Migration in Fishes
Migration in Fishes
Migration in Fishes
Sameer G. Chebbi
Industrial fish and fisheries
Dept. of Zoology
Karnatak Science College, Dharwad
Migration is the movement of large number of
animals from one place to another for feeding,
reproduction or to escape weather extremes.
When large numbers of fishes come together
and move socially it is called shoaling.
But sometimes migrating fishes exhibit high
degree of coordination in their movements and
carry out synchronized manoeuvres to produce
different types of shapes.
This is called schooling, as seen in tunas and
Diadromons fishes – migrate between sea
& fresh water
Anadromous – major part sea but fresh water
during breeding season e.g. Salmon & Hisla
Catadromous – major part fresh water but sea
during breeding e.g. Anguilla (eel fish)
Amphidramons – fresh water to sea & vice
versa. Eg. Gobies
Potamodromons – migratory, confined to
fresh water eg. Corps and trouts, Mahasees
move up stream along Himalaya rivers
Oceanodromons – migratory, confined to
sea only eg. Tunnas, Mackerels
Causes of migration in fishes
Heape (1961) – 4 primary reasons of fish migration
Gametic migration (Spawning/breeding migration)
Better survival & proper development of egg/larva
Stop feeding prior to migration or reduced drastically
Energy requirement (fat deposit) e.g. Chum salmon spp. 25,810 Ca &
28,390 cal by male and female respectively
Alimental of Feeding Migration
Due to shortage of food (Suitable/wintering/spawing)
Better food facilities, better survival & fast growth
Grow fast in size & mature & produce more eggs.
Climate or Wintering Migration
Due to inactive physical condition and low BMR (Basic Metabolic rate)
Depends on fish condition and environment
Achieved by hormonal and physiological changes
Deposit mainly as fat deposits
Among freshwater species (Grass corp.) more to wintering grounds.
Osmoregulatory or Protective Migration
Spwing, feeding & wintering migration can all be regards as protection
migration as they ensure further life of fish
These migration are not cyclical
Methods of study
Marking and tagging (Scale marking or removal)
Fisheries statistics (different areas at specific time)
Echo ranging techniques (modern & accurate)
Similar to echo location in bats by ultra sound emitted in small ship
Indicates presence of shoals and depth at which present
Direct observation (Land, ship or aircraft)
Marking and Tagging
Physical Marking
Caught and clip fins
Used for short term only
Internal Marking
Metallic marking introduced within the body cavity by marking guns
Electro marking detectors & prevent from conniving
External Marking
Body surfaces or gill over or pretention bose
Two celluloid disc esp. Flat fishes
Lea hydrostatic tagging
Used for long distance migrants like cods
Small celluloid cylinder, remains hermetically sealed
Information kept (address)
Numbered boit hook tagging
Red fish & deep sea fishes are used
When brought up dia
Plastic flag tagging
Used in cods
Attached in back of fish by braided nylon thread
Feeding or alimental
Feeding or alimental migration takes place in
fishes for feeding.
In high populations fishes exhaust food
resources in an area quickly and therefore
must migrate constantly in search of new
feeding resources.
Salmons, cods and sword fish constantly
migrate for food from one place to another in
the sea.
Spawning migration
Spawning migration takes place in
breeding season in those fishes which
have spawning grounds far away from
feeding places.
Migratory fishes such as eels and
salmons and a large number of riverine
fishes spawn in tributaries of river in hills
and migrate in large number for laying
eggs in these oxygen rich waters.
Juvenile migration involves larval stages
of fishes which hatch in spawning grounds
and must migrate long distances in order
to reach the feeding habitats of their
Recruitment migration takes place when
large number of larvae moves from
nursery habitat to the habitat of adults
which may sometimes be distinctly
different. Adults of eels live in rivers in
Europe and America but their larval stages
live and grown in sea and migrate to reach
rivers which may take one to two years.
Seasonal migration
Seasonal migration takes place in
fishes that inhabit arctic areas where in
summer climate is conducive and food
abundant but as winter approaches
temperatures fall below zero and food
becomes scarce.
Hence fishes must migrate towards
subtropical and tropical areas to escape
extremes of weather conditions.