Digital Unit Plan Template
Digital Unit Plan Template
Digital Unit Plan Template
Unit Title: Algebra: How do I relate math to the world? Name: Vicky Burke
Essential Questions:
What are variables and expressions?
How to I translate real-life situations into mathematical expressions so I can be an effective problem solver?
How do you operate on mathematical expressions?
What is meant by equality?
How do you solve mathematical expressions that are equal?
What does it mean to think algebraically?
Is it different than thinking arithmetically?
Unit Summary:
In this unit students will discover how to transform real-life verbal expressions into related algebraic expressions. Students will recognize the
difference between a numeric expression and an algebraic expression, learn new algebraic terms, discover how to simplify expressions, and
learn the proper order to complete various operations. Students will explore numerous real-life situations where there are certain things we
know, and others that we would like to know. Students will be able to analyze and organize real-life information into a graphic organizer to
solve problems and to create a digital presentation for live classroom display.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Prior Knowledge: Students begin the unit by Quiz: Students will be assessed with a short Presentation: Students will work in pairs to
creating a knowledge ladder of the word online quiz on the Order of Operations. The produce a group presentation of real-world
Algebra. Each letter in the word should be assessment is written as a Google Form and a word problems. The assessment will be
used to describe the student’s own student email address is required to submit scored by the following Presentation Rubric.
perception of what Algebra means to them. the quiz for teacher grading.
Student responses need not begin with the Exam: Students will complete a cumulative
first letter (example vAriables). The purpose Flashcards: Students will independently unit exam. The exam will assess student skill
of the ladder is to get an idea of the student’s assess their developing skills of Translating level and knowledge. Exam problems will be
already held beliefs about and understanding Expressions into Algebra by studying the scored on a four-point scale.
of Algebra. Student ladders will be assessed online Quizlet flashcards.
informally during student completion.
Webercise: Students will complete an online
Video: If completion of the knowledge ladders Webercise activity to facilitate the translation
proves difficult for some students, consider of expressions into algebra and the order of
playing the video of Algebra Basics: What is operations in real-life. The completed activity
Algebra? to help these students build their will be collected and formally assessed for a
existing knowledge. letter grade.
Students will be able to simplify - A passing score on the Students will complete an online teacher lecture. The lecture includes
expressions containing subtraction, Order of Operations Quiz the exploration on the parts of expressions in mathematics, defines
parentheses and powers, using the key terms and includes both an interactive game on combining like-
proper Order of Operations with an terms and an instructional video on the Order of Operations. The
accuracy of 75% and higher by the lecture is complete with Guided Notes and Guided Practice Problems.
end of this lesson.
Lesson 2 (Webercise)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will be able to translate - Completion of the Express Students will complete an online Webercise with an accompanying
real-world situations into algebraic Yourself Webercise guide. The Webercise leads students through series of web-based
expressions by independently and activities and written work. The students compete against their
accurately solving real-world classmates while completing matching games that connect written
problems by the end of this lesson. expressions with algebraic expressions. Students write their own real-
life story to match an algebraic expression. Students read a how-to
article on writing expressions and play an interactive math translation
and solving game while looking for and recording key operators to use
when translating real-world problems into algebra. Students wrap up
the lesson by reading an article on bargain shopping with
accompanying real-life purchase decision.
Students will know that - A passing score on the Students will watch a series of videos and read an article on problem-
understanding is the key to solving problem-solving solving. Students will work together to complete a four-step graphic
real-world problems and will be Presentation organizer. Each student will complete their own copy of the organizer.
able to demonstrate effective Students will then work in pairs to create a group presentation
problem-solving strategies using modeling real-world problems.
Polya’s four steps by the end of this
Unit Resources:
Useful Websites: