Capacity Production Planing

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Inputs in blue

decision variables in gold

objective in yellow
Starting work force 10 (number of associates)
Production rate 500 (shirts per month per associate)
Overtime cap 100 (shirts per month per associate)

Cost per shirt (regular time) $14

Cost per shirt (overtime producti $18
Cost to Hire $1,200
Cost to Fire $1,200

Initial Inventory 0
Inventory holding cost $0.28 (cost per month per shirt)

Month Forecast Hire Fire Workforce production
1 4000 0 0 10 5000
2 5000 2 0 12 6000
3 4000 0 0 12 6000
4 10000 0 0 12 6000
5 5000 0 2 10 5000
6 4000 0 0 10 5000

$1,200 $1,200 $14

Costs $2,400 $2,400 $0 $462,000

Total Cost $469,040

nth per associate)
nth per associate)

overtime regular Overtime

production Inventory Workforce production capacity Inventory
10 0
0 1000 10 5000 1000 1,000
0 2000 12 6000 1200 2,000
0 4000 12 6000 1200 4,000
0 0 12 6000 1200 0
0 0 10 5000 1000 0
0 1000 10 5000 1000 1,000

$18 $0.28
$0 $2,240 $462,000 $2,240
Inputs in blue
decision variables in gold
objective in yellow
Starting work force 10 (number of associates)
Production rate 500 (shirts per month per associate)
Overtime cap 100 (shirts per month per associate)

Cost per shirt (regular time) $14

Cost per shirt (overtime producti $18
Cost to Hire $1,200
Cost to Fire $1,200

Initial Inventory 0
Inventory holding cost $0.28 (cost per month per shirt)

Month Forecast Hire Fire Workforce production
0 10
1 4000 0 0 10 5000
2 5000 2 0 12 6000
3 4000 0 0 12 6000
4 10000 0 0 12 6000
5 5000 0 2 10 5000
6 4000 0 0 10 5000

Costs $2,400 $2,400 $462,000

Total Cost $469,040

onth per associate)
onth per associate)

nth per shirt)

overtime Overtime
production capacity Inventory
0 1000 1,000
0 1200 2,000
0 1200 4,000
0 1200 0
0 1000 0
0 1000 1,000

$0 $2,240

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