What Version of Pymssql Are You Running?: Answ Ered: 50 Skipped: 3

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Q1 What version of pymssql are you

Answ ered: 50 Skipped: 3



I don't run
pymssql in...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

1.0.2 22.00% 11

2.X 72.00% 36

I don't run pymssql in produc tion 12.00% 6

Total Respondents: 50

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Q2 What OS are you using?

Answ ered: 53 Skipped: 0


Window s




Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

Linux 71.70% 38

Windows 52.83% 28

OS X 18.87% 10

FreeBSD 3.77% 2

Solaris 0.00% 0

Other (please spec ify) 0.00% 0

Total Respondents: 53

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Q3 What Linux distro are you using?

Answ ered: 50 Skipped: 3



Red Hat






I don't use

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

Ubuntu 42.00% 21

Debian 18.00% 9

Red Hat 8.00% 4

CentOS 16.00% 8

Fedora 8.00% 4

SUSE 0.00% 0

Arc h 4.00% 2

Gentoo 6.00% 3

I don't use Linux 18.00% 9

Other (please spec ify) 6.00% 3

Total Respondents: 50

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Q4 What version of your Linux distro are

you using?
Answ ered: 41 Skipped: 12

I don't use

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

I don't use Linux 21.95% 9

Other (please spec ify) 78.05% 32

Total Respondents: 41

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Q5 What version of Windows are you

Answ ered: 48 Skipped: 5

I don't use
Window s

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

I don't use Windows 39.58% 19

Other (please spec ify) 60.42% 29

Total Respondents: 48

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Q6 What version of Python are you using?

Answ ered: 50 Skipped: 3

CPython 2.5

CPython 2.6

CPython 2.7

CPython 3.3

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

CPython 2.5 4.00% 2

CPython 2.6 14.00% 7

CPython 2.7 82.00% 41

CPython 3.3 32.00% 16

Other (please spec ify) 10.00% 5

Total Respondents: 50

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Q7 What version of FreeTDS are you

Answ ered: 47 Skipped: 6

Older than 0.82



Bleeding edge
from gitorious

Ummm, w hat is

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

Older than 0.82 4.26% 2

0.82 4.26% 2

0.91 46.81% 22

Bleeding edge from gitorious 0.00% 0

Ummm, what is FreeTDS? 46.81% 22

Other (please spec ify) 4.26% 2

Total Respondents: 47

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pymssql survey

Q8 How do you install FreeTDS?

Answ ered: 48 Skipped: 5

I use my
package mana...

I dow nload and

compile it...

I use the
v ersion of...

What is
FreeTDS? :-)

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

I use my pac kage manager -- e.g.: apt-get, yum, pac man, emerge, homebrew, etc . 41.67% 20

I download and c ompile it myself 16.67% 8

I use the version of FreeTDS that is bundled with pymssql 2.x 14.58% 7

What is FreeTDS? :-) 41.67% 20

Other (please spec ify) 2.08% 1

Total Respondents: 48

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Q9 Rate your skill with Python

programming from 1 to 10
Answ ered: 49 Skipped: 4


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

1 4.08% 2

2 0.00% 0

3 12.24% 6

4 4.08% 2

5 22.45% 11

6 6.12% 3

7 28.57% 14

8 10.20% 5

9 10.20% 5

10 2.04% 1

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Total 49

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Q10 What are you using with pymssql?

(ORM or middleware)
Answ ered: 50 Skipped: 3


Dj ango ORM

Another ORM


Directly using

Directly using

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

SQLAlc hemy 20.00% 10

Django ORM 10.00% 5

Another ORM 2.00% 1

ODBC 8.00% 4

Direc tly using pymssql's DB-API interfac e (pymssql module) 66.00% 33

Direc tly using pymssql low-level interfac e (_mssql module) 20.00% 10

Other (please spec ify) 2.00% 1

Total Respondents: 50

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Q11 What web framework are you using?

Answ ered: 49 Skipped: 4

Dj ango







w eb2py

No w eb
framew ork

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

Django 20.41% 10

Pyramid 4.08% 2

Flask 14.29% 7

Pylons 0.00% 0

TurboGears 2.04% 1

CherryPy 4.08% 2

Zope 2.04% 1

web2py 6.12% 3

No web framework 57.14% 28

Other (please spec ify) 16.33% 8

Total Respondents: 49

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Q12 What version of SQL Server are you

connecting to?
Answ ered: 52 Skipped: 1

SQL Serv er 2000

SQL Serv er 2005

SQL Serv er 2008

SQL Serv er 2012

SQL Serv er

Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

SQL Server 2000 9.62% 5

SQL Server 2005 34.62% 18

SQL Server 2008 73.08% 38

SQL Server 2012 42.31% 22

SQL Server Azure 0.00% 0

Other (please spec ify) 3.85% 2

Total Respondents: 52

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Q13 Are you interested in contributing to

the pymssql project? (no obligation)
Answ ered: 42 Skipped: 11

Yes, by
w riting code

Yes, by
w riting...

Yes, by doing


Other (please

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answ er Choices Responses

Yes, by writing c ode 23.81% 10

Yes, by writing doc umentation 21.43% 9

Yes, by doing testing 38.10% 16

No 35.71% 15

Other (please spec ify) 14.29% 6

Total Respondents: 42

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Q14 What do you think pymssql should do?

Miscellaneous comments...?
Answ ered: 21 Skipped: 32

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Q15 Contact information (optional)

Answ ered: 20 Skipped: 33

Answ er Choices Responses

Name 95.00% 19

Company 50.00% 10

Address 0.00% 0

Address 2 0.00% 0

City / Town 75.00% 15

State / Provinc e 65.00% 13

ZIP / Postal Code 0.00% 0

Country 80.00% 16

Email 85.00% 17

Phone 0.00% 0

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