]. A number M 2 is an upper bound.
So, the set of upper bounds is [2; 1). The smallest element of this set is 2.
Therefore, the least upper bound is 2 which is in S. We would write sup [0; 2] =
2. You will also note that S has a maximum, 2. In this example, the maximum
and the supremum are equal. This is in fact true for every set which has a
maximum as we will see later.
Example 2.1.31 More generally, if a and b are two real numbers such that
a b, then sup (a; b) = sup [a; b] = b and inf (a; b) = inf [a; b] = a. Also,
the following quantities do not exist: sup (a; 1), sup [a; 1), inf ( 1; b) and
inf ( 1; b].
1. Let us assume that M0 = sup S. We need to prove that for each y <
M0 , there exists an x in S for which y < x M0 . We do a proof by
contradiction. Let y < M0 be given and assume that there is no element x
of S such that y < x. Then, for every x in S, x y. Thus, y is an upper
bound of S which is smaller than M0 which contradicts the fact that M0
is the supremum.
2. Let M0 be an upper bound of S with the property that for each y < M0 ,
there exists an x in S for which y < x M0 . We need to show that
M0 = sup S. Since M0 is already an upper bound, it is enough to show it
is the smallest. If were an upper bound strictly smaller than M0 , then by
assumption, there would exists an x in S for which < x M0 . But then
would not be an upper bound of S, which contradicts our assumption.
Thus, there cannot be an upper bound of S smaller than M0 . It follows
that M0 = sup S.
Remark 2.1.34 This theorem says that one can get as close as one wants to
the supremum of a set and still be in the set. This is obvious if the supremum
is in the set. The theorem says it is also true if the supremum is outside of the
set. Another way of understanding this is that the theorem implies that there is
nothing between a set and its supremum because nothing can …t there. In other
words, if the supremum of a set is not in the set, then it is the closest it can be
to the set. Nothing else can …t in between.
Remark 2.1.35 If we represent the set of real numbers by the real line and
consider that the subset S in the theorem is a portion of the real line, then the
theorem says that no element of S can be to the right of M0 however, there is
at least one element of S to the right of every element to the left of M0 .
1 2 3 1
Example 2.1.36 Consider the set S = 0; ; ; ; ::: = 1 :n2N .
2 3 4 n
Clearly inf A = 0 (see the next proposition). Intuitively, we think that sup A = 1
because 1 is an upper bound. If is any real number less than 1 ( < 1) then
one can …nd a natural number n0 such that < 1 1. It would be a
1 1
natural number satisfying n0 > . Thus 1 2 S. By theorem 2.1.33
1 n0
this means that 1 = sup S.
Example 2.1.37 Consider the set S = q 2 Q : q > 0 and q 2 < 2 . Prove that
if sup S exists then it cannot be a rational number. We do a proof by contra-
diction. Let = sup S and assume that 2 Q.. Then, we p know that 6= 2.
2 2 2
It follows that either < 2 or >
p 2. If > 2, then 2 < . By theorem
2.1.33, there exists s 2 S such that 2 < s . But then,we would have s2 > 2
so that s 2 = S which is a contradiction. So this case cannot occur. The only
possibility left is that 2 < 2. Since S has no largest element, there exists q 2 S
such that < q thus is not an upper bound of S hence cannot be its supre-
mum. Since all the possible cases cannot happen, our assumption that p 2Q
cannot be true. We will see later that S has indeed a supremum, it is 2.
Proposition 2.1.38 Let S be a subset of R.
1. If S has a smallest element, then min S = inf S.
2. If S has a largest element, then max S = sup S.
Proof. We prove part 1 and leave part 2 as an exercise.
Let m = min S. By de…nition, m s for any s 2 S. Thus m is also a lower
bound of S. If is another lower bound of S, then m since m 2 S. Thus
m is the greatest lower bound of S or m = inf S.
Proposition 2.1.39 If the supremum exists, it is unique. A similar result holds
for the in…mum.
Proof. See exercises.
In the last example we did, we saw that the set S, which is a subset of Q,
could not have a supremum in Q. This brings the questions "when do we know
if a set has a supremum, and in which set is the supremum?". There is a similar
question for in…mum. We answer these questions in the next subsection. We
will see that the answer is at the heart of the di¤erence between R and Q.
Remark 2.1.42 In the …rst part of the proof, where we proved that is a lower
bound of S, it would have been wrong to say is a lower bound because = sup L
and L is the set of lower bounds of L. It is wrong because the supremum or the
in…mum of a set do not necessarily below to the set. Thus is not necessarily
a lower bound of S. It turns out that it is. But we know this after the proof we
Remark 2.1.43 The axiom and the theorem say that R is complete. We’ll give
a full de…nition of completeness in the next section.
Remark 2.1.44 Recall that one di¤ erence between supremum and largest ele-
ment of a set is that the latter is in the set while the former need not be. If we
replace the word supremum by maximum or largest element in axiom 2.1.40, the
result no longer holds. Consider (0; 5). This is clearly a non empty subset of R
which is bounded above. It does indeed have a supremum, but no maximum.
Remark 2.1.46 The case of ? is, once again, an interesting one. We have
already established that every real number was both an upper bound and a lower
bound of ?. Thus, from the de…nition above, it follows that
sup ? = 1
inf ? = 1
and therefore
2.1.3 Intervals
We can now de…ne precisely what an interval is.
2.1.4 Exercises
1. In lemma 2.1.24, prove that if we add the condition that S has more than
one element, then < .
2. Show that if S is bounded above and below, then there exists a number
N > 0 for which N x N if x 2 S.
3. Show that (a + b + ja bj) = max fa; bg
4. Suppose that A is a non-empty bounded set of real numbers that has no
largest member and that a 2 A. Explain why the sets A and A n fag have
exactly the same upper bounds.
5. Give an example of a set A that has a largest member a such that the sets
A and A n fag have exactly the same upper bounds.
6. Give an example of a set A that has a largest member a such that the sets
A and A n fag do not have exactly the same upper bounds.
7. Answer each part below.
(a) Given that S is a non empty subset of a given interval [a; b], explain
why, for every member x of the set S, we have
jxj jaj + jb aj :
T = fjxj : x 2 Sg ;
(a) x 2 R : x2 3x < 4 .
(b) fx 2 R : 3x + 5 < 4x 7g.
12. Given that A is a set of real numbers and that sup A 2 A, prove that
sup A = max A.
13. Given that A is a set of real numbers and that inf A 2 A, prove that
inf A = min A.
14. Given that is an upper bound of a set A and that 2 A, prove that
= sup A.
15. Explain why the empty set does not have a supremum.
16. Explain why the set [1; 1) does not have a supremum.
17. Given that = sup A and that x < , what conclusions can you draw
about the number x?
18. Given that = inf A and that x > , what conclusions can you draw
about the number x?
19. State and prove the in…mum version of theorem 2.1.33.
20. If A and B are sets of real numbers, then the sets A + B and A B are
de…ned by
A + B = fa + b : a 2 A and b 2 Bg
A B = fa b : a 2 A and b 2 Bg
A = f a : a 2 Ag
A:B = fab : a 2 A and b 2 Bg
21. Given that two sets A and B are bounded above and below. Answer the
following questions:
22. Suppose that A is a non-empty bounded set of real numbers that has no
largest member and that a 2 A. Prove that sup A = sup (A n fag).
23. Given that A and B are sets of numbers, that A is non-empty, that B is
bounded above, and that A B, explain why sup A and sup B exist and
why sup A sup B.
25. Given that A is a non-empty bounded set of numbers, explain why inf A
sup A.
27. Show that every non-empty …nite subset of R contains both a maximum
and a minimum element (hint: use induction).
28. Does (a; b) \ Z have a largest element, a smallest element? If yes, what
are they and why?
2.1.5 Worksheet
The purpose of this worksheet is to guide you through some of the problems at
the end of the notes on the completeness property of R. It also contains some
questions which were not part of the homework assigned.
1. Decide whether each statement below is true or false. Explain and justify
your answers. If a statement is false, list the conditions (if any) under
which it might be true. For each statement, we assume that S 6= ?,
S R and s 2 S.
3. Show that if a subset S has a maximum, then the maximum is also the
supremum. Similarly, show that if S has a minimum, then the minimum
is also the in…mum.
I will give you a hint for the supremum part. To show max S is also
sup S you have to show two things. First, max S is an upper bound, then
max S is the smallest upper bound. Both are easy and only involve using
8. Given that A and B are two non-empty subsets of R, bounded above and
below. Answer the following questions:
Lemma 2.2.1 Every non-empty subset S of the integers which is bounded above
has a largest element.
Proof. Since S is a non-empty subset of Z (hence of R) which is bounded above,
by the supremum property (completeness axiom), sup S exists. Let w = sup S.
It is enough to that w 2 S. In a problem from the previous section, it was
established that if a set contains its supremum, then the supremum is also the
largest element. We do a proof by contradiction. Suppose that w 2 = S. Since
w 1 < w, by theorem 2.1.33, there exists m 2 S such that
w 1<m w
Since we assumed w 2
= S, we can even write
w 1<m<w
We repeat the same argument using the fact that m < w to …nd n 2 S such that
m < n < w. So, we have
w 1<m<n<w
The inequality n < w is equivalent to w < n. If we add up the two inequalities
w 1 < m and w < n, we obtain 1 < m n which is equivalent to n m < 1.
But since m < n, we have n m > 0 and therefore 0 < n m < 1. Since both
m and n are in S, they are integers. Therefore, n m is also an integer. Since
there are no other integers between 0 and 1, the inequality
0<n m<1
Remark 2.2.2 This lemma looks very similar to the least upper bound property.
But its conclusion is quite di¤ erent. The result of this lemma is obviously not
true for subsets of R. An example is (0; 5) which is not empty, bounded above but
has no largest element. For this example, we would like to say that the largest
element is the number "just before 5". The problem is that such a number does
not exist. However, in the case of a subset of Z, such a number exists. Every
integer has a successor and a predecessor.
Lemma 2.2.3 Every non-empty subset S of the integers which is bounded below
has a smallest element.
Proof. Similar to the previous lemma and left as an exercise.
Theorem 2.2.5 (Archimedean Property) For each strictly positive real num-
ber x, there exists a positive integer n such that < x.
Proof. Let x be as in the theorem. Then, cannot be an upper bound of Z
since Z is not bounded above. Therefore, we can …nd n 2 Z and n > 0 such that
It follows that < x.
This theorem tells us that by choosing n large enough, we can make as
close to 0 as we want. In other words, inf : n 2 Z+ = 0 where Z+ denotes
the set of positive integers. We will prove this in the exercises.
The Archimedean property is sometimes stated di¤erently. We give an equiv-
alent statement which proof is left as an exercise.
2.2.2 Denseness of Q in R
We have already mentioned the fact that if we represented the rational numbers
on the real line, there would be many holes. These holes would correspond
to the irrational numbers. If we think of the rational numbers as dots on the
real line and the irrational numbers as holes, one might ask how the holes are
distributed with respect to the dots. The next concept gives us a partial answer.
2.2.3 Completeness
De…nition 2.2.9 A set S is said to be complete if every non-empty bounded
subset of S has both a supremum and an in…mum in S.
2.2.4 Exercises
1. Prove lemma 2.2.3
2. Prove that inf : n 2 Z+ = 0 where Z+ denotes the set of positive
3. Find the supremum and in…mum of the sets below.
1 1 1 1
(a) A = 1; ; ; ; ::: = :n2N .
2 4 8 2n 1
(b) E = :n2N .
6. Prove that every interval which contains more than one element must
contain an in…nite number of rational as well as irrational numbers (hint:
do it by contradiction).
7. Given x 2 R, prove there is a unique (9!) n 2 Z such that n 1 x < n.
8. The goal of this problem is to give a "real analysis" proof of the division
algorithm which states that if a and b are positive integers, b 6= 0, then
there exists integers r and q where 0 r < b such that a = bq + r. We do
the proof in several steps. Let a and b be positive integers and de…ne
S = fn 2 Z : nb ag
1 1 1 1
(a) A = 1; ; ; ; ::: = :n2N .
2 4 8 2n 1
Hint: Use the de…nition of supremum and in…mum.
(b) E = :n2N .
Hint: Use the de…nition of supremum and in…mum. For in…mum,
also use the Archimedean property.
5. Prove that between any two real numbers there exists an irrational num-
ber. This proves that the set of irrational numbers, R n Q is dense in R.
Hint: Use the de…nition of denseness, but p instead ofpapplying it to two
arbitrary real numbers a and b, apply it to 2a and 2b.
6. Prove that every interval which contains more than one element must
contain an in…nite number of rational as well as irrational numbers (hint:
do it by contradiction).
Hint already given.
8. The goal of this problem is to give a "real analysis" proof of the division
algorithm which states that if a and b are positive integers, b 6= 0, then
there exists integers r and q where 0 r < b such that a = bq + r. We do
the proof in several steps. Let a and b be positive integers and de…ne
S = fn 2 Z : nb ag
Remark 2.3.2 The range of f is the set ff (x) : x 2 Dg. The above de…nitions
have the following implications:
Example 2.3.6 Consider g : (0; 1) ! R de…ned by g (x) = . The range of
g is (1; 1). Therefore, g is not bounded above on (0; 1) but it is bounded below.
g does not have a maximum or a minimum on (0; 1). However, inf f = 1. If
we replace (0; 1) by (0; 1], then the range of g is [1; 1). So, we see that g is
bounded below and has a minimum which is also the in…mum equal to 1. But g
is not bounded above.
Remark 2.3.8 You may have noticed in this section, or in books about math-
ematics that we often say that a function has a certain property on a set. For
example we say that ln x is continuous on (0; 1). We may also say that x2 is
increasing on [0; 1). What we mean when we say f has a certain property on
a set D is that f has that property for every x in D.
Example 2.3.9 Prove that if f and g are bounded above on a non-empty set S
then sup (f + g) sup f + sup g.
The fact that both f and g are bounded above on a nonempty set S implies that
sup f and sup g exist by the completeness axiom. If x is an arbitrary element in
S then f (x) sup f and g (x) sup g. By de…nition, (f + g) (x) = f (x)+g (x)
therefore, (f + g) (x) sup f + sup g. This means that sup f + sup g is an upper
bound for f + g. Hence f + g is bounded above. It follows that sup (f + g) exists
by the completeness axiom. Since sup f + sup g is an upper bound of f + g and
sup (f + g) is the smallest upper bound of f + g, we must have sup (f + g)
sup f + sup g.
2.3.2 Exercises
Unless speci…ed otherwise, the functions below are from S into R where S R.
f: (0; 1) ! R
2. Consider 1 .
x 7!
6. Give an example of two bounded function on [0; 1] such that sup (f + g) <
sup f + sup g.
7. Prove that if f and g are bounded above on a non-empty set S and f (x)
g (x) on S then sup f sup g.
c sup f if c > 0
sup (cf ) =
c inf f if c < 0
jsup f j sup jf j
6. Give an example of two bounded function on [0; 1] such that sup (f + g) <
sup f + sup g.
Hint: think of functions where the supremum does not happen at the same
value of x.
c sup f if c > 0
sup (cf ) =
c inf f if c < 0
Hint: use the de…nition of supremum and in…mum and the fact that for
any function f , inf f f (x) sup f for every x in the domain of f .
9. Prove that if f is a bounded function on a non-empty set S then
jsup f j sup jf j
Hint: use the de…nition of supremum. Also remember that for any function
f , -jf (x)j f (x) jf (x)j for every x in the domain of f and …nally to
prove an inequality of the form jAj C you need to prove that C
A C.
1 2 3
1. List the elements. For example, ; ; ; ::: . From the elements listed,
2 3 4
the pattern should be clear.
n 2
2. Give a formula to generate the terms. For example, xn = ( 1) . If
the starting point is not speci…ed, we use the smallest value of n which
will work.
3. A sequence can be given recursively. The starting value of the sequence
is given. Then, a formula to generate the nth term from one or more
previous terms. For example, we could de…ne a sequence by giving:
x1 = 2
xn+1 = (xn + 6)
Another example is the Fibonacci sequence de…ned by:
x1 = 1, x2 = 1
xn = xn 1 + xn 2 for n 3
1 1
Example 2.4.7 For each n 2 N, de…ne In = x2R:0<x< = 0; .
n n
fIn gn=1 is a sequence of subsets of R.
The index we use for the subsets does not have to be an integer. It can be
an element of any set. In this case, instead of calling it a sequence of sets, we
call it an indexed family of sets. We give a precise de…nition.
Example 2.4.10 For each x 2 (0; 1), de…ne Ex = fr 2 Q : 0 r < xg. Then,
fEx gx2(0;1) is an indexed family of subsets of Q. The index set is (0; 1).
The remainder of this section deals with sequences of sets, though the results
and de…nitions given can be extended to indexed families of subsets.
1. We de…ne
Ai = A1 [ A2 [ ::: [ An
= fx 2 X : x 2 Ai for some natural number 1 i ng
2. Similarly, we de…ne
Ai = A1 \ A2 \ ::: \ An
= fx 2 X : x 2 Ai for every natural number 1 i ng
Ai = fx 2 X : x 2 Ai for every natural number ig
Example 2.4.12 Consider fNn gn=1 where Nn = f1; 2; 3; :::; ng. Then, Ni =
N and Ni = f1g.
Example 2.4.13 For each n 2 N, de…ne In = x2R:0<x< . First,
we prove that
Ii = ?
If this were not the case, that is if we had x 2 Ii this would mean that no
1 1
matter what n is , x < or > x which contradicts the Archimedean principle
n n
(theorem 2.2.5). We next show that
Ii = I1
!c 1
\ [
2. Ei = Eic
i=1 i=1
! 1
\ \
f Ei f (Ei )
i=1 i=1
! 1
\ \
1 1
f Gi = f (Gi )
i=1 i=1
1 1
Example 2.4.18 Consider the sequence of sets (Jn ) where Jn = ; .
n n
1 1
Jn is a contracting sequence as Jn+1 = n+1 ; n+1 Jn .
2.4.3 Exercises
1. Let In = ; 1 . Evaluate
1 2
2. Let In = 1 + ;5 . Evaluate
n n
1 1
3. Let In = 1 ;2 + . Evaluate
n n
In this chapter, we study the features of R which allow the notions of limits and
continuity to be de…ned precisely. This is what is meant by topology. Though it
is done here for the real line, similar notions also apply to more general spaces,
called topological spaces. This branch of mathematics, in its modern form, dates
back to the mid 1800s and the work of Bolzano (1781-1848), Cantor (1845-1918)
and Weierstrass (1815, 1897).
Example 3.1.5 Conjecture what Int ((0; 2)) and Int ([0; 2]) might be.
Proposition 3.1.6 The following results follow immediately from the de…ni-
Example 3.1.7 Every point of (a; b) with a < b is an interior point of (a; b).
Also, any point outside of (a; b) is not an interior point. Therefore, Int ((a; b)) =
min fjx aj ; jx bjg
(a; b). This is easy to see. If x 2 (a; b), we let = . Then,
(x ; x + ) (a; b).
Example 3.1.8 a and b are not interior points of [a; b] with a b. Every other
point of that interval is an interior point. Therefore, Int ([a; b]) = (a; b).
Example 3.1.9 Since every interval of positive length contains both a ratio-
nal and an irrational, it follows that Q as well as R n Q have no interior
points. If x were an interior point of Q then there would exist > 0 such
that (x ;x + ) Q. But we know this can’t happen since there is at least
one irrational number between x and x + . The same argument works for
R n Q. Therefore, Int (Q) = ? and Int (R n Q) = ?.
Example 3.1.10 Int (R) = R. To see this, we need to prove that every real
number is an interior point of R that is we need to show that for every x 2 R,
there is > 0 such that (x ; x + ) R. Let x 2 R. Then, (x 1; x + 1) R
thus x is an interior point of R.
3.1.2 Properties
Theorem 3.1.11 Let x 2 R, let Ui denote a family of neighborhoods of x.
1. Ui is a neighborhood of x.
2. Ui is not always a neighborhood of x.
3. Ui is a neighborhood of x.
Proof. We prove each part separately.
3.1.5 Exercises
1. Using the de…nition of a neighborhood, complete the sentence: "A set S
fails to be a neighborhood of x if ...".
\ 1 1
2. Prove Ui = f0g where Ui = ; .
i i
(a) S is a neighborhood of x.
6. Let x 2 R and y 2 R. Assume further that x 6= y. Prove that one can …nd
a neighborhood S of x and a neighborhood T of y such that S \ T = ?.
7. Given that S R and x is an upper bound of S, explain why S cannot
be a neighborhood of x.
8. Given that S R, S 6= ?, and S is bounded above, explain why neither
S nor R n S can be a neighborhood of sup S.
9. Suppose that A and B are subsets of R and that x is an interior point of
A [ B. Is it true that x must be an interior point of A or B? Explain and
justify your answer.
10. Suppose that A and B are subsets of R and that x is an interior point
of both A and B. Is it true that x must be an interior point of A \ B?
Explain and justify your answer.
11. Let A and B be subsets of R.
(a) S is a neighborhood of x.
(b) There exists two numbers a and b such that x 2 (a; b) S.
6. Let x 2 R and y 2 R. Assume further that x 6= y. Prove that one can …nd
a neighborhood S of x and a neighborhood T of y such that S \ T = ?.
Hint: Make your own examples to see what is going on here.
7. Given that S R and x is an upper bound of S, explain why S cannot
be a neighborhood of x.
Hint: See what would happen if S were a neighborhood of x.
8. Given that S R, S 6= ?, and S is bounded above, explain why neither
S nor R n S can be a neighborhood of sup S.
Hint: similar to the previous problem.
9. Suppose that A and B are subsets of R and that x is an interior point of
A [ B. Is it true that x must be an interior point of A or B? Explain and
justify your answer.
Hint: Make your own examples. What if A and B are intervals and x is
an endpoint?
10. Suppose that A and B are subsets of R and that x is an interior point
of both A and B. Is it true that x must be an interior point of A \ B?
Explain and justify your answer.
Hint: First, look at some examples to understand the problem better.
After you’ve tried some examples, if you think it is true, try to prove the
11. Let A and B be subsets of R.
Example 3.2.2 In the previous section, we saw that Int ((a; b)) = (a; b). Thus
(a; b) is open according to our de…nition. It is why we call it an open interval.
Part 4: We want to show that every point of Int (S) is an interior point of
Int (S) that is if x 2 Int (S) then there exists > 0 such that (x ;x + )
Int (S). Since x 2 Int (S), there exists > 0 such that (x ; x + ) S.
To show (x ;x + ) Int (S) we need to show that every point of
(x ; x + ) is an interior point of S. Let y 2 (x ; x + ). Let =
min (jy x + j ; jx + yj)
then (y ; y + ) (x ; x + ) S. So,
y is an interior point of S. Since y was arbitrary, (x ; x + ) Int (S).
Remark 3.2.4 It may appear that a set is either open or closed. Nothing could
be further from the truth. In fact, the majority of subsets of R are neither open
nor closed.
Remark 3.2.5 It should be clear to the reader that S is open if and only if
R n S is closed. Clearly, if R n S is closed, then by de…nition R n (R n S) is open.
But R n (R n S) = S. Conversely, if S is open, then R n S must be closed because
if it were not then R n (R n S) = S would not be open by de…nition. This would
be a contradiction.
Having de…ned open and closed sets, it is natural to ask what open and
closed sets look like. It is also natural to ask what kind of sets are open, closed.
We will try to answer these questions in this section. We begin with some
Example 3.2.7 ? is open. For a set not to be open, at least one of its points
must fail to be an interior point. Therefore, the set must not be empty.
Example 3.2.10 Let a and b be any two real numbers such that a < b. Then,
(a; b) is open. This says that every open interval is open. We know this from a
previous example in which we noticed that every point of (a; b) was an interior
point of (a; b). In the same way, intervals of the form ( 1; a) or (a; 1) are
also open.
Example 3.2.11 Let a and b be any two real numbers such that a < b. Con-
sider [a; b). This set is not open because a is not an interior point. Its comple-
ment is R n [a; b) = ( 1; a) [ [b; 1). This set is not open either as b is not an
interior point.. Thus [a; b) is not closed either. In conclusion [a; b) is neither
open nor closed. The same is true for (a; b].
Example 3.2.13 Q is neither open nor closed. Earlier, we saw that none of
the points in Q were interior points thus Q is not open. We also saw that its
complement R n Q shared the same property, so it is not open. Hence, Q is not
Example 3.2.14 R n Q is neither open nor closed for the same reason.
In the examples, we noted that R and ? were both closed and open. You
may wonder how many sets share this property. It can be proven that these are
the only sets with this property.
3.2.2 Properties
Theorem 3.2.15 (Unions and intersections of open and closed sets) Let
fUi g denote an in…nite family of open sets and fHi g denote an in…nite family
of closed sets.
1. Ui is open.
2. Ui is open.
3. Hi is closed.
4. Hi is closed.
Proof. We prove some of the parts to illustrate how to work with these concepts.
The other parts are left as exercises.
[ 1
1. We need to prove that if x 2 Ui then x is an interior point of Ui
i=1 i=1
[ [1
that is there exists > 0 such that (x ;x + ) Ui . If x 2 Ui
i=1 i=1
then x 2 Ui for some i. Since Ui is open, x is an interior point of Ui so
there exists i > 0 such that (x i; x + i) Ui . Then, (x i; x + i)
Ui .
2. See problems. As you do the proof, make sure you understand why the
proof you do would not work for Ui
[ n
3. To prove Hi is closed, we prove R n Hi is open. By De Morgan’s
i=1 i=1
[n n
laws, R n Hi = (R n Hi ). Since Hi is closed for every i, R n Hi is
i=1 i=1
open. Thus, (R n Hi ) is open by part 2 of this theorem.
4. See problems.
You will recall that the completeness axiom stated that every non-empty
subset of R which was bounded above had a supremum in R. If we add the
restriction that the set also be closed, we get a much stronger result as the
theorem below shows.
S = fx 2 R : x is close to Sg
Example 3.2.19 The closure of (a; b) is [a; b] in other words (a; b) = [a; b].
From the remark above, (a; b) (a; b). Also, 8 > 0, (a ; a + ) \ (a; b) 6= ?.
Thus, a 2 (a; b). Similarly, one can show that b 2 (a; b). This shows that
[a; b] (a; b). Can (a; b) contain anything else? We prove that if x > b or x < a
then x 2
= (a; b) thus proving that (a; b) = [a; b]. We prove it in the case x > b.
jx bj
The case x < a is similar. Let = . Then (x ; x + ) \ (a; b) = ?.
Hence, x is not close to (a; b), so x is not in the closure of (a; b).
Example 3.2.22 ? = ?.
1. S S
2. A B =) A B
3. S is always closed.
1. S is closed.
2. S = S
– Use the de…nition, that is prove that every point in the set is an
interior point.
– Prove that its complement is closed.
– Prove that it can be written as the intersection of a …nite family of
open sets or as the union of a family of open sets.
To prove that a set is not open, one can use one of the following:
To prove that a set is closed, one can use one of the following:
To prove that a set is not closed, one can use one of the following:
2. Being closed is not the opposite of being open. In other words, a set is
not either open or closed. It can be neither.
5. A [ B = A [ B
6. A \ B A\B
3.2.6 Exercises
1. Prove the statements in proposition 3.2.3.
14. Let S = : n 2 Z+ . Evaluate S.
15. Let A and B be subsets of R.
10. Give an example of two sets A and B such that neither set is open but
their union is.
Hint: Think of intervals.
11. Let x 2 R.
14. Let S = : n 2 Z+ . Evaluate S.
Hint: Remember that S S. So you only need to think about the points
you might be adding to S by taking the closure.
3. The above two remarks should make it clear that L (S) S. We can also
prove it rigorously. If x 2 L (S) then 9 > 0 : (x ; x + ) \ S n fxg =
6 ?.
Let y 2 (x ; x + ) \ S n fxg. Then, y 2 (x ; x + ) and y 2 S n fxg.
So, y 2 S thus (x ; x + ) \ S 6= ?. Hence x 2 S.
Let us …rst look at easy examples to understand what a limit point is and
what the set of limit points of a given set might look like.
Example 3.3.3 Let S = (a; b) and x 2 (a; b). Then x is a limit point of (a; b).
Let > 0 and consider (x ; x + ). This interval will contain points of (a; b)
other than x, in…nitely many points in fact.
Example 3.3.4 a and b are limit points of (a; b). Given > 0, the interval
(a ; a + ) contains in…nitely many points of (a; b) n fag thus showing a is a
limit point of (a; b). The same is true for b.
Example 3.3.5 Let S = [a; b] and x 2 [a; b]. Then x is a limit point of [a; b].
This is true for the same reasons as above.
At this point you may think that there is no di¤erence between a limit point
and a point close to a set. Consider the next example.
Example 3.3.6 Let S = (0; 1) [ f2g. 2 is close to S. For any > 0, f2g
(2 ; 2 + ) \ S so that (2 ; 2 + ) \ S 6= ?. But 2 is not a limit point of S.
(2 :1; 2 + :1) \ S n f2g = ?.
Remark 3.3.7 You can think of a limit point as a point close to a set but also
surrounded by many (in…nitely many) points of the set.
Example 3.3.8 L ((a; b)) = [a; b]. From the …rst two examples of this section,
we know that L ((a; b)) [a; b]. What is left to show is that if x 2 = [a; b] then x
is not a limit point of (a; b). Let x 2 R such that x 2
= (a; b). Assume x > b (the
case a < a is similar and left for the reader to check). Let < jx bj. Then
(x ; x + ) \ (a; b) n fxg = ?.
Example 3.3.10 L (Q) = R. For any real number and for any > 0, the
interval (x ; x + ) contains in…nitely many points of Q other than x. Thus,
(x ; x + ) \ Q n fxg =
6 ?. So every real number is a limit point of Q.
Example 3.3.11 If S = (0; 1) [ f2g then S = [0; 1] [ f2g but L (S) = [0; 1].
Using arguments similar to the arguments used in the previous examples, one
can prove that every element in [a; b] is a limit point of S and every element
outside of [a; b] is not. You will notice that 2 2 S but 2 2
= L (S). Also, 0 and 1
are in L (S) but not in S. So, in the most general case, one cannot say anything
regarding whether S L (S) or L (S) S.
Example 3.3.12 If S = : n 2 Z+ then L (S) = f0g (see problems).
3.3.2 Properties
Theorem 3.3.13 Let x 2 R and S R.
1. If x has a neighborhood which only contains …nitely many members of S
then x cannot be a limit point of S.
2. If x is a limit point of S then any neighborhood of x contains in…nitely
many members of S.
Proof. We prove each part separately.
Part 2: This part follow immediately from part 1.
Part 1: Let U be a neighborhood of x which contains only a …nite number of
points of S that is U \ S is …nite. Then, U \ S n fxg is also …nite.
Suppose U \ S n fxg = fy1 ; y2 ; :::; yn g. We show there exists > 0
such that (x ; x + ) \ U does not contain any member of S n fxg.
Since both (x ; x + ) and U are neighborhood of x, so is their inter-
section. This will prove there is a neighborhood of x containing no el-
ement of S n fxg hence proving x is not a limit point of S. Let =
min fjx y1 j ; jx y2 j ; :::; jx yn jg. Since x is not equal to yi , > 0.
Then (x ; x + ) \ U contains no points of S other than x thus proving
our claim.
3.3.4 Exercises
1. Prove that if S = : n 2 Z+ then L (S) = f0g
2. In each situation below, give an example of a set which satis…es the given
6. Given that S R, S 6= ? and S bounded above but max S does not exist,
prove that sup S must be a limit point of S. State and prove a similar
result for inf S.
7. Let S R. Prove that L (S) must be closed.
8. Prove that if U is open then L (U ) = U .
6. Given that S R, S 6= ? and S bounded above but max S does not exist,
prove that sup S must be a limit point of S. State and prove a similar
result for inf S.
Hint: Use the de…nitions of this section as well as a famous theorem studied
in class which gives conditions for an upper bound to be a supremum.
8. What can be said about intersections and unions of closed sets? of open
10. Fill out the table below where a, b, c are real numbers such that a < b < c.
You should be able to justify each answer.
Set S Complete? Open? Closed? Int (S) S L (S)
(a; b)
[a; b]
(a; b) [ fcg
[a; b] [ fcg
…nite set S
: n 2 Z+
c + : n 2 Z+
11. What do open sets look like? What do closed sets look like?
Chapter 4
1 2 3
1. List the elements. For example, ; ; ; ::: . From the elements listed,
2 3 4
the pattern should be clear.
n 2
2. Give a formula to generate the terms. For example, xn = ( 1) . If
the starting point is not speci…ed, we use the smallest value of n which
will work.
x1 = 2
xn+1 = (xn + 6)
Another example is the Fibonacci sequence de…ned by:
x1 = 1, x2 = 1
xn = xn 1 + xn 2 for n 3
some of the terms of fan g as follows: Let n1 denote the index of the …rst element
of fan g we select and de…ne b1 = an1 .. Let n2 denote the index of the second
element of fan g we select and de…ne b2 = an2 . In general, let nk denotes the
index of the k th element of fan g we select and de…ne bk = ank . In doing so,
note that nk k (as long as n 1 which we can achieve by renumbering).
For example, (x2n ) is a subsequence of (xn ), in this case, ' (n) = 2n. (x2n+1 )
is another subsequence, in this case ' (n) = 2n + 1.
(xn ) where xn = ( 1) is frequently in the set f1g and well as frequently
in the set f 1g.
1 if 1 n 20
(xn ) where xn = is eventually in the set f0g.
0 if n > 20
lim xn = L
xn ! L as n ! 1
xn ! L
n N =) jxn Lj <
=) < xn L<
=) L < xn < L +
=) xn 2 (L ;L + )
=) xn 2 U
4.2.3 Examples
Before we look at examples and elementary theorems, let us make some remarks.
Example 4.2.10 Let (xn ) be such that xn = c, for some constant c. Show that
xn ! c.
We need to show that for any > 0, (xn ) is eventually in (c ; c + ). Since
xn = c for any n, (xn ) is always in fcg (c ; c + ) for any > 0. Hence,
(xn ) is eventually in (c ; c + ).
Example 4.2.11 This example is similar to the previous one, the di¤ erence is
that (xn ) is eventually constant, that is there exists N > 0 such that xn = c
whenever n N . Again, show that xn ! c.
The proof is similar. Here, we have that (xn ) is eventually in fcg (c ; c + ).
Example 4.2.12 Show that the sequence whose general term is xn = con-
verges to 0.
Given > 0, we need to …nd N such that n N ) 0 < . To do this,
we usually start with what we want, i.e. 0 < , and we try to …nd the
1 1
0 < , <
n n
, <
1 1
So, we see that if N = , then n N) 0 < .
Example 4.2.13 Show that the sequence whose general term is xn = 2 con-
verges to 0.
Given > 0, we need to …nd N such that n N ) 2 0 < . To do this,
we usually start with what we want, i.e. 0 < , and we try to …nd the
condition n has to satisfy for it to happen.
1 1
0 < , <
n2 n2
, <
, n2 >
1 1
, n > p or n < p
1 1
Since n is a natural number, we only retain n > p . So, we see that if N = p ,
then n N) 0 < .
Example 4.2.14 Same example as above, using a slightly di¤ erent approach.
1 1 1
When we had 2 < . We could have noticed that if n > 1 we have 2 < .
n n n
1 1
So, if we make < then what we need, 2 < will also happen. We can
n n
1 1 1
make < simply by taking n > , it will follow that 2 0 < . This time,
n n
we …nd that N = works.
Remark 4.2.15 It seems that if we do the same problem di¤ erent ways, we
…nd a di¤ erent solution. We really don’t. When we …nd N , the only thing we
guarantee is that if n N , then jxn Lj < . It might also be true if n is
slightly less than N . In other words, we are not …nding the smallest N that will
work. If we use approximations like in example 4.2.14 , we may not get the best
estimate for N .
Remark 4.2.16 The idea is the following. Forget mathematics for a second
(just a second). Imagine you are driving on a dirt road and you come to a
bridge. You are not sure if the bridge can withstand the weight of your car. If
ahead of you is a vehicle you know to be heavier than yours which just cleared
the bridge, then you know your vehicle can clear the bridge as well.
Example 4.2.18 Show that the sequence fxn g whose general term is xn =
2n 1 2
converges to .
3n + 2 3
Again, as before, we look at what we need, and see if we can derive the condition
n must satisfy.
2n 1 2 6n 3 6n 4
< ()
3n + 2 3 3 (3n + 2)
() <
3 (3n + 2)
Though here we could solve for n, we can also use an upper bound instead. We
notice that
7 7
3 (3n + 2) 9n + 6
7 2n 1 2
Thus, if we make < , it will follow that < . The former
9n 3n + 2 3
7 7 2n 1 2
happens when n > . So, given > 0, n > =) < this
9 9 3n + 2 3
2n 1 2
proves that lim = .
3n + 2 3
p p
Example 4.2.19 Prove that lim n + 1 n = 0.
Again, as before, we look at what we need, and see if we can derive the condition
n must satisfy.
p p p p
p p n+1 n n+1+ n
n+1 n 0 < () p p <
n+1+ n
We work on the left side of the inequality and …nd an upper bound.
p p p p
n+1 n n+1+ n 1
p p = p p
n+1+ n n+1+ n
< p
2 n
1 p p
So, if we make p < , we will have what we need, that is n + 1 n < .
2 n
p 1 1
The former happens when n > or n > 2 (since n > 0). Now, we see
2 4
1 p p
that given > 0, if n > 2 then n+1 n 0 < thus proving that
p p 4
lim n + 1 n = 0.
First, we prove that 1 is not a limit of (xn ). We can …nd M > 0 such
that (xn ) is not eventually in (M; 1). Any number M > 1 will do.
Next, we prove that 1 is not a limit of (xn ).We can …nd M < 0 such
that (xn ) is not eventually in ( 1; M ). Any number M < 1 will do.
Next, we prove that no real number can be a limit of (xn ). We note that
xn only has two values, 1 and 1. For a real number x to be a limit of
(xn ), both 1 and 1 would have to be eventually in (x ; x + ), for any
> 0. Clearly, if = , this cannot happen, no matter what x is. So, no
real number can be a limit of (xn ).
Next, we prove that 1 is a partial limit. We need to prove that (xn ) is
frequently in (1 ; 1 + ), for any > 0. By theorem 4.2.2, it is enough
to show (xn ) has a subsequence in (1 ; 1 + ), for any > 0. The
subsequence (x2n ) is in f1g (1 ; 1 + ), for any > 0. The result
Finally, we prove that 1 is a partial limit. This is similar. We simply
note that the subsequence (x2n 1 ) is in f 1g.
Example 4.2.23 Let (xn ) be such that xn = ( 1) n2 . Prove that (xn ) has no
limit and that 1 are partial limits.
1. First, we see why neither 1 nor 1 can be limits of (xn ). (xn ) cannot
be eventually in (M; 1) for any number M > 0 because if xn 2 (M; 1),
xn+1 2 = (M; 1). For the same reason, (xn ) cannot be eventually in
( 1; M ) for any number M < 0.
2. Then, we see why a real number x cannot be a limit for (xn ). Let x 2 R.
For x to be a limit of this sequence, ( 1) n2 has to be eventually in
(x ; x + ) for any > 0. We consider several cases.
3. Finally, we see why 1 and 1 are partial limits of (xn ). The subsequence
(x2n ) is eventually (M; 1) for any number M > 0 thus (xn ) is frequently
in (M; 1) for any number M > 0. This means that 1 is a partial limit
of (xn ). Similarly, the subsequence (x2n+1 ) is eventually in ( 1; M ) for
any number M < 0. This means that 1 is a partial limit of (xn ).
4.2.4 Exercises
1. Let xn = 3 + . Prove that xn ! 3.
2. Let xn = 3 + . Prove that xn ! 3.
3. Let xn = for n 2 N. If x 2 R : x 6= 0, prove that x is not a partial limit
of (xn ).
8 n
< ( 1) n3 if n is a multiple of 3
4. Let xn = 0 if n is one more than a multiple of 3 . Prove
4 if n is two more than a multiple of 3
that the partial limits of (xn ) are 1; 1; 0; 4.
3 + 2n
5. Let xn = . Prove that xn ! 2.
> 1
< if n = 2k
6. Let xn = 1 for any integer k. Prove that xn !
: 2 if n = 2k + 1
n +1
n2 + 3n + 1 1
7. Let xn = 2
. Prove that xn ! .
2n + n + 4 2
8. Explain and justify the following observations made in the notes:
Theorem 4.3.1 Let x be a number such that 8 > 0, jxj < , then x = 0.
Proof. See problems at the end of the section.
Thus, if n N , jan j < 1 + jLj. Let M1 = max (ja1 j ; ja2 j ; :::; jaN 1 j). Let
M = max (M1 ; 1 + jLj). Then, clearly, jan j < M
The above theorem simply says that if a sequence converges, then the dif-
ference between any two terms gets smaller and smaller. It should also be clear
to the reader that if an ! L, then so does an+k where k is any natural number.
The above theorem can be used to prove that a sequence does not converge
by proving that the di¤erence between two of its terms does not get smaller and
Theorem 4.3.6 Suppose that (an ) converges. Then, any subsequence (ank )
also converges and has the same limit.
Proof. Suppose that an ! L. Let bk = ank be a subsequence. We need to prove
that given > 0, there exists N such that k N =) jbk Lj < . Let > 0
be given. Choose N such that nk N =) jank Lj < . Now, if k N , then
nk N therefore
jbk Lj = jank Lj
This theorem is often used to show that a given sequence diverges. To do so,
it is enough to …nd two subsequences which do not converge to the same limit.
Alternatively, once can …nd a subsequence which diverges.
In the next two sections, we look at theorems which give us more tools to
compute limits.
Theorem 4.3.8 Let (an ) and (bn ) be two sequences such that an ! a and
bn ! b with a and b real numbers. Then, the following results hold:
an lim an a
3. if lim bn = b 6= 0 then lim = = .
bn lim bn b
5. if an 0 then lim an 0.
Proof. We prove some of these items. The remaining ones will be assigned as
problems at the end of the section.
3. See problems
4. We need to prove that jan j ! jaj that is 8 > 0, 9N : n N =)
jjan j jajj < . Let > 0 be given, choose N such that n N =)
jan aj < (since an ! a) . If n N , then we have:
which is a contradiction.
6. We apply the results found in parts 1 and 5 to the sequence an bn .
7. See problems
Remark 4.3.9 Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the above theorem hold even when a and b
are extended real numbers as long as the right hand side in each part is de…ned.
You will recall the following rules when working with extended real numbers:
1. 1 + 1 = 1 1 = ( 1) ( 1) = 1
2. 1 1 = ( 1) 1 = 1 ( 1) = 1
3. If x is any real number, then
(a) 1 + x = x + 1 = 1
(b) 1+x=x 1= 1
x x
(c) = =0
1 1
x 1 if x > 0
(d) =
0 1 if x < 0
1 if x > 0
(e) 1 x=x 1=
1 if x < 0
1 if x>0
(f ) ( 1) x=x ( 1) =
1 if x<0
(a) 1 + 1 and 1 1
(b) 0 1 and 1 0
1 0
(c) and
1 0
(d) 00 , 10 , 01 , and 11
c 1
lim = c lim
n n
= c 0
= 0
Example 4.3.12 Find lim n12 . In the previous section, we computed this limit
using the de…nition. We can also do it as follows.
1 1 1
lim = lim
n2 n n
1 1
= lim lim
n n
= 0 0
= 0
Remark 4.3.13 From the above example, we can see that if p is a natural
number, lim n1p = 0.
n2 + 3n
Example 4.3.14 Find lim .
2n2 + 1
This problem involves using a standard technique you should remember. We
show all the steps, then we will draw a general conclusion. We begin by factoring
the term of highest degree from both the numerator and denominator.
n2 + 3n n2 1 + n3
lim = lim
2n2 + 1 n2 2 + n12
1 + n3
= lim
2 + n12
3 1
lim 1 + = lim (1) + 3 lim
n n
= 1
1 1
lim 2 + = lim (2) + lim
n2 n2
= 2
Since both the limit of the numerator and denominator exist and the limit of the
denominator is not 0, we can write
n2 + 3n lim 1 + n3
lim =
2n2 + 1 lim 2 + n12
Remark 4.3.15 The same technique can be applied to every fraction for which
the numerator and denominator are polynomials in n. We see that the limit
of such a fraction will be the same as the limit of the quotient of the terms of
highest degree. Let us look at some examples:
3n2 + 2n 10 3n2 2 2
Example 4.3.16 lim = lim = lim n = lim n = 1
2n + 5 2n 3 3
5n3 2n + 1 5n3 5 5 1
Example 4.3.17 lim 4 2
= lim 4
= lim = lim = 0
2n + 5n 2 2n 2n 2 n
2n3 n2 + 2n + 1 2n3
Example 4.3.18 lim = lim = lim 2 = 2
n3 + 10n2 5 n3
2n2 + 1
Example 4.3.19 Find lim using the de…nition
n2 + 1
Of course, we can …nd this limit by using the theorems on limits. Here, we do
it using the de…nition, as asked. We think the limit is 2. We want to show that
2n2 + 1
for every > 0, there exists N such that n N =) 2 < . First,
n2 + 1
we simplify the absolute value.
2n2 + 1 1
2 =
n2 + 1 n2
= 2
n +1
< 2
< if n > 1
1 1
So, we see that if < , which happens when n > , then we will have
2n2 + 1 1
2 < . So, N = will work.
n2 + 1
Example 4.3.20 Find lim
+ 2n 4
We think the limit is 0. We need to prove that for every > 0, there exists N
such that n N =) 2 < . We begin by noticing that
n + 2n 4
n2 + 2n 4 = n2 + 2 (n 2)
> n if n > 2
Therefore, if n > 2,
1 1
n2 + 2n 4 n2 + 2n 4
< 2
1 1 1
If n > max 2; , then < . So, N = max 2; will work.
n2 + 2n 4
Remark 4.3.21 The two examples above could have been done using the tech-
niques discussed in the previous subsection, that is without using the de…nition.
an bn cn () an L bn L cn L
() < an L bn L cn L<
() < bn L<
() jbn Lj <
To show that an ! 0, we need to show that jan j < , for any whenever n N,
that is
an < () <
() n >
So, given > 0, N; = will work.
We look at a few more examples, to see how all these results come into play.
Example 4.3.25 Prove that lim =0
The trick we use is worth remembering. We will use the squeeze theorem. We
note that
4n 4 4 4 ::: 4
0 =
n! 1 2 3 ::: n
43 4 4 4 ::: 4
since 1
3! n 4 5 ::: n 1
But lim 43! 4
n = 0 hence the result follows by the squeeze theorem.
Example 4.3.26 Find lim .
3n 3n
4n+2 42 4n
1 3
16 4
n n (n 1) n
Theorem 4.3.27 (binomial theorem) (a + b) = an +nan 1
b+ a 2 2
b +
n (n 1) (n 2)
an 3 3
b + ::: + nabn 1
+ bn .
n n (n 1) 2 n (n 1) (n 2)
Corollary 4.3.28 (1 + x) = 1 + nx + x + x3 + ::: +
2 3!
nxn 1
+ xn .
In particular, when x 0, then (1 + x) is greater than any part of the right
hand side. For example, we obtain Bernoulli’s inequality: (1 + x) 1 + nx.
n n (n 1) 2 n n (n 1) (n 2) 3
We could also write (1 + x) x or (1 + x) x .
2 3! n
And so on. This is useful to get approximations on quantities like 3 . We
rewrite it as
3n = (1 + 2)
Example 4.3.29 Find lim n
We suspect the limit will be 0 since the denominator grows much faster than
the numerator. So, we need to …nd a fraction slightly larger than n which we
know converges to 0. Then, we will be able to invoke the squeeze theorem. Using
n 9n (n 1)
the corollary of the binomial theorem, we note that 4n = (1 + 3)
n 2n 2
thus 0 = ! 0. Hence, by the squeeze theorem,
4n 9n (n 1) 9n 9
lim n = 0.
Example 4.3.30 Find lim n
This is similar to the problem above. However, the numerator is a higher power
of n, so we need to write 4n in terms of a higher power of n.
4n (1 + 3)
33 n (n 1) (n 2)
9n (n 1) (n 2)
n2 2n2
4n 9n (n 1) (n 2)
9 (n 1) (n 2)
2n n
And lim = 0 (why?) hence by the squeeze theorem, lim = 0.
9 (n 1) (n 2) 4n
Example 4.3.31 Find lim
We suspect this sequence diverges to in…nity. We need to prove that grows
without bounds, that is for every M > 0, there exists N such that n N =)
> M . First, we notice that
4n (1 + 3)
2n 2n
n (n 1) 32
> 2 by using the binomial theorem
9 (n 1)
We can see that
9 (n 1) 4M
> M () n 1 >
4 9
4M + 9
() n >
4M + 9
so, N = will work.
n n (n 1) 32
Remark 4.3.32 We used the binomial theorem to deduce that (1 + 3) .
Often, when using this theorem, students do not know which term to keep, the
term in x, or x2 , or x3 ,... The answer is that it depends on what we are trying
to achieve. Here, we wanted to show that > M for any M , in other words,
can be made as big as we want simply by taking n large enough. Since we
could not solve for n, we replaced by a smaller term. That smaller term
should have similar properties, in other words, the smaller term should also get
arbitrarily large. If we take the smaller term too small, it will not work. For
4n 1 1
example, it is true that > . However, cannot be made as large as
2n 2n 2n
n n (n 1) 32
we want, so this does not help us. If instead of using (1 + 3)
(terms of second degree), we had used (1 + 3) 1 + 3n, then we would have
1 + 3n
> M () 2nM < 1 + 3n
() 2nM 3n < 1
() n (2M 3) < 1
() n<
2M 3
p p
Example 4.3.33 Find lim n+2 n
p p p p
p p n+2 n n+2+ n
lim n+2 n = lim p p
n+2+ n
= lim p p
n+2+ n
= p p
lim n + 2 + n
Remark 4.3.34 In many proofs or problems, di¤ erent versions of the triangle
inequality are often used. As a reminder, here are the di¤ erent versions of the
triangle inequality students should remember.
jjaj jbjj ja + bj jaj + jbj
1. We can use the de…nition. Let > 0 be given. We show there exists
N > 0 : n N =) p 0 < . We begin with what we want to achieve.
1 1
0 < () <
np np
() np >
() n> p
So, we see that if N is the smallest integer larger than p
p , the result will
2. See problems
3. Let xn = n np 1. Proving the result amounts to proving that lim xn = 0.
From xn = n n 1, we can write
n = xn + 1
n = (xn + 1)
4. Here again, we will use the binomial theorem. Since p > 1, we can write
p = 1 + q with q > 0. Therefore, if k is a positive integer such that k > ,
we have
pn = (1 + q)
n (n 1) ::: (n k + 1)
> qk
Now, if n > 2k, then k < 12 n. It follows that n k + 1 > 21 n + 1 > 12 n. It
follows that
n (n 1) ::: (n k + 1) nk
> k
k! 2 k!
and therefore
n 2k k! 1
0 n k
p q nk
2k k! 1 2k k! 1
lim = lim k
n!1 q k nk q k n!1 n
= 0
It follows from the squeeze theorem that lim =0
5. See problems (hint: write p = and use part 4 of the theorem with
= 0).
6. See problems.
4.3.4 Exercises
1. Prove that ! 0.
2. Prove that ! 0.
3. Finish proving theorem 4.3.35.
6. Consider (xn ) a sequence of real numbers and let x 2 R. Prove the two
conditions below are equivalent.
(a) xn ! x as n ! 1.
(b) jxn xj ! 0 as n ! 1.
8. Show by examples that if jxn j ! jxj then xn does not necessarily converge.
If it does converge, it does not necessarily converge to x.
10. Given that an bn for every n and that lim an = 1, prove that lim bn =
11. Suppose that (an ) and (bn ) are sequences of real numbers such that
jan bn j < 1 for every n. Prove that if 1 is a partial limit of (an )
then 1 is also a partial limit of (bn ).
(a) Prove that if two sequences (an ) and (bn ) are eventually close and if
a number x is the limit of the sequence (an ) then x is also the limit
of the sequence (bn ).
(b) Prove that if two sequences (an ) and (bn ) are eventually close and if
a number x is a partial limit of the sequence (an ) then x is also a
partial limit of the sequence (bn ).
13. Determine if the sequences below have limits (…nite or in…nite). In each
case, if a limit (…nite or in…nite) exists, prove it using the de…nition of the
limit of a sequence.
n 1
3n2 + 1
n2 + 1
5n3 + n 4
2n3 + 3
4n2 + 1
n3 + n
1 2 n
(f) + 2 + ::: + 2
n2 n n
2n 1 1
(g) ( 1) 1
1 1 1 1
(h) 1 1 1 ::: 1
2 3 4 n
14. Prove that if a > 1 then a2 > a > a>1
n n2 n3 n4
15. Prove that n
! 0, n ! 0, n ! 0, n ! 0
2 2 2 2
16. Prove theorem 4.3.1
18. Let (xn ) and (yn ) be two sequences. Assume further that lim xn = x and
y is a partial limit of (yn ). Prove that x + y is a partial limit for (xn + yn ).
19. State and prove similar results for subtraction, multiplication and division.
20. Give an example of two divergent sequences (xn ) and (yn ) such that
(xn + yn ) is convergent.
21. Give an example of two sequences (xn ) and (yn ) such that xn ! 0, yn !
1 and:
(a) xn yn ! 0
(b) xn yn ! c where 0 < c < 1
(c) xn yn ! 1
(d) (xn yn ) is bounded but has no limit.
22. Let (xn ) be a sequence of real numbers such that xn ! 0. Prove that
x1 + x2 + ::: + xn
7! 0
23. Let (xn ) be a sequence of real numbers such that xn ! x for some real
number x. Prove that
x1 + x2 + ::: + xn
7! x
6. Consider (xn ) a sequence of real numbers and let x 2 R. Prove the two
conditions below are equivalent.
Hint: Don’t forget to do both directions. Just use the de…nition.
(a) xn ! x as n ! 1.
(b) jxn xj ! 0 as n ! 1.
8. Show by examples that if jxn j ! jxj then xn does not necessarily converge.
If it does converge, it does not necessarily converge to x.
Hint: think of sequences we’ve used in the early examples.
9. Consider (xn ) a sequence of real numbers and let x 2 R. Suppose that
lim xn = x. De…ne yn = xn+p for some integer p. Prove that lim yn = x.
Hint: use the de…nition.
10. Given that an bn for every n and that lim an = 1, prove that lim bn =
Hint: use the de…nition.
11. Suppose that (an ) and (bn ) are sequences of real numbers such that
jan bn j < 1 for every n. Prove that if 1 is a partial limit of (an )
then 1 is also a partial limit of (bn ).
Hint: use the de…nition.
12. Two sequences are said to be eventually close if 8 > 0, 9N > 0 : n
N =) jan bn j < .
(a) Prove that if two sequences (an ) and (bn ) are eventually close and if
a number x is the limit of the sequence (an ) then x is also the limit
of the sequence (bn ).
Hint: use the de…nition and using properties of absolute value, rewrite
jbn xj as a sum of absolute values also involving an :
(b) Prove that if two sequences (an ) and (bn ) are eventually close and if
a number x is a partial limit of the sequence (an ) then x is also a
partial limit of the sequence (bn ).
Hint: same hint as part a.
13. Determine if the sequences below have limits (…nite or in…nite). In each
case, if a limit (…nite or in…nite) exists, prove it using the de…nition of the
limit of a sequence.
n 1
Hint: straight application of the de…nition.
Answer: 1.
3n2 + 1
(b) 2
n +1
Hint: straight application of the de…nition, then simplify the expres-
sion you get using techniques explained in the previous section.
Answer: 3.
5n3 + n 4
2n3 + 3
Hint: straight application of the de…nition, then simplify the expres-
sion you get using techniques explained in the previous section.
Answer: .
Hint: straight application of the de…nition, then simplify the expres-
sion you get using techniques explained in the previous section.
Answer: 1.
4n2 + 1
n3 + n
Hint: straight application of the de…nition, then simplify the expres-
sion you get using techniques explained in the previous section.
Answer: 0.
1 2 n
(f) + 2 + ::: + 2
n2 n n
Hint: …rst combine all the fractions to simplify them, then it is a
straight application of the de…nition.
2n 1 1
(g) ( 1) 1
Hint: use Bernoulli’s inequality.
Answer: 1.
1 1 1 1
(h) 1 1 1 ::: 1
2 3 4 n
Hint: Evaluate this product for several values of n, then make a
conjecture of what a simpler formula for this product should be.
Prove your conjecture. Then, use the simpler formula to …nd the
limit using the de…nition of a limit.
Answer: 0.
Hint: use techniques of this section shown in the examples.
Answer: 1.
14. Prove that if a > 1 then a2 > a > a>1
Hint: just do it!
n n2 n3 n4
15. Prove that n ! 0, n ! 0, n ! 0, n ! 0
2 2 2 2
Hint: use the binomial theorem, see examples in this section.
18. Let (xn ) and (yn ) be two sequences. Assume further that lim xn = x and
y is a partial limit of (yn ). Prove that x + y is a partial limit for (xn + yn ).
Hint: just use the various de…nitions involved.
19. State and prove similar results for subtraction, multiplication and division.
Hint: just use the various de…nitions involved.
20. Give an example of two divergent sequences (xn ) and (yn ) such that
(xn + yn ) is convergent.
Hint: none.
21. Give an example of two sequences (xn ) and (yn ) such that xn ! 0, yn !
1 and:
(a) xn yn ! 0
Hint: none.
(b) xn yn ! c where 0 < c < 1
Hint: none.
(c) xn yn ! 1
Hint: none.
(d) (xn yn ) is bounded but has no limit.
Hint: none.
22. Let (xn ) be a sequence of real numbers such that xn ! 0. Prove that
x1 + x2 + ::: + xn
7! 0
27. Prove that if (xn ) is a sequence in a set S R, then every …nite partial
limit of (xn ) must belong to S.
Hint: this is not di¢ cult. Just write down the various de…nitions involved
and what you have to prove and you’ll almost be done.
28. Prove that if S R and x 2 S then there exists a sequence (xn ) in S such
that xn ! x.
Hint: build the sequence by using the de…nition of S letting = .
29. Let S R. Prove that the following conditions are equivalent:
Hint: don’t forget to do both directions. One direction is just the de…ni-
tion. For the other direction, prove that no real number can be an upper
bound of S using the fact that xn ! 1.
5. By induction.
A < an A () < an A 0
() 0 A an <
=) jan Aj <
Pn 1
Example 4.4.4 Prove that the sequence whose general term is an =
k=0 k!
We try to establish this result by showing that this sequence is non-decreasing
and bounded above.
1 1 1
(an ) is increasing: an = 1 + 1 + + + ::: + . Therefore,
2 3! n!
an+1 an = >0
(n + 1)!
1 1 1 1 1 1
1+1+ + + ::: + < 1 + 1 + + 2 + ::: + n 1
2 3! n! 2 2 2
0 1 2 n 1
1 1 1 1
<1+ + + + ::: +
2 2 2 2
Since (an ) is bounded above and increasing, it must converge. We will call
the limit e0 .
a1 = 2
an+1 = (an + 6)
If we knew the limit existed, …nding it would be easy. We must …rst establish that
it exists. We do this by showing that this sequence is increasing and bounded
above. This part is left as an exercise. Once this fact has been established, then
we know the sequence must converge. Let L be its limit, we must …nd L. Before
proceeding, we will recall the following fact: lim an+1 = lim an . Therefore, if for
every n we have an+1 = (an + 6), then we must also have:
lim an+1 = lim (an + 6)
L= (lim an + 6)
L = (L + 6)
2L = L + 6
Example 4.4.6 Let an = 1+ . Show lim an exists. This limit is in fact
the number e, but we won’t show that. Again, to show that (an ) converges, we
show that it is increasing and bounded above.
where e0 is the limit found in the exercise above. Thus, (an ) is bounded by
e0 .
1 1 2 k 1
(an ) increasing. The kth term in the expansion of an is 1 1 ::: 1 .
k! n n n
1 1 2 k 1
The kth term in the expansion of an+1 is 1 1 ::: 1 .
k! n+1 n+1 n+1
j j j j
Since < , it follows that 1 >1 . Hence, an+1 > an .
n+1 n n+1 n
So, (an ) is increasing.
Since (an ) is increasing and bounded above, it follows that (an ) converges.
We de…ne this limit to be the number e.
Example 4.4.13 Consider (xn ) where xn =
Let > 0 be given. We want to show that there exists an integer N > 0 such
that m; n < N =) jxm xn j < (without loss of generality, let us assume that
n > m). That it we would like to have
X m
1 1
jxn xm j < () <
k2 k2
k=1 k=1
X 1
() <
1 1
Remembering telescoping sums and the fact that < , we see that
k2 k (k 1)
X 1
jxn xm j =
1 1
k 1 k
1 1
m n
1 1
< +
m n
So, as we saw in the previous example, if N is an integer larger than , then
m; n < N =) jxm xn j < .
We now look at important properties of Cauchy sequences.
Theorem 4.4.14 Every Cauchy sequence is bounded.
Proof. See problems.
Theorem 4.4.15 A sequence of real numbers converges if and only if it is a
Cauchy sequence.
Proof. We have already proven one direction. Let (xn ) be a sequence of real
If (xn ) converges, then we know it is a Cauchy sequence by theorem 4.3.4.
Assume (xn ) is a Cauchy sequence. We must prove that it converges. By
theorem 4.4.14, we know that fxn g is bounded. Therefore, by the com-
pleteness axiom, for each n, the number
an = inf fxn ; xn+1 ; xn+2 ; :::g
Remark 4.4.16 The key to this theorem is that we are dealing with a sequence
of real numbers. The fact that a Cauchy sequence of real number converges
is linked to the fact that R is complete. In fact, this is sometimes used as
a de…nition of completeness. Some texts say that a set is complete if every
Cauchy sequence converges in that set. It is possible to …nd a Cauchy sequence
of rational numbers which does not converge in Q.
We …nish this section with an important theorem.
De…nition 4.4.17 A nested sequence of intervals is a sequence fIn g of
intervals with the property that In+1 In for all n.
Theorem 4.4.18 (Nested Intervals) If f[an ; bn ]g is a nested sequence of closed
intervals then there exists a point z that belongs to all the intervals. Further-
more, if lim an = lim bn then the point z is unique.
Proof. We provide a sketch of the proof and leave the details as homework.
First, prove that fan g and fbn g are monotone and bounded. Thus, they must
converge. Let a = lim an and b = lim bn . Then, explain why a b. Conclude
from this.
4.4.3 Exercises
1. Prove that n! 2n 1
for every n 1
2. Prove that if k is an integer such that 1 < k n, then
n (n 1) (n 2) ::: (n k + 1) 1 2 k 1
= 1 1 ::: 1
nk n n n
3. Prove that the sequence given by
a1 = 2
an+1 = (an + 6)
is increasing and bounded above by 6. (hint: use induction for both).
a1 = 1
an+1 = 3
is increasing and satis…es an < 3 for all n. Then, …nd its limit.
5. Let a and b be two positive numbers such that a > b. Let a1 be their
arithmetic mean, that is a1 = . Let b1 be their geometric mean, that
p an + bn p
is b1 = ab. De…ne an+1 = and bn+1 = an bn .
(a) Use mathematical induction to show that an > an+1 > bn+1 > bn .
(b) Deduce that both (an ) and (bn ) converge.
(c) Show that lim an = lim bn . Gauss called the common value of these
limits the arithmetic-geometric mean.
Limit of a Function
jx aj represents how far x is from a. The above statement says that f (x)
can be made arbitrarily close to L simply by taking x close enough to a.
jx + 5 7j < () jx 2j <
Thus we see that = will work. Indeed, given > 0, 0 < jx 2j < =)
jx + 5 7j < .
Remark 5.1.4 Of course, this was a very easy example to illustrate how this
kind of problem is addressed. In general, it will take more work to …nd given
> 0. Many of the techniques used for sequences will also be used here. Some
will be illustrated below when we look at more challenging examples.
Remark 5.1.5 Saying that 0 < jx aj < is the same as saying that x 2
(a ; a + ) and x 6= a. Similarly, saying that jf (x) Lj < is the same as
saying that f (x) 2 (L ; L + ).
Example 5.1.8 Prove that lim 2 = 1.
(x 1)
Given M > 0, we must prove that there exists > 0 such that 0 < jx 1j <
=) 2 > M.
(x 1)
1 2 1
2 > M () (x 1) <
(x 1) M
1 1
() p <x 1< p
() jx 1j < p
Thus, given M > 0,=p will work.
De…nition 5.1.9 We say that lim f (x) = 1 or that f (x) ! 1 as x ! a
if 8M < 0, 9 > 0 : 0 < jx aj < =) f (x) < M .
Remark 5.1.10 If we …nd a which works, then every 0 < will also work.
Therefore, it is always possible to impose certain conditions on such as saying
that we are looking for less than a certain number h, thus restricting our search
to an interval of the form (a h; a + h). In this interval, if we call 0 the value
we found, then = min h; 0 .
Remark 5.1.11 In the last two de…nition, the vertical line x = a is a vertical
asymptote for the graph of y = f (x).
Remark 5.1.12 In the de…nition of a limit, it is implied that a is a limit point
of D (f ) that is for every > 0 the interval (a ; a + ) contains points of
D (f ) other than a. If this is not the case, then for small enough, there may
not exist any x satisfying 0 < jx aj < . In this case, the concept of a limit
has no meaning.
Remark 5.1.13 In the de…nition of a limit, a does not have to be in the domain
of f . It only needs to be a limit point of D (f ).
Remark 5.1.14 In the de…nition of a limit, depends obviously on . It may
also depend on the point a as illustrated by example 5.1.38.
Remark 5.1.15 When we say that the limit of a function exists, we mean that
it exists and is …nite. When the limit is in…nite, it does not exist in the sense
that it is not a number. However, we know what the function is doing, it is
approaching 1.
Remark 5.1.16 There are several situations under which a limit will fail to
1. The function may oscillate boundedly like in f (x) = sin as x ! 0.
2. The function may oscillate unboundedly like x sin x as x ! 1.
3. The function may grow without bounds like as x ! 0.
4. There may be a "break" in the graph.
Limit at in…nity
In order to be able to evaluate lim f (x), f must be de…ned for large x. In
other words, we must have D (f ) \ (w; 1) 6= ? for every w 2 R. In the case we
want to evaluate lim f (x), then we must have D (f ) \ ( 1; w) 6= ? for every
x! 1
w 2 R. We then have the following de…nitions (some of the de…nitions will be
accompanied with easy examples to illustrate the concept being de…ned):
De…nition 5.1.17 We say that lim f (x) = L or that f (x) ! L as x ! 1 if
8 > 0, 9w > 0 : x 2 (w; 1) \ D (f ) =) jf (x) Lj <
jf (x) Lj represents the distance between f (x) and L. The above state-
ment simply says that f (x) can be made as close as one wants to L, simply by
taking x large enough. Graphically, this simply says that the line y = L is a
horizontal asymptote for the graph of y = f (x).
To prove that a number f (x) approaches L as x ! 1, given > 0, one has
to prove that w > 0 can be found so that x 2 (w; 1) \ D (f ) =) jf (x) Lj <
. The approach is very similar to the one used for sequences. Many of the
techniques used when …nding the limit of a sequence will also be used here.
Example 5.1.18 Prove that lim = 0.
x7!1 x
Let > 0 be given. We want to …nd w > 0 so that x 2 (w; 1) \ D (f ) =)
0 < . As usual, we begin with the inequality we are trying to prove.
1 1
0 < () <
x jxj
Since we are considering the limit as x ! 1, we can restrict ourselves to
positive values of x. Thus, the above inequality can be replaced with <
1 1
which is equivalent to x > . Thus we see that given > 0, w = will work.
1 1
Thus, given > 0, we have x 2 ; 1 \ D (f ) =) 0 < .
De…nition 5.1.19 We say that lim f (x) = 1 or that f (x) ! 1 as x ! 1
if 8M > 0, 9w > 0 : x 2 (w; 1) \ D (f ) =) f (x) > M .
The above de…nition says that f (x) can be made arbitrarily large, simply
by taking x large enough.
Example 5.1.20 Prove that lim x2 = 1.
Given M > 0, we must prove that there exists w > 0 such that x 2 (w; 1) \
D x2 =) x2 > M . Since we are considering the limit as x ! 1, we can
restrict ourselves to x > 0. In this case
x2 > M () x > M
Thus, we see that given M > 0, w = M will work in other words x 2
M ; 1 =) x2 > M .
One-sided Limits
When we say x ! a, we realize that x can approach a from two sides. If x
approaches a from the right, that is if x approaches a and is greater than a, we
write x ! a+ . Similarly, if x approaches a from the left, that is if x approaches
a and is less than a, then we write x ! a .
We can rewrite the above de…nition for one sided limits with little modi…ca-
tions. We do it for a few of them.
1. lim f (x) = L
Remark 5.1.30 One way to prove that lim f (x) does not exits is to prove that
the two one-sided limits are not the same or that at least one of them does not
Remark 5.1.31 One sided limits are often used when the de…nition or behavior
of f changes around the point a at which the limit is being computed. This
can happen with piecewise functions when we compute their limit at one of the
breaking points.
x2 + 2 6 < () x2 4 <
() jx 2j jx + 2j <
Since x2 + 2 is de…ned for all real numbers, we can assume it is at least de…ned
in (0; 4) (i.e. in (2 h; 2 + h) with h = 2). In this interval, jx + 2j < 6,
therefore,jx 2j jx + 2j < 6 jx 2j. So if we make 6 jx 2j < , the result will
follow. This happens when jx 2j < . So, given > 0, = min ;2 will
6 6
Remark 5.1.34 In the previous example, the choice of the interval (0; 4) is
not magic. We could have chosen another interval. We want to use an interval
centered at the point where we are computing the limit. Some readers may think
we cheated by only looking at values of x in some intervals. Remember what
we are trying to achieve. Given an > 0, we are …nding > 0 with certain
properties. As long as we …nd a , we have achieved what we had to achieve.
By picking an interval, we simply acknowledge the fact that it is too di¢ cult to
look for just any , so we restrict our search to a smaller interval.
Example 5.1.35 Show that lim x = 2.
p need to show that given > 0, one can …nd such that 0 < jx 4j < =)
j x 2j < . As before, we start with what we want, and manipulate it until
we get jx 4j involved.
p p
p ( x 2) ( x + 2)
x 2 < () p <
x 4
() p <
jx 4j
() p <
lim f (x) = 0.
Let > 0 be given. We want to prove there exists > 0 such that
0 < 0 x < () jf (x) 0j < . If x ! 0 then x < 0. In this
lim f (x) = 4.
Let > 0 be given. We want to prove there exists > 0 such that
0 < 2 x < () jf (x) 4j < . If x ! 2 then x < 2. In this
case, f (x) = x2 . Thus, we have:
lim f (x) = 6.
Let > 0 be given. We want to prove there exists > 0 such that
0 < x 2 < () jf (x) 6j < . If x ! 2+ then x > 2. In this
case, f (x) = 8 x. Thus, we have:
x 2
Example 5.1.37 Find lim .
x!4 x 4
First, we note that if x 6= 4, we have:
p p p
x 2 x 2 x+2
= p
x 4 x 4 x+2
p p
( x 2) ( x + 2)
= p
(x 4) ( x + 2)
p 2
( x) 4
= p
(x 4) ( x + 2)
x 4
= p
(x 4) ( x + 2)
x 2 1 1
So that when x ! 4, it seems reasonable to think that = p ! .
x 4 x+2 4
We prove it. Given > 0, we need to …nd > 0 such that 0 < jx 4j < =)
x 2 1
< .
x 4 4
x 2 1 1 1
< () p <
x 4 4 x+2 4
4 x 2
() p <
4 ( x + 2)
2 x
() p <
4 ( x + 2)
2 x
() p <
4 ( x + 2)
p p
(2 x) (2 + x)
() p 2 <
4 ( x + 2)
(4 x)
() p 2 <
4 ( x + 2)
j4 xj
() p 2 <
4 ( x + 2)
j4 xj jx 4j
p 2 = p 2
4 ( x + 2) 4 ( x + 2)
jx 4j
The next example illustrates the fact that depends not only on but also
on the point at which the limit is being found.
1 1
Example 5.1.38 Prove that lim = for any a 2 (0; 1).
Let > 0 be given. We want to …nd > 0 such that 0 < jx aj < =)
1 1
< . We begin with
x a
1 1 a x
< () <
x a ax
jx aj
() <
When we are looking at values of x satisfying jx aj < the intent is that
be small in other words that be x is close to a. We may then assume that
a a jx aj 2 jx aj
jx aj < in which case x > . Therefore < . So, if we make
2 2 ax a2
2 jx aj a2
< we will have what we want. This will happen when jx aj < .
a2 2
a a 1 1
Thus, we see that if = min ; then 0 < jx aj < =) < .
2 2 x a
In particular, we see that depends on both and a. Of course, one might
argue that we could have done better and found a which did not depend on
a. We will prove by contradiction that must depend on a. Suppose that it
did not, that is for a given > 0, the choice of does not depend on a. In
particular, this would work for = 1. So, for = 1, one can …nd > 0 such
1 1
that 0 < jx aj < =) < 1. If it works for this ;it must also work
x a
for any smaller . We may then assume that 0 < < . Since the choice of
is supposed to be independent of a, it should work for a = . If x = , we have
0 < jx aj = = <
2 2
1 1
Therefore, we should have < 1. But
x a
1 1 1 2
x a
> 1
which is a contradiction.
by showing that there exists > 0 for which no will work that is no matter
which we pick, there exists an x satisfying 0 < jx aj < yet jf (x) Lj .
Let = max fjL 1j ; jLjg. Either = jL 1j or = jLj.
case 1: = jL 1j. Since Q is dense in R, one can …nd x 2 Q such that for
any > 0 we have
0 < jx aj <
For such x, jf (x) Lj = j1 Lj = .
case 2: = jLj. Since between any two real numbers there exists an irrational
number, for any > 0 one can …nd an irrational number x such that
0 < jx aj <
5.1.4 Exercises
p p
1. Use the de…nition of the limit of a function to show that lim x= 2.
1 1
2. Use the de…nition of the limit of a function to show that lim = .
x!2 x 2
3. Discuss the one-sided limits of f (x) = e x at x = 0.
4. Write a careful proof of the results stated below.
(a) lim x3 3x = 2
x! 1
1 1
(b) lim =
x!3 x 3
x 8 12
(c) lim 2 =
x!2 x + x 6 5
x if if x is rational
5. Let f (x) = Prove the following:
x2 if if x is irrational
(a) lim x3 3x = 2
x! 1
Hint: As in some of the examples, you will need to restrict your
search to some interval around 1, the number x is approaching.
1 1
(b) lim =
x!3 x 3
Hint: Similar hint as above.
x3 8 12
(c) lim 2 =
x!2 x + x 6 5
Hint: Similar hint as above.
x if if x is rational
5. Let f (x) = Prove the following:
x2 if if x is irrational
Theorem 5.2.1 Assuming that lim f (x) and lim g (x) exist, the following re-
x!a x!a
sults are true:
Remark 5.2.2 The above results also hold when the limits are taken as x !
Remark 5.2.3 All the techniques learned in Calculus can be used here. These
techniques include factoring, multiplying by the conjugate.
6x + 8
Example 5.2.4 Find lim
x!4x 4
Here, we note that both the numerator and denominator are approaching 0 as
x ! 4. Since both the numerator and denominator are polynomials, we know
we can factor x 4.
x2 6x + 8 (x 4) (x 2)
lim = lim
x!4 x 4 x!4 x 4
= lim (x 2)
= 2
x 1
Example 5.2.5 Find lim
x!1 x 1
Here, we note that both the numerator and denominator are approaching 0 as
x ! 1. The fraction also contains a radical. A standard technique is to try to
multiply by the conjugate.
p p p
x 1 ( x 1) ( x + 1)
lim = lim p
x!1 x 1 x!1 (x 1) ( x + 1)
x 1
= lim p
x!1 (x 1) ( x + 1)
= lim p
x!1 x+1
x2 + 5x + 1
Example 5.2.6 Find lim
x!1 2x2 10
When taking the limit as x ! 1 of a rational function, a standard technique
is to factor the term of highest degree from both the numerator and denominator.
5 1
2 x2 1 + + 2
x + 5x + 1 x x
lim = lim
x!1 2x2 10 x!1 10
x2 2
5 1 10
As x ! 1, 1 + + 2 ! 1 and 2 ! 2, so
x x x2
5 1
x2 1 + +
x x2 x2
lim = lim
x!1 10 x!1 2x2
x2 2
Remark 5.2.7 The above example is a special case of a more general result we
give below.
3x2 + 1
Example 5.2.9 Find lim
x!1 4x3 + 2x + 1
3x2 + 1 3x2 3
From the above theorem, we see that lim = lim = lim =
x!1 4x3 + 2x + 1 x!1 4x3 x!1 4x
The next theorem relates the notion of limit of a function with the notion
of limit of a sequence.
Theorem 5.2.11 Suppose that lim f (x) = L and that fxn g is a sequence of
points such that lim xn = a, xn 6= a8n. Put yn = f (xn ). Then, lim yn = L
n!1 n!1
Proof. Let > 0 be given. Since lim f (x) = L, we can …nd such that
0 < jx aj < =) jf (x) Lj < . Since lim xn = a, we can …nd N such
that n N =) jxn aj < . But in this case, it follows that jf (xn ) Lj < .
It follows that
jf (x)j < 1 + jLj
Therefore, f is bounded by 1 + jLj in (a ; a + ).
be given. Choose 2 such that 0 < jx aj < 2 =) L < f (x) < +L. Choose
3 such that 0 < jx aj < 3 =) L < h (x) < + L. Let = min ( 1 ; 2 ; 3 ).
Then, if 0 < jx aj < , we have
L < f (x) g (x) h (x) < + L
() L < g (x) < + L
() jg (x) Lj <
Therefore, lim g (x) = L.
Example 5.2.15 Show that lim x2 sin = 0.
x!0 x
2. For every sequence fxn g such that xn 6= a and xn ! a we have lim f (xn ) =
Proof. We prove both directions.
(1 =) 2). We assume that lim f (x) = L. Let fxn g be a sequence such
that xn 6= a and xn ! a. Then, the conclusion follows from theorem
(2 =) 1). This is theorem 5.2.12.
This theorem provides the link between the limit of a function and the limit
of a sequence. Using this theorem, we can prove the theorems about the limit
of a function by using their counterpart for sequences. We illustrate this with
another version of the proof of the squeeze theorem.
Theorem 5.2.17 Suppose that f (x) g (x) h (x) in a deleted neighborhood
of a and lim f (x) = lim h (x) = L then lim g (x) = L.
x!a x!a x!a
Proof. To show that lim g (x) = L, we need to show that if xn is any sequence
which converges to a, then g (xn ) is a sequence which converges to L. Let xn
be a sequence such that xn ! a, xn 6= a. Then, f (xn ) ! L and h (xn ) ! L.
Since f (xn ) g (xn ) h (xn ) we can apply the squeeze theorem for sequences
to conclude that g (xn ) ! L.
5.2.4 Exercises
1. Prove theorem 5.2.8.
2. Prove theorem 5.2.10
3. Prove theorem 5.2.1
4. Evaluate the following limits:
x2 4
(a) lim
x! 2 x + 2
x3 27
(b) lim
x!3 x 3
xn 1
(c) lim where n is a positive integer.
x!1 x 1
x 1
(d) lim m
x!1 x 1
x 2 2
(e) lim
x!6 x 6
sin x
5. Assuming you know that lim = 1, compute the limits below:
x!0 x
sin 2x
(a) lim
x!0 x
sin 3x
(b) lim
x!0 sin 5x
(c) lim
x!0 tan x
sin x
(d) lim p
x!0 x
p p
(a + bx) (c + dx) ac
6. Evaluate lim
x!0 x
7. Prove Theorem 5.2.12.
8. Prove that if lim f (x) > 0 then there exists > 0 such that f (x) > 0 for
every x 2 (a ; a + ).
9. We say that a function f : I ! R where I R is Lipschitz providing there
exists a constant K > 0 such that
jf (x) f (y)j K jx yj
for x, y 2 I.
(a) Give an example of a Lipschitz function. You must show that the
function in your example satis…es the required condition.
(b) Prove rigorously that if f is Lipschitz, then lim f (x) = f (a).
x2 4
(a) lim
x! 2 x + 2
Hint: Use simple algebra to factor some terms.
Answer: 4
x3 27
(b) lim
x!3 x 3
Hint: Use simple algebra to factor some terms.
Answer: 27
xn 1
(c) lim where n is a positive integer.
x!1 x 1
Hint: Use simple algebra to factor some terms, remembering that
xn 1 = (x 1) 1 + x + x2 + ::: + xn 1
Answer: n
xn 1
(d) lim m
x!1 x 1
Hint: Use simple algebra to factor some terms, remembering that
xn 1 = (x 1) 1 + x + x2 + ::: + xn 1
x 2 2
(e) lim
x!6 x 6
Hint: Use the conjugate.
sin x
5. Assuming you know that lim = 1, compute the limits below:
x!0 x
sin 2x
(a) lim
x!0 x
Hint: Use the fact that x ! 0 () 2x ! 0.
Answer: 2
sin 3x
(b) lim
x!0sin 5x
Hint: Remembering the previous problem, rewrite this problem so it
sin x
looks like so you can use the given result.
(c) lim
x!0 tan x
Hint: Use the de…nition of tan x.
Answer: 1
sin x
(d) lim p
x!0 x
Hint: In order to use the given result, you need to rewrite this so
that there is an x in the denominator.
Answer: 0
p p
(a + bx) (c + dx) ac
6. Evaluate lim
x!0 x
Hint: Use the conjugate.
ad + bc
Answer: p
2 ac
7. Prove Theorem 5.2.12.
Hint: Using the de…nition of limits, try a proof by contradiction.
8. Prove that if lim f (x) > 0 then there exists > 0 such that f (x) > 0 for
every x 2 (a ; a + ).
Hint: Using the de…nition of limits, pick an appropriate to have the
desired result.
9. We say that a function f : I ! R where I R is Lipschitz providing there
exists a constant K > 0 such that
jf (x) f (y)j K jx yj
for x, y 2 I.
(a) Give an example of a Lipschitz function. You must show that the
function in your example satis…es the required condition.
Hint: Try to understand the meaning of this condition. To help you
f (x) f (y)
do that, think of the geometric meaning of the quantity .
x y
(b) Prove rigorously that if f is Lipschitz, then lim f (x) = f (a).
Hint: Simply use the de…nition of limit.
We have the same terminology as for sequences. Like for sequences, functions
which are non-decreasing (or non-increasing) have an important property.
Theorem 5.3.2 Let f be a monotone function on the interval [a; b]. Then, the
following limits exist:
1. lim f (x)
2. lim+ f (x)
5.3.1 Exercises
1. Prove theorem 5.3.2.