A Generalized Matlab Simulink Model of A Three Phase Induction Motor
A Generalized Matlab Simulink Model of A Three Phase Induction Motor
A Generalized Matlab Simulink Model of A Three Phase Induction Motor
P.G. Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat, Assam, India 1
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat, Assam, India 2
ABSTRACT: Induction motors are the most widely used motor drives in industry because of its simple construction
and other advantages such as reliable operation, low initial cost, easy operation and simple maintenance, high
efficiency and having simple control gear for starting and speed control. This usefulness of this motor has resulted into
a lot of research including the transient behaviour of the machine. This paper presents a step by step Simulink
implementation of an induction machine using dq0 axis transformations of the stator and rotor variables in the arbitrary
reference frame. At first the important formulas are stated and then according to these formulas a generalized model of
a three phase induction motor is developed and implemented. The model is used to investigate the effects of variations
in the machine size and parameter values on the dynamic performance of induction machine. The proposed system has
been developed and simulated by using Matlab/Simulink.
KEYWORDS: Matlab/Simulink, induction motor(IM), dynamic modelling, dq0 axis transformation and Flux linkage.
Dynamic modelling and simulation of induction motor drives is of great importance to both industry and academia due
to the prevalence of these types of drives in various industrial settings as well as in the validation of design process of
the motor-drive systems, eliminating inadvertent design mistakes and the resulting errors in the prototype constructions
and testing [1,2]. The dynamic model of the induction motor is derived by transferring the three-phase quantities into
two phase direct and quadrature axes quantities. This paper presents a modular, easy-to-understand Simulink induction
motor model [3, 4]. With the modular system [5], each block solves one of the model equations; therefore, unlike in
black box models, all of the machine parameters are accessible for control and verification purposes. The power of the
proposed tool lies in the ability to study the dynamic behaviour of the induction machine in the absence of complicated
mathematics. The program was designed to illustrate clearly the effects of the Park’s transformation [6,7,8,9]. This
concept is normally very difficult to learn, but by representing the model of the induction motor in a generic reference
frame rotating with an angular speed ω, and simulating some transients, with different operating conditions, one can
learn quite well from this concept.
In the past, researchers have developed their own software packages for dynamics modeling of induction motor. It is
unnecessary to develop user-written software for dynamic model of induction motor when we have proprietary
software package such as Matlab/Simulink, licensed by MathWorks which makes simulation design more efficient and
allows other interested parties to understand the operation of the system more easily than a programming-language
Dynamic simulations play an important role in the pre-testing of motor drive systems [9]. Pre-testing is conducted by
engineers in industry as well as by researchers in academia. Pre-testing using dynamic simulations can help researchers
to determine the experimental setup that will be used for a given set of experimental tests. The transient behaviour of an
electric machine is of particular importance when the drive system is to be controlled. Many different methods and
control algorithms are available in the literature for controlling the three-phase induction motor [10]. A dynamic model
of a machine leads to insight into the electrical transients [11]. There are many Simulink induction motor models in the
literature [12]. However, most of them do not give the details as to how the model equations and subsystems within the
model are derived.
The induction motor dynamic model and the basic equations that are used in this simulink model are basically taken
from the R. Krishan, “Electric motor drives: Modelling, analysis and control [13] and Bimal K.Bose, “Modern Power
Electronics and AC Drives,” [14]. Many of the researchers namely M. L. De Aguiar, M. M. Cad, A. Dumitrescu, D.
Fodor, T. Jokinen, M. Rosu, S. Bucurencio, S. Wade, M. W. Dunnigan, B. W. Williams developed the induction
machine motor models are available in the literature [3,4,15], but they appear to be black boxes with no internal details.
Some of them [3,4,15] recommend using S- functions, which are software source codes for Simulink blocks. This
technique does not fully utilize the power and ease of Simulink because S-function programming knowledge is required
to access the model variables. Reference [16] refers to an implementation of the matlab/simulink approach similar to
the one presented in this paper. Similarly, Aleck W. Leedy developed a dynamic model of the induction motor using
Simulink / MATLAB that is beneficial for use as a teaching tool in electric machines and power electronics courses as
well as a research tool in the laboratory [17].
The dynamic model of induction motor can be developed by writing differential equations for voltage and torque. For
dynamic analysis, poly phase windings are transformed into two phase windings (q-d).In other words; the parameters of
an induction machine are transferred to another d-q model which remains stationary [1-4,6,7].
In Fig.1 stator inductance is the sum of the stator leakage inductance and magnetizing inductance (Lls = Ls + Lm), and
the rotor inductance is the sum of the rotor leakage inductance and magnetizing inductance (Llr = Lr + Lm). From the
equivalent circuit of the induction motor in d-q frame, the model equations are derived. The flux linkages equations
associated with this circuit can be found as follows:
Then substituting the values of the flux linkages to find the currents, we will get
From the above equations, the torque and rotor speed can be determined as follows:
These three-phase voltages are transferred to a synchronously rotating reference frame in only two phases (d-q axis
transformation). This can be done using the following equations.
The instantaneous values of the stator and rotor currents in three-phase system are calculated using the following
In this section, the three phase induction machine model is simulated by using the Matlab/Simulink. The Model is
implemented using the same set of equations provided above in sections 2. Fig.2 shows the complete Simulink scheme
of the described induction machine model.
The inputs of an induction machine are three phase voltages, their fundamental frequency and the load torque. The
outputs of an induction machine are three-phase currents, electrical torque, and rotor speed.
In this model the simulation starts with generating a three-phase stator voltages according to the equations (14, 15, 16),
and then transforming these balanced voltages to two phase voltages referred to the synchronously rotating frame using
Clarke and Park transformation as in equations (17, 18). Fig.3 illustrate the internal structure of the induction machine
d-q model by which the flux linkages, currents, torque and the rotor angular speed are calculated.
Fig.3 the internal structure of the 3-phase induction motor d-q model
Fig.4 shows the Matlab/Simulink model to find the Flux linkage Fqs, Fqr, Fds, Fdr, as stated in equations (1)-(4).
Fig.4 the internal structure of the block to calculate the flux linkages
Fig.5 shows the internal structure of the blocks of fig.4 in which the equations (1)-(4) are implemented in
Matlab/Simulink format.
Fig.6 shows the Simulink blocks used to calculate the currents Iqs, Ids, Iqr,Idr, according to the equations (8) – (11),
also Fmq, Fmd in equations (5), (6). Fig.7 shows the implementation of torque Te and angular speed ωr as expressed in
equations (12) and (13) respectively.
Fig.6 the internal structure of the block to calculate the currents Iqs, Ids, Iqr,Idr, and the fluxes Fmq, Fmd.
Fig.7 the implementation of the torque equation Te (12) and the angular speed equation ωr (13)
The simulation results are given for the induction motor with the following specifications:
VL = 1120, P = 4, f = 60, Rs = 0.435, Xls = 0.754, Rr = 0.816, Xlr = 0.754, J = .09, Xlm = 26.13, Speed = 6600rpm
(No Load).The machine parameters are defined using graphical user interface (GUI). Fig.8 shows the GUI of the
induction machine d-q model.
The following figures shows the rotor speed, electromagnetic torque, currents and torque- speed curve of the IM at both
no load and at a load of 200 N-m.
Fig.9 shows the rotor speed and torque responses with respect to the time for the IM at no load condition. At time 0.158
seconds speed is 6600 rpm and after that it remains at 6600 rpm. Simultaneously the torque is oscillating between the
values of 1032 N-m and -550 Nm up to the speed of 6600 rpm and after that it remains at zero. From this figure we can
say that the IM motor quickly attain the speed of 6600 rpm with a stable torque condition.
Fig.10 shows the graph between torque and the speed at no load condition. It can be seen that after oscillation of the
torque between 1032 N-m and -550 N-m with increase in speed, both speed and torque merge into a point which
implies that both come to the stable condition with the value of torque at zero.
Fig.11 shows the rotor current Iabc where before attaining the speed of 6600 rpm, a, b and c axis current components
varies between the values of 462 ampere and -503 ampere. After 0.158 seconds, these values of current become stable
between the values of 23 ampere and -23 ampere (at the speed of 6600 rpm).
Fig.12 shows the rotor speed and torque responses with respect to the time for the IM at a load of 200 N-m. At time
0.23 seconds the speed is 6500 rpm and after that it remains at 6500 rpm. Simultaneously the torque is oscillating
between the values of 1052 N-m and -567 Nm up to the speed of 6500 rpm and after that it remains at 200 Nm. From
this figure we can say that the IM motor takes some time to attain the speed of 6500 rpm as compared to no load
condition due to the application of the load but still it reaches the speed in a very short time with a stable torque
Fig.13 shows the graph between torque and the speed at a load of 200 Nm. It can be seen that after oscillation of the
torque between 1052 N-m and -567 Nm with increase in speed, both speed and torque merge into a point at a speed of
6500 rpm and at a torque of 200 Nm.
Fig.14 shows the rotor current Iabc where before attaining the speed of 6500 rpm, a, b and c axis current components
varies between the values of 462 ampere and -503 ampere. After 0.23 seconds, these values of current become stable
between the values of 50 ampere and -50 ampere (at the speed of 6500 rpm).
In this paper, an implementation of the dynamic modelling of a three-phase induction motor using Matlab/Simulink is
presented in a step-by-step manner. The simulated IM model has given a satisfactory response in terms of the torque
and speed characteristics. The model was tested at no load condition and load condition. The results concludes that the
Matlab/Simulink is a reliable and sophisticated way to analyse and predict the behaviour of induction motor using the
theory of reference frames.
This research work is made under the guidance of Dr. Neelanjana Baruah (Asscociate professor) of JEC,Assam. I,
Lakhya Jyoti Phukon would like to thank my guide and my teachers & my dear friends for helping me in this research
work and for their guidance and constant encouragement towards the work.
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