- distance between two crests of a sound wave
- low frequency sounds have longer
wavelengths than high frequency sounds. The wavelength
is also the distance traveled by sound in one second divided
by the frequency of the wave
- example:
the wavelength of a 100 cycle wave is a little of
eleven feet long and a five hundred cycle wave
VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION Is what happens to a body when another vibrating
Sound travels at different velocities, depending upon body vibrates and initiates. The other body to vibrate in
the medium. On air, at sea level, sound velocity is 344 harmony with it
m/sec or 1130 fps, slow compared to light at 186,000 Resonance can be useful to reinforce sounds at
miles per second. Sound travels much faster in liquids and some specific frequencies
solids than it does on air. This happens only however, if the resonating body
or resonator has a dimension which is a multiple of the
SOUND PROPAGATION VELOCITY IN VARIOUS MEDIA wavelength of the sound wave from the originating body
medium meter per second feet per second
Air 344 1130
Water 1410 4625
Wood 3300 10,825
Brick 3600 11,800
Concrete 3700 12,100
Steel 4900 16,000
Glass 5000 16,400
Aluminum 5800 19,000
At 22ºC At 72ºF
As sound travels much slower than the speed of
light, the resulting defects in many rooms are echoes and
When the reflected sound, which reaches an
observer, is delayed more than about 0.058 seconds relative
to the direct sounds, they are distinguished as echoes.
Reverberation consist of successive reflections of
sounds in a room, and since sound travels only about 1130
ft or 344 m/sec, these usually will be a rather long
Low frequencies have more resonance than the high cavity resonator
frequencies because low frequencies have longer - Consisting of an enclosed body
wavelengths and therefore more multipliers to the of air which is connected by a
dimensions of the room than high frequencies narrow passage with the space
Yet, there are sounds that require less resonance to containing the sound waves.
give presence to the sounds This type of absorber is
effective only at the resonant
SOUND ABSORPTION frequency, meaning it can only
The sound phenomenon that happens to sound absorb some sounds
when it strikes a surface is that the sound is absorbed by the When the sound wave
surface. Actually, what really happens is, when sound wave is transformed into heat energy, the sound will no longer be
strikes an absorbent surface, the sound waves through reflected. The sound heard is only the direct sound
friction on the pores of the surface are transformed into This sound absorption efficiency of a material is
heat energy measured in terms of units known as sabins, in which one
sabin means perfect absorption and 0 means no absorption
Number 1 absorption
soft and porous surfaces - a line of pillows
- such as corkboard, foam or Styrofoam or any material - two closets facing each other and
which has this property like draperies on the walls and sandwiching a wall
carpets on the floor
panel absorber - measurement of the intensity of sound
- consisting of two layers of materials with an airspace - abbreviated (db)
between them. The outer layer, being of porous type and 40db
the inner layer of solid background - limit for comfortable hearing
100-120 db
- can no longer be comfortable, that is painful to the ear
- reflected sound
- is a series of echoes coming from the same source
- is the time in seconds that a reflected sound diminishes for
the case by 60db after the original sound has stopped
- formula = 3.0 seconds
RT = 0.05V from table: the ideal RT is from 1 to 1.5
a1s1 seconds
where: -corrections
V = volume of room in cubic feet 1.5 = .05(80,800)
s1 = area of an absorbent surface (1338 + x)
a1 = coefficient of absorption of a surface 1.5(1338 + x) = .05(80,800)
- example x = 1355.3
an auditorium with a volume of 80,800 is to TRANSIENT SOUND
be acoustically treated to serve an acceptable - is the term applied to the direct sound which if the
reverberation time with or without audience. originating body stops, vibrating also stops.
The auditorium has been provided with SOUND FIELDS IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE
the following materials such as: When a sound propagated in an enclosed space
materials area in feet coefficient of absorption in reaches a wall or other large (with respect to wavelength)
(s1) absorption sabins (a1) obstruction, part is reflected and part is absorbed.
Wood 6,928 .03 208 The sound at any point in the room is then the
Plaster 7,440 .033 246 combination of direct sound from walls and other
Metal 628 .01 6.3
Glass 408 .025 10.2
Seats 550 .017 93.5
When the reflections are so large that the sound
level becomes uniform throughout the room. (no acoustical
units in
Most rooms don’t have such a high level of reflection
-computation that a diffuse field is created:
RT = 0.05V 1. near field – near the source
a1s1 2. free field – at a distance
RT = .05(80,800) 3. reverberant field – near the walls
= 4040
= 8.0 seconds
add 200 auditors at 4.17 each
200 x 4.17 = 834
+ 504
RT = .05(80,800)
States that the intensity of sound is inversely
proportional to distance from the source.
reflected paths should not exceed 50ft more than the direct If the reverberation time of the structure is
sound path. larger or longer than the acceptable level, then the
only way to remedy the fault is to provide sound
absorbent materials on those surfaces that reflected
- pieces of cloth
hung on the ceiling to
absorb sound not less
than 2 ft in depth; 2 ft because the wavelength of low How to achieve good definition
frequency sound is usually 2 ft 1. The direct and the first reflected sounds must be
maintained at a high intensity.
- the best location for the sound absorbents in a 2. The shape of the room should be considered in terms of
room intended for speech is at the end of the room away the factors related to the design of rooms intended for
from the speaker and also to those surfaces which might speech.
produce unwanted echoes, like the rear of the wall of the 3. There should be a reflector above the stage to throw
hall, especially if the wall is concave. reflected sounds towards the rear of the audience. If
balcony is part of the design, then the soffit will provide
THE DESIGN OF ROOM FOR MUSIC as a reflector to that part of the audience under the
Factors that affect good production of music balcony.
1. definition
- refers to hearing clearly each type of musical instrument so
that they are readily distinguished from each other.
2. balance
- is the correct loudness ratio between the various sections
of the orchestra.
3. blend
- is the hearing of a body of instruments as a homogeneous
source rather than as a collection of individual sources.
4. a low level of intruding noise
How to achieve fullness of tone
This can be achieved again if the first reflectors
assist the direct sound.
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS IN THE USE OF SOUND Under this condition, the hearing of the natural and the
REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM loudspeaker merely magnifies the sound
1. The audience must hear the words clearly without distortion
and in a reasonable loudness. Another effect to consider is that the listener should be able
2. for realistic effect, the speech should appear to be coming to know the location of the source of sound, that is, that the sound
from the human speaker and not from any loud speaker. appears to come from the original source and not from the
loudspeaker. To achieve this effect, the natural sound should be
MICROPHONES heard first by the listener before the sound of the loudspeaker and
Two types of microphone this is known as time delayed sound in which thru mechanical
1. omnidirectional microphone means, the loudspeaker sound should be made to come out a
- equally sensitive sound to sounds arriving at it from any little bit later than the natural sound, usually at an interval of
direction 0.035 of a second
2. directional microphone
If the high level system is used in a room with a flat or level
floor, it is good practice to place the loudspeaker above the head of
the main speaking and direct it towards the center of the audience
4. temperature gradient
refers to the differences in the temperature of air
with respect to the distance from the ground, it is
higher than in the upper layers. The reverse is true
at nighttime. At night the air near the surface of the
earth is cooler